Prayer for Churches to Embrace Intercession
Prayer for Churches to Embrace Intercession
Dear intercessor, is your heart hurting because you don’t fit in at your local church? If so, you are not alone.
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So many intercessors have told me over the years how they have yearned to find fellowship within the Body of Christ but have been unable to. Many have had to deal with false perceptions embraced by many church leaders, such as:
- “Intercessors are weird.”
- “Intercessors have an agenda.”
- “Intercessors aren’t under authority.”
And the facts are evident:
- Intercessors are certainly different from people who do not pray. The amount of time intercessors spend before the throne makes them different from those who do not, but not in a bad way — and godly intercessors will never flaunt that or brag about it. They simply serve humbly, for they minister to Jesus and to His heart first and foremost.
- Also, like every Christian, intercessors should have an agenda — but only an agenda for heaven to come. An intercessor’s agenda should be for God’s Word to be manifest and carried out in all its fullness in every place, secular and sacred. This is the agenda that every true Christian should have.
- And intercessors, if they are godly people who obey God’s Word, should always be under authority — a help to their godly local church leaders, never a hindrance.
But even when these conditions are met, intercessors and even the process of intercession itself are not always welcomed in the local Church.
Friend, this has to change — and if we want to see it change, we’re going to have to pray in the change we want to see.
The Body of Christ at large, including all its local-church expressions, must return to the ancient paths: to fasting and prayer; to waiting on the Lord; and to interceding for heaven to come on a daily basis. This is what the Word of God prescribes.
As Scripture says:
Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:1–4).
It is when we return to the corporate prayer of agreement — yoking up together at the same time, in the same place, and with the same heart cry, agreeing with one another (not merely praying as individuals without interacting with others in unity) — that we will see miracles. This kind of praying is what the apostles did:
And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness (Acts 4:31).
Related: Read some of IFA’s free articles about how to become an intercessor here:
- How to Become an Intercessor
- 3 Reasons You Are Called to Be an Intercessor
- The Difference Between Prayer and Intercession
Beloved, do you want to see this kind of praying return to the Body of Christ and to every local church? If so, let’s pray the prayer below in agreement and unity today:
Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You in Jesus’ name.
Father God, thank You for teaching us how to pray in Your Word. Thank You for giving us Jesus’ example and instructions about how to pray. Thank You for the extreme privilege of boldly coming before the throne of grace, where we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.
We praise You for Your grace and mercy toward us. And it is because of that grace and mercy that we come to You today.
We have too often become prayerless. Many of our churches have become prayerless churches, not the houses of prayer which You have ordained. And for that, Father, we repent. Please forgive us. Forgive us for our prayerlessness; for our disobedience in failing to pray; and for letting our love for You grow cold. Please forgive our sins, Father, in Jesus’ name.
And we join together today to pray in agreement that You would pour out Your Spirit of prayer upon Your people once again, right now.
We remind You of Your words in Zechariah 12:10, which says: “And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication. … ” And Father, we ask right now that You would pour out on us, on we Your people in the American church (and indeed worldwide), Your Spirit of grace and supplication once again.
- Return us to a craving and yearning for deep times of prayer.
- Anoint every person to pray.
- Teach us how to pray.
- As You woo and draw us to pray, help us to hear Your wooing and answer it — coming aside with You to commune with You in the secret place of the Most High.
- Teach us how to harness the prayer of agreement effectively, not merely praying alone but praying in concert with one another — a grand symphony of unity being lifted up as sweet incense into Your nostrils.
Father, we ask in Jesus’ name that churches would embrace intercessors — and that every member of every local church would become an intercessor.
You commanded us all to intercede, Father. This is not a unique call, but rather a corporate one. Therefore:
- Please dethrone every unholy construct or myth about intercessors.
- Demystify the label of “intercessor” in the Body of Christ.
- Help all Your children to desire to become intercessors after Your own heart.
- Help every person to see the fullness of joy that comes only in Your presence, lost in deep times of prayer with You.
- Give every one of Your sons and daughters, young and old, a holy passion and fervor to pray like You desire us to pray.
- Use us all to pray and intercede for Your heart’s desires, for Your kingdom to come and Your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
- Let every person in every church in these United States of America become a powerful intercessor of God, and pour out Your Spirit on us all.
- Help every intercessor to find godly, holy fellowship and friendships in the local churches again.
- Let the habit and passion for intercession — with all that the intercessory call contains — become the norm amongst Your sons and daughters, not a rarity.
O Holy Father, pour out Your Spirit of grace and supplication again.
Let churches embrace prayer and intercession; let the prayer of agreement become the lifeblood of our times of fellowship in the Body. Take away our desires for every useless thing, and turn our hearts to focus fully on eternity once more.
Thank You, Abba Father. We love You and bless You, and it’s in Jesus’ holy name we pray. Amen.
Did you pray this prayer for churches to embrace intercessors and intercession again? If so, leave a comment below!
Jamie Rohrbaugh is the author of Healing from Church Wounds: You Can Be Whole Again and 7 Days of Healing from Rejection and Abandonment: You Can Be Free In Christ. She is the founder and CEO of From His Presence, a global ministry dedicated to equipping you in prayer, the prophetic word, the supernatural lifestyle, inner healing, and Kingdom wealth. Her writing can be found on YouVersion, Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. Download her free ebook, Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them in Prayer and Worship, here. Photo Credit: Aaron Burden on Unsplash.
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It is hard to find others in the body that truly seek the will of God for the church. People have become lazy and uninterested in the ways of God. I am thankful to have connections through the IFA that understand the call of God and know the authority given to us through Christ Jesus. God answered my prayers to find like minded people who truly put God first in all things. All praise King Jesus.
Amen 🙏 God our Father may Your name be feared and revered. We need You and praise You for hearing our hearts cry. Save us and teach us to pray like Jesus and in His authority. Fill us with Your Spirit of love and intercession for Your bride, the church and for the lost and our enemies. Release Your Spirit on all flesh so that our tongues will be loosed to speak Your words of life and give You glory, honor and praise. May we pray as and until Your kingdom comes, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Magnify the name and glory of Jesus our Lord and King, our Redeemer and Savior through all we think, do and say. May the knowledge of the glory of the Lord cover the earth as the waters the sea.. Praise Father, Son and Holy Spirit 🙏 Amen.
Thank you, Jamie, for this very encouraging article for prayer among the people of God. I watch your words daily and appreciate your heart for the Lord and for his people. As you have encouraged others, I pray you will be encouraged as well, and I agree with your prayers in this message. I speak the name of Jesus over you..
Heavenly Father: As a prayer Intercessor I had to learn Why do u need to pray a certain way! What I learned was Jesus Christ stands between us. That is why we pray in Christ Jesus name! Christ stands between us and The Father (God). The Holy Spirit is in us we need to ask for guidance to pray for certain agendas if we need to learn how to intercede for others, or a particular thing. If we feel like our prayer do not bring results, there is always an answer. The scriptures provide a valid format for powerful prayers waiting to be used for prayers. Mark -11-24 says- (AMPC) “For this reason I am telling you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe (trust and be confident) that it is granted to you, and you will [get it].” The Bible clearly defines the formula for successful prayer that is “ 100% effective. Over the years I have learned how important Gods words are to guide our lives. God tells us He has plans for us to live to be successful in our prayers. I could always pray but as I studied and listened to powerful Ministries, and prophets (true ones) that Gods will is not automatic, we must all realize we have a part to play. As I merged into wanting to be effective in my prayers I did several researches to build upon my prayer life. One of these teachers was a great man of prayers and faith. He taught on the (7) steps to praying that would bring results. #1- Base your prayers on God’ s word. 1 John- 5-14-15 “ we must ask to his will – He hears us “ 14 This is the [remarkable degree of] confidence which we [as believers are entitled to] have before Him: that [a]if we ask anything according to His will, [that is, consistent with His plan and purpose] He hears us. 15 And if we know [for a fact, as indeed we do] that He hears and listens to us in whatever we ask, we [also] know [with settled and absolute knowledge] that we have [granted to us] the requests which we have asked from Him.“ The first step to praying prayers is to locate the promises in His words apply these words that fit your situation. # 2 Submerge your prayers in Faith- believing you will receive! Matthew -21-22” (ANPC) “And whatever you ask for in prayer, having faith and [really] believing, you will receive.” believe you receive, speak it, act on it. #3- Learn to stop Satan in his tracks- because our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds. 2 Corinthians 10-3-5 l” For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.“ If you want to to see results in your prayer life as an Intercessor” fear and doubt can no longer be part of your words. Just learn to talk to God. “ you can’t stop the devil from knocking on the door, but you sure do not have to answer” KC – He said even people might question how or why do you stand on faith concerning prayer-“ don’t listen” to their negative statements- learning and using the tools and the Holy Spirit to guide you, will lead you to a successful prayer life which will bring results. # 4- As you take possession of what you are believing for does not mean you see in the natural but you now see with spiritual eyes. You will see deep in your spirit, you will feel the reality in your spirit, you will feel emotions, with manifestations. Joshua 1-8” This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success.(AMPC) This kind of believing prayer brings results- (Results are exactly what we want! ) I asked Jesus about making my Faith stronger “ He said my words” I cannot question that! # 5 “ Revelation 12-11 says” And they have overcome (conquered) him by means of the blood of the Lamb and by the utterance of their testimony, for they did not love and cling to life even when faced with death [holding their lives cheap till they had to die for their witnessing].“ these verses tell us we overcome plots, plans of the enemy two ways: by the blood of Jesus, by Gods words and testimony ( speaking it out). I learned many years ago how important the Blood was and is! Jesus Blood saved us, the enemy and demonic spirits hate this word, I’ve learned to do pled the blood around my home, my family, my car I travel in. #6-I use it in my prayers for Israel, our Children and this devil transgender evil spirit. When we know the enemy is out to steal, kill and destroy our rights: Jesus already did His part now our part is simpleThis is where decrees, and declarations come in: using God’s words and claim what is rightfully yours. Jesus, sacrifice that He procured for us gives us the right to anything when we ask in His name and have Faith which works through Love to others and family, Our Faith is strengthened as we reach out to others, and to certain situations. What is happening now to Israel and America is where our faith is needed through prayer. When we stand in prayer by His words with the believing for what we pray for our Faith is strengthened, we will see results! #7- “ Luke 6-38- Give, and [gifts] will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will they pour into [the pouch formed by] the bosom [of your robe and used as a bag]. For with the measure you deal out [with the measure you use when you confer benefits on others], (it will be measured back to you.)” At first when I read these scriptures I thought only of tithe money or gifting of money to others. Not so- The Word says God is love. If you have children and want them to be more involved with God, go witness to someone else’s child God will give it back, if we need a breakthrough as we do now in our schools go help out get involved, pray for all schools, ask God to redeem it for you, We need borders to close, donate money to TX, I have, but I have not given hundreds but I am claiming the donation will help them and their plans to close the border. As I pray for miracles of victory through Christ Jesus using His words through prayer. I truly believe whatever we give through prayer be it Time to spend with God, and give what time you have and it will be given back, we just need to remember to ASK God to redeem it back- God I ask for the churches to realize that Intercessor prayer is powerful and essential, because it manifests the presence of God in our lives. Be obedient to Gods Words, allow the Holy Spirit to guide you, learn to just talk to God, tell Him how much you love Him, praise Him for what He has done for You, I pray Psalms 91 over my Life, my family, my church, my neighbors, what is going on in our Gov., what is going on in Israel, our rightful president- I just start reading Gods words inserting names in where it applies. I asked God and tell him I might not be the most eloquent Intercessor when I pray but I try to stand in the gap when I pray. I tell Jesus I know my prayers are sometimes very long, there is always something to pray about and I get a little carried away. I do believe the most important thing about Intercessor prayer is when you pray, you are standing in the gap. 😮 I love the books that are being written on decrees and declarations I use these often in my prayers, because they are written from true prophetic voices. An example- “ We decree a revival of dedicated and celebrated prayer shall arise in the United States of America. We declare that the National Day of prayer shall be honored by the president, Congress and other government branches. We decree public prayer shall return to society in workplaces and schools. We say that churches shall begin to pray with fresh decor. We declare that churches shall be known of powerful prayer instead of being known for social gathering places. We break the power of all demonic resistance against genuine prayer. We break the power through false religion and satanic practices or any other entity. other than the name of Jesus Christ shall be rejected as an imitation. As well as other names -than the name of Jesus Christ which is recognized as a genuine prayer. We pray that the importance of prayer will be birthed and restored through prayer groups, worship, gatherings, and all events. We decree this Nation will and shall become and known as a Nation of prayer. Matthew 21-13 “ He said to them- My house shall be called a house of prayer; but you have made it a den of robbers.“ (AMPC ) God our goal is to be a powerful Intercessor, to be effective for others. Jesus pour out Your spirit of grace and love upon all of us. We will Never to go back!!! Thanks to “Jamie . For the great message on Intercessor’s. Prayers. Believe you receive when you pray.!
P.S. I know I was praying alone but the woman who introduced me said, “Jessica wants to pray for Israel. Let’s agree with her in prayer.” Several people murmured consent.
I came home from church this morning feeling shamed, shunned and humiliated as an intercessor because of something that had just happened–and the first thing I saw on my computer was “Dear intercessor, is your heart hurting because you don’t fit in at your local church?…”
Our church is pro-Israel and we had one evening of public prayer for Israel right after October 7 but since then it’s petty much back to normal. I keep sensing that God wants us to pull a full stop, get serious, get on our knees, fast, pray, repent–and make the distress of His chosen people, which is His priority, our priority. Today we had good music, good messages, good fellowship with coffee and donuts–but no mention of Israel.
Meanwhile terrorists around the world just declared global jihad–“the killing of all non-Muslims”–and we are moving rapidly into Ezekiel 38 with every Jew and most Americans in their sights. Any time now we could experience persecution on the scale of Hamas’ carnage in Israel–1400 killed and 240 civilians from Israel and countries around the world taken hostage in a single day, women raped between the corpses of their men, babies and young children mutilated or beheaded with body parts thrown across the room into piles, a father with an eye gouged out, a mother with a breast cut off in front of their children, all then burned alive, one baby stuck in an oven and baked alive before the eyes of its tied-up mother (Whose husband had just been slaughtered) while the butchers joked and ate the family’s lunch in their kitchen. One Hamas called his mother to celebrate the fact he had just killed 10 Jews and was using one of the women’s cellphones, proud that he still had her blood on his hands. (Most of this visual evidence was taken from hundreds of body cams worn by the terrorists themselves, videotaping their exploits to brag about on social media. Men caught by the Israel Defense Forces,)
We had a potluck after church today. I was feeling so weighed down with what felt like God’s heavy and breaking heart I asked if I could pray for the 221 people still held hostage since Oct. 7. So an adjustment was made in the program for me.
I started my prayer, as I always do, with “Holy Spirit, pray through me!” Then I just poured out what I felt God pouring into me. I prayed with honest, raw emotion and brokenness, feeling that I was in the tunnels under Gaza with Hamas and the hostages and that Jesus was holding out His arms to protect His people and to offer salvation and forgiveness to their abusers–Before I sensed God was finished, a woman leader in the church came up to me, gently put her arm around me and said “Amen.”
I was stunned. I didn’t know what else to do so I picked up my things and whispered to my husband asking if we could leave. We made our way across the packed room quietly, and, on my part, bewildered. I still don’t know why they cut me off. Too long? My husband said I prayed about 10 minutes and he has no idea what I could have done wrong. Inappropriate for the audience? I didn’t include the descriptions I included here and no children were present.. I still believe I was praying as the Lord led. I am on the church prayer team, so I am under authority. I thought afterward someone else–or the whole room of about 70 people–might have felt moved to join in, make a night of powerful, tearful intercessory prayer. But nobody moved or said anything.
Anyway, I’m glad the second sentence I read was, “–If so, you are not alone. “
Jessica, As Christians, we not only recognize the need for prayer, but we also must recognize that a lot of churches need a revival of strong prayer and intercession. In accordance with Jesus’ word we need church houses to once again become a house of prayer rather than just places to gather for coffee and short messages. Our nation needs prayer by those who truly know how to pray and appeal to heaven. A prayer revival begins with us. I am copying part of a prayer from Give Him 15 it’s a prayer app. I have been following for years. Dutch Sheets is powerful in his words and prayers. You might be interested and his prayers, teachings, and prophetic messages are straight from God. “Pray with me:
Father, let the spirit of adoption overtake the spirit of anarchy! You are the One with the answers. You are our Savior and our God. You’re for us, and You are the God who saves us! You’re also He who ties the dragon up in knots – He is no match for You. We know this, so we call for Your intervention! We call for You to right the wrongs in our nation and the world by Your Spirit and Your Word. We bind the demonic influence on the young generation in our world today and release the strategy of heaven to reverse the effects of this influence. A lot of churches have sold out to the Gov. Just keep praying do not let Satan get you down. Stand on your Faith in God.
Thank you, Priscilla. Our church was founded on and is grounded in prayer and God is doing mighty things through the prayers of God’s people there. But there is some kind of disconnect I don’t understand in my relationship to the intercessors there. I think it began when we trained 200 members of the congregation Neil Anderson’s spiritual warfare. I taught two of the classes. Maybe it was to be expected–we had assault and division from the enemy, misunderstandings. Women’s Ministries would shoot down every suggestion I made, once asked me to pray publicly and then, as I began to pray, all got up and walked out as if I was through. I’m really feeling on the outside and not sure why. So it’s isn’t about prayers not getting answered or about needing revival. I think it may be about me.
Thank you for this timely word. I am one of those weird intercessors and I am prophetic so double the weird factor!!!
Today I’m praying for all of us that don’t fit in. It’s good that we don’t. We have a special calling from God and it can’t, must not be changed or persuaded by man’s wishes, demands or desires. We are submissive to authority. We are most submissive to God.
Be encouraged other “weird” ones!!! God sees you and He hears you.
You are unique and fearfully and wonderfully made.
I so needed to read and pray this prayer. Thank you so very much for this encouragement. The local churches are as this article depicts. I haven’t found one that truly is involved in intercessory prayer. God was merciful to lead me to prayer calls that have allow my growth in this endeavor, and articles like this keep me hopeful. Thank you so very much.
I so needed to read and pray this prayer. Thank you so very much for this encouragement. The local churches are as this article depicts. I haven’t found one that truly is involved in intercessory prayer. God was merciful to lead me to prayer calls that have allow my. growth in this endeavor, and articles like this keep me hopeful. Thank you so very much.
Yes and amen and when our prayer team meets together help us to get down to business and stop the small talk thank you Lord
Yes, I have been praying and asking for intessorsors in our church and praying for churches, leadership, congregations in our region sometimes beyond. This is an answer to my prayers posting incessor awareness as we already know how effective they are for our Lord’s Kingdom!
Thank you Jesus that you called me to intercessors prayer 32 years ago. It has been life changing and transforming. Please raise up more prayer warriors in our local churches for our community needs, our nation and the world. Pour out your Holy Spirit to encourage and confirm our calling. Thank you for IFA and the wonderful support and resources for us who pray.
Regarding private prayer v. P praying together with others:
Even in physical science, a single atom does not move through the world alone! It gathers with a few others in a clump called a ” molecule.” We ought to be forming ” prayer molecules”!
Take hold of your self and lift it before God as an offering. Then take up prayer seeking what breaks Gods heart. For he created mankind for His special purpose. Learn to pray by praying. It is the only way. No school course, no fast track, no rocket ship nor fast airplane.
Come with us into the throne room of the mighty, holy, righteous God with thanksgiving in your heart. You, yes YOU are invited to come talk with God your father who loves you.
Amen and amen