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Father, we pray for the Republican Party following this victory. Help them lead justly and righteously, Lord, and make them desire Your will.
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Following a close election, Republicans have secured a majority in the House. Let’s pray that they use their new power to accomplish God’s will.

From Fox News. Republicans have secured a majority in the House of Representatives when the 118th U.S. Congress convenes next January.

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The GOP has now won 218 seats after The Associated Press projected that Republican Mike Garcia will win re-election in California’s 27th Congressional District. …

President Biden congratulated Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., for his party’s victory.

“In this election, voters spoke clearly about their concerns: the need to lower costs, protect the right to choose, and preserve our democracy,” Biden said in a statement. “I will work with anyone — Republican or Democrat — willing to work with me to deliver results for them.” …

House Republicans held leadership elections on Tuesday, with Minority Leader McCarthy fending off a challenge from more conservative elements of the House Republican Conference. The final vote tally was 188-31, though McCarthy will need 218 votes to become speaker in January.

The GOP has pledged to … launch various investigations, including into Hunter Biden’s business dealings, the findings of the Jan. 6 Committee and the Biden administration’s largely criticized withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The new Congress will officially be sworn into office on Jan. 3.

How are you praying for our new leaders in the House of Representatives? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Louis Velazquez on Unsplash)

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November 19, 2022

No more Defund-The-Police, Abortion Extremist Nancy Pelosi! And a chance for Republicans to stem the tide of Democrat death-and-destruction policies!

Praise Jesus!

Exodus 15:3 – The Lord is a warrior; the Lord is His name.

Isaiah 42:13 – The Lord will march out like a champion, like a warrior He will stir up his zeal; with a shout he will raise the battle cry and will triumph over his enemies.

Priscilla M.
November 18, 2022

FatherGod I call down this Marriage Act and Bind the powers of Satan in using the 12 Republicans to vote for something that they must not understand. What they clearly do not know is this Marriage Act Bill is coated in sin against our Father and His son Jesus Christ that shed his blood to save us. God who created Man and woman has been designed for a family. As I reflect on the story of Sodom and Gomorrah how God destroyed the city because of the Sin so deep it was destroying people plus a town that was riddled with demonic spirits. I pray for the ones who do not know God and his plans for us, and the place called Hell and what it represents during these crucial times we are in. When one’s heart is hardened and eyes blinded to sin, as the evil Law of the Marriage Act is being sown as good. Father God I pray that the win in this election will give the power to the new elected members. I pray that they place God first on their agenda using prayer, and scriptures, as their guide -of getting Gods will be done correctly- so the sinful wrong laws will not pass. I pray that Gods spirit- will surround them and protect them to use the skills of the power God. Gave us the authority to use. Father God I ask you and thank you to keep the wickedness at bay so America will not be destroyed as was Sodoms terrible wickedness. I call down Gods revival to present Gods Glory and just the presence makes us hunger for more. God loves His Children.

Gail Beegles
November 18, 2022

Dear Lord, We pray that You would please move these Representatives to come to You and allow Your Holy Spirit to move through them as they are in office. May they remember that You are still on the throne. May Your Will be done! In Jesus Name, Amen! 🙏

Darlene Estlow
November 18, 2022

Father, move our Representatives to seek you and honor you with their decisions. May each Representative meet you and have a deep relationship with you.

Rose Rocha
November 18, 2022

I pray Lord, that those newly elected or re-elected congress of the US house will follow the leading of your Holy Spirit and govern as your will be down on earth as it is in heaven.

November 18, 2022

Pr. 24:17-18 Never gloat when your enemy meets disaster, and don’t be quick to rejoice if he falls. For the Lord, who sees your heart, will be displeased with you and pity your foe.
:29 Don’t ever spitefully say, “I’ll get even with him! I’ll do to him what he did to me!”
Please give Godly wisdom as these people search for truth and justice. Let it not be according to our understanding and desires. Let their actions be used to help heal our nation, bringing greater unity.


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