I Prayed have prayed
Lord Jesus, we pray that the Good News would spread far and wide as Your people share what You have done for us.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The world has paused because of the global pandemic, the coronavirus, and we are seeing people open to God. Internet searches for spiritual direction are up and surveys report that over 40% of people believe that this is a wake-up call from God. Now is the time for the Church to share the good news we have with the world.

To help you do that, we want to let you know about two initiatives by other Christian organizations that you can join this week.

First, #jesuschangedmylife is an effort led by the Gospel Coalition encouraging believers to post their testimony on social media this week. By tagging #jesuschangedmylife, you connect your story with thousands and seekers can easily search and read about what God has done for Christians around the world. Here’s the gist of it:

“The idea is simple. We want to mobilize Christians across the world to proclaim the good news of Jesus by testifying on social media to how he changed their life. We want people all over the worldā€”quarantined in their homes and scrolling on their phonesā€”to see a flood of stories about how the resurrected Jesus brings purpose and meaning and hope. Rather than each of us inviting one person to an Easter service, we could each proclaim the gospel to hundreds of non-Christian friends and co-workers and invite them to join our local churches with their online Easter services.

Hereā€™s how you can participate:

  1. CreateĀ a one- to two-minute video of yourself sharing your testimony of how Jesus changed your life. Here are someĀ tips on how to tell your story, as well asĀ selfie video best practicesĀ (see alsoĀ here). Include an invitation at the end of your video for others to believe in Jesus, and welcome them to follow up with you or another Christian community for help in this difficult season. If you donā€™t want to share a video of yourself, feel free to just write your testimony in a social-media post!
  2. ShareĀ the video on social media starting the Monday of Easter Week (April 6). Be sure to use hashtag #JesusChangedMyLife and tag your churchā€™s social-media handle in your post (e.g. #JesusChangedMyLife @RealityLA) so people can learn more about Jesus through a local church.
  3. PrayĀ that the resurrection power of Jesus on display in these videos would inspire many to tune into a service on Easter and begin their own #JesusChangedMyLife journeys.”

If you don’t know how to do this, ask a young friend or relative to help you. Think about it, do your children and grandchildren know the story of how Jesus changed your life? Friends? Neighbors? Now is the time for us to share our stories. In fact, tell your story by leaving a comment below.

And to encourage you, look at what Jesus said, in this verse from today’s readings in the Pray for America One Year Bible:

ā€œI tell you the truth, everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, the Son of Man will also acknowledge in the presence of Godā€™s angels.” (Luke 12:8)

Second, we also want you to know about an incredible event happening this Wednesday, April 8, 2020. It’s called Leader Check-In/Perspective in the Pandemic:

“The goal of Leader Check-In is to come alongside you, your team, and family with biblical, practical help for this crisis moment.Ā  Now is the time, more than ever, to be the Church that freely gives away our insights, resources, and practical guidance to hungry leaders navigating uncharted waters, seeking credible and trusted direction.

Join together with business, ministry, and nonprofit leaders from across the world for live discussions on highly practical topics and insights surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.

Leader Check-InĀ will feature:

  • times of prayer, worship, and biblical encouragement from men and women of God
  • an update on COVID-19 from United States Surgeon General Dr Jerome Adams
  • tips about the CARES Act from United States Senator Tim Scott
  • advice for leaders feeling under pressure from Dr Henry Cloud and Dr John Townsend

Leader Check-In is a joint initiative of Pulse and Year of the Bible, and is happening in partnership with thousands of churches and organizations worldwide. Every speaker is volunteering their time because collectively we believe that now is the time for the Church to meet the needs of a hurting world.” And it’s an incredible line-up of Christian leaders.

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Betty Beardsley
April 7, 2020

My parents took me to Sunday School and church from the time I was old enough to go. I learned about Jesus as my Savior,and all the Bible stories about Adam & Eve, Cain & Able, David and Goliath, etc, but I thought I was on my own trying to live the Christian life. My understanding was I had accepted Jesus as my Savior, but I did not know about the power of the Holy Spirit.
I was 28 when I learned about the Baptism with the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. This was not taught in the church I grew up in. I thought this was a FALSE teaching when I first heard it so I got out my Bible and began to read and study the Word myself! Instead of just listening to the preacher on Sunday, I was hungry to read the Word. The story of Pentecost was there. I had heard it before, but never knew GOD still filled people with power to be His witness. I am so thankful for the gift of salvation and the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide me, teach me, strengthen me, protect me, heal me, and never leave me. I truly became born again at 28.
I am 75 now, and my life has never been the same. I am so thankful, Now I trust God to see me through this life. I no longer feel alone. God the Father, Son ,and Holy Spirit have brought me through many moves from state to state with my husband’s job. My three children are strong Christians and most of my grandchildren too. God is good. We can trust Him ALL THE TIME. Praise His Holy Name.

Marie Piltingsrud
April 7, 2020

I was 10 years old when I accepted Jesus into my life. I am now 83 years old. At the time we had just had an evangelist speak in our church. He told us we needed to accept Jesus if we wanted to escape Hell. One evening shortly after I asked my parents to pray with me as I wanted Jesus in my life which they were happy to do. At first I lacked assurance and our Pastor had me recite John 3:16 and put my name in. It was prayer meeting night that evening and he told me to give my testimony to the group which I did. I never lacked assurance that I was accepted after that.

Twyla Jackson
April 7, 2020

In 1945 at age eight I became a born again christian. In my 83 years of living God has taken me and my family though just about every thing that can happen in life except murder. We have seen the power of prayer in several severe illnesses, financial situations, etc. Psalm 31:1-3 “In You, O LORD, I have taken refuge; Let me never be ashamed; In Your righteousness deliver me. Incline Your ear to me, rescue me quickly; Be to me a rock of strength, A stronghold to save me. For You are my rock and my fortress; For Your name’s sake You will lead me and guide me.” Because we have a God that cares so deeply for us our family has weathered these storms and are able to abide in the peacw He is giving us right now during this pandemic. If we walk with God who sent His son, our savior we do not need to be afraid of what happens to our bodies. Our souls are safe with Him.

Rene George
April 7, 2020

I was very rebellious and promiscuous growing up . I was very scarred from the things that have happened to me when I was a child . My brother had invited me to a Billy Graham crusade , but I was so angry with God , I said no . I went on a Ensanada trip with some friends . I was 14 . We got there and parked right on the cliff . We were drinking , my friend and I and sitting in the front seat.
We were so drunk , but we started to mess with the gears . The truck was rolling forward. All we could do is laugh our butts off . The boys got to the truck just in time . They were able to stop the truck from going over the cliff . I tell you there were Angel’s there that night keeping that truck going over ! It was the next day and we had to leave . On the way home , we got pulled over by Mexican police . They wanted everything . Cash , jewelry, surfboards and they looked in the back and saw us . They were calling back up . I looked at the guy that was driving and asked , ” What do you want us to do ?”
He looked at me and said , “Pray !” I put my hands together , closed my eyes and just kept saying over and over ,” Please don’t let them take us! Please don’t let them take us! . I cried our in desperation ! On the way home, I was reflecting on how God protected us and kept that truck from going over the cliff and not getting arrested . I settled in my heart that I would go to that Billy Graham crusade . I had told my brother and accepted his invitation.
I went to the Billy Graham Crusade . Listened to the message , said the sinners prayer . When I opened my eyes , I heard these words , “Your not good enough for His grace !”
I wish I could tell you that my life was changed and did a turn around , but it didn’t. I hot deeper into alcohol and drugs . I ended up addicted to crystal and pregnant years later. I was moving into a garage , with a violent man I didn’t know how to get away from . I wanted to abort my baby , but my friend said ,” You don’t know the future of that baby ?” Sh was right , but I had 2 problems . I was addicted and pregnant. I was on the phone ready to call . I hung up and called on God . I told Him I have 2 problems here and you need to help me . I went back to the garage . So depressed and not knowing what to do. I was ready to do a line and a voice spoke to me and said, “Do you remember your prayer ?” I said , “Yes.” He said ,”Ask Me to take that desire away .” I asked Him, ” Take this desire away .” Now I didn’t know at the time it was the Holy Spirit, but all of a sudden a white powdery cloud came out of my mouth . He delivered me on the spot !
Months later I had my baby , but still in this abusive relationship. I was trapped , I had tried to leave , he would just threaten me. I was I was holding my son on my hip walking up to the gate . There was a planter of dirt that I was looking at and thinking to myself , that , that dirt had more purpose than me . There was a gate you had to get the key and open it . He opened it for me and I walked through . The door shut behind me and it felt like a prison door . My thoughts were , this is my purpose to be in this relationship . My punishment in life . He walked into the house . I walked into the garage . When I walked in I heard that voice again . He said, “Put your son down .” I put him on the floor . He said ,”Come over here.”
I had to take a couple of steps to the right. He said, ” Pick up your arm .” I picked up my arm .” He said, “You see that blood running through your veins , that’s royal blood running through your veins! You are a princess, You are royalty ! You are VIP ! Your Father is the King!” He showed me a vision of Jesus on the throne with a gold crown and He was looking at something. I looked to see what it was. He said to me , “That’s your Father,and that’s your home. Heaven is your home !” Heaven was in the room. He shook me to my core so much I thought I was kidnapped from the royal palace in England! He went on to tell me ,” That’s where you belong , you don’t belong here , you’ve been taken captive !”
Right when He said that , my captor walked through the door . I looked at him and he could see something was different. He asked what was wrong with me , like I had seen a ghost . I did , the Holy Ghost. I didn’t know at the time . I was praying for him to leave . He finally left , because I wanted to finish this conversation. I fell to my knees , asked Him to come into my life . Forgive me if my sins. Rededicated my life . I said to Him , I will do anything for You , just get me out of here ! I then had a vision of me in a pit. I looked up and His hand was there . He said, “Take My hand .” He said, “Get up off your knees ” I grabbed His hand and was getting up off my knees . As I was getting up , He was pulling me up. When I was at my feet , I was out of that pit . He pulled me out of that pit.I was born again ! I recieved Jesus at that crusade , never knew that I was saved because I believed that lie that I was not good enough for His grace . It doesn’t matter what you’ve done or where you have been ! You are accepted in the beloved ! Our identity is in Christ alone ! We are a royal priesthood 1 Peter 2:9-10 . His mercy and grace endures forever ! Don’t forget that ! He was born , to die , so you may live !
The gospel truth is He was born of a virgin , died on the cross and went to hell to get the keys from Satan ! Rose on the third day , and now sure at the right hand of God ! Hallelujah!!! Satan no longer has hold if you ! You are free in Jesus name ! No skackle big enough to keep you captive ! The battle is in our mind. If we think we deserve that punishment , we give power to the devil ! The devil is a liar ! We have this grace and it’s available to every sinner ! Don’t forget, you are the King’s kid!

Margo Finelli
April 7, 2020

I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior as a young child. But, as I became a teenager the teachings and traditions of going to church just became a habit and something I did because my parents told me to do it. As a young woman in my twenties I became enamored with the world and experienced much pain and disillusionment. One bad experience after another left me heartbroken and numb. As I muddled through life I would inconsistently reach out to God for help, but eventually realized that I needed to understand for myself why I needed to have this relationship with God. Once I started to pursue God with an open and honest heart and mind, He met me right where I was and I could feel his presence and knew that He had never left or forsaken me. But it was me who had forsaken Him. Day by day, week by week, year by year I continue to seek the Lord and today in my 50ā€™s, I can honestly say that Jesus is and always has been my best friend, my healer, provider, counselor, husband and so much more. Through each phase of my selfish and sinful life, Jesus has never changed His love or opinion of me. I am the daughter of the Most High God and He loves me unconditionally! So I encourage anyone today to seek God with true humility and He will come to you and overwhelm you with His love and forgiveness, healing and peace. Jesus Christ is alive and well my friend. And his precious blood that he shed on the cross has the power to transform you into the person He created you to be! Hallelujah!!! He is Risen!!!

    Tom Senker
    April 8, 2020

    That is Very encouraging! God’s love is Amazing because He reaches out to us time and time again!
    Pray for a Victory in my life and Jesus would heal my thinking. I need Him to fight the battle – I love serving Him. I have had joyful times when I let the Spirit flow. I am clinging on to Isa 54 “No weapon formed against us shall prosper”. I need to be patient and wait for the Breakthrough. Please agree in prayer for a Breakthrough. Thank you, Tom

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