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I Prayed have prayed
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We at IFA are so thankful for the faithful intercession of people like you for our nation. Be encouraged—God hears and answers prayer.

The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of God’s people, went up before God from the angel’s hand. (Rev 8:4)

One year ago, who would have guessed what 2017 would bring? The year began with much anticipation surrounding the inauguration of our 45th President.  Many prayer meetings, balls, and ceremonies led up to this historic event.  I was fortunate enough to stay in a hotel with other Christian leaders for the inauguration events; all of these leaders created a wonderful, spiritual environment in the lobby and restaurants.

The night of the inauguration, we went to bed late after attending various balls and slept in the next morning. I found that the Spirit of Christ had given way to something very different–the invasion of the “resistance movement.”  Thousands of pink hat wearing protesters had gathered in hotel lobbies, including mine, as staging areas for their march.  Those protests resulted in a little faux violence, documented by more reporters than protesters.

This gave way to months of protests with some violence under the guise of “stop the hate,” a fake narrative powered by anger.  Week after week, various operatives, media outlets, and organizations tried to stir up anger to higher levels, but these efforts seemed unsustainable.

During all of this, intercessors prayed for peace and civility, asking the Lord to move in a mighty way in our nation.

Then Hurricane Harvey hit.  The entire national narrative shifted from anger and division to loving and caring for our fellow Americans.  It was tragic to watch the devastation in Texas and Louisiana, but encouraging to see compassion emerge.

Hurricane Irma followed. Although not as severe as Harvey, care and concern again poured out from all corners of the nation for our neighbors.

I could sense the frustration of spiritual forces as the national focus shifted to the needs and good deeds of Americans.  The resistance movement attempted to gain traction again, but seemed to sputter.

About this time, I was with a small group of intercessory warriors, praying in Washington D.C.  We had assembled at a strategic site of darkness where $1B in resources are dispersed annually to accomplish the enemy’s agenda.  As we asked the Lord to reveal the nature of the spirit connecting the powers of darkness, someone heard, “Perversion.”  The whole group sensed that this was from the Holy Spirit, who was revealing that perversion was empowering deeper levels of darkness in our nation.  We began praying for leaders in D.C. to be delivered from perversion.  Our prayers then moved from the most powerful city in the world, Washington, D.C., to the most influential city in the world, Hollywood.  This was one day after Harvey Weinstein’s improprieties were made known. We prayed for a further breaking of this spirit of perversion.

We had no idea how much perversion needed to be exposed.  We continue to watch our nation go through a national purification process that has moved from the entertainment world, to government leaders, and beyond.

As I look at our nation from a 30,000 foot level, considering what God did through thousands of intercessors, I couldn’t be more excited.  The enemy attempted to utilize higher and higher levels of anger to destroy, but the mighty hand of God has directed the hearts of intercessors who are asking Him to break the forces of darkness. We are seeing perversion at the highest levels exposed and torn down.  We are witnessing the liberal media empower a godly purification process.  Men, and some women, who have acted inappropriately are shuddering because their deeds might come to light.  Men who have considered acting inappropriately are now thinking twice.

We have sought the Lord, we have prayed and interceded, and now, as we look back over the year, we see that resistance and anger turned into a mighty wave of purification.  We are watching God deal with a high level spirit of perversion.  We need to continue pray for purity in our nation.

Be encouraged intercessors, the foundations of our nation are being shaken, God is using the godly and ungodly alike to purify our nation.  He is on the move.

As we enter 2018, we would like you to consider joining us in even greater, more concerted intercession in response to God:

  1. Commit to pray and fast for President Trump. Read the petition.
  2. Join our new and improved Prayer Wall community.
  3. Engage with legislators on a deeper level by volunteering for their offices and campaigns.
  4. Look for new devotional series launching in 2018 on IFApray.org.

Reverend David Kubal is the President and CEO of Intercessors for America (IFA). IFA equips and supports praying Christians to shape the nation’s history through prayer. As the President, his vision is to mobilize a multi-generational army of intercessors. To learn more, visit IFApray.org.

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Patty DeGroot
January 2, 2018

God, I so remember the first few months of President Trumps presidency when there was violence in many cities and we did not know if it would ever end! God, You are breaking the forces of darkness! I pray that this will be another year when the very “foundations” or our nation will be shaken. I think this is what it takes to purify a nation who has turned away from it’s solid foundation. Prepare our hearts for another year of cleansing. Embolden the body of believers to speak forth the Truth as your Holy Spirit leads and guides. Thank you for being mindful of us in spite of our waywardness. Because of Jesus and His love, Amen

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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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