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Thank God for these advances for life and setbacks for the abortion industry. Look for a new devotional series on the value of life coming from IFA next week.

Hope in the Lord and keep his way. He will exalt you to inherit the land; when the wicked are destroyed, you will see it. (Ps 37:34)

“In a year that abortion businesses attempted to expand in America, the actual number of abortion facilities decreased by 27 clinics over 2016 totals.

Closures far outpaced newly opened abortion facilities in 2017. In all, 49 abortion facilities — 35 surgical and 14 medication only clinics — closed or halted abortion services. Only eight new surgical abortion facilities were opened, along with eleven new medication abortion facilities.

There was also some movement between categories. Fourteen surgical abortion facilities now only conduct medication abortions, while five medication abortion facilities added surgical abortions.

These encouraging statistics and more were verified through an annual survey of abortion facilities conducted by Operation Rescue staff, this year with the assistance of Abortion Free New Mexico. . .

In 2017, there are 704 abortion facilities remaining in the U.S. Of these, 490 offer surgical abortions, often along with medication abortions. There are 214 facilities that offer only medication abortions. . .

Since 1991, when there were 2,176 active surgical abortion facilities, only 23% of that number of surgical clinics are operating today. . .

One reason abortion clinics are closing is due to a decreased demand for abortions. There appears to be a correlation between clinics closing and a decrease in abortion numbers. According to the CDC, abortion numbers have been dropping steadily since 2005. The CDC’s 2014 Abortion Surveillance report indicated that from 2005 to 2014, among 48 areas that reported every year during this period, the total number of reported abortions decreased 21%, the abortion rate decreased 22%, and the abortion ratio decreased 21%. A comparable decrease of in abortion clinic numbers — 17% — has been tracked by Operation Rescue from 2009-2017.

Some facilities have not been able to compete in an ever-shrinking abortion market and have been forced to downside or shut down. At the same time, when abortion facilities close, abortion numbers decrease even more.

When abortion clinics close, lives are saved!

Other reasons for clinic closures include:

  • Successful pro-life activism.
  • Failure of facilities to comply with licensing and safety regulations.
  • Aging abortionists retiring or passing away.
  • New state laws. . . “(Excerpted from LifeNews.com, reporting by Cheryl Sullenger.)
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January 13, 2018


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