Privacy Flaw Identified in Election Software in 21 States
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Privacy Flaw Identified in Election Software in 21 States
This glaring flaw likely won’t be fixed in time for the midterms. Let’s pray for God to do what man-made machines cannot.
From The National Pulse. J. Alex Halderman, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan, claims to have identified a critical privacy flaw in the election infrastructure sold by Dominion Voting Systems. …
Have you taken your place on the wall?
Halderman … shared the website on his social media channels on Friday.
1/ Colleagues and I have found a serious privacy flaw that affects Dominion ICP and ICE ballot scanners. We've already informed Dominion, CISA, EAC, and state officials, and we've created a site to help officials and the public understand the issue:
— J. Alex Halderman (@jhalderm) October 14, 2022
What Is Affected and Where?
DVSorder is a privacy flaw that affects Dominion Voting Systems (DVS) ImageCast Precinct (ICP) and ImageCast Evolution (ICE) ballot scanners, which are used in parts of 21 states. Under some circumstances, the flaw could allow members of the public to identify other peoples’ ballots. …
The states potentially affected are: California, Alaska, Minnesota, Arizona, New Mexico, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania, as well as the territory of Puerto Rico.
Can This ‘Flip the Votes’?
The researchers explain:
This vulnerability is a privacy flaw and cannot directly modify results or change votes. Nevertheless, the secret ballot is an important security mechanism, and some voters—especially the most vulnerable in society—may face real or perceived threats of coercion unless the privacy of their votes is strongly protected. …
How Does This Flaw Work?
The technical details are as follows:
When a ballot is cast on a Dominion ICP or ICE scanner, it is assigned a random-looking “record ID” number, which uniquely identifies each ballot within a batch from a particular machine. … The [system] shuffles the ballots to mask the order in which they were cast, but each ballot is still labeled with the original record ID.
Unfortunately, the Dominion ICP and ICE scanner software is flawed such that ballot record IDs are assigned in a predictable manner. This allows anyone to unshuffle the ballot images or cast vote records and learn the order in which they were cast. …
Will It Affect the Mid Terms?
According to Halderman and his team:
The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) has informed us that Dominion plans to correct the flaw in future firmware versions. However, our understanding is that no patches will be available until after the November election. …
How are you praying for the security of the midterms? Share this article to encourage others to pray.
(Excerpt from The National Pulse. Photo Credit: Element5 Digital on Unsplash)
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Father, you can fix things overnight, you caused a huge plant to grow overnight for Jonah’s comfort, We ask that you supernaturally fix the flaw innthe software or at least make it so that the identity and info are protected. We know you can and your word says when we ask, we know you hear us and we know we have what we ask, thank you.
1 John 5:15
Serialized Paper Ballots are the only practical long term solution thus far.
Two years after the reveal of the 2020 elections and the corruption remains extensive.
Lord open the eyes of the lost as well as the saved to pending loss of this precious right in America- a safe secure opportunity to exercise our right to vote. Almighty God intervene as only you can and correct what we as mere mortals cannot. Lord we need this to restore your sense of of integrity to our nation. Amen
Lord we ask you to protect our election, thank you for all those you have positioned to help. Lord we love you bring into the light any hidden agendas and allow those you have chosen to receive the victory you have for them. Thank You Lord for You are The one and only true God come and show yourself as our One True and Perfect God. We give you all the glory for this victory.
Let’s simply this for you… “Can this flip votes?” Yes, absolutely. That is what it’s designed to do. “Will this affect the mid-terms?” Yes, absolutely,. Dominion has already proven itself to be unworthy of public trust. The Dominion machines have proven they can be compromised and it’s been proven that they have been and will be used to alter the election outcomes. There are people out there who still believe what they are told by the current government and the parrot media. But most people have grown wise to what’s going on thus the only way they can win is if they cheat. There has been a grassroots effort going on across the country to expose the election fraud and get rid of the machines which are one of the key components to that fraud. Those efforts have met with vicious attacks from the Left and from propaganda based media sources. We are in a huge spiritual war for the soul of this country and the voting methods are front and center in this battle. I recommend as an excellent resource for more information.
Dearest Heavenly Father, we come as children of the Most High God, and ask that you make our votes count and that each pro-life candidate receive all the votes that were given to them. You are God and nothing is impossible for you to do. We ask that all these machines will work FOR us and NOT against us. Your Word declares that anything we ask believing the Father in the Name of Jesus that you will do it. You can cause those machines to work correctly and without malice. Our nation was given to you by the early settlers and a decade or so ago, another cross was raised up on Virginia Beach that contained the names of all my family giving this nation again to you, Jesus. We can only do so much. Without your Hand helping us, the enemy could defeat us again. We pray that never happen again but they that desire to do evil have a strong motive and will risk everything to accomplish it. Give our hearts desire to get back our nation before it’s too late and it falls like Argentina fell. I ask all of this in the Name of Jesus. Amen and Amen.
God will protect us! Hopefully Satan’s Dominion machines will break! Christ has won the victory with His blood!!
We cannot have CVRs shuffled. That is evidence tampering.
I, Jeffrey O’Donnell, The Lone Raccoon of the Apocalypse, declares that any county who obfuscates or sorts their cast vote records (or has done so in already supplied Cast Vote Records – and I am looking at you, Allegheny County) in any way other than the condition listed below is guilty of interfering with public records, and is guilty of covering up potential Federal crimes, It is an axiom that, in general, criminals get caught through the coverup rather than the crime, and I ask you to consider this. DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE DESTRUCTION OF EVIDENCE. You will be held to account.
I call upon all the other “names” in the election integrity movement to, just for a moment, put aside our differences and put out a similar call to counties and states to avoid the temptation to destroy evidence by altering cast vote records.
Father God thank You for uncovering that is done in secret. Raise up leaders that stand for righteousness and justice in our country. Help us to do our part by voting and You Lord turn America back to You, in Jesus name Amen.
Lord Jesus, you alone know how these elections are going to turn out. I pray that , in spite of these “flaws”, you would supernaturally make a way for the godly candidates to indeed get elected. Most importantly, we need to trust in Your will for us. In Jesus’ name.
Father God, in the name of Jesus, I ask for righteous leaders to be elected and positioned in every office of government. I pray for every ungodly leader to be dethroned and removed from office.
In the name of Jesus, may any evil intent planned for the election process be thwarted. Father, I ask that You protect the elections from fraud of any kind. Let every plan for fraud be prevented and rendered null and void before it is ever implemented. I plead the blood of Jesus over the election process and every vote. I decree that righteous leaders will be elected and that any corrupt plans to influence or change voting results will be blocked by the mighty blood of Jesus!
Lord, work a miracle on behalf of Your people. Proverbs 21:1 God can steer a government! Amen.
Our Father, who art in heaven, Holy is YOUR NAME. Let THY KINGDOM come and let THY WILL be done here in the USA and in the midterm elections. Give us wisdom and revelation to prevent our elections from being fraudulent or stolen.. Forgive us all of our sins especially of allowing YOU Word and prayer to be removed from our schools and other public places. Forgive us for sacrificing so many babies through abortion. Deliver us from the evil satan has planned to steal, kill, and destroy our freedoms and our nation. YOU are the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIGHT. Let YOUR KINGDOM and YOUR POWER and YOUR GLORY shine brightly across our nation. AMEN
Why are we still using Dominion voter machines???????? Father God I pray for you to intervene in the upcoming election. What the enemy has put in place I pray you dismantle from top to bottom. You are God , the Most High and the enemy does not have dominion ( control) over you or your children. I thank you for the exposures and I boldly ask for not only the protection of privacy for voters but also nothing will be manipulated this Nov midterm election and moving forward. Give us integrity from start to finish in our election system. In Jesus name , Amen !