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I Prayed have prayed
Father we thank you for the many ways this President has stood for biblical values in his policies. We pray you would continue to work in his heart and in the hearts of his family.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Nothing about the Trump presidency has been typical. From the way he circumvented the mainstream media and GOP machine in campaign mode, to the bold action he took to protect life and religious freedom in our nation, to the unapologetic America First policies his Administration undertook. And then there is his tweets.  Trump’s exit from The White House will be non-traditional as well.

From Western Journal:

Trump will depart the capital Wednesday morning,  according to The Associated Press. Although Trump arrived in Washington as a legal resident of New York City, where his home was atop Trump Tower, in 2019 he changed his legal residency to West Palm Beach, Florida, where his Mar-a-Lago resort is located.

According to NBC, Trump will leave in time to arrive in Florida by noon, the time at which President-elect Joe Biden will take the oath of office.

NBC quoted sources it did not name as saying that Trump wanted the flight to be aboard Air Force One, and that the plane would no longer have that call sign after Biden took the oath.

Trump is not attending Biden’s inauguration, making him the fourth president in history to boycott the inauguration of the president who follows him, according to the AP.

Neither has Trump invited Biden and his wife to the White House for any type of traditional ceremonial event, the AP reported, nor has Trump spoken to Biden by phone. . . .

Trump’s post-White House plans are unclear.

At one point there was discussion that Trump could run for president in 2024, but that has cooled after Trump’s impeachment last week by the House and the Capitol incursion with which Trump has been strongly linked.

Some reports have suggested Trump might launch a communications network, while in an angry tweet-storm before he was silenced by Twitter, Trump suggested he could start his own social media platform, according to The Hill.

President Trump leaves behind a hefty list of accomplishments. You can read through the list, and pray–thanking God for many of the pro-life, pro-religious freedom actions he took as President. CLICK HERE to download that list of accomplishments. 

Pray for the many good people who served within the Administration–pray for God to continue using them for His purposes in our nation. Pray protection over the President as he leaves the ultra-secure White House cone of security and becomes a private citizen again. Pray for First Lady Melania, his son Baron, and the rest of the Trump family, as they shift into another phase of life.

SHARE below how you are praying for President Trump’s transition.

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Rolanda Shrader
January 29, 2021

God bless our President Donald J. Trump! We pray that You Almighty God draw him closer to You and the Holy Spirit fill him and continue to work mightily in him and his family. Grant him success according to Your will and purposes. In the Name of Jesus.

Irma Gomez
January 24, 2021

Dear Mr President Donald Trump, thank you so much for ALL your hard work. I thank our God in heaven for you. I can’t express my gratitude. I miss you already. I will keep on praying for your safety also for your dear wife and family. May Gods ministering Angels encamp around you always. Psalm 91 protection over you.

Lupe King
January 22, 2021

Dear President Trump and family,
We give glory to God for your great service for this nation…thank you so much. We cannot wait to see what our Father in heaven has in store next for you all. I prophesy more great and mighty works He will do in all of you. Prayers and Blessings to you forevermore.

Kenny Whitley
January 21, 2021

President Trump and family. Thank you for all your contributions for our country, all the sacrifices that you have made for the American people and freedom. Go to Ephesians Chapter 6 verses 11-20 daily and put on the armor of God. I am praying for your safety, and the comfort of the Holy Spirit, the protection of angels and bind up a Spirit of fear as you have set an example to stand, stand tall and be courageous and thank you for being strong and brave. God be with you.

Chary Horton
January 20, 2021

I pray that each of you are also getting your strength from the word. Thank you Lord, that we can continue to get our Faith renewed, by resurmerging ourselves in your word, and the words of all the prophets. Amen

Forest Colter
January 20, 2021


Mona Colwell
January 20, 2021

Dear Lord,

Thank You for blessing our nation with President Trump, his family and the patriotic members of his administration. Please continue to protect them with Your heavenly angels.

Lord, we thank you for waking up many sleeping Americans who have ignored the demoralization of our country and, in so doing, allowed sin to take over our land. Lord, we boldly ask for the incredible revival started with the Trump administration to continue here in America.

May our pastors and fellow Americans be 100% in Your word, reading, studying and praying daily. May we once again be a source of light for the world.

In Your Name we pray, Amen 🙏

Gladys Negbegble
January 20, 2021

The righteous are as bold as a Lion. president Trump has been bold as a Lion throughout his Presidency. we thank God for you and your family. You never compromised your stand and walk with God. You called on the name of the Lord your God more than your vice president who seem to be an old Christian. You champions the entire world with your God in your mouth and with God on your side, you fear no king or nation. you spoke the truth and we know that Jesus Christ is the Truth. you exposed the evil of the wicked and witches. if God be for you, who can be against you. God will give you everything because you defended His name is the midst of wicked leaders. You are a man after God’s won heart.

Rhonda Sedgwick Stearns
January 20, 2021

May God bless and reward you, Donald Trump — and your entire family — for the sacrifices you have made for America over the past years. May you know and believe the truth that America and millions of Americans love and respect you and are ever so grateful for all you have brought to this nation, in respect from other nations and blessings upon us. May you be blessed of Him in return, and may you never take your hand from the plow, but press forward in the cause to which you have been called, through whatever the future may bring to America. We are proud of the example you and your beautiful wife and family set in the White House and in every official appearance you all made during the years you resided there.

January 20, 2021

Thank you President 🙏🏻Deliverance by Your hand God Almighty rescue save 🇺🇸
Nothing is too hard for You, with God all things are possible!
Praying believing trusting even now
It seems the final hour Holy God we🙏🏻

Deni Dax
January 20, 2021

Thank you President Donald J Trump for the last 4 years.
We appreciate you fighting for America to be great again.
It gives us hope for the future of this great Nation.
The Founding Fathers would want us to get back to interpreting the Constitution the way it’s meant to be read.
I am older, however, I pray for my grown up children, their children, and all future children down the line. I pray for Christians world wide and unborn children. I pray for your family and all the good people who are holding government leadership roles.
I pray this day begins a new page in our history books that we have not seen in our recent generations.
May God’s will be continued through you Mr President.
In Jesus’s Name we pray. Amen

Laura K
January 20, 2021

IT…..IS…. NOT…..OVER! Even if it looks like it is! I believe the two terms prophesied.

January 20, 2021

Thank you President Trump for leaving your billionaire lifesytle on behalf of the American People to Serve, Protect and Save this Great Nation. You were chosen for such a time as this to fulfill the plan of God and I believe that plan has just begun. I pray that God bless you and your family double for all the trouble and evil onslaughts that have been perpreutrated against you. You are certainly a light in the darkness.. And the darkness trembles at the light nor can the darkness comprehend it. I pray that the next four years of your Presidency bring a time of jubilee for all who have stood with you and God.. You are truly a gift and a blessing to the American
People. Promises made Promises Kept. You have made History with that alone… I am excited to see how God will overthrow the works of darkness and seat you in your rightful place.. Keep the faith and God bless America!! We stand and pray with and for you ..

Ann M Pelant
January 20, 2021

President Donald J Trump,
May God Bless you and your family always!
Thank you for your achievements to Make America Great!
May God Keep America Great through your policies and achievements fighting for all Americans – the unborn through the elderly!

Debbie Johnson
January 19, 2021

I thank the Lord daily for the example and leadership, integrity and faithfulness that President Trump has to keep his word and commitment to the citizens he promised to serve. I am so thankful that he showed us how to stand up and not give up and that he gave up his own salary for all he shouldn’t have had to go through. He was mistreated and rose above it; few could do that. Ps 34;15-17 The eyes are upon the righteous and his ears open unto their cry. The face of the Lord is against them who do evil, to cut the remembrance of them from the earth ❤️🙏President Trump be remembered by the Lord who holds him close to his heart and 80 +million who will never forget him. We will continue to pray for protection with Gods shield of faith covering family and know that he has favor with the Lord. Many adjustments will be made now and I believe the Lord will continually use him and bless him always❤️🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏best POTUSA ever and so happy to pray and support him in Jesus Name 🙏

    Carol Edwards
    January 20, 2021

    I have been honored to pray for and stand with this President. My heart is crushed to lose him as the Commander in Chief of our military and as the leader of the free world. He’s taught me to put my country ahead of activities that don’t really matter for the long haul. I will be more involved in my community moving forward.

Maribel Rodriguez
January 19, 2021

My family and I are grateful for the 4 years that President Donald Trump served in office. May He realize God’s great love for him and his family. God protect our President and his family in his new home in Florida. May peace and mercy following him all the days of his life.

Numbers 6:24-26
New King James Version
24 “The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
26 The Lord [a]lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.”

January 19, 2021

Thank you Mr President and thank your family from me. You have all stood up under the ugliest firestorm of hatred any of us have ever witnessed. And you not only stood up but you prevailed. We owe you all a great debt, the same debt we owe our Armed Forces and Law Enforcement officers, for you are all under the same cloud of disrespect by the powers that be. BUT GOD… One of my favorite lines in the Bible. But God…God sees, God knows and God rewards those who walk in righteousness.
May you know this in this lifetime. May God bless you and may God bless America.

January 19, 2021

AMERICA’s President Donald Trump & Classy 1st Lady, Melania & Family:
Enjoy your loving lives. You ALL deserve it.
Be good to yourselves & each other.
Remember WE LOVE YOU!
Welcome HOME to Florida.

January 19, 2021

Father, I thank you for this special man, Donald John Trump who has been your Cyrus for our country, this past season and pray you bless him with what You have started as You were faithfully with him throughout the many nasty attacks on him and his family. He never gave up and neither should we! I never really cared much about politics till Trump came along. When I realized he was fighting for Biblical values, it got my attention. Now it’s our turn to be the change we need in this country. I have no idea what that will look like but know w/You in charge, we have nothing to fear!!!!! We have much to pray against and show God our true heart for Him. Trump is the greatest President we have ever had!!!!! THANK YOU LORD!!! I will always remember the many, many, good things you, Mr. President have done to improve our lives! Continued prayers go with you TRUMP family~ we will truly miss you!!!!!

January 19, 2021

I pray for every one safety and smooth tranfer to Florida. I pray for peace to every one concerned.
I pray blessings on every one concerned. I pray for God to intervene in all matters concerning this
nation.I pray for souls to be saved and this nation be saved.

Ann Maran
January 19, 2021

Thank you Lord for giving us a President who wholeheartedly supported religious freedom, families, and more pro-life than any President we’ve had. I ask that You would bless him and his family, draw them closer to Your side and give him wisdom and discernment. Amen

January 19, 2021

I wholeheartedly believe, God put our phenomenal President Trump in office for such a time as this!🙏🕊 I believe this is only the beginning of God’s plan for Trump and our country.
Thank you President Trump for working tirelessly day and night for the term of your Presidency. We the people know you were re-elected to be our President. We still have hope in you!
Numbers 6:24-26 is my prayer over you and your family❣️🙏🕊

Karen Ellard
January 19, 2021

I am praying that he serves our nation 4 more years – either now – or in a a few weeks or months— that it will begin against all hope. He worked hard at campaigning, rightfully won a landslide of votes in the 2020 election – and I am praying for a MIRACLE from God for President Trump to continue to be our President. I also pray no harm/evil befalls him or his precious family. we love you, President Trump. We have prayed today that you would feel the LOVE OF GOD and all the prayers of the saints. While you are still Commander-in-Chief, you still have authority to put a halt to this CCP take over and we pray you will be led by Holy Spirit as to details and timing.

There is SO much to say. We admire our President for standing up to evil bullies all around him. He has taught the Church a lot – how to fight – how to be a winner. He is still a winner now – and am praying for God to give him a spirit of faith to do what David would do, or Caleb would do…. Praying for God to give him trustworthy co-laborers, whether in the White House, the intelligence communities, government offices as well as in his life as a citizen in the days ahead.

We owe a debt of gratitude to President Trump and his family. They came in the opposite spirit of ‘Washington, D.C.’ politicians. He laid down his time, his life, his talent, his heart for the people of America. I pray he will remain in Washington, D.C. for 4 more years (at least) by a miracle of God.


January 19, 2021

President Trump I know you know GOD will have the last Word. Thank you for being the warrior HE needed to return this country back to HIS original plan. Thank you for all the work you have accomplished and the work that is to be accomplished. You will continue to have my prayers and the prayers of faithful others around the World. How blessed we are that our LORD selected you to be on the front line. May HE watch over you and your loyal family. 2nd Chronicles 20:1-20..

    Marianne Berlinger
    January 19, 2021

    Dear President Trump & family,
    We thank you for being obedient to God’s call. God is not finished with you & I believe that God is up to something. You have been faithful & God will honor that. God Bless you & your family.
    “Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Then shall you call upon me, and you shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.”
    We are praying

January 19, 2021

I am thanking God for the incredible, outstanding and awesome example he has given and continues to give us. He shows wisdom, strength and sustaining courage in the face of lies, deceit and betrayal. His fortitude and determination has achieved amazing results especially in light of continuous unrelenting attacks. May we do the same. Run to the spiritual battle and saturate our nation with God’s word and truth.
I also pray for God to guard his heart, keep it soft, and heal it from any spiritual damage caused in being the president of the United States. God bless our President- Trump and his family.

Becky Miller
January 19, 2021

My heart is heavy as I keep hoping surely something is going to happen to catch the bad guys. I pray fir the Trumps to thrive wherever they are. They are going to be missed. May God save America.

Winnie Kimathi
January 19, 2021

Trump is not going anywhere! He has work to finish

    Susan C
    January 20, 2021

    I was smiling reading your comment Winnie. Yes and Amen.

Dora Head
January 19, 2021

My dear President Donald John(the beloved) Trump. I’m hanging on to what the true prophets of God have spoken and the dreams and messages of God he has sent to the true intercessors. You are to serve two consecutive terms. We truly appreciate all you have done to keep your promises. You are the greatest President we have ever had because of your devotion to this country and your invitation to the people of Jesus our Lord to speak into your life. I’m sorry if some of them may have misguided you. I am so sorrowful for how you have been treated and betrayed. I pray you will continue to seek the Lord for everything you need right on time and confidence to do what HE tells you to do to keep evil from taking over us with God’s help. Love in Christ to you and your family.

Maurita Zurschmiede
January 19, 2021

My heart goes out to our Dear President and his family as they pack up to leave Washington D.C. May the Lord shield and protect them, and may they receive all the help they need. May they be encouraged by knowing that millions of Americans have appreciated and prayed for them. God bless the entire family and give them continued courage and backbone.

January 19, 2021

Father, I am so grateful that you put the Trump family and their great administration in place these past 4 years. I praise you for working through them to accomplish your will. For directing and loving on them as they sought to Make America Great Again. President Trump has championed your Bible and it’s views on life and Israel and I thank you for that. Lord, I ask that you continue to bless him, his family and administration and may they all continue to seek you for guidance and continue to lead the 75 Million that voted for him and those that didn’t. May you alone, Lord, be glorified. In Jesus’ Name amen

Sylvia J Huxham
January 19, 2021

Praying for a heart like Joseph -Through injustice -kept his heart towards God humble and trusting and in due season God promoted Him to a marvellous provision ministry for the nations of the then known world

Ann Lykens
January 19, 2021

“The Lord bless you and keep you:The Lord make His face shine upon you,And be gracious to you:The Lord lift up his countenance upon you,And give you peace”. Numbers 6 24-26. I pray The Word over President Trump and his family-when spoken forth it NEVER returns void. No weapon formed against him will prosper. His is a Victor—not a victim.

carol maybank
January 19, 2021

To be free from such mind blowing criticism and wicked gossip is the greatest prayer I could offer for the entire family. That you have handled this onslaught of insulting slander and scorn with dignity and grace is humbling.
‘No one knows what you do until you leave’
Every wonderful wish to all the family. Sowing the seeds of love is the most difficult thing to do but walking with what I call God is the only way forward.
You did this and thank God you did! All will become clearer when we are able to look through the eyes of love for all that is life.
This wish is sent with love for all that is life and peace on this magnificent planet we call home.

January 19, 2021

May the Lord Bless our President Trump his family, his administration and all those who hold his hands up- still. Bless them keep them make your face shine on them(and everything thats dear to them) and give them your peace! Thank you for our Great President and First Lady. May ever Bill they signed and every biblical stand they took. Stay in place. In Jesus name I pray.. Amen!

Margo Perotti
January 19, 2021

I pray God’s peace for President Trump and all his family and members of his administration. I pray protection for him and for all from the violence of those who are controlled by anger and hate. May our Lord keep President Trump always in His care and guide his steps in this new season of his life and those of his family, friends and administration members. God has a plan for President Trump’s life. He has used him to bless America and He will not stop using him now if he will wait upon Him and listen for His quiet voice in the stillness. I hold this nation up before You, Almighty God for revival and renewal, that we, the people will also wait upon You Lord and listen for Your guidance. I pray that we individually examine ourselves, with the Spirit’s help, and repent of any subtle ways we have substituted anything else for God. Then we can truly repent for our nation. Help us all, Precious Savior and Lord to follow Your plans for us and for our nation and world. Amen

Joan Diane Bartruff
January 19, 2021

Thanking all who compiled list of President Trump’s accomplishments.

Amazing!!! The powers of darkness succeeded through press and others means I don’t know about clouded and deceived the minds of many Americans. Simple logic would ask, “Why would not anyone not want more of the same leadership for another four years considering all the accomplishments of the Trump administration?

I am grateful to the Triune God for all the wonderful things that happened for our country and the world under President Trump’s administration. Praise the Lord. I am saddened as I consider what the new administration stands for.

Protect, guide, bless His family as they leave the White House, Heavenly Father, in Jesus, precious Name. Amen.

January 19, 2021

O Jesus! We are so grateful for President Trump and for his accomplishments while our president. I ask you to protect President Trump and his family from all harm. Give President wisdom, knowledge and strength and keep him in your love and care. Continue to bless President Trump and his family. Watch over them and place a hedge of protection around them so that evil cannot touch them.

January 19, 2021

Dear Wonderful, Heavenly, Father,
You alone anointed President Trump into office and You are still and will always be with him! Please help him to grow in his love and knowledge of You and Your ways.
Let him hear Your voice and be obedient to Your will!
Help him to forgive his enemies and to know our true enemy is not flesh and blood. In Jesus Holy Name I pray!
Thank You Jesus

January 19, 2021

Looking at the next four years I believe that ANYTHING is possible with God. He can still do a miracle. God is on the side of righteousness.

Maria Escamilla
January 19, 2021

I have been praying for President Trump and his family every day for a while. May the Lord keep him safe and guide him in all his decisions. I pray also for all the men and women who are helping to bring to light all the fraud that has been perpetrated. Thank you President Trump for all your service.

January 19, 2021

My Father, you have used president Trump to do mighty things over the past 4 years, thank you. Now we are looking into the eyes of 4 years of what appears to be just plan evil. From; well my Lord you already know the testing that is ahead that will separate the sheep from the goats and get us ready for departure. I pray you will come quickly Lord Jesus; and you will find us worthy to escape the things that will come upon the earth. I pray we will be worthy to stand before you and hear well done, my child, servant, bride; inter in. (Paraphrased) I will follow you. If I am unable to walk in your foot steps, please let me hang on to the hem of the rob, so I can use your strength, to make it to the end. I love you Jesus, thank you for all that you do for us. In your Name I give YOU all the Praise and Glory. amen

January 19, 2021

I prayerfully agree with all the prayers here. Amen and amen.

January 19, 2021

What an incredible statement of the work of God in President Trump’s life: He lived atop Trump Tower, but during his presidency he became one of us, a working man for the workers of America. A humble servant of God who put others before himself. He was in the Ivory Tower of the “elites” and could have chosen to stay there on top, but he chose to humbly join the rest of us in the real world. God bless this precious man who has endured so much for the sake of our nation. He re-awakened with us a love of God, country, and freedom. We saw once again how things were meant to be when our forefathers founded this nation. Thank you, God, for reminding us of truth. You have begun a good work in our nation, and you will be faithful to complete it.

January 19, 2021

Thank you IFA for sharing our President Donald J. Trump’s accomplishments. I thank God for him and the work God did through him with both thanksgiving and petition for his second term. Let us all keep this list before our Father in the Courts of Heaven as evidence for his continuance in office. I believe there is still much unfinished business for our President to do that God has destined him to fulfill.

January 19, 2021

Dear Creator, Savior, Great Physician,

Heal our country. Heal our hearts that come to you full, of discouragement. Pres. Trump has been a dedicated and faithful worker for our country. Lord, I am at the bottom of the pit hoping against all hope that justice and truth will prevail. This scripture is my prayer for Pres. Trump and his family.
Psalm 40: 1-5 I waited patiently for the Lord;
And He reached down to me and heard my cry.
2 He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the mud;
And He set my feet on a rock, making my footsteps firm.
3 He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God;
Many will see and fear
And will trust in the Lord.
4 How blessed is the man who has made the Lord his trust,
And has not turned to the proud, nor to those who become involved in falsehood.
5 Many, Lord my God, are the wonders which You have done,
And Your thoughts toward us;
There is no one to compare with You.
If I would declare and speak of them,
They would be too numerous to count.

In the name of Jesus Christ. AMEN

heather trout
January 19, 2021

list of wins is wrong link

Sharon Culp
January 19, 2021

Lord I lift up President Trump and all his family for Your will, purpose and plan to be fulfilled over each one. I pray they would feel the Love of their Abba Father and be filled with a passion to continue to finish the Work He began in them 4 years ago. Father let them remember You are the God of the possible and may they give their sorrows, anger, bitterness and anything else over to You so they can be instruments for You. Thank you President Trump for All you did, suffered for and obeyed the Lord for the American People. We are GRATEFUL. My prayer for You is pray without ceasing, Trust Him, Wait on Him, You have more to do. Your children are a testimony of Your being a man of Valor and they will carry on Your legacy well. God Bless You. God Bless America!

January 19, 2021

Thank you Lord for all you have enabled President Trump to accomplish while in office despite the incredibly hostile opposition. You have blessed us with this gift and you have blessed him with amazing executive ability which he wisely used for this nation, to make America great again. I ask you to bless him, his beautiful wife and his wider family as they go into the next phase of their lives. May your grace give him peace and a satisfied heart over all he was able to do, and over the gratitude we all feel for him.
Thank you, thank you, thank you President Trump and Malania. We send our love to you. ❤️

Bonnie Thanig
January 19, 2021

I thank You, Lord for this, YOUR choice for our 45th president – for all of his accomplishments that You worked through him. This has been , I can only imagine, a most difficult 4 yrs. for him, resistance at every turn & the final slap in the face during the 2nd impeachment attempt. Father, give him a gift of boosted faith to cling to You going forward and send out Your word to be a balm over his soul now, giving him rest, family time & Your Presence to deepen his roots into You in whom he can depend, no matter what this experience has cost him personally.
We thank you, President Trump for your determination to make & keep America great! We love you! Now we all look to the Lord to keep America afloat for His purposes. Only God can heal the wounds your family has suffered, but also, the wounds our nation has experienced throughout this entire 4yrs. Of opposition. Find us all faithful as we keep our eyes on You, Lord. God bless America & God bless all of you, dear Trump family!

January 19, 2021

Yes we will touch and agree staying by the tomb until God raises America from the dead. We continue to look up to God Alone for the answer. America is that shining nation set on a hill to give light…the Gospel…to all other nations. Jesus is Lord over America and has a covenant with her…Let the GLORY of the LORD fall on AMERICA..

We demand Obamagate documents to be released to the public today..Let them be losed NOW..Devil let go NOW, in Jesus Name.!!!!!

January 19, 2021

We pray that God will give President Trump a sense of peace knowing that the many things he was able to accomplish, despite the many, many obstacles the enemy throw at him, were a fulfillment of his promises to We The People. We are thankful to God that he placed Donald J. Trump in the Presidency for 4 years knowing that we would need those years as a healing balm following the Obama Administration. We pray for his continued protection, his well being and his increasing faith in his Creator who used him for such a time as this. We pray for our nation now as we head into the uncertainty of what the deep state has planned for this great nation. We pray we will be strong and courageous in the Lord as we stand against the Evil one in these last days. To God be the glory. Amen

Joe Sturz
January 19, 2021

Well Said. I agree with it all.

January 19, 2021

Of course Pres. Trump is ‘fully saved’! there is no such thing as partially saved. Romans 10:5-13, Ephes. 2:8 and others. I am so weary of Christians questioning Pres. Trump’s salvation and qualifying his fitness before God and man. Read your Bible for what it says instead of what you think it should say or others have told you. Look at the people in the Bible as if they were your friends or neighbors. All had faults and sinned, including everyone of us, and whoever wants to critique Pres. Trump’s salvation should ask forgiveness before a holy God for it is disqualifying the blood of Jesus and His grace as the source of salvation. Salvation is accepting the gift that Christ offers everyone. It is not our works or being good enough.
Being told that I am not ‘fully saved’ would be far more discouraging than a stolen election. Please, those who call themselves Christians, stand with Pres. Trump as a fellow believer instead of the accuser.

    January 19, 2021

    Sorry. This was in response to one comment saying that Pres. Trump is ‘not fully saved’.

      January 19, 2021

      We are told to judge a person by a person’s fruits. Please be careful not to publicly humiliate another intercessor on this forum if you do not agree with them. Please pray and ask the Lord to show you the truth.

        Shirley p
        January 19, 2021

        Saints…the person whose fruits for this nation for the last four years (under great persecution) takes 49 pages to just list just known fruit does not need further judgement about whether they are saved… hasn’t there been enough of that from Satan’s minions? Lastly ones fruit is not a test of ones salvation..for if our fruit was the test to judge our salvation we are all destined to an undesirable hot seat! Let us remember we are saved by grace and faith in Jesus Christ alone…not by our works!
        Delois you need not apologize…we are suppose to be a people who can take kind correction when we see something unscriptural without it being labeled a humiliating action. You were being kind even if some person perceives it not so. The one accusing you is judging? Notice They did not even give their name.

          January 20, 2021

          Shirley P. I would love to read one of your prayers instead of your comments. I cannot reply to your today’s comment to my comment further down the page as to whether President Trump is saved as there is no reply button. So I am replying to it here. I am entitled to my opinion in relation to President Trump who I love. However the farewell speech today confirmed again that I need to pray for his salvation. You may want to watch it. The acknowledgement of God was by Melania standard. The YMCA song played at the end was a gay anthem. And President Trump himself did not thank God or himself say God bless to the crowd. I am not the only one who has this opinion and I am entitled to have it. I will not be silenced in praying on this site by how you approached things. Yes an apology is necessary as a thread was started about my comment rather than actually replying to my comment, which you finally did today. Neither will I be criticised for being anonymous when others have also chosen to be on this site. You talk about satan’s minions, implying that I am one of them despite the fact that I have been interceding against the powers of darkness.

          I will continue to pray as led and if I need to repent for my opinion, the Lord can show me and others.

          God bless you and looking forward to reading your prayers.

    Kathy Cook
    January 19, 2021

    In total agreement with you. The last time I checked our salvation is only judged by GOD above. I pray for all those that are so filled with the evil that they have truly been blinded. I thank GOD for Trump and what he has done for our country. Hard do pray for our enemies but Lord knows I’m trying… GOD be with us all in these trying days ahead. I believe we are truly seeing the last days… THANK YOU JESUS! I also thank GOD for Intercessors for America – I can’t wait to read their messages daily – truly a gift from our Lord.

    On another note please pray for Ted Cruz and Fawley, as they are being persecuted. I pray that they will soar with the Eagles…..

      January 19, 2021

      Yes! I pray that Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and others like them will continue to stand strong, and (I Samuel 14:20-25) their courage will be contagious. That others who have been hiding out fearfully and even those who have been previously with the evil will awaken, have courage and join the fight for truth, righteousness, and justice.

      January 19, 2021

      In Jesus name we pray. Protect these two Patriots!!

Mary Anderson
January 19, 2021

President Trump your accomplishments are many.
Your personal regard to bring God back into the WH.
Your service, encouraged prayer, caring, defeat of racism,separation of position and making human trafficking an item for national importance
You, your family have been a pleasure to see on action.
Sir. May you continue in your opinions for America.
Thank you for stating your opinions honestly and boldly.
You did not lose an election. You did not lose the popular vote.
You did cause the slime & mud to raise to the top in the swamp.
So much more to say
But please continue to care about America
Continue to search for the truth in all things
Continued success, happiness,wisdom and being you.

    Kathy Cook
    January 19, 2021

    God Bless you for your wonderful and wise words for our beloved President. In the name of Jesus!

January 19, 2021

Please can all intercessors pray for the Obamagate documents to be released to the public today, which is the last day possible. The enemy is holding up their release by using deep state, despite them being declassified by President Trump. These documents are crucial in the battle.

Lord shake the enemy and release his grip on these documents. Lord he has tried to thwart President Trump yet again. Lord, rebuke the enemy,

In Jesus’ name


    January 19, 2021

    I will pray for the truth to be told. The truth shall set you free. God will not let us down.

Iris E May
January 19, 2021

I pray for his emotional strength, mental clarity and a tremendous sense of God’s peace. Bless him with family and true friends. In Jesus mighty name, AMEN.

Ken Budz
January 19, 2021

Lord thank You for President Trump. Please protect him and his family. May they live long and healthy and happy lives. May they serve the country by exposing corruption in American government. Amen.

Elaine Di
January 19, 2021

When Jesus was crucified many were confused..some like Mary stayed by the tomb and was first person Jesus visited after GOD raised him from the dead..Peter said.im going fishing and two disciples went with him..later Jesus visited them..if you want to among the first to witness God.& GOD ALONE..
raising America from the dead..stay at the tomb don’t leave..the demons were shocked and will be once again..Our Father is the greatest strategist!!!

    January 19, 2021

    Elaine, I agree. 😉

    If you would like some company at the tomb, I will be praying with you there.

    In His mighty name.

      Elaine Dietrich
      January 19, 2021

      yes, lets touch and agree that on the Third Day God will raise America from the dead. He will also move on the enemy to release all unclassified documents regarding Obamagate TODAY – last day for this to occur.

    Penni Bulten
    January 19, 2021

    I’ll be watching and praying with y’all as well. (As a southern lady now, it was fun to type that!) Praying in particular that neither Biden nor Harris take the oath at noon on the 20th. (What ever the reason God can work out is fine with me)

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWiFYJMGas0 (In Christ Alone)

    and a sweet reminder of Who is in charge:
    Zemer Levav
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMc0TV_Ti5Q (Master of Life & Your Name)

      January 19, 2021

      I’m agreeing with you; let God arise and the enemy be scattered; we send confusion into the enemies camp. We declare PTrump is the 46th president – and The Father will work out all the details; In Jesus Name!!!

        Penni Bulten
        January 19, 2021

        This might simply result in a new election (hopefully without Dominion voter machines) if the Supreme Court takes up the case on the 22nd. Hope you have the opportunity to listen to the music links, I’ll post another appropriate one here, this time from Twila Paris,

        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLXn1sgEd_M (Rescue the Prisoner)

        Thank you for agreeing with me in prayer, Elaine!

    January 19, 2021

    Amen to that!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸😊😊😊😊🔔🔔🔔🔔 let freedom ring!

Sylvia Rodriguez
January 19, 2021

Heavenly Father thank You for the many Blessings you have shown you children during the last 4 years of having a President to act according to Your will. Father protect and guide the Trump Family keeping them safe in Your care.
I continue to pray for our Nation and trust in Your promises to be Our refuge and our strong tower always. Lifting prayer in Jesus most Precious Name.
🙏📖 Amen

January 19, 2021

POTUS and FLOTUS have been in my prayers and will continue to be in my prayers. May the Lord bless and keep you and make His face shine upon you and give you peace. I pray Psalm 91 over the entire Trump family. If God almighty is for you who can be against you. He will guide you with a light from above.

    Billie Ann Cox
    January 19, 2021

    AMEN!! And NO Weapon formed against you shall prosper !!
    Isaiah 54:17

January 19, 2021

The Balaam Spirit has been exposed. President Trump is not curse,but will continue to be the catalyst for our next generation. I declare radical Change has come to America. I forsee a boomerang effect in the white house and DRAMA of a unprecedented and unpredictable level of gross darkness will accompany hisdeparture. But God will finish what he has started in the midst of what was apparently destroyed,stolen and taken by default. Bring down the demons that conjure and conspired against his great work of courage and strength that The spirit of God will breathe life over his life and family as they will be respected and remembered for their role to make America Great Again. I declare that Biden trap that was set will grab his own feet and hands the influx of immigrants into this country will definitely tear down America as many will migrate from a country that will fullfil Christopher Columbus words the people will come back for their land that was stolen from them the Democrats will beg for border control God is not mocked, what our fathers have sown is now reaping time. God in his undertaking in the affairs of government and Nations, And yes that Balaam Prophet will have to bless The TRUMP adminstration. In the name of Jesus we all shall know that we planted some will water But God will bring increase to this President he will be rewarded by this Nation at the appointed time, as a man that came back from 4 bankruptcies to become PRESIDENT of the united states is a RIGHTEOUS man that falls seven times and rises up again. I pray that God uses Nancy Polosi ughly evil agenda and influence to bring out his agenda as he always does such great fear and intimidation by President Trump presence revealed that this man was greatly feared as a cowards do she cowardly display that kind of lethal weapon and use it against our nation her hate and wrath for PRESIDENT TRUMP will remain on our tongues and stuck between our teeth the taste will be savoured in our mouths, for now we truely know who has divided this nation and the cries of the American people will be heard and once again we will hear the voice to one man saying Trump arise and go for I am sending you to delivered my people. I have heard their cries and seen their suffering, you will go and demand their freedom again, let them go, pardon them show mercy, I will forgive them and heal their land But God my eyes are on a God that cannot fail, never lost a battle and never will. God will overturn this impeachment because Joe Biden shall be impeached as a sitting President, the same welcome that President Trump was welcome with, chaos and rejection now will follow Biden for his entire 4 years if he makes it, or Jail or premature death is crouching at his door, and I will never stop crying out for Trump Vindication. Vindication follows me wherever I am and this will be my cry to the IFA and to God. Lord is there not a cause Vindication now for our President.

    January 19, 2021

    God Bless President Trump. Thank you for sticking up for freedom. For all the aborted babies, for the Christian baker that had a right to not bake a cake for who he was asked to bake for. Now there is a Christian photographer that wants that same right too! Thank you for organizing the vaccine to defeat the Covid virus. I can go on in on. Thank you President Trump and family.

January 19, 2021

Yes, many needed “hefty accomplishments” that keeps America great which Biden plans to “undo”, along with rewriting the constitution and several other changes not good for the United States.

    mildred ranck
    January 19, 2021

    Yes that is why we must fast and pray and believe what the prophets are saying which came from our God.

    January 19, 2021

    Very true, a very horrible evil man (Biden). Standing for what is evil. 😔😞😥

January 19, 2021

For His heart to beat even stronger for his next assignment.
SUCESS is as
always his to obtain

And “Peace” guard his mind and His family will thrive.

And God will vindicated him as vengeance is God’s.

Carrie Galloway
January 19, 2021

I have been praying for safety for he and Vice President Pence’s family’s for safety. I have also been praying for the Lord to continue to give them strategies for the country to implement clear up until he deplanes in Florida should God not do a miracle before then to keep him in office as our President. God is able as we all know. And even now I pray that he would know the gratitude of the nation that voted him into office this time. And that he would know deep in his knower that God is for him and not against him. He is loved by His creator the same yesterday today and forever because God doesn’t change.

Mrs. Ann Weaver
January 19, 2021

We are praying for you and the family. You were where God placed you and He has not left you. Thank you for all you did for our country. The love and care you showed to the people. The accomplishments that made us a better country. God knew you would not buckle under the load. He knew you were strong and He could trust you. Thank you, Thank you, Mr. President Trump! We love you and God is not finished with you yet.

Yvonne Pendleton
January 19, 2021

Lord God. You have greater plans for Pres Trump. Use him mightly as your ambassador for truth. Forgive those who have trashed one of the greatest presidents in our time. Keep him in the hollow of your hand.

Rachel Rudzik
January 19, 2021

Mr. President. Thank you for all you have done with God’s help to put God and America first. I pray a smooth and peaceful transition for you and your family, Sir.

Carmen Santiago
January 19, 2021

Jesus, your joy is our strenght in the mist of the storm. embrace the Trump family with your joy of victory as they draw closer to You.

Sally Casper
January 19, 2021

Thank God for President Trump. Bless him with strength and wisdom of God. Praying God gives him a great reward for all of his sacrifices. We loved how he stood up for the American people.
God bless his family!

Laura K
January 19, 2021

I am in agreement and cannot wait to see the surprise God has for America.

Stand and see the salvation of the Lord.

    Laura K
    January 19, 2021

    Sorry! This was in response to Debra’s comments below

Janet parker
January 19, 2021

I pray a hedge of protection around him and his family, that God will continue to work in and through them , that the are forever changed for the better and will go on to accomplish great things for the true kingdom, Gods kingdom

January 19, 2021

So proud of President Trump’s accomplishments in four short years and in spite of all of the attacks upon him that came from the outside and within his own party. Washington could not tolerate an ‘outsider’ in office who would not fall to their power and pressure. May God bless President Trump and his family. I hope they find a way to continue to fight for what is right in God’s eyes and for the American people.

Susan C
January 19, 2021

“…Who knows, perhaps you have come to your royal position for such a time as this.” For such a time as this…You put this on my heart as I read this message Lord. It is with fierce belief that I trust You and it is with equal belief that I know Your purpose is set. In a whisper, You said to me, “they all have opinions, I have a plan.” Your “drawing” of President Trump has been obvious to me and I believe, will continue…draw him into a relationship of utter dependance on You and as You do this Father, protect all those he loves. I pray in the Name of Jesus Christ, You would love him into submission and in his submitted life, continue to work wonders by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Esther 14:14

January 19, 2021

please STOP giving up just because GOD didnt do things in your time or your way TRUMP HAS WON CAN YOU NOT WAIT AND SEE THE SALVATION OF THE LORD PLEASE STAND

    Susan C
    January 19, 2021

    During prayer, I heard “Trump Wins!” I too believe his victory is greater than we can yet see. God IS….I began to type a name and remembered this statement from hebrew4christians.com.

    “There are hundreds of different names, title, metaphors, similes, allegories and allusions given in the Hebrew scriptures that refer to the one true God. In Himself, God is beyond all attributes of language. He is the Source and Foundation of all possibility of utterance and thus is beyond all definite descriptions.”


    Laura K
    January 19, 2021

    See my comment 4 above this. It should have been here in answer to your comments.

    January 19, 2021

    I stand with you on this even onto the 11th hour. My God is faithful and true. His word never lies though the timing is not ours to control. Psalms 125:3 “The scepter of the wicked will NOT remain over the land allotted to the righteous; for then the righteous might use their hands to do evil.”

    Only 2 nations is known to be allotted to the righteous; Israel and USA. Think about it, both being founded on Godly principles and have a covenant relationship with God.

    Other scriptures comes into mind including Psalms 64. Will God just give up on His people and declare what He began in President Trump finished? Certainly not, for He is still the Sovereign Lord over heavens and earth.

    Let us not despair and loose faith in our God to do wonders beyond our imagination. Shalom

January 19, 2021

I also admire and respect President Trump for the way he has handled these recent past days and he truly has been one of the Best Presidents this country has ever had. He will be sorely missed. I continue to pray for safety for him and his family. How he has been treated has been nothing short of a huge disgrace. God bless you President Trump!

Emily Murr
January 19, 2021

I so admire President Trump for how he is handling everything. He stands by his principles. What has been done to him is disgraceful and frightening. I pray for his safety and that of his family. Godbless president Trump.

January 19, 2021

Please hear all these prayers. Place each of our hearts in alignment to Your perfect will. Let us not be pulled into a spirit of condemnation towards one another. Your Word reminds us that Your Spirit and Christ Himself intercedes on our behalf when we don’t know what to pray. (See 8:26-27, 8:34). Hear the prayers of Your children crying out in confusion, fear and hopelessness. Be our hope. Strengthen us that we may endure and persevere in these momentary light afflictions producing in us an absolutely incomparable eternal weight of glory (2 Cor. 4:17-18). Help us to hold on to Your Truth, Jesus, You are preparing a place for us. Find us ready, alert, sober minded and united in living out Your purposes and plans. Remind us that Your message of love is made most visible in how we love one another. In Your perfect, powerful Name we pray! Amen

Beverly Glass
January 19, 2021

If we have been asking God to bring justice to our nation and revealing openly the lies and deceptions surrounding an unfair election, then consistent with our prayers to keep our present President in his office, justbelieve that God has answered us what we have asked. Do not be double minded and speak anything opposite. God has not lost any power to do what we have asked and expected of Him. He answers us, but reserves to Himself how He will do what needs to be done. We stand still and see the salvation of the Lord! Amen and Amen.

    January 19, 2021

    Agreed totally with you. AMEN. See my response to Deborah above.

      B. Glass
      January 19, 2021

      One more word of encouragement to those whose faith has weakened-Remember the author and finisher of our faithwas present at the Red Sea ! Let God Arise and our enemies be scattered!!!

Debra Bouché
January 19, 2021

I have trusted God was working with and through President Trump from the very beginning of his term. Now, I trust God is not finished. He is sovereign and all will workout according to HIS plan. Ive had to remind myself often of this fact as I see the crazy chaos and verbiage being thrown at us. Lord Jesus come for your Bride soon!

    January 19, 2021

    AMEN. Thank you for our faith to trust and believe that God is not finish with what He had began.

    Teresa Love
    January 19, 2021

    I stand with this prayer! God is good and my hope is in Him!

Melissa Manning
January 19, 2021

I believe that God has greatly used this man, and I am grateful for the four years of peace many in the world had during his tenure. However, Trump had little peace. Now I pray that God will use this time to strengthen Trump and his family’s walk with God and that every one will come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Lois Taritas
January 19, 2021

I take great righteous anger at this article! The prophets of God did not get it wrong! God does not move by mans calendar, president Trump is not going anywhere! I trust in the lord my God!

    Cindi Allen
    January 19, 2021

    It’s not over yet folks!

      January 19, 2021

      Amen…it’s just beginning! !

      January 19, 2021

      Amen Cindi! Amen Amen! Looking forward to seeing God glorified, magnified and exalted by all nations! Psalm 46:10

    Bruni O
    January 19, 2021

    Completely in agreement with you! Stand firm and BELIEVE!! HIS WORD is NOT null and void! Continue praying!

    January 19, 2021


    January 19, 2021

    I totally agree, there were many prophets that said President Trump will have a 2nd term. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🙏🙏🙏

January 19, 2021

Father thank you for President Trump and all You did through him. I pray Your peace, protection, guidance, and favor over him and his family. I pray also for all in his administration that You used for Your purpose. Help them Lord. Show them what to do in their next phase of life. I pray that You fill them with Your Spirit and work through them in a new way that only You can. I cover them all in the blood of Jesus. Let there be a bigger, better, deeper and stronger revelation of Jesus in their lives, in Jesus name Amen.

ketta Enriquez
January 19, 2021

Praying for our President and this transition for him and his family. Pray for peace and wisdom in days ahead for the good of all of America.

    Mary Meens
    January 19, 2021

    I have to take issue with you regarding the “false prophets” you refer to. I’ve followed several Godly men and women prophets closely since March, and they all are in agreement about President Trump. The 2020 election produced a fake “President-elect by fraudulent methods. The truth is, Donald Trump was re-elected by a landslide. The TRUTH is what the prophets were told by God ahead of time. How can they be considered “false?”. The TRUTH about the election, plus much more, is soon to be revealed. God has plans to keep and guide our very fine President for at least 4 more years.

      John Poelman
      January 19, 2021

      Thanks Mary for the reminder. The prophets weren’t false in declaring Trump the winner. Satan works through the democrat party. He’s a lier and the father of lies. He who sits in the heavens will laugh. The Lord will have them in derision.

Yvonne Harvey
January 19, 2021

Father God, Your Word says that those who bless Israel You will bless. So I know Lord that you will bless President Trump in ways he never dreamed possible. I pray that you would order his steps. Father you created Donald J Trump to be great therefore the last four years Pres Trump has made America great again. It was by your divine help and guidance and for that we are thankful. He has been America’s current day David. He has come against many great Giants but those giants in Your eyes God are so small. “Who are they among so many?” So bless this transition time. Father, you are the Great Commander and Chief so speak now over our country and keep us all safe. Not our will but Thine be done. Go before our president today and always bless him and his family and God bless America. In Jesus name – the name that’s above all others. Amen

Patricia Moore
January 19, 2021

Thank you for all the prayers surrounding President Trump and his family, I will continue to be a part with you in prayer! I thank God for sending Donald Trump in to all Americans, we Were greatly blessed by the gift of God in him and we need to continue to pray for him as we prepare for the coming of the Lord!

Jan L.
January 19, 2021

I am strongly disappointed in this article, that it even suggests that President Trump “was in any way “strongly linked” to the incursion on the Capitol on Jan. 6th.
There has been more than enough evidence to prove otherwise ~ that the purpose was nothing more than bad actors presenting themselves as President Trump supporters to make true supporters of our President look bad. It’s discouraging to see this kind of suggestive disinformation in an IFA article

While there may have been some Trump supporters that entered with the troublemakers (after the fact, and with no harmful intent, being “caught up in the moment”) that has NOT been “the history” of the way Trump supporters have ever conducted themselves….
Additionally, why does this article not include the fact that President Trump vehemtly opposed and condemned violence of any kind!?!

    Brenda Sell
    January 19, 2021

    I too am concerned that you would print statements accusing our President in this way.

    January 19, 2021

    AMEN. We will see the Glory of the Lord come over USA.

    January 19, 2021

    Me too I express concern to. We all need to hear the truth and be not deceived. Satan is doing a very good job of that all on his own. Speak truth, we need to pray for our country. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

January 19, 2021

Our hope is in God alone and He will show up for His people. The Lion of the the tribe of Judah is roaring! This is not over by a long shot! Ye of little faith, Lord forgive those of little faith. I thank God for Caleb and Joshua and pray the saints of the Most High God take up the Sword of the Spirit and fight for this land. The false prophets are the media who speak lies everyday. Be careful little ears who you listen to. God bless President Trump and Melania and Barron as they stand firm on the Rock Jesus Christ. We love you Mr. President.

    Lois Taritas
    January 19, 2021

    Amen I agree this is not over! There may not be many of us standing but we stand!

    January 19, 2021

    Love your statement “The Lion of the the tribe of Judah is roaring! “. AMEN

January 19, 2021

Lord we cry out to you for President Trump and how confused and perplexed he must be feeling. The false prophets told him he would win the election, they never warned of the days after the election.

Lord you are exposing that the church needs to repent and come before your throne in humility. The false prophets let President Trump down.

Lord even now you are able to do more than we can imagine and we have only you. Lord the enemy used confusion, division and a lying spirit to trap your people. You have exposed the corruption of the other side.

We have only you to fight for this nation. Only you. Lord push back the powers of darkness and rebuke the enemy. Lord expose what is hidden in the darkness and this demonic alliance and conspiracy must fall and be exposed.

Lord there will be wicked days ahead and we pray that you will restrain evil for the sake of souls and the gospel. The enemy thinks that he has won and the enemies of the gospel are rejoicing that their plan seems to have succeeded. But you Lord LAUGH at them and have them in derision. You will build your church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Lord, you are mighty in our midst. Hear the prayers of your people and do not hand us over to the enemy. If the people voted for President Trump and he won Lord, please do not hand us over. Please expose the illuminati demonic plot against the world. Lord spells will be uttered for the inauguration, which will be a satanic ritual.

Do not hand us over to this demonic agenda and expose it. Cause the church on both sides of the political spectrum to discern it and unite in Christ to fight spiritually in prayer for the weapons of our warfare are mighty for the tearing down of strongholds.

In Jesus’ name.


    Mary Meens
    January 19, 2021

    I have to take issue with you regarding the “false prophets” you refer to. I’ve followed several Godly men and women prophets closely since March, and they all are in agreement about President Trump. The 2020 election produced a fake “President-elect by fraudulent methods. The truth is, Donald Trump was re-elected by a landslide. The TRUTH is what the prophets were told by God ahead of time. How can they be considered “false?”. The TRUTH about the election, plus much more, is soon to be revealed. God has plans to keep and guide our very fine President for at least 4 more years.

      Lois Taritas
      January 19, 2021

      I agree the prophets I just listened to flashpoint they are not wrong we are standing strong. The prophets that apologized they are not hearing the voice of God!

      January 19, 2021

      God does not speak in halves. The prophets did not warn of the days after the elections. Yes President Trump won. The day of the election before the votes were announced the Lord warned and troubled our intercessory group in the spirit that President Trump would lose. Look at Acts 21 v 11, Paul was warned clearly what would happen to him. We were also shown that the church had been confused by John Piper and others saying not to vote. Confusion is not from the Lord, God is not the author of confusion.

      Please show me clearly a prophecy with a warning to President Trump that the election would be stolen even though he won.

      When I was praying today, I had a sense that the Lord was angry and that His judgment is coming.Please test this and seek the Lord whether this is true.

      The Lord is judging and shaking all nations and judgment begins with the house of God and those who have misrepresented the Lord to the nations.

      I do believe that President Trump won the election and there is a demonic coalition. But I never heard the church warn President Trump. Maybe I missed the warning but the prophecies I saw were that he won.

      Also the enemy is using people around President Trump who are bringing him into disrepute. As a result of which persecution will come to the church to silence all voices of righteousness.

      We have sensed that the enemy is seeking to surround America to go after the church and Israel. Again please test and pray. Wake up church. Only the Lord can deliver at this time.

      May God protect and grant wisdom to President Trump. May the Lord bless him abundantly and honour him and show him the way through this spiritual mess.

      ketta Enriquez
      January 19, 2021

      I believe he won the election whole heartedly .

        January 19, 2021

        Ketta, I am not disputing he won. What is happening now is demonic. But he will be confused because he is not fully saved. That is the sad thing. Only the Lord can help him through this and explain what is going on.

          Shirley p
          January 20, 2021

          There is no such thing as not being fully saved…either you are or you are not…there is only that when we are saved we begin a new life, part of a new kingdom and in that new kingdom of God we start a life long journey of renewing our minds, our beliefs, action to become like Jesus through our relationship of intimacy in the Holy Spirit..the battle of our flesh vs the Kingdom of holiness is a process…so we must stop judging so readily when none of us have arrived at perfection of holiness…Jesus addressed believers who thought they were rich that they were wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked because they were lukewarm! Ouch!!! See
          Rev3:17-21.fortunately Jesus extended His grace…we need to extend grace and truth where needed among each other when needed because we love each other and we all are in the same boat needing reproof, instruction, encouragement in this journey to be like Jesus.

    January 19, 2021

    Never give up. We throw in the towel too easily. God is not finished even at the 11th hour. Stand firm and trust in the Lord and we will see His Glory.

    Encourage one another even when all seems lost for we know that Scripture never lie. It is our timing and expectation that fail us.

    God will deliver and will complete what He set out to do.

    Psalm 125:3. Psalm 64.


    January 19, 2021

    Do not agree, this is wrong!!! God will not let us down!!! God loves us, he loves all the Aborted babies. And a President that stands up for them!!! Let alone all our freedoms!!!! Came across this person on Dutch Sheets. Watch out for this person.

      January 19, 2021

      Iam referring to the person that used “praying as his or her name. Please excuse me Rolf, not referring to your comment. Sorry totally agree with my Christian brother in the lord. Please forgive not harm to you and God Bless you totally agree with you!

      January 19, 2021

      I have never been on Dutch Sheets so you are accusing me falsely. Of course the Lord loves President Trump and a pro-life agenda. That is not what I am saying. There is a demonic coalition against President Trump.

      Please pray and ask the Lord for truth.

January 19, 2021

Cannot believe you are leaving…we are so proud to call our President. Nobody is like you…Go with God’s peace, May God protect you and your family and keep you safe all the days of your life!

Lonely orphan is the sad feeling…but I also know that Our God will never leave you or me nor will He forsake us. Keep trusting in God Mr. President. 🇺🇸🙏👍❤️

Barbara Hesch
January 19, 2021

As President Trump and his team leaves the White House and the D.C. swamp, my love for him and prayers go with him. After 8 years of the previous President, he restored my faith that America could go back to the days that made us a great nation. But what I have learned is that America can only be great if it is good. With a segment of society calling good evil and evil good, I think We the People have a real battle before us. But the battle is the Lords, and I will continue to be His prayer warrior and fight till the end. No, President Trump, it’s not over. Thank you for waking us up.

alvin hickling
January 19, 2021

Heavenly father please keep and protect our beloved president Trump and all of his family ,write their names in your book of life and thank you for giving us this great man who did so much to save America ,Please bless him with long happy retirement and your devine protection and wisdom .

Chanel Manohar
January 19, 2021

I will continue to pray for President Trump &family and all the great ppl who work for him.
I want to see pelosi&democrats and media fall like a ton a bricks

    Elizabeth Schneider
    January 19, 2021

    Yes! God says to call out and pray against the Evil and wicked!!
    We are definitely in for this with this ungodly administration!!

      January 19, 2021

      Amen, Elizabeth 🙏🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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