Prayer for the Third Great Awakening
Prayer for the Third Great Awakening
In the past, America has seen several noteworthy revivals—revivals that have each changed the course of the nation during their days.
For example, we saw the First and Second Great Awakenings. In the 1700s, when Jonathan Edwards preached his famous sermon, Sinners In the Hands of an Angry God, the Holy Spirit fell so strongly that even the deacons of the church clung to its marble pillars, crying out to the Lord to save them, for they sensed that they were falling into hell.
Have you taken your place on the wall?
That revival transformed people to such a degree that even young adults, prone to pursuing pleasure, as Edwards later wrote, lost all interest in satisfying the flesh and instead met in houses to pray and worship the Lord.
In the 1800s, we saw the Second Great Awakening.
In that revival, Charles Finney would send his two intercessors into a town before he was to travel there. Those two intercessors would often find a secluded, hidden basement in which to pray and fast for days before Finney’s arrival. They got the victory in prayer, and then Finney would show up and preach.
When Finney preached, the Spirit of the Lord was poured out so strongly when he preached that he often could not even make it as far as the altar call. People would be convicted under the power of the Holy Ghost, and would stand up in the middle of the sermon, crying and shouting pleas to God for salvation and forgiveness of sins.
That is not even to mention the Azusa Street Revival, where intercessor Frank Bartleman recorded that the color line was washed away in the blood.
Time would also fail us to describe the Cane Ridge Revival, where even young children came under the power of the Lord and preached about the blood of the Lamb. Then there were the healing revivals, birthed by an outbreak of extended fasting and prayer—and yielding thousands of not only miracles, but true salvations and transformed lives.
Beloved, what God has done once, twice, three times, and more, He can and will do again—if we did what they did to get those results.
What did they do? They prayed and fasted, fasted and prayed; they let the Word of God govern their hearts and lives; and worshiped and repented and sought God with all their hearts.
Oh, for the church to do the same thing today!
Beloved, will you join me in crying out to the Lord today for real revival?
Will you pray with me for revival with roots—where the Word takes root in the hearers and bears the fruit of transformed lives? Will you pray with me for revival that heals families, transforms cities, and heals our nation?
Let’s pray together as follows:
“Dear Heavenly Father,
We come before You in Jesus’ name. Abba Father, thank You for hearing and answering our prayer today. Your Word says that ‘Before you call, I will answer,’ so we know You are already at work answering this prayer that we are about to pray. We thank You and praise You for that, Abba; for You are great and mighty and greatly to be praised.
Holy Father, in the mighty and precious name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we humbly bow before You today. And in the name of Jesus, we humbly petition You to change our hearts and pour out Your Spirit upon our nation:
- Let young and old, sons and daughters, adults and children, men and women everywhere be suddenly and inexplicably drawn to You by Your Spirit.
- Let people who do not know You be suddenly drawn to read Your Word. Cause each one to discover Your salvation within its pages.
- Make the hearts of Your people everywhere pure and holy.
- Purge us of sin of every kind: pride, lawlessness, adultery, fornication, wrath, anger, hatred, idolatry, sorcery, selfishness, jealousies, and every other work of the flesh described in Your Word.
- Let the passing pleasures of sin hold no more appeal in the hearts of Americans everywhere. Let those things be replaced by a passion for holiness.
- Let every person in our great nation pursue holiness, without which no one will see the Lord.
Father, we ask that You would send every person in the USA visions of Jesus, the Man in white.
Show Your Son to us while we sleep. Let visions and dreams of Jesus come forth to every person. Let a great conviction fall upon America, and upon all Americans. Pour out Your Spirit of the Fear of the Lord (Isaiah 11:2) upon this nation, Father. We ask that every person in this great land would be filled with such a holy fear of You that we all tremble and weep under the power of Your Holy Spirit.
Abba Father, pour out Your conviction upon us once again. Let us clamber and stagger again to Your altars, weeping and confessing our sins. Let Your Holy Spirit wreck every heart with Your love, and with the baptism in Your Holy Spirit and fire. Let Americans once again break bread together from house to house, singing to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.
Father, we pray that every broadcast of unholy media would be turned off in our homes, and that every heart would be turned ON and awakened to Your Son Jesus. Let Jesus have our full attention once again. Let us see Jesus, high and lifted up, the train of His robe filling the temple.
Father, we pray in Jesus’ name for better times for America.
You said in Your Word that “if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14). We humble ourselves before You now, Lord. Please convict us. Have Your way in our hearts. Let this nation worship You in the beauty of holiness once again.
Abba Father, pour out another fasting and prayer revival upon America.
Let us experience Pentecost once again. Let thousands be added to Your church every day. Raise up preachers in the most unexpected places—and let them bear fruit worthy of repentance. Let our hearts be consumed with true holiness, Father; for preaching without holiness only makes us a laughingstock among the world.
Father, we pray in Jesus’ name that Your Kingdom would come, and Your will would be done, on earth as it is in Heaven:
- Let America smell like Heaven once again.
- Let the incense of prayer arise from our land into Your nostrils.
- Let the very sounds of Heaven resound across our land, from sea to shining sea.
- Let the sound of Your worship fill the streets, the churches, and every home across America.
- Let Your pure and unadulterated Word thunder from every pulpit, every street corner, every platform, and every home once again.
- Let true healings, signs, wonders, and miracles break forth to confirm the preaching of Your Word.
- Bring our nation and our people into unity under the blood of Jesus.
- Let the dividing lines of race, gender, and ideology all be washed away in the blood of Your Son.
- Let us unite around the wondrous cross once again, and let all Americans be drawn to serve our Risen Lord.
Oh Father, we cannot do this ourselves. We are utterly helpless to revive America.
But, together with Rees Howells of old and with many others who surround us in that great cloud of witnesses, we pray, “Lord, send revival, and let it begin in me.”
I yield myself to You, Father. Begin this revival for which I am praying today—and begin it in my heart. And let this prayer spread over our whole nation. Let every person be fully occupied with our Lord Christ once again, and let righteousness and justice roll down like mighty waters in our land.
Let the Third Great Awakening come, Father—and let it be permanent.
Hear our prayer; observe our repentance; give heed to our cries, O Lord. Turn our nation back to You, and heal our land.
Thank You, Father. In Jesus’ holy, mighty, and precious name we pray, amen.”
Beloved, the grass may wither and the flower fades, but the Word of our God stands forever. Our God has promised us that He will heal our land if we will pray, repent, and humble ourselves. Let us pray this prayer continually in agreement before Him, and He will watch over His Word to perform it.
Did you pray this prayer in agreement with us today? If so, leave a comment below!
Jamie Rohrbaugh is the author of On-Time God: 14 Miracle Words and Prayers for RIGHT NOW. She is the founder and CEO of From His Presence, a ministry dedicated to equipping God’s people in prayer, the prophetic word, living supernaturally, inner healing, and Kingdom wealth. Her writing can be found on YouVersion, Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. Download her free prayer tool, Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them in Prayer and Worship, here. Photo Credit: NATHAN MULLET on Unsplash.
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Thank you for this inspiring message and prayer.
Been praying about this since 2013.
Lord God Almighty this country desperately needs you more for a third awakening now, more than ever before! It’s time for believers in Christ to plant as many seeds as people and bring them all to Christ!!
I DID just pray this prayer. I have been praying for a few years now 2 Chronicles 7:14, and at the end of 2019 I prayed that God would wake up this nation, shake her to the core. Within 2 weeks Covid was announced to the world. Now I pray every day that the Awakening will stir the sleeping masses to wake up before it’s too late.
Father, you have promised in your word revival of an unprecedented kind and I agree with the prayers on this post, that You would send a Third Great Awakening to America. And let it spread across the world, that your church be renewed and cleansed and made holy by the blood of Jesus.
Lord, please strengthen us to pray and fast according to Your will, plans and purpose for our nation and for the church. Be glorified in your church and in our prayers. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.
I pray whole heartedly in agreement with every word of this prayer. Thank you Father God that we are headed into the greatest revival of mankind. Amen
Yes, I prayed this prayer in agreement trusting that if two of us agree touching anything on earth, it will be given to by our Father in Heaven.
Father, in the name of Jesus, we have prayed and agree with this prayer and intention. May we by your Holy Spirit receive this blessing.
Thank you IFA for publishing these words that help me learn how to pray for our nation. I am fairly new to intercession and have been greatly inspired by your articles and prayers that help keep me centered as I pray. May these words fall upon our nation many times over in the days to come.
Yes Lord, release your signs and wonders to shake up the land starting in your people to increaee a passion in spreading the compromised gospel of Jesus Christ as the pathway to eternal life escaping eternal damnation in he’ll, in Jesus’name.
The *Uncompromising gospel courageously marches forward because your valiant soldiers will not shrink bank in the Increased persecution. Lord keep us alert to “frog in the boiling water” apathy, in Jesus’ name
Let us all continue to pray for our country to get back on the path that is PLEASING to the Lord!!
In 2005 God laid a heavy burden on me to pray for a great awaking for America. It has never lifted. I believe with all your heart it will happen.My prayers are spoken in in the Spirit. The Holy Spirit and fasting will touch the heart of God. I’m declaring that Great Revival will 🧹 🇺🇸. We can’t give up.
thank u for continually inspiring us to fast and pray and praise
Two elderly women dedicated their time to daily fasting and prayer in their home, without wavering in their faith, and the great Welsh revival was borne
With manifestations of the power of God. Faith, prayer, and fasting will move the hand of God today, same as then, if we seek Him with all our heart. So thankful He hasn’t changed. Praying for revival.
Abba Father, I have prayed in the Holy Name of Jesus, please hear and answer and send
Revival and Repentance to our land. Not our will Father, but Your Will be done, Amen
In Jesus name I pray for a revival in America and a Return to the Order He established through the efforts of our founding Fathers.
Prayer has Power in it
I love these prayers as they are so anointed, and I pray them in the anointing of Holy Spirit.
Lord, God almighty, open eyes and hearts so we would earnestly repent from everything that isn’t of You.
It isn’t often that I get emotional while praying;
and that’s how I know that the Holy Spirit was /is here, praying in, with, and through me.
God is on the move, and He’s Not done with America yet.
We need to continue steadfastly in this prayer and His restoration of our land will come.
Dear Father in heaven, please send another Azuza Street revival all over this land. May our people awaken to You. You did it before, and You can do it again. We need you Father in Yeshua’s Name. Thank you for it.
I agree
I bear witness to all these things.
Abba Father
I have been pleading for a long while now that you would awaken our nation and bring me personally to a greater faith. Help my unbelief Lord and help me to shine to the world so they will want what I have with you. I pray for my own children, for the children of my friends, for the whole world
To bow to Jesus. Let every knee bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is LORD. AMEN AND AMEN
Thank you, Jesus for our prayers to bring revival and True Faithful Integrity into God’s Word. Truth in Your Word Lord so people will Run to a Revival of Truth and accept Jesus as their True Lord and Savior. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Amen.
Great article, Jamie. This has been my heartcry for several years now. Revival is SO necessary in this nation. One of the greatest things that we can do is to bind all of the evil in our nation and world today, and the father of lies who is behind all of this depravity. We also need to loose the power of Holy Spirit. We need to have the fruit of the Spirit poured out mightily upon us individually, and as a society. After we have put on the full armor of God, then we stand. We stand, eagerly awaiting this Great Awakening. Thank You, Jesus, for Your great love for us.
amen & amen👆🏻🙏🏻💪🏻
Father, I agree that every life, every soul, desperately needs you God. We need your holiness, your righteousness, your mercy and grace. This nation needs You to fill us up and to be our God, and for us to be your people!
In humility and worship I say AMEN!!! Let it be LORD, let it be!!!!
1Chron 29:11 + Jer 29:11 “Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power and the glory, the victory and the majesty; For all that is in heaven and in the earth is Yours; Yours is the Kingdom, O Lord, You are exalted as head over all.” Thank-You, YHWH, that Your character never changes and You have given us the gift of free will that allows us to be intimate with You, enjoy fellowship with You, engage You and even persuade You to choose mercy over judgment through our corporate repentance. We align with Your Jer. 29:11 heart for Your people who have laid hold of redemption in Christ alone. Thank-You for purposing plans to prosper our Nation and not to harm, plans to give us hope and a future on a national level so Your redeemed may carry the new wine and a fresh fire to cooperate with Holy Spirit in calling forth the coming (and even now beginning) great harvest of souls in America! May every soul won to Christ contribute to bringing forth Your victory, authority and Lordship of King Jesus over over lawlessness across our land originally consecrated to You. In Jesus’s Name we pray to Father!
Dear Lord, may it also begin with me. I need it! May you give me a holy and pure love for you! Amen, in Jesus precious name.
I’m agreeing in Jesus name for this 3rd great awakening, may it begin with me. Jesus I pray that you forgive my sins and use me as the hands and feet of you Jesus to win souls to Christ thru you. As I follow you Jesus may everyone in my circle of family and friends come to know you as lord and savior. As we cry out to you Jesus heal our land and bring us back to the beginning of what our founding fathers decreed, One Nation Under God! Forgive us Jesus and redeem us, may we once again be a nation whose God is you!! Glory to your name Jesus, I pray!
“Where two or more are gathered in His name He is in the midst of them.”
I know God hears our prayer for a Third Awakening. Believing with all my brothers and sisters in Christ it will be soon !
Well written, i have & will continue to pray for all of America to repent and cry out in need of transformation/ renewal of our Minds, Hearts & Souls to be centered on the son of God ✝️ 💞
I wasn’t present at the awakenings but I have been in the presence of the Father when His Spirit moved in power, frightful yet awesome. The place filled with people totally broken before the presence of God. It brings about a lifetime impact on people not just a good time at church.
Unfortunately, too often I have also been in places where fleshly man attempted to orchestrate the move of God.
True awakenings/revivals are not controlled or originate by man nor honor men, but only magnify God Himself. Prideful men bring its demise, quickly.
It begins with Him and His time and place. We do have a part however……. “Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10 sincerely.
Father, cleanse us so we may be swallowed up in You, open the eyes of Your people Lord that we may seek Your heart and live for You. Spare our land from the reign of the enemy.
Lord, let it begin with me. You are my Lord, My King.
Dear Lord- Please revive our nation again! In Jesus Name, Amen