Pregnancy Resource Centers in the ‘Crosshairs’
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Pregnancy Resource Centers in the ‘Crosshairs’
In Hosea 4:2, the Lord made a charge against the inhabitants of the land saying, “They break all restraint and bloodshed follows bloodshed.”
Perhaps you have noticed that something big is shifting in our world. There seems to be a growing sense of darkness that is spreading across our country… especially when it comes to abortion.
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Restraints on life issues are breaking and as a result violence is spreading and bloodshed is following bloodshed. It’s happening so fast beyond human machinations. Devastation of this magnitude can only be wrought by a demonic spirit running rampant in society.
Worshiping at Molech’s altar
If mobile abortion clinics and free vasectomies outside the DNC weren’t sad and appalling enough (a restraint breaking), a Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC) called Aid for Women clinic in Chicago was attacked in the middle of the night after the DNC ended.
According to reports from the Catholic News Agency, the clinic’s security cameras caught four vandals painting “fake clinic” in red paint, along with “the dead babies are in Gaza”. They also cemented the doors to the pregnancy center shut.
This is the 93rd pro-abortion attack against a Pregnancy Resource Center since the leak of the Dobbs decision back in May 2022. Only 5 arrests have been made by the Biden-Harris FBI.
Speaker after speaker at the DNC promoted abortion on demand as a woman’s right to reproductive “freedom” and promising a federal law on abortion. In 2021, the Democrats came close to passing the national law on abortion like the one they’re promising now. It was stopped by one Democrat, Joe Manchin of West Virginia. Just one. president Brian Burch denounced the vandalism as a horrific attack and said… “The aggressive actions and rhetoric of pro-abortion politicians maligning pregnancy resource centers as they serve the vulnerable has no doubt fueled this senseless violence. It’s no surprise then that an attack like this would occur so close to and immediately following the DNC where the party spent the week worshiping at the altar of abortion.”
There is an ancient demonic spirit running rampant in American and abortion is his altar. He is the latest expression of a false god the Bible warns us against; his name is Molech. In biblical times, parents brought their children to be burned alive on his altar, fueled by their desire for financial prosperity. In Leviticus 18:21 God warns, “You shall not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molech, and so profane the name of your God: I am the Lord.”
Yet Israel disobeyed God and “built up high places of Baal … to offer their sons and daughters to Molech.” Jeremiah 32:35. This same spirit of Molech and death roams America today – only it’s disguised as “reproductive freedom.”
What happened to safe, legal and rare?
The modern Democratic party is a long way from Bill Clinton’s mantra in 1992 that abortions be “safe, legal and rare”. In 2023, over one million abortions were performed, the highest number in over a decade. Sixty-three percent were the result of the abortion pills, Mifepristone and Misoprostol. We saw Molech’s High Priestesses on display at the DNC costumed as these abortion pills.
And in the days when evil is called good and good evil (Isaiah 5:20), women are told to celebrate their abortions… beautify their communities with pro-abortion art… and shout their abortions on social media. But to whom are they shouting? Molech?
In another breaking of restraints, many states passed laws allowing abortion until the moment of birth and that no medical treatment is required to save the life of a baby born alive after an abortion, including Vice-Presidential nominee Tim Walz’s state of Minnesota. This is infanticide.
But one million abortions are not enough for the pro-abortion Biden-Harris Administration.
Political Persecution of Pro-Lifers
The Biden-Harris’ Justice Department regularly abuses the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, or FACE Act, by arresting peaceful and praying protestors at abortion clinics. Many have been convicted, heavily fined and sentenced to prison for years. The DOJ proudly lists its FACE cases with dozens of defendants on their website. Where is their zeal for going after church bombings and attacks against PRCs?
In another broken restraint, the DOJ now applies the FACE Act unequally to silence those with opposing views, and harshly persecutes pro-lifers, yet fail to protect pregnancy centers and churches.
I couldn’t help but think of Pharaoh and King Herod after the births of Moses and Jesus. Then, it was the government who came and pulled the babies out of the arms of their stricken mothers and killed them. Rachel was heard weeping for her children. (Matthew 2:18)
But today when evil is called good, it’s the mothers who are demanding the government pass a national law to allow them to kill their unborn children in every inch of the land.
Satan’s Lie: Abortion is Normal
We know that Satan is the father of lies and the great deceiver. Satan has dispatched his demon, Molech, to seduce this nation with the inhuman lie that abortion is normal. Sadly, these women are deceived into abandoning their roles as life-giving nurturers to fall into the devil’s snare of abortion is no big deal, when the truth is a child is God’s great gift and blessing and to kill the unborn baby is a “sacrifice to demons” and “the spilling of innocent blood.” Psalm 106:36-38
Today, it’s not enough to glorify abortion, rally for third trimester and partial-birth abortions, let babies die after birth, insist minor girls can have abortions without parental consent, make abortion pills readily available to anyone without a doctor’s exam or prescription, and offer free abortions at a political convention.
Now, the liberal progressives/socialists in the Democratic party are breaking another restraint and demanding pregnancy resource centers be closed. Why?
PRCs: The Choice of Life
Pregnancy Resource Centers promote the life side of choice. Supporting women throughout their pregnancy, offering pre-natal healthcare, job-training, strollers, diapers, baby formula and clothes, and parenting classes, are among their many services. Many of the women helped by PRCs are from minority and low-income neighborhoods.
Leading the charge against PRCs is Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren who in 2022 issued this statement, “With a far-right Supreme Court poised to overturn Roe v. Wade, it’s more important than ever to crack down on so-called ‘crisis pregnancy centers’ that mislead women about reproductive health care.”
Tim Walz has ended funding for pregnancy resource centers in Minnesota. Governor Maura Healey of Massachusetts launched a $1 million taxpayer funded ad campaign warning against the “dangers and harm of anti-abortion centers.” See Avoid Anti-Abortion Centers.
Attorney Generals in other states such as New York and California are also waging lawfare against Pregnancy Resources Centers for the “crime” of not recommending or providing abortions. Sixteen Attorney Generals in blue states wrote an open letter warning of PRCs out-numbering abortion clinics by 3 to 1 in their states, and the “harm” PRCs do to women.
Why are Pregnancy Resource Centers “dangerous”?
Because PRCs do not offer abortions – plain and simple. They also advise women on the potential mental and physical harm of induced abortions, and offer women progesterone if women want to reverse the effects of the abortion pill. According to the Abortion Pill Reversal Network, over 5,000 babies have been saved through this protocol.
Perhaps the biggest “crime” and “deceptive practice” of pregnancy resource centers is to humanize the unborn baby by offering a free ultrasound, or letting a woman know their baby can feel pain in the first trimester according to the National Institute of Health. PRCs do encourage pregnant women to continue with their pregnancies offering women the hope, support and help they need.
Isn’t it supposed to be about respecting women’s choices… not taking away choice and locking up those who defend the choice of life?
The leaders of the Democratic Party are NOT pro-choice. They are by their actions and statements rabidly pro-abortion. To counsel a woman that it is okay to have and keep her baby, or place her child in a loving adoptive home, that abortion comes with health risks, in their minds, is not “medically accurate information.”
The NEW Battleground
With abortion on demand now firmly established in the DNC platform, pro-abortionists are now coming after choice and the clinics and centers that help women choose life for their babies. Pregnancy Resource Centers are the new frontline in the abortion battle and attacks against these lifesavers are escalating.
The goal of the single-minded pro-abortion left, according to Senator Warren, is to “shut them down all around the country.” They have a strong advocate in Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris to spearhead the effort.
The demons are celebrating … and bloodshed is following bloodshed. Like any demonic spirit, this abortion spirit of Molech, along with the spirits of death, destruction, division, chaos and confusion are never satisfied and always hunger for more—more blood, more darkness, and greater violence.
We MUST pray!
Pray for repentance in our nation for the breaking of restraints and the shedding of innocent blood and that God in His mercy would not give the nation over to the sin of abortion, or the debased and depraved mind of our culture to do what ought not to be done. Romans 1:18-32. Pray that we would return to God’s creative command in Genesis 1:28 to “be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.”
Pray in the mighty name of Jesus for the binding of these evil spirits spreading darkness and death. That the light of Christ will “break upon us and give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death and guide us to the path of peace.” Luke 1:78-79
Pray for boldness and courage to speak the moral truth of abortion in your home, neighborhood, community and pray for your political leaders to pass legislation to protect the unborn. If your church is not addressing this demonic crime that dishonors God, then go to your pastor and share the truth. Claim the promise of John 14:17: “Even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.”
Pray for the end of abortion. Pray that abortion clinics would close, and Pregnancy Resource Centers would thrive. Pray that all who work in the abortion industry and the politicians who support it that their eyes would be open, and they would be set free from the snare of the devil’s lie and seek God’s truth. Pray that God would heal their corrupted minds and consciousness, because “the Father in heaven is not willing that any one of these little ones should not perish.” Matthew 18:14
Pray that women faced with an unwanted pregnancy would trust God and choose life for their baby. Pray that women would seek out Pregnancy Resource Centers for help, support and offer life alternatives to abortion. Let them know the words of Jesus, “whoever comes to me I will never drive away” (John 6:37).
Pray for the protection of Pregnancy Resource Centers and all those who work and stand for life from physical, legal and spiritual attack. Know that the “Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.” 2 Thessalonians 3:3
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Belinda Brewster analyzes cultural, political, and world events from a biblical worldview. Belinda’s passion is to equip, support, and encourage parents and grandparents who are courageously battling against the spiritual and cultural forces impacting children and grandchildren. Photo Credit: Screenshot/X/@maryfiorito.
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I was on the board of a CPC for 12 years. Most CPCs adhere to a strict policy of integrity and do not lie to the women who come to them for help. There is no need — the truth is so compelling!
Putting this policy in writing and including it in the curriculum of volunteer and staff training is also a protection for these organizations in today’s (and yesterday’s) climate of antagonism against CPCs.
This is a wonderful article and I fully agree! I’m sure the misquote of Matthew 18:14 was an oversight.
Thank you Belinda. You are so right: Those who fight for abortions are not pro-choice. If they were truly pro-choice, they would not try to get rid of pregnancy resource clinics. Father, I pray you would protect the clinics, their staff and the volunteers. Turn the hearts of abortion workers and of abortion doctors as you have in the past. May you be glorified by their turned hearts!
“0H Lord, we pray repentance for the evil being done, and the defeat of the evil spirit.”
Excellent, motivating article – thank you for writing it!
I think of the words of a British officer during the Revolutionary War, speaking of the Continental Army: “Every time we think we have defeated them, they come back stronger!”
May attacks on Pregnancy Resource Centers have the opposite effect intended – May it bring courage and strength to the workers there, may it bring more support from churches and their community, may it increase their client load, may You save more babies, moms and dads.
May the attacks wake us up to pray as one against Molech wherever this evil raises its head.
May the signature of each attorney general on that letter be the seal of the demise of their political career unless and until they have a heart change.
Yes, prayer is greatly needed. We also must not forget that the people advocating for the killing of babies are people needing to see and know the love of God. That God loves them, while hating the evil they are promoting. Our battle is not against people but against thebdemonoc forces promoting this evil
I completely agree and I prayed and will continue to pray. Churches MUST speak out about this and we will also pray for that. Pastors have to share this with his sheep.
Thank you, Belinda, for exposing the shocking truth. Pro-choice is not about giving women a choice – otherwise PRCs would be welcomed and supported because they provide the services that allow a woman to choose life for her child, and at no cost financially. Pro-choice is really pro-death, and they desire to profit from it financially, as well. It is a death cult.
Lord, we cry out to You. You are YHVH, the God of life. We come against the spirit of molech and it’s deception. We ask that You break the power of this demonic spirit over our nation. Restore the value of life, from conception to natural death, in our culture. Holy Spirit please convict those who have and are choosing death over life, in any way, shape or form because You are Life, and You desire that we have life – abundant life! We pray for those who have fallen prey to this spirit of molech. May they respond to Your conviction in true repentance, in order to receive forgiveness, salvation, and restoration.
Bless the PRCs – protect them – make rich provision for them – honor them as You did the Hebrew midwives in the time of exile in Egypt. To LIFE!
I cannot fathom Pregnancy Resource Centers having 93 attacks, but only 5 arrests. A few years ago, there was a similar attack on a PRC in D.C. It was similar to this. They threw red paint as blood on the doors and spray painted “liars” and obscenities. I remember the women who oversaw that center made a bold declaration. She said that she would decree that red paint that symbolized blood on the doors, to be like when the Israelites put blood on the doorposts. The spirit of death was not allowed to touch them. Lord, we plead Your blood over these choosing to fight for life. We plead your blood as a hedge of protection for the workers who face attacks and threats. Protect them from the evil one. We pray for women who are considering terminating their pregnancy, to choose life. We pray for your blessing over these PRC’s and workers, who are acting as modern-day midwives. You protected them as they stood for children. Give your church boldness to stand against this evil. In Jesus name, amen.
Pray for a great awakening among unbelievers and a great revival among pastors and complacency in the church.
Agreed this is a church complacency issue more than a political one.
Article too long.
Jesus, thank You for Joe Manchin! He stood in the gap. May many more across USA join him.