Impossible is NOT a part of God’s vocabulary. He moves beyond time and space. He sees the beginning from the end. He knows what is for your good or for your harm. HE is God.
And yet – daily WE are confronted with impossible! The mountains seem immovable; the chains seem unbreakable.
We are living in a world where lies are spinning like a web, threatening our ability to discern between fact and fiction. Each time we align with the narrative, it’s like one veil after another is clouding our lens to see clearly. As one becomes so locked up in the narrative, he/she loses the ability to think rationally – as the agenda is defining his/her morality and thoughts.
It is so easy to get angry and judgmental. I am the first one to arm myself up with powerful emotions as I prepare to fight a battle, specifically on behalf of children and family. And yet, those powerful emotions are in reality a façade for what lies beneath the surface – an enemy who wants to shift our focus.
And that about wraps it up. God is strong, and he wants you strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way. This is no weekend war that we’ll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels. (Eph. 6:10-12 MSG)
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Eph. 6:12 NIV)
The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. (John 10:10 NKJV)
The enemy stirs up dissension, hate, judgement, confusion… And yet we are reminded in the above scriptures that his agenda is clear – to steal, kill, and destroy. But our God – He came to give us LIFE!
It is a daily choice to take every thought captive; often a moment-by-moment choice – especially with those who are threatening our freedoms and choices as parents and simply as human beings. When we are incited into battle, dragged into the boxing ring, let’s choose compassion and soft hearts for those who are perishing, a possible “they know not what they are doing.”
I think of Abby Johnson, a former clinic director with Planned Parenthood. With a determination to help women in need/crisis, Abby quickly rose in the ranks of PP. In spite of certain misgivings increasing over time, she remained a valiant supporter and champion of the work and organization she was part of. For eight years her eyes were “blind” until the façade of PP began to unravel before her eyes and a heart-stopping moment which the Lord orchestrated. Everything “changed on September 26, 2009 when Abby was asked to assist with an ultrasound-guided abortion. She watched in horror as a 13 week baby fought for, and ultimately lost, its life at the hand of the abortionist.”
In a suddenly moment, God broke every chain that had held Abby in bondage. In a whirlwind instant, her life was completely transformed, her trajectory pivoted. A life once strangled in the stench of death was suddenly delivered onto a platform of LIFE and TRUTH. Today Abby is a bold, unapologetic champion for “the dignity of every single human life.”
Clarence Thomas was once a young man who felt the call on his life for the priesthood. And yet he battled for years as one in a sea of whiteness. His pursuits were thwarted by his color. “For the first time in my life racism and race explained everything. It became sort of the substitute religion.” Anger fueled his every movement and he soon found himself wrapped up in a brotherhood of radical, Marxist ideology.
Even a degree from Yale didn’t open the doors he knocked on. With his own political bent and ideology, Thomas landed a job with then Missouri Attorney General John Danforth – a job that was about as far from where Thomas wanted to be – conservative, Republican… And yet, it was the open door for God to grab ahold of his heart.
As Thomas began his political career working with Danforth, he assumed all blacks were political prisoners. Things started to change as he began reading about black-on-black crime; the numbers didn’t support his ideology. This began the turn of his heart back to the God He once knew – it ignited a pursuit to live out the natural law Thomas Jefferson once penned, “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator…”
No one is beyond hope.
Even a witch doctor, Paul Ai, a man who once served 3,366 gods, a man who came to battle AGAINST the Good News can have blind eyes opened and his heart of stone exchanged for a heart of flesh (Ez 36:26).
Suddenly a dawning realization swept through his mind. “I realized that Buddha was a good man who was wise, but Buddha died. He never promised to save anybody or help anybody,” he says. “Then I realized Jesus Christ is different. He is not only good and wise, he rose and he’s alive!” At that moment, as Ai recognized the futility of his previous religious path, he surrendered to Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. -Believers Portal, “How a Former Witch Doctor Became the Apostle Paul of Vietnam” Watch Dr. Ai share a powerful word for America on the IFA Pray with America’s Leaders webcast–click HERE.
Lee Strobel was a hard-core atheist when his wife became a Believer. The thought of being married to a Christian repulsed him so much he set out to disprove this notion of God’s existence. In a journalistic effort to put the argument for Christianity to rest, Strobel spent the next twenty-one months interviewing experts in the field on the veracity of the scriptures and this God they touted. It ended with another life surrendered to the ONE – his own.
“As a self-described atheist, I applied the training I had received at Yale Law School as well as my experience as legal affairs editor of the Chicago Tribune. And over time, the evidence of the world—of history, of science, of philosophy, of psychology—began to point toward the unthinkable.”
“To be honest, I didn’t want to believe that Christianity could radically transform someone’s character and values. It was much easier to raise doubts and manufacture outrageous objections than to consider the possibility that God actually could trigger a revolutionary turn-around in such a depraved and degenerate life.”
- Let’s pray for more of those “suddenly” movements in the hearts of those who are pushing the pendulum further left than we ever imagined possible. Pray for our government leaders, school board members, mainstream media… Pray for chains to be broken and mountains to be thrown into the sea. In an instant, God can “turn the heart of a king!”
- I am going to pray as I am praying for all my children but one in particular, that discernment would ignite and burn within them, that the things of death would truly become a physical stench in their presence, that their eyes would burn and avert as they see darkness for what it truly is, and that they would be given eyes into the spiritual realm and recognize and fear the darkness that permeates their space. I pray that in that space where their hearts are soft and repentant that they would know Who to reach out to. And I pray that that person would be like the Ananias who received Paul in his blindness (Acts 9) and spoke Truth. I pray that God would orchestrate events like he did for Abby Johnson, Clarence Thomas, Paul Ai and Lee Strobel. It only takes one moment of “seeing” to turn the page – to rewrite the story – to pivot a call/mission.
- Pray for those in office to have an encounter with the Living God. Pray for God to reveal Himself in dreams and visions. Pray for “Damascus encounters” in which God makes Himself KNOWN! Pray for more Saul to Paul stories!
- Pray for men and women like Philip. He was called by the Lord to go close to a man reading the scriptures. He was called to help him understand what he was reading (Acts 8). That day Philip unwrapped the beauty of the Word, shared the Good News about Jesus and baptized the man he had been sent to.
- Pray through the Good Shepherd passage today.
“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. (John 10:14-16 TPT)
We are not a people without hope! Our own stories point to a God who saves, calls us by name and can resurrect “the dead.”
Pray not for the heart of Jonah but for the heart of Ananias who said yes to speak to Saul. There is a strong difference. Our heart matters just as much as the changed hearts we are praying for. Anger cannot fuel us; LOVE must!
Let our voices rise as righteous men and women whose prayers availeth much! It only takes one moment to change everything – to change one’s battlefield to suddenly become a platform for Life and Truth. Let’s pray mountain-moving prayers for “suddenlies” today!
Who are you praying for today? Share your own stories of suddenlies as we encourage one another to pray in faith for those “impossible” stories.
Suni Piper is a writer and passionate intercessor for the nation and for the Church. She is determined and surrendered to be a voice of truth and encouragement to the Body of believers. Follow Suni at her website (Photo Credit: Abel Marquez).
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Using this with my prayer group tonight! Thank you Suni.Blowing the shofar and reading Ps.27 for Elul. God arose and let Your enemies be scattered.
Our nation is in desperate need of our risen Savior and desperately needs miracle after miracle. Those who think they are in charge of our nation prove daily, by their decisions, that they are completely lost. Please don’t misunderstand what I’m stating. They know exactly what they are doing because the decisions they continue to force on our nation reflect long periods of prior scheming and planning. They maybe “lost spiritually” but as God states, they know what they are doing and are without excuse. We pray for that salvation and awakening while also allowing or giving them up to do whatever God chooses to do with them. With many who have intentionally chosen corruption, compromise, fraud, lustful control, etc. – often their suddenly moments do not come about until God’s justice exercises itself in their lives. When corruption and deception are as rampant in leadership as we see today, it’s often the only way God can get through to the hardness of their hearts. Right now, many who are ungodly are longing for righteousness and godly leadership.
Hear the cries of your people Lord. Send a torrent of revival across our land. We need you Lord. We long for truth to be the norm again instead of the exception.
Lord You tell us I Matthew 17:20-21 that if we have faith the size of a mustard seed that all things can be done in Your name! We must fast & pray to accomplish this. We can cast out demons & heal in Your name with the authority You have given us. Lord help anyone reading this have this faith in You. To believe Your word. Father I pray for America, our leaders but most of all I pray for the children. I pray a hedge of protection around all the children in this world. I pray that we believers believe! LORD
give us eyes to see the kingdom and ears to hear the Holy Spirit guide us. Let Your light shine brightly and Jesus I
ask that you invade people’s lives today, just as You did Paul in the road to Damascus.
“So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.””
Matthew 17:20-21 NKJV
I pray that we all have repented & checked ourselves for sin before we speak of others sin. LORD I pray for the innocent babies being killed, for the children of the The Well Church, for the children in my family, for the children in this world, for the homeless, for the down trodden and weary. I pray that I can give someone Your living water today LORD. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
So many remain lost because there’s a veil of pride masked in knowledge of science and a changing truth that best fits the narrative of their sin. Lord, we do pray for new eyes, new ears and teachable hearts for all those currently clinging to the deceptions used by the enemy. Lord, breakdown the walls of folly. Render the knowledge from man as useless when compared to Your greatness. Remind us that Your ways and Your thoughts are far greater and that we, as created beings can’t comprehend Your vast power. We are limited to the mind of man. Open our hearts to receive the mystery of Your unfathomable love and mercy. Pour out Your spirit that we may trust in You and not ourselves. Give us hope as in Romans 5:5, “ and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” Strength us as You did the early church in Acts and give us the courage of Peter who said in Acts 5:29, “We ought to obey God rather than man .” Let us be without compromise when standing by our convictions. Lord Jesus, help us to represent You well as we go about the Father’s business. Come quickly, Lord Jesus, Come in Your Name we pray!
Beautiful! Powerful! An arrow to my heart. Thank You, Father, for Suni and IFA. Please strengthen, encourage and direct their work. I know You will answer Suni’s prayer for her child in Your perfect time. “Suddenly” is Your perfect love found in Christ Jesus. In the name of the Jesus, Amen