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Father, we pray protection over the Justices and their families. We pray Psalm 91 over them!
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Today is being dubbed by pro-abortion activists as “Walk by Wednesday” where they plan to target six GOP-appointed Supreme Court Justices at their homes. These protests and intimidation have been unnerving, even prompting Justice Alito to be moved to an undisclosed location.

You may not live near our nation’s capital but you can pray for these targeted justices and their families today. 

Pray for safety and protection, and pray for courage in the face of intimidation.

If you do not already have IFA’s prayer guide for Overturning Roe, click here to get your copy. You will find the names of the Justices and their clerks as well as some scriptural prayer points.

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May 13, 2022

“Elisha prayed, “Adonai, I ask you to open his eyes, so that he can see.” Then Adonai opened the young man’s eyes, and he saw: there before him, all around Elisha, the mountain was covered with horses and fiery chariots.”
‭‭M’lakhim Bet (2 Ki)‬ ‭6:17‬ ‭CJB‬‬

Herb Johnston
May 12, 2022

Lord thank you for justice Alito’s courage, and all the justice’s who stayed the course without wavering.. I pray against the harassment at their homes-and their properties n that they would be protected.
Lord thank you for this historic time being covered and orchestrated by You. I pray also that the hearts minds and souls of all of the justices, and the justice’s Clerk’s..would be protected- Lord, and be at peace. Lord let us not grow weary as this battle is just beginning and thank you for reminding us that you are with us. I pray you would help us continue in prayer as you move in the hearts and minds of those who rejoice in the murder of innocent children. Let their eyes be open to see that life begins at conception – in the womb.
In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen

Eddie Chrapcynski
May 11, 2022

As my wife and I were in prayer this AM… I saw in my spirit something like the garden scene when The mob came looking for Jesus. The 6 Justices we’re facing the mob of protesters who had torches in one hand and swords in the other hand. As they got closer to the 6 Justices there was a bright glow behind the Justices and then the swords of the protesters began to melt in their hands and the torches flames were doused and just smoldered.
End of vision.

    Herb Johnston
    May 12, 2022

    Wow!! Amen!! Praise the Lord for that glorious news!!

Amanda Kuykendall
May 11, 2022

Abba, we call out to you in Jesus’ name, boldly approaching Your throne as you have said that we could do. We bring this petition that You in Your majestic might curtail this harassment of the Justices. Visit these deceived protestors in their homes, in their sleep- let truth dawn upon them by your Spirit! Come, Lord- let justice roll like a river, cleanse this land of the manipulation, witchcraft, and demonically inspired usurping of this nation’s Constitution which is a covenant with You. May the Blood of Jesus cover the sinful bloodbath of the innocent. Come, Let YOUR kingdom come, and YOUR will be done!!!

Greg Carter
May 11, 2022

Calling prayer warriors to the front lines! At this post only 17 have prayed with 62 views! Abba Father, forgive us for miss-alignments to Your will, strengthen us to stand and pray for Truth, Righteousness, and Justice according to Your Word! Protect our Supreme Court Justices and strengthen them to Judge justly! We ask the opinion will be upheld as the decision to overturn R-V-W and that individual states will follow suit. We give You the Glory through Yeshua our Savior and King!

Gerald Schork
May 11, 2022

Where are the prayer warriors?
Thousands pray for Ukraine but not one issue for the US comes close.
If the US falls there will be no hope for Ukraine.
Typical satanic diversion.

    May 11, 2022

    Agreed. Praying protection over our Supreme Court, in Jesus’ Mighty Name; amen!

    “The LORD is a warrior; the LORD is his name.” ~ Exodus 15:3


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