In my over 40 years as a board member with Intercessors for America national prayer ministry, I’ve rarely seen something of this magnitude! I’ve served God in Cleveland, Washington, DC, Maryland, Virginia, and now the Nashville area but I’ve never witnessed what multitudes of us are experiencing in Nashville.
Imagine 40,000 people from over 400 Christian churches uniting together to pray for everyone by name in our city and metropolitan area. Yet that is what’s happening in our area known as “Music City” as we anticipate a major move of God in our midst.
“Awaken Nashville” is the name for an initiative of citywide unified prayer and fasting that began January 27th with a packed kick off event at historic Ryman Auditorium. It will conclude on February 24th.
Intercessors from more than 400 churches willingly received a “Prayer Warrior” packet that included a unique list of 15 specific people to pray for during the month. It also included their addresses and postcards so we can mail each one a handwritten note to encourage them, communicate hope and tell them of God’s unchanging love.
A No Competition Zone
In my 4 1/2 decades of full-time vocational ministry, I’ve watched repeatedly how envy, ambition, carnal promotion and strife go hand in hand undermining God’s purposes for a church, ministry, and the wider Body of Christ. “For where there is envying and strife, there is confusion and every evil work” (Jam.3:16). Satan knows “a house divided against itself will not stand” so he and his demons work overtime to foster polarization and fleshly pride.
Here in the Nashville area we’re committed to being intentional in cultivating a culture of servant leaders committed to what senior prophetic leader and friend James Goll calls a “non-competition zone.” We pray for God to help us be proactive in rejecting our tendencies to remain isolated rather than building relationally; avoiding comparison; and coming together to support each other. Country Hall of Famer Ricky Skaggs is unquestionably famous, yet he simply takes his place amongst us to advance the Kingdom of God. The same goes for Michael W. Smith.
We believe there are essentials to cooperate with God for supernatural transformation of a locality: we must gain an awareness of the urgency of the hour and be bold in addressing cultural issues like racism, abortion, immorality, etc; turn to God in humble prayer and fasting; obey the Great Commission to share the gospel consistently and call people to repentance; finally, leaders must be intentional in pursuing church renewal as we trust God for another Great Awakening.
We’re also committed to be intergenerational in honoring spiritual fathers and mothers in the city as we co-labor with the upcoming generation of young men and women of God. Remember the beautiful acrostic, T.E.A.M.? Together Everyone Accomplishes More!
Fruit is Coming Forth
Secular observers label Nashville “It City” because of our explosive growth and prosperity. Spiritual observers see something supernatural. Surveying the scene here are some developments:
- Months ago about 18,000 Christians gathered in a large downtown auditorium for an evening of prayer and worship. Prior to the event, a couple hundred leaders and spouses gathered for fellowship and prayer. Michael W. Smith led the evening’s worship. It was a sacred assembly permeated by the manifest Presence of God. Many present exclaimed they’d never experienced anything like it!
- Praying that God would raise up righteous leaders and remove those who are not, we’ve seen a liberal, pro-abortion Democrat mayor resign abruptly after being exposed in a scandal of adultery and fraud.
- We’ve witnessed the election of our first female United States Senator, Marsha Blackburn, a devoted Christian. We also elected Governor Bill Lee, a committed Christian who is uncompromisingly pro-life. Both govern by conservative principles, not political correctness.
- Recently the last Planned Parenthood abortion chamber in Nashville was closed down although they’ve pledged not to “throw in the towel” as we engage as we must in this monumental battle for the sanctity of human life.
- This week our statewide newspaper, The Tennessean, did a large article with an accompanying photograph of intercessors engaging in this united initiative of prayer. Since Sunday’s edition has the largest circulation, people throughout our entire state were made aware of the endeavor.
- I met for brunch with a fellow who carries the number three position at the newspaper. He’s the editor for civic engagement and the Op-Ed page. We are miles apart on many issues, especially the LGBTQ agenda, but we are fostering a friendship and working to nurture greater civility in our city.
We are on a journey and have a long way to go but we are purpose driven and passionate for Jesus to be exalted in our families, churches, and city. As leaders we thank God for His favor upon us here in Nashville. We take serious 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
David Clayton, pastor of Ethos Church, simply took his place as a servant to help us in this citywide “Awaken Nashville” effort. He said, “It can be hard to get churches to just eat barbecue together. So to see something spiritual like this has been absolutely amazing!”
He cast the vision for unified prayer and fasting that God gave him and his wife. Because of the healthy atmosphere we enjoy, it was easy to discern this as the will of God so churches and ministries throughout the metro area came together for His glory. We are believing the best is yet to come!
Larry Tomczak is a cultural commentator of 46 yrs, Intercessors for America board member, best-selling author and a public policy advisor with Liberty Counsel. His new, innovative video/book, BULLSEYE, develops informed influencers in 30 days (see www.bullseyechallenge.com). Hear his weekly podcast here.
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Thank You, O Most High God, for what You are doing in Nashville!! We praise You, and give You all the glory. You are Faithful and True; and You always keep Your promises when people meet Your conditions.
Some of us have been praying for transformation in our cities for decades, and we know You have heard our cries! Continue to raise up the leaders who will help lead our local churches across denominational lines to cry out to You in unity for transformation for Jesus’ sake. Multiply what You are doing in thousands of cities in the USA and around the globe, in Jesus’ glorious and mighty Name!
You have promised in Isaiah 53:11 that Jesus WILL see the travail of His soul and be satisfied. We stand on Your promise and offer our intercession until it be fulfilled to the glory of God. Help each of us, as Your children to fulfill our role in meeting Your holy conditions for Jesus’ sake. Amen
Lord let our comments join with the “Spirit Inspired” unified prayer of Nashville. Father we humble ourselves, and cry out for mercy for Bend Oregon/ all of Oregon and the One Nation Under the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who always leads in Triumph. Pastor Neal at Central Oregon House of Prayer.
Rejoicing about all the LORD Is doing in
Nashville. GOD is surely moving across our land , we give HIM all the glory
Praying for a nation wide release of the Spirit of repentance and supplication and the Evangelism Explosion coming to Orlando
Thankyou LORD bless all involved
God let this same awakening happen in Hawaii.
I am contacting you as a lay representative of Light of the World Prayer Center in Bellingham WA. We LOVE this strategy and would like to learn more about implementing something similar for Bellingham and Whatcom County. Please help us out here; please send any guides or names of contact persons to me at [email protected]. Please stop by lowpc.org
WOW!! I pray this God-breathed, highly effective strategic prayer model over Nashville, against His enemies in high spiritual places and within pained, hardened and lonely hearts… will be emulated in other U.S. cities of influence! Come Holy Spirit Wind of God!
Thank you!
Amen! I agree with these prayers, claiming Nashville for the honor and glory of God!
We are moving there soon!
Thank you and welcome to the Music City!
How can I get our family on the prayer list? We are not plugged into a church right now.
Thank you
Praise to God for all that happens with this movement!
Go to the website. You should be able to download materials.
Thank you so much for sharing this ~ we’ve been praying for this very thing. Praise God! As has been said, Father RAISE up AREAS like this all across the country. What an encouragement! Blessings and protection for all of you! To God Be The GLORY!!!
Thank you, Father for moving in Nashville and awakening your people. I thank for all the prayer groups large and small that are all across America, praying for an awakening, praying for our country, our leaders, our youth and our churches. I am asking for an outpouring of your Holy Spirit throughout Congress and Washington D.C. I thank you for the Christians who are willing to serve in the Senate and the House and in other government positions. Let them be strong and bold! Let their voices rise above the rabble around them.
We love you and thank you that we live in this moment in time. May we bring glory to Your Holy Name, Jesus Christ Lord of All.
I have been praying for this very thing to happen all across America! How can we make this happen in more cities?
That’s awesome
Awesome! So want to move back to Nashville. Pray for me Larry that God might open that door.
YAY GOD!!! Psalm 133 🙂