I Prayed have prayed
Dear Heavenly Father, we lift up the White House Chief of Staff to You. Give them wisdom, prudence, understanding, and discretion, we ask in Jesus’ name. Help them to serve the President and the American people for the cause of righteousness, as is pleasing to You.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Did you know the White House Chief of Staff is one of the most powerful people in America? In over four decades of being an American, I had paid exactly zero attention to who the White House Chief of Staff was or what they did at any particular time. Can you identify?

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However, after studying this position in some detail, I realized that we as intercessors for this nation need to be covering this presidential confidante in prayer.

It could be speculated that the position of White House Chief of Staff (WHCOS) is the most powerful job in America after the President.

The WHCOS is the gatekeeper to the President. He controls access to the President. This person even controls what information reaches the President’s ears and when.

Not only that, but the WHCOS also advises the President on all matters. From foreign policy to crisis management; from handling of scandals to natural disasters … the WHCOS is the President’s most trusted advisor, and he whispers in the President’s ear about all things.

The WHCOS is a 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week job.

Despite the power and prestige associated with the position, former White House Chiefs of Staff have been known to state that it is the worst job in America. Turnover is high; average tenure of a WHCOS is only 18 months. A Chief of Staff is constantly pummeled with incoming information from all sides at all hours, and he must exercise wise judgment about what to respond to, what to funnel into the President’s ears; and how to manage the President’s executive office staff from day to day.

It seems to me that the White House Chief of Staff could use some prayer.

The current WHCOS (as of March 2023) is Jeff Zients; but, again, this could change at any time. The Chief of Staff serves at the pleasure of the President. Regardless of who occupies this post at the time you read, however, would you pray with me for the WHCOS in general?

Let’s pray as follows:

“Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You in Jesus’ name. Thank You for hearing our prayer today. Thank You that Your Word says that, where two agree as touching any thing, it shall be done for them.

Abba Father, we lift up the White House Chief of Staff to You today.

Your Word says that You are the great Giver of Wisdom. Therefore, we ask today in Jesus’ name that You would give great wisdom to Mr. Zients, and to any who follow him in this position. Whoever the gatekeeper is from moment to moment, God, we implore You to be the voice behind them, saying “This is the way; walk in it.”

Give the Chief of Staff ears to hear You and eyes to see You. Give them a nose to smell Your fragrance. Help them to hear Your voice and obey it at all times, even if they don’t know it’s You they are obeying.

Father, awaken the COS’ conscience to righteousness. Help them know Your will and do it. Help them to love righteousness and hate lawlessness. Give them clean hands and a pure heart. Help them to love life and protect it; let them despise the shedding of innocent blood, the way You also do.

We also ask today in Jesus’ name that the White House Chief of Staff would tell the President everything You want him to hear—but nothing You do not want him to hear.

Let the COS give only wise counsel to the President. Expose and reveal every hidden thing to him and about him that needs to be exposed and revealed.

Father, we pray that the President’s executive office would run smoothly and for the benefit of the American people.

The White House Chief of Staff, together with his deputies, may be the most vital part of that process. Protect this person; let the position always be filled only by whomever You desire to fill it. Let that COS be a harborer and disseminator of wisdom, prudence, understanding, and discretion by Your Spirit. Protect them and their families personally; refresh and refuel them; and let them be a benefit and a blessing to the American people.

Thank you, Heavenly Father. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.”

What other prayer points can you think of that would be important for the White House Chief of Staff? Leave your comment below and share how you are also praying for this vital person in US government!

Jamie Rohrbaugh is the founder and CEO of From His Presence. She is the author of Getting to Know the Sevenfold Holy Spirit, and she seeks to equip you to carry His manifest glory everywhere you go. Her resources have been published by YouVersion Bible Plans, Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. You can find free mentoring on her podcast, Take Your Territory with Jamie Rohrbaugh, which is available through your favorite podcast streaming app. Download her free prayer tool, Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them in Prayer and Worship, here. Photo Credit: Canva.

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Grant Windholz
March 10, 2023

Yes, the Executive branch needs as much knowledge, and Godly wisdom as possible! This goes for everyone who lives in the White House. Daily prayer is desperately needed and absolutely no man in any governmental position can do anything without the power of Christ and asking for his lead and direction to help this country get out of it’s massive mess it has been in for many years. God Bless America and give the glory to him because Christ built this country 🙏!!!

Herb Johnston
March 7, 2023

Jamie, thank you for your honesty.. that is very refreshing. It also gives me a sense of not being alone in this tumultuous time of the onslaught of the enemy. Suffice to say I was Ill prepared for the last 3 years and even though I was a regular on the internet starting in around 2009 or even 2007 or 8 I was Ill prepared for this and I often find myself with odds with myself and with the exhortation from the body of Christ-, although I struggle to maintain a Vigilant posture and at the same time not growing weary- and also trying to remain repentant.
IFA has been a great source of help to me but also quite challenging at various times. I will say that I have found your prayer guides and helps very helpful-, and I do appreciate them, and often I find that generally the prayer guides here are, so well-worded that I do not need to improvise very much.. although I would never suppress any improvisation that I sense is coming from the holy spirit.. and I will confess that there has been a lot more of that unction from the Holy Spirit- to improvise prayers more and more in the last 18 months or so at least.
Lord thank you for my brothers and sisters at ifa-,and even though the heat is turned off – at my residence, here in Southern California- and I am not at all prepared for that psychologically or spiritually-, and I’m suffering greatly.. I do confess I am learning to forge on in prayer-,although I was knocked back quite a bit- by the sudden new level of suffering.. and quiet for a few days due to sleeping in freezing weather-,next to a window that is leaking air -,that the landlord refuses to do anything about.. and it has been in the 30s and 40s outside at night- and I cannot move the bed.. because it is too large and heavy.. but nonetheless-,I bless you Lord and I thank you and I thank you for my brothers and sisters here at IFA,.. and I pray You would help us to continue to stay the course-, in prayer.. in the mighty name of Jesus-, Amen

Darlene Estlow
March 7, 2023

Amen to Jaime’s prayer. We lift the WHCOS to you. May they hear your voice and speak your words.

March 7, 2023

The wisdom from above is first pure, the peaceable, gentle, full of mercy and good fruit, without hypocrisy or partiality. James 3:17,18.
Lord let the COS’s wisdom be from above… pure; u corrupted. Let it be peaceable and without confusion or chaos, let it be in gentleness, not harsh or angry, let it be full of mercy to all people of all colors and all economic levels, and finally let it be without hypocrisy. In Jesus mighty name. Amen!

Virginia Bennett
March 7, 2023

Thank for info on COS, of so much we take for granted this person actually is responsible for.

Sandra Butler
March 7, 2023

As I watched the interview of Jill Biden speaking on behalf of the President, I was reminded of Nicholas, last Tsar of Russia. When he was needed on the battlefield, as was the custom, the Tsarina Alexandra became charged with running the country; and she followed the guidance of the evil Rasputin. We know how that turned out! God protect us from today’s Rasputins and those who would heed their advice.

Darlene DeAngelis
March 7, 2023

Father God let us remember who is Almighty all powerful let us remember that these are public servants not the public serving them Father God convict them to do what is correct by We the People by the people for the people there is so much evilness in the world in the White House in homes father God that need to change and you are the one that can change it you are above all we are one little Nation Under You Lord we are nothing but a vapor thank you Jesus thank you Father God

Carol G
March 7, 2023

The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: He turneth it whithersoever He will. Prov. 21:1
Lord use the WHCOS and all who are near the president to do Your will, to bring You glory, to bring righteousness to our land, to evangelize the world, may Thy Kingdom come and Thy will be done in the president’s heart and decisions. Righteousness and peace kiss, where there is righteousness there is peace. Amen.

March 7, 2023

Here is how i’ve been praying for the biden administration. It comes from Psalm 109. The entire prayer i apply to them but verse 8 is significant.

8 Let his days be few; and let another take his office.

March 7, 2023

I apologize up front, but I am going to say it anyway. I cannot get through half of the papers written and am tired of trying. Why? Good question. After the second, third, fourth acronym I quit reading. There are SO many in almost every article (to be fair IFA is not the only one) that I have to keep looking up what they mean. It takes 2-3 times longer to read the article. And if you haven’t noticed the articles tend to be long. Then comes the acronyms and the times to keep looking up what they mean. The acronyms have a tendency to mean something different in all the other things we read online or in papers or on tv. It’s like reading text language. I have to ask the person writing the text what they mean. My little writing is irritatingly long. On purpose. It’s what I feel like reading these articles with all the infernal acronyms. I’m truly sorry again. I have spoken to others who do not read the articles for the same reason. Just saying … as my daughter and my grandchildren say. The articles are generally great – but only if they are read. Blessings

    March 7, 2023

    Thank you!!
    I have been thinking exactly the same thing about acronyms in recent weeks..( although as you stated it’s not just here-, everyone is acronym crazy) to me it just seems we should dump all the acronyms and use whatever the wording is intended by the acronyms and just speak out every word and return to using the English language the way it was originally intended.

March 7, 2023

Yes, Lord we pray for WHCOS, Jeff Zientz…for wisdom and circumscion of heart of anything in him that is not of You Holy Father! Since this man’s role is to protect the President and screening what he “sees” and doesn’t “see” it makes sense to me after looking into Jeff Zientz’s schooling and professional background why Facebook in particular has played a significant role in the cover up of the Biden family…Jeff Zientz, joined Facebook May 2018 and only recently came off and sold all his stock in FB! 🤔 One of his primary roles is Corona Virus czar! Thank you Lord for revealing the importance of this position and revealing to me another piece of the puzzle of a very, very deep swampy web! You are the Way-maker and America needs Your divine intervention and the fullness of Your Holy Spirit to infiltrate our nation and our current administration that is trying to destroy us our nation…let Your Kingdom come and Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven! Amen 🛐✝️🕊🇺🇸🦅

Brian lynch
March 7, 2023

Since President Biden is nothing but a front man for the New World Order- Globalist elite, it makes me wonder who controls the White House Chief of Staff. I don’t see anything being done in this administration in the traditional fashion. Perhaps this is cynicism on my part. I do hope so. I would truly hope that there is an honest, open line of communication between the White House Chief of Staff and President Biden. This administration being so dysfunctional and deceptive, though, who really knows ? Transparency is not a hallmark of the Biden administration. Lord, I pray for the White House Chief of Staff. Give him wisdom and guidance to do his job as You would have him perform these duties.

Leslie Ritchie
March 7, 2023

From what I read, it seems Jill Biden is doing much of this work herself. She has the president’s ear and is deeply involved in his decisions. We need to pray for her as well.

March 7, 2023

Thank you, I did not realize exactly what the WHCOS does. Now it makes sense why DJT, while in office, was so greatly and–dare I say–so often badly influenced by the chief of staff. Obviously the current resident in the oval office has been receiving bad influence too. This prayer was wonderful.

“Father God we add to these prayers that you would put in the chief of staff’s heart a compassion and a passion for America and the American people, and be an influence for actions that are to our country’s benefit, rather than benefiting the rest of the world to our demise. Speak YOUR wisdom to him, and let him not hear the voice of the enemy at all. In Jesus name.”

Troy Neff
March 7, 2023

I am praying for for the salvation of the C.O.S. and all who assist them.

March 7, 2023

I never before thought about praying for the, very influential, White House COS! Thank you for leading us today!!

March 7, 2023

As such, they can also be the most honest OR most corrupt person in the WH..depending on who the President is, we know what or who we have…
In this case, I think we know how we need to pray…

In Jesus name, protect your people, and your country!! AMEN

Susan Lilly Dorene
March 7, 2023

How about pray they repent in sackcloth and ashes!!! For the bloody Slaughter of the precious baby! How about pray that they crawl to the side of their bed in repentance… weeping uncontrollably!!! Christians are apologizing for something God wants us to stand against. That then is my prayer for them all of them every elected official on the planet is a heaving broken godly repentance to Jesus Christ.

Allena Jordan
March 7, 2023

Father, this man is very wealthy, is most-likely head-strong, and has his own vision of how things should be. He needs Your wisdom and Your life within. Lord, may He encounter You everywhere He turns. Amen.

Allena Jordan
March 7, 2023

Here are a few facts about Mr. Zients background:
1. He “ran the administration’s Covid-19 response effort and served in high-ranking roles in the Obama administration, …”
2. He served “as the coronavirus response coordinator when Zients inherited what officials described as a “largely dysfunctional” effort by the Trump administration.”
3. “Another factor in the search was how this stretch of Biden’s presidency will focus on implementing the legislation enacted in his first two years, and Zients is seen internally as a “master implementor,” one source said. His operational skills were on display as he handled the coronavirus response and helped with the bungled 2013 launch of HealthCare.gov during the Obama administration.

Zients, 56, now has a closer relationship with Biden and with his senior advisers and multiple Cabinet members.

While Zients is not viewed as a political operator, his deep experience inside two administrations and his reputation for technocratic skill would likely serve as assets at a time when both are viewed as critical for what Biden faces in the year ahead.”
There’s more in this article. I took this information from:

He needs prayer and the Lord.

    Doris Ehlenfeldt
    March 7, 2023

    Thank you Alllena. This is she opening, and more intentional in prayer.

Jerome Hebert
March 7, 2023

Though it may appear our great land is experiencing a dry and weary condition; our GREAT GOD in the name of the LORD JESUS the ROCK is in our midst just like HE was with the Israelites. It is good to keep in mind that “The sacrifices of the wicked are an abomination to the LORD, but the prayers of the righteous is his delight.”( Pr. 15:8). Prayer warriors of our nation; stand fast and wait on the LORD and be strong see the day of the Lord arrive.

    March 7, 2023

    Amen- as we are called to pray a politically in obedience to our Lord.. as you stated we are in the midst of one of the most egregiously evil times in history.. and we need the Lord’s power Holy Spirit power to burn through all of these people’s lives to change them if we are to stand a chance of survival even in view of the fact that we are looking forward to the return of the Lord and are soon departure from this place.. America is still an exceptional nation that we are charged with caretaking

March 7, 2023

FATHER GOD please quickly remove Joe Biden and all of his staff, including his whcos and cabinet, along with Kamala Harris from office in JESUS NAME! Please send laborers to these people for salvation. FATHER GOD please stop joe biden from giving away America’s sovereignty to the who while bypassing Congress! FATHER GOD YOUR WORD says that when the thief is found out, he has to restore 7 times! Joe biden has been found to be a thief and a liar. Now he is attempting to “Give Away” America’s sovereignty to the evil World Health Organization! Please put a quick stop to his shenanigans and remove him from office just like Samuel removed Saul fom office! Please send YOUR angels to surround and protect all Americans from these evil people in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

March 7, 2023

Lord you are in control of all things. We ask you to give wisdom to those in charge of our country. Our country was founded on In God We Trust. Allow your spirit to move through all our states and Those in Congress and the Senate all the way to the White House and Chief of Staff. You tell us in your word to pray for those in authority. We ask you to give righteous guidance and always to give honor and Glory to you. Please bless our country. May our country serve you and love you. These days are difficult. We see things happening to hurt people. We ask for your grace Lord. We have freedom through the cross. May people see the truth and change their ways and allow you to lead our country. In Jesus name amen.

Maria Fillyaw
March 7, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father we thank you for your love and righteousness and faithfulness to us, and we pray for the white house chief of staff that you will grant them wisdom and direction in your way Lord Jesus may they know you and love you and be obedient to you Lord Jesus may you use them for your purposes in the name of Jesus Amen

March 7, 2023

Oh Dave, perhaps the words of Paul to Timothy are applicable even in this different time:
‘insist that certain people stop teaching strange doctrines and taking notice of myths . . . there are some people who have gone off the straight course and taken a road that leads to empty speculation; . . .’
1 Tim 1.
You seem to have believed a myth!

    March 7, 2023

    Travis perhaps you have believed a myth! Ask GOD! HE will reveal Truth to you!

March 7, 2023

Does he also pray for the rightful, and now true President Donald Trump in prayer time?
Has he ever prayed for him?
Thank you.
Sincere Question


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