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Father, we pray for true biblical unity in America. Let every citizen be unified behind their new president!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

During Tuesday’s National Prayer Service, a bishop criticized President Trump, calling him to show “mercy” to LGBT children and illegal immigrants. The President responded the following day, calling for a public apology.

From The Hill. President Trump early Wednesday morning slammed the reverend at a National Cathedral prayer service for the inauguration who called on him to have mercy on transgender children and immigrant families.

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Trump, in a lengthy post on Truth Social, called Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde’s remarks “nasty” and not smart.

“The so-called Bishop who spoke at the National Prayer Service on Tuesday morning was a Radical Left hard line Trump hater. She brought her church into the World of politics in a very ungracious way. She was nasty in tone, and not compelling or smart,” he said.

“She failed to mention the large number of illegal migrants that came into our Country and killed people. Many were deposited from jails and mental institutions,” the president added. …

“She is not very good at her job! She and her church owe the public an apology!”

Hours earlier, Budde made a plea to Trump during her sermon as he was sitting in the first pew at the service.

“I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared. There are gay, lesbian, transgender children, Democratic, Republican, independent families — some who fear for their lives,” she said.

“The people who pick our crops and clean our office buildings, who labor in poultry farms and meatpacking plants, who wash the dishes after we eat in restaurants and work the night shifts in hospitals — they may not be citizens or have the proper documentation, but the vast majority of immigrants are not criminals,” she added. …

What do you think of this bishop’s remarks? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Hill. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America – Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=66881537)

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January 31, 2025

The bishop urges the world to show compassion towards marginalized people, reflecting the Church’s values of love, justice, and mercy based on biblical principles. A call to everyone not just the president.

Kathy Smith
January 27, 2025

As a Pastor I am so disappointed that she decided to take aim against the Americans choice for president and his platform when instead she could have shared the love and hope of Jesus with millions of people. It wasn’t God’s heart but instead her agenda💧

    John Soccre
    January 27, 2025

    I am so disappointed that a pastor, instead of sharing the love and hope of Jesus with people on this web site, decides instead to criticize another Christian leader. The bishop encouraged us to see that we are all made in the image of God, encouraged truthfulness, humility, and encouraged showing mercy to others. All you did is criticize another Christian leader. Jesus said to remove the log from your own eye before trying to remove the speck in others. Certainly as a pastor you know the exact context of what Jesus is saying in that passage. It is about criticizing others.

Ann NMN Shaw
January 25, 2025

Almighty Father and Creator,
We seek to honor you. Past president, Biden bever requested our approval to open our Borders and they came in thousands daily which cost millions of dollars daily. President Trump is trying to right the boat. I am encouraged by his stand. Help us Father God to honor you in all that is done.
In Jesus’s name Amen

January 25, 2025

She was completely inappropriate. Her political views can be expressed elsewhere. The church’s pulpit is not the place. She obviously is not smart enough or disciplined enough to know this and respect her position.
She looked foolish and denigrated her position. The respectability of the church suffered because of her.

    John Soccre
    January 27, 2025

    The respectability of the church is damaged by the cult-like allegiance to the president, not by her comments. She didn’t criticize, she simply asked for mercy for 2 groups of people, that’s it. And, look at all the comments on this article saying that she was awful, she said nothing Biblical. At the end, she asked for mercy; Jesus said, blessed are the merciful. The entire beginning are these points; we are made in the image of God, we should be truthful, we should be humble. So people on this site believe it is not Biblical to say that we are made in the image of God, it is not Biblical to be truthful, it is not Biblical to be humble??? People are willing to deny the Bible to defend Trump? And that does not damage the respectability of the church???

January 24, 2025

President Trump I’m sure knows many are fearful. Nations have been same with woke society for 5 yrs now. She took advantage to push her propaganda and have televised so president looks ugly and mean. Still more of finger pointing and deception . President has more sense than they and with Gods conviction in heart will do the best for his nation. Bringing healing to the children they have tried to destroy with brain washing tactics and mutilating their bodies. President Trump not the ogre here. He has quite the mess they have made to clean up.

January 24, 2025

The Bishop needs prayer. She is blinded by the demon of the Woke left. We are to pray for the lost. People are saying we should be merciful and continue to allow illegals into this country. No one talks about the impact on our economy those millions of illegals have caused. All the money to support them while the American people suffer. Yes, pray for them….but remember, our own people are stuffing too because of the overload.

    January 25, 2025

    Who will pick your food if you send all of the immigrants away?

      January 25, 2025

      Maybe you could go pick our food. Don’t be so ridiculous this whole issue isn’t about who’s going to pick our crops. Get the scales off your eyes and the oatmeal out of your thinking.

      January 25, 2025

      Immigrants and illegal aliens are not the same. It’s against the law to hire illegal aliens. Because of the risk of fines and prison, unethical employers pay illegals poor cash wages off the books with no benefits or safe guards. Even legal immigrants are often treated poorly. God commands us to even treat slaves fairly and kindly. Anyone who supports illegal aliens and legal immigrants picking food, cleaning and doing jobs most people don’t want, so they have cheaper food, hotels and goods are selfish, racist, sinful people.

Barbara Pleva
January 24, 2025

I think the Bishop was wrong, but her remakes may have comforted some who have been feed lies by the press and far left activists and a portion of our society and any peaceful illegal aliens that are caught in the middle of bad government and good government. Donald Trump is a part of good government. God save the USA!

January 24, 2025

I agree that the vast majority of immigrants are not criminals.

    January 25, 2025

    Legal immigrants are not. Illegal aliens are criminals simply by being in the U.S. illegally.

January 24, 2025

Why was he sitting in Her service to begin with?

January 24, 2025

What a disgusting series of comments from this bishop who is first and foremost supposed to represent the LOVE of Christ during this ceremony that was supposed to celebrate President Trump. If I was not saved and heard her comments, I would never want to have anything to do with Christianity. She should be removed from her position for showing such contempt and disrespect.

    January 25, 2025

    Oh my gosh! Her message was ‘be merciful’ where on earth did she learn that? !! And of course the mass was to celebrate and worship the leader Danold Trump not to honor God.,

      January 25, 2025

      It’s unbiblical for a woman to preach to men. 1 Timothy 2:8-15 imposes two restrictions on the ministry of women: they are not to teach Christian doctrine to men and they are not to exercise authority directly over men in the church.

      Homosexuality and transgender are abominations to God. There are no gay, lesbian or transgender children, only delusional parents and deranged greedy doctors. She is encouraging a sinful lifestyle and harm to children. God says it’s better to tie a millstone around your neck and be thrown in the sea than to harm a child and cause them to sin.

      Illegal aliens are criminals just by being in the country illegally. They are NOT immigrants who were vetted and came here legally. It’s against federal law to hire undocumented workers, which is what illegal aliens are. If employers do hire undocumented workers, they are subject to fines and prison. Because of the risk, unethical employers hire illegal aliens for below minimum wage, pay them cash off the books, and treat them badly. God commands us to follow the law of the land unless it goes against God’s word. Securing your boarders and keeping out foreigners who worship other gods is God’s word. The bishop is encouraging people to break the law and sin.

      Nothing this woman said was biblical. A pastor’s responsibility is to preach God’s word. Their personal opinion is irrelevant and does not belong at the pulpit.

      This woman made it abundantly clear to those with eyes to see and ears to hear that her god is Satan.

January 24, 2025

I feel this was not the place for her to express her personal opinion. This was totally inappropriate. What about those who fear for their lives who have been persecuted for showing and speaking the true love of Jesus to others.
I pray this Bishop will read her bible and see’s the WORD of GOD, may his words open up her eyes to the truth.

Ralph Fiorelli
January 24, 2025

These sort of shepherds are ‘blind guides’. The gospel of Jesus Christ is full of grace and mercy and filled with commandments to obey. The scripture is replete with the call to be compassionate and minister to the needs of the disenfranchised. But when it comes to those that are breaking the law and those that are promoting an unnatural immoral agenda the scripture speaks clearly . In every case liberal and holy are oxymoronic. It is either one or the other otherwise it is deception.
All to say God’s shepherds are called to be (holy) separated from the trends of society and are called to advance the Kingdom (sovereign rule) of God Heaven not a societal agenda. Gotta keep the main thing the main thing!

January 24, 2025

The breakfast was not the place for her to air her issues with what our President is doing to protect our sovereignty as a nation and our people. Better to discuss these issues in private. She should apologize at least to him.

January 24, 2025

I believe in male and female. I feel bad for the children or adults that are transgender but God the Father has declared this is a sin. I believe the transgender people have been deceived and have bad DNA for changing sexuality. It’s very wrong in my eyes. I don’t hate them at all but it’s their own choice to be transgender. It’s sadly very wrong.

Patti Hardy
January 24, 2025

I agree with President Trump! I am a born again Christian and can see clearly that the woman who calls herself a Bishop is really an apostate if she ever really was a Christian. She used the pulpit in an ungodly way to vent her resentment and really be the one causing fear. She gave the testimony of Jesus in the National church a warped view. The Episcopal Church has lost their way and are not following the Word of God and glorifying the Lord.

January 24, 2025

Unity is not a goal; it is a byproduct of a group of people seeking the Lord God and walking in His ways (Matthew 6:33). Otherwise, we get strong-armed measures to achieve “unity” by people in positions to force others to conform to their beliefs. Such was the outcome of the Democrats’ 2020 campaign promise of “Unity” and it is the Archbishop’s shaming tactics on Americans committed to God’s ways.

It is worth reading RETURN TO UNITY by Derek Prince to learn the Biblical basis for unity. The book can be ordered from Derek Prince Ministries.

    January 24, 2025

    Thank you Roy for sharing the unity book title by Derek Prince. God bless you.

    sis Rose from Michigan

Rachel Walters
January 24, 2025

Unfortunately, the Lord disagrees with you since it’s stated several times that the ‘government shall rest on his shoulders’ and that, because of His authority obtained by His death on the cross and His resurrection to life, we have been made kings and priests. The ‘ekklisia’, the ‘church’ he speaks of building upon Peter’s revelation that He is the Savior of man is a governmental term. The church DOES belong in politics. What does NOT belong is lies and unbiblical political agendas. Know the Word and the difference. The church ‘not being involved’ in the politics of this country for almost the last century is precisely why we are in the predicament we are today….

Bonnie Payne
January 24, 2025

She does not have truth in her. She is run by the enemy. Lord,open her eyes so that she my see the truth that is in your word of God. Help us all to stay steadfast in your Word . Your word is truth.

Rachel Walters
January 24, 2025

I think this bishop needs to watch or read a little Bonhoeffer so that she knows what a pulpit is for and understands the responsibility that rests upon her shoulders if she is going to claim that she speaks in the Name of the King. Their is a weight to what she says and a harsh judgement for her if she is going to be in a place of power in the church and continue to lead her flock astray. There is nothing biblical in her rebuke. No quotes of scripture, no mention of God or Jesus….so we know exactly what to do with obviously political statements like these. If you accuse and criticize under your own agenda, then you stand with the Accuser, end of story…. And no mention of how these ‘children that fear for their lives’ and do very hard labor for us are abused, neglected and taken advantage of with no protection under the law because they have no identity as citizens??? If the immigrants and the LGBT children are afraid, TRUMP is not to blame for that, THEY are….them and their disgusting, untruthful smear tactics and lies. We need to pray daily that the truth of GOD will be spoken from every pulpit in America once again. The only mercy I am asking for is on the church so that when the great shaking happens, the people that have been led astray by leaders like her will not come to utter ruin.

Craig Reynolds
January 24, 2025

Not much mention of God in her political attack (oh i mean prayer). Disgusting.

Wendy Gilley
January 24, 2025

The Bishop used the pulpit as a political soap box for her woke agenda. We have had
4 years of Woke, LBGTQ, Trans, DEI, protestors, pro choice, men in women’s sports
and all the swamp rats controlling the Presidency. We are done with it and now we
have a Godly man in the white house who is anointed by God and believes in
America and putting America First and fixing all the problems (open borders, inflation,
wars, crime etc.) that the last administration did to almost destroy America. I have total
faith that President Trump will truly MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

God Bless America……

January 24, 2025

If you break the law it’s a crime…it’s not hard to figure out! Pretty plain and simple if you ask me! So every illegal has broken federal law…I think that makes them a criminal…maybe not a hardened criminal in most cases …but a criminal none the less. They should Do things legally and they won’t be criminals but citizens. They know they have broken the law why most are going back to Mexico and other countries on their own! Lord God, give all Americans common sense in Jesus’ Name and to pray for and support our President You’ve given us at our choosing despite everything that tried to come against him and us! Great is Your Faithfulness! In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.

Mary Jane
January 23, 2025

The bishop was out of line completely to use the one sermon moment that she had to get political. She would have had a far greater influence had she preached the Gospel instead and told of God’s unconditional love and mercy upon mankind through our savior and Lord Jesus. Trump, his family and the rest of the congregation deserved to be fed the spiritual food they came seeking. It’s a shame she missed this opportunity to glorify God and plant seeds of truth and salvation in those hearts listening.
She obviously had her own personal agenda for the sermon instead of a holy spirit inspired message. Well she showed her true colors. Lord, I pray mercy for her instead. I pray you show her your will for her llife and the role she has and lead her into your truth.

Patti Dugosh
January 23, 2025

the bishop obviously doesn’t live in the real world. it is good that she is compassionate but too many of these immigrants are not nice people and are hurting our citizens and the other immigrants as well. I live near the southern boarder in Texas and it is not safe here like it was when I was a child; which is sad, even in small country towns we have to be on our guard. There is a proper way to come into the US and it should be done that way, period. Also I commend President Trump for not getting up and walking out. I think I would have because that was not the time or place for her to voice her opinions, as wrong as they are.

January 23, 2025

the bishop doesn’t live in the real world, obviously. it is good that she is very compassionate but too many of these immigrants are not nice people and are hurting our citizens and the other immigrants as well. I live near the southern boarder in Texas and it is not safe here like it was when I was a child; which is sad, even in small country towns we have to be on our guard. There is a proper way to come into the US and it should be done that way, period.

Deb Cuddhy
January 23, 2025

What did God’s word mean by “doing justice” in Micah? Justice is not invading borders illegally. It is not hurting/killing innocent citizens, taking over apartment buildings by force, selling illegal drugs, sex trafficking children and women! The “bishop” is not well-read in Scripture but emotions. And p.s. the apostle Paul gave an historical reason, not a cultural one, concerning women’s leadership in the church body.

January 23, 2025

She has overstepped her role. Woman are not called to be preachers. God condemns homosexuality. Period. She is dead wrong.

Eloise Triplett
January 23, 2025

this bishop was not a true Christion. Apparently she believes the lies of the devil. A member of the “great falling away”. she should be dismissed from her position and that church needs to look at what they believe and are nurturing. The Old and New testament haven’t been changed by God concerning His word for male and female . If it is God’s will there will be a great shaking in that church.

    Rev. Godfrey Byamukama
    January 23, 2025

    The current Church needs Godly attitude people/ Followers who do not accept evil thoughts and actions of Satan to enter into the courts of God.
    Please add your voice to against evil practices

Charles Harper
January 23, 2025

First of all if you actually study the Bible does it authorize a woman to be a Bishop, Preacher or anything else in that regard. They were given and were very instrumental in spreading Gods word. That woman had no business saying what she did, period. Trump has a plan and it will be a legal one.

    Rachel Walters
    January 24, 2025

    Other than the churches that were actively being led by women that Paul frequently wrote to, you mean…..and let’s completely discount the book of Judges where God used Deborah to lead the nation of Israel for a time…..and the book of Ester where a woman was elevated to the position of queen of a foreign nation to save her people from the schemings of a MAN…..That’s not the ‘first of all’ in this situation. The ‘first of all’ is the lies and mistruths coming from the mouth of someone who claims to follow God. Period. This is not a ‘female’ issue. This is a truth issue, and plenty of men in the church are saying the same thing she is. An overwhelming amount, to be frank. This has zero to do with her being a woman and everything to do with not knowing the Word of God and not being able to tell the truth from a lie. If God can choose to speak to his prophet through a DONKEY, then you’d best believe that he can and does use women in positions of leadership under His authority. Don’t miss the Lord just because of the shape of someone’s underwear.

    Gal 3:28. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus”.

Toni Kushner
January 23, 2025

It is sad to see a Prayer meeting turn into a time for lecture and a voicing of opinion. It was obvious she had an agenda and took this opportunity to voice it. We need to do as scripture says, PRAY FOR OUR LEADERS, that they may lead with love, mercy and compassion toward all, but sometimes strict guidelines must be set up for the good of all. I pray God will help our President make these hard decisions for the safety and protection of all with a wise heart. God be with our President and Vice President as they serve the country and Our God.

January 23, 2025

I fear for these self proclaimed bishops of the Word. Shepherds giving counsel from a lying spirit. Leading many astray. They must answer to a Holy God who they say they serve. Absalom got counsel from his half brother to sleep with David’s concubines and to let him chase their father, King David and kill him and return the people to Absalom like a bride to her husband. Twice the WORD says Absalom thought that counsel sounded like wise words.

Deborah S Schrauger
January 23, 2025

She was disgusting.

Margaret Nezhadpour
January 23, 2025

Well, first, this was to be a prayer service, not a political platform. Second, while I fully sympathize with those who illegally came into the U.S., entering illegally is a crime and that does render the person a criminal. My heart breaks that many who claim to be followers of Christ have been hijacked, as this woman has, and I am praying for all who have taken their eyes off of Christ, the Living Word, and off of God’s written word to follow a counterfeit.

    Rev. Godfrey Byamukama
    January 23, 2025

    Christian Love and greetings from my family and friends in the Diocese of Kinkiizi Anglican Church of Uganda.
    Thank you for standing for your country and your children.
    We are praying for you here in Uganda.

    Kindly connect with me here in Uganda on my email [email protected],
    & +256781642243 WhatsApp
    I request for your friendship and connection
    Blessings to you and your.
    Your’s faithfully,
    Rev. Godfrey Byamukama
    Missions Outreach and Evangelism Department Coordinator Diocese of Kinkiizi Church of Uganda

January 23, 2025

She reflects the voice of the sickness and choice that is transgenderism
I’m sorry Pres Trump did not vet her before she spoke or better yet… stop her in her tracks!!!

January 23, 2025

She should turn in her title go someplace quiet and prostrate before God asking for forgiveness. Children do not choose to trans but are brainwashed by those who work for satan. Anybody who enters the USA illegally has broken the law and have jumped ahead of all who stand in line and enter legally. Why should they get preferential treatment? Now American citizens have been living in fear during biden term and during obama terms not only from illegals but from the government controlled by those 2 administrations. I have children grandchildren and great grandchildren. I pray extra for God to watch over them because the biden admin protect the criminal illegals. Just look at who biden pardoned it is a list that satan is proud of. This bishop is just another example of the battle ahead of us so invite more prayer warriors to the wall and God will fight for us. When God is with us none can stand against. 🙏😇🙏

Peg B
January 23, 2025

Heavenly Father, I lift up Mariann Edgar Budde to You. Her title does not align with Your word, her actions are not consistent with how You teach to speak to another with whom You disagree. She has not referred to Your children as You made and refer to them. She stood in a place that was built to worship You alone and chose to worship her own ideologies. She did not quote any scripture biblically nor bring Your knowledge through it. She did not refer to Jesus as her Lord and Savior. Based on these things, I ask You to move on her heart for salvation. She shows deceptive ways in appearing to be Your representative, please see that others are not misled by this false doctrine. Where was her compassion for the thousands of missing migrant children and lack of appropriate vetting even after these things were brought forward in truth? Holy Spirit meet with her, she is in need of the truth, repentance and salvation. Protect President Trump’s heart for You. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

    January 23, 2025

    Peg B, your response is what needs to be shared with so many more people!!
    Thank you for your post!

Karen Tyree
January 23, 2025

She is not a born again Christian in a relationship with Jesus Christ, or she would not have said the things she said. I ask the Lord to allow scales to fall from her eyes and that she will surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ!

Thomasene Campbell
January 23, 2025

They were out of line in the pulpit. Why was she there?

January 23, 2025

Thank God for what President Trump is doing. The Bishop Mariann has gone woke. Pray she seeks God’s word and stops pushing the enemy’s agenda. We don’t feel sorry for the enemy that is bent on destroying people. We don’t live by our feeling we live by God’s truth. WE don;t walk in the fear of man but in the fear of God. We need to speak the truth in love to help those who have been deceived, Lots of prayer is needed because the devil has a lot of people agreeing with him. Father you have the final word that stands forever.

R Lawler
January 23, 2025

If anyone has come into America legally they have nothing to fear.
Anyone who has come illegally disrespects all those before them who have come into America legally. No other country in the World will allow anyone to walk across their borders without following due process.
America welcomes those who want to become citizens, love America, and are willing to follow the rule of law.
President Trump respectfully sat through the service. Those of us watching were equally dismayed by the unmerited reprimand.
The bishop is not well educated in the complexity of the situation or all of the acts of terrorism that the illegal aliens have committed and how they are devastating communities, towns, cities, and the environment. Even more devastating is the human trafficking they engage in and the drugs they are flooding America with.
“We the People” have had enough and spoken with our vote for President Trump.

David Gregory
January 23, 2025

My thought is the bishop has proven by her past fruits that she is not a follower of Christ at all, but a follower of an ideology that contradicts Christ in many ways. That service was not an appropriate place to express that ideology.

My prayer is that God’s people have a true relationship with Christ, know God’s word well enough to spot rhetoric being just that and that more people in this country (including this bishop and others like her) are humbled to repentance and true faith in Christ. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Margaret w. Denton
January 23, 2025

Dear Lord I pray the fear of GOD falls on her and that she will believe the Word of God is truly inspired by God . That she will be saved and filled with the Holy Spirit so she can know the Truth. In Jesus Name Amen

Susan DiGiacomo
January 23, 2025

I disagree with those who state pastors or religious figures should not speak out on political issues. Having said that, what Budde did was not even close to a sermon. It was schooling the president in her political agenda. This ideology has permeated our society and our culture for decades and it demands a biblical response. Precious few godly leaders have risen to the task and very few in this day, except for Pastor Jack Hibbs, and a few others. Titus 1:9 states, “He (overseer/pastor) must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.”
We are blessed that our form of government was greatly influenced by pastors and those who left godly legacies, such as John Locke. Our Constitutional Republic mandates that “we the people” govern. WE vote in representatives/senators who are supposed to represent us / our will. Thus, we, and certainly our pastors, have a duty to understand the issues of the day through the lens of God’s word. Young Christians (in either age, or new to the Word) especially need this focus from their pastor to rightly understand how biblical principles relate to important issues, such as abortion. Pastors play a significant role in helping to reinforce biblical truths, and they ought to be the most informed and most discerning. They must speak out with biblical truth when lies and propaganda influence the church and our culture, degrade our God-endowed constitutional rights, and promote evil through legislation.

Karen Howe
January 23, 2025

I think at this point only criminal illegals have to fear deportation. I think illegals with jobs are unlikely to be deported. There is a cost to breaking the law, and while we may be sympathetic in some cases, law-breaking should have consequences.

January 23, 2025

My question is, how does she know that the “vast” majority of illegal immigrants are not criminals? This administration does absolutely nothing to vet the people coming into this country. She is also attempting to play on the emotions of people to further “her” agenda, not the Lord’s. She owes the Lord the apology.

Tom M
January 23, 2025

Her calling out President Trump during the prayer service was totally inappropriate. She should be calling her church to pray for the President.

January 23, 2025

She has the right to believe what she wants, but the time/place was completely inappropriate! If a pastor/priest would have made derogatory comments towards a democrat for supporting things that are viewed as sin, Biblically, by Christians, the media would have been all over them.

    Rachel Walters
    January 24, 2025

    Not if she’s a Bishop, she doesn’t!!! If you hold authority in the church, you no longer hold the right to ‘believe whatever you want’! Your life and beliefs SHOULD belong to Jesus, and the words out of your mouth and the actions that you take while invited onto the World Stage should reflect that!

    John Soccre
    January 26, 2025

    Except she said nothing derogatory about Trump at all, nothing. She asked him to show mercy to 2 groups of people, that’s it. The fact that people are so up in arms about a bishop asking the President to show a degree of mercy to people says something about the cult like devotion to the president by evangelicals. If a religious leader had asked Biden to show mercy to a group of people, he would likely not have responded with silly insults. And it would have been reported. And people saying it is not Biblical. My Lord, yes, like Jesus never said Blessed are the merciful. You may disagree with the application but don’t act like Jesus wasn’t for mercy or the poor.

Loisel Barrios
January 23, 2025

First of all…this so called Bishop used a pulpit to deliver a political agenda instead of the Word of God then she preached to a captive so to speak group of people especially the President which was completely disrespectful and to make matters worse she was promoting an agenda which is totally against what God created as male and female…I also believe that she should not be in a ministerial position…she needs much prayer and deliverance

Dan Star
January 23, 2025

Why was the following removed? Can’t stand a rational, Christian response? President Trump,
1. Much like those who do not want you to be president, you do not get to decide whether a bishop’s office is legitimate. She was chosen by the people of her diocese to be their bishop. Then, she was granted consent to be a bishop by other bishops and standing committees of our church’s dioceses. Beginning by calling her a “so-called” bishop is an obvious low blow to discredit her as a person, rather than what she actually said that you disagree with. The Episcopal Church was legitimate enough to hold your third wedding, the funeral of Melania’s mother, and the baptism of your son, Barron. Barron also attended an Episcopal day school. Now you have an issue with how we do things when it doesn’t go your way?
2. You didn’t have an issue with politics being brought into the church by the ministers who spoke at your inauguration, or by yourself for that matter. They were blatantly partisan, crediting God for your political success: “Mr. President, the last four years there were times I’m sure you thought it was pretty dark, but look what God has done,” Graham said.
3. She wasn’t nasty in tone, plain and simple. I can’t remember ever hearing a homily given in such a gracious manner and calm tone. If you disagree, listen to her speak. You may disagree with what she said, but her tone was in no way “nasty.” Additionally, insulting her intelligence, rather than quoting what you disagreed with, is a very typical play coming from a narcissist.
4. The vast majority of people who have committed crimes in the U.S. are U.S. citizens. Defending yourself about being asked to have mercy on immigrants by saying a “large number of illegal migrants came into our country and killed people” is a gross misrepresentation and does not make sense. By that logic, we should be locking up or deporting all Americans because the majority of crimes were committed by citizens. We do need to improve our immigration system, but scripture commands us as Christians to have mercy. Mercy is a central tenet of our faith. Matthew 5:7 says “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Leviticus 19: 33-34 says, “When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.” If you have a take issue with this, take it up with God.
5. Saying the service was boring and uninspiring is a move to discredit the event, rather than what specifically was said. However, it’s worth mentioning that the purpose of a service is not to be “exciting”. There are several purposes for our services, such as honoring God, bringing us closer to God, and being in community with one another. Being “exciting” is not one of them. As far as inspiration goes, that is in the eye of the beholder. You get as much out of it as you put into it.
6. The bishop does not owe you an apology. Our church does not owe you an apology. All you were asked to do is what scripture directly asks us to do. If you could quote one thing she asked of you that isn’t asked of us in scripture, we would apologize. Someone recently reminded me of something I often heard growing up in church. If you are offended by a minister’s sermon or feel that it was a personal attack, look to see if you can find anything they said that was out of line with scripture and the teachings of Jesus. If you can’t, that feeling is what we call, “being convicted of your sin”. The fact you are so offended by what was said shows you know there is truth in it. To your supporters who also feel offended by it, the same goes.

    January 23, 2025

    I recommend you bring your opinion to God in prayer. It’s unbiblical for a woman to preach to men. 1 Timothy 2:8-15 imposes two restrictions on the ministry of women: they are not to teach Christian doctrine to men and they are not to exercise authority directly over men in the church.

    Homosexuality and transgender are abominations to God. There are no gay, lesbian or transgender children, only delusional parents and deranged greedy doctors. She is encouraging a sinful lifestyle and harm to children. God says it’s better to tie a millstone around your neck and be thrown in the sea than to harm a child and cause them to sin.

    Illegal aliens are criminals just by being in the country illegally. They are NOT immigrants who were vetted and came here legally. It’s against federal law to hire undocumented workers, which is what illegal aliens are. If employers do hire undocumented workers, they are subject to fines and prison. Because of the risk, unethical employers hire illegal aliens for below minimum wage, pay them cash off the books, and treat them badly. God commands us to follow the law of the land unless it goes against God’s word. Securing your boarders and keeping out foreigners who worship other gods is God’s word. The bishop is encouraging people to break the law and sin.

    Nothing this woman said was biblical. A pastor’s responsibility is to preach God’s word. Their personal opinion is irrelevant and does not belong at the pulpit.

    This woman made it abundantly clear to those with eyes to see and ears to hear that her god is Satan.

    I believe God used this to expose her and the Episcopalian Church for the false prophets and frauds they are.

      Dan Star
      January 23, 2025

      So, if you were serious about these issues and your first allegiance in life was to Jesus and not to Donald Trump, so you wanted to do a Bible Study on these issues to see what God said, you would find that studying verses about women in ministry were few and not entirely consistent. Verses about homosexuality and trangenderism would be few. But verses on money and wealth would be numerous. You’d have really few verses on the sexual issues to study but verses on money, you’d have to be selective because you couldn’t examine them all at length. But ok, so when in Trump’s first presidency, a female prosperity gospel preacher prays over him and talks about how he is anointed by God, you will find not a peep on IFA itself or in the comments about a female preacher praying over him, no issues of concern here. You will find not a peep about concerns that the gospel is being distorted in how money is discussed by those preachers aligning themselves with Trump. Hmmm, where is our foremost allegiance???

        January 24, 2025

        In addition to all the scripture that has already been shared illuminating the truth of God’s word on the subjects of gender & homosexuality, there are many scriptures that make it clear that God established not only laws, but borders for the nation of Israel. His people and the lands He gave them had laws, which they were commanded to follow. Like the Israelites, our country has borders & laws that we are expected to follow, AND which those of other countries who come here are required to follow. Anyone who crosses our borders or comes into our country without LEGAL documentation in the form of a passport or visa is breaking our laws. They are here ILLEGALLY. PERIOD. As you read the Old Testament and take into account the full counsel of God’s Word, you see that God is a God of laws & order as much as He is a God of mercy & compassion.
        Within that context you might want to dig deeper into the original text of the scripture that instructs God’s people to show hospitality to the aliens & sojourners among them. Yes, God reminded His people that they were at one time foreigners in another land, and He was instructing them to treat the foreigners among them with compassion. The descendants of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob were made slaves in Egypt after Joseph and his Pharoah died. In Daniel’s day, Jews were taken into captivity in Babylon. When God’s people entered the land of Canaan, they did so in obedience to Him. God’s people weren’t entering other countries or taking other lands except in obedience to God’s command. The scripture you reference is simply a reminder to His people that they knew what it felt like to be in a land (like Egypt) that was not their own. The people looked different, had different customs, and did not worship their God. Like the slaves brought from Africa to America, they were in a foreign country. God was reminding His people what it felt like to be in a country not your own. Unlike the Jews of the OT or the slaves brought to America, the undocumented people coming into our country are here ILLEGALLY. The US extends hospitality and the privilege of citizenship to non-citizens through the LEGAL process of naturalization. Does God instruct or command us to welcome those who enter our country ILLEGALLY and to treat them as fellow citizens when they have not followed our laws in coming here? I don’t believe so. I think to believe otherwise would involve a misunderstanding and misapplication of God’s word.

        In any Bible teaching church service, the most significant and important role of the pastor, minister or priest is to be a minister of THE gospel. Alternatively, your bishop did not preach the Word of God, but rather made her own opinion/political position the subject of her sermon. AND she did so knowing she was being contentious and confrontational. The topic and timing were inappropriate and she was disrespectful of not only the President, the Vice-President & their families, but of the American people whose overwhelming support of the President has given him a mandate to carry out the very policies your bishop spoke against. Rather than seizing the opportunity and counting it a privilege to share the good news of salvation with the leader of the free world and all those who were watching, she did what Jesus’ disciples had been hoping He would do. She got political. But that was never His mission. If your bishop is serious about ministering the Word of God, she might want to contemplate and reconsider her mission.

    Mo King
    January 23, 2025

    Nice try, Dan. There’s so much to say, to counter your comment. True love, respect for person and respect for our leaders, and of course the bishop’s ignorance of God’s teaching about gender and homosexuality.
    I won’t waste time here- she was so way off base and condescending, and you don’t think so.
    See Tony’s comment below for some of the things wrong with bishop’s diatribe.
    We should pray for God’s Spirit and wisdom to cover her heart and mind.

    Rachel Walters
    January 24, 2025

    1. Show me the Christian in her ‘Christian response’….it isn’t ‘The People’ that give authority to anyone when it comes to the church. That right belongs to God and He can AND does use human beings to knock people off of their pedestals when they have taken authority that does not belong to them.
    2. Truth is not the only reason to be offended by someone’s speech, and by the logic that you’ve provided here, the only reason YOU are offended by what the president has said is because he speaks the truth as well.
    3. Buddy, you need to spend some time on your knees, because the only thing I read in your…..very verbose response is that you have loyalty to your church and not the Lord. You do not know His voice. You do not know how He speaks….and that is an incredibly dangerous line to tread. Much like the bishop, the only thing you have stated here is a false, unbiblical and worldly opinion, offended over a push back on authority that does NOT belong to you. You need to not only step back and pray, but get a new and desperate hunger for the Word, because if you agree with the bishop, the voices that you hear when you pray are the voices of false doctrine…..no matter how prettily you think you can write and reason.

      Dan Star
      January 24, 2025

      These responses are just absolutely silly. A bishop recognized by her church in a sermon asks the president to re-consider his positions and to be kind and people are up in arms over asking for kindness. The president responds with utter nonsense attacking her rather than giving a reasoned response to what she said and people defend him. A person who stands against civility and kindness and supports attacking others groundlessly is must closer to being a sociopath than a Christian.

January 23, 2025

It was not the time or place for the religious leader to make her views public. Whoever invited her to speak needs to realize the comments worked against their goal, unless they hoped for disunity. The majority voted for & believes differently then her. An apology is appropriate.

January 23, 2025

Her comments were disrespectful toward President Trump. Religious leaders should think about their speech before opening their mouths to speak. They need to consider what the scriptures say.

Anne Folco
January 23, 2025

You could tell the minutes she opened her mouth she looked like she couldn’t wait to spew her venom on President Trump and Vice President Vance. Maybe she never heard of the Laken Riley Act that passed probably while she was promoting her own agenda.
She own the President and his family an apology. I don’t think anyone will be stepping into that church anytime soon..Shame on her. She is NOT a godly woman, she just thinks she is.

Linda Bailey
January 23, 2025

I feel she had no respect for the president. She needs to apologize to him and United States. She was not speaking from the voice of Jesus.
She Is an embarrassment to the church.
She has no place at the pulpit, to teach about the Lord of Jesus.

January 23, 2025

What part of illegal, that people don’t understand. God has a law that is supposed to be mirrored here in the earth.
Isaiah 5:20 in the Bible says, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.
The Law of Moses destroy sin
Law of Christ is for all of us to live like Him
Law of Moses is to kill sin.
Paul said he did not know what sin was until the law. The law made Paul aware of his adversity and enmity he had with the God he served. This bishop disrespected not only a man named Donald Trump but the Highest Seat in the Land that he holds, which shows she had no regard for scripture at all when it clearly states The Bible instructs us to obey those in authority. This includes government leaders, employers, and spiritual leaders. Romans 13:1-2 states that all authority is established by God, and we should obey those in authority over us.
We are not supposed to add to or take away from God’s word for our own personal gain and that what this bishop did by committing a mental assassins to commit psychological arson in the minds of people for her agenda not God’s agenda. This is why we must have a sound mind and continue to be critical thinkers.

I have watched many religious leaders follow and applauded this Bishop for what she did against President Trump like she was the Moses for 2025 and then tell people to pray against the President which is just evil..
Father we pray against all the nay sayers, word curses against the President and His family and my the Blood of Jesus cover them as well as all of us in Jesus Name

    January 23, 2025

    Well said. She did not speak one biblical word. Her god is obviously Satan.

January 23, 2025

Let’s start with the fact that the church this female bishop is in is a false church because they choose to ignore 1 Timothy 2:11-12. They are also a false church because the Bible is clear that God created us male & female, you are created as a specific gender and God did not make a mistake. Transgender is a mental/spiritual condition that needs healing.

I pray that our country turns back to the word of God in truth and that false prophets such as this bishop are removed so they can no longer deceive people.

January 23, 2025

The bishop’s church service lecture of POTUS was as inappropriate as the attire of Lauren Sanchez (Jeff Bezo’s fiancée) at the inauguration. Both women grossly abused the grace extended to them. In the bishop’s case, as the clergy/celebrant in the President’s first church service following his inauguration, her inappropriate and untimely lecture was a gross abuse of her authority within the Episcopal church. In Sanchez’s case, as an invited guest, her disrespect for the solemn and historic event she was attending was on full display and was so noted, EVEN by those in the liberal media. Neither the woman of the cloth nor the woman of the camisole displayed grace or dignity.

Mark August
January 23, 2025

● The BEST course of action may be to ask TRUMP (www.45office.com, http://www.WhiteHouse.gov/contact, 202-456-1111) if he has authority to replace key leaders at the National Cathedral with orthodox, Bible-believing Christians!
● Trump may not be able to immediately replace CLERGY (like “Rev. Budde who SHOULD HAVE delivered a Christ-focused Gospel message on JAN. 21), BUT he MAY BE ABLE to replace TOP MANAGEMENT.

● Samuel Adams wrote: It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires in men’s minds.” We must REMEMBER that A SILENT MAJORITY is NO MAJORITY!
We must be ANGRY (yet without sin) and BUSY to make an ongoing impact standing for Jesus, His Word, and the Constitution.

    January 23, 2025

    You can call or write and voice your opinion:

    Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde

    St John’s Episcopal Church
    1525 H St N.W.
    Washington DC 20005-1005

    National Cathedral in Washington D.C. 202-537-6200

January 23, 2025

They have no reason to be scared for going back to THEIR OWN COUNTRY! We cannot support illegals while OUR OWN are suffering because what help they should be getting is going to illegals.

    Wanda Rogers
    January 23, 2025


    January 23, 2025

    They DO have reason to be afraid to go back to many of the countries they are from!!! However they can choose to stay in Mexico until they gain asylum to US K legally.

Loretta Biller
January 23, 2025

I believe that when we choose to worship in a particular church we can expect the beliefs of that church to be expressed. I believe the beliefs of the Episcopal Church were preached and that it would be presumptuous to think that the sermon would be tailored to fit the beliefs of individuals in the congregation. (President Trump and others)

Be aware of the beliefs of the denomination before attending. There are many different denominations in the Christian church. Each one will express the beliefs of their church.

    January 23, 2025

    THAT is irrelevant and does NOT change the facts – illegals ARE ILLEGALS! And they are taking resources which are NEEDED by our own people.

    N L
    January 23, 2025

    It is right for President Trump to rebuke the bishop because what she expressed is not the truth of the gospel . The bishop overlooked the fact that many criminal illegals have killed American citizens, brought fentanyl drugs into our country with so many young people who had died from it, criminal illegals aliens kidnapped children from both sides of the borders and sex trafficked them . The bishop’s statement shows that she is not abiding or obeying what God commands us to do – that homosexuality is an abomination to God and she needs to apologize to the public for making a statement that is an attack against God’s design and value of how He made one man and one woman and not pervert His design . I praise the Lord thst President Trump said that there are only two genders – a man and a woman . It is time for the bishop to repent to God and read and obey His biblical teachings .

    January 23, 2025

    So true – why go looking for giving division a platform at this time?

    A leader determines the reason for the function and the place of peace/agreement to host that function.

    Recommendation- shake the dust off this unwelcoming performance and move on to places/groups that are receptive to what Trump believes is his calling. Resist distraction.

    Sally Stevenson
    January 23, 2025

    She wasn’t preaching a sermon. She called out one person to rebuke as if he was sending all immigrants back. It’s the illegals that are breaking the law.

January 23, 2025

Pres. Trump and VP Vance were hijacked by this Episcopalian Bishop. Instead of criticizing and preaching to the congregation about social and legal issues, she should have seized the opportunity to glorify God and Jesus Christ and reinforce the miracle that occurred in Butler PA last July, 2023. I believe she could have drawn the congregation closer to God and Jesus Christ had she referred to God’s grace and gift of salvation. But, activist don’t place others ahead of their activism. Typical narcissistic behavior.

    January 23, 2025


    January 23, 2025

    I can’t help but wonder what the impetu$ was for her message (from her handlers, lgbtq organizational lobbyists, democratic leftist leaders or otherwise), whether money or control/blackmail/whatever. What denomination(?) was she supposed to be representing, anyway? And (especially, without that information, HOW in the world did she get allowed either to SPEAK there? Or (to) even be allowed to enter the building at ALL? Let’s pray, remembering Paul/Saul, that God opens her/their hearts to His almighty power of Holy Spirit to do His will, in His way in every way possible. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Marty Robinson
January 23, 2025

God is exposing the evil and our job is to pray.
Pray for the lost and for God’s intervention for His Body, the Church.
Sean Feucht encouraged me by saying what the Lord has said to me.
There is nothing impossible for Him.
We never lose by engaging in doing His will.
Glorify Your Name O Lord, in all the earth!!!

January 23, 2025

Bishop Budde is a bishop in the National Cathedral. If she had such pressing concerns during the National Prayer Service, I would think President Trump would have been more than willing to hold that discussion in private, had she made that request. Unwise of her, and an aggressive move, to address the issue from the pulpit during her sermon/monologue.

Susan DiGiacomo
January 23, 2025

Bishop Budde’s comments were not only inappropriate, but they were also untrue, and completely unbiblical.
LORD, may you cause all such churches to be exposed for their political propagandizing and lies, and for eyes of their audiences to be opened to the truth – in the mighty name of Jesus!!

Karen Beeson
January 23, 2025

Religious figures should NOT be political. For the most part, they do not even understand the problems that today’s parents have to ponder. They should keep political views to themselves and keep it out of religion.

    January 23, 2025

    Thanks, Karen Beeson. Sadly, it’s called m-o-n-e-y. Prayers for them. (See my first post, “I can’t help but…impetu$…”, replying to TontonB.)

Sandra Parham
January 23, 2025

I don’t think politics belong in church. The church is a house of worship. To worship and praise God. The bishop’s sermon was extremely negative and inappropriate. She owes the President and our country and apology to use her church to express her political views. No wonder her church congregation is shrinking. She needs our prayers.

Jo Ann Young
January 23, 2025

May all churches and denominations with non Biblical
views and satanic friendships be shut down, doors closed, mouths shut. May the bride of Christ launder her wedding dress and speak the will of the Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit.

Pamela Morrison
January 23, 2025

This “bishop” is definitely not a Biblical scholar. She also set the stage for fear mongering among the LGBTQ+ community, as well as illegal aliens. Her references to low level job fulfillment is no excuse for illegal aliens to remain. Her position as a church leader should itself be questioned. The pulpit is not the place to reinforce personal views but to teach about our Lord and Savior. The Bible is God’s Holy Word period. You cannot change God’s word to suit your political ideals. She needs to be removed from her position and another church chosen for our nation!

January 23, 2025

I believe we saw first hand the true demonic evil spirits infiltrated into our churches, schools, military, government. This is the evil vs the good that the Bible speaks about. A man can put make up and a dress on, a person can put the clergy apparel on but the Bible and God speak the truth. Men are not woman and a person dressed as clergy speak words like the Pharisees. We are warned of this in the Bible. This woman needs to read her Bible. To protect ourselves as Christian’s we must know what Jesus taught us in the Bible. To protect ourselves on our land we must know our God given Constitution and founding documents. Pray and pray everyday to protect our God given rights. Eph 6: 10-18

January 23, 2025

The bishop’s remarks were unwise. The Lord does indeed tell us to be merciful, but He also tells us to protect our borders. The role of government is to provide a safe environment for the govern; punish the evil and reward the good. The president has a lot on his plate and she should have asked God to give him wisdom and discernmenrt. She could have asked God to surround him with wise advisors and courage to make hard decisions. This was a missed opportunity.

January 23, 2025

totally inappropriate remarks ,she is not a bishop of the word, but of the world

Janet Hawkins
January 23, 2025

Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde’s remarks were totally unacceptable.

Teri Sue Bru
January 23, 2025

Is itg really too much ask that our president be merciful towards those who are fearing the consequences of his decisions? Doesn’t mean his decisions are wrong. She wasn’t nasty at all. But she was speaking from a pulpit, directly to him and that could feel very uncomfortable. Let us not think more highly of ourselves than we ought. And let us please show respect and mercy to those who are not living in obedience to the word of God. But let us show the way through our love and absolute respect to Christs authority and Gods word. It doesn’t need to be legislated through Wokesim. Let us who are called by Jesus name show them how to respect and love persons of this country. I am thankful for all the hard things must be done to make the border secure and send the criminal element back to where they come from. Thankful to call the LGBTQ flags to come off the federal buildings. But we who are not of the government, but of our Fathers kingdom need to be about being united in love, towards the citizens of our country so they might the hope of belonging to the Heavenly country God has qualified us to. Let go of hate and animosity. Uphold righteousness but uphold Godly love too, to those who don’t Him.

January 23, 2025

Theater. He did not put his hand on the Bible. His occult-laden Golden Age is ushering in the light side of the Luciferian beast system. AI? Bioweapon mRNA? Has he denounced Climate Change which is the centerpiece of the globalist agenda? Has he called out the LA fires as nefarious and not natural at the guidance of his ambassador advisor Mel Gibson? Lahaina? Canadian fires? Smoke and mirrors. At the very least, will you at least get in his face and denounce Paula White-Cain as the WH Office of Faith leader? No you won’t and so you are the problem, not the stooge priest.


I’m not here to kill hope, rather to kill lies. For lies kill and I hate the Liar! The Truth is hated yet only the Truth can set you free. O brethren within the massively apostate Church, I PRAY for you to Wake Up and be a Doer of the Word via the breath in your lungs to not compromise and coexist straight into the pit of hell… in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Persecution is guaranteed and Faithful and True is coming!

BTW, the tribulation started with the Pact for the Future in NYC on 10/2/2024. Check your feast days.

veronika ertis
January 23, 2025

How is it that this “Bishop” was chosen to give the keynote address at this worship service, KNOWING her political position ??????
How come she wasn’t vetted ?

January 23, 2025

The Bishop is obviously a radical activist hiding behind a Bishop’s uniform.
It was disrespectful to single out the President and use her church to “lecture” the leader of western world from her pulpit. President Trump has done more than any other President in the last generation to stop human trafficking. Yet, this so called Bishop failed to even address his many accomplishments to uplift human rights for children, adolescents and women. A large majority of illegals who crossed the border and members of violent cartels who are gang raping and pushing drugs like fentanyl which are destroying Americans of all ages. She is a viper in Bishop’s clothing.

January 23, 2025

I think the Bishop is not a true follower of Christ, and therefore has no authority to speak for Christ. She will be judged for her own sins, and shouldn’t be judging anyone for what she perceives are their sins and short comings.

Joshua Kemmerer
January 23, 2025

I think that one thing that we can agree on with Mariann Edgar Budde’s words is that we should have compassion on the poor, the naked, the imprisoned, the orphan, just as Jesus told us to, wants us to, and calls us to.

We should also have discernment about the other things that she has said. She said that the “vast majority of immigrants are not criminals”, which may be true, but we should still protect our border from illegal immigration while welcoming the foreigner.

I pray for discernment for all of us as we face these challenging situations and differing opinions.

    January 23, 2025

    The vast majority of immigrants that are scared are here illegally. The ones she talked about. It is a crime to be here illegally. So, they are living criminally. If not, they would have no reason to be afraid.

January 23, 2025

First what she said was not Biblical. It was indeed heretical. She did not give any indication that she or her church which would select her as a leader is a Christian church.
Secondly, any undocumented alien in this country is a criminal. The broke our laws to be here.

Miriam M Ashley
January 23, 2025

She owes President Donald Trump & his family & Vice Prisident J.D. Van & his family, and others there
an apology. How very rude of her to make those remarks. She was suppose to be leading people in
prayer for the country, but brought out WOKE remarks. She should be revoked of her position
as a minister- or what ever she is. But that is probably not going to happen. I wonder if the whole
Catholic Church there in Washington DC., think of the same ideologies that she has in her mind.
Oh Heavenly Father forgive us, help us Father to forgive her.
She is demon possessed, no person in their right mind, would say that on public television for the
whole world to see. This just shows that the little devil goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom
he may devour. We need to keep our hearts focused on our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
We need to read our Bibles daily, putting on the whole armour of God as in Ephesians 6: 10-18.
The Belt of Truth, Breastplate of Righteousness, Feet with the Gospel of Peace, Shield of Faith,
Helmet of Salvation, Sword of the Spirit-the Word of God, and finally Pray in the Spirit on all ocassions.
We are in a Spiritual Battle daily, we have to fight with the Armour that God gave to us in the Word.
But rejoice with these next verses.
Philippians 4:4-9, 11-13,19
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again. Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all, the Lord is near.
Do not be anxious about, anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your
requests to God, which transends all understanding, will guard your hears and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally
brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from
me, or seen in me, put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

Please every day, every moment the Holy Spirit reminds you, Pray Daily for our President and his appointed administration,
to be filled according to God’s purpose for America. Pray that revival will spread & sweep through out Washington DC, and
through out America. It starts with us, praying and seeking the Lord, Holy Spirit fill us with your presence., it is in Jesus name
we pray. Amen.

Margaret Farnow
January 23, 2025

That message by Bishop Budde was a shame! A real shame. She should have preached the true gospel to these high ranking officials annd their families instead of preaching her opinion. So sad!

She needs to be removed. The church needs salvation.

The good thing about the whole thing is that God allowed the church to be exposed for what it really is.

Father God, I ask that you will draw this woman to Jesus! I pray that true Christians would reach out to her for salvation and transformation! Lord save her soul from hell.

Lord please remove her from any position of influence and fill her position with a spirit filled Christian in Jesus’s name Amen!

John Soccre
January 23, 2025

President Trump,
1. Much like those who do not want you to be president, you do not get to decide whether a bishop’s office is legitimate. She was chosen by the people of her diocese to be their bishop. Then, she was granted consent to be a bishop by other bishops and standing committees of our church’s dioceses. Beginning by calling her a “so-called” bishop is an obvious low blow to discredit her as a person, rather than what she actually said that you disagree with. The Episcopal Church was legitimate enough to hold your third wedding, the funeral of Melania’s mother, and the baptism of your son, Barron. Barron also attended an Episcopal day school. Now you have an issue with how we do things when it doesn’t go your way?
2. You didn’t have an issue with politics being brought into the church by the ministers who spoke at your inauguration, or by yourself for that matter. They were blatantly partisan, crediting God for your political success: “Mr. President, the last four years there were times I’m sure you thought it was pretty dark, but look what God has done,” Graham said.
3. She wasn’t nasty in tone, plain and simple. I can’t remember ever hearing a homily given in such a gracious manner and calm tone. If you disagree, listen to her speak. You may disagree with what she said, but her tone was in no way “nasty.” Additionally, insulting her intelligence, rather than quoting what you disagreed with, is a very typical play coming from a narcissist.
4. The vast majority of people who have committed crimes in the U.S. are U.S. citizens. Defending yourself about being asked to have mercy on immigrants by saying a “large number of illegal migrants came into our country and killed people” is a gross misrepresentation and does not make sense. By that logic, we should be locking up or deporting all Americans because the majority of crimes were committed by citizens. We do need to improve our immigration system, but scripture commands us as Christians to have mercy. Mercy is a central tenet of our faith. Matthew 5:7 says “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Leviticus 19: 33-34 says, “When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.” If you have a take issue with this, take it up with God.
5. Saying the service was boring and uninspiring is a move to discredit the event, rather than what specifically was said. However, it’s worth mentioning that the purpose of a service is not to be “exciting”. There are several purposes for our services, such as honoring God, bringing us closer to God, and being in community with one another. Being “exciting” is not one of them. As far as inspiration goes, that is in the eye of the beholder. You get as much out of it as you put into it.
6. The bishop does not owe you an apology. Our church does not owe you an apology. All you were asked to do is what scripture directly asks us to do. If you could quote one thing she asked of you that isn’t asked of us in scripture, we would apologize. Someone recently reminded me of something I often heard growing up in church. If you are offended by a minister’s sermon or feel that it was a personal attack, look to see if you can find anything they said that was out of line with scripture and the teachings of Jesus. If you can’t, that feeling is what we call, “being convicted of your sin”. The fact you are so offended by what was said shows you know there is truth in it. To your supporters who also feel offended by it, the same goes.

Don Morley
January 23, 2025

I agree with President Trump’s analysis.
Unfortunately there are many left-leaning clergy who do not read all the bible and pull one-liners to sway many who are perishing because of a lack of knowledge concerning God’s word.
Fortunately for us, President Trump does not fall into the category of a ” lack of knowledge”.
I pray blessings over President Trump and I condemn all false profits who use their bible to promote ungodly behaviors. She should be more concerned about being complicit in supporting those who shake their fist at God in defiance of His Word.

January 23, 2025

Who chose the bishop to speak? Not very tasteful or Biblically based!

January 23, 2025

Not Godly at all. Judgemental and Demonizing promoting a personal opinion. Wrong is worn and truth is thruth and that is what clergy are supposed to preach on not on personal biased opinion. She was disrespectful and not gracious or loving at all.

January 23, 2025

Abhorrent! Be
She does not represent my views . I would fire her and whomever allowed her to be vetted to be the deliver on this special prayer . If it wS known she had opposing views why would she be allowed to be the deliverer of someone whom is for unity and not confusion ?

January 23, 2025

POTUS Trump is RIGHT . . . She’s STUPID to the CORE.

Sally Caro
January 23, 2025

Have yet to learn why she was invited to speak. This isn’t her first performance. Pray for the people surrounding our President. His spiritual advisors should be vetted more scrupulously. I fear there are many demons standing in disguise

Carole Ann Neve
January 23, 2025

I thought we were seeing a real engaged church service. I am glad that President Donald J. Trump saw through the rhetoric nonsense agenda of Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde, such as transgender in children. And that President Donald J. Trump got through and to the point of talking about the really dangerous issues at the borders, being terrorists and criminals entering through the US borders. President Donald J. Trump wants the US citizens to be safe and free. Pray protection over the legal citizens of the US, Psalm 91.

Jesse Oliver
January 23, 2025

This is yet another attempt from the darkness of the left to push and protect their ungodly agenda. No where in the word of God does it say to accept deviant behavior. This so-called bishop has to understand God’s divine plan for humanity through Male and Female, only two genders. Who elected her to do the prayer? Wrong platform for all of your shortcomings.

Milly Mickley
January 23, 2025

No apology necessary Mr President of the United States of America . This person wants to start un-uniting us!

Rob Harris
January 23, 2025

In addition to politicizing the prayer service and the pulpit, which should be sacred places reserved for worship, the Word of God and prayer, she also pejoratively demeaned all of the jobs and positions she named, as though those are jobs only illegal aliens should hold. Praying for Trump to recognize, as surely he does, that she is not an accurate representation of the vast majority of true Christians and their clergy! Praying for clergy to recognize the sacredness of their God-given and God-ordained vocation, refusing the temptation to utilize what God has given for purposes other than those ordained, commanded and blessed by God and His Word!

January 23, 2025

Bishop Mariann’s lecture was a veiled attempt to portray President Trump as a Nazi dictator who will round up homosexuals and other victim groups and send them to death camps just like Hitler did. What some people don’t say speaks louder than what they do say.

Bruce Roselle
January 23, 2025

The bishop’s comments did not reflect God’s word; rather, they reflected her social justice politics. She did not speak these words citing God’s authority but spoke them out of her own personal political narrative. Totally inappropriate for the setting.

Linda Rice
January 23, 2025

I think she’s as righteous as Caiaphas. But I think Trump’s inauguration speech was more brutal against Biden so Trump needs to practice what he preaches.

    January 23, 2025

    But Trump is not a Bishop nor in a pulpit of a church. He had a right to tell the American people about the hell the democrats have put him through for the last 9 years.

MarLynn W. Gaines
January 23, 2025

This woman was saying what she felt about Trump, certainly not anything to encourage him by sharing the Word of God for his role in governing. She obvious does not understand who Trump really is – a man who cares for the citizens of America first with no evil intent towards others. He believes in law and order and seeks to support and protect it’s citizens first. As much as he has had to fight for his life, he still thinks about and is willing to fight for the welfare of the people of his country. She should be disbarred from the pulpit.

Ron Glenn Deere
January 23, 2025

What other nation permits a flood of unprocessed aliens to pour across its borders?

Catherine Sakewicz
January 23, 2025

So glad Trump stands for common sense and Biblical Truth. She and the people who are “scared” don’t need to worry in a free America, but should fear our Holy God and His Word. She needs serious prayer for her eternity.

Joyce LaMance
January 23, 2025

We are to show mercy and love and kindness and value hard work to those innocent illegals. We need to create a better process that they can go back to their country and yet re-enter legally in a quicker way. We need the legalization process to be sped up for those who are good people that have been in the country contributing to our economy and well being.
This is the way we can show the love and kindness of Jesus and may many come to know Him personally. Speed up the legalization process for the good ones helping out for years.

    Kelli N
    January 23, 2025

    Innocent illegals…..those two words contradict each other. If they are in the country illegally, they are not innocent. Nevertheless, I pray for them. But they need to enter the country the legal way.

    January 23, 2025

    If they are here illegally, they are willing to break our laws. Length of time having done it does not give them the right to stay.

Harry Varner
January 23, 2025

The article fails to mention the denomination of the so-called bishop. She could be part of a satanic organization, possibly even the new leftist Divided Methodist Church which no longer follows many Biblical truths, and has been seduced to be “of the world” as well as “in the world” contrary to the teachings of Christ Himself.

    Catherine Nobles
    January 23, 2025

    She is an Episcopal bishop. The Episcopal church is woke and seems to be moving away from the Bible too. I no longer go there

Kim Bratton
January 23, 2025

Her sermon was a travesty, ungracious, punitive and unbecoming a clergy person.

Denice S. Adams
January 23, 2025

The Bible is very clear about people like her. She never mentioned God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit or anything Biblical. She has an agenda a WOKE agenda that has nearly destroyed this country the last 4 years. According to Gods word she shouldn’t even have the position she has as a woman.

January 23, 2025

I believe she needs to read 1 Timothy ch2 on the qualifications of a Bishop. Which obviously she has no knowledge of whatsoever

Michael Broadhurst
January 23, 2025

Those who cam in illegally should be deported and come back in the legal way.

Elena Perez
January 23, 2025

Lord we pray that these socialist views would come to an end in America. Holy Spirit move in the hearts of leaders to know the rule of law and enforce it without partiality so we can have a sovereign and free nation once again. The bishop criticizing The President is wrong and doesn’t know the Bible.

Retha Millikan
January 23, 2025

The bishop who led the so-called prayer service just revealed herself to be anything but Biblical or prayerful. She could have done some good by being respectful and encouraging in her remarks. She should have stuck to Bible passages and real prayer. Shame on her.

    Carole Ann Neve
    January 23, 2025

    I don’t like the saying, shame on you. That is putting a curse on someone I think. She needs to step back and look at her action and repent though.

      Marty Robinson
      January 23, 2025

      Hi, Carole,
      I feel very encouraged by the Lord to mention this to you.
      Psalm 25 (Amplified Bible)
      David says:
      Unto You, O Lord do I bring my life.
      I trust You, lean on You, rely on You and I am confident in You.
      Let me not be put to shame, or my hope in You be disappointed.
      Let those who forsake the right or deal treacherously without cause be put to shame and
      be disappointed. Teach me Your ways; Show me Your paths;
      You teach the humble and all Your paths are Mercy and Steadfast Love.
      Guide me in Your truth and faithfulness teach me; for You are the God of my salvation;
      For You only and all together do I wait all the day long.

      I often use this Psalm as Prayer all day and as my prayer at night before bed. It ministers to me
      in a vert powerful way. I hope it will be of help to you.

Debra E Bradford
January 23, 2025

Hello famly of God. Show and point out to me anytime in the history of the Devils existence where he showed any mercy to righteousness and stopped committing evil. We do not bow to the request of Satanic influences. There is a difference between Godly mercy and any of you responding, who think you can comment on how you feel you want to see the President show mercy. You can talk about displaying love all you want to, but what makes you think this isn’t Love? We have no time for rational. The bible says Faith worketh by Love. This oath of office taken by this President must first be loyal to the God he owes that oath too. If this President wants God to back him up, that means he needs to declare exactly what God is saying. Once he does that, he is putting Faith to work in God to demonstrate his Love in every situation he has to face. It is up to God to now follow up and deal with how he chooses to operate mercy and love to people who still have a need to be cared for. Understand that the President has not been called to do what you say or anybody else. Once he has pleased God with his spoken decisions, as a body of believers the only thing we should be saying is, ” Now that your order has been spoken by the President, send your mercy and help to those who will be displaced. Guide them to the Savior and teach them your ways.” God’s love is different from human love. This request was stated out of human desires. Human love is selfish. It does not follow I Corinthians 13. God’s love is nothing like ours. Let God handle what we as humans interfere with because he knows more than all of us. The President is definitely pleasing God. Be blessed.

    Catherine Nobles
    January 23, 2025

    Yes The President brought God back. The Bishop did not. She took the opportunity to vilify Trump. That’s not what God would have done. I pray he saves this country. He has his work cut out. Satan is everywhere

Mo King
January 23, 2025

The female pastor’s remarks were misplaced. If she needed to get her beliefs into the public conscience or to the president, that was wrong to blindside him, and us, at the Natn’l Prayer gathering. More to the point- she does not represent the Creator God, who tells mankind that He created man and woman as the two genders, and that He condemns them for “laying with their own kind”- man with man, woman with woman.
She’s entitled to her beliefs, but if she claims to represent God, then she’s wrong, and her remarks were rude, unkind, and a cheap shot in that venue. She should apologize to the president, his family, and all Christians in America specifically.

Pat. Groves
January 23, 2025

It’s such a shame that she didn’t take the opportunity to share the life-saving message of the gospel instead of her own worldly mis-guided opinions. The church’s mission is to spread the gospel not worldly sin.

Renee Beamer
January 23, 2025

Her comments exposed the fear of man rule in herself and in those who have not encountered the LOVE OF GOD, The basis for her plea? “People are afraid.” FEAR, not love, is what motivates pagan worship. Those who live by the flesh cannot understand the inner rule of the Holy Spirit in the believer.

Dixie Lee
January 23, 2025

The time, tone, & venue of the Bishop’s message was a mistake and she should apologize to President Trump and all the attendees.
I am weary of pastors that openly support the confusion & mutilation of our children to bolster their own agenda. Our children should be treated for healing of confusion and strife as we stand firm to God’s Word.

Richard Gross
January 23, 2025

She is the work of the devil. A lost woman with an evil agenda.May the Lord rebube her and her church!

January 23, 2025

So they are here illegally taking Americans jobs. The gays and transgenders. It says in the Bible God destroyed city’s because of that. We are to pray for the lost Not let them walk over us. Go Trump.

Deborah Keller
January 23, 2025

She says gays, trans, etc are afraid of (President Trump). This is because these people have been fed a lies, lies, lies. 1. That homosexuality is how God (or evolution?) made them and not sin. 2. That Trump will do terrible things to them and he must be feared. So have mercy how? By allowing them to remain in lies and life-killing sin??
Then she exposes her elitist entitled mentality. Who will clean our toilets and take out our trash if you send all the illegals back?? Really? Many of these people are relegated to these lowest level jobs because to get education/training/better jobs requires a green card or citizenship.
Yes, we really do need to pray. “The god of this world has blinded the eyes of the unbeliever so they cannot see the glory of God”.

January 23, 2025

The bishop exposed her lack of knowledge for the Bible- her first obligation is to preach the Word of God- sin is rampant in our nation and she had an opportunity to present God’s love by sharing the Truth of His Word so that sinners might repent. Instead she tried to impose her Woke agenda, her acceptance for illegals to enter our nation (yes many who are hardworking are still illegally here), and to be disrespectful to our President. She did not present a speech that would unify a nation.

Marjorie Newhouse
January 23, 2025

Whose church is that? a denomination or the countries? She was as low down as a so called pastor could be… There should be something done about that evil…she is downright evil!!

Mary Beth S
January 23, 2025

YHVH, the only “church” You recognize is the ekklesia – those born-again believers whom You are building into a spiritual dwelling-place for Yourself.
(see also – I Corinthians 3:9-17 & I Peter 2:4-8)
Ephesians 2:20-22  You have been built on the foundation of the emissaries and the prophets, with the cornerstone being Yeshua the Messiah himself.  In union with Him the whole building is held together, and it is growing into a holy temple in union with the Lord.  Yes, in union with Him, you yourselves are being built together into a spiritual dwelling-place for God!
This entity is an organic living worldwide spiritual body. I Peter 2 says that it is those who have come to the living stone, Yeshua, and are living stones being built into a spiritual house. The true “church” is not an institution or an organization or a denomination or a man-made building. These may contain members of the body of Christ, but they also may not. They may be apostate, and not even know the living and only God – YHVH.
The Scripture in Ephesians uses the word “union” several times. Union with Yeshua is the only way to attain Godly unity. As we align with Him and with the Truth of His Word, we can then experience Godly unity as the body of Christ – and in it’s fullest reality it will require no compromise. People may unify to accomplish a common purpose or goal, either good or evil, but it is usually temporary and requires compromise.
So, YHVH, I ask for the ekklesia to come into Godly unity – in union with Yeshua the Messiah. Please keep revealing Yourself and Your Holy Word to us by Holy Spirit revelation. May that unity result in Your will and purposes being accomplished, as we lay aside our personal agendas and take up Yours. Help us to be wise and discerning in regard to any alignment with people or agendas, especially if it requires compromise of our convictions.  

Bettie Judith Mudd
January 23, 2025

If they have come here illegally, they are indeed criminals.

    K. K
    January 23, 2025

    They r desperate. R u a real Christian? Where is Jesus’s love in you?

      January 23, 2025

      Then come in legally like my family did when they to were desperate and had to leave their homeland

January 23, 2025

She needs to read and study her Bible. She set her cause back a long way. The things she said were never said by Pres. Trump. And I haven’t heard anyone he wants for his cabinet say those things. It was inappropriate and enormously rude. I was completely offended personally. She needs to get her theology in right order according to the Bible, apologize to God, to Pres. Trump and to this nation.

Debra Barbier
January 23, 2025

I think she is a false teacher because she is obviously more concerned about politics than the Lord. Also, while I know that you should hate the sin and not the sinner, but the Bible is clear about homosexuality, and NO pastor should ask for special treatment of these people. Also, President Trump was correct about the illegal immigrants

Patty DeGroot
January 23, 2025

Thank you for letting IFA prayer partners respond to this outrage! I have been to the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. It is a beautiful, stately-looking cathedral! So many important events have taken place in that church! How did it fall into the hands of the woke progressives? I PRAY THAT WE WILL TAKE IT BACK! Prayer: “Father God, Could You please use that embarrassment heaped on our President & Vice-President yesterday for your purposes? Tear down the “wokeism” that has invaded Your church right now at the beginning of President Trump’s presidency. Let’s not let this moment be wasted! You require UNITY in the body of Christ. That means praying for one another, studying your Word together, agreeing to disagree agreeably, being light & salt in a hurting world. In Your Word it says: ‘I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH’. We are looking to You the author & finisher of our faith to help us. I pray this in Jesus powerful name. Amen.”

January 23, 2025

Not a good representative of Prayer over a new administration & their families. So sad!

Aron Jordan
January 23, 2025

She needs to be born again and turn from her sins. Her pagan ways come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and then really preach the gospel as it is. She’s false, a false teacher, a false prophet, a false Minister. She needs saved. I pray for her salvation today in Jesus name

Patricia Cashion
January 23, 2025

I think our president should move carefully and prayerfully forward. Mercy and Love most definitely are a must, but I am praying he hears the voice and instructions of the Lord in all decisions. A gentle answer (and in some cases no response) turns away wrath.
In 2 Kings 6 Elisha lead the enemy into Isreal but the King first asked the prophet what he should do. He listened and the raiders came no more into Isreal.
I am praying for president Trump to seek out Godly advice on how to bring about the changes we are needing to come. If the Lord does the work then it will be established. If man tries to do it , it may fail or at least create more trouble and uprising than necessary. The Wisdom of the Lord be his guide.

Cheri Galbraith
January 23, 2025

I think this church is Christian in name only and the church needs to change to true Christianity or begin a new tradition of prayer for newly appointed Presidents in another location. That service was blasphemous and lifeless..Christ is not boring. He wasn’t a part of that service.

Jeris Joyner
January 23, 2025

What a great explanation…

Father God,
You are the One who placed Donald J. Trump in office, and you will be the One who GUIDES and PROTECTS him and his decisions for America.

You promised that Trump would become the 47th president of the United States of America, a country after Your own heart. That he has come as an instrument of Your hand. As one on a mission to save a people. A people noble in heart, noble in mind, and noble in spirit…

You are the great I Am, and you truly do have America’s back. You will hold us up as a sister to Your first-born nation, the nation of Israel, and You are going to save and protect America at all costs.

As Father over all the nations of the world, You are rising up to take Your place as a trumpet to the world. You are sounding the alarm, as America stands at a pivotal point in the history of the world… and we ask that You stand firm with our President, Donald J. Trump in the decisions he declares.

In Yeshua’s Mighty Name,

Dottie Kraemer
January 23, 2025

The remarks were completely inappropriate for the setting and service- she hasn’t done her homework – deportation begins with serious criminals and then others – there has never been anything said about threatening the LGBTQiA community by our President just
Ending DEI which does favor them over merit at times – there are no threats to them from anyone – has she not understood that 300,000 children are missing after coming over the border and women and children being abused and even killed through trafficking and in other unsafe horrible situations – what Our President is doing is honoring our laws and saving lives of illegals – she needs to be removed from her position –

    January 23, 2025


    January 23, 2025

    I agree. She should not be allowed to continue preaching a false doctrine and pretending to be Christian.

    You can call and voice your opinion.

    Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde

    St John’s Episcopal Church
    1525 H St N.W.
    Washington DC 20005-1005

    National Cathedral in Washington D.C. 202-537-6200

January 23, 2025

She showed disrespect & was out of line with her comments. I agree with what President Trump said. Only God can change her heart. She needs prayer and enlightenment to the Truth.

January 23, 2025

She showed disrespect & was out of line with her comments. I agree with what President Trump said. Only God can change her heart. She needs prayer and enlightenment to the Truth.

Bill Maupin
January 23, 2025

“For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.”
2 Corinthians 11:13-15

Brian Lynch
January 23, 2025

This lady is a very poor example of Christianity. What would you expect from an uber liberal denomination?

January 23, 2025

our immigration policy needs to be settled by our legislature which has kicked the topic down the road for too long. They are political cowards resulting in this issue being addressed by President Donald J Trump via EO. Do your job congress and we will not have dialogue from sacred pulpits. The bishop was wrong for using that venue as her political soapbox. That National Prayer Service should be used to bring forth blessing and unification, not demonization. She needs to apologize.

Patricia L. Wenzel
January 23, 2025

I encourage others to be blessed by viewing Sean Feucht’s thoughts about this gathering. https://youtu.be/3arSpwgMokA.

His thoughts present how God turned this event around. The plans of this Bishop fell flat. Our God reigns. The voice of darkness is no longer being tolerated by the Ekklesia.

Be glorified Father! May Your Kingdom come and will done as this time of transition advances !

    Patty DeGroot
    January 23, 2025

    Patricia, thanks for sharing the Sean Feucht clip! That was very exciting! Sean was in that service with the woke bishop & Trump & Vance! That bishop is getting covered in prayer now! Wow, God’s got a plan! Follow Sean! He is on the move for God in this administration!

    January 23, 2025

    Thanks for sharing. I’ll listen to Sean’s video.

Rako Schulze
January 23, 2025

She is mean and has no understanding of what the president is doing. She needs to be fired from her job and sent back to her LBGT sisters where no one cares. She wants to help illegals break the law in this country. What a poor excuse for a person of God!!!!

Susan Askins
January 23, 2025

May this so-called Bishop. have an encounter with Jesus Christ. in such a profound way that she must acknowledge that He is the King of kings the Lord of lords and His word endures forever never changing
Which says on the 6th day He created male and female.
No other gender
And even heaven doesn’t allow illegal entry. We must have Jesus stamped on our hearts to enter in.
So Lord, we’re asking you to change her or remove her from her seat of authority.
And even more so than apologizing to Trump and all at the service and to the public. Let her apologize to you and seek Your mercy..

    Patricia Cashion
    January 23, 2025

    I absolutely agree. Even Heaven requires Legal entrance. Stamped with the Blood of Christ ❤️
    May she have an encounter with Jesus that changes her and humbles her and she may be stamped with His Blood!

January 23, 2025

May Our Lord dismantle apostate and woke ideology and deception in the media and all over the realm
It is unfortunate that many evangelical pastors are politically correct and won’t take a stand boldly for the truth in the pulpit .
Thus bishop is terribly deceived and boldly spouting evil lies which will mislead many
We need to speak truth to dispel the lies and pray for her and people like her who are in darkness

Annette Maruska
January 23, 2025

She was completely out of line. She is blind, deaf, self serving & a failure at serving God & the people.

Mary Breeding
January 23, 2025

Totally unbiblical to insert her personal viewpoint over what the Bible states on gender. Her statements are considers apostasy. Genesis 1:28 declares… in the image of God’ created he him; male and female crested He them. Woke ideology has no place in the pulpit. It us a Woe into them moment .

Peggy Innes
January 23, 2025

She was out of line

January 23, 2025

This lady’s spiel had no place in that setting. She could have sent him a letter, asked for an appointment to visit with him and let her views be known. She politicized what should have been a neutral ceremony! Whoever is her superior in that church should take her to task and let her know this was not acceptable to President Trump or any U. S. citizen.

Barbara Harney
January 23, 2025

This “church” should not be involved in politics! Shameful !!

    Susan Askins
    January 23, 2025

    God is government!!
    He created the plan.
    Yes the church should be involved in every aspect of government.
    Our failure to do so, it’s why America is in such poor condition today.

    We are to occupy until he comes to see to it that righteous laws our past that protect children.
    And glorify God

Kimbra French
January 23, 2025

I left that denomination decades ago over this very issue. Unfortunately, my previous denomination has abandoned Biblical truth in favor of “live and mercy”, without having a true grasp of the meaning of either.
President Trump, I apologize on behalf of my former fellow worshippers. And I hope and pray you will find a true faith home for your tenure in DC.

January 23, 2025

We Believe the Episode was unfortunate and should never have happen in the Church Service Prior to The Forty Seventh Presidential Inaugural Service.!

January 23, 2025

We Believe the Episode was unfortunate and should never have happen in the Church Service Prior to The Forty Seventh Ignaural ral Service

January 23, 2025

For any religious leader to use the pulpit as a platform to single out ANY individual, and publicly try to shame them, is disgusting, unprofessional, ungodly, and disrespectful. Besides the fact that she speaks from ignorance of the Truth in God’s Holy Bible. I pray this public exposure to her ungodliness will knock her off her pedestal, humble and pierce her heart with a desire to seek the Truth and the Savior-Jesus Christ.

January 23, 2025

The pope, being a resolutely socialist, has shown the world that politics have taken a center stage in religion. The extreme left, the DEMON RATS, have taken this papal side. The women in charge have pushed the envelope even further. Soon, these DEMON RATS, who politicize everything, will advocate to murder the unwanted babies. Contrariant to all precepts of the Bible. But, what can we expect from people who only believe their opinions are facts, denying all truths, all biblical facts, all Natural facts as simple opinions. And wanting us, the REAL PEOPLE, to abide by their asinine foolishness. STUPID.

January 23, 2025

To publicly address President Trump in this way seems unkind, unfair, and insincere. If the bishop truly wants to influence the President, private communication is more effective and appropriate. These comments were inappropriate and out of place at this National Prayer Breakfast. Whether or not we agree with the comments, (and I do not agree with them), it was improper to present them in this way.

January 23, 2025

Dearest Heavenly Father: First and foremost Father we pray YOUR will over our nation, our leaders, our lives. We pray that Americans who don’t honor you, truly believe your word or follow you would quit using the Bible which IS your word and rewriting it or twisting it to fit their specific agendas I am so tired of them using the fact that you love Everyone to mean that you would compromise yourself or your word and thereby go along with and accept their sin. I pray Father that they will come to a true knowledge of you and the real meanings behind your Word. I pray that they would open their eyes, heart and minds and repent allowing you to do what you have always done with the sinner — Love them and TRANSFORM them into a new person by changing the way they think. We give you all Glory, Honor, Power and Praise for you alone are Worthy to be Praised. In the Mighty Mighty Name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen

January 23, 2025

This preacher is an idiot, she wants to use the bible as smorgasbord and pick and choose what wks for her agenda she’s a false prophet, ALL illegals need to go, and if this fruit cake read the Bible there are only 2 genders male or female so she owes President Trump and the rest of America an apology.

Richard Myer
January 23, 2025

Christ taught love and compassion but acceptance of sin. He said to go and sin no more. If you continue to purposely sin you will not be accepted into the kingdom of God.

    Richard Myer
    January 23, 2025

    I left out the word NOT in my above comment about sin.


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