I Prayed have prayed
Father, help us: Bring down and punish all wickedness aimed against children. Protect them, save them, and bless our heritage.
Reading Time: 8 minutes

Do the problems of child pornography and child sexual exploitation seem too big for the Lord to solve? If so, friend, I want to encourage you today: God can hear our prayers. And if we will pray the prayer of agreement in the holy and wonderful name of Jesus Christ, He will hear and remove this scourge from our land. He can make the crime of child molestation not only unacceptable, but also unthinkable in our land.

Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.


Consider this one small example of how God uses frail people to change a nation:

Gideon was a man who claimed to be the least of his tribe — yet the Angel of the Lord visited him and appointed him to cast down the altar of Baal. Then, the Lord used Gideon to utterly destroy and annihilate the enemy forces that were perpetrating evil against Israel. All this despite the fact that Gideon showed up to the battle without most of his original army, and without any fleshly hope!

If God can use one man in such a way, can He not use you and me to cast down the wickedness that is flourishing in America? Of course He can.

Let’s pray this prayer together today and ask the Lord to utterly annihilate the child-pornography “industry” in the United States:

Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You in Jesus’ name. We thank You that You are God all by Yourself. You are strong enough and powerful enough to annihilate all wickedness with one blast of the breath of Your nostrils. You are good, and You protect and defend the fatherless, the orphan, the innocent, and the helpless.

Therefore, Father, we call on You today and ask You to intervene. And we praise You in advance, for we know that You will hear and answer our prayer of agreement.

Father God, we need Your help. The enemy has come in like a flood, seeking to destroy our children in many ways.

One of the vilest sins the enemy has perpetrated upon our nation is that of child sexual abuse and exploitation — due in large part to the child-pornography “industry.” We will no longer tolerate this, Father. You have filled us with righteous anger and indignation, and we choose to rise up today in prayer and activism to eliminate this evil from our land.

Abba Father, in Jesus’ name, we ask today:

  • that You would remove the principality of Jezebel, with its sexual perversion and all that accompanies it, from our land and cast it down. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit;
  • that You give us wisdom for how to pray, today and every day;
  • that You pour out Your Holy Spirit upon all flesh in our nation. Let our sons and daughters prophesy, and let our old men and women dream dreams, in accordance with Joel chapter 2;
  • for an outpouring of purity and holiness upon the people of our nation;
  • that even the godless would be visited by visions of Jesus, the Man in white, and let them flee from and completely forsake their sins. Let Your Holy Spirit convict the wicked of sin, righteousness, and judgment. Let the wicked bow the knee to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for there is no other name given among men by which we must be saved.

Father, when it comes to the child-porn “industry” and the sexual exploitation of children, we ask:

  • that all those who have a taste for this evil would suddenly lose all appetite for sin. We ask that they would suddenly hate, detest, and abhor evil — and that they would love righteousness and hate lawlessness;
  • that all those who exploit and use children would be exposed for what they are — and that all who protect them would suddenly abandon them, leaving them exposed to justice;
  • that corporations supporting pornography in any form would change course, publicly rejecting wickedness, and embracing righteousness instead. If they will not, then we ask that You would bring them to justice — and that they would even go out of business, if You deem necessary;
  • that You would give all Americans, including our lawmakers, other government officials, and peace officers, a righteous sense of indignation and justice, so that every child abuser would be prosecuted and brought to justice to the full extent of the law;
  • that You would bring every abuser to trial, with full exhibits of all the evidence needed to convict them. We ask also that You would hand-pick the jury, and that You would restore these judges of the people as at first;
  • that every abuser would be convicted, punished, and removed from the streets (from all access to children), according to Your will.

Also, we ask that You would destroy these people’s every ability and capability to abuse children.

  • We ask that every body part these people use to abuse children would cease to function. Let their body parts be physically and suddenly unable to move or to function in any way, if they are going to try to hurt or use a child.
  • Let every bit of technology that these criminals use to market, sell, and profit from their crimes cease to function.
  • Let their computers fail — but let the evidence of their activities be preserved for the justice system. Let their internet connections henceforth refuse them any access.
  • Let every molecule and atom of every tool these people use for wicked purposes rise up against their users and fail to work — in effect crying out for justice in the name of the Lord.
  • Let the very airwaves rebel and refuse to transmit these sins across the air!
  • Let every porn website crash for the users and the owners — but let the evidence found on those websites be preserved for the justice system to use to prosecute the wicked.

Father, we ask also that You would supernaturally empower children to defend themselves. Your Spirit dwells in these children, and we know that there is no “junior” version of Your Spirit. What You can do through others, You can do also through a child.

Therefore, Father, just as You have accomplished great feats of strength over the ages through adults, we ask now that You would supernaturally empower every child who is being abused.

  • Give each child the wisdom and opportunity to escape their abusers, and show them where to go for safety.
  • Appear to these children in person, and lead them out of their abusive environments — just as Your angels led the apostles out of prison multiple times.
  • Let Your power flow through Your babies, and let them rise up and rebuke their assailants. Let them prophesy with Your power, convicting the wicked of their sins.
  • Give these children supernatural strength and wisdom to physically overpower and escape from anyone attempting to hurt them.
  • Let a holy fear of every child come upon every would-be abuser. Let these abusers tremble in their bodies, souls, and spirits, and be so terrified of Your children that they would never again approach or even speak to any child for any evil purpose.
  • Let these children tell the right people that they are being abused — and let those people who hear their stories LISTEN and take all the right actions. Let them believe every true tale of abuse, no matter who is being accused of the abuse.

We pray also for the minds of children who have been abused.

  • We ask that You would remove all memories, all aftereffects, and all consequences of the abuse.
  • Give these children courage and bravery to testify against those who have hurt them. And if You want them to retain any memory of what happened to them for this purpose (so they can testify in court, in order to bring abusers to justice), then let them remember only what You want them to remember.
  • We ask You to completely heal every child of what they have endured. Heal them in their body, mind, soul, emotions, heart, and spirit.
  • Help them to forgive those who have hurt them — but also to understand that their abusers must still be brought to justice.
  • Let every child on every list of missing children be found — alive, safe, and sound of mind and body.
  • Let FOUND children be in every headline and on every newscast from this day forward, to make up for YEARS of evil perpetrated upon American families, in Jesus’ name.
  • Help these children return to their godly families or be placed in godly, loving homes with guardians You have appointed to take care of them in Your name.
  • Comfort every child by Your Spirit.
  • Help them to feel Your love, Your presence, and Your affection.
  • Keep them as the apple of Your eye. Hide them under the shadow of Your wings.
  • Help every child to understand that what happened to them was not real love; that it was wicked and evil. Help them to be able to receive and embrace real love from godly parents (even in the foster system, if necessary), from a future godly spouse, and from godly friends.
  • Let restitution be made to every child who has been abused.

Father, Jesus shed His blood so Your perfect will could once again be done on the earth. Therefore, Abba Father:

  • We plead the blood of Jesus over every child who is being abused or has been abused — and we ask that You would minister Your perfect deliverance, protection, safety, refuge, and healing to them.
  • We plead the blood of Jesus over the entire child-porn “industry.” We ask that You would completely cast down, destroy, and annihilate every website, every tool, every video, every video set, every script, every lust, every fetish, and every wicked intention in our nation. Replace these things with salvation, purity, and holiness through Jesus Christ.
  • We ask that You would completely cast down, destroy, and annihilate every part of the child-porn “industry” — and of the adult-porn “industry” that feeds it, too!
  • We ask that You would stop, arrest, convict, bring to justice, save, and change every abuser, every wicked parent, every trafficker, every kidnapper, and every consumer of these evil activities.
  • If any of these wicked people will not be saved — if they absolutely refuse to submit to Your Son Jesus Christ — then we ask that You would cast them down, destroy, and annihilate them, too, for they have made themselves Your enemies.

Father, there is no room in the world for abusers of children. Rise up, O God. Put on Your strength in our behalf, and in behalf of every child.

Stop this madness, we pray, in Jesus’ name. We plead the blood of Jesus over these United States of America, and over all the world; and we decree Your Word that nothing shall by any means harm our children.

Let Your Word and our prayers run swiftly over all the earth to accomplish these things for which we have asked You today. Thank You, Abba Father. We give You all the glory. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Friend, God can turn this tide of the abuse of children. He can right these wrongs, deliver the children, and bring the oppressors to justice. Pray this prayer continually for these innocent ones, and we believe in Jesus’ name that we will start seeing reports of FOUND, SAFE, DELIVERED children in the news every day!

Did you pray this prayer in agreement with us today? If so, leave a comment below! And please share this post so that more intercessors will be battling this great evil.

Jamie Rohrbaugh is the author of 7 Days of Praying for Your Children: Help, Hope, and Encouragement for Your Parenting Journey. She is the founder and CEO of From His Presence, a ministry dedicated to equipping God’s people in prayer, the prophetic word, living supernaturally, inner healing, and kingdom wealth. Her writing can be found on YouVersion, in Charisma Magazine, and on The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. Download her free prayer tool, Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them in Prayer and Worship, here. Photo Credit: Canva.

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July 16, 2023

We all pray this in Jesus’s name AMEN


Thank you Jesus

July 13, 2023

Praying in agreement. Thank you Lord!

Gail Segars Rainey
July 13, 2023

Praying in agreement with Pastor/Intercessor Jamie Rohrbaugh! Thank You, Lord, for this woman of God who does not back down with her words and prayers and who thoroughly asks what we all want for these children and babies and young people! Amen and amen!

July 13, 2023

Bless You dearest God for the writer of these prayers! I needed them! TOGETHER we will see His Will be done for our children!!!!

Cary Wiik
July 12, 2023

Trafficking children in any form most result in Capital punishment with no appeal and sentence carried out in 7 days.

Sandra Butler
July 12, 2023

I have prayed this prayer today and pray without ceasing for the deliverance of our precious children, the unborn and the abused.

July 12, 2023

I prayed this prayer fur the innocent children and seek continue to pray!

Jeff Ganus
July 11, 2023

I HAVE PRAYED THIS PRAYER TODAY, in total agreement as a fellow servant of our LORD and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST. AMEN!

Nancy Berkey
July 11, 2023

I pray 100x% in agreement with the above prayer. May the little children come to Jesus for protection. May God open them good homes. May evil these evil people be stopped. “Let God arise and His enemies be scattered….” in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen. ☦🇺🇸🙏

Janet M Craig
July 11, 2023

Praying in agreement with the prayer offered to the LORD.
Father God tear down the Strongholds that are coming against our children to destroy them and the families. Lord God, You gave the fathers and mothers to raise our children they were made in Your image. We come to You for Help Father God because You created us and our children.
The Blood of Your Son JESUS is against the crimes that are coming against these little ones.
Father we repent of allowing these corruptions to come, we have not been focused on Your word or Your commandments as we should, we repent of these things we have allowed. Forgive us Father in Jesus Name.

Darlene Estlow
July 11, 2023

Thank you that we can join in prayer for the children and for the evil doers to come to salvation.

July 11, 2023

Praying in agreement!
Matt 18:19
All things hidden and concealed will be revealed! Traffic rings busted, and evil brought to Justice!
All children saved…
Gods children are not for sale!

July 11, 2023

In agreement with this prayer and declaration, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

July 11, 2023

Prayed for the innocent children

karma Sweet
July 11, 2023

I too agree with ALL of this prayer. I know the damage it can do to families and marriages. Pornography needs to be done away with in our society. Whether movies, TV shows, commercials, magazines, it needs to be gone! Father, hear our cry for our children and grandchildren.
In Your Precious name! Amen

Patty Vogel
July 11, 2023

Thank you for crafting this powerful prayer for all intercessors to help us decree and declare the end of child abuse, and the heinous act of child-sex trafficking. Now that we know, we cannot keep silent! Hear us O God, hear our cry on behalf of these innocent ones. Deliver them from evil. Rescue them from their captors. Give us courage to open our hearts and our homes to be a place of refuge. The church must arise!

Patricia Hope
July 11, 2023

I am praying against the child pornography organlzationgs that defile the minds of adults and children
and underly the sex trafficking industry. I pray for the exposing of all heinous crime organizations against children.

Linda Trott Dickman
July 11, 2023

What an amazing, comprehensive, articulate guide. Praise God!

July 11, 2023

Thank You Lord Jesus that You are carrying each chid and victim of sex trafficking to Your places of healing, hope and total restoration. Hand in hand with You Lord they are walking into the fullness of Your Love in the Light of Your Glory. In heartfelt agreement with Jamie’s beautiful prayer. Continued prayer and fasting in Jesus’ Victorious Name.

July 11, 2023

Let’s get rid of the entire porn industry. Stop feeding the beast.

January 8, 2023

Lord, I pray right now in the mighty name of Jesus against the industry of porn. Lord, I pray for a holy conviction of those in the industry, sex trafficking and any harm against children to cease, bring justice against those who inflict harm, and destroy its dark kingdom. Lord, I pray for salvation for men and women in this field who are held against their will. Lord I pray for freedom, I pray that the chains and yokes be broken off their lives. Lord, I plead the blood of Jesus Christ and I pray that every site, website, every part of this wicked kingdom be annihilated in every way. In Jesus name…Amen

Donna Hicks
December 7, 2022

Thank you for bringing attention to this horror inflicted on innocent children. So many Christians simply find this subject too horrible to even think of and simply turn away. It is heartbreaking!

John Lawburgh
December 6, 2022

It is a very dangerous thing to pray for God to cast down ,annihilate, or destroy a person. That is for God and God alone to make that decision, not ours. In my opinion that borders on witchcraft and setting yourself up as God as to who is to live or die.

December 4, 2022

Jesus has demonstrated His perfect Love. The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit love the
children, want them safe and saved, and will prevail. Thank you, IFA and Jamie, for this
powerful prayer. I prayed it all!

Gillian Alp
December 4, 2022

Thankyou for your detailed, comprehensive prayer.
It has helped me to know how to pray for children in need.
I have starred it and will use it again.
Yours Faithfully in Christ Jesus.
Gillian Alp (Mrs)

Maria Fillyaw
December 4, 2022

Dear Jesus God You are in control and we pray this prayer in Your name and we know that you always listen and you are righteous and true and you love us. I pray dear Jesus that we will love you with all of our hearts all of our mind all of our strength and all of our soul in Jesus name amen

Lori Meed
December 3, 2022

Jamie, thank for this thorough and biblical prayer guide! I have printed it out to use with my USA Israel prayer group. I also included repentance prayers – standing in the gap in identificational repentance for those in our nation and in our bloodlines who opened the door to the sin. We will see His kingdom come and His will be done as we press in!

Rachel Howard
December 3, 2022

Yes!! I prayed in full agreement with the POWERFUL prayer prayed here. May God arise and these enemies be scattered!!! In Jesus’ name!! God, have mercy and save our children!!

December 3, 2022

Weeping as I pray.
I read a post recently from a woman in her 50’s who was now a counselor – she said every single person had been sexually abused that she counsels. May there be true repentance and may the Holy Spirit move mightily to bring hope and healing. This is not just a “people out there in the world” it’s in the church. I’ve felt the spirit of Jezebel in many churches. And I encourage intercessors to put your armor that God provides on as you pray and be alert for distractions and temptations as you pray- fast too if you are able.

December 2, 2022

I’m so thankful for the precious intercessors that will take up on behalf of innocent children who are in danger of the evil and wickedness that is lurking in neighborhoods looking to see who that can devour. I’m so in agreement with every prayer and also with the words of Jesus that says it is better for them who cause one of these little ones to sin to have a millstone tied around their neck and be thrown into the sea !

December 2, 2022

I have long been burdened to pray for children & adults who have been victims of this type of heinous abuse and criminal activity. Thank you Jamie for giving us a thorough and detailed prayer that will help guide us in laying siege, warring & decreeing victory in an arena that many Christians MUST engage in the battle for both children & adults in our nation…as well as the world.
I encourage people to become as informed as they can be. If you want to know how extensive & pervasive, as well as organized these crimes are…watch a film called “Nefarious” by Exodus Cry. (note – it’s a tough film, in certain moments, to watch). Also watch Sound of Freedom with Jim Caviezel. Based on a real life individual who fights for children in sex trade industry. Please don’t watch for entertainment – watch to become more informed about what you can do, how you can help (especially prayer) and how we can begin to safeguard our children. God has called each of us to war in this arena – every member of God’s “team” will be playing some sort of active role. No one sits on the sidelines – there’s too much at stake.
Thank you again Jamie and IFA.

Grant Windholz
December 2, 2022

We pray to all young Americans to keep them from wicked government interventions who bring this pornagraphy into the minds of people growing up and learning the innocence of life. May they be protected with the holy spirit of God Almighty 🙏!

Susan S
December 2, 2022

Amen and Amen, in the Mighty Name of Jesus we pray!

Susan Jones
December 2, 2022

I stand in agreement with this prayer and ask Father God that you fight for the children!

Danielle Chaput
December 2, 2022

May the Holy Spirit come and help the little ones rise up like in the prayer. That would be amazing and all access and desire for these satanic images and deeds and the accessibility for it be extinguished by The Lord and those who partake be condemned to hell. As well as all repercussions that harm the little ones begone

Vaughn Cassidy
December 2, 2022

A nation that allows such horrors as the government sex trafficking children has no future.
A nation that allows the medical community to wantonly chemically castrate and cut up children in the name of compassion has no future.
A nation who’s elites engage in sexual fetishes involving children has no future.
The United States of America is teetering on the precipice. Only the direct intervention of God can save HIS nation.

December 2, 2022

Father God, break our hearts for what breaks yours… suffer the little children to come to You. I agree with this prayer. I trust that you will perform your word.. that you will supernaturally empower these victims to rise up and defeat their abusers-just like David brought down Goliath they will dominate the perpetrators of this horrendous activity. Equip these children to be warriors for the kingdom of Light.. in Jesus name

December 1, 2022

Wow prayed the entire prayer 🙏. How powerful! And to know I’m not the only one praying this, there are hundreds of others standing in the gap.

December 1, 2022

I just prayed this prayer, thank you Jami and I will have our Aglow prayer group pray it together next week. Thank you for your guided prayers. Amen

Zoraida Garza
December 1, 2022

yes LORD! let your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven! bring Justice Oh GOD Almighty SAVE AND HEAL OUR CHILDREN!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Peg B
December 1, 2022

Thank you, Jamie, for this beautiful and Spirit led prayer. I stand in complete agreement with you and my fellow intercessors. May this petition in God’s court be granted quickly. We exalt the name of Jesus as defender and protector of our children. By faith we stand before our Heavenly Father’s throne giving praise and thanksgiving in advance. He sees the intent or our hearts, He hears our prayer and He answers. Glory be to God! Let all the children come unto Him, in the matchless and mighty name of Jesus!

Betty Smith
December 1, 2022

Thank you for addressing this terrible scourge so eloquently. May justice be brought to those who harm children in any way!

December 1, 2022

May this prayer spread like wild fire across this nation and around the world. Praying that no child or adult is subject to sexual abuse. That the perpetrators would be brought low and the evidence of Your saving grace and protection would be overpowering to those who promote this type of heinous activity. We pray in the name of Jesus who loves His children.

Sue Brummer
December 1, 2022

Thank you so much for this wonderful prayer. It is so difficult for me to pray about the situation and your words are perfect. Thank you.

Mary Ann Ware
December 1, 2022

Thank you for this all inclusive and powerful beautiful prayer. I will pray it often and pass it on. Praised be Our Heavenly Father and the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. AMEN!!!💗🕊🙏

December 1, 2022

So grateful for this powerful and great prayer! It hits all the high points. May we all continue to pray this and like prayers for our precious children!

William Gillin
December 1, 2022

I agree with these prayers. May every abuser realize what Jesus said about millstones and being cast into the sea.

Jerry Gladden
December 1, 2022

Come into
Agreement with this prayer, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

Maxine Ferguson
December 1, 2022

Thank you for posting this prayer for others to touch and agree. I touch and agree with every person that would pray this prayer on behalf of our children.

December 1, 2022

Yes, I have prayed and believe God hears and answers. He is just and faithful. His Word assures us that when we pray believing, He hears and answers. He hates this evil!
I am sharing this with our Life Group.

Michaelle Ryan
December 1, 2022

I have been praying for the children for sometime and I am clasping hands and praying in agreement with you and this prayer in Jesus name.

December 1, 2022


Aaron Sullivan
December 1, 2022

I prayed this powerful prayer. I’m looking in expectancy for God to move mightily upon this issue, in Jesus name!

tony smith
December 1, 2022

To gain a clearer perspective on the sexual lust that has taken over our nation read ‘The Return of the Gods’ by Jonathan Cahn, then give it to your pastor to read. It reveals the demonic powers and principalities that are ruling us right now. We can pray much more effectively when we can see and name our enemies.

December 1, 2022

I prayed for all children who have been abused and victims of the child-porn industry in our country. But I also pray for all those children who are being exposed to sexuality and gender issues and transgenderism by our government and our schools. Cleanse our government and schools of this evil!! May we return to a country under God, with morals, values, and ethics!! Amen

Dana Sue Canary
December 1, 2022

I was so inspired by this article and prayed out loud the prayer written so powerfully. I felt the Holy Spirit praying thru me and that as we all pray this prayer , maybe even daily for awhile for the impact to be felt across our land.
Praise God The Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Kim Cleveland
December 1, 2022

Amen, yes amen.

December 1, 2022

Amen!!! We agree in JESUS NAME!!!

Sandra Lee
December 1, 2022

Father God..I am in agreement with my brothers and sisters in Christ that this evil madness will stop. I decree and declare that every child being abused will have the courage to tell someone who will listen about the abuse. I decree and declare that the lawmakers in Washington DC will become these little ones advocate. These children are our future, should you tarry, Lord Jesus..Thank you for healing them in every possible way that they need healing. I ask you to apply the balm of Gilead onto their wounds..I praise you in advance for the mighty work we will see when it all comes tumbling down. In Jesus’ mighty name I pray..Amen

Mary Scott
December 1, 2022

These precious children are ultimately yours. In Your time; we pray, Amen

Mary Lou Richardson
December 1, 2022

Thank you for this very thorough and effective prayer! I have printed it and will pray as often as I am led to do so.

December 1, 2022

Father, save our children in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Zoe Ella
December 1, 2022

Whoever hurts a child, it is better for him to have a stone tied around his neck and drowned. (paraphrased). Please Lord, block the expression of any idea that hurts a child. No more sex porn, no more indoctrinations, no more encouragement of gender changes, and the like.

December 1, 2022

Lord Jesus you alone are WORTHY and able to do EXCEEDINGLY ABUNDANTLY ABOVE all we ask or think and we are asking in unison for these abominations to stop! We claim Luke 10:19 and we BIND ON EARTH WHAT IS ALREADY BOUND IN HEAVEN, we LOOSE ON EARTH WHAT IS ALREADY LOOSED IN HEAVEN!! DO IT LORD JESUS and we give YOU ALL the praise and ALL the glory….so let it be!!

Pastor trea Claudelle Anderson
December 1, 2022

Father we. Ask you to keep are children safe from all harm hurt danger in JESUS NAME
Thanksgiving and Prayer

3I thank my God every time I remember you. 4In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy 5because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, 6being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

7It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart and, whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel, all of you share in God’s grace with me. 8God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus.

9And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, 10so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, 11filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.

December 1, 2022

Lord God our papa just as you had the ugliness of the swamp to come to light and many have turned to you please save these precious children from vile sickness and destroy the ability to use internet to destroy these innocent babes, may each one who attempts to harm a child be a immediately slayed in body, mind and spirit, please Jesus we are crying out to you our Divine Warrior🙏🙏🙏

Rosie Stull
December 1, 2022

I prayed this awesome amazing prayer! Thank you!

Russell Hyde
December 1, 2022

God, please because of Your Son’s righteousness, you have changed and healed me and You can and WILL heal these precious children, and even those addicted to this horrible evil. Bring as many as will to come to know Your Love, In Jesus Holy Name, AMEN

Rebecca Collins
December 1, 2022

Thank you for this prayer for our children. I prayed it all.I know God has heard this prayer and more. He loves the little children. I feel their pain and hurt. I know the healing of Jesus hand on my life from the sexual and physical abuse. Praise God! They can experience it too.!That’s my prayer.

Darlene DeAngelis
December 1, 2022

Father God this is atrocious father God take your wrath and release it on these sick sick mentally deranged individuals that are taking innocent children in such an evil way please forgive us for not pushing back on all the evil including abortion and sitting in churches and being quiet forgive our ignorance forgive not speaking when we should have Lord God it is time for the church and Christians to rise up and put a stop to this because he who is inside of me is greater than this world in Jesus name I pray

December 1, 2022

Praying for these precious children

December 1, 2022

Thank You LORD that You will be there Justice, their protector, their deliverer, and their healer in Jesus name.

Jenny H.
December 1, 2022

Yes, Lord, set the captive children free. Free them from the wounds and lies of their abusers. Heal their hearts, minds and bodies. May Your Spirit fill them with hope and love, so they can receive love from others. Thank you for sending your servants to deliver them. May Your mighty angels war against these strongholds, tearing them down, putting a holy fear in the hearts of the abusers. May You be glorified! thank you for delivering the children and adults who are being trafficked. May Your Kingdom come, your will be done now! In the powerful name of Jesus, our Savior!!!

December 1, 2022

A truly powerful prayer, fully covering all aspects of this unthinkable, heinous evil in our country and the world. I will continue to pray this prayer to save our children and destroy the enemy’s work.

Darlene Estlow
December 1, 2022

Thank you that we could pray along with Jamie Rohrbaugh. Jesus, you are the victor and we have the victory in you!

Joanne Magoc
December 1, 2022

Awesome prayer!

Alanna Hankins
December 1, 2022

Hallelujah!! The body of Christ on one accord. God is calling his body to action. I am seeing it everywhere. God protect our children. I am fasting/prayer today for children and I saw this. I am in complete agreement. 1 will put a thousand, 2 ten thousand and so on. We can watch in expectancy what GOD is going to do. I am thankful for Ifa and prayer warriors. God bless you all.

Christine Larson
December 1, 2022

Thank you for this prayer! I agree with you in this prayer! I will continue praying it daily for our children! Thank you Father, Son and Holy Spirit for all that you are doing!

December 1, 2022

Beautiful! We all need to pray and stop this vulgar abuse and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law! Amen!

Ann curry
December 1, 2022

I’m so thankful for the thorough and mighty prayers to lead us through and cover so many aspects of the abuse of children… in Jesus name we pray and agree!!!

December 1, 2022


Mary Buck
December 1, 2022

Thank you all for taking the time to have this wonderful prayer for us to pray today. I believe in the fact that the words we read and pray are heard by our Savior

Amy Tan
December 1, 2022

I pray in agreement in the Name of our Jehovah El Elohim, He is mighty to save through the Holy Blood of Jesus Christ. Please Father help these innocent children who are oppressed and sexually abused. Please put an end to ALL these evil Lord Jesus and in your authority please send your Holy Angels and form a hedge of protection around these innocent children. We stand as one in Jesus Christ fighting in the spiritual realm! Amen 🙏🏻 Hallelujah 🙌🏻!!!

robert genois
December 1, 2022

Aren’t not to pray for the oppressor as well, may the Holy Spirit convict them of their heinous crimes and throw themselves at the feet of our heavenly loving Father.

Jacque Calkins
December 1, 2022

In Jesus mighty and matchless name Lord we life these prayers to you and ask that you hear and bless us and these children by moving on their behalf. Amen and Amen

Rosalie A. Scott
December 1, 2022

Yes I prayed the prayer for the children. I am old now but I still remember and suffer some days from the child sexual abuse. I thank you with all of my being for helping others to pray to stop this evil.

    Susan CC
    December 1, 2022

    Rosalie, I pray in each remembering, you feel the loving embrace of our Father God! I also pray you are at the end of them; no painful memories remain only the peace of Christ 🕊 As You hear my prayer Father, may it be for Your Glory and Rosalie’s good. Amen

    I also send my love as well❣️

December 1, 2022

Amen & Amen
I agree & prayed this prayer with you!

December 1, 2022

Just finished praying the same,picked this up,complete agreement,Amen

December 1, 2022

I believe that Jesus’ blood can cover a multitude of sins. I prayed this prayer that ALL abuse and pornographic sites would be stopped.

Dulce Diaz
December 1, 2022

Lord, oh how awesome you are! Hear the cries of your people Lord. As we cry out to you for deliverance of these children who are still suffering abuse. Bring them out Abba. Our hearts feel the pain for them. Help this nation come out of this evil morass. Only you Lord can do this mighty work. We are powerless without you Lord. But we have faith knowing what a great God you are. An the battle is the Lord’s. Wipe this scourge from our society and world community. In Jesus mighty name, Amen!

December 1, 2022

So thankful to be able to agree with these passionate prayers for our chilfren.”LET GOD ARISE TO THE SCATTERING OF HIS ENEMIES!”. Day and night, night day, let incense arise in the Name of Jesus. Amen

Eva O. Mullins
December 1, 2022

Yes, Father God, I agree with my prayer in agreement for all to be accomplished by your will! Thank you, dear prayers!

December 1, 2022

✝️ In Jesus name, assign every heavenly resource to assist your children & those committed to help them. Praying in full agreement, Amen. 🙏🏻

Dolores Perez
December 1, 2022

I stand completely In Faith that OUR Father GOD is Completely Able to Do What We Ask of Him in Faith in these Prayers on behalf of All the children of The World to Be Saved , Healed and protected From All the Evil plans of the Enemy in JESUS Christ Name Amen

December 1, 2022

Thank you publishing this powerful and comprehensive prayer against the evil perpetrated against our children.

December 1, 2022

Lord, I pray a hedge of protection and guardian angles to keep our own children and grandchildren from becoming prey to this horrific evil. I pray for discerning parents to put safeguards in place to keep their children safe at all times. Lord, lead them not into temptation and deliver them from evil. Hear the cries of our heart, Lord Jesus.

Donna Peterson
December 1, 2022

It is such a privilege to agree in prayer with brothers and sisters in Christ, praying this powerful prayer by Jamie, for children! Praying for God’s mighty miracles of rescuing children from sex trafficking and sexual abuse. There was a miracle that happened in Africa a number of years ago, where a large number of girls had been kidnapped from a Christian village by a military leader and his men. They were known to traffic and sexually abuse women and children that they kidnapped/captured. The parents in the village rose up in unified prayer for many days crying out to God to rescue these young girls. God intervened and led them out of the places they had been brought. They didn’t even know the way back home! These girls were set free and led home by the Holy Spirit and/or angels, and were restored back home to their families! God has done it before and he can do it again! Praise His Holy Name!

Geraldine Taylor
December 1, 2022

Thank you and I stand in agreement with these prayers as I was a victim of molestation from my father which God has brought deliverance and continues to heal all of the brokenness and affects of this trauma in my childhood from about 12years to 13 or 14years old, until the Lord rose up within me and said no more, I ran from my dad, and never again, although I lived in the house but never again. Healing and deliverance has taken place in my heart to forgive ,love and honor the man my dad

    Donna Peterson
    December 1, 2022

    Thank you for sharing your testimony, Geraldine! This has to be so dear to your heart, and you can pray in faith for more children to rise up in the power of the Lord and say, “no more”. God’s redemption in your life is beautiful, and increases our hope and faith for many more kids being delivered from this abuse like you were!

December 1, 2022

The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much!

Susan CC
December 1, 2022

The Talmud relates that offering the incense would bring blessings of wealth to the one who offered it on the altar, so it was decided that as many different priests as possible should have an opportunity to do this service. No priest was assigned this task more than once in his lifetime. Chabad.org

Leviticus 16:13 There in the LORD’s presence he will put the incense on the burning coals so that a cloud of incense will rise over the Ark’s cover—the place of atonement—that rests on the Ark of the Covenant. If he follows these instructions, he will not die.

Psalm 141:2 Accept my prayer as incense offered to you, and my upraised hands as an evening offering.

Revelation 5:8 And when he took the scroll, the four living beings and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp, and they held gold bowls filled with incense, which are the prayers of God’s people.

Revelation 8:5 Then the angel filled the incense burner with fire from the altar and threw it down upon the earth; and thunder crashed, lightning flashed, and there was a terrible earthquake.

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.

Dear Heavenly Father, You hear our prayers. Because they are like incense to You, we know they are precious. But we don’t seek wealth, we seek deliverance. We are praying for the rescue of ALL the little ones who are living in danger. You know every obscene act inflicted on each one because You are The Lord God Almighty! I pray You will accept our prayers for these children. And as we fill Your golden bowls, may the overflow return to these children as blessings of security and love. And to those who would harm any child, I ask that their lives are destroyed and remain so until they turn to you and repent. You don’t want anyone to be destroyed, You want everyone to repent. I believe Your Word Father. I believe Your Word Jesus. I believe Your Word Holy Spirit. Amen

December 1, 2022

I prayed every word. Out loud. Dear Lord, hear our cries. Rend our hearts for what rends Yours. Thank-you Father.

chris honan
December 1, 2022

It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.
Luke 17:2

December 1, 2022

What a privilege to join the family of God in this crucial prayer. Two of these precious children were rescued, and placed in our family forever. Miracle upon miracle, God is all powerful!!

Brian lynch
December 1, 2022

Excellent article, Jamie. This is a terrible thing that has been inflicted upon our innocent children. It is totally wrong and, and a true abomination before God. I agree with you in prayer right now, in the mighty name of Jesus, that ALL sexual sin against children MUST cease to happen immediately. Nothing is too difficult for Him. Thank You, Jesus.

Jill Kaczmarowski
December 1, 2022

Lord we lift up the children in our nation. We know that you were near to the brokenhearted and want to be a father to the fatherless. Lord we come boldly before you and cry out for the children in our nation and other nations. We come against all that want to harm the children deceive the children and blind their eyes to the truth your truth the only truth that sets them free and keeps them free. Lord let the truth be known in these hearts of these precious children. And help us the Lord to infiltrate the schools with the name of Jesus Christ the name above all names to change territories and bring them back for kingdom good. In Jesus mighty name amen

Barbara Ross
December 1, 2022

I pray for all children in our nation and in other nations that the Lord would protect them and move upon those who can do something about it. I pray for strong conviction in the spiritual and in the natural for all perpetrators of this crime against our seed.

Pamela A. Silvera
December 1, 2022

I just want IFA and all my brothers and sisters to know. Thats I boldly prayed in agreement the prayer for the children and I will continue to pray, until our children are free in Jesus mighty name. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Thomas Meier
December 1, 2022

Yes I did!!

December 1, 2022

Most precious blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world. Protect the innocent Lord.

Patricia Reddic
December 1, 2022

LORD, I’m am in agreement with my brothers and sisters against this vile industry. Have mercy on our innocent children. We give You all honor, praise and glory🙌🏼

Anita Williams
December 1, 2022

I prayed through the whole thing, but was filled with such sadness and righteous anger, that it was hard for me to get through it. I was overcome with such grief that several times I had to just stop and bury my head and cry out loud to God, before I could go on. I thought of the thousands of child molesters that were released in California yesterday, without have served even a year. May every word that we prayed in agreement be a sword for the angels to use as they go forth into this battle, hearkening to the voice of God’s Word in our prayers. May the precious ones be protected, delivered out of the hands of these evil doers, May the godless law officials that are releasing these monsters be dangled over hell and have the fear of the Lord shake them and awaken them, to a godly sorrow that works repentance unto salvation. Rule from the courts of heaven, Father, and sent justice all over the earth where this sin is happening. Destroy the networks, dry up the money, SHINE THE LIGHT ON EVERY DARK PLACE WHERE THIS IS HIDDEN, AND SEE THAT DIVINE JUSTICE IS RELEASED TODAY, LORD. Protect and deliver the children and heal their every wound. in the ALMIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST THE LORD.

Jeannie Cissom
December 1, 2022

I agree with everything . I always pray for the children. God can can do anything, but He expects us to pray. Thank you for all you stand for

Bonnie J Rushing
December 1, 2022

Nothing is too difficult for our Almighty Sovereign God! Thank you for giving us the pattern to pray .

December 1, 2022

Such a powerful time of prayer. I rejoice at the thought of all the voices that are uniting in agreement with these prayers!

Leslie Hunt
December 1, 2022

The same power that raised Jesus Christ will destroy the evil in this industry. Each child was created through Him and this horrible abuse was never the intent and cannot be allowed to continue.

December 1, 2022

This prayer is complete! More detailed than I have prayed. Thank you for the words for me to repeat to our Lord.

Sandra Price
December 1, 2022

I prayed this prayer in Jesus name, and will continue to pray for our children!! I have a great burden for our children, who Satan is attacking on every front! I am going to share it with my Sunday School class and ask that they join us in this very important quest!!

December 1, 2022

Thank you for showing me how to pray for the taking down of this vile industry

December 1, 2022

We’re living at a critical time, like when God flooded the world to rid it of the pervasive evil that mankind had embraced. I pray that God intervenes now to reverse the evils of today. If not, it seems the only remedy left would be the second coming of Jesus with all that entails.

Jennifer Poole
December 1, 2022

I recently read Charles Martin’s trilogy, The Water Keeper, The Letter Keeper and The Record Keeper. This prayer was especially meaningful today as I have had the burden on my heart for those trapped in the horrors of abuse. Thank you.

Joan Schoenoff
December 1, 2022

Thank you, Lord, for hearing and answering our prayers. Amen!

December 1, 2022

Continue to bring this evil into the light.

December 1, 2022

What a powerful prayer! Thank you. I’m am in total agreement with you. Our Father will rescue the children and bring evil to justice. Glory to God!! I’m excited to see our world free from the influence of Baal.
Jesus is Lord!!! America will be saved!!

Donald Vader
December 1, 2022

Yes Lord…Save our children through these prayers my Lord and I will continue to pray for our precious children to be redeemed from all abuse by the blood of Jesus… Amen

December 1, 2022


December 1, 2022

Amen! Thank you for this incredibly powerful and anointed prayer! May God hear our plea and come quickly to aid and rescue these babies.

December 1, 2022

So very sad for children being molested .
Their lives are ruined and never to recover.
These mostly men who abuse these children should be in jail forever.
They have no business being out on the streets to molest and torture again.
It is a fact they can’t be rehabilitated.

December 1, 2022

FATHER GOD please send YOUR angels to surround and protect all children in the world from vile demonic people. FATHER GOD also please expose publicly the people in government and entertainment, and all other high offices that are molesting children in such a way that they will go to prison in JESUS NAME! Amen!

James B Mayhew
December 1, 2022

My heart breaks for these beautiful children. They will be vindicated on judgment day. Thank God for Jesus. Thank you for the amazing prayer you crafted. I sincerely believe our amazing God in Heaven heard every word and is responding to our heart’s desire on behalf of all abused children including those being sexualized in the public school system. I pray those unrepentant teacher union representatives supporting this vile curriculum be eliminated with extreme prejudice. Thank you.

Daniel Marzan
December 1, 2022

Thank you Holy Spirit for helping us with this effective prayer for the abused children. Please Father intervene on their behalf and help us to continually pray for abused children.
In the name of our dear and mighty Lord Jesus amen.

December 1, 2022

This is so timely as I just watched Glenn Beck tell of his dream and this is not a polite battle but a battle of princapalities and power.

December 1, 2022

Oh Lord God, we and our Children need You and the holy power that You wield!! May this be done in the Nane of Jesus Christ Our Lord, Amen.

Faith Mischel
December 1, 2022


Joab Bartruff
December 1, 2022

I say, “Amen” to Jamie’s powerful prayer. I am being led to share, at least parts of the prayer,
with family and Christians at my Church enncouraign them to pray about this evil, and our children and adults who are being hurt by it. I need to be a better “Watchman” on the wall. I do not hear Christians, at my local level, express concern about this matter as much as I feel I should be hearing it. I would rather not have to hear about it, but I am, “A Soldier of the Cross”, and must fight the good fight of faith. I thank Jamie and IFA for this article, prayer request, and prayer.


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