I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we lift up President Trump and his sentence before You. We pray for Your justice to prevail.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Judge Juan Merchan sentenced President Donald Trump to an “unconditional discharge” yesterday, meaning the incoming President will not face any form of punishment.

From Fox News. President-electĀ Donald Trump was sentenced to an unconditional discharge Friday after being found guilty on charges of falsifying business records stemming from Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Braggā€™s years-long investigation.

Post a prayer for your state!


The president-elect attended his sentencing virtually, after fighting to block the process all the way up to the United StatesĀ Supreme CourtĀ this week. Trump sat beside his defense attorney Todd Blanche.

Trump called the case and his sentencing a “tremendous setback for the American court system.” …

[Judge Juan] Merchan did not sentence the president-elect to prison, and instead sentenced him to an unconditional discharge, meaning there is no punishment imposed–no jail time, fines or probation. The sentence also preserves Trump’s ability to appeal the conviction.

“After careful analysis, this court determined only lawful sentence that permits entry of judgment of conviction is an unconditional discharge,” Merchan said Friday. “At this time, I impose that sentence to cover all 34 counts.”

Merchan added: “Sir, I wish you Godspeed as you assume your second term in office.” …

Trump filed an appeal to block sentencing from moving forward with the New York State Court of Appeals. That court rejected his request.

Trump also filed an emergency motion with the U.S. Supreme Court, arguing that it “immediately order a stay of pending criminal proceedings in the Supreme Court of New York County, New York.”

The high court denied the request …

What do you think of President Trump’s sentencing? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America – Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=157319667)

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January 18, 2025


lynne humphreys
January 14, 2025

For some source info on this check out a legal analysis of Trump trial from Gregory Germain, law professor, Syracuse University


and an APNew time line of the events starting in 2005.


Father, the enemy loves it when your church is divided, Help us to treat each other with respect as the divine sons and daughters of God made in your image. John 17: 22-23

22 And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: 23 I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.

Love all you beautiful humans!

January 13, 2025

John, let’s see here.
A politician campaigns on “getting Trump.” Not political.
An illegal “special prosecutor” is appointed totally outside constitutional guidelines. Not political.
The illegal prosecutor concocts charges that turn what was a simple misdemeanor for which the statute of limitations had run out into a felony by twisting an 1800s law aimed at the Ku Klux Klan and another aimed at Enron malfeasance to sort of sound legal, even though prior courts, the DOJ, and the FBI earlier had rejected the concept. Not political.
That illegal prosecutor does that by supposing guilt instead of presuming innocence in regard to certain federal statutes without benefit of a federal trial and guilty verdict, despite as a State of New York prosecutor having zero jurisdiction or right in federal cases, as the basis for upgrading the expired misdemeanor to a felony. Not political.
This illegal action from multiple directions is now tried in a court of so-called “peers” in one of the most anti-Trump areas, where 94% of the pool of jurors voted against Trump–and members of the jury admitted after the trial that most of the jury had already decided he was guilty before the trial started. Not political.
The illegal prosecutor turned that misdemeanor into 34 instances that were then all deemed to be additional felonies in order to make things sound as awful as possible. Not political.
This trial is overseen by a judge who has made significant contributions to Democrat candidates and whose daughter has worked as a fund-raiser for Democrat causes. Not political.
This judge overrules nearly all objections by defense attorneys, sustains nearly all objections by the prosecutor, does not allow a defense expert to testify, issues a gag order against a candidate for president, and times the rulings to have the most negative impact against Trump. Not political.
Other than that, you may be right.
“Lord, may truth prevail.”

Karen Mire
January 13, 2025

I am for President Trump. I do think that he needs to be grateful for Judge Juan Marchan giving him a sentence that will not fine him or give him jail time. James 2:9 states that showing favoritism to some people over others is a sin. Because we prayed about it and declared that no weapon formed against him will prosper, I believe that God did give him a verdict that was merciful through the judge .

Rebecca Kurtz
January 13, 2025

Truly an injustice of the highest degree and deeply flawed. Setting this precedent is a black mark on the American justice system that will forevermore create distrust from our citizens. Lord help us to trust in Your Justice alone and come quickly I pray. Your heart must be broken and I humbly ask for forgiveness.

Sheila Price
January 13, 2025

I think God put it so, just as it should be. This gives Trump the freedom to continue with his appeal and once he’s in office measures will be taken during the appeal process to insure that TRUTH is brought forth and all the lies and shenanigan’s will be exposed.

We must keep praying for God’s will in this whole thing and FOR PROTECTION FOR ALL INVOLVED.

Ron Glenn Deere
January 12, 2025

This is lawfare in its most obvious form.

January 12, 2025

Amazing that some people here who call themselves Christian would take the positions they have.

a) You are clearly breathing only mainstream media air, which is decidedly hostile towards Christians, conservative values, and our constitution.

b) These same people have encouraged Leftist uprisings in our country, even defending and covering for $2,000,000,000 in property damage, 35 deaths, and two cities that had entire sections taken over by armed Leftist revolutionaries, all during the “summer of love”. And yet, you believe their anti-Trump narratives.

c) Your resistance to Trump is idiotic. You would support an anti-Christian communist in Kamala, but not someone who supports and defends our constitution (preserving our religious liberties), and Israel, because of his past sins. What he does in public matters as president, not what he did in private. If electing a pastor, I’m with you.

d) Liberals who voted for Clinton, like Alan Dershowitz, have called these cases against Trump unconstitutional and he too believes they are politically motivated.

Go ahead, vote Left. Then, when the persecution begins, you can blame prophecy, and never have to take personal responsibility. That should go over well when you face Christ.

January 12, 2025

I respect and admire President Trump; though not perfect; he has shown himself to be an honorable and honest man! I serve my LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST and HIM only! I do not see how respect for Trump and hope for America through his presidency equates into idol worship! Most of us that support Trump do not have enlarged photos of him with candles burning underneath it like many did with obama. That was the one and only time I saw churches and others worship a president! We do not worship Trump! We recognize his intelligence, his great love for America, his willingness to be in the cesspool called Washington D.C. because of a mandate to him from ALMIGHTY GOD! Anyone who is born-again can see GOD’S šŸ™Hands on Trump! Why? Well he was willing! GOD uses those that are willing! Trump loves America just as many of us do! I have never seen “worship” of Trump; however I have seen gratitude that he is willing to fight for our country as President! FATHER GOD thank YOU for giving us President Trump for such a time as this! Please protect him and all of his family and cabinet and supporters from the rampant evil that is in America today! Please send laborers to biden and democrats and all democrat thinkers for salvation because it is clear by their fruit that they do not know YOU! (You will know them by their fruit!) Please save them all before they leave this earth in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

T Mc
January 11, 2025

If the accused (Trump) at the trial refused to give evidence under oath and to be cross examined on that evidence, then one has second thoughts about his character.
I imagine the jury were quite correct in the verdict.
The adulation of thrice married adulterer who boasts of sexual assault, six times bankrupt, does not pay his bills, promotes fiction – eating cats and dogs, invading Greenland etc. is just embarrassing.

    K. K
    January 12, 2025

    100% it’s scary actually!

    January 12, 2025

    Pray for the trolls! This case was clearly tried in a kangaroo court – quite apparently for political assassination. Misdemeanors were converted to felonies, and so many other miscarriages of justice. Pres. Trump has much to accomplish in bringing down the deep state. The Lord Almighty will guide his administration to expose the evil Biden, Harris, and Obama perpetuated in service to the prince of darkness and destruction. So be it!

January 11, 2025

I am grateful Trump is able to still be our president. I do not see how this court case did any good for anyone. I hope and pray this will be the end of law fare for President Trump and the Trump family can get back to whatever God purposes are for them.

Erik B
January 11, 2025

Related to Mr. Trump, I find the perspective of IFA, and most of the posters, to be both puzzling and saddening. From my perspective it seems like he is viewed as sitting at the right hand of Jesus and being nearly saintly.
While I know that there has been much hype from those who oppose him, to say that all charges against him are bogus is in my opinion mindless. He is a sinful person, as are all of us, and he has made some poor decisions, including ungodly choices related to carnal passion.
I think it is unlikely that my post will influence the lion’s share of you who read it but I am hopeful that some of you will look inward to see if there is any idolatry that needs to be dealt with.
With AI proliferation, there are now many videos that purport to show Mr. Trump glorifying Jesus. So far I have not found any that are verifiably real. Anyone is welcome to post if they do know of one. Meanwhile, my ongoing prayer for him is that the Holy Spirit will strive with his spirit to either lead him to a personal relationship with Jesus or if he already has one, to mature him in his faith so that in his communication and decisions he better reflects the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23.

    Mary Beth S
    January 11, 2025

    Yes, Erik. Thank you for stating your concerns in a loving manner. We certainly do not need idolatry of President Trump added to the many sins of our nation. And he doesn’t need the heavy weight of being idolized added to the responsibilities being entrusted to him. As my Dad used to say, “He puts his pants on one leg at a time, just like me!” Give us proper perspective, Lord!

    January 12, 2025

    Very untrue! Do your research! No one worships Trump! Period!

      K. Hopkins
      January 12, 2025

      You all are Trump cultists.

      January 12, 2025

      I beg to differ!

      January 12, 2025

      Yeah, this is stupid.

      We love Trump not because we’ve displaced our Savior, not because we believe his sins don’t matter or because we believe he’s a super-duper born-again Christian. We see in him the culmination of something we’ve been wanting to see for decades: the death of political correctness, as defined by the American Left. His election is cathartic, not idolatrous.

      It is amazing to me how many unwise Christians there are out there, resisting our modern-day Cyrus in favor of a Leftist movement that has clearly shown ITS pagan roots and anti-Christian hostility. You won’t vote for Trump, because of his past sins, despite his pro-faith and pro-constitutional positions and policies. But, you WILL vote Left, despite THEIR pagan, anti-Christian and anti-constitutional policies and positions.

      Congratulations on your consistency.

      January 12, 2025

      The trolls here quickly forgot how Obama was ridiculously idolized. Praying the Lord will guide Trump’s administration to expose the evil Biden, Harris, and Obama perpetuated in service to the prince of darkness and destruction. Quite a contrast between their policies and Trump’s!

    Elizabeth Falco
    January 12, 2025

    I so agree that Trump needs so much prayer, to do and say the right thing, and yes, to be saved! He so needs Jesus and cannot do this alone! He also needs to unde6repentance and to turn, see his wicked ways-like ALL of us-and repent, humbling himself before the Mighty Lord, our Savior. šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ›

      January 12, 2025

      Excuse me. Trump is a new believer, but apparently you haven’t noticed. His sins are forgiven. Praise God!

        Erik B
        January 12, 2025

        “Trump is a new believer…”? I cannot say that I have noticed. Proof, including when, where and how?

          January 12, 2025

          Maybe instead of viewing MSM commentary, listen to Trump’s speeches. He openly honors Christ and has repeatedly proven it with his consistently strong pro-life and liberty policies.

    Carol Garrott
    January 12, 2025

    #1: There has been a large ongoing concerted effort to destabilize, disturb, thwart, and impede any progress with Trump personally and professionally since he was president. This effort developed into lawfare (never before seen)! He’s seen as a threat to their agenda.
    1a: Soros and other socialists have funded leftists from local to federal elections. There’s been election interference events.
    1b: Most importantly, what they’re doing to Trump is headed our way. They need to take him down before proceeding to the people (Christians first). Therefore, he has our gratitude (not worship) for escaping or delaying their plans. Truly I believe God is very involved, and many of us praying.
    #2: There had been prophecies announcing Trump’s first term. One of them even preceded his announcement of running for office. Most importantly, one specified that God had planned for him to do some work for our beloved nation by being put in high position. (So God helped make this happen!) I will not mention names on this site. They were obviously hearing from the Holy Spirit.
    #3: Speaking of the Holy Spirit, you may want to spend more time with Him and ask if Trump is a Christian, since you’re not satisfied he is. My personal belief is that he has recently become a Christian based on a couple of things I’ve noted.
    P.S. Look at his behavior upon the first assassination attempt. There’s 1 or 2 clues there. Hope this helps.

    Carol Garrott
    January 12, 2025

    Please see my response to Elizabeth Falco’s response just below yours. I was sending this reply to you and it ended up with her.

Loretta R Holloway
January 11, 2025

I pray everyday for the protection of Trump and his family. These bogus lawsuits are demonic. I pray that God gives justice. And causes the truth to prevail in every situation. I pray Father, shatter the teeth of the wicked and establish the righteous.

Lisa kurimski
January 11, 2025

Such a travesty of justice. God wins & He sees through every instance. So His glory will prevail!

Dan Sullivan
January 11, 2025

I liked it. The charge was politically motivated and with out merit in my opinion. The judge had good sense!

Allen Dale Johnson
January 11, 2025

If these were jury trials, and the verdicts delivered by the juries were, guilty, I can see that a judge would feel required by law to render a sentence. If that judge feels that the evidence does not indicate a punishable offense, or that the accused is someone whose situation forbids the normal punishments that would be applied, that judge might think a no-punishment sentence is appropriate. I suspect, though, the plan was to defame the accused, thus wounding his public standing. The “unconditional discharge” will fuel anger in those who wanted to see him imprisoned while enabling Trump’s opposition to claim that any appeals now made are “making a big thing over nothing.”

    January 11, 2025

    “A big thing over nothing” so as not to appeal the verdict ? That is what this evil “judge” probably wants. Trump has been falsely convicted of 34 felonies. Appealing will overturn the verdict and make Trump whole again and reveal “judge” Marchan as the demonic actor that he is.

Victor L. Stutzman
January 11, 2025

Praying for President=elect Trump to succeed in serving us for the next 4 years despite the obstacles from the opponents of Trump. And that what the enemy means for evil, good will come out of all of this mess in a way that there will be no regrets and that righteousness and justice will be restored.

Toni Kushner
January 11, 2025

God Bless President Trump and his family

Anita Estes
January 11, 2025

I am thankful that he recieved no punishment and he was wished God speed in His second term. I think it was all just a sham.

Vickie Swanson
January 11, 2025

Vengeance is mine says the the Lord I will repay. I pray President Trump will be vindicated from all these charges.
It is a disgrace to the judicial system that people that commit hideous crimes get off. I I thank God. that heā€™s removing all ungodly unrighteous, judges and giving us judges, who are upright and right standing with God.

Rose Marie Distefano
January 11, 2025

We have a sitting President, guilty of treason on more than one count, and we prosecute the AMERICAN who has only done good for this country. I RESERVE MY OPINION UNTIL I HEAR GOD;S.

January 11, 2025

Just like Pilate, Merchan attempts to wipe his hands of this whole mess, mocking God in the process. The unqualified ā€œjudgeā€ wishing ā€œGodspeedā€ to his victim? You canā€™t make this stuff up. The Judge who sits on the throne will have the last word.

Mary Bell
January 11, 2025

It’s about time!!! He’s the best President we have had in many, many years! Thank the Lord! Mary Bell

    January 11, 2025

    Yes! ! !
    Praying in agreement, Mary Bell, in Jesus’ Mighty Name; amen!

Kathy Emahiser
January 11, 2025

Father, I continue to thank you that no weapon formed against President Trump will prosper. I thank you for bringing true justice to everyone who has collaborated in unjustly trying to destroy him. You have a plan and purpose for him being President of this country and as he draws closer to you, you will draw closer him. Please guide and direct President Trump step by step in presiding over this country. I also pray for Devine protection on him and his family and everyone that surrounds in him.

Apostle Tarrance Darmon Austin Sr(TerryAustin) & Joslyn(Joy) Burke-Austin
January 11, 2025

In Jesus Name. I stand in agreement with this prayer. Amen !

Alice Comer
January 11, 2025

“that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth…” Jeremiah. 9:24 Thank you LORD that you will let justice come to light!

January 11, 2025

Trump was found guilty twice in this case. Once for an Indictment then during the trial. It looks like he was afforded things the public wouldn’t be allowed to do. The Supreme Court has helped him a lot in his cases. So if they couldn’t help it was probably right.

He is not God. People could mess up at times. We have to be humble especially if we messed up
It’s different from being persecuted for godly things.
We also have to.give mercy if we want mercy accordingly to the scripture.

    January 11, 2025

    Well if you read and search into the person he is he has shown much mercy to many people through the years and he doesnā€™t talk about it. The democrats and deep state have done everything to destroy President Trump. He isnā€™t perfect but heā€™s on the side of we the people and he loves America and thatā€™s good enough for me!!

    January 11, 2025

    “People mess up”? The reason for these cases was to impede Trump’s election. They manufactured charges, turning potential misdemeanors into felonies. When in fact, he didn’t even do anything wrong that he was charged for.

      January 12, 2025

      Mary, you are definitely in a deep sleep!

        January 12, 2025

        Shakay – we’re following your comments, deceived soul. Please awaken and turn to Yeshua!

Douglas Samples
January 11, 2025

Lord, we continue to lift you up! You are worthy of all Praise!
It is disturbing that Adam Schiff has been placed on the Judicial committee by Chuck Schumer in the hopes of impeaching President Trump yet God knows all things and though injustice is done here He will make all things right! May our laws prevent these evil doers. Itā€™s as if they can give it but canā€™t take it. There is talk of Biden pardoning Cheney, Schiff and Fauci. May we see righteousness prevail. In Jesus name!

January 11, 2025

Trump was found guilty twice in thos case. Once for an Indictment then during the trial. It looks like he was afforded things the public wouldn’t be allowed to do. The Supreme Court has helped him a lot in his cases. So if they couldn’t help it was probably right.

He is not God. People could mess up at times. We have to be humble especially if we messed up
It’s different from being persecuted for godly things.
We also have to.give mercy if we want mercy accordingly to the scripture.

Matthew Bradshaw
January 11, 2025

I find this charge is politically motivated. It makes me uncomfortable to see this decision along with others taken against Donald Trump.
I certainly don’t have all the facts; however, in my opinion, he does support the American public. He is not perfect; no one is. He can’t control everything he is overseeing, which really makes me wonder how ethical this really was.

January 11, 2025

We finally See this Hoaks dissolved, in The Name, above every Name. Amen

John Hickey
January 11, 2025

Just the continuation of the injustice promoted by the deep state! Our trust is in the Lord, who is all trust,all justice, all mercy

Erilda Coleman
January 11, 2025

So disturbing that this judicial system is so crooked and biased from the judges to all these lousy over paid snob lawyers who lie & cheat are paid by Soros.
Crazy whole Biden crime family continues to run rampant & allowed to further destroy our nation from within. Wait until judgment day. God is still on the throne & judgment seat.

Paz Zalamea
January 11, 2025

Paz Zalamea
God is still on the throne. He is The Judge. And He is a Just God!
No weapon formed against our President Trump shall prosper.
God is above all of these, He is Sovereign!

Muriel Bramble
January 11, 2025

We still need to pray for President Trump as he appeals this. I am told that because he has been convicted of all these undeserved
felonies, he will not be allowed to vote in Florida or be able to carry a gun. Rights taken away for no reason. He is not guilty.

January 11, 2025

Lord you already paid the price for our sins once and for all who seek your will our enemies can only accuse us but we will overcome thank you that even when it looks like we’ve been defeated we have not; tears last only four a moment but joy , comment’s in the morning praise God! Hallelujah

Diana Prout
January 11, 2025

This is unconstitutional and ridiculous. Praying for God’s justice to be done. Lord Jesus protect the incoming president and his constituents and cabinet members.
Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people.

January 11, 2025

Itā€™s a total sham. Just a way for the enemies of America, both foreign and domestic, to gleefully refer to our President as a convicted felon. Those who truly know realize the terrible miscarriage of justice that has occurred here. My only consolation is knowing that all of this is coming out and that DJT will be fully exonerated. May it happen soon.

Karyn Shanks
January 11, 2025

I am not in agreement with the court. Had this been anyone else a sentence would have been imposed. As a matter of fact it would not have gotten this far. Once found guilty of all charges a jail sentence would have been handed down and fines assessed. There would have been no question of running for the highest office in the land!

    January 11, 2025

    Trump was not guilty of anything deserving of these manufactured charges. This was simply an attempt to slow down his ability to campaign. Trump is God’s man to lead our nation back to prosperity and freedom.

    January 12, 2025

    Karyn – are you not aware that these were misdemeanors commuted to felonies unconstitutionally? Trump’s rights were horrendously violated. May truth prevail and justice be served to the real criminals.

January 11, 2025

Justice did not prevail

Sharon M. Wilson
January 11, 2025

ā€œLord you disappoint the devices of the crafty, so that their hand cannot perform their evil enterprises.ā€ Job 5:12

Katherine kutchmark
January 11, 2025

Itā€™s not over til the ā€œfat lady singsā€. And I havenā€™t heard her sing yet.šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¾šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

    January 11, 2025

    Dear Sister,

    Keep praying because when she DOES SING–it’s going to be a WHOPPING ARIA–as every plan, plot, scheme and Amalekite Lawfare device falls BACK upon their own heads, and they FALL into every pit they dug for him (Ps.35) and as YHWH LETS them KNOW that HE has done it!(Ps.109)

    In EVERY GENERATION He arises to fight “the Havana and Amalekites”, and when HE FIGHTS-HE WINS!
    Let’s STAND on the WALL until we hear the SONG OF LIBERTY as He parts the Red Sea for us!(Exodus 15 and Revelation 15)

January 11, 2025

He should have been fined at least fined a substantial sum.

January 11, 2025

This was a sham, injustice to President Trump, the American People. Our president is not a felon, Since 2016 there has been a witch hunt under every stone to destroy President and the American People. All charges need to be taken away, and the ones that have wasted the time,resources and brought this false narrative need to be held responsible.

Joy A. Shepard
January 11, 2025

God the Refuge of the Righteous (Psalm 94)
1O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongsā€”
O God, to whom vengeance belongs, shine forth!
2Rise up, O Judge of the earth;
[a]Render punishment to the proud.
3Lord, how long will the wicked,
How long will the wicked triumph?

4They utter speech, and speak insolent things;
All the workers of iniquity boast in themselves.
5They break in pieces Your people, O Lord,
And afflict Your heritage.
6They slay the widow and the stranger,
And murder the fatherless.
7Yet they say, ā€œThe Lord does not see,
Nor does the God of Jacob [b]understand.ā€

8Understand, you senseless among the people;
And you fools, when will you be wise?
9He who planted the ear, shall He not hear?
He who formed the eye, shall He not see?
10He who [c]instructs the [d]nations, shall He not correct,
He who teaches man knowledge?
11The Lord knows the thoughts of man,
That they are futile.

12Blessed is the man whom You instruct, O Lord,
And teach out of Your law,
13That You may give him [e]rest from the days of adversity,
Until the pit is dug for the wicked.
14For the Lord will not [f]cast off His people,
Nor will He forsake His inheritance.
15But judgment will return to righteousness,
And all the upright in heart will follow it.

16Who will rise up for me against the evildoers?
Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?
17Unless the Lord had been my help,
My soul would soon have settled in silence.
18If I say, ā€œMy foot slips,ā€
Your mercy, O Lord, will hold me up.
19In the multitude of my anxieties within me,
Your comforts delight my soul.

20Shall the throne of iniquity, which devises evil by law,
Have fellowship with You?
21They gather together against the life of the righteous,
And condemn innocent blood.
22But the Lord has been my defense,
And my God the rock of my refuge.
23He has brought on them their own iniquity,
And shall [g]cut them off in their own wickedness;
The Lord our God shall cut them off.

Elena Perez
January 11, 2025

This is a sign of the continuing attack on our liberties but they will not succeed. The Lord is our ultimate judge not the United State courts. This sentence means nothing. Thank the Lord for protecting President Trump and for allowing him the privilege of becoming our President again.

Jack Dominique
January 11, 2025

I pray that the purpose and plan of God will be done in His life and that God will protect Him from any further situations they try to impose on Him

January 11, 2025

Father God,
I extoll the beauty of your HOliness and thank you that by Jesus we can enter boldly into the PRESENCE behind the veil. Father, I pray that YOU will hear us and look down on this. Father GOD, I pray according to Jeremiah 23:29 ā€œIs not My word like fire [that consumes all that cannot endure the test]?ā€ says the LORD, ā€œand like a hammer that breaks the [most stubborn] rock [in pieces]? AMP FATHER I pray YOUR WORD will speak into this situation, that you will break the ungodly foundation set against Trump and the YOU who have raised him by Your Mighty Right Hand will continue to hold DJT, our leader, up. That YOU YOURSELF will contend with those who contend with him because ONLY YOU can deliver. Only YOU can save. Only YOU can restore. In JESUS mighty Name, Amen

Thuy Kropp
January 11, 2025

Father God ,
You’re the Ultimate Judge Who has the final say in everything. We will continue to pray and fast in humility for our President and his elected cabinet to be guided, protected, and filled with wisdom from above to carry out their tremendous tasks.
In Jesus’s mighty name amen.

Dixie Lee
January 11, 2025

Prayers answered for President Trump as the Lord moves on all evil and turns it for good.

Tom Cooper
January 11, 2025

This leaves Trump a convicted felon for a “Crime” he did not commit. His enemies will use it as a reason for impeachment. I would guess they already have the case worked up against him. All they need are a few from the Democratic wing of the Republican Party (Known as RINOs) to go along with them since we have such small margins in Congress. We need to pray for this for the Lord to thwart their plans.

We also need to pray for our Supreme court. Chief Justice Roberts has had a questionable voting record since early in his appointment, and Judge Barrett seems to be following the same path. I can only assume they are both compromised somehow or under threat. Whatever the reason, we essentially have a 5-4 Liberal Court currently. We need to pray God will intervene in this situation and restore justice to our Supreme Court, as well as the entire judiciary in the United States, even down to the lowest courts.

Lord I life up our incoming President to you and all of his council, advisors, and cabinet and ask you pour out your Mercy, Wisdom and Grace upon them. Convict each of them and make their Salvation sure. Fill them with your Holy Spirit and let them lead according to your will in all matters.

Please bring a Just and Honest Judiciary system to our nation from the Supreme Court to our lowest local courts and let true justice prevail in every decision. Eradicate the evil that has infiltrated our government, media, entertainment, health, educational and religious institutions and every other aspect of our society.
Bring a great revival and awakening to our nation and to the world Lord. Let all who will come to you come.
Fulfill your promises to Israel and let all Israel be saved. Let the church realize they have not replaced Israel in your eyes, heart, or promises but as Paul taught they have been grafted in to the commonwealth of Israel. Jesus (Yeshua) proclaimed He will not return until Jerusalem cries Baruch HaBa B’Shem Adonai. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Bring all Israel and the Jewish people worldwide to faith in their Messiah. Lift the veil from their eyes so that you Lord Jesus can return and proclaim your Kingdom. And may we as believers today be a great cloud of witnesses to your Glory and the Glory of the Father.

Even So, Come Lord Jesus.

    Frances Myers
    January 11, 2025


    January 11, 2025

    Perfect ONE NEW MAN in Our GLORIOUS Messiah prayer! LET this prayer ARISE, as we UNITE our hearts wherein the BLESSING is COMMANDED (Ps.133) as fragrant incense before the THRONE of Mercy, Grace, Justice and Righteousness!(Ps.89:14)

    “Give THANKS to YHWH for HE is GOOD! His MERCIES endure FOREVER!”

    HOLY! HOLY! HOLY is HE!(Psalm 99)

Sharon Sewell
January 11, 2025

Father, the fires in California, President Trumpā€™s trials and tribulations, the winds of North Carolina, the revelations across government, churches and individuals is not lost on us. We have prayed for evil to be exposed. You are answering our prayers. Now, teach us what to pray in light of these revelations and more to come.

My first thought , Lord, is Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. My next thought is the harvest is full, the laborers are few,

We can literally see the evil in specific people, decisions, and actions. We ask that the media report truth or do no reporting at all. We pray for medias salvation. Remove the veil of deception. Replace with eyes that see, understand, discern and report.

We pray for those harmed by wind, fire and rain. We pray for the destruction of devices that perpetrate such. We pray salvation for the perpetrators. Bind them.

Lord, so much is on my heart. May we pray into Your will and not our human reactions to so much evil. Thy will be done. Thy will be done. Thy will be done. Thy Kingdom come. Deliver us from evil.

In Jesusā€™ Name.

Ron & Sue
January 11, 2025

The Supreme Court made a decision to support and join in with those who will now continue to smear of President Elect Trump, and go against the Mandate and will of “We the People.” So, now with the Judgeā€™s decision it continues, with some TV commentators on the left attempting to shame him by naming him the “first convicted felon” who will take office, and thereby attempting also to shame Americans who voted for him. This unfortunate set of decisions to jump on board with those who want to undermine his Presidency, and the vision he has been given by the ALMIGHTY, has evil intents.
Many Americans believe, his vision and his charge is to fix this mess that has been created. So, I PRAY for the LORD’S help in a growing more support for President Elect Trump’s vision, and that we may come together in PRAYER asking for that growing support. Then I PRAY that the LORD shows each of us the way to peacefully help the President Elect in our own way, to make this Nation all LORD wants for it, for HIS GLORY.
I further PRAY for those on the Supreme Court and the Judge who have placed President Elect Trump in this position. I PRAY for them all, for they know not what they do, or do they understand the peaceful resolve the American people who have stood up against tyranny have, by giving this mandate. Let’s not forget, “We the People” have spoken.

January 11, 2025

“Pay me off or I will tell your wife, children and anybody else who cares that we had an affair” with steamy, often made-up details, is extortion. If paying those people off were a criminal offense, quite a few members of congress are also guilty and they use our tax dollars to do it. President Trump was a private citizen when this “offense” occurred, and it was a matter of bookkeeping. As head of a large corporation, Trump didn’t personally keep his books. They had to make up rules for the jury, who convicted on technical issues with no underlying crime. This whole trial was political, and so is this verdict. They knew they couldn’t sentence a sitting president to jail, esp, over this painfully contrived non-crime. They do,however, get to gleefully stamp Pres. Trump as a convicted felon. This is solely an effort to harm his ability to govern us, without a single thought about weakening the U.S., not just our president, on the world stage at a very dangerous time. Proverbs 24:24

Sally Stansbury
January 11, 2025

Iā€™m so discouraged by our judicial system. Too much power and too many power hungry judges.

Brian Lynch
January 11, 2025

This is the most ridiculous, and inappropriate thing that has happened in a series of nonsensical developments with regard to President Trump and his “legal” issues. Why doesn’t this obviously misguided and deceived judge do the right thing, and acquit President Trump of any and all wrongdoing? Lord Jesus, I pray that President Trump will be vindicated completely and fully of these bogus, nonsense charges that are symptomatic of how bizarre our legal system has indeed become in America. Thank you Jesus

Sharon L Buck
January 11, 2025

Heavenly Father, apart from judging the judge’s motives, I am reminded that our sins will find us out. We know, I think, that in Trumps’ past there was an encounter of some kind with the woman who extorted that money from him and started this whole process. This is a harsh sentence, a dark blot on what we hope will be a legacy for good, all told. Help President Trump to rise to the occasion and forgive this judge and all who perpetrated these charges against him. They are small men and women, caught up in the spurious power of their positions and able to make names (they thought), for themselves. Let history swallow up this judgment, and President Trump overcome the shadow it has cast. He has great things to attend to, and we pray that he will just move on and leave retribution to You, in Jesus’ just name, amen!

W Rutledge
January 11, 2025

YES Lord, we pray for all of the above, thank you for what YOU are doing across our country and the world. ” let our FAITH grow and TRUST YOU Every step of the way!

January 11, 2025

Merchan added: ā€œSir, I wish you Godspeed as you assume your second term in office.ā€

Even a corrupt judge said words of blessing over President Trump. This reminds me of the unwilling prophet, Balaam blessing Israel three times! Numbers 22-24

Thank You, Holy Father, that You alone are worthy of all honor and praise!! Thank You for sending Your angel armies to provide a mighty hedge of protection around President Trump and His selected cabinet.

Draw our returning President closer to You and Your love; give Him wisdom and humility, remembering that You are the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

We pray that Your will be done and Your kingdom come in and through each one of us, then our neighbors, cities, States (we lift up all the victims affected by the wildfires, the recent hurricanes, and all those homeless,, hungry, hurting); may Your will be done in Washington D.C. (unite the GOP in Your Spirit of unity, LORD!), our USA, Israel (a hedge of protection around them: peace!! and draw Abraham’s seed to the knowledge and revelation of Jesus, the Messiah), and, finally, may Your will be done all over this world. For You are the One we look to, hope in, trust and love with all of our hearts, souls, minds and strength! Amen.

Dr Charles Frederick Tolbert
January 11, 2025

All is in Godā€™s time be patient and continue praying thanking God for the vision He has laid upon you
In Jesus name amen


Charles Frederick Tolbert EdD PhD

Jettie Stanley
January 11, 2025

Father,we ask that those who have lied be exposed and truth come to the forefront,reveal every source of the enemy in Jesus name.
Daniel 2:22 He reveals deep and hidden things,he knows what is in the darkness,& the light dwells with Him.

Dawnena Key
January 11, 2025

I believe this is because of the divine anointing Trump has. This is an example of judge bowing down to Gods will to show a visual “washing his hands off” of the issue so the judge isn’t judged by our Highest Judge in the universe. May God continue to bless and shine His glory through this administration. We will see His hands on many things as corruption bow down to Jesus. Glory to God!

Doris Matherne
January 11, 2025

Heavenly Father, your WORD SAYS YOU HATE UNJUST SCALES, dismiss & call this sentence to our President null & void in your Powerful Name I Pray the Name above ALL-NAMES JESUS CHRIST!! AMEN & AMEN!

January 11, 2025

This was such a sham. Truly a witchhunt and part of the plan to keep Trump out of office and to MAGA. The real judgement will be before GOD almighty.

Karen Anthony
January 11, 2025

It is a travesty that brings even more distrust to our judicial system. It demonstrates the truth that the system was weaponized against a political opponent, and used for election interference. That is treason, and all parties will be judged, either by man or God, or hopefully both. May the justice of Yahweh be leveled against His adversaries.

Marta Gallegos
January 11, 2025


Thomas Johnson
January 11, 2025

This is outrageous! Trump is a convicted criminal. No one is above the law. If this was an ordinary American Citizen the sentence would be Jail Time!!!
Trump is a clear and present danger to the American People, to our Democracy and, like his friend Putin he is threatening Military action to take Greenland from Denmark and the Panama Canal as well. Trump will lead us into a World War. He must be stopped!

January 11, 2025

Thank You, Father, for Your Spirit of grace and truth being upon Donald Trump. Thank You for helping him endure injustice and humiliation at the hands of wicked men. Forgive us as a nation for turning away from You Bring us back, Father. We humble ourselves and seek Your face. You have promised to hear from Heaven and forgive our sins and heal our land. We wait in hope and we love You. Amen

Michael D. Bethel
January 11, 2025

Let all of God’s People use these things as entry to proclaiming the Gospel. That we ourselves were at one time proclaimed guilty but the punishment removed because of Christ yet unlike this decision we were also pronounced innocent because the Innocent One took our place, taking our sin upon Himself and giving His Righteousness in return.
Lord, help us to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves, to have an understanding of the days we are in so we may know what we are to do.

January 11, 2025

For Trump to even be accused was an obvious witch hunt and a waste of taxpayers money. But isnt that what liberals do bestā€¦being void of common sense and wasting Americansā€™ money!? I cant wait for a true leader that loves America to finally get back in the White House! Thank you God! Please continue to watch over President Trump! šŸ‘

Allena Jordan
January 11, 2025

Father, I pray that the entire truth of this matter would be exposed. Whatever the case, I also pray that Pres. Trump and his family would have hearts of forgiveness for any and all injustices committed against them. May you lead him and his family forth in peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Grant him a humble spirit. Cover him with Your grace and mercy. Continue to give him the vigor he needs to execute the duties of the office he will soon hold. Protect and guide him supernaturally. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Corazon Hall
January 11, 2025

We pray for honest justice Almighty God that president Trump is innocent and dishonest judges will be destroy and disbarred, in Jesus name, amen.

Michael Briney
January 11, 2025

I see this whole trial and court system as a “Kangaroo Court.” It was totally a Democratic Party effort to stop Donald Trump from becoming the next President and it didn’t work. The unconditional discharge will not work either. God is in control and the Democrats are not. Give God the glory, trust Him and see what is going to happen.

January 11, 2025

It is appalling what our Government has done to President Trump! It is one of the greatest injustices in American history.
77 million people have seen the ā€œwitch huntā€ performed on this man by reelecting him as our nationā€™s president.
Godā€™s justice will prevail!!
That is my hope, my prayer, my faith in my Jesus, who is all knowing, all seeing, and who will be the true Judge against these demonic acts, and lies on President Trump.

I will pray, as Jesus did, when being crucified, ā€œFather forgive them, they know not what they do.ā€
I will pray, and have prayed, that God would bring this judge, and those pulling the strings behind this judge, to repent of their lying schemes to destroy President Trump.
God help them if they do not repent.
Meanwhile, I continue to pray, to fast, that Jesus will use what is meant for evil, and use for good!
I pray, and fast, for President Trump, his family, the entourage that surrounds him to have Godā€™s wisdom, Godā€™s discernment, Godā€™s legion of angels, leading them in on paths of righteousness for His name sake!
In Christā€™s Holy Name I pray!!

    Nancy T.
    January 11, 2025

    Thank you, Nancy, for putting our thoughts and prayers into words. Our once great country is in shambles. Our children are being raised and taught in our schools to believe so many lies about God and our beloved America. Americans need to peservere and not give up! Greater is He that is in you than is in the world!
    The righteous, law-abiding and God-fearing population has come together and accomplished the first step: Electing President Donald Trump as our 47th President! Thank you Lord for answered prayer! Now we need to stand together as a United People to prayfully support God’s choice for our country. Let’s M.A.G.A.!

    Joanne Walker
    January 11, 2025


Jeff Johnson
January 11, 2025

This is all just theatre. We are all being played. Trust God and not man.

Arlen Williams
January 11, 2025

Holy Father in Christ, far beyond exoneration, we who listen to Your prophets expect great events thru and upheld by U.S. criminal courts and military tribunals, bringing greater justice than conventionality conceives.

Shellie Maheu
January 11, 2025

CONDEMNED! LORD GOD, you didn’t say that the weapons wouldn’t form. Your word says that they shall NOT prosper! This is what we stand on! May all wicked liars BE FOUND OUT! May the wicked that have plotted against him and his family REEP ALL THEY HAVE SEWN! In the mighty matchless name of our Lord and Risen savior, JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH OF THE HOLY BIBLE! AMEN

Shellie Maheu
January 11, 2025

CONDEMNED! LORD GOD, you didn’t say that the weapons wouldn’t form. Your word says that they shall NOT prosper! This is what we stand on! May all wicked liars BE FOUND OUT! May the wicked that have plotted against him and his family REEP ALL THEY HAVE SEWN! In the mighty matchless name of our Lord and Risen savior, JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH OF THE HOLY BIBLE! AMEN

Kathleen Hughes
January 11, 2025

The judges goal all along was to get Trump any way he could. Dragging him through their weaponized justice system brought them delight. In the end Merchan saw this as his last option of leaving a public stain on President Trumpā€¦.his personal mark of shaming him. God knows the thoughts and intents of all hearts involved, and He alone will have the final say.

Susan L. Petree
January 11, 2025

I believe entering convictions formed from LAWFARE on one’s permanent record is criminal and unjust!! I also believe Judge Merchan needs to be DISBARRED and REMOVED FROM THE BENCH. I believe Judge Merchan just walked into the trap he set for Trump!! He is currently in GOD’s Judgment Court now, and I pray for JUSTICE in all of this for President Trump, in Jesus’ Holy Name, AMEN AND AMEN!!!!!!!

S Taylor
January 11, 2025

God’s will will prevail. His anointed will not be mocked. God wins in the end. Trump has fortitude, stamina, fearlessness, and a vision of greatness to be restored to America. More importantly, he is God’s chosen leader for this time in history.
I continue to pray for safety for all those associated with his new administration, his family, employees etc
God’s will for America is about to be implemented.

January 11, 2025

No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue [that] shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This [is] the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness [is] of me, saith the LORD. Is: 54:17

January 11, 2025

We pray for all USA govt especially our beloved leader. He has been thru so much and not deserved at all. God Bless Mr. Trump

David John Beld
January 11, 2025

Dear heavenly father.i pray in the name of Your Only begotten Son, JESUS Christ that you will show your favorto Our Great President Donald J Trump’

Esther L.
January 11, 2025

Now that an appeal can be filed, may God fully vindicate President Trump in that process according to Jeremiah 20:11 But the LORD is with me as a dread warrior; therefore my persecutors will stumble; they will not overcome me. They will be greatly shamed, for they will not succeed. Their eternal dishonor will never be forgotten.

    January 11, 2025

    Absolutely a resounding AMEN!

      Mary Lou
      January 11, 2025

      In the Name of Jesus no weapon formed against our GOD chosen president will prosper. Cover him, his family, his workers, and his friends with supernatural strength and fortitude as your chosen leader of this great United States of America.
      We give you all Praise and Glory in Jesus name, the Name above every Name in this world and the world to come. AMEN


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