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Give thanks to the Lord for His hand of mercy in preserving life in New York.

“Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.” (Psalm 34:19)

“The New York State Court of Appeals, the state’s highest court, on Thursday unanimously refused to legalize assisted suicide, a huge moment in the state’s fight over the practice. Assisted suicide is the practice, distinguished from a patient refusing medical care, where a doctor prescribes lethal drugs that a patient then self-administers at a time of his or her choosing. In New York, assisting in a suicide is a felony.

In its 5-0 ruling the New York court cited the “long-standing” state interests in banning assisted suicide: “prohibiting intentional killing and preserving life; preventing suicide; maintaining physicians’ role as their patients’ healers; protecting vulnerable people from indifference, prejudice, and psychological and financial pressure to end their lives; and avoiding a possible slide towards euthanasia.”

Pro-lifers, disability advocates—and, prominently, an Iraq veteran with brain cancer—have successfully fought the legislative push for the practice in New York so far….

The U.S. Supreme Court, in the 1997 decision Vacco v. Quill, upheld New York’s law banning assisted suicide, a clear precedent for courts to follow. But the three terminally ill plaintiffs in the current New York case—two of whom have died since filing the lawsuit in 2015, and one who is in remission—argued that the New York law violated the equal protection clause of the state constitution. That’s an appealing argument in the legal universe post-Obergefell, the U.S. Supreme Court decision that canceled state marriage laws based on equal protection arguments.

Ten state and national disability groups … had opposed the effort to legalize assisted suicide, a detail media reports on the decision uniformly ignored….

More importantly, the state judges didn’t ignore the disabilities groups. Justice Eugene Fahey wrote a concurring opinion to underscore the threats assisted suicide posed to the poor and the disabled.

“Legalizing physician-assisted suicide would convey a societal value judgment that such ‘indignities’ as physical vulnerability and dependence mean that life no longer has any intrinsic value,” wrote Fahey, citing the amicus brief from the disabilities groups. He also pointed to people from different socioeconomic groups who might be pressured into assisted suicide if medical care was more expensive than the lethal drugs….

“The court’s decision does three important things,” said Rev. Jason McGuire, who heads up New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms, in a statement.

First, it demonstrates respect for the constitution of the state of New York. Nothing in our state’s constitution in any way affirms physician-assisted suicide, and the court acknowledged that reality.

Second, the decision upholds the role of the legislature as policymaker.

Third, the decision recognizes that the state ‘has a significant interest in preserving life and preventing suicide, a serious public health problem.’” (Excerpted from  WORLD Magazine, reporting by Emily Belz.)

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September 16, 2017

God is so Good and His mercy endures forever. Bless His Holy name.

Thanks be to God that He sent His only begotten son Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Because we can do nothing without Jesus.. All the Glory be to God our Father.
For he gave us life and life more abundantly.

It is the devil that has come to kill, steal, and destroy. Amen…

Felicia Penner
September 15, 2017

Praise you Lord Jesus, ah yes , Aslan is on the move!!

Lord, the eloquence of the judges statements, that leaning on our own understanding in a painful death and accepting assisted suicide aids the enemy of our souls to discredit the disabled and then lead us to state acts of euthanasia. Praise you for these Justices that are still allowing you to be God and following Your lead Lord in the way they meter out Justice. Lord we pray for NY er’s, those who do not go along with their heady namesake City, we pray that this law upheld would weaken powers and principalities over NY state and that more of it’s citizens would honor you and come to salvation. In Jesus name, Amen

Ingrid Claussner
September 13, 2017

I keep reading about assisted Suicide in EUROPE… far too many people
are “helped to die” when THEY DO N O T REALLY WANT TO DIE!
There even were two cases where the persons were “held down” so the “procedure” could be “finished”= Evil! Evil!

Ingrid Claussner

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