I Prayed have prayed
Dear Heavenly Father, You and You alone sit on the throne of the universe. We appeal to You today to cast down the New World Order, which evil people are trying to exalt above You, in Jesus’ name.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

The evidence of how deeply the New World Order has penetrated every echelon of government is chilling. It is clear that there is a hidden agenda for evil, and the hidden agenda is becoming less hidden day by day.

Pray for your fellow intercessor


Nevertheless, our God still sits on His throne above the circle of the earth. He and He alone is sovereign over governments; Jesus is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Our God is well-able to cast down the New World Order and every ideology that embraces it.

He is also still the King who changes hearts—and even uses evil ones to do His own bidding.

As we see so many times in the history of His people Israel, in Bible times He often sent invading forces from pagan countries to be used to discipline His people and draw them back to Himself. Yes, even evil kings had to bend to His will! As it says in Proverbs 21:1: “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.”

All that to say, our God is the only One who truly keeps order in the universe. All things are upheld by the Word of Christ’s power (Hebrews 1:3). So He can easily raise up righteousness and cast down wickedness when we pray.

Would you pray this prayer with me today, asking the Father to dethrone, cast down, hinder, bind, and prevent the New World Order from coming to fruition in the United States of America (and, indeed, in the world)?

Let’s pray as follows:

“Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You in Jesus’ name.

Father God, right now I want to thank You for being sovereign. I know You respect our free will, and You are a great and mighty God. You are all-powerful; the only wise God; the only true God. You are amazing and awesome and a terror to Your enemies. You alone sit above the circle of the earth, in government over the nations. You are King of kings and Lord of lords, and all things must bow at Your feet.

Abba Father, we see the hidden agenda of the New World Order coming to light more every day. The things that the wicked forces behind this agenda plan to do are chilling and horrifying. And Father, it is not Your will that we be brought into a government of control, but rather that we remain in freedom—for where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

Father God, I ask in Jesus’ name today that You would bind, hinder, frustrate, and destroy the New World Order and all plans to implement it.

I ask that every plan the wicked ones make to implement this Order would be frustrated, destroyed, and come to nothing. I ask that You would put roadblocks and hindrances on every path they try to use to release their controlling methods and ideologies. I ask that their apps and technologies that they use to try to draw people under unholy monitoring and control would not work.

Father, we ask also that You would wake people up and show them how offensive and dangerous these plans for the New World Order are.

I pray that people would go to the polls in record numbers and vote for those who will enforce and protect FREEDOM, rather than control. I pray that we the people would rise up and refuse every unholy controlling measure with our votes, and that our votes would count and freedom would be protected.

In the name of Jesus, we ask also that You would wake up the people that are pushing this order. Draw them to Yourself and save them if they can be saved! It is not Your will that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance; so we ask that You would bring them to repentance by showing them Your goodness and Your holy Son, Jesus Christ. Visit them with visions of Jesus, the Man in white, and bring them into saving knowledge of Him.

Father God, we ask You for righteous leaders who will protect and enforce and re-institute FREEDOM in every area.

We pray that only righteous laws and orders would be allowed to pass, and that You would raise up people at every level of government to defend righteousness and freedom. We pray also that You would make every vote turn out for the cause of righteousness and justice, and that You would defend this land that You have created and ordained. Preserve and re-establish our freedoms, Father, in Jesus’ name.

Lord God, we thank You that You are the great and all-powerful God. It is at the name of Jesus that every knee must bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Therefore, in the name of Jesus we bind and forbid the New World Order from having any inroads into America. We rebuke the New World Order and command it to leave our nation. And we release FREEDOM and liberty into our nation in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ our Savior.

Thank You for hearing and answering our prayer, Abba Father. We thank You that there is VICTORY in the camp of the Lord and that there is only DEFEAT in the camp of the enemy. Please show us the answers to this prayer continually. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen and amen.”

Did you pray this prayer to bind, defeat, and dethrone the New World Order today? If so, leave a comment below and add your own heartfelt prayer!

Jamie Rohrbaugh equips people to walk in the manifest presence of God. She is the author of the ebook On-Time God: 10 Prophetic Words and Prayers for RIGHT NOW and of the paperback book Radical Prayer, Radical God: 25 Prayers that Bring Heaven to Earth. She blogs for a global readership at FromHisPresence.com, where she writes about prayer, the prophetic word, living supernaturally, inner healing, and Kingdom wealth. Her writing is featured on YouVersion, Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. Download her free prayer tool, Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them in Prayer and Worship, here. Photo Credit: Canva.

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Jerry Givan
February 20, 2025

Yes, I prayed this prayer in faith. Dethrone the LGBTQ and Transgender agenda. I believe all the evil is being exposed for us to unite in prayer and vote for those who will stand for freedom and not evil. Pray for you of God to use Trump and all of his people to save America and return it to One Nation Under God.

William Downie
February 20, 2025

The prayer has been given. Thank you for posting it.

James Fridas
October 26, 2023

Yes I prayed the prayer and I believe President Donald J. Trump is the lords champion who stands against this evil the New World Order and that is why they are trying to destroy him!

August 2, 2023

I’ve passed through time and time again,and when I returned, the Rulers of the Dark World had all
Aged Beyond Repair,Withered Away.
But this time their greed,lust for power, and plans to add and take away from the message contained within the scriptures past,present, and future will be the annialation of the WEF before it gains traction.
John Mills

Jan Knapp
January 2, 2023

Thank you 🙏 Dear Lord! I know that this will be defeated!

October 21, 2022

Yes, I prayed this prayer in faith. I included to dethrone the LGBTQ and Transgender agenda. I believe all the evil is being exposed for us to unite in prayer and vote for those who will stand for freedom and not evil.
In Matthew 13:36-43, Jesus explained one of His parables to the disciples. He said: Then Jesus sent the multitude away and went into the house. And His disciples came to Him, saying, ‘Explain to us the parable of the tares of the field.’

He answered and said to them: ‘He who sows the good seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world, the good seeds are the sons of the kingdom, but the tares are the sons of the wicked one.

The enemy who sowed them is the devil, the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are the angels.

Therefore as the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of this age. The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and those who practice lawlessness, and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!’”

Judy Schlecht
October 2, 2022

Thank you so very much for this prayer. . If times like this we need every one to be praying this prayer. Praying this every day.

shirley gilford
July 4, 2022

Thank you for this prayer! I pray that God will answer our prayer. He is a mighty God!!

Mark Rayner
June 22, 2022

Yes, I prayed this prayer with heart and mind felt sincerity. I live in Australia so where the prayer referred to America, I changed the context and word to include every nation on this realm under God. Yes, the evil deeds of the satanic elite are being exposed more and more every day, from their satanic ritual abuse of kidnapped children to the harvesting of satan’s drug adrenochrome, to the manufactured covid 19 plandemic and the bioweapon purported to be a vaccine, in fact a drug designed to maim and kill and to reduce the world population in line with their great reset aka agenda 2030 as outlined on the evil Georgia guidestones. Thankyou Lord God for being there for the wretched human race, thankyou Lord for caring and spreading your light over evil. Thankyou Lord for allowing us the gift of life and to live in these extraordinary times where it is obvious that your holy spirit is exposing the wicked in high places. It is so true; “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Linda Lucas
June 21, 2022

Father God, please deliver us from all the evil plans and wiles of the New World Order and break down and destroy all their evil plans against Your people, in Jesus’s Name Amen! Protect us, Lord, from satan and all his evil spirits who seek to control and destroy those of us who love You Lord! Hasten to come and deliver us from the evil plans of Lucifer and all the wicked ones, in Jesus’s Name, Father God, please send Jesus our Savior and Redeemer to take us and our families out of this wicked system of government so that we can join with You in Your mighty army to defeat all the wicked ones, we humbly pray, in Your Son’s holy Name, Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, may it be so, Amen & Amen!

Craig Nell
June 18, 2022

I prayed your good prayer with all my heart! Yes, let it be as we have prayed in humility to our wonderful God !

Sally E Baker
June 17, 2022

The New World order is as old as Nimrod and the tower of Babel – just Satan’s same old, same old strategy. We overcome by the Name and Blood of Jesus. NO worldx order can stand against our Most High God but that it will be torn down and destroyed and that without remedy.

Collin Ryan
June 16, 2022

When I saw that the new world order was planned, I was scared. I prayed that our Lord will disrupt and destroy the plans of the enemy, and stop the new world order, from destroying our country and the world! Today I pray that God will sharpen his sword on His enemies, and that He protects our freedom in the name of Jesus!

Amen 🤲🤲🤲!

Laura Whybrew
June 6, 2022

I was happy to pray this powerful prayer today! I pray every morning that God will break the.evil ones with His rod of iron. I’m am thankful for this godly organization. Thank you for. doing God’s work and blessings to all who pray🙏✝️💗

Deborah Johnston
May 31, 2022

Father God, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit—
I can only add a hearty AMEN to all of the above. At the very name of Jesus EVERY knee will bow! Be glorified in us and this nation dear Lord.

Marguerite Parker Parker
May 30, 2022

Thank you Father God for blessing the USA. Let us continue to proclaim the gospel so many will know You. Bind the lies of the enemy and let freedom ring. One Nation under God.

Tina marie
May 27, 2022


Tina Price
May 26, 2022

Praise Jesus Christ for those who see the dangers and post the warnings praying earnestly for the good of the people and our nation. Like the watchers on the wall they sound the warning and prepare us to take action. Bless you! In Jesus’s name. Amen

Jeannette Raynes
May 25, 2022

“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” Grant us a tsunami of the Holy Spirit to flood and saturate our nation and everyone in it!
Cleanse us from iniquity in thought, word, and deed. Open our eyes that we might not be deceived. Deliver us from evil! In Jesus’ Name! Amen

J.M. Chittum
May 25, 2022

the beast of the underworld came to a Witches chambers that I had been trapped in for a short period of time—but in a Mirror(Reflection) as a Witch was calling forth her savior(which is _atan)
I saw this being dressed in white as CHRIST(the full long robe(of CHRIST-s Day) with black hair and a shock of white on the right side—This is how _atan comes to his disciples
Looking like CHRIST in a white robe looking like the son of the Heavenly FATHER but actually being DEATH and deceit

Karen Mahan
May 24, 2022

Thank you, Jamie, for this powerful prayer. I join in agreement with all the IFA pray-ers, and decree God’s will be done, God’s Kingdom- Come!
Amen & amen!

Faye Hall
May 24, 2022

Yes! I prayed the whole prayer if it may please God to answer it.

May 24, 2022

I am praying for the new world order idea to be done and over. It’s just plain evil.
Make all nations great in their own power to work and trade in peace.

Joe Ferrandino
May 24, 2022

Thank you I pray everyday to keep my sanity in an insane world.

May 23, 2022

So grateful for IFA to lead us in prayer to defeat the evil one.
A friend reminded me and read Psalm 2 to me and helped me stay focused on Jesus. Keep looking up.
Father God, I praise you for the goodness you always show in the face of evil. Thank you for the words of Psalm 2 and that You are and always have been in control of this world. Continue to open the eyes of your people
to darkness trying to fill our world and to remind us that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Help us to be strong as we put on the full armor of God so we can stand our ground in this time of warfare. Let us not step back but push forward to claim the name of Jesus. In His name, amen

Carmella Hoffman
May 22, 2022

Lord, God in Heaven, please save us from the evil permeating America right now! Please open the eyes and minds of Americans so they can see where we are heading with this New World Order agenda and stop it from
getting a foothold in America! I pray that righteous, God – Fearing people be elected to all forms of government from towns, cities, states & Federal. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen

Cheri Weldy
May 22, 2022

These prayers are so strong & fabulously perfect that there is nothing I can add. Thank you!
I will be praying & sharing them.

May 22, 2022

Lord God, thwart these evil plans that are commencing TODAY. Do not let the power that has been misused via the coronavirus pandemic continue to be perpetrated. We pray that increased vaccine mandates will not stand. Do not let Biden cede United States health authority to the World Health Organization. Make all ratified, freedom-stealing amendments and treaties, worldwide, become null and void. We pray that all global health magnates would not have consensus in plans they may seek to make. Let all other related, and unrelated, plans harmful to sovereignty and freedom fall apart, fruitless. Annihilate the World Health Organization’s ratified Pandemic Treaty. Preserve our freedoms, worldwide. Destroy the New World Order and the Great Reset

May 22, 2022

Lord God, thwart these evil plans that are commencing TODAY. Do not let the power that has been misused via the pandemic continue to be perpetrated. We pray that increased vaccine mandates will not stand. Do not let Biden cede United States health authority to the World Health Organization. Make all ratified, freedom-stealing amendments and treaties, worldwide, become null and void. We pray that all global health magnates would not have consensus in plans they may seek to make. Let all other related, and unrelated, plans harmful to sovereignty and freedom fall apart, fruitless. Annihilate the World Health Organization’s ratified Pandemic Treaty. Preserve our freedoms, worldwide. Destroy the New World Order and the Great Reset

Sheldon Livesay
May 22, 2022

We are so grateful for Brother Dave and IFA to clearly inform us as intercessors across the county, to state the threats to Christians and our Freedoms in a clear, easy to understand way so we can pray those things that are not, as though they were, so they will be.

You are always among the first to get out the most critical issues we face.

Thank you again.

Faith McDonnell
May 21, 2022

Thank you for this great prayer. Will continue to pray it. Here’s my blog post about this. I am part of the Committee on the Present Danger: China that has been focused on this disaster of the sovereignty sellout.
AMERICANS don’t let American sovereignty get sold to the W.H.O.
God bless you!

Santos Garcia Jr.
May 21, 2022

The Nazi World Order and their face of deception known as the World Economic Forum has the assignment of darkness to seek to establish the antichrist kingdom prematurely. PLEASE study carefully my new series “The Great Awakenings…” with Part I available here: https://zionsgate.wordpress.com/2022/05/14/the-great-awakenings-part-i-a-crash-course-in-global-tyranny/ AND Part II will be posted this afternoon (5/21/2022).

Father I thank You that our prayers are being answered, as You undercover the schemes of the enemy who will NOT destroy our Constitutional Republic nor cause any more depopulation of planet earth. We agree that You still have a Destiny for America that is unfulfilled, and we WILL see You exercise Divine Justice in bringing all traitors and evil-doers to their condemnation and incarceration. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!

Cynthany Anderson
May 21, 2022

🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 I Prayed!

Father God, the world needs you now!! We ask you for your immediate intervention. Deliver us from evil in Jesus precious name we ask this.

MaryAnn Levy
May 20, 2022

Father – we call on the Promise of Your Word that having gone forth it will NOT return void – empty – without fulfillment – ABBA as a Nation we stood with Israel against the World as our President Donald J. Trump declared “Jerusalem the eternal Capital of Israel” – Your Word Decrees “If you bless Israel I WILL Bless you.” We therefore based on that Word of promise call in Your Blessing to RESCUE us from this diabolical plot of the enemy to destroy the Sovereignty of our nation 🙏 We call in and trust in and believe Your Word of Promise for us as a Nation and for Donald J. Trump as an individual. Angels of the Lord according to Psalm 103 you hearken to the voice of His Word to bring it to pass – we therefore Commission you to submit yourself ro the Word of the Lord and bring this Word of Blessing to pass for us as a Nation and for Donald J. Trump as an individual – in Jesus Name – A-men!

Marva Sinclair
May 20, 2022

In prayer, all things are possible.
Good will always win out over evil.

Jim McNabb
May 20, 2022

Yes we know that God is sovereign and that the victory is His. However, we have all been lax is praying that believers will wake up to the dangers we all face in losing our country and that we need prayers to frustrate the plans of those who desire power over us.
Wake up o sleeper.

Jodi Stark
May 20, 2022

Thank you Jesus that where two or three are gathered together in your name, you are there, you hear and answer prayer. Many of us come to you in agreement with this prayer. We praise you for the manifestation of your work with Abba Father on our behalf to bring your love and good news to all who will hear. Be glorified in the nations, among all peoples of every tribe and tongue. We praise you Mighty God and give many thanks for every rich and powerful blessing; for making ways where there seems to man to be no way. Glory to your name!

Pamela Blunt
May 19, 2022

Thankyou mighty God, our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour and Holy Spirit – you in us and we in you, your Kingdom. We are yielded to You alone and praise you and worship you.

Peg Coffee
May 19, 2022

May the Lord send confusion to the enemy camp of all involved in trying to implement the New World Order. May the destructions of families, homes and lives that they are doing be turned back on themselves. And Father, thank You in Jesus name for hearing and answering our prayers. Anen

Georgia Peterson
May 19, 2022

I prayed this prayer in the Name of Jesus, and will continue to do so! God answers prayers! Yes, and Amen!

May 19, 2022

Lord God, thwart these evil plans. Do not let the power that has been misused via the pandemic continue to be perpetrated. We pray that increased vaccine mandates will not stand. Do not let Biden cede United States health authority to the World Health Organization. Make all ratified, freedom-stealing amendments and treaties, worldwide, become null and void. We pray that all global health magnates would not have consensus in plans they may seek to make. Let all other related plans harmful to sovereignty and freedom fall apart, fruitless. Annihilate the World Health Organization’s ratified Pandemic Treaty. Preserve and re-establish our freedoms, worldwide. Destroy and dethrone the New World Order and the Great Reset

May 19, 2022

Yes, yours truly did pray this prayer and may the strength of the Lord be in us all, in Jesus name amen.

Joanne Behrend
May 19, 2022

Yes, yes, yes!! What a powerful packed prayer. With my total being I prayed that prayer with you!!

Sally Jadlow
May 19, 2022

Jesus is Lord. He sits above the ring of the earth and laughs at the wicked plans of man.

Paul G, Rogers
May 19, 2022

I prayed and agree with it, There will come a time when the New World Order will be implemented with the Anti Christ as head but we don’t have to submit to it. It is not for us to know the times or seasons but to be salt and light and to pray against it.

Bernd Torres-Toro
May 19, 2022

A Wonderful prayer asking God the Father thru Jesus Name to bind and destroy the new world order.! Thank you so much!!

May 19, 2022

Fabulous prayer!

Lori McGrath
May 19, 2022

AMEN! I am in agreement with this anointed prayer and have prayed it aloud! May Almighty God make a way where there is no way.

May 19, 2022

Lord God, thwart these evil plans before they come to fruition. Do not let the power that has been misused via the coronavirus pandemic continue to be perpetrated. We pray that increased vaccine mandates will not stand. Do not let Biden cede United States health authority to the World Health Organization. Make all ratified, freedom-stealing amendments and treaties, worldwide, become null and void. We pray that all global health magnates would not have consensus in plans they may seek to make. Let all other related plans harmful to sovereignty and freedom fall apart, fruitless. Annihilate the World Health Organization’s ratified Pandemic Treaty. Dethrone the New World Order. Preserve our freedoms, worldwide.

Maureen Vaccaro
May 18, 2022

I agree with this powerful prayer and I prayed it in Jesus’ name. AMEN!

Angela W
May 18, 2022

Prayed this prayer and in TOTAL agreement with it! 🙇🏽‍♀️👀👂🏽👆🏽💞

Sam Shipley
May 18, 2022

Yes, I prayed the prayer today! Almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, thwart and destroy the New World Order and the people and spiritual forces behind it.
We call the Holy Blood of Jesus down upon our dear USA and our dear world for protection from the New World Order.

May 18, 2022

Dear Lord we come to you and ask that you would take what wicked men plan for evil and turn it to good! In your name Jesus, please let the truth prevail and good prevail over evil! We trust in Your holy name and ask that all would repent and come to know you, Lord! Please call on your people to see the truth, repent and heal our land because of it! Your word is full of these promises and we know You are all powerful and all knowing! Please open the wise of the blind and take away complacency. Please give us wisdom at the polls and help us to seek truth! Amen!

May 18, 2022

I am thankful that I can pray for our nation, God had put a burden In my her 51/2 years ago.. I am thankful to see God had others in the world praying too.. it’s a blessing and encouragement to me. To never stop praying for our nation and world. I am thankful to pray everyday and learn and grow .. thank you Father and thank you intercessors for America. May God bless you all according to his will for the work that he has and is working on.

Anna Rechel
May 18, 2022

Thank you for the prayer. It is right on. To God be the glory for ever and for ever. Amen

Jo-Anne Fluet
May 18, 2022

Jesus I Trust in You. Holy Spirit, reveal the Truth to All. Heavenly Father, give All of the necessary Grace, through the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary to know and do your Will.

May 18, 2022

I came into full agreement with this prayer, and I decree that America shall be saved.

Allena Jordan
May 18, 2022

Lord, Your watchmen come to Your throne today to find help in time of need. I thank You for the encouragement from “Give Him 15” today, May 18. “An envoy has been sent…” Obadiah had a vision concerning Edom – the land of Esau, the place of godlessness. Esau was carnal, living only for his fleshly desires, giving up his birthright. He defied God by marrying Canaanites, living only for his fleshly desires. God gave him over to his desires, and gave Mt. Seir to him, the land of the Edomites, the land of godlessness. The vision Obadiah had was a report from the LORD, an envoy has been sent. Lord, we are in need of an envoy sent to this huge mountain lying before the entire world – a mountain that believes it can control the entire world through the World Health Organization Treaty being revised to allow WHO sovereignty in the matter of health decisions for some 196 nations, including the U.S., a nation founded by You, according to Your laws and ways. Lord, their arrogance of heart has deceived people. They live in the loftiness of their dwelling places and say in their hearts, “Who will bring me down to earth?” Lord, You responded by saying in Obadiah 1:4: “Though you build high like the eagle, Though you set your nest among the stars, From there I will bring you down,” declares the Lord. We appeal to our heavenly Father. Send the envoys. And we declare and decree Your Word over this meeting: Though the globalists believe they are doing the right thing, though they dwell in their high and arrogant places, The LORD will bring them down from their lofty places. You are ruined. You are ransacked and your hidden treasures searched out. All the men allied with you will send you forth to the border, and the men at peace with you will deceive you and overpower you. They who eat your bread will set an ambush for you. The so-called wise men and women of this organization will be destroyed and dismayed. Those who devised and submitted the suggestions for the amendments will be destroyed and dismayed because they defied the oaths of their office in the U.S. They shall be cut off from this mountain of influence. And so Lord, we declare From Obadiah 1:21: The deliverers will ascend Mount Zion
To judge the mountain of Esau (godlessness),
And the kingdom will be the Lord’s. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Renee Casey
May 18, 2022

I prayed

May 18, 2022

When we hear the phrase “reset” by the globalists and those whom we can identify as true “modernists”, it should make us reflect on two of the most insidious revolutions in recent history, i.e., the French Revolution and Bolshevik Revolution. Both contained the violent seeds of Atheism as well as the tyranny of subverting the God given rights of their fellow citizens with the false ideology of the State as being the master of both an individual’s and a nation’s destiny. This secular materialistic view leaves no room for the submission to the Lord as our sovereign king and strips away all vestiges of faith and morals which would bring about a true, enduring and peaceful order. We see this being played out in our own beloved nation where the infection of the soul, mind and body found its advent more or less in the sixties, the so-called Age of Aquarius, where Satan used the restlessness of modern man and his preoccupation with self to promote a culture of death that has metamorphosed into what we now call the culture wars raging today. Pope Pious XII prophetically exclaimed, “the greatest sin is when a people of a nation assert that they have no sin within them.” This is so boldly proclaimed in Saint John’s first epistle when the apostle states, “whoever says he is without sin calls God a liar” and when our Blessed Lord describes Satan as the prince of darkness, a liar and a murderer from the beginning. Truly good and fruitful works of repentance and reparation dedicated by the servants of Jesus will, as our Blessed Mother told the children of La Salette, France, restrain his strong arm of justice and make amends for the outrages and blasphemies foisted upon him and his church. This is what must happen if we are to reclaim this nation and dig ourselves out of this noxious dung heap of relativism and idolatry.

Andy Jordan
May 18, 2022

I prayed this well worded prayer.

Sharion H
May 18, 2022

After the 2020 election, we know that the bad guys can plot, plan, and execute with accuracy. The goal of a One World Government would require everyone in agreement and that isn’t going to be an easy thing to get. My prayer is that the United States will (after these two years) appreciate FREEDOM and at least half the people fight to keep it. Our prayer should include our veterans, old and new, to join us. It would give us military support! We need to be more selective of the candidates we choose to run for office. (I personally went to these meetings and we had all these people running for the same office and when we went to vote those all around me were picking their friends and never studied the others and many were much better qualified. It was a waste of my time. It’s all clicks and that is what we have in the Congress run by Nancy and in the Senate run by Chuck Schumer. We need to push when they are running for reelection to help the candidate running against them. If we can’t get enough to bring them down, bring them down personally. Plan A and Plan B. We are just looking out for our state. We need to seek God for a plan to execute so we’ll win. Remember when God told David (22 Samuael 5:23) to go back behind them and when they heard the sound of the Mulberry trees …. and they won. We need DIRECTION. We need to be organized. We need to work together. We need to WIN!

Vicki L
May 18, 2022

Thank you for sharing this prayer, Jamie! It helps my prayers be effective in spiritual wars in the heavenlies.

Colleen Carrier
May 18, 2022

Lord, in your churches, homes, and, your individual children awaken us in your truth and actions.

Catherine S Green
May 18, 2022

Amen and amen!

Juan Ordonez
May 18, 2022

Thank you Father for your name is strong fortress, where your people can be safe! Thank you for let us continue asking for the end of the nwo and their failed plans of fear, poverty and death. In the name of Jesus we aks you Abba for the nations deliverance and the revival that our nations needs from the heads of our governments to the little children. May you find appropriate to pour more of your Holy Spirit in us and guide us to Jesus to live in your love. We ask you for peace and truth in these times, for strength to keep interceding for the nations to You, who has the control of everything above, on and under the earth.We praise Your name, Amen.

May 18, 2022

Amen! May it be so

Linda Cirenza
May 18, 2022

Thank you for this amazing prayer. You said everything that I wanted to say but didn’t have the words. Thank you, Father God, for helping me see this prayer so I could have the words to say it too.

May 18, 2022

Amen 🙏🏼 thank you so much so greatful for this. Intercession For America has helped me so much really just knowing how to pray for stuff like this. Thank you. Praise the Lord and Thank You Jesus. 😊

Curtis Guhl
May 18, 2022

The press is controlled to set up a ruling class, we see this every day. Thank you Lord that you have chosen you people to know the truth. That we would have liberty in our prayers and our minds. What a blessing you have bestowed on us.

May 18, 2022

I prayed this prayer and mean every word of it.

Judy Baker
May 18, 2022

Praise God for you and the growing number of IFA intercessors!

May 18, 2022

Praying and declaring:
Job 5:12 He disappointeth the devices of the crafty, so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise. (KJB)

Charles David
May 18, 2022

Yes & AMEN💥❗️

May 18, 2022

I prayed . Thank you Father that you are in control . Thank you that your mercies are new every morning. I pray that you will bind the evil and bring us back to one nation under the one true God!

Vivian Reeher
May 18, 2022

We thank you Father God for your great and precious promises for we know that when we pray, you not only hear but answer. Our hope and confidence is in the Lord all day long and we will not be disappointed!

May 18, 2022

Prayed and praying!

May 18, 2022


Donna Fawcett
May 18, 2022

Father, I thank You that You are sovereign. I trust in You to hear my prayer and answer. I praise You that Your thoughts and plans are higher than ours. That You are working everything together for our good. You can do exceedingly abundantly beyond everything all I ask or think. All praise and honor belong to You. In Jesus’s name I pray. Amen

May 18, 2022

Thank you for guiding us in this prayer.

I come into agreement with the saints right now now as I say this prayer with declarations for God’s righteousness to come down and fill our nation. For the water to rise as heaven releases the flood gates to open wide. Remove the evil in our land and restore is oh Lord so we may be blessed in our country once more. Amen.

April Purvis
May 18, 2022

Dearest Father, please expose the enemy! Open the eyes of the blind to Your reality/to Jesus -& to the reality of Satan & what his true nature is- and what is really going on in the world right now. Please spotlight plots, traps, & those who are working deceit. Please bring down wickedness in high places. Please help & protect Your people, our country & Israel’s peace, & everyone that is on Your heart to do so. Intervene freely everywhere. Send visions, dreams, prophets, whatever it takes to awaken us!!! Please expose to us & forgive us our own grievous sins that have allowed all this to creep in!!!
Father, I have been taught that You gave authority to us who belong to You, to take dominion over & cast down wickedness here, in Jesus’s mighty Name, & I do so right now in the Mighty name of Jesus, giving all praise, glory, & honor to You!!! I plead the blood of Jesus over us.
I thank you for showing me that if we feel faint or fearful when we pray, that that doesn’t mean lack of faith… for if we stand & do what you’ve told us to do (pray!) DESPITE feelings of fear or doubt, that that alone is a little grain of faith.. which is all You, our Great & Mighty God, needs to do great & mighty things!!! We keep our eyes on You,, not on us. YOU are our Overcomer! When we pray in Your will, Jesus is our fellow Intercessor, & HIS faith is perfect & unfailing!!! We also know that regardless of what we see or don’t see, that such a prayer in Your will HAS started an action in heaven! Our confidence & eyes are on You, Father, not on what we see- We bow to You in awe & worship, love, praise & joy!!!
Open our eyes & hearts wide to You & Your Will in our lives; lead us to the faithful daily time with You that will grow us to become true servants & soldiers for You; expose every enemy root that has grown in us, ourselves: complacency, laziness, EVERYTHING! Help us to see ourselves so clearly through Your Eyes that WE cry out in personal repugnance & repentance over our own sins- Father, please forgive me! You’re breaking my heart right now as I look at myself! Don’t let it disappear right back into busyness & worldly care tomorrow- keep me fixed on You. Lead & grow me in every way. Keep me alert to my own sins, to hearing You so clearly that I can actually be useful, to hear what You want from ME each day. Father, when I “feel” unforgiveness & anger for something, remind me that I CAN forgive despite it. It, like love, is a choice, not a feeling. I can rebuke it in Jesus’s Name; I can say, “I CHOOSE to forgive; it’s MY decision that God honors!” And I can get up & go do a chore, ride a bike, read, whatever it takes to interrupt the angry thoughts- because You told us in Phillipians that You are all about us training our thought lives. And when the bad thoughts come back & knock again, I WILL choose Your way again. (LORD, I am mindful that forgiveness doesn’t mean that a victim has to stay around their oppressor or that there shouldn’t be legal consequences). But I CAN bring things in me under Your Lordship- I WILL work on it daily -to HEAR You, to OBEY You so You WILL be able to alert me to dangers, to things You want from me, how You want me to pray, how to love others in wisdom & with proper boundaries, how to stand up for what’s right, & when & how to take a stand, remindful that I’m a soldier in combat who MUST hear You, my Commander- You may not do things the same way twice- You may not do things the way that is comfortable to me- but lives depend on my learning to cleave to You daily. Let me learn for my whole life to become thanksgiving & prayer to You that You can use in this warfare! We CHOOSE YOU! We bow to YOU! WE worship YOU. Victory, & Power, & Honor, & Glory are YOURS forever!!!

May 18, 2022

Do we, you have the Power to stand when the HEAT is Turned in. One of my favorite stories in the Bible is of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego stood their Ground when the King threw them in his furnace because They would not bow down to him the King, they stood firm in their loyalty to God. After they were tied up and the (Three) were thrown in the Furnace which was the hottest it had ever been. God clearly states in His Word where there is worship and praise, His presence is there! Psalms 22:3 Declares that God is holy , and He inhabitants the praises. The King was astonished did we not put (Three) men in the midst of the Fire, Why is it I see (four) ? There in the midst of the Fire in the furnace was (four) men and the (fourth) looks like the son of God. Daniel 3:24-25 No where does it say in the Bible that Gods presence is restricted to only pleasant places in our journeys in life. Right now is a journey of fear, lies, killing babies, threats of a New World Order, indoctrination of our children etc. Are we in the Fire that the Democratic Party, and others are trying to destroy Gods people. The (3) Hebrew Children believed and trusted God to rescue them. Daniel : 3:-16-18 says (3) important words. But if Not! Are words of demonstrations of firm and unflinching resolve about their stand concerning Jesus. They knew He was their Father of Faith, God is founded on Integrity of our Fathers Heart and how much He loves us. When God promised he would take care of us. He took care of Moses for forty years. God said in Isaiah 43:2-3 – I AM the Lord your God Your Savior. God is going to bring us out of this dark place, if we do our part: He loves Praise/ Worship He worked hard to give us a beautiful place to live called America, gave us beautiful churches/ pastors that is suppose to teach Gods word to help many people learn about the Cross of Salvation. The churches Closed. Fear started, lock ups began, control took place, threats were given. Where did we leave God? We’re we in the furnace? This is what I pray about and remember we MUST never forget that we cannot leave God out of our lives, he is the only one who can get us out of the fiery furnace , he is our Hope, our provider, our protector, he strengthens us, empowers us. God can give us supernatural abilities these things come from our Father. This is where a lot are missing the True Live of Gods relationship. We all must do something to get this mess cleaned up that a lot of us, people created. It started off when prayer was removed from our Schools we never fought for it, we forgot God again. Father God I thank you for allowing me to point out things we should be doing. Remembering WE cannot do this with out you , having a relationship with you so we can talk as a Friend as you guide us. Forgive us. We really need you to be the straw boss to guise and direct us so we can dwell in your glory, see the manifestation of great revivals. We wait patiently in prayer, taking place to help in America wherever you place us, we are yours to guide as u direct us. We promise we will make time for your Kingdom. Love you Father

Mary Ellen Stewart
May 18, 2022

I prayed.

Joan Swanderski
May 17, 2022

Beautiful prayer! May it ascend swiftly to God’s Ears!

May 17, 2022


America’s leaders are leading us nowhere,
Walking in darkness away from the light,
Leaders “sworn in” with their hands on the Bible
While mocking G-D’s Word and rejecting what’s right.
They’re shameless corrupter s with self-serving interests:
Haters of G-D filled with evil contempt.
Look at the course our Nation is taking
Through such leaders who are fully “hell bent”!
Our choices today will affect us tomorrow!
It’s our children’s children who’ll suffer our wrong;
For the consequence of our electing such leaders
Has weakened America: a nation once strong.
What account shall we give one day to our children
In regards to our “sin-sick” society?
What reason shall we give for America’s downfall?
The reason has to do with you and me!
Is there hope for our Nation? Yes and amen!
America must return to G-D once again.
We must choose to serve Him with all of our hearts;
For only then will He heal and restore our land.
Then we must “break the silence”, “speak out”, and “offend”;
It’s time to kick immorality out the door!
We must vote in strong leaders after G-D’s own heart,
Who will restore America to greatness once more.
Yes, our choices today will affect us tomorrow.
It’s time to change course while it is yet “day”!
For nothing’s impossible with G-D on our side,
As long as we hearken to Him and obey.

    May 18, 2022

    God will restore America, His Prophets say so. We just have to trust and be patient as we pray. But prayer is the Answer the Evil spirits hate it when we pray.

May 17, 2022

I prayed this mighty prayer this morning and now my husband, We just prayed it together in the name of Jesus.
Matthew 18:20
“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
Thank you Fellow Believers!

May 17, 2022

Let God arise and His enemies be scattered!!

Gloria Affenit
May 17, 2022

Dear GOD hear our humble prayers & keep us close to you always in thought, word ,& deed in Jesus” name

Amy Price
May 17, 2022

Lord, so many people are caught up in this lie. Please set the captives free!!!! I ask, not in my own merits, but in Jesus’ merits. Amen

Kathy Emahiser
May 17, 2022

Father, we come together in agreement asking that you block this new world order from coming into fruition. Open the eyes of people and let them see the true intent of this order and put a desire in them to rise up and boldly come against it. We ask this in Jesus name with thanksgiving. Amen

May 17, 2022

Amen! Let God arise and His enemies be scattered, in Jesus Holy Name!

May 17, 2022

Amen! And Amen! In Jesus’s powerful name let your will LORD be done in earth as it is in Heaven. America will be saved!!! Hallelujah!

Debra Barnes
May 17, 2022

Father, the only way a NEW world order will be established is if your people reject the ancient paths which you have established from the foundation of the earth.
We embrace your Word and commandments, and as Yahshua walked in obedience to them so will we. Forgive us for ignorance of your ways – reveal them in these last days so that we may see your glory throughout all the earth.

May 17, 2022

I prayed the prayer and will share and continue to pray. “ YeHOVAh arise and let your enemies be scattered! Please do not turn us over to the will of the enemy. Let every weapon formed against us not prosper and deliver us from evil. Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”

Etta Danielson
May 17, 2022

I am continually agreeing in prayer with IFA.

Tahwahnah Lyons
May 17, 2022

Lord God I come to you. I ask you to break the chains of the wicked ( the new world order) and bind the enemy that is trying to get hold of this world. Father I pray that the people will wake up in the name of Jesus Christ and that they will be given wisdom, knowledge, with guidance and direction from you. May the Holy Spirit do his work and I pray that many will come to you and receive salvation as they realize what is actually going on in this world right now. Lord, show us the way to freedom and protect us from the evil one. In Jesus name. Amen
Our Father who art in heaven, hollow it be thy name. Thy kindom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our
daily bread and forgive us our trespasses and we forgive those who trespassed against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever, Amen.

    Margaret Kasten-Hubbard
    May 17, 2022

    Thank you for the prayer. It contains EVERYTHING. Amen

James Fridas
May 17, 2022

Yes, I prayed this and will pray it daily, especially the part that we need to remove evil Joe Biden and Kamala Harris the counterfeit king and counterfeit queen!

Rhonda Bond
May 17, 2022

Amen!! Standing daily on the word of God!🙏

May 17, 2022

Yes, Lord – I agree with this powerful prayer, in Jesus’s name!!

Irma Ramirez
May 17, 2022

Lord and Our God, You are Our Lord and King, we are only creatures created by You. We implore You to deliver us from all evil, guide us in Your Way. May all peoples return to Your Way, Your Truth and Your Light that’s You!
Help us because we are weak and we fall constantly, May we have a clear understanding that we are sinners and we need to correct our wrong doings with true repentance and return to Your Truth and Commandants. Jesus we trust, hope and love You. Our Lady of America’s intercede for us.
Viva Christ the King, reign in our Nation and the whole world!!
Amen! Irma Ramirez
God’s blessings. Please pray, pray constantly and with love, faith and humble heart and trust in God. Irma

Nancy B Bryda
May 17, 2022

I forbid the one world order attempted takeover of America. I stand for the state of Connecticut and say not here and not now. I ask that you expose the Pfizer, CDC and Dr. Fauci connection to the world economic forum and their allegiance to the one world order agenda. Also, it is a conflict of interest in reference to protection of American health and freedom. I declare and decree our constitutional republic will not be taken over by demonic forces. I bind manipulation, censoring of free speech, government overreach, critical race theory, murder, lust, antichrist spirit, pride, secular humanism and any ideology that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ and his Kingdom. I lose truth of God’s word. Just like the tower of babel fell so will the one world order at this time in history. Not on our watch as there is power in the name of Jesus to break the chains of the one world order.

Betty Yelle
May 17, 2022

Jesus please heal all those who have been forced to take the vaccine. Heal them of any complications as a result of the Covid vaccine. Dissolve all blood clots and issues they are facing. In the precious name of Jesus. Amen

May 17, 2022

May God destroy the plans of the enemy and it’s evil agenda, New World Order. May God open our eyes like He opened Elisha’s servant. May we see the hills full of horses and chariots of fire around this nation. We pray like Daniel: Give ear O God and hear, open our eyes. We do not make requests of you because we are righteous but because of Your great mercy. O Lord listen, O Lord forgive, O Lord hear an act. In Jesus name. Amen.

Thomas Norton
May 17, 2022

I continue to pray and agree before the Lord

Jane sanders
May 17, 2022

There is power in prayer! Thank you for the prayer warriors. Pray changes everything! Adoni our Lord prevail! You are a just God! We honor and praise you! And we know the end of the story! You are victorious!! Praise be to God

May 17, 2022

Lord God, thwart these evil plans. Do not let the power that has been misused via the coronavirus pandemic continue to be perpetrated. We pray that increased vaccine mandates will not stand. Do not let Biden cede United States health authority to the World Health Organization. Make all ratified, freedom-stealing amendments and treaties, worldwide, become null and void. We pray that all global health magnates would not have consensus in plans they may seek to make. Let all other related plans harmful to sovereignty and freedom fall apart, fruitless. Annihilate the World Health Organization’s ratified Pandemic Treaty. Preserve our freedoms, worldwide.

Nanette Gemmer
May 17, 2022

Deliver us from the devious and deceptive plans of the enemy Send confusion in to the enemies camp

May 17, 2022

God’s will be done+
ALL for the GLORY of GOD!!!
Angels & saints in Heaven we ask that you too pray with us.

Amanda Bentley
May 17, 2022


Brenda Deere
May 17, 2022

Thank you for posting this prayer. I hope to say it every day until this evil is defeated!

Charles Nellis
May 17, 2022

Where does the Pope stand on your holy mission?🙏✝️😊❤️

    May 17, 2022

    I’m sure the pope is in favor of the NWO. He has been on the wrong side of God’s Word many times. I do not believe the pope is a godly man.

Gayle Turner
May 17, 2022

I prayed every part of the prayer over the New World Order and it’s plan to take over our nation. I prayed for God to take over and destroy every plan of the enemy to control and take over our nation and for the American people to wake up to their plans.

Pearl Schimmel
May 17, 2022

I prayed this prayer today at 4:45 pm Mn time. And will continue this evening. Thank you Lord that you hear your people. Give us mercy and grace in our time of need. In Jesus precious name we pray. Amem

Grammy 13
May 17, 2022

How awesome to know that the King of kings is our Abba Father. Thank you that when life is hard we have you to turn to, You alone reign and have dominion over all you created. Man has exalted his position to try and unseat you. We trust you will use the evil we see and experience to draw your children into a more intimate relationship with you as we know you will use this this time to accomplish your purposes for your glory alone. Lord we denounce the evil wickedness in our Government that is seeping into all areas of our life- our communities, children’s education, our workplaces, churches. Remove the scales from your children’s eyes in order to see truth and equip us with your strength and wisdom to fight back by electing new leadership that grounded in your Holy Word. Lord I pray our leaders would fear you and not man and come into a eternal relationship with your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen! Amen!

May 17, 2022

Lord God, thwart all of these evil plans. Do not let the power that has been misused via the pandemic continue to be perpetrated. We pray that increased vaccine mandates will not stand. Do not let Biden cede United States health authority to the World Health Organization. Make all ratified, freedom-stealing amendments and treaties, worldwide, become null and void. We pray that all global health magnates would not have consensus in plans they may seek to make. Let all other related plans harmful to sovereignty and freedom fall apart, fruitless, as well. Annihilate the World Health Organization’s ratified Pandemic Treaty. Preserve our freedoms in all areas, worldwide. Destroy all the plans of the New World Order

Mary B.
May 17, 2022

May God bless us and have Mercy on us!

Thomas meyer
May 17, 2022

Awsome u said it, it’s done by the BLOOD OF THE LAMB and my spoken testimony ! Hallelujah ! JESUS ; JESUS ; JESUS: AMEN

May 17, 2022

Yes and AMEN!!! We declare your plans and purposes through Christ’s finished work on the cross and his resurrection power has already accomplished all these things for your GLORY, our God! Thank you Jesus, we give you all the PRAISE!

Greg Casiello
May 17, 2022

Our eyes are upon You, O Lord, we trust Your saving power, save us from this evil cabal. Let the evil powers be ensnared in the trap they are laying for Your children, in Jesus name!

Coral Rose Shipley
May 17, 2022

Thank you, that I/we can join our prayers and beliefs together, to experience the breakthrough of God’s power & will being done this day.

May 17, 2022

Well said! I agree with all of these pleas to restore and protect our freedoms, not only in America, but across the planet. I pray for those nations who have been abused and oppressed for so long. Lord, we ask that you free your people from Satan’s plans. And bring to justice any and all those who have willingly and knowingly participated in furthering Satan’s plans.

Deb B
May 17, 2022

Amen! and Thank you Jesus for your saving grace and we declare that America (and the world) shall be saved! Amen!

May 17, 2022

Thank you for this prayer!

Mary Thomas
May 17, 2022

I agree and humbly ask you heavenly Father, to grant swift and divine answers to our prayers and supplications for the lives of all those alive in the four corners of the earth today and for the generations to come, in Jesus’ Holy name.

David B Brown
May 17, 2022

sure did amen! Praise Jesus

May 17, 2022

Father in Heaven, We humbly beseech thy mercy to wake up those who have been distracted and deceived by the plans of the enemy. In your word Genesis 50:20 “But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive”. The infiltration of the globalists into national governments is truly an immovable mountain from the perspective of our own strength but with you Lord all things are possibly. The pharmaceutical complete domination of humanity by sorcery (pharmakeia) is at hand (Rev. 18:23). This is a full spectrum, full scale attack on humanity that only you Father can turn around for your glory. We pray that the hidden, dark forces at work to invert your creation be exposed and that the fear of the slavery system that is intended by the enemy for your creation be used for good and your glory. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

May 17, 2022

Yes, I prayed this powerful prayer in Jesus’ name and will continue to do so! God bless you!

Eddie Stockton
May 17, 2022


Keith Gilbride
May 17, 2022

Thank you for fighting evil in Jesus’ name. Those of us who believe need so much help. God Bless us all. May He have mercy on our nation.

David Scott
May 17, 2022

During the Great Depression, a satanist named Alice Bailey mentored a man from India named Krishnamurti to become the antichrist over the League of Nations. When economic hardship reached its climax, Bailey took Krishnamurti on a world tour to promote him as having the solution to the problem. He was well received on every continent they visited by ship. Bailey scheduled his visit to the USA last because she knew this country posed the greatest threat to their plot to enslave the world under the antichrist. Bailey introduced Krishnamurti as the Christ every place they went. When their ship left Central America and headed for New York Harbor, word got to churches throughout the nation about them. Emergency prayer meetings were held all over the country. Saints cried out to God to intervene and stop them. When their ship docked in New York Harbor, Krishnamurti complained that he was unable to get off the boat because the power of the true Christ was too powerful for him to move. Bailey rebuked him for thinking he wasn’t the Christ, but he was powerless to walk off the boat. Bailey then made plans to have the ship take them to a harbor in the Great Lakes. When the ship docked there, God resisted them sovereignly in such a way that he still couldn’t get off the boat. The Lord also sovereignly cast enough demons out of him that he returned to India and resumed a normal. peasant lifestyle. I learned about this from 3 Christian sources. The first was a Christian publication company in Wheaton, IL that printed fliers to be used as inserts in church bulletins. That flier was in my church bulletin in 1973. A couple weeks later, my best friend in the ministry also told me what he knew about it. He was old enough to be my father, so he was alive and attended prayer meetings where they interceded against Bailey and Krishnamurti. My third source, was a Lutheran minister from Germany named Kurt Koch. He wrote about this in one of his books. I read most of his books over 15 years ago, so I no longer recall which one it is. The bottom line of all this is that God can do the same for the church today that He did in the 1930’s. God also stopped another antichrist named Maitreya during the 1980’s.

    Ronda Meadows
    May 17, 2022

    Wow, that is an amazing story. Thank you for sharing that. Is there anyway you could take a picture of the flier that was in your church bulletin? The almighty God is powerful & I’m so glad I’m a born again Christian. I can’t imagine going through this life without my Lord & Savior.
    Thank you again! God bless!

    Greg Casiello
    May 17, 2022

    Dear Sir, thank you for reporting that history. I am 65 and never heard this before. This so important to know, and it inspires our prayers for our present distress. I will share this tonight with my intercessory prayer group.

    Susan CC
    May 17, 2022

    John 21:25 There are many more things that Jesus did. If all of them were written down, I suppose that not even the world itself would have space for the books that would be written.

    David, I thought of this verse after I read your story…so true. We serve an awesome God. The One God. The ONLY God. Thank you so much for sharing this

Eunice Hausler
May 17, 2022



penny darby
May 17, 2022

Sovereign God Almighty, we bow before you in repentance for worshiping other gods, for our evil idolatry and worship of false religions that is rampant in America. O God! May we as a nation heed Your warnings and turn from our wicked ways. America stands in judgement for not obeying Your commands. Just as in Isaiah’s time, raise up those who will call out sin and evil practices that are a stench in Your nostrils.
May we, Your people rise up! Speak up!! Stand up!! for righteousness. O Father, we pray that Americans will repent, say “NO” to ungodliness and worldly passions, humble ourselves and live surrendered, upright and godly lives. In the name of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ

Darwin Elliott
May 17, 2022

“if we pray according to His will/Word,He hears us”.1 John 5:14
His Word says anti Christ WILL come to power, maybe it can only happen after the church leaves. It is kinda like praying that Gog and Magog change their minds it is already written and will come to pass, therefore if we are praying for anti Christ defeat,we are actually praying for Christ’s return,the second coming where A double edged sword will proceed out of His mouth and destroy him and his works.Rev 19:15

Maryann Boldt
May 17, 2022

we have heard for quite some time of the New World Order but I think like others that we would never experience it . The enemy is hard at work to destroy our nation but i believe there are more of us praying than those who are working so hard for destruction .Hold fast to the hand of the Lord we will not be defeated by evil . GOD is fighting for us . He is the VICTOR . Praise God for His faithfulness.

Susan CC
May 17, 2022

3,176 have prayed!!!!!! Add exponentially to this number and may each one please YOU Lord! Prayers go up….blessings come down….

jeff Ganus
May 17, 2022

It’s SO NICE to see someone “taking the bull by the horns” and addressing THE ISSUE HEAD ON!
I was just made aware of this group a couple of days ago and I am thankful to the LORD for you.
This is EXACTLY what is needed; group prayer! And the BIGGER the group (as in, NATION) the more effective those prayers will be.

GOD bless you for your due diligence,
Your brother in CHRIST JESUS, Jeff Ganus

Josephine McInnis
May 17, 2022

In they Name of Jesus. Hear our prayer. Please bring a revival in the hearts of Gods people.
2 Chronicles 7:14-15

Gigi Laughlin
May 17, 2022

Father God in your son’s name Jesus , l cast down this new world order that is trying to form. I cancel every plan of the enemy to try and enforce it. I rebuke every individual and organization that is apart of it in Jesus name. Amen!!!

Trish Martinez
May 17, 2022

Yes I prayed and declare that the New World Order would be bound, defeated and removed from our Nation! I declare we are One Nation under God and those that have been blinded by the evil attacks of the enemy through social media, news headlines, lies and deceitful ways and wickedness that Father you would move upon their hardened hearts, break through to the wounded places in their hearts and release your love! It is only you God who can change hearts and open eyes to see! I pray the veil would be removed and people would turn back to you and your ways! You are a good good God and long to have a relationship with all your sons and daughters that none would perish and that they would know how much they are loved! For you created this Nation and man has turned their backs on you because of offense and woundedness. Father I pray that you would go deep into their wounds and touch them with your mighty hand , the balm of Gilead would be placed upon their hearts healing would take place and your love would consume your people and this Nation! Father we need your grace and mercy now more than ever we repent for turning to evil ways and turning from you and ask that you forgive us, forgive your people forgive our endless sins that have consumed our minds and behaviors forgive us Lord. Forgive us for trusting in news media and not you! We repent and turn back to you. 2 Chronicles 7:14 says: “if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” Thank you that your are a good good Father and you hear the prayers of the righteous. We pray all this in Jesus name! Holy Spirit come and convict hearts and turn the gaze of your people back to you not the circumstances! We need you now more than ever! We love you we Praise you and we Glorify your Holy name! You alone are worthy of our Praise you alone are God and you alone can change everything at the snap of your finger! Let the fingerprints of God touch lives and hearts! You love us so much and long to see your people thrive! We trust you Lord and surrender all to you! Come have your way in our own hearts, homes and lives that we could be the change in this world! Let us be the light that radiates and shines through the darkness because nobody can dim the light of Jesus! Let us shine bright for you in all areas of our lives! In Jesus name we pray Amen!!

Brother Amartey
May 17, 2022

And, above all, Father, I pray that you kill each and everyone of the New World Order! Destroy the plans, their schemes, devices, agendas and strategies, but exalt Your own name!!

Arline Reed Trowbridge
May 17, 2022

My prayers, exactly, every day, in the name of Jesus!

DAmen! OConnor
May 17, 2022

WE call upon God to send His glorious angels to minister to this nation, to deflect the darts of the evil one. Please bring many conversions to Our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ to revere His Precious Blood and Body, given for us. AMEN! Cover Yourself in glory, lord that the hearts and minds be enlightened by you. Ammen!

May 17, 2022

Thank you for leading us to this wonderful prayer. I can get so discouraged at all the advances of evil men and their schemes. Your prayer has lifted me above the evil to the one who sits One who sits on the Throne

John Vacaro
May 17, 2022

Lord Jesus we trust you and know that you are Lord of Lords and King of Kings. And we know that you will establish your kingdom here on earth and you will bring justice to all. We so look forward to that day. But until then expose the evil one and his evil plans. Let all the world know about the fraud that was perpetuated in 2020. Shed your light on our elections. Let the world know the truth. In Jesus Holy Name I pray

Kim Dillon
May 17, 2022

We have a sovereign God. He alone is sovereign— and that is why we can trust Him, even when the way seems dark. Amen.

Diane garcia
May 17, 2022

Yes I have read this prayer I and my husband are in agreement with every word and we will pass this on to all of our intercessors, just in case they have missed it. Jesus Christ is Lord over America and we will win, In the magnificent name of our Savior Jesus Christ

May 17, 2022

In Jesus name AMEN!!!!

Karen Keating
May 17, 2022

It is with deep sorrow and humility we come before you Lord to acknowledge our part in the sad state of affairs of our nation. We have been asleep and apathetic to Your cause to Save. Forgive us and know that we now are Bold In You and will fight against the enemy in all Your strength. We Will Bind, we Will Defeat those pushing an agenda abhorrent to You, with Your mighty armor on our backs and in our hearts! And we thank you for your ever loving mercy and Grace. In the Powerful name of Jesus I pray! Amen! Hallelujah!

Patricia Brought
May 17, 2022

This is the most critical time I have seen in my life (84 yrs.) We all must pray for God’s mercy and intervention, or inhumanity will be prevail in the U. S, and the world, as it now is in China, Russia and the middle east Islamic Satan worshipers. who do not value human life or laws of decency.
GOD be merciful and protect the weak, helpless or deceived by Satan’s followers.

May 17, 2022

A very insightful and inspired prayer. We also need to include fasting as this causes a humbling of our spirit as we wait on our Lord.
God bless,
-constance b.

Jennipher Williams
May 17, 2022

Thank You, Lord God, for hearing and answering us because we asked according to Your will, and You ALWAYS do more than we ask or think! (1John 5:14; Ephesians 3:20) AMEN!!!

Susan CC
May 17, 2022

I did pray, as did 2,925 at this time.

Please Lord, exponentially multiply this number and may our prayers to You be a pleasing aroma. You are the God of Order and it is Yours we seek. All else is counterfeit. Holy Spirit, please help us in our weakness. We don’t know how we ought to pray but we believe You will intercede for us with groans too deep for words and in accordance to the will of God. Father, we also believe You work all things together for the good of those who love You and are called according to Your purpose. That is us Lord, God Almighty! Hear this prayer, hear our prayers, fill our spirit with Your Own. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Romans 8:26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know how we ought to pray, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans too deep for words. 27And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.
God Works in All Things
(Ephesians 1:3–14)
28And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.

Paulene Dougherty
May 17, 2022

I was on a national prayer call the other night to pray about this and was disappointed that the focus seemed to be on preparing the church for persecution and hard times. We are here to be an occupying force until Jesus comes again. Occupying forces don’t lay down and roll over! In Jesus name I rebuke the premature new world order! new world order, it is not your time! return immediately to the pit of hell where you came from! I bind the new world order and every perpetrator of it in Jesus’ name! Father, I ask that you cause every perpetrator of this evil to be paralyzed in Jesus name, I also speak courage and strength to every believer. On your feet Christian soldiers! God, please place and embolden righteous men and women in key places to stand against this. In Jesus name!

    May 22, 2022

    I stand in absolute agreement with this prayer. Thank you so much! God bless us all and hear this prayer! Amen Sue

Nancy Gibson
May 17, 2022

standing in agreement with all my brothers and sisters in the Lord and as it is written in Matthew 18 verses 18 to 20 whatever we bind on Earth shall be bound in heaven whatever is loosed on Earth shall be loosed in heaven in the mighty name of Jesus the author and finisher of our faith therefore we loosen any hold Scripts oppression manifestations any Entourage sucessors assigners Affiliates Associates on the front lines and in the background having any power over this new world order it is canceled in Jesus name

May 17, 2022

Thank you and God Bless You for leading all of us in that prayer. I know that our Lord heard it, and is working to bring it all to fruition.

Ruth Rutherford
May 17, 2022

A recent interview on the Epoch Times TV with a physician who escaped the Kamir Rouge, Nal Oum, is a warnin about just how close we are to being overrun.

United Nations Agenda 21 described how the people of the earth would be housed in warehouses as part of the Sustainable Planet Initiative so that the earth could be “rewilded” with animals. Agenda 21 is no longer published by the United Nations. The plan however is still intact and evolving

Bob Rohrbach
May 17, 2022

I thank you for your efforts and prayers, and I thank God for all those who pray for peace and freedom in America.

Debra Kalama
May 17, 2022

Thank You Most Holy God for loving us. We ask Your wisdom and guidance in these things. Help us to stand boldly and proclaim and honor You

Valerie Wheeler
May 17, 2022

For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord,plans for good and not for evil, plans to give you a future and a hope. Please trust Gods good and perfect plan. Pray that God will use the right people to accomplish his will. Remember Rahab, God used her to save the nation of Israel. Ruth came into the kingdom for such a time as this. Mordecai was not hung on the gallows, it was Haman. The Jews were not anailated. Mordecai Became the Kings number two, with the signet ring.

May 17, 2022

Amen and amen! Kingdom of God, COME! Will of God, BE DONE! As we lift this powerful prayer up in unity, may it resound in your Heavens and may we see you powerfully pour out your will, Holy Father.

May 17, 2022

Amen. We can be confident in these prayers because it was all foretold in the Old Testament prophetic books that God would take down these Edomites/Luciferian reign/NWO agenda. And that WE would plunder them! For example, the books of Amos, Joel, Isaiah, Zechariah, Zephaniah as well as Revelation, and it is obvious in Revelation 18. This is where we are now, praise God! We can read these chapters out loud as prayers and declarations, for example Isaiah 61, and watch the Lord answer! Remember, we as believers are Israel, no matter where we live on earth. It is helpful to realize that when reading through these books. Also, God was telling both the Old Testament prophets and John of Revelation the same good news!

Dr. Stephen Phinney
May 17, 2022

Dave, I am unable to pray against something God has laid out in Biblical prophecy. The entire books of Daniel and Revelation is centered around this event. To pray against them would be tempting God. However, I will pray that the Body of Christ is prepared for this immovable eschalogical event. These end times is a great time to evangelize the lost.

Barbara Brun
May 17, 2022

I prayed while Biden spoke of racist hatred against blacks. He seemed to leave out the people who died in California, Asians, the people in Wisconsin, all races, and all mentally unstable people commit these crimes. This administration is always using race to encourage this horrible new world order. I pray to the Lord that we can stop the destruction of our country. Thank you all.

Rebecca Rivas
May 17, 2022

I am in agreement with everything that was said and I pray for Gods will to be done for He alone knows the future. I pray for all family members to be saved before Jesus returns to earth and established His kingdom. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered. I’m Kesus Holy name!!!

May 17, 2022

This is a powerful prayer, and one that bears repeating until we have break through! Thank you for sharing..

May 17, 2022


May 17, 2022

I am so grateful for your powerful, well targeted and eloquent prayers that I can pray along with my fellow intercessors.

Marsha Carol Watson Gandy
May 17, 2022

Heavenly Father, I prayed this prayer with Dave and all of the others who also prayed it. Father, I know YOU heard our prayers and YOUR answer is Already on the way. I/WE Trust in YOU, Father GOD. We STAND in Covenant Agreement right now that the answer is on the way. In the precious and holy name of JESUS CHRIST, my Savior and my LORD. Amen

Jack Barr
May 17, 2022

Wonderful prayer. The most effective prayer I’ve seen to thwart the efforts of the enemy – prayer WORKS….

Randie Ray
May 17, 2022

Yes, we decree in the Name of Jesus, that all the plans of the New World Order people are being monkey wrenched by God our Father. This mighty river of wickedness that is being unleashed upon the world and meant to swallow up the Body of Christ and bury us, will actually be buried by the earth opening up and swallowing this wickedness before it accomplishes the task it was sent for. Their Agenda 2030 will not come to pass, but God is Resetting their Reset. God is bringing forth His Kingdom into the earth and of increase of His Kingdom there will be no end, and where as the enemy has sought to accelerate his agenda, God is going to use that momentum and turn it for His Glory to accelerate the expansion of the Kingdom of His dear Son on the earth. There is coming forth from this such a harvest of souls that the earth has never before seen. Ready your nets you fishers of men, get trained in fishing you people of God, the big wave is coming!!!

Linda M Shirley
May 17, 2022

This is an all encompassing prayer that has been in collaboration with God’s Holy Spirit. I am going to ask my Pastor if we can get a copy to each member of our congregation to pray until victory is ours and God is lifted up again in America
Pray he says yes
In the love of Jesus my Lord. Amen

Tom J Clary
May 17, 2022

Amen to this prayer for our country

Zoe Ella
May 17, 2022

Those who can, form community, buy land, grow your food and herbs, provide your own energy, and stop depending on government resources; depend on God and His work through you instead. Help those who are unable to do that, so that they, too, may survive without needing to bow to the unholy in order to live.

Eternal One, we pray for all who suffer, who are forgotten and/or unwanted. We pray for the healing of our Earth and its denizens, and for the coming of a just, compassionate and reverent social order. We pray for an end to violence, including that of abortion, euthanasia and war. We pray for the prevalence of cooperation over competition, and for the healing of hearts and minds towards a return to an embrace of life. We ask for grace to live in cooperation with Your will.

May 17, 2022

Not anything to say except-AMEN- so be it

Jan Knapp
May 17, 2022

We must keep praying about this issue.

Cindy Jennings
May 17, 2022

Lord, rend the Heaven’s and come down! May your enemies scatter before you. May Your glory be seen in all the earth! I pray in agreement with this prayer and petition you Father in the beautiful and powerful name of your Son Jesus to act now and defeat this evil at every turn! Thank you, Father for your mercy and grace. In Jesus mighty name Amen and Amen

Gary E Wandelt
May 17, 2022

In God We Trust, not gov.
Evil flourishes when & where good people do nothing…
That which is allowed will continue, & increase…
One Nation Under God (no comma, pause nor separation between One Nation Under God)
God Bless America
2 Chronicles 7:14
My Faith Votes!
Onward Christian Soldiers…

Judy A Robertson
May 17, 2022

I truly love this ministry however, I’m just not able to support you financially. I’m a senior citizen, disabled, on disability & with cost of living going up I’m barely making it. Thank you & God Bless You

    Judy A Robertson
    May 17, 2022

    I will continue to pray over all the vital issues you bring to my attention. All that has been posted today I will be in much prayer with you.

May 17, 2022

Thank you for sharing this prayer. Some of this evil is so overwhelming to bear, that the words do not come to my mind on how and what to pray. My God, my God, destroy the plans of the enemy and bring this world back to you. In Jesus name.

Deborah Passero
May 17, 2022

We say AMEN in agreement with this prayer! Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world!!!

AnnieNola Williams
May 17, 2022

In Jesus name Amen Amen Amen 🥳🙌✝️🙌🥳

Kingdom kid
May 17, 2022

I come in agreement with my brothers and sisters in the Kingdom of Yehovah!! You only ever needed a few to defeat the enemy! You changed the world my precious Jesus with only 12 men! You used one man, Moses to bring out a nation and take back the blessings that they enjoyed while your people were in their country. You even allowed the army of Israel to stand and see the bodies of their enemies laying on the battle field already dead when they showed up to fight! Our sin was not holding the line of holiness and allowing compromise to set in. So the line of morality was pushed so far that this country doesn’t even comprehend a biblical world view which this country was founded on. Forgive us!!! We repent and now woke up! We stand our ground and ask for help in bringing back holiness to this nation! Never again will we allow sin to creep in and “push the envelope”. We will not move the plumb line of holiness and righteousness!! Now, all we can do is go before your most high court and ask for mercy and action or all will be lost. But for you…. we also would be like sodom and just a memory. Save our nation and the world from this evil!! We DO NOT hand over our sovereignty and authority to another! We see the thief and have caught him and now we ask for justice on our behalf against the thief who is trying to steal our power for himself. We are the rulers of this nation and with that God given authority we command these amendments to be removed, our membership in the WHO to be removed, our funding to be removed, and removal from any other global organization working to steal power from our sovereign nation and put us under their rule. We declare this all by the authority given to us by Jesus to bind and loose evil on this earth in the spirit and by the authority as rulers given to us by our constitution in the natural. We use this double authority in earth and heaven to stop, forbid, and command this plan of globalism to be torn down and destroyed at the root and thrown in the fire and never to rise up again in this nation!!! In Jesus name we seal it ALL as DONE!!!

Charyl Lentz
May 17, 2022

This is a good overview of their plan, in case you haven’t seen it.

Eckart Schoenberg
May 17, 2022

Yes Lord God Almighty creator of all things in the heavens above and the earth below granted also for my nation of Canada! For we need the help we need thy mighty hand of Deliverance to again grant us your word of Truth and your word of Life Jesus Christ our Lord!

    May 17, 2022

    Amen, for Canada and all the nations of the world. We need you God!

May 17, 2022

Yes and Amen!!! Father, we declare in Jesus name that no weapon formed against the U.S. shall prosper and every tongue that rises against us in judgement shall be condemned. This is our heritage as saints of the Lord and our righteousness is from Him.”

May 17, 2022

Father God, in Jesus’ almighty name, I pray you open the eyes of your people and and clear their minds of all evil and depraved lies and deception of the enemy, and let a holy unity fall upon them. I pray they be safety guided out of a life of oppression and suppression to a life of freedom and promises fulfilled. Amen. Allelujah.

Exodus 14:13-14 (NIV)
Moses answered the people, “Don’t be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

Kenneth David Peaker
May 17, 2022

the shimmer

we shall not cease from exploration
and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started
and know the place for the first time

t. s. eliot

it caught my eye, noticing this fiction not so. this thing of love and of fallow and a bee’s kiss
a reflection of a shimmer in a night-dream stark and pale. a vision of a kind not conceivably

but still it flirts and beckons in you. you the fledgling tortoise darting to watery moons eager
running to a spirit. to courage besting waves and depth and danger and sands golden brown

and relationships and laughter and a truth i never saw. but until then, not too much the wiser
maybe its a war for beauty, in the spiritual realm. in the symbols you believe; indulgent naïve

maybe its an Insight of untold might yet to be acknowledged. maybe its truth, better illumed
maybe its the Holder of this space and a hard to imagine harder. a future; a path; a shimmer

Esther Tamling-Seffrood
May 17, 2022

Yes and Thank you!
Father, we overcome them, by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of our Testimony! We Testify you are Greater, Jesus is Greater and we are not cast down because of Your Great Love for us! We bind the evil cabal and those of the new world order, from all the plans they have made and we declare and decree, they have lost and they shall not succeed in their plans, in Jesus Mighty Name! We shall stand in Victory, and we Praise you and Thank you, Father in Jesus’ name! Send your angels to battle for us in Jesus’ name. We love you Jesus, we love you Father, we love you Holy Spirit. Be with us in all things. Amen.

Ken Oswald
May 17, 2022

Heavenly Father I pray according to your word that the trap they set they will be snared by and the hole they dig they will fall into, that those who follow the blind will find themselves also in the ditch so that some may repent. I pray that those in the world might realize the world’s darkness and turned to you, the true light.
in Jesus name amen

Karen Johnson
May 17, 2022

I prayed with a friend. Than you for the prayer to help us know how to pray.
God bless you.

Toni Kushner
May 17, 2022

Thank you, Yes I prayed ad will continue to pray. On the NDofP I organize an observance at our church and after praying who should pray for the different categories of prayer, so many of the prayers prayed in this manor. The love of God and their country was so evident in the petitions they voiced being directed by the Holy Spirit. Your prayers and articles have been an encouragement and blessing to me. May He continue to bless and protect you as He prays His heart through you and all who pray with you. God Bless the work of your hands, mind and voice as you alert His people.

Rose Camilleri
May 17, 2022

We must stand in unity and prayer against this evil agenda. So I prayed this pray in total agreement with all who have prayed it. To God be the glory!

Linda Bunnell
May 17, 2022

If our faith in Him is truly strong, then we need to thank Him for a prayer already answered. In closing , we thank Him for his sweet mercy and care over His little ones who depend on Him and Him alone. We know He hears our every thought and He has already not only HEARD our thoughts and prayers, but set in motion the very things to take down the evil ones. All praise and honor be to the Most High Lord God of all and His glorious son Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we pray in His name forever and in all things !

Henrietta Seavello
May 17, 2022

I am in total agreement with this prayer. Thank you for providing this prayer to pray along with my brothers and sisters in-CHRIST.
We can declare victory only because what JESUS CHRIST did on the cross on our behalf. There are no limits as to what GOD will do.
Praise the LORD!

Roseanna Gomer
May 17, 2022

He is the Mighty King, Master of all things.

Thank you Jesus, we say come Holy Spirit, breathe new life into AMERICA the Beautiful, for it is By You, and For you, and Through you that we open our hearts to Your Will, Your Way and Your Light.

Shine on America dear Heavenly Father, forgive us our sins, teach us to pray and usher in Your Will.

You alone are Holy dear Father. We adore you and Wait on You. Amen.

Kathy Orozco
May 17, 2022

Amen Amen Amen 🙏🏼 Lord, nevertheless, Your will be done, Your kingdom come. In the the mighty name of Jesus Christ! Amen

May 17, 2022

Father God, I join your people in the call to protect the sovereignty and freedoms you have so generously provided to us. Send your Holy Spirit to do your work in the hearts and minds of those in power making these decisions. Surround them with your holy angels and drive away the devil who seeks to destroy. Open their spiritual eyes so they can discern the evil at work. You, alone, are God. You, alone, have the power over satan and his evil designs. We trust you to move in accordance with your perfect will. We love you. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen

Herb Johnston
May 17, 2022

Thank you for helping us pray..praying through this article/prayer is glorious. I have been reading a Derek Prince booklet- where he said that if I do not stay prostrate before the Lord-,for as long as it takes to be in His presence- even if it is all night,..then I am presumptuous to think that my prayers are heard- becausethen I would not be in His presence. So I have been distraught and confused about that-,as I have not been able to do that all night. So thank you for helping to reignite the flame.

    Roseanna Gomer
    May 17, 2022

    I believe a prostrate heart is just as valuable, as we “ pray without ceasing “

    God is not legalistic.

    He meets us where we are. He loves us as we are….prostrate or otherwise.

    Barbara Janicki
    May 17, 2022

    Dear Herb, “In Him we live and move and have our being.” (Acts 17:28) and “Before a word is on my tongue You know it completely, O Lord.” (Psalm 139:4) God hears our prayers, all of them, the ones without words containing only tears, the silent cries of our hearts, I often cannot find the right words, adequate words, but that doesn’t matter to God, He wants us to come to Him (boldly into His throne room, we can come because of Jesus) He doesn’t care as much about the posture of our bodies (He remembers that we are dust) as He cares about the posture of our hearts (which only He knows and judges) God is a good, good Father, we come to Him as we are and He hears us when we cry out to Him, there is no formula we must follow – we offer our prayers up to God and the “Holy Spirit intercedes for us in accordance with God’s will.” I count on this – “I do not know what I ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for me with groans that words cannot express.” (Romans 8:26-27) sincerely, Barb http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

    Allena Jordan
    May 17, 2022

    Your heart condition is just that – a condition and not necessarily a “position” on the floor. The blood of Jesus covers our sin and our shame. May we all be contrite of heart before Him with whom we have to do. God bless you.

Laureen Hurley
May 17, 2022

Amen and Amen!! Thank you Father for hearing our prayers.

Robert Jones
May 17, 2022

Yes, Holy Father, we need you now to disrupt and destroy this evil new world order. Please hear our prayers, guide us, protect us, and bring us back to you. We need a massive revival now to give glory to you for allowing us our freedom. Father God, you deserve all the Glory for everything good in our world today, let us not forget your gracious sacrifice that you made for us. We rejoice in your name.
Thank you dear Jesus for your grace.


Lori Fluker
May 17, 2022

I have been praying similar prayers for over 2 years. It is amazing all that God has already done and is doing now. God has been speaking through His prophets. Good, righteous leaders have already been anointed. Pray they accept their calling and keep their focus on God and not the world.
Everything is escalating as God’s Glory will soon be manifest throughout the world. We will see the wicked fall as God has already proclaimed judgment on individuals who refused to repent and reject evil. Stand firm in Christ, intercessors! What you see now will soon pass away and be replaced by a world reclaimed by God. He has heard our prayers and is delivering His people. Alleluia! Amen!

Jayne Gurley
May 17, 2022

I thank God for your prayers! We are aware of this worldwide global movement to erase our liberty. But we were unaware of a true godly truth filled movement to pray & defeat the enemy’s strategy.

Derishya Chellaswamy
May 17, 2022

The enemy is defeated and the gates of hell cannot prevail our nation.

Janet Semones
May 17, 2022

Praying for God’s will to be done in our world. He is Almighty God – omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. To God be the glory!

Nell Masto
May 17, 2022

‘Fear Not, be of good courage for the battle is not yours, but mine’ says the Lord God of the Universe! He gives us these instructions today as He gave them to Joshua as he led the nation of Israel out of the Wilderness into the Promise Land.

Patricia Merenda
May 17, 2022

Heavenly Father we recognize you as our Sovereign King, Mighty God, God of all the universe , in Jesus name we pray you bring down this new world order and revival for our risen King Jesus will rule this nation. We pray peoples hearts will turn back to God and they will acknowledge our Risen Lord as their savior, king, our hope. We pray this nation will repent of our sins and seek the face of our Lord seek His forgiveness except Him as our Savior so they will no longer be deceived. In Jesus name Amen

Susan Hunter
May 17, 2022


Mary Tuttle
May 17, 2022

TRUTH….The people of our great country need to open their eyes and see all the lies around them from the media and government officials and seek the truth. Hold those accountable for their lies.

May 17, 2022


Margo Warnke
May 17, 2022

Yes Lord we agree with these prayers and also ask that the unholy be removed from office and replaced with God-fearing men and women in Jesus name we pray.

May 17, 2022

Lord, we know that you are Lord of Lords and King of Kings. We praise you because we know that everything is in your control. We pray that you would save our nation from the evil ones that are trying to destroy the USA. Awaken your people that they would pray, stand on your Word, and fight for the truth. What the devil meant for evil, turn it around for the good of your people. Destroy the very roots of this new world order, in the name of Jesus, the name above all names. In Jesus name we pray. Amen

Ethel Himes
May 17, 2022

I am in total agreement with this prayer to dethrone the new world order. Thank you, Lord for hearing and answering our prayer and that You always hear us. Where two or more agree…You hear and answer. Thank You Father in Jesus name.

Lucinda Williams
May 17, 2022

Who could ever find a wife like this one— she is a woman of strength and mighty valor! She’s full of wealth and wisdom. The price paid for her was greater than many jewels. Her husband has entrusted his heart to her, for she brings him the rich spoils of victory.
Proverbs 31:10‭-‬11 TPT

As a United Bride, we seek to bring You, Jesus, the spoils of victory.

Ron Bortmas
May 17, 2022

I agree in Jesus’ name.
God is truly SOVERIGN!

Michael Barrett
May 17, 2022

May it be so. God be praised, Jesus Christ be praised, Holy Spirit be praised.
In Jesus holy name,

May 17, 2022

There is no place for the New World Order in this world. There is truly nothing new under the sun, just deviations of evil. Lord Jesus, by Your great love for us, please cause the NWO to be an abject failure. Please, cause these wicked, evil plans to be frustrated, destroyed, and come to NOTHING. What Satan is attempting to use for evil, Lord, please, turn it around and use it for our good. Only You, and You alone can do this. We put all our hope and trust in Your omnipotent grace. In Jesus’ mighty name.

BJ McChesney
May 17, 2022

Yes!! I agree with this prayer and the ones praying it! Glory to God! Come Lord Jesus come and defeat our enemies! Thank you, Lord!

May 17, 2022

I prayed and I am believing that all those that have prayed this prayer, that we are in agreement and God will manifest and answer our prayers with Yes and Amen.

May 17, 2022

GOD already told us in Daniel, there will be no new global ’empire’ to dominate the world’s nations. Jesus, the Lord of Armies and King of Kings will return before that happens to set up His rightful throne in Jerusalem. Praise GOD.

Mary Ann Mertz
May 17, 2022

I decree and declare this prayer, that it will manifest by the Word of the Lord. America Shall Be Saved in Jesus’ Mighty and Powerful Name. Thank you Father God for hearing and answering the prayers and Praises of your people. Amen

Richard Hall
May 17, 2022

The new world order is coming, whether now or later. We should pray for God’s timing in our present circumstances. We need revival in our country and world more than anything else, including praying against the new world order. When it is God’s time for it, the new world order will rule, but not until then. This may be the time for it, but it may not be the time for it. Only God knows when He is ready for it to be fully manifested. Besides, the Bride of Christ will be taken out of this world before the new world order is fully in control, or else as it is in the process of taking control. So we believers in Christ will not have to deal for very long with it, if at all.

JoAnn Davis
May 17, 2022

I prayed this prayer and believe Our God will answer it. In Jesus Mighty Holy Name!!

Allena Jordan
May 17, 2022

Yes and Amen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T07PknpeK4g. To Him who sits on the throne and unto the Lamb, be blessing and glory and honor and power forever. Let the singers and worshippers arise. God will defeat our enemy. Amen.

Don Loucks
May 17, 2022

As I prayed this prayer with all of you I have great confidence and unending expectation that it all will come to pass. Our God, Yahuah, and our Savior Yahshuah have promised Yes and Amen. They always answer and their timing is perfect. Our words are powerful as they are in agreement with the Words of our Lord and Savior. Bless you all as you continually pray in agreement, 1 Th 5:17.

    Diane Sheridan
    May 17, 2022

    I prayed this prayer and trust in God’s mercy!

Malcolm Kinsinger
May 17, 2022

Great prayer May God answer it

Alberta Boss
May 17, 2022

If not for the absolute conviction that God and God alone is in control, I could not bear up under the burden of seeing what is happening int he world today. I pray He will yet have mercy on America and one the eyes and hearts of the blind to see and comprehend what is taking place.
In Jesus HOLY name I pray,.

May 17, 2022

Great prayer

May 17, 2022

Praying that Gods will bind their evil plans and open up the eyes of the people and raise up righteous leaders to l ad the people

May 17, 2022

I believe that everything we pray here today and everyday will stand against the evil and know that God is sovereign and is our Almighty and powerful God. In Jesus name Amen

May 17, 2022

A wonderful wonderful prayer – Amen that this is now becoming common knowledge and the unspeakable abominations they have perpetrated will be plucked up and cast down in the Mighty Name Of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – Amen, Amen and Amen!

Wally Taylor
May 17, 2022

I pray 2 Cor 10:3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not [a]carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, We pray that you, Holy Spirit, will bind, rebuke and cast down this evil that is coming against our land, it is not a new world order, it is more world disorder. Thank you for hearing and answering this prayer. Amen.

Mary Ann Canfijn
May 17, 2022

Forbid it, LORD God, that the citizenry of America should come under the captivity that so many nations are under. Ours is a solid foundation, rising from your revealed Word, and blessed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. May we be gripped by the fear of the LORD that
is clean, that brings wisdom, and ushers into Life! You are our Help and our Hope and “our Eternal Home”. Amen!!

Lori Steele
May 17, 2022

Standing in agreement and knowing that our God is in control. Thank you Lord for this assurance and may we be Your hands and feet 🙏🙏🙏✝️❤️

May 17, 2022

I prayed this powerful prayer for both the US and Canada.

May 17, 2022


May 17, 2022


Sally Milavec
May 17, 2022

I have prayed this prayer, my heart aches from the threats and the visible workings of the New World Order in this land that the Lord has chosen for His purpose. Our prayers here and going forward will be heard and the Lord will be with us and will Save America. We will conitnue to pray and stand for the perfect holy will of the Lord in America!

May 17, 2022

My trust is in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, no matter the outcome here on this earth. As this is but a temporary home until He calls me to be with Him for all of eternity in the place He is preparing for all those who fear the Lord. Amen.

Sebastian J. Perin
May 17, 2022

Amen and keep the faith!

Judy Gerhard
May 17, 2022


May 17, 2022

I agree with this prayer. I am sending this to the State of Pennsylvania today. Thank You Abba Father for Intercessors of America.

May 17, 2022

I am agreeing in prayer and believing in Gods mighty power and grace to save America and set nations around the world free and to bring in a great harvest of souls

Rebeca Ventriere
May 17, 2022

I stand in faith and agreement with my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Lord, let your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven 🙌🏼

Skye Alison
May 17, 2022

Thank you Father for this prayer and those praying it. Your word declares “the government shall be upon His shoulder” and You are the only wise God, true and righteous. Lord I pray Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen

Cass T
May 17, 2022

Let us pray that God’s will be done because perhaps the New World Order is a part of His plan for end times events. He has seen it all before, man trying to make the world fit into his own grandiose plans. It happened with the Tower of Babel, the pharaohs of Egypt, the Hitlers, the Napoleons and the like. So, it is now with these wicked ones and the last vile one to rule…the Antichrist. We mustn’t fret but pray “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” even if it goes against what we would like to happen. May we remember it’s not what we want but what God wants to happen because Father knows best! He’s working all things together to bring about the final world order which is the Eternal Kingdom in which there will be no end! Come quickly Yeshua, Amen

May 17, 2022

In Exodus 14/13-16 Moses told the Hebrews escaping Egypt’s captivity to “Stand and see the salvation of the Lord – The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent and the Lord said to Moses
“Why are you crying out to Me tell the sons of Israel to move forward lift up your staff divide the sea and tell the people to go forward
We are to take the staff the word of God and pray with the Sword of the Spirit the Word (Rhema) and bind the enemy and break the enemies power over this nation – Eph6:17-18 and
Psalms 149:6-9

Steve pape
May 17, 2022

We pray as the Lord has taught us…
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, now & forever,

Linda Jeffries
May 17, 2022

I prayed in agreement with this prayer. And then I prayed Psalm 58:
“Do you rulers indeed speak justly? Do you judge uprightly among men? No, in your heart you devise injustice, and your hands mete out violence on the earth. Even from birth the wicked go astray; from the womb they are wayward and speak lies. Their venom is like the venom of a snake, like that of a cobra that has stopped its ears, that will not heed the tune of the charmer, however skillful the enchanter may be.

Break the teeth in their mouths, O God; tear out, O LORD, the fangs of the lions! Let them vanish like water that flows away; when they draw the bow, let their arrows be blunted. Like a slug melting away as it moves along, like a stillborn child, may they not see the sun.

Before your pots can feel the heat of the thorns- whether they be green or dry-the wicked will be swept away. The righteous will be glad when they are avenged, when they bathe their feet in the blood of the wicked. Then men will say, “Surely the righteous still are rewarded; surely there is a God who judges the earth.”

May 17, 2022

Father, we thank You that You alone are God. You always have been. You are now and You always will be. You have no rival. You have no equal. And, You do not share Your glory with idols.
Father, rebuke, bind, cast down, expose and expel every demonic influence behind this age old move which began with Nimrod.
Place a triple hedge of protection around Your saints. Especially those who face mortal persecution.
We claim the POWER of the blood of Jesus and the POWER of the name of Jesus over the United States of America, Eretz Isra’el, Your saints, Your Church and we pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Teresa Kile
May 17, 2022

Thank you, I am not always sure about what to pray and how to pray for it.

Darlene Scroggins
May 17, 2022

I agree with this prayer and I stand in faith with my brothers and sisters to see it come to pass in Jesus Name.

May 17, 2022

prayed & continued prayr

Jim Nardo
May 17, 2022

Heavenly Father, we don’t contend with human elements but demonic spirits that influence them; agreeing together(two or more) to bind them from influencing and controlling people in positions of power, the destruction of the evil plans and structures, everything raised up in the minds of leaders in every facet of social structure against the knowledge of the Father’s will and cast them down this day, in complete agreeance with Jesus before Father, Your will be done on earth as it is right now in Heaven. We thank you in advance(Mark 11:24) and rejoice that our names are written in the unseen realm forever, amen

Janis Ostiguy
May 17, 2022

Lord God I pray you hear our prayers and that we pray this prayer without ceasing and that the World order and all who are pushing it are changed and repent of their evil sins and come to God NOW. Lord I pray this prayer to save our country and all your children.

Dorthy A. Rice
May 17, 2022

I’m praying that all eyes will be open to the evil around us and that everyone will pray as they go to vote. That God will help us choose right.

May 17, 2022

Forgive our land for our many sins, and lead us to a new enlightenment period, HOLY SPIRIT, where Your manifest presence is revealed in great glory and we fall to our knees willingly before You LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!!!

May 17, 2022

Wonderful prayer. Thank you

Darlene Sealy
May 17, 2022

Powerful Prayer. We prayed every WORD of it out loud in agreement!!!!!!

Barbie McClain
May 17, 2022

Yes I stand in agreement with these prayers today in Jesus name!!!!

Endrea Whitbeck
May 17, 2022

The Lord continues to reveal the plans of the wicked one daily! I pray that Durham reveals all aspects if their plans to push this New World Order agenda and my the Lord God Almighty protect him and allow his work to be done! In Jesus name we pray AMEN!!

Judy Shinlever
May 17, 2022

Thank you for this prayer. I will continue to pray and share it with others.

Linda Odegaard Rice
May 17, 2022

About 5 years ago, the Lord told me one day to tell the antichrist to “Sit down.” I thought that was a big prayer, but I did it quietly and simply, knowing that volume or zeal doesn’t matter but the name of Yeshua. I have done it from time to time over these years. I agree with this prayer and believe that the one who restrains, whether that refers to the Bride or the Spirit, is restraining.

May 17, 2022

Yes and Amen! I prayed the prayer and am in full agreement with every word! We serve a sovereign God who has a sovereign plan to deliver and save His people and the United States of American and all the nations of the world. God will accomplish His sovereign plan for someone said “no dishonest government, bureaucracy, or ruler ever rises without the Sovereign hand of God accomplishing His sovereign plan.” Thank You Jesus, Sovereign God, King of kings and LORD of Lords! Yes and Amen!

mary peshman
May 17, 2022

Please expose the evil in this world,administer your justice to those who refuse to repent. Your will be done💗

Barbara Janicki
May 17, 2022

I prayed this prayer and will continue to pray. I often feel overwhelmed and grieved as evil seems to be winning so many battles – then I realize I must “fix my eyes on Jesus” because like Peter walking on the water to Jesus, when he took his eyes off of Jesus and looked at his circumstances (the stormy sea) he began to sink. Things may look bad, but God is sovereign over everything, including the affairs of men. God “sets up kings and deposes them” – and as a favorite old hymn says “though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet! This is my Father’s world” http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

May 17, 2022

I ask Jesus to bind all evil. I ask that Jesus remove all obstruction to the total and swift disintegration and collapse of the Great Reset and the New World Order. Thwart all globalists moneys all over the world, Lord. I give You thanks and praise.

May 17, 2022

Awesome prayer!!! Our God is in control!!

Renee Jones
May 17, 2022

Amen & Amen!

denise Cross
May 17, 2022

Agreeing in the MIGHTY name of Jesus!

Cindy Doolan
May 17, 2022

Yes, yes!! We stand against this New World Order with the MIGHTY WEAPONS OF ALMIGHTY GOD!! We are in agreement with God and each other against this evil onslaught.

Peggy J Twining-Prentice
May 17, 2022

Amen to this prayer to confuse and defeat the new world order! In Jesus’s mighty name!

May 17, 2022

I have prayed and I thank God that he hears and answers our prayers!

Thomas Slavik
May 17, 2022

Thank you for this prayer. I prayed with joy for it came from a holy person concerned about our future. I will save it and try to pray it everyday.

Bridgette Dempsey
May 17, 2022

Hallelujah!! My friend and I have been praying along these very same lines —even just yesterday!! God is good to move in a mighty way and bring strong deliverance! Thank you for the confirming prayer 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

Betty Booker
May 17, 2022

Yes, I prayed the above powerful prayer.
“O Lord, hear. O Lord, forgive. O Lord, listen and act! For your own sake, do not delay, O my God, for your people and your city bear your name.”

May 17, 2022

Yes Lord! I stand in the gap for those that don’t know or understand what the New World Order is and their plans for this world! I have printed out this prayer and added it to my ‘Mare’s Prayers’ book and will continue to pray IJN!

Bryan Smith
May 17, 2022

I agree that we should stand against evil but I think we need to be very careful that we submit to God‘s will. We know that this world will fall under a one world government system under the antichrist and God will pour out his wrath against these evil people and forces. We need to be careful that we pray while in submission to God and his will and not demand that he do what we want. The Bible makes it clear that we have not yet resisted even to the point of shedding our blood and that since Jesus was persecuted that if we are his followers we will be also. Hopefully we will remain with Christ and if we suffer it is for Him!

    May 17, 2022

    Many believe and God’s prophets are speaking that it’s not time yet for the tribulation. God needs to bring in a harvest with people that are serving Him and bringing His glory forth. The enemy is attempting to open a portal to bring in evil and to get ahead of the timeline or steal time. Recommend that you look up Robin Bullock for scripture and prophecy in this specific situation.

May 17, 2022

Dear Lord, You and you alone are the only answer for the help we need. People are embracing evil as good and acceptable and Lord God I play that you, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords will intercede on behalf on Christians and on behalf of the innocent babies you created, for Lord they are precious gifts. I give you praise, honor and glory for You are the only God and you have the power to crush the enemy and strengthen the weak. In Jesus name I pray, Amen

May 17, 2022

I pray.

Lillian Oliveira
May 17, 2022

ith all my heart and soul I pray this prayer, Oh Lord! This New World Order is obviously a prelude to the entrance of the anti-Christ – which is prophesied through much of the Bible. Bur Lord, you are able to frustrate and delay the wicked plans of those who support this regime. Lord, as your people we have humbled ourselves, we repent of our wicked ways and we seek your face in this malevolent threat to our nation and fo the world itself.
Send out a moghty army of your holy angels to combat the work of the evil ones. We know that only a third of the angels followed satan when he was cast to the earth; two thirds, twice as many remained true to the Lord God Almight. There are twice as many angels serving the Lord as serving Satan, and I believe our prayers to You Lord, are effective to release Your commands to your holy angels to combat the evil ones that are sponsoring this evil One World Order. Holy God, hear now our prayers, cast down this enemy, restore faith to America and let our nation once more rise up and follow thee.
In the all-pwerful name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen…… Thank you , Lord



Report C

May 17, 2022

Believing that America will wake up and Destroy the works of the Evil that has fell on our land.
Praying for Jesus to destroy the works of the enemies and heal our land , That people will once again
be Free and Freedom will fall on America. Praying for GODLY Leaders to bring Justice back to America.
Believing That the churches will speak up and come back to Jesus with their whole heart and souls.
Let’s get back to the Bible and see how the Lord will heal our Land! Come back America , come back to JESUS!

John Crawford
May 17, 2022

Yes I did pray this prayer and agree that the NWO is bound to it and freedom is loosed to everyone living in these United States because the Word of God is true.

Lillian Oliveira
May 17, 2022

With all my heart and soul I pray this prayer, Oh Lord! This New World Order is obviously a prelude to the entrance of the anti-Christ – which is prophesied through much of the Bible. Bur Lord, you are able to frustrate and delay the wicked plans of those who support this regime. Lord, as your people we have humbled ourselves, we repent of our wicked ways and we seek your face in this malevolent threat to our nation and fo the world itself.
Send out a moghty army of your holy angels to combat the work of the evil ones. We know that only a third of the angels followed satan when he was cast to the earth; two thirds, twice as many remained true to the Lord God Almight. There are twice as many angels serving the Lord as serving Satan, and I believe our prayers to You Lord, are effective to release Your commands to your holy angels to combat the evil ones that are sponsoring this evil One World Order. Holy God, hear now our prayers, cast down this enemy, restore faith to America and let our nation once more rise up and follow thee.
In the all-pwerful name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen…… Thank you , Lord

Jo Ridgill
May 17, 2022

I prayed this prayer and have faith. God hears the prayers of his children

May 17, 2022

Declaring Ps 54:4 – 5
…Psalm 54:4,5 4Surely God is my helper; the Lord is the sustainer of my soul. 5He will reward my enemies with evil. In Your faithfulness, destroy them.

May 17, 2022

Lord and Fatet, Almighty one, please protect the innocents, those who don’t have power to defend themselves. Protect our children and grandchildren who will have to keep the fight for freedom and righteousness. Help us to make them strong in their convictions so they can be leaders and soldiers in your spiritual army. Praise and glory to you forever. Amen.

May 17, 2022

In Jesus Name amen

Merle McDonald
May 17, 2022

Lord Jesus, I come in agreement with this petition of holy prayer. We repent of our sin, both personal and national and ask you to COME with Your Mighty Power! In the Name of Jesus Amen.

Kristin Kessler
May 17, 2022

“Then Saul and all his men assembled and went to the battle. They found the Philistines in total confusion, striking each other with their swords.” 1 Samuel 14:20

Praying the LORD will throw these evil leaders into confusion and completely derail their plans.

Merle McDonald
May 17, 2022

Lord Jesus, I come in agreement with this petition of holy prayer. We repent of our sin, both personal and national and ask you to COME with Your Mighty Power! In the Name of Jesus Amen.

Peggy Robinett
May 17, 2022

I totay agree with this prayer and had prayed ot of it already as I was led by spirit to pray early this morning apx time was 4:45am thanks so much for interceding am praying so for all that are standing in the gap

May 17, 2022

Yes, I am joining in prayer to defeat the NWO

May 17, 2022

Lord God, thwart these evil plans. Do not let the power that has been misused via the pandemic continue to be perpetrated. We pray that increased vaccine mandates will not stand. Do not let Biden cede United States health authority to the World Health Organization. Make all ratified, freedom-stealing amendments and treaties, worldwide, become null and void. We pray that all global health magnates would not have consensus in plans they may seek to make. Let all other related plans harmful to sovereignty and freedom fall apart, fruitless. Annihilate the World Health Organization’s ratified Pandemic Treaty. Preserve our freedoms, worldwide.

Patrick Quirk
May 17, 2022

Dear GOD Our Father, we thank and praise You in all Your Glory and Majesty. We take great comfort in knowing that You are in control, reigning in Your omnipresence here on earth and all the universe. We humbly ask that You guide Your children here in America to pray
to elect officials who fear and will serve You in JESUS’ Name, Amen

Amy Staton
May 17, 2022

Thank you for all that you do. I am learning how to pray effectively for our nation and the nations of the world.

Marc Thompson
May 17, 2022

Heavenly Father, You are awesome and good. You love your sons and daughters, and are always faithful. We thank You for the gift of Your Son Jesus Christ, and for the redemption of a fallen world that He brings. Lord, we rest in the Hope of salvation, of good conquering evil forever. We see the rise of this global evil as the death throes of a conquered power – a flailing corpse. Strengthen and encourage Your Church. Grant us discernment to the path You’ve laid out, and the fortitude to stand strong in this battle. We love You, and we praise Your precious name. Amen

May 17, 2022

Amen, dear Lord Jesus !

Helen Smith
May 17, 2022

I stand in agreement with this prayer.

Bonnie Gasper
May 17, 2022

Just prayed and shared this. Amen and Amen.

May 17, 2022


May 17, 2022

Lord Jesus wake up the sleeping churches and pastors in America! Wake them up to the New World Order!! Remove the veil from their eyes! The church is to be the head and not the tail! Wake them up, raise them! Let those pastors beging to speak truth to their congregants and pray for our nation. Unite the churches!
Unite us in Jesus name that we would be the Lords Army that will not be defeated and let us take back territory for you! In Jesus name amen!!

Karen Miska
May 17, 2022

Dear Lord, We pray that your will be done. In Jesus name, Amen

Dawn Beth
May 17, 2022

Thank You Abba that we can stand together and declare Your Word into fruition. Father we thank you that You sit on Your throne and laugh at the plans of our enemy, You will settle this issue and terrify them to death with the Truth. Your Word says “I myself have poured out my King on Zion, my holy mountain”. You told Jesus to ask You for the nations and we would become His legacy. Jesus’Kingdom stretches to the ends of the earth, we declare and decree that it is written and it is so!!! We thank You Father that You have given us the authority to trample serpents and every wicked plan of the enemy we say NO!!! IN JESUS NAME!! We bind you satan and what we bind on earth is bound in heaven🙌🙌🙌Praise be to God, we stand believing that You are our Fortress, our Stong Tower, You are God and there is NO other. You deliver the nations with Your righteous Right Hand. We Bless yYou and thank You Jesus. We are victorious through the blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony 🙏🙏🙏

May 17, 2022

I prayed in agreement, believing God has good things coming to our nation.

Rozetta Evans
May 17, 2022

I want to protect the life of babies . Banding to destroy the works of the devil . Causing the death machine that buy and sale baby parts for selfish ambition also being used as a form of birth control , I stand against abortion and ask that you take a strong stand against it to stop in our country . Thank you, you are in my prayers . Also stand up against getting our baby formula from other countries that are not regulated by our FDA . We pray against anyone tainting our most precious babies with baby formula. Help us help the mothers in this country to have wisdom choosing food for their babies. In Jesus Name

Marcy Moisio
May 17, 2022

In God’s name we will be free. I raise my voice in prayer along with the many others that OWO will fail. Keep praying.

Faye Sundahl
May 17, 2022

Praying continually today and everyday.

Michelle Duchnowski
May 17, 2022

God is on His throne👑🗝Ancient 🔑Gold Silver key have been released! This prayer contains spiritual weapons the ancient key. Wisdom revelation the silver key. And Gold key for Gods favor in freedom and liberty and justice for all My sheep nations! We must continue to assist His Glory 😇💪Y! Thank You Abba Father we ❤️You beyond measure!

Kenneth Wright
May 17, 2022

Thank you as this powerful prayer is timely for meeting what we need to ensure the preservation if our nation’s constitution and liberties. Amen and amen !

May 17, 2022

Abba, we praise your name forever and ever, for YOU have all wisdom and power. YOU control the course of world events; YOU remove kings and set up other kings. We ask you to remove the wicked from every level of government — school boards, town councils, state leaders, federal leaders, leaders of nation, and more. Remove principalities, rulers of darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places. Thank you for shaking the ground under the feet of the wicked! Send confusion into their camps. May they fight and turn on one another. Confuse their languages as you did at the Tower of Babel. We decree and declare, from the spiritual authority you have given us in Christ Jesus, every evil communication, plan, and decree are made null and void in the name of Jesus. Abba, we have had a rude awakening about the depth of evil and wickedness in America and throughout this world. Comfort us and take away all fear, anxiety, disillusionment, and sorrow. Have mercy on us, your people, the sheep of your pastures. Sovereign LORD, we grieve our pursuit of the things of this world. We have not been hot or cold, but Laodicean lukewarm. We thought we were rich and had need of nothing. We did not know we were wretched, miserable, and poor. Many are still sleeping and well-known church leaders are partaking in this evil scheme for a One World Order. We humble ourselves and turn from our own wicked ways. We run to You and buy pure gold tried in fire the trying of our faith, white garments washed in the blood of the Lamb to cover our nakedness, and eye salve so we may see. Have mercy on us, Father, and heal our land. We run back to you and receive your embrace and celebrate our return. Thank you for seeing us as the righteousness of Christ Jesus. Thank you for trying our faith, for covering our nakedness, for opening the eyes of our understanding. We need your counsel, your might, and your protection. We pray you awaken your entire body of believers. Abba, raise up under shepherds who know your voice. Remove the wolves in sheep’s clothing who have infiltrated your church. You have given a season of repentance. For anyone involved in this luciferian plot and reading this blog and these prayers, REPENT NOW! The time is at hand for exposure. Do not be like Judas who for a bag of silver betrayed our Lord Jesus Christ. Our God will receive you back. RUN to Him. He will receive you and help you and cover you under the shelter of His wings. He will walk you through restoration.
LORD, can these dry bones live? Only you know. We prophecy to these bones, “Dry bones, hear the Word of the LORD!” Abba, breathe your breath into the dry bones of your church and enter into us so we may live. Put in all the inner workings of the body to these bones, put sinew and flesh upon us, cover us with skin. Put your breath into us and we will live and we will know YOU are the great I AM, YOU ARE THE LORD! Bring the shaking and rattling of these dry bones to come together. Give us everything we need. We speak to the wind, “Thus saith the LORD GOD, Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon those who have been slain that they may live.” Open up our graves and bring us out — like Lazarus! Pour out your Spirit in us so we may live. Restore our land. Then, we will know it is YOU, LORD, who have spoken it and made it come to pass. Hallelujah! Amen! You alone are glorious in power and honor and glory! We bow before you and worship You and adore You. Thank you for all You are doing in our midst! You are here, You are moving and shaking and decreeing! May YOUR kingdom come and YOUR will be done on earth as it is being done in heaven. You are faithful and true! In Jesus name we pray, Amen and Amen!

Patricia Tryal
May 17, 2022

Holy Spirit, keep us awake to the wiles of the enemy. Our prayers have more power than we can imagine! Tear down strongholds of complacency and busyness that keep us from even noticing the evils! May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as in heaven. Amen.

Wanda Graham
May 17, 2022

I prayed this and amen to this!

Marilyn Crady
May 17, 2022

Father God, I agree with each one praying for this action to protect the Freedoms that you empowered and lead our forefathers to fight for. Lord, let not their deaths be in vane. Expose this New World Order for what it is and use the evil ones who support it to stop it. Lord we know that you and you alone are the Ruler and Master of the Universe, that you alone created. Thank you for hearing our prayers. In the Great and Powerful and Precious name of Jesus, I pray. AMEN

Zacqueline Davis
May 17, 2022

Thank you for this prayer
Jesus is Lord. He reigns Supreme over all the earth.

May 17, 2022

Amen! So be it Lord!

Pamela Derrer
May 17, 2022

I agree and have prayed this prayer.
May your children put God first in their lives. Read the Bible and obey. MAY GOD STRENGTHEN, SUPPORT, GIVE WISDOM, DIRECTIONS, Revelation, HELP, His children. Help His children not to lean on their own wisdom, but in all our ways acknowledged God and He will direct our paths.
We need to be praying and worshipping 24/7. We are in very evil times. The Bible tells about this ahead of time. Stay in close contact with Jesus. God bless you. Amen

B Graeve
May 17, 2022

I AGREE according to Matt 18:18-19!

Vigila Harris
May 17, 2022

Vigila Harris
May 17, 2022
I did this prayer as well.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.
He is able to deliver us from all these evil forces , when we pray with faith-in one accord
He is the Miracle Worker

Bernadette Milliken
May 17, 2022


Mike Ragland
May 17, 2022

Thank you for these words from God. So many times I lose a lot of the things I want to pray but this helps to point the way.

May 17, 2022

God is good all the time, he will prevail.

Connie Segeleon
May 17, 2022

Dear Gracious God, you are our God. We trust that you will hear our prayers to replace the new world order with your order. You are in control and we are your children, please guide us, protect us and help us to do your will. In the name if your precious son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, Amen 🙏🙏🙏

Vigila Harris
May 17, 2022

I did this prayer as well.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.
He is able to deliver us from all these evil forces , when we pray with faith-in one accord
He is the Miracle Worker

May 17, 2022

May God hear all our prayers to save this country & all countries who seek FREEDOM!

May 17, 2022

Thank you for this prayer

Polly v walker
May 17, 2022

Amen ! Yes I have pray this prayer .

Elizabeth Dailey
May 17, 2022

I pray for mercy and for all of Americans to repent in the Name of Jesus, 🙏 🙏 Amen 🙏

Lori Callahan
May 17, 2022

America shall be saved! God will do what He has always done throughout history; as evil reaches full measure, He will step in and through His chosen warriors and prayers of His people, it will be defeated!

Peggie Harrington
May 17, 2022

I prayed this prayer in agreement and believe the Great I Am hears our prayers. 1 John 5:14-15

Angela Lee Osipuk
May 17, 2022

You and you alone are in control !!! All your promises are Yes and Amen!!
You will defeat this new world order spirit. Lord turn the hearts of the wicked towards you.
Drench them in your Liquid Love Sweet Jesus.

Joseph Blanton
May 17, 2022

Holy Father in heaven, enable us through the power of Your Holy Spirit to persist in prayer as the widow did in persisting with her petitions before the godless judge. In the precious Name of Jesus we pray. Amen

Daniel Felice
May 17, 2022

I did pray for the enemy to fail as our God is above all.

May 17, 2022

It pains my heart greatly to watch what this special country is becoming. The determination of the evil masses to detrone God and force their devilish agenda on all. While I pray both for the nation as the world to “buy” some time, I can’t help but to bow my head to God’s will. Based on the Revelation, everything that is happening worldwide as in our nation, is leading to the fulfillment of God’s plan. There will be a New World Order, and the Antichrist will be its leader. God is still in charge and control. As horrible as these times are, they must come to pass. I pray for strenght, for faith and endurance for all.

    May 17, 2022

    I agree Hazel! We have not repented as a nation according to 2Chronicles 7:14. The Lord created man and woman and look what evil has done to that. Baby parts are still being sold for profit, not mentioning what these creations of God have to suffer through this. We really need to be praying about the coming vote for the World Health Organization who is meeting next week to vote on giving all authority to the WHO and taking away all of our rights. This is one of the things that will make a big difference when we have no say in our lives anymore. Thank you for praying for these things which are an abomination to the Lord!

Mary L Metras
May 17, 2022

Totally true. Amen!

Sandy Hymore
May 17, 2022

I stand in perfect agreement with this prayer. Word for e. Amen!!🙏🙏🙌🙌

Kathy Kirk
May 17, 2022

Dear Lird thank you for waking me today to prayer with you & other brother & sisters for the sovereignty of our great nation founded under God’s principles of life, liberty & happiness in the name of Jesus. Amen

Mary L Metras
May 17, 2022

I prayed and will continue to pray.

Janet Gardner
May 17, 2022

Yes Amen! A prayer we need to pray every day!

May 17, 2022

The new world has also infiltrated the church by planting the idea through publications like Christianity Today that if we oppose the new world order we taint our Christian witness to the world. Some of our pastors have had their buttons pushed and have bought into this. It’s a very evil deception that must be broken.

May 17, 2022

I stand in agreement to frustrate and destroy the NWO and their plans. Holy Spirit conviction on Pastors and churches to awaken to the dangers before us.

May 17, 2022

So, this prayer is asking God to cancel His Word regarding a one world order. I certainly know that prayer is powerful, but will God go against His Word? Do we really want to hang on to this world? Yes people are being saved, but MORE will be saved during the Tribulation! No, I will not pray this prayer…..the day of Christ is upon us. Check it out in His Word. Even so, come Lord Jesus,,,the blood of the innocent cries out.

    May 17, 2022

    “His armed forces will rise up to desecrate the temple fortress and will abolish the daily sacrifice. Then they will set up the abomination that causes desolation. With flattery he will corrupt those who have violated the covenant, but the people who know their God will firmly resist him.
    Daniel 11:31-32

    We don’t know for sure if we are at the time of tribulation yet. But regardless whether we are or not, the verses here from Daniel say that the people that know their God will resist even after the abomination takes place. The NKJV says we will do great exploits.

    Sharon D'Amico
    May 17, 2022

    Dear Peggy, even Jesus prayed “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” You may remember King Hezekiah prayed to God for mercy and 15 more years were added to his life. I believe we can always ask for mercy and grace even though the outcome is known and planned by Almighty God. It is not wrong to ask for the plans of the wicked to be confused. Follow the leading of the Spirit in your prayers. I will always ask for Truth to be exposed and righteousness to reign in hearts and in our land. I am simply sharing my thoughts, not coming against you. Trusting King Jesus to shine his light through us in these dark times. Blessings to you and yours.

Jerry Sauls
May 17, 2022

I am interceding with you on behalf of our nation that Jehovah God will show Himself strong as He has done in the past on behalf of His children. I am in agreement with all of those who are calling upon our Creator asking Him to make a dramatic change in the direction this nation has taken. He is our only hope. Amen!

Gail Ant,e
May 17, 2022

I am praying to You. O God, for protection of our nation from the evil intentions those who would bind us into this new world order. I pray you will thwart their plans , that their intentions and plans and devious acts will completely fail. I pray for their souls that they might turn from their wicked plans and see the Truth that can only be found in You. As we vote in new governing leaders, help us make godly and wise decisions. I ask forgiveness for my personal sins and the sins of my nation. I humbly seek Your forgiveness and mercy. I seek You, O Lord, in the land of the living, where you can be found. Hear the prayers of Your children Lord and heal our hearts and heal our land. Protect us O Lord. In Jesus’s name I pray. Amen.

May 17, 2022

Father God, we come before You in the precious Name of Jesus to thank You for hearing the prayers of Your people as we lift hands and voices and prayers for our nation to You! You are Sovereign, the Enough, Jehovah-Nissi, Rapha, our provider, shield and fortress. Praise and Glory to You Name, as we look to see Your enemies be destroyed, as You hear our appeals to Your might and grace in our homes, towns, cities and nation.
Your will, Father, be done on earth as it is in heaven .By the precious Blood of the Lamb, and the might of the Name of Jesus! Thank You!

Linda Gasque
May 17, 2022

Heavenly Father, Creator of all things, Hear my prayer. Leaders in America have tried for many years to bring the new world order to America, but these evil ideals have been resisted thus far. I pray that the people of America and of the Earth, will storm the gates of heaven with prayer to forcefully put the ideals of this new world order down for all time so that the people of America and of the world will be free. In the name of Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior I pray this prayer. Amen.

Josetta C. Burchardt
May 17, 2022

Very beautiful, needed,and timely intecessory prayer. May Our Heavenly Father hear us and grant us these requests, through Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior.

May 17, 2022

We agree and ask that You deliver us from evil. Evil plots and plans. Evil people and agendas. Evil in all forms that deny the Truth of Jesus and His Blood that was shed for the remission of our sins.
And lead us to vote for godly men and women that have wisdom from above. Your wisdom that will help heal our land. We need healing. Mentally, emotionally, physically, and most of all spiritually. Revive Your work here in America. The call to be the city in a hill- restore our destiny and let us all be salt and light of Your Love to all.
In Jesus Name.

Louisa Priore
May 17, 2022

Thank you for this directive prayer for freedom. We do need to also pray that the Lord would convict those in the church who continue to support and vote for politicians whose agenda is contrary to the Word of God.

Bev Schuele
May 17, 2022

I have prayed. Lord Jesus, hear our prayers! Amen

Deanna Simpson
May 17, 2022

We stand in 100% agreement!! American and this World shall be saved.

Vicki Caldwell
May 17, 2022

This is a real burden on my own heart. Watching the decline of this great nation,that God has so richly blessed. Stunned at the “blindness” of people to see it all? Praying for our nation.

Leda Landers
May 17, 2022

This prayer is heartfelt for me today and the timing is perfect for these elections days.

May 17, 2022

Praying and standing in agreement with you for the defeat of all steps of advancement of the agenda of the new word order – Lord Jesus let darkness be exposed and defeated and let righteous leaders, legislation, victory and freedom come forth now in Jesus Name.

Barb Poihubka
May 17, 2022

Thank you Lord that You gave us power and authority over the enemy the New World Order! We thank you Father You set the boundaries in Heaven for war and the enemy can’t cross the line as long as we are enforcing that boundary! We are the restraining order holding back the enemies plan. The only way the enemy can have a plan is to have copied Your plan Lord. You have a great reset and that is Jubilee! We call forth your reset to manifest in this land today in Jesus Name!!!

May 17, 2022

I agree with these prayers in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

May 17, 2022

Lord, you set up kings and depose them. In your name and in humility we ask you to dethrone those in positions of power who commit these evil acts of implementing this diabolical plan. We pray you raise up mighty men and women who love You and Your Divine Son and promise to enthrone you above all people and things. We love you and thank you our Lord and our God. Amen.

Robert Righter
May 17, 2022

‘Our Father in heaven,
·may your name always be kept holy [T Hallowed be your name].
May your kingdom come
·and what you want [Your will] be done,
here on earth as it is in heaven. Not the will of the evil one!!!!!!!
Give us ·the food we need for each day [T today our daily bread].
Forgive us for our ·sins [L debts],
just as we have forgiven ·those who sinned against us [L our debtors; C sin is pictured as a debt owed].
1And ·do not cause us to be tempted [T lead us not into temptation; or do not put us to the test],
but ·save [rescue; deliver] us from ·the Evil One [or evil].’!!!!!!!
|The kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours forever. Amen.|[a]
·Yes, [For] if you forgive others for their ·sins [transgressions; failings; trespasses], your Father in heaven will also forgive you.

May 17, 2022

Ephesians 6:10-13
Suit up! Full armor. Close ranks and keep marching under the banner of God’s Army.
Don’t Flinch.

Dottie Kraemer
May 17, 2022

I stand in agreement with this prayer and pledge to share it and pray it regularly to fight with spiritual weapons the take over of our nation and our world under a one world government…..In the powerful And mighty name of Jesus, our Lord and King, Amen

Maria M Fillyaw
May 17, 2022

Yes I prayed this prayer. Thank you to God for you, and Blessed be Jesus forever on our USA and the world.

edith kurie
May 17, 2022

Oh almighty Father of power and hope we thank You for Your love for us. We confess we have turned to our own way and have not sought You as we ought. Please forgive us and hear us now as we cry out to You for help and deliverance from the evil that tries to grip our precious country which You graciously bestowed on us to keep for Your glory. We ask in the holy Name of Jesus, amen.

May 17, 2022

For activate every necessary angel needed to bring an end to their corruption and wicked agendas. Father I am demanding your righteous judgment on my behalf my family and all the Just and innocent people in this land. Cause them also to pay us 100 fold everything they have taken from us in Jesus, let their sleep and awakening be disturb. In Jesus Christ name Abba Father,please net it be not.

Debra Arnold
May 17, 2022

YES! Amen and Amen !! We thank you in advance for hearing our prayers, Heavenly Father,for our nation and we pray also for the other nations of this world that you would save all who will be saved and bring down, totally anialate this so called “ new world order”! In the mighty and matchless name of Jesus we pray, Amen

Barbara Jackson
May 17, 2022

Confounded e all they that serve graven images, that boast themselves of idols. Ps97 v7. Say among the heather that the Lord reigns. The world also shal be established that it shall not be removed. Ps 96

    Barbara Jackson
    May 17, 2022

    Let the fire that goes before our God destroy all the works of His enemies.

Shellie M.
May 17, 2022

LORD GOD I pray for your will to be done on earth just exactly as it is in Heaven and for your Kingdom to come!!!!!!!

JESUS IS COMING SOON to take HIS church home.

I have seen the scriptures John 14:1-3
in so many many many instances (literally have lost count how many) and times where either I was feeling down, and maybe even anxious, (depending whatever the situation was)and then the LORD JESUS in HIS amazing way, reminded me each time with these beautiful scriptures that this world is NOT my home, but a better home is waiting for me, with HIM!!!!!!!!

John 14:1–3 (ESV): Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. 2 In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.

A better home is waiting for us, one that will be without sin and suffering and evil and wickedness will be NO MORE. We will dwell WITH JESUS for eternity without sickness, disease, and we will never age. I pray for HIS KINGDOM TO COME, HIS WILL TO BE DONE.

Rosalie Morrison
May 17, 2022

I prayed!

May 17, 2022

Father has allowed The people of the New World Order to get as far as they have in this nation IN ORDER TO wake up this nation to repentance. We as a society have turned away from God, left His righteous laws behind us. We have become a lawless nation and we need to come to repentance. God is trying to wake this nation up by this challenge. How far it has to go into oppression will depend upon how soon and how many come into repentance: Sodom and Gomorrah is the example. We are the Abrahams praying: for HIS NAMES ‘ SAKE, FOR HIS GLORY AND PURPOSES, save this nation. Pour a spirit of repentance upon us beginning with the Body of Christ. We, The Body of Christ, have been stuck in self righteousness, and a complacent stance as evil took over… Until now! We can praise and thank Him now for His correction of us, to bring us into more of the character, discernment and obedience of Christ.

Evelyn Wright
May 17, 2022

I prayed this prayer….Thanks for sharing your beautiful words! May God Bless America Again!

Larry Small
May 17, 2022

Jesus is Lord of Lord and King of Kings. Our trust and victory is in Him.

May 17, 2022

Yes Abba Father what is meant for evil You can turn for good! Father God in Jesus Name bring us the greatest revival of all times, globally! We exalt You to the highest we give You all the Glory Honor and Praise! Amen

May 17, 2022

Matthew 18:18-19 I bind in Jesus Name the evil that is the New world order . Protect Your children from this oppressive and destructive regime Father ! Draw these unbelieving folks to Your Son Jesus Christ so they turn from darkness to light and away from satan’s grip ! In the mighty name of Jesus , amen

Juinne Negus
May 17, 2022

Praying for blinded eyes be opened to see the truth of those who are filled with evil and wickedness be shut down. In Jesus name amen!

Joanna Faith
May 17, 2022

Amen. Our dear Abba in Heaven, you have the last laugh over evil. We praise you for being our Healer, Deli-verer, Defender, Restorer! Ps 37
Great 👑Trinity
Demon👺 rings
…………………………….. Rise in America
Untie evil plans
Liberty we seek
Every 👺 defeat


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