I Prayed have prayed
God, we lift up Barron Trump before You. As he begins this new stage of his life, we pray that You would bless him, keep him, and draw him closer to You.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Intercessor, did you know that Barron Trump is attending New York University? Fellow students recently spotted him on campus, flanked by Secret Service agents.

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As President Trump’s son, we know that Barron won’t have an easy time in higher education. Social media, mainstream media, and political campaign ads fuel hatred of former President Trump and the animosity extends to his family. In fact, IFA published an article in 2019 revealing that, based on nothing more than his connection to the former president, Donald Trump Jr. received the second-highest number of death threats of anyone in America. It may not surprise you to hear that Donald Trump himself received the highest number of death threats. Clearly, being a Trump is dangerous.

As Barron attends school at NYU, we can only imagine what kinds of threats, challenges, and attacks he will face.  According to Niche, this is the political makeup of the student body of NYU: Very conservative. 1% · Conservative. 1% · Balanced. 11% · Liberal. 41% · Very liberal. 38% · Not sure. 7%. So his father’s politics make him stand out, as does his 6’9″ frame.

Do you need more convincing that this young man needs prayer?

Prayer Points:

  • Pray for protection. President Trump was the target of one assassination attempt we know about. Many other threats have been levied against him and his family. Barron already has a target on his back. Pray that he would be protected from all physical and verbal attacks.
  • Pray for security. Pray that Barron will know that he is created by God for a purpose and that he will have the deep security that comes from faith in Christ.
  • Pray for relationships. Pray that Barron would form deep and meaningful relationships. Pray that he would meet strong believers who can lead him to salvation.
  • Pray for God’s will to be done. As Barron pursues higher education, pray that he would walk in the Lord’s will. Pray that God would use Barron’s time at NYU to accomplish all He has for him.

Please share this article to encourage others to pray for Barron Trump.

(Photo Credit: GIORGIO VIERA/AFP via Getty Images)

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Char Kolzow
September 7, 2024

ABSOLUTELY, we fellow Christians MUST undergird this young man who has been given MUCH privilege AND (therefore) MUCH RESPONSIBILITY (which automatically follows) “To whom much is given, shall much be required!”. Dear Heavenly Father, we ask You to enlighten Barron Trump with Your Wisdom and strong purpose for his life to bless and serve you amongst his peers and in this nation for Jesus’ sake.


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