I Prayed have prayed
Father God, in Jesus’ name, we lift Chief Justice John Roberts up to You. Usehim to defend the unborn and restore LIFE to our nation. Please protect him and his family, as well as all the other Justices of the Supreme Court. Restore the judges as at the first, Lord, according to Your Word
Reading Time: 4 minutes

It is always important to pray for our courts and our nation’s judges, but never has it been more important to do so than today. At this time, as we are praying for a pro-life ruling to come down from the bench of the Supreme Court, we should remember the promise of God in Isaiah 1:26:

“I will restore your judges as at the first, and your counselors as at the beginning. Afterward you shall be called the city of righteousness, the faithful city” (Isaiah 1:26 NKJV).

Who is praying on the wall?

We should pray for every Justice by name—but especially, in this hour, for Chief Justice John Roberts. As the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, John Roberts has tremendous power in our nation today.

Would you join with me today and pray for Chief Justice John Roberts?

Pray this prayer for Chief Justice Roberts if you agree:

“Father God, in Jesus’ name, we lift Chief Justice John Roberts up to You.

Father, we do not know the state of Justice Roberts’ heart, but You do. We do not know what, if anything, is happening behind the scenes in his life—but You do.

Father, we in this nation need a Chief Justice who rules and judges fairly. We need a Chief Justice who makes decisions on behalf of righteousness and justice; who does what is right because it is right, without coercion and without wavering. We need a Chief Justice who defends the Constitution; who is not an activist, but who rather recognizes the unique role granted to this position by the Constitution, and who remains within that role.

Father God, it is Your will for Chief Justice Roberts to judge fairly. It is Your will for him to act righteously. So we lift Him up to You today, Lord, and we say:

  • Search him, O God, and know his heart. Try him and know his thoughts. See if there be any wicked way in him; and if there is, then get it out—and lead him in Your way everlasting.
  • Convict him if there is any compromise away from true righteousness and justice in his heart.
  • Show him his sin if he is in sin. Show him what Jesus looks like, and what true righteousness and justice look like.
  • Show him that Your enemy, the devil, is already judged and has already lost because of Christ Jesus. Show him that there is no hope or future for him if he continues in sin.
  • Bring repentance where repentance is necessary.
  • Turn him around and cause him to begin judging fairly and rightly, no matter the cost, if in any way he has not been judging fairly or rightly in Your eyes.
  • Expose anything in his life and judgeship that You need to expose.

And Father, we ask You to protect him from anything that would hinder his fair and righteous judgments:

  • Protect him and his family from the threats and violence of those who hate You.
  • Protect his health, his mind, and his ability to reason wisely.
  • Give him wisdom, understanding, prudence, and discretion.
  • Cause him to love righteousness and hate lawlessness.
  • Bring him to love everything that is right, and to hate every false way.

Father, we pray that Chief Justice John Roberts would uphold the Constitution in all things.

Let all his decisions be fair, and not influenced by any unholy or personal preferences. Let him rule in every decision as You desire him to rule.

We ask You to extend his judgeship if he will judge fairly and rightly. However, Father, if Justice Roberts kicks against Your goads and refuses to bow to You, we ask You to fight against him however You deem necessary in order to preserve the integrity of the Supreme Court of the United States.

Finally, Father, we ask You to remind Chief Justice Roberts of the ancient paths.

Remind him how the ancient judges used to fast and pray before making decisions—paying the price in their own bodies and approaching the bench with fear and trembling, lest they pervert justice. Convict him to do the same, being willing to sacrifice his own personal preferences in order to preserve true justice in all things.

Thank You, Father. We give You all the praise. In Jesus’ mighty and precious name, amen.”

Intercessors, we cannot assume that our judges are doing well just because they are often cloistered in their chambers. The judges in our land have tremendous power, and we must continually pray for their safety, for their wisdom, and that they will rule on behalf of righteousness.

How are you praying for Justice Roberts and the Supreme Court? Share you prayers in the comments below.

Jamie Rohrbaugh is an author and speaker who equips people to walk in the manifest presence and power of God. Jamie blogs for a global readership at FromHisPresence.com, where she writes about radical prayer, the prophetic word, the supernatural lifestyle, inner healing, and Kingdom wealth. She is a frequent contributor to Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. You can contact her here or download her free ebook containing 555 names of God for prayer and worship here. (Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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DaNita Chaplin
May 21, 2022

I have agreed fully in prayer with yours for Chief Justice Roberts and each of the other Judges!

Deborah M Lemons
May 14, 2022

Heavenly Father, I concur and agree with this pray for Justice Roberts and for all the Justices. May the words of this prayer be applied to circumstances as they fit and may your Spirit, Oh God, be working in and around the entire SCOTUS, but esp. Justice Roberts as he seems to be the least consistent and firm and also easily persuaded. Dear God, if he is listening to you Bless him and if he is not, then discipline and correct him according to your will for any situation and for his position. We thank you that you heard our cries, that you know before we even conceive or understand a thought. Lord God, we pray guide the SCOTUS and work in their hearts and minds as they are open to hear, even a tiny crack that you spirit might work. Bring repentance, o God, to America – to individuals, to churches, to organizations, to where you can do a great work. Thank you, Father.

Jean Goble
May 14, 2022

Praying for the Justices to make righteous judgements concerning all cases related to abortion!

Priscilla Meyenburg
May 12, 2022

Jesus our involvement, or lack of it , it will be the Key factor as we lift up prayers, men, women, churches, this is a Time to make time to Pray to our Father so he hears our cries for Hope. Father I pray that every soul be subject under the Higher Power of God the power that is ordained of God. Romans : 13-1 all Government have been placed in power by God. / Jesus it is amazing how little attention people pay attention this very important scripture. Romans 13:4 says God ordainedGov..leaders, Jesus u clearly say that many do not realize God ordained our Leaders. Jesus I clearly understand that Officials do not understand they are ordained by God because the manifestation of Prayer has stopped over the years. Father forgive us for lack of prayer. Father I’ve heard people say I cannot pray for That Judge or any other official. God tells us it does not matter how things look. I know you are a just God and you Love all, you give second chances. When we pray ask God to give us words to pray and ask for the power of The Holy Spirit that is who Jesus left us to be a Help to us to be powerful and be obedience of The Word of God. 1Timothy 2-1-2 says we should pray for those in authority so we can live in peace , In godliness, and dignity. Jesus I pray for Gods spirit to touch Chief Justice Roberts Heart to defend the Lives of the Babies and the sin that mothers, men who are using abortions as a Choice not thinking they are actually Murdering a Human being. Jesus I pray into all of the hearts of all Justices that they realize there is A God who loves them and He is waiting for their hearts to accept Him as their Father. Jesus I ask if you will give them peace and remove any Evil Spirit that is lying to them trying to persuade them to follow him and not God. I ask you give them That hedge of protection and the covering from Carnal spirits. Psalms 91: says put on the whole armor of God, Father I call down heavenly armies to protect them and their decisions will be resisted from the devils snares, which are in the spiritual realm of the darkness of this world. I thank you Father for all of your love and wisdom you give us, I would, as well as all of the Intercessor s truly be blessed if you would Reverse Roe/ Wade, I know it will go to the state for decisions as I will be praying for all 50 states that they will ban All abortions and All of the abortions clinics be tore down then the blood of Jesus can cleanse each state and Gods Glory be poured out. My heart hurts for all of these Children but I know Father they are in Precious Hands. Lord I am asking, expecting joyful news, because I know this judgement is near your heart. Thank you for teaching me, I have Authority over Satan and his agendas. God has called us to intercede, called us to power, you gave us the keys. Be blessed as the days pass no negative harm will hinder in this decision. ✝️🧎‍♀️🇺🇸

Lori Meed
May 12, 2022

Joining you in this excellent prayer! He is on my heart daily.

Mary Christofferson
May 12, 2022

We will lift the Justices up with our prayers. They are not alone

Thomas McClellan
May 12, 2022

Prayed and will continue to pray for him and all the other justiced.

Michelle Duchnowski
May 12, 2022

I prayed this 💪🕊🔥anointed🙏 in Jesus 💪Name the Name above every name AMEN
For it is written: “As I live, says the Lord, Every knee shall bow to Me, And every tongue shall confess to God.”
Romans 14:11 NKJV

Jessica Renshaw
May 12, 2022

What a powerful prayer! As I prayed through every word of this, sometimes several times over, I felt seized by Spirit-anointed passion. Wow! I sensed the Chief Justice is a man with a divided, cowardly spirit, caving before strong, angry voices which demand he give them what they want although he knows in his heart they are wrong. May God have mercy on his soul!

“Remind him how the ancient judges used to fast and pray before making decisions—paying the price in their own bodies and approaching the bench with fear and trembling, lest they pervert justice. Convict him to do the same, being willing to sacrifice his own personal preferences, COMFORT, CONVENIENCE, SOCIAL STANDING AND REPUTATION–in order to preserve true justice in all things.”

Roxanne Rice
May 12, 2022

Ever since we began the 50 Days of Prayer for Life, I’ve had a tender place in my heart for Justice Roberts.

God bless you, Justice Roberts! Your heart is in His hands Trust Him to lead you in all your decisions and to protect you and your family from all harm. His eyes soften with love when He looks at you.

May 12, 2022

Lord Heavenly Father, first I wish to praise you for your love, patience, and hope that you not only have for us but give us. Lord I praise you for the wisdom and discernment that you gift us with. I thank you for your Son Jesus for through him you defeated death and the evil one while also giving us salvation, and a way to heaven through the cross and repentance. Father you are a loving God but like every other good father you also discipline us to let us know that there’s something we’re doing that is wrong. Father I really pray for the safety for the SCOTUS judges right now. I pray that you will appear to them like never before. If they truly believe in you and have faith in you remind them not only of who you are but also who they are. For those judges that may have gone astray or may not know you Father. I pray you to shake them in a way of truth, deliver them from evil, as well let your will be done. Father I love the prayer in this article. Father I believe that you are in control and are already working on behalf of the SCOTUS my hope that is Father you also expose those that resist you. I also pray for justice for all those out protesting at the SCOTUS justices homes. Father I don’t believe it is right and it should not be tolerated. Honestly I’m growing irritated with how out of hand these protests have gotten. Father I don’t understand why these people choose to abuse the right and freedom to assemble and peacefully protests. There is a difference between peacefully protesting and just simply intimidating the opposition just to force their way and try to get the out come they want. Lord you know and we know this has gone on long enough it all started when Obama was President and BLM, Black Panthers, and Antifa had began their “mostly peaceful” protests. Then they’ve just grown from there the point of protesting and harassing the streets and neighborhoods of where politicians live, judges, and now the SCOTUS justices. Father I pray for the end of the nonsense and that got that would shake the attorney generals and remind them of who you are and who they are. I pray that you encourage them not to fear the evil one but for them to fear you for you defeated the evil one and that Father you remind them that everything that the devil promises them now is just temporary but the promise you have is eternal glory in heaven forever. Remind them to stand firm and trust you and I pray that you search the attorney generals, and judges who have turned a blind eye that God you remove and expose what is unholy. Father you know the path and future and I trust and know that you are good. You know the evils of this world and country. I pray that you help us for only you and your Son Jesus can save us. I pray for a brighter future and a return to sanity in Jesus name Amen 🙏🏼

Toni Kushner
May 12, 2022


Laura Cramer
May 12, 2022

Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for hearing the cries and prayers for Justice and mercy for the unborn. We thank you for the justices you appointed over our Nation and lift them up in prayer !

Mary Capp
May 12, 2022

Thank you, I was not sure how to pray for the Justices of the Supreme Court, This is a good template to use for each Justice.

Sandra Chank
May 12, 2022

Lord, I pray in agreement with above prayer for Chief Justice Robert’s, but not for him only. All those in position of power, Father. That all who are in decision making positions would do so with great fear of YOU and how to answer before You. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Gloria Robles
May 12, 2022

The Lord has also been leading me while I pray for the Supreme Court to pray for Justice Roberts as well. Thank you for writing these prayer points. I am in full agreement with everyone interceding for him.

“We ask You to extend his judgeship if he will judge fairly and rightly. However, Father, if Justice Roberts kicks against Your goads and refuses to bow to You, we ask You to fight against him however You deem necessary in order to preserve the integrity of the Supreme Court of the United States.”

For the Lord to preserve the integrity of the Supreme Court of the United States.. Yes let it be so in Jesus name.

Blessings Jamie

Nancy Krueger
May 12, 2022

Honorable Chief Justice Roberts
I am praying for you to search your heart in this decision in how you are voting upon Roe concerning the babies in the womb, I ask you to vote for life of each soul that is conceived today and to stop the bloodletting your vote to stand for life of these babies will forever be recorded in Heaven and in the Earth.

May 12, 2022

Praying for Justice Roberts and all of the Supreme Court judges to rule in alignment with our Father’s will. May the Lord blanket them with courage and fortitude and wisdom and understanding. May He guide them and protect them.
In Jesus’s holy name. Amen.

Karen Schrade Ellard
May 12, 2022

Thank you, Jamie, for such a helpful, powerful prayer article written with a ‘right spirit’ and the Word of God for Chief Justice John Roberts. My husband Jerry and I have been part of a Supreme Court Prayer Call f(or several years) that Phillip Jauregui leads on Friday mornings, leading worship at the beginning. Phillip has such a heart for our Supreme Court and he has taught us to ‘love’ the 9 Justices, praying for them much like Jamie’s article. Recently, I wrote ‘Prodigal Court Song’ inspired from a prayer Phillip prayed for the Justices last November based on the ‘prodigal son’ account in scripture. Don’t have PRODIGAL COURT SONG ready in online form yet, but I will display the lyrics below. Also, the Holy Spirit inspired me with another song (which I sent to each Justice in April 2022) called STAND UP. If there was ever a time for these songs, it is now. Here’s the link to our Supreme Court Justice video song STAND UP:

Supreme Court Justices hear America, hear the citizens, hear the truth: You have to gain strength You have to gain new courage,
you must stand up for freedom – stand up for what is right –
Stand up, Supreme Court Justices, Stand up, Supreme Court Justices, Stand up,
Supreme Court Justices
Stand up and give our babies LIFE!
Never be afraid of intimidators don’t be afraid-
America stands with you for babies, for LIFE
Never be afraid of intimidators- don’t be afraid
We are praying for you for courage to do what’s RIGHT!
Stand up – Supreme Court Justices stand up
Stand up Supreme Court Justices stand up

(2 parts:)
Stand up Supreme Court Justices Stand up
Stand up Supreme Court Justices Stand up

(3 parts:)
Stand up Supreme Court Justices Stand up
Stand up Supreme Court Justices Stand up

Stand up……….. our country’s depending on you
Stand up………. you were created to do
Stand up………. good works for babies in the womb
Stand up……….. God is speaking to you
Stand up………. NEW Courage arise
Stand up………. NEW Strength and might
Stand up……….. make HISTORY aright
Stand up………. NOW IS THE TIME!

Stand up
Stand up
Stand up!

PRODIGAL COURT SONG (KarenSchradeEllard©2022)
The Father is waiting, we share His heart, and we are praying
The Prodigal Court is making their long journey home
The are running, yes, running, RUNNING home to the Father
We pray that each will hear Him say, ‘Welcome Home, I’ve
been waiting for you!’

Gonna put a ring on Gonna put a robe on
Gonna kill the fatted calf x 2
Gonna give them new shoes, gonna give them new shoes
Gonna kill the fatted calf

and have a party, our Court has come home x3

to the Father’s house, where they belong, to the Father’s house, the Righteous Judge

The Court is coming home, The Court is coming home, The Court is coming home …. to the Father! x 2
Outro Verse:
The Father is waiting, we share His heart, and we are praying
The Prodigal Court is making their long journey home
They are running, yes, running, RUNNING home to the Father
We pray that each will hear Him say, ‘Welcome Home, I’ve
been waiting for you!’

Marsha Carol Watson Gandy
May 12, 2022

In JESUS CHRIST holy and precious name. Amen

May 12, 2022

Praying our Supreme Court Judges realize this is the pivotal point for Americs. Never has their been a more important issue then pro-life before The Court. God is watching. Thank you for the platform to gather the prayer warriors. God Bless you and your staff for your work.

Deborah Johnston
May 12, 2022

I prayed.

Neil Gipson
May 12, 2022

I don’t tend to pray for evil and wicked corrupt satanic Nazi democrats!

    Sandra Chank
    May 12, 2022

    Neil…you can pray that they come to know the Lord, Jesus as their Savior and are turned from their wicked ways.

    Roxanne Rice
    May 12, 2022

    Which is one reason they remain evil, wicked, corrupt, satanic, Nazi democrats. Jesus COMMANDS us to pray for our enemies. Wake up, Neil!

    Michelle Duchnowski
    May 12, 2022

    I🙏for words that God would choose those written in the Holy Bible.

Doreen Duff
May 12, 2022

Amen and Amen!!
Thank you for pulling these verses together and framing this authoritative and dynamic prayer for this urgent time in our country.

Tina Hopkins
May 12, 2022

I prayed.


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