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Father God, in Jesus’ name, we lift up our American airspace to You. You see how our sovereign airspace has been penetrated recently. Turn back invaders of every kind, and awaken our leaders in politics and the military to protect our airspace from foreign intrusion.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Friend, are you indignant about the multiple invasions of sovereign American airspace that we have seen lately? You should be. It is unconscionable for one nation to presume it can invade the sovereign airspace of another — and then for the invaded nation to do practically nothing about it. Yet, that is exactly the situation we have seen lately on multiple occasions with Chinese balloons and other unidentified flying objects.

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The devil may be the prince of the power of the air, but JESUS is greater. The heaven and the heaven of heavens belong to Him. God and God alone sits on the governmental center of the universe, and He can easily protect us and defend our airspace if we remember to pray for Him to do so!

If you are incensed about the purposeful military invasions of our airspace that we have seen recently, I invite you to pray with me today.

Let’s pray this simple prayer together:

Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You in Jesus’ name.

Father God, You see how American airspace has been penetrated recently. You see how balloons and even unidentified objects have been allowed to have free flight over our skies. We don’t know the details of all these things, but they are unacceptable to us as citizens of a sovereign nation.


Therefore, Lord, we ask today in Jesus’ name that You would protect and defend our American skies:

  • We ask that You would send and station angels around our American borders, both in the air and on the ground.
  • We pray that those angels would link arms and form a hedge of protection around American skies, not allowing any evil thing to pass through that hedge of protection.
  • We ask also that You would defend our airspace personally, and that from now on You would not allow any evil foreign thing to enter American airspace.
  • When spiritual force is necessary, we ask You to hear and remember our prayers and to send Your power and might to protect our skies.
  • If military intervention is necessary, we ask that You would awaken our politicians and military commanders and cause them to intervene with appropriate military might according to Your plan.

Father, we ask also that You would give American politicians, intelligence officers, and military chiefs a spirit of valor. We ask that You would rise up in them with a holy indignation that says: “This shall not stand. This shall not happen on my watch.” And we pray that You would restore sovereignty to us in our own land and airspace through Your wisdom.

Thank You, Lord God of heaven and earth. We praise You. We know that the devil may be the prince of the power of the air, BUT YOU are so much greater than he is — and the skies belong to You.

You are truly Lord of heaven and earth. You are God, whose throne is the governmental center of the universe, and You can and will easily overwhelm and destroy every evil plan the enemy makes for our American airspace. We ask You to do that, and we thank You in advance for hearing and answering our prayers. We give You all the praise. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Did you pray this prayer for the sovereignty of American airspace? If so, please leave a comment below and add any additional prayer points you can think of regarding this topic!

Jamie Rohrbaugh is the founder and CEO of From His Presence. She is the author of Getting to Know the Sevenfold Holy Spirit, and she seeks to equip you to carry His manifest glory everywhere you go. Her resources have been published by YouVersion Bible Plans, Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. You can find free mentoring on her podcast, Take Your Territory with Jamie Rohrbaugh, which is available through your favorite podcast streaming app. Download her free prayer tool, Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them in Prayer and Worship, here. Photo Credit: Canva.

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March 3, 2023

What an awesome prayer. Sometimes it’s hard to know how to pray in a certain situation but have in prayers written out like that that I can agree on just makes it so much easier because I believe in the prayer of agreement in Jesus name again thank you

Katy Zastrow
March 2, 2023

replying to Sheila Price

Katy Zastrow
March 2, 2023

Anything China does, we’d better sit up and take notice!
The sky balloons must be taken seriously, not dismissed or taken lightly by the Biden
Admin. and the naysayers! This could be a test to see how the U.S. reacts to this intrusion, with plans of doing it more often, like a grooming. Then one day, it will become a real threat. No surprise to Biden.

Sharon K Hessler
March 1, 2023

Thank you, Lord, for protecting our lands and our airspace. I also pray for the protection of all of our borders. You are the Sovern God who made the earth and stars and everything else in the universe. I pray for all of our leaders that they will consult with you about protecting this country. We are in your hands.

Marlene Brandt
March 1, 2023

I do believe in Jesus name that our air space is protected by the angelic hosts of heaven!

Pat Earnest
March 1, 2023

I absolutely prayed this prayer in Jesus name! I have a granddaughter who recently joined the USAF, she’s currently in tech school, so this personal for me. I often pray for the protection and safety of all our military. Our God is able—may His will be done!

Priscilla Meyenburg
March 1, 2023

Prayer:,We know you work through your people who are praying. God if you need us to pray different let us know. Father God I know you have a certain statement you gave us through the prophets, Do Not Fear, they are not going to do as they say they are doing.. They leave threats of fear by doing what they are doing.- But God says no war – I will stop them. Isaiah 35::4 “ 4 say to those with fearful hearts,
“Be strong, do not fear;
your God will come,
he will come with vengeance;
with divine retribution
he will come to save you.” I am in confident mode when I read Gods words. Isaiah 40:29:31 “ 29 He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
31 but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.“ Then I read Psalms 91 – say the words as a prayer – “ Psalm 91 is full of promises, blessings, and protection for those who trust in the Lord. Praying this powerful prayer brings you in the presence of the Lord. As a believer, there is no need to fear “the terror of the night,” nor the illness, nor the danger.“ v 9 if you say, The lord is our refuge and you make the most high your safe place,, no harm will come over you. Jesus I believe your words and place America in your trusted hands. I know you have your warriors angels keeping a watch over this nation. I know the I AM has a plan and as I believe you will not allow planes from another be bold enough to harm America. God thank you for watching over us and I ask you to keep us from harm, v. 14 says “ Because he loves me “says the Lord “ I will rescue Him and I will protect Him for he acknowledges my name. Jesus I thank you for your protection seeing us through all of this darkness, you have heard our cries for help. Father God we have confidence as we appeal to Heaven and you will punish the wicked as you keep telling us to have Faith as you will save America. We decree the prayer bowls in heaven that Intercessor have prayed, they are so full they are running over, and our God will respond from Heaven because He Loves us. Prayers will be answered by our Faith and as We stand on Holy Ground. 🧎‍♀️✝️

March 1, 2023

I prayed the prayer as you asked and I also prayed that The USA would also stop the Chem trails that cloud our skies here in Florida from morning till night in an attempt to block the sun’s rays, this is God’s sun and we should not be interfering with His work. These chemicals are destroying our ability to grow food that is not contaminated since these chemicals eventually drop on our soil.

Carolyn Cornette
February 28, 2023

I praise the Lord for that prayer we prayed believing that He Will. Answer.we are a God fearing nation.we praise you FatherFather

Ofelia Claudio
February 28, 2023

Almighty God! Lord of heaven and earth! The earth belongs to you and everything in it, and all who live in it. In Your Name, we decree to these foreign invaders of American airspace: Cease and desist!!! In the mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we bind the dark powers behind these invasions; we bind the spirit of fear/timidity and/or complacency that breeds inaction on the part of our leaders. We call upon Holy Spirit power to inspire, embolden, stir up our leaders to take the necessary steps to push back these invaders so they know they cannot and must not dare trespass on American airspace. Almighty God, arise and scatter Your enemies! Show forth Your power and glory as Your people cry out to you for protection! For intervention on the part of our leaders. Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, now and forever. AMEN!

Sheila Price
February 28, 2023

Father, we are not blind to the political bond between the Biden administration and China, and we understand that it is deeper than what the average person might see… we know it is China’s goal to control the world. But we also know if satan is working to get ahead of Your schedule, You will stop it.
I ask that You put Holy Spirit filled people in the places You know are needed to thwart the work of evil. Give us good Holy Spirit filled people to vote for and give the masses wisdom to vote for them. Get rid of the electronic methods that have been corrupted so that electrons are done according to YOUR will.
We pray for the SALVATION of all in the Biden administration and that religiosity be thrown out. I pray for each of them to come into a personal relationship with You, Triune God.
In Yeshua’s Holy Name.
Yes and Amen!

Curtis Guhl
February 28, 2023

A weapon of our warfare is truth. Thank you Lord for raising up messengers of truth in our air ways. We proclaim the truth and truth as you give us light. We cast down the false prophets of the news in Jesus’s name.

Carolyn Lecce
February 28, 2023

The enemy has been perfecting his attacks aimed at people of faith for a loooooong time. His tactics are seemingly unstoppable and too often so precise that they give thought to the unthinkable. It is only with persistent faith that we can obey when tasks seem impossible. We must set aside our often fickle interpretations of events being more ominous than the power and provision of our heavenly Father. We MUST trust the sovereign hand of God and walk in faith knowing that our commission has NOT changed: we must represent Jesus well – not become overrun by fear and lose our silent, visual testimony, of our faith in the saving hand of Almighty God. Lets not become weary in doing the best thing: getting deep into the Word of TRUTH, and sharing it with our fallen world. Yes we pray for divine protection over our nation; yes we lift up our leaders and pray for their hearts to be changed by Jesus! We also lift our countenance to reflect our sure faith in the One whose promises are YES and AMEN! We wear our shoes of peace and walk in boldness with our spiritual armor that allows us despite the attacks and confusion, to speak out the saving truth to a fallen world. Let the seeds of revival bring a harvest of glory to our God!

February 28, 2023

I prayed and I also prayed the blood line around our boundaries and over our airspace.

Annette Schaut
February 28, 2023

I pray that all who have access to this prayer center take the time to PRAY💝‼️🙏🌺 there is power to the bringing down of strong holds in JESUS mighty name‼️🙏 FOR THERE IS NO OTHER NAME GIVEN UNDER HEAVEN ‼️🙏

Gladys Garcia
February 28, 2023

Amen father we stand in agreement in Jesus name 🙏❣️

Julie Marx
February 28, 2023

In Jesus’ name, I command every molecule of American airspace come under submission to the Lordship of King Jesus! O Mighty Lord, I ask, in Jesus’ name, for a supernatural download of divine strategies of intervention to the Commander in Chief of the USA. In Jesus’ name, I DECREE: protection over US airspace!

Susan CC
February 28, 2023

“Father, we ask also that You would give American politicians, intelligence officers, and military chiefs a spirit of valor”

Valor-strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness : personal bravery

Dear Heavenly Father, You are Almighty God. You are the Creator of all life and and everything that exists. Even the evil one was created by Your hands. I pray we remember You can easily overwhelm and destroy EVERY one of his plans. I pray that we continue to Praise You Father, Son and Holy Spirit over the skies, the seas and the earth. They are all the works of Your hands, as are those who took oaths to protect and serve. I praise You Father, Son and Holy Spirit over the US Air Force, Navy, Marines and Army. I pray Your Spirit of Valor will infuse each heart and mind of our service members and they will feel Your presence in a personal way. I pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

February 28, 2023

Since most Americans, 97 % don’t know the true Lord Jesus of the Bible but only know about Him, and if we are truthful they don’t care to know the Jesus.
With that said I am thinking that God has handed us over (Romans chapter 1)
and persecution is coming to the true believers and to those that only know about Him. As the birth pains increase pray fully people are preparing to meet the God of heaven and earth.

    Terrie Zellner
    February 28, 2023

    Praying for a spirit of repentance rather than a spirit of rejection, so that the “handing over” will not proceed.

    Sheila Price
    February 28, 2023

    I’m not sure that 97% is accurate…. because I see a huge percentage of people who are in Holy Spirit filled gatherings focused more on their relationships with Yeshua than with the world. And REVIVAL is for drawing more people into The Father’s Truth. Revivals ARE happening all over the world.
    Don’t underestimate what God is doing in the world right now.
    There was SO MUCH that John the Revelator saw that He was not permitted to write about. God wants to do things in ways the stupids, (satan and his demons), have never seen before, so we don’t know what is in our immediate future.
    I know He’s doing revival things now to bring us into REFORMATION.
    To God be The Glory!

Shannon Park
February 28, 2023

And Lord God Almighty, protect our Airmen who took an oath to defend America…bless and keep them in every way.

Mary Holland
February 28, 2023

I join the Ekklesia in this prayer and extend it to cover our Govt. I pray the Mighty Hand of God move on the hearts of our govt officials and pray for their repentance and turn their hearts back to You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name Amen.

Allena Jordan
February 28, 2023

I prayed the prayer agreeing. Dutch Sheets’ Give Him 15 for Feb. 27 & 28 teach about power and authority. Read it and pray from a new perspective in authority.
Lord, teach us more about how to take authority over these matters, particularly UFO’s which may be demonic manifestations in our skies. Come Holy Angels of God, warriors, who protect us and wield God’s authority in the air. Amen.

February 28, 2023

Please add canada to your prayers also..God bless canada and the usa and keep us free..

Barb Pohubka
February 28, 2023

Thank you Lord we are watchmen on the wall tearing down strongholds! You set the boundaries in Heaven for war and the enemy cannot prevail!

Judy Mundy
February 28, 2023

Father we stand in agreement either the prayer for protection, governmental wisdom in reaction and military foresight. May the angelic hosts be dispatched to stop all the attacks that have been planned against us by air, land and sea!

karen secrest
February 28, 2023

If we are to defeat the Nazis, it will require the Moravians and the school of Rees Howells on their knees 24/7 until the battle is won.


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