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Father, we ask for unity in the Church in America. Thank you for these men coming together in You to pray for our President.
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Father, we ask for unity in the Church in America. Thank you for these men coming together in You to pray for our President. 

Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! (Ps 133:1)

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This Powerful Prayer Over President Trump Brought Democrats and Republicans Together.

At the National Prayer Breakfast [last] Thursday, event co-chairs Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) and Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) joined together in a rare moment of unity in Washington to pray over President Donald Trump.

On the heels of the president’s State of the Union Address, and in the midst of an especially divisive time in the nation’s capital … Lankford and Coons prayed for [President] Trump.

“Father, thank you for the way that you provide for us,” Lankford began. “We pray that You would pour Your overwhelming blessing and wisdom on the president, on the vice president, his cabinet and his team. We pray that You would energize him, that You would give him wise counsel.” (Excerpts from Benjamin Gill article on CBN News)

What is your prayer for our President? Leave a comment.

The Informer February 12, 2019

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Felicia Penner
February 23, 2019

i agree with all these prayers. I am thankful, Lord, that you have raised up for us not a diplomat, nor a lawyer, but a warrior, for our country has been invaded and that invasion has gone to the bone of our country. Most of the news outlets are owned by this invasion force, they indoctrinate daily our children in our schools. They are in our FBI, DOJ, and CIA. they are in our Congress, our courts and our Senate. Lord i would ask that you would wake up the church who snores loudly in the Sun as the invading force raises their rifles to shoot. It is because of the fat sleepy church that this country has been invaded. I lift up Women in crisis and Homosexuals that have been used by this force and pray for their deliverance. I pray we will accept warfare and the life of a warrior and realize the happy care free days of our country we have let go of, and now it is no more. It is God’s army that our President and VP need even more than the Military. Lord, may your people be there for them in prayer and encouragement. May we serve you, our Captain, well in this siege. In Jesus name, Amen

Dan Freed
February 21, 2019

Praying from Psalm 2: “Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying, “Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us.” He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision.”

We celebrate you, Almighty God of wonders, and joyfully proclaim with our mouths that you are God, and there is none other. It seems many have gathered in counsel against You, and your anointed Son, our Lord Jesus. So we give over to You our souls, to pour over our lashed and fearful hearts, the healing oil of your Holy Spirit’s peace. We direct the ears of our spirit away from Your enemy’s expertly published lies of inevitable loss, harm, and death. Instead, we direct our ears to Your throne room, where angels and saints unceasingly honor Your divine majesty, and where Your confident holy laughter over the plans of Your enemy rings out loud. We need the encouragement of Your laughter. You have said, “The joy of the LORD is my strength,” so strengthen us with Your joy for these times so characterized by the scream of rage, threat, and hatred of You. We thank You that the answer and supply for ALL that we need is always in all that You Are. It’s in Jesus’ mighty Name we pray.

Barb Sain
February 20, 2019

Lord protect our President, his family and all who serve with him. Give him the wisdom of Solomon, a servant heart, a warrior spirit to fight the forces of evil who wish to do him harm. Thank you Lord for blessing our nation with President Trump and VP Pence. They work diligently to stop the infanticide, restore our Christian freedoms and keep our nation from all who wish to do us harm. In Jesus name. Amen

Julie German
February 18, 2019

Father, I thank You that Your word says that our President is not to fear, for You are with him. He will not be dismayed, for You are his God. You said that You would strengthen him, yes, You will help him, You said You would uphold him with Your righteous right hand. You said that all those who were incensed against him, shall be ashamed and disgraced; they shall be as nothing, and those who strive with him shall perish. He shall seek them and not find them . Those who contend with him , those who war against him shall be as nothing, as a nonexistent thing. For You , the Lord his God, will hold his right hand, saying to him , fear not, You will help him. Isaiah 41: 10-13

Maria Miller
February 18, 2019

Lord, please bring intercessors together in small groups all over the country to pray for our President between now and the 2020 Elections. Because you said that where 2 or 3 are gathered and in agreement, there You are. “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” – Matthew 18:20 So, let us be diligent to come together and come in agreement and take the prayer points this site gives us and Pray together for our President. That God’s will be done in this country and in our President’s life!!

February 17, 2019

O LORD, Your Will — and only Your Will — be done here in this land. Praise You for putting President Trump in place for such a time as this. Keep him in line with Your Spirit, leading him and guiding him according to Your Will. Fill him with Godly Wisdom, Strength, and Power. Protect him from all evil. Give him a humble, contrite heart. Make him more and more into a man after Your Own Heart. Thank You for using him to protect our freedom to live as You would have us live. Tear down the stronghold of hatred in this land. Protect President Trump and his administration from all that hatred. Forgive his — and all of our sin, and heal this broken land. Help us all to love our neighbors, and lift up our eyes to You, from whence our help comes. Bring revival to this land, so that this will truly be one nation under You, O God. In You, we trust! In the Precious and Powerful Name of Jesus, I pray. AMEN! SO BE IT ACCORDING TO YOUR WILL!!

Sharion Hayes
February 17, 2019

First, I’m very happy with this president. I pray mostly in the Spirit for him, the VP, and their families. With such serious situations to resolve, I pray God guide them to a happy resolve. I stand in agreement and pray in agreement for God’s victory for our president, victory over socialism/communism trying to raise it’s ugly head and taking away our nation under God, for the abuse of little babies in sex trafficking and abortions, for fighting everything good from accelerating ahead in the congress for hateful reasons, and that peace and corporation take over and replace all this childish behavior
. I truly believe the president has already humbled himself by taking on all the corruption in DC and their attacks, mostly lies. He’s far more brillant than his enemies are aware. God called him a genius. I read all the prophecies I can about the president and they glowing and he will serve two terms and build the “Wall.”

February 17, 2019

Amen. Agreeing in prayer for our President and staff. Also asking Abba Father, for your divine protection over not only our President but over Melania, Baron, and all his family. Keep them safe in YOU. In Jesus Name. Amen

Stella TX
February 17, 2019

Our Father who divides the waters, destroys kingdoms, at your rebuke mountains shake, all consuming fire 🔥 As in the 2016 election, so 2.15.2019; your WILL, your outcome; shut the mouths of the liars! Hallelujahs All-Glory, All-Praise… Victory in Jesus! Thank you Holy Ghost!….stock markets literally didn’t move for one(1)hour! Then I recalled your WORD, “do not laugh at your enemy when he is punished; least it repent God” All I could think is to do ->the song of Miriam. Shouts of joy & victory. Make the hard hearts melt into repentance, blind eyes be open to truth! You put a hook in pharaoh’s mouths then you will surely do it again! Encourage keep upgird President Trump, His family and every public servant under his admin. Amen

February 16, 2019

Father, I pray for President Trump and his entire cabinet that you would give them much wisdom. So much is coming against our President from the left. They do not want to see him succeed, they are vicious against him. But you, Father, have the upper hand and I ask favor for our President and cabinet. That President will make the right decisions for the best for our country. God bless President Trump and keep him and his family safe from the wolves. Amen.

February 15, 2019

Heavenly Father how desperate we are for your mercy on America. We deserve your judgment. Please turn the hearts of our people to you in repentance. Continue to bless President Trump with the wisdom, strength and courage to lead our nation.

Colleen Sturgis
February 15, 2019

Father I pray for President Trump and Mike Pence. I thank you for wisdom and understanding. I thank you that you have given them “ convictions of steel” to rule and reign in this office. I pray for sustained strength and the joy of the Lord over them and their families. I thank you that no weapon formed against them will ever prosper. That it will be the Hamans noose on the enemies neck. I thank you for your Psalms 91 proetcetion and the full armor of God on them and their families. I thank you Father for loving us enough to place them on the front line for us. Empower them with the blessings of Abraham, the heart of David and the wisdom of Solomon for the task at hand! We love you Lord and are so grateful to be One Nation, under God!

February 13, 2019

Lord, we thank You for raising up intercession for our nation in these perilous times. We trust You and we trust what You are doing behind the scenes. We bless You for Your love for this nation and for the purpose for which You established it. We honor You and Your choice of leaders. Some are to honor and some to dishonor. We plead the blood of Jesus over all who are in government….. for a softening of hearts of those who oppose Your will and for a strengthening of resolve and courage for those who embrace Your will. May Your hand be upon our President. Guide him into paths of righteousness. Reveal Yourself to him. Grant him grace to fulfill the destiny you have for him. Grant him wise counselors and advisors. Be Thou glorified in our nation.

    February 14, 2019

    Dear father thank you for being so loving and merciful.
    Father I come before you lord and pray for President Trump and cabinets n teams that you will cover each one of them with your precious blood of Jesus Christ. Pray that you will protected them every day. Father that you be with them in every decision they make come from you lord. Pray that this nation that is full of hate to open their eyes and ears to see you n heard you. Pray father that you protect President Trump from the enemy. Pray for peace and righteousness for this nation. Pray for this two party to come to an understanding for this country.Father that everything is for your glory.cover them with your shield of protection and Delivery from the the enemy. In JESUS CHRIST I PRAY AMEN.

February 13, 2019

Lord, deliver our president and Your servants in our government out of the traps the enemy has set for them. Expose their plots and bring them to nothing. Surround Your servants with Your heavenly hosts. Give them Your battle plans. Be their wisdom, their refuge and their strength. For Your name’s sake lead and guide them in paths of triumph. Have mercy on us, LORD. Unify Your people and raise up an army of intercessors that Your Kingdom may come and Your will be done in our nation. Bring many to repentance and a saving knowledge of You.

    Mary Jo Manestar
    February 13, 2019

    I pray in agreement with my sisters and brothers in Christ. It is in your providence that we trust. In the name of Jesus our LORD and savior. Amen

    Alan Veasey
    February 13, 2019

    Lord, holy and true, the font of all righteousness and mercy, give your servants the drive and seriousness to repent of their own sin prior to confessing national sin; so that you may intervene to provide mercy and blessing for your people. Revival is greatly needed, as is preparation for the end time harvest. Praise you for your provision of all these things.

Doug Spurling
February 13, 2019

Lord Jesus, thank You for giving us another chance. For setting one in office that promotes the values of our countries constitution. Help us to be worthy of this opportunity and stand united as one, just as You prayed we would in John 17.

Helen Sommers
February 13, 2019

That God’s hands will be on president Trump. Giving him wisdom,knowledge and understanding in all matters that comes before him. For protection over him and his family. I thank him for bringing God back into the white house, and listening to his word.thanks for trying to keep our nation safe by building a wall. May God guide you always.

    Alan Veasey
    February 13, 2019

    O Holy One, reliable and true, we praise your name and your spotless character. Establish President Trump as your chosen one to work your will on America as he obeys your counsel. Provide victories for
    the nation in accordance with your will as your prayer warriors hit the heavenlies with fervent
    prayer, praise and repentance. When all of those things are accomplished, the nation will be revived.
    Praise you that this standard of righteousness has always and will always prevail.

February 13, 2019

I do agree with the pray, but Sundar the Prophet from India says Pres. Trump needs prayer for protection: Someone needs to warn Pres. Trump: pastors & evangelists have no authority to advise a president. Only Apostles with mighty miracles & Prophets have that authority. Pastors & evangelists aren’t even mention in the assembly. Their proclivity to compromise and use misplaced passion will lead to bad advice eventually: 1 Cor 12:28

28 And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondly prophets, thirdly teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, (divers) kinds of tongues. ASV
2 Cor 12:12

12 Indeed, the signs that indicate a [genuine] apostle were performed among you fully and most patiently in miracles and wonders and mighty works. AMP

Mary Richards
February 13, 2019

I agree in prayer for President Trump, Vice President Pence, and all of our leaders. May our Father pour out his wisdom upon you all and upon our nation. May He bless us with unity and peace. In the mighty and precious name of Jesus, Amen.

Sherrice Bond
February 12, 2019

I am in total agreement with these prayers for President Trump. In Jesus Christ name. Amen l

February 12, 2019

Father, I pray that we have begun to understand You more for who You are and what You have done for us in the past, present and the age to come. Praise the Lord!

Father, we invite Your presence acknowledging You as Creator of All. May all believers continue to Acknowledge in “Remembrance Daily” how He (Jesus) instructed His disciples in the way the sacrifice of His body and blood should be remembered in the drinking of wine and eating of bread.

“Remember What Jesus Did on the Cross.” And we must do this often as well. We are to remember Him as we partake of the Holy Communion. Jesus wanted us conscious of how His body was broken for our wholeness, and His blood was shed for the forgiveness of our sins. “Whenever we partake Holy Communion we proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes” (1 Corinthians 11:26).

Father, we ask for insight from the Holy Spirit that will increase, our thirsty hearts and will encounter you, “God”, deeply. How much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him? (Luke 11:13).

For the president of the United States, the Vice president of the United States, His Cabinet Members, and Staff.

Father, fill them with the spirit of wisdom and unite their hearts to fear Your mighty name (Psalm 86:11). Release the spirit of conviction to their hearts (John 16:8). Help them to walk in righteousness, truth, and justice. Uphold them with a steadfast and right spirit (Psalm 51:10).

Father, fill them with the knowledge of Your will, with all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that they will choose what is right and accomplish Your purposes (Colossians 1:9-10). Release Your divine strategies with creative ideas to help them bring Your blessing and justice to those under their sphere of influence with speaking His Word.

Father, release Your favor and power to establish Your coming Kingdom through them. Give them prophetic dreams that will cause them to fear and to know You. Silence the voice cutting off any demonic assignments of those and anything that opposes the plans and purposes for the United States of America. Finally, grant them unity in their families and leadership teams by removing strife (Romans 15:6) in Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

Esther R
February 12, 2019

Father God, I thank you for our POTUS. We thank you for his heart and for his love for this country. We pray that in the still of the night, he will have an angelic encounter. Father that he will be prayer warrior and that you will fill him with your spirit. Father I pray no weapons formed against him or his family will not prosper in the mighty name of Jesus. Continue to give him wisdom & strength in Jesus name, AMEN

Serina Bell
February 12, 2019

I pray Lord you would forgive our sins so that we may recieve your full blessing as a country To come to revival & peace. I ask your Lord as your servant to PLEASE humble President Trump so he has clear vision/knowledge of your will that it to be done. I pray Lord you would take the blinders from the eyes of those in power in our country. Reunite us as a nation & Protect our president & his cabinet. Thank you for Lord for being a forgiving God. Omnipresent & omnipotent & omniscient Forever. I pray these things in the of Jesus Christ OUR Lord & Savior

February 12, 2019

So many excellent prayers posted above for the Lord to bless and strengthen our President and his cabinet. I too pray that all the investigations against him that have no merit be stopped in the name of Jesus. I pray that Robert Mueller will present his findings so President Trump does not have to deal with all of these allegations each and every day. I pray that justice will be done and that no weapon formed against him shall prosper. Thank you Lord for keeping your hand on our President, his cabinet, his family and on the United States of America. Show us your mercy once again dear Lord!

Kat Gibbons
February 12, 2019

Father, Thank You for our President and the way You continue to draw him closer to You, binding him to Your Wisdom & Your understanding each day. Strengthen him for the immense challenges he must face, to execute righteousness in each situation. Father I ask You to expose and break off every unholy alliance that has attempted to align itself with President Trump, his family, staff & or cabinet. May he, by Your Devine intervention, become accutely aware of any and all wolves dressed in “sheeps” clothing in his midst ESPECIALLY amongst his trusted spiritual advisors. And may he
ALWAYS be a man that, for himself and this Nation, seeks FIRST the Kingdom of God (Your Kingdom, Father), and Your Righteousness each day. Though he holds the highest office Father, I pray for President Trump to know You intimately through a humble repentant heart that desires Your Will be done above all else. Thank You for supernatural protection for our Nation’s leaders, May they each come to know You intimately and desire to receive and walk in the fullness of Your free gift of Salvation and may each one be used mightily to save souls and glorify You, LORD. Thank You for always being more than enough and for each day giving each of us our life, our breath and our being. Help us to truly love You. And, help us to truly love one another Your Way, in the Mighty and Matchless Name of Jesus, our LORD, I Pray.

February 12, 2019

Father, I thank You for placing Donald Trump and his cabinet in leadership for such a time as this. I thank You for imparting Your wisdom and knowledge to each of them to operate in their respective offices with excellence and in accordance with Your divine will. I thank You for establishing a democracy in the USA with appropriate balance. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I bind and cast away every principality, power, ruler of darkness and demonic curse that has been launched against them and their families. In the name if Jesus those assignments are canceled and in that same name I commission ministering spirits to stand guard and protect them. I pray the United States of America will forever remain one nation, under You, the One true living God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Oh Father! Forgive us our sins and heal our land. In Jesus name I pray – Amen

Betty B WI
February 12, 2019

Heavenly Father, Thank you for Pres. Donald Trump taking a strong stand against abortion & for protecting our country from illegal immigrants. Give him wisdom & creative ways to handle the immigration problem. Father, we ask that the people who are coming here to really seek help may receive the help they need. YOU tell us to love our enemies so help our leaders & country to know how to do that. The USA sends money to many of the countries where the illegal immigrants live. Help the leaders of these countries to use the money wisely to meet the needs of their citizens. May they develop ways to provide food, jobs, homes,medical care, etc for their citizens.
I ask for protection for Pres Trump, his family, the VP and his family, the Cabinet members & their families, as well as our Senators & Representatives. May these men and women work together for the good of the citizens of the USA. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen

    Angela Dubber
    February 13, 2019

    I am standing in agreement with you in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Curtis Clay
February 12, 2019

I pray that God will break the spirit of RACISM & PREJUDICE off of the president, so that ALL people will be treated as Equal!!!

    February 12, 2019

    Only a person who watches CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS would make such a statement.

    God bless President Trump and Lord please keep him safe. His whole family safe. God bless him for making more jobs possible to all who want one regardless of their race. He has kept his word to us, the citizens of this nation, more than any other president in many, many decades. He has been a breath of fresh air. Thank-you Lord.

      Curtis Clay
      February 13, 2019

      Only a person who’s never had to experience RACISM, or is blind to it, or has some prejudices hidden in their hearts would defend him. Yes I believe God is using him in certain areas, but Trump still has a lot of personal character issues that I think God is gonna deal with him on, especially if he’s gonna LEAD this country. I don’t know what YOUR bible says, but mine says “Love your neighbor as yourself”….that’s hard to do when you favor one race above another.

Angie Alonzo
February 12, 2019

Father GOD 🙏 help our President to fully trust and depend on you.may he seek your face and hear your still voice.let him be quick to hear slow to speak and slow to get angry.to his speech add grace and season it with salt so he May speak words of wisdom and Life! He is your servant! Jesus is Lord over his life 🙏 Amen.

    Christy Bennewitz
    February 19, 2019

    Father,our nation desperately needs You. We need Your Spirit to change us.Use President Trump as a divine hammer to break up the strongholds of abortion, corruption in the courts ,lying in the media,and injustice in North Korea.Give him supernatural courage and wisdom. Let him see that you are using him not because he is good ,but that You love our people who have lost our way spiritually. We depend upon You oh God.You alone move mountains and can raise up and pull down nations. Forgive our sins of selfishness in this nation .Breathe upon us concern for our neighbors. Protect our president and Vice president from the darts of the enemy. Our nation needs You and Your word so badly. Amen

February 12, 2019

My prayer is That God s will and plan will be acomplished in and through president Dknald trump. And may president trump grow in faith and wisdom. Pleas bless him Lord .

Elisabeth Culp
February 12, 2019

Father God, we pray that as our President humbles himself under Your mighty hand, seeking Your wisdom in all the difficult decisions he must make, that the people will rejoice in You!

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