Pray Like Esther
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Pray Like Esther
The following is an excerpt from our daily devotional series Pray Like an Intercessor!
We may know Esther’s story by heart. A Jewish orphan, raised in a foreign land by her uncle Mordecai, she is one day taken into a harem because the king wants a new wife. Esther is chosen to be queen in place of the deposed Vashti. Esther was chosen for her beauty. She impressed everyone, especially the king.
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Mordecai makes Esther aware of an edict passed by a wicked man named Haman, who is the right-hand man of the king. When warned that her people are about to be destroyed and told who is behind the mass-murder plot, she asks everyone to fast and pray with her, and for her. Esther decides to go and petition the king on behalf of the Jews, even if that means losing her life in the process. She bravely goes before King Ahasuerus, knowing this could be her death sentence. No one was allowed to enter the king’s court, except by invitation. Still, she is willing to die with her people rather than stay silent. Talk about courage! This is a posture of intercession. She puts herself in the line of fire between her people and the death edict.
When the king sees Esther appear, he extends his scepter, an indication that she has found favor in his sight. Esther makes her request for the king to spare her people, Haman is hanged, and the Jews are granted royal permission to defend themselves against any attack and are victorious. Note this: Before Esther found favor with King Ahasuerus, she had first found favor with the Lord.
Intercessors possess qualities that reflect the character of God. Esther had to fast before she approached the king. For her to show up thus uninvited was to risk her life — but we are invited to come boldly into the presence of God, thanks to Jesus, the King of kings (Hebrews 4:16).
For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this? (Esther 4:14 ESV).
Lord, our nation is in a time of great need. We have enemies that plot to harm us. While some of them are far off, others plot while living secretly among us. We need You, Lord! You are our only hope. We lift our voices like Mordecai, weeping in sackcloth and ashes. Grant us boldness like Esther, and give us a heart willing to lay down our lives in prayer and in sacrificial love for your Church and for this nation. Enable us to speak with great boldness in the coming days. May we find favor in Your sight as we approach Your throne of mercy and grace. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Read and reflect on Esther 4. Ask the Lord to reveal something new from this story, though you may have read it many times before.
Do you possess courage? We can’t pray for courage, because it requires us to make a choice and stand for something. We can pray for boldness, but courage requires our participation. Ask the Lord for opportunities to exhibit courage.
Intercessors find favor with God. Esther first found favor because of her physical appearance. But it was her character that most impressed others and, eventually, King Ahasuerus. Esther possessed courage and selflessness. Because she found favor with God, she was able to go before the king and make her request. All intercessors you read about in the Bible possessed favor from God. They received grace to accomplish the unthinkable. Christians often associate favor only with financial blessings, but you, too, have favor with God. If He has called you to something, he will pour out His favor and grace to make the impossible possible. Your only prerequisite is to be in Christ, because we have been accepted in the Beloved!
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IFA contributing writer Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor and listen to her podcast, Something To Share. Photo Credit: Olivia Snow on Unsplash.
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Thank you for your wisdom & endurance in leading many to pray in strength & unity 🤝 for ongoing needs. Am learning & growing & standing with you.
Perfect! Thank you Gloria. I wholeheartedly agree. This gives me encouragement and inspiratioin!
Oft times, no matter how many times the Scriptures are read thru, we think how we ‘love that story,” maybe even thinking we’d like to be like that, yet just go on to the next chapter and verse. Thank you, Gloria, for bringing Esther’s life into a view that any one of us can try harder to emulate, mostly for me, to follow thru…