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I Prayed have prayed
Father, our eyes are on You. We ask that Your plans and purposes for us, for our nation, for Pres. Trump, and for the upcoming election will stand.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

On Thursday, May 30, 2024, President Donald Trump was convicted on 34 counts of falsifying business records. The next step is sentencing on July 11, 2024.

This was the first criminal trial of a U.S. President, and the first conviction. President Trump called the verdict a disgrace while prosecutor Alvin Bragg thanked the jury and praised his team.

You can find opinions about this all over the internet. But here we will pray about President Trump’s conviction. Consider this post a prayer wall. In the comments, post your prayer or click Amen on someone else’s prayer.

Intercessors, our work is not done. It is a time to press into the Lord for His perspective and His purposes, which the Bible tells us will stand forever.

“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” (Ps. 46:10)

“I declare the end from the beginning, and from long ago what is not yet done, saying: my plan will take place, and I will do all my will” (Isa. 46:10 CSB).

Pray about President Trump’s conviction and please post your prayer in the comments.



Photo credit: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America – Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=49611649.

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Mrs. Risser
June 12, 2024

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that you wrap your protective arms around President Trump. Protect him from the evil people trying to destroy him. You are in control of this whole situation, which gives us comfort. Please deal with the evilness in this world. Our country desperately needs to turn to You. Please be with President Trump and his family as they endure the hatred and unfair accusations. Please let his charges be thrown out of the court system.
We love you, Lord, and pray for your peace in this world.
In Jesus’s name we pray,

Shpend Shyti
June 4, 2024

Pray for the Lord intervention on the protection of President Trump and the freedom of the Americans from every evil spirit.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

June 4, 2024

Father God, you are the Almighty Father of our world, Thank you for coming to President Trump’s defense with you warring angels, Michael and Gabriel. Cover him with your blood like no other. Thank you for sending these trumped up charges from 7 corrupt cases to the Supreme Court for their perusal. Intercede for our country because we love you and love our country forever! Thank you for being our Father and creating us before the foundations of the world and saving us through your precious son, Jesus Yeshua Hamashiak. Thank you also for releasing the January 6 political prisoners (2020). Amen and Amen

Karen Fourman
June 4, 2024

Dear Precious Heavenly Father, You alone are Sovereign, Righteous and Holy. You alone know the state of this nation and You have given us over to our own desires as You say in Your Word. Lord, forgive us of our sins against You, how we have turned away from You. Lord guide us back to You, only You can change the hearts of men as You changed Soul’s and blessed us with Paul. Reveal to each of our leaders the truth of sin and the rejection of You our Lord. Replace hearts of stone with Your heart of flesh and bind up the evil in this nation and around the world. President Trump is just a man that has made a stand for what is right, protect him Lord. We don’t worship him Lord, we worship You and may You raise up a government of God fearing men to stand against the evil that is evident in this nation. I pray Satan be bound and all his demons that have assignments against, President Trump and all God fearing leaders, be gathered and cast into the depths where You send them. Shed Your light upon all sin and move this nation and all nations to repentance, please stop the power hungry, the child and sex trafficking, the cyber theft, the coercion, the abortions , the drugs, the bigotry, the adultery, especially against You, the lies, the murders, the antisemitism, the love of money, the the sin that keeps us from a loving and merciful God. Reveal sins bondage and destruction and place in our hearts a repulsiveness against sin and a love for You and what You say is right. We need Your intervention, we need You to revive this nation with Your Holy Spirit in the heart of every man. Please Lord, bring Your revival to this nation! That You will be Glorified once again! In the power of Your Name I pray, Jesus Christ is Lord, Amen

Cindy Chesnut
June 3, 2024

Heavenly FATHER, we ask that YOU would cover DJT with YOUR righteous right hand. Breathe perseverance into him and his family. Bless them with wisdom. Pour out YOUR love and strength over him in times of doubt. In JESUS’ Name Amen

Stephen Kiley
June 3, 2024

Lord Jesus,

We pray for your blessing on Donald Trump and his family. Give him encouragement and protection from the enemy. Reveal your truth and expose the liars and criminals.

Jerry Palmeri
June 3, 2024

we pray for full discovery of every truth be revealed every evil wicked diabolical lie to be exposed every truth of the revealation of the gospel to be revealed. righteousness to be once again established in our nation and around the world the eyes of the blind and decieved to be opened and super natural legistics be revealed going forward we declare and decree . amen

Gary Fox
June 3, 2024

Dear Heavenly Father, I have read many of the prayers previous, and I add my Amen to them. Dear Father, I believe many of the prophecies that say that the end times will be very challenging for even the best, even those who have prepared for this day. Please Bless President Donald J. Trump that only you and your will can do as to not remove agency, and please Bless those of us who are trying to abide your teachings. Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven, God Bless all Thy Souls that they may Repent so as to return to Thee that we may be protected and comforted from Thy righteous raff and destruction of this wicked World as it is cleansed. Bless us all that we may further prepare for the return of our Heavenly King, in the name of Thy beloved Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Pamela Ennis
June 3, 2024

Lord God Almighty, thank You for President Trump. Thank You for his family and legal team. We continue to ask You to strengthen and protect each of them. We ask that You bless each of them with Your peace. And, we especially ask for Your favor on them. Confound the plans of the enemy, may every evil plan be thwarted. We look to You and put our trust in You. Be glorified in our nation. In Jesus’ name

Michelle Rojas
June 3, 2024

I am praying that Gods truth will be revealed, praying for President Trump to have the strength, courage and heart of David and continue to lean on the lord. Praying a protective hedge around he, his family and team. Father we are asking for your favor on this man and that true justice will prevail. I speak against ALL the evil assignments that Satan has assigned and petition in the courts of heaven against him. Give Preaident Trump peace father.

In your name. Amen

Micheline Lakah
June 3, 2024

I pray that God exposes the lies and schemes of the enemy, that He will arise and fight this battle and send the enemy into confusion, that President Trump will be raised again to lead this nation in the name of Jesus!

Lisa Marie
June 3, 2024

Dear Lord, I pray for Donald J Trump for his health and safety, as these evil actors in the name of government Will stop at nothing because he is the only one on Earth, standing in the way of total defeat and communism in our nation. Lord God, we know only you can save us! Only you can save Donald Trump. We ask this in Jesus’ name! Amen

June 3, 2024

God put Donald J. Trump in this place at this time for a purpose. He alone exposed the Deep State and they are out to destroy him. But God has the last say on everything so we continue to trust that He is not done using President Trump for His good in our country.

June 3, 2024

President Trump is God’s man to help turn America around. I pray divine favor and protection over him and his family. Thank you President Trump, you are here for such a time as this

Pastor Susan McIntosh
June 3, 2024

We are praying and believing this “attack” on President Trump is going to stop and he will once again lead our nation. Hallelujah. He was born “for such a time as this!”

Ruth Jordan
June 3, 2024

This is so bogus and fake! The Democrats are so desperate to win, that they will shred our constitution to do it. But, God remains on the Throne and this is no surprise to Him. Keep your eyes focused on Jesus, pray for God’s mercy and grace on our country and pray for President Trump!

Toni Starner
June 3, 2024

I am praying for President Donald J. Trump. May God be beside him and watch over him. I pray for the return of our nation and a strong President to lead the USA and help to make America great again!

Jackie Gililland
June 3, 2024

Father God, please be with President Trump and his whole family. These bogus convictions are so horrible. I know Trump is just a man, but You, Lord, can make him able to withstand all the attacks of the enemy. Help him to lean into you Lord. Protect him & his family physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. You are mighty to save Lord & we pray your plans for him & our nation will stand & everyone will see the works of your hands. God, please continue to bless America & hold up your standards for all of us. Thank you Lord for what you are going to do. We ask all these things in your precious name, Amen

Jackie Gililland
June 3, 2024

Father God, please be with President Trump and his whole family. These bogus convictions are so horrible. I know Trump is just a man, but You, Lord, can make him able to withstand all the attacks of the enemy. Help him to lean into you Lord. Protect him & his family physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. You are mighty to save Lord & we pray your plans for him & our nation will stand & everyone will see the works of your hands. God, please continue to bless America & hold up your standards for all of us. Thank you Lord for what you are going to do. We ask all these things in your precious name, Amen

June 3, 2024

This is the first time I have listened to the AI read the prayer. Will never do that again, it left me feeling insulted. How is it that a prayer cannot be recorded by a living human being? Do you believe that God hears the prayers of artificial, non-human speech? How long would it have taken to have a real human record that prayer?

Elizabeth Foley
June 3, 2024

Prayer for The United States of America

Heavenly Father, we humbly come before You in prayer for our country. There is so much that grieves our hearts. We know that You alone are the answer to the darkness in our land. So we seek Your face and Your mighty hand. Turn our hearts towards You that we would repent from our own wickedness and You, in turn, will forgive our sins. Give us the ability to clearly see things through your perspective, to enable us to pray according to Your will, so You could bring healing to the hearts of Your people, to those that do not yet know You, and to our nation. Thank You, Lord, that as we are humble before You, You will lift us up. Search our hearts, minds, and anxious thoughts, show us where we are not pleasing You, and guide us back to Your everlasting way.

The scripture declares that “blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord”. Thank You for our nation’s past and current blessings. But in recent years, our nation has forgotten You and strayed far from honoring You. Give us hearts as individuals to know You better and impact our society, so that our nation would once again be called a Christian nation, You would be our God and we would be Your people, and return to You with our whole hearts. Thank You Lord for You are lgracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and great in mercy. We, as Your people, intercede on behalf of our nation for Your mercy.

We pray, give thanks, and intercede for our country’s leaders and those in authority: our federal, state, and local leaders, the military, our police force, the judiciary, and those who are in authority over us in any way. Use them in accordance with Your will that we would live in peace and be godly, reaping the benefits of good government for the sake of furthering Your church and the gospel. For Jesus, our Savior, desires all to be saved, acknowledging His truth.

We lift up before You the current and future leaders of our nation. You are sovereign, O Lord, You decide to bring down one and lift up another according to Your will. The hearts of our leaders are in Your hand and You turn them whichever way You desire. We pray our leaders decisions are divinely directed by You, that Your kingdom priorities will be established in our nation and Your will is accomplished on earth as it is in heaven. We do not put our trust in any man or leader or nation or army or ideology, but our trust is in You alone. All praise be to Your name!

We pray in the authority of Jesus. Amen.

Scripture References:

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14

Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.
James 4:10

The LORD lifts up the humble; He casts the wicked down to the ground.
Psalm 147:6

Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Psalm 139:23-24

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD , the people He has chosen as His own inheritance.
Psalm 33:12

Then I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am the LORD; and they shall be My people, and I will be their God, for they shall return to Me with their whole heart.
Jeremiah 24:7

The LORD is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and great in mercy.
Psalm 145:8

Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
1 Timothy 2:1-4

For exaltation comes neither from the east nor from the west nor from the south. But God is the Judge: He puts down one, and exalts another.
Psalm 75:6-7

The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.
Proverbs 21:1

Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Matthew 6:10

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.
Psalm 20:7

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.”
Matthew 28:18

June 3, 2024

🙏🏼🌲President Trump Protection Victory Vindication Divine Justice🌲🙏🏼
Psalm 27:11 Teach me Your way, O Lord,
And lead me in a smooth path, because of my enemies.
12 Do not deliver me to the will of my adversaries;
For false witnesses have risen against me,
And such as breathe out violence.
13 I would have lost heart, unless I had believed
That I would see the goodness of the Lord
In the land of the living.
14 Wait on the Lord;
Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the Lord!

June 3, 2024

You have been a valuable source of information. We are so grateful for those who
have been the defenders of freedom!

Betsy Marshall
June 3, 2024

Praying fervently for President Trump and his family. That the Lord covers them with a hedge of protection. Jeremiah 29:11

June 3, 2024

From Psalm 70. Hasten O God to save Donald Trump, come quickly, Lord, to help him. May those who want to take his life be put to shame and confusion; may all who desire his ruin be turned back in disgrace. In Jesus name, amen

June 3, 2024

God, bring your divine intervention over this unjust conviction. Keep your walls of protection over President Trump and his family. Give him boldness and courage to stay strong and wisdom to do all that you are calling him to do. Lord, we thank you for your hand in all that is happening with this case and the continued unjust assaults on President Trump, his family, and on all those who are fighting for the freedom of this nation. We know that you are in control and we ask you to shine your light on this darkness and to expose the truth and for the truth to set President Trump free, while simultaneously awakening the many people in this country to the truth.

June 3, 2024

Yes we must pray regarding President Trump’s unjust conviction, asking God to intervene regarding this matter as going through the appellate courts takes time. I’m not a lawyer, but I believe and I could be wrong, but the appellate courts in the state if New York is
where his lawyer would have begin the initial appeal process.

Stephanie Ashurst
June 3, 2024

Today, 6-2-2024 Mark Levin’s post explained how the whole trial and conviction of Pres. Trump is a crime against the Constitution. It needs to be brought to the Supreme Court. But that all takes time, and lasting damage will occur to our Constitution since bringing it to the high court takes many months. The need is to pray that God will overrule and use the people/person who can facilitate the process as well as all other factors to allow it to be brought this summer. Please watch this post and agree amongst yourselves as the Lord shows you in prayer.

Mary D'Angina
June 3, 2024

Lord, Almighty, Loving, Righteous and Just God, the Ruler of the Universe, let Your Vindication of President Trump come from you speedily. Let it boomerang back to those that accuse him falsely, and misuse our law. Grant us Your mercy and remove all wicked, Godless politicians Lord. Please remember the founding of this nation. May Your supernatural grace intervene and save us. In Jesus’ Holy Name I submit this prayer. Amen.

Vicky Maurseth
June 3, 2024

Lord Jesus, what was meant for evil You can turn for Eternal good. Please keep President Trump in Your protective care and give him the courage to face this unjust conviction in the knowledge that You are Sovereign and can work all things together for good if we are called according to Your purposes.
I also pray for the President Trump’s supporters to protest legally and peacefully. Thwart the evil plans and waste the evil money behind these nuisance legal battles to prevent Donald Trump from being able to campaign freely for re-election.
May Your Perfect Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. AMEN

B. Barrow
June 2, 2024

Lord please wake the people up to understand that THEY play the biggest part in your will being done. Help them to remember that IT WAS YOUR WILL to take the children of Israel into the promise land just a few days after they walked out of Egypt freely, but they would NOT BELIEVE that they could do it so they had to die in the wilderness so that the next generation could and would OBEY and go in and DO THEY’RE PART. We MUST realize that God’s will is not always done unless WE OBEY.
Lord we see your hand on President Trump and we BELIEVE that it IS YOUR WILL to deliver this nation from evil men and women that want to destroy it. PLEASE impress the people to DO YOUR WILL and STEP UP and OBEY and VOTE for President Trump in November to turn this nation back to You!

June 2, 2024

God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, you are exalted and we exalt you and declare your righteousness, sovereignty and power. You alone are completely holy and blameless. We have grievously sinned against You and your Glory. We have blasphemed and acted wickedly. We have become puffed up and arrogant. We have shaken our fist in the face of you, Sovereign Lord, and have earned your righteous judgment for our many sins, for our rebellion against you and your Kingdom! We are now being judged as a nation for our gross wickedness and our prideful ways. This reality is being reflected in many ways in our day, epitomized by the breach of justice in this case. Money, sex and power drive the ungodly and nothing is sacred in their eyes. We have allowed this to happen in our complacency and laziness to be the salt and light you have commanded us to be. Forgive us! Please accept our repentance! Humble us! Teach us your ways and empower us to act contritely in obeying you through righteous acts according to your will. Let us not shrink back. Let us be faithful! In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Deb Belford
June 2, 2024

Dear Heavenly Father, as Jehoshaphat prayed: “Oh LORD, God of our fathers, are You not God in Heaven? You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations. In Your hand are power and might, so that none is able to withstand You. As they were powerless when Jehoshaphat prayed this, yet he knew who was all-powerful and who would answer — Lord, today, as we humble ourselves before You and turn to You, seeing YOU…knowing YOU are sovereign! I pray for Donald Trump (and his family’s) faith in YOU to grow tremendously during this time and the faith we have in You to defeat what the enemy has brought forward for destruction- that You would use this for YOUR divine glory and Your good! We stand firm and hold our position (also as did Nehemiah) – as YOU are leading this army who is praying for Donald Trump, his family, and their and our trust in You. Thank you, Lord, that You are steadfast love endures forever. Lord, that we are Your people are listening and acting on your behalf for Donald Trump. In Jesus name, we fully trust and pray. Amen

Judy O
June 2, 2024

Father, our country is a mess with sin. We are obsessed with sex, even doing what is vile in your eyes. Because of infidelity and obsession we demand abortion. We have become Lawless and perverted. But for the sake of us who love you would you please be merciful? Will you open the eyes of the blind to injustice and to your love and grace. Oh Father, revive us! Awaken us from our lethargy and make us bold in Jesus name!

Sandy Cuculich
June 2, 2024

Heavenly Father,

We know that you are in charge, and that you have a perfect plan for our lives.
Help us to accept your will in this decision, and to trust that satan’s evil plans can be used to bring glory to you.
Lord it’s hard not to feel discouraged when we see our country’s justice system abused in this manner.
Help us to trust in your omniscient will in this situation.
In Jesus name I pray.

Barbara Baxter
June 2, 2024

Father, as the hills surround Jerusalem , so You. Surround your people both now and forevermore. Please Lord GOD surround President Trump, his family, staff..keep them safe from the evil one. In Jesus Name Anen.

June 2, 2024

May you be steadfast and covered by the strength and peace of Jesus. May the enemy be muted according to Psalm 31:18.

Sheron Lindstrom
June 2, 2024

Father God, You are almighty, wise and good. I pray that you will turn even the evil in our country to good and draw Americans to Yourself. I ask that you will use this experience to cause truth to shine. Bless President Trump and his family. Draw them closer to you even through this recent court experience. Bless them mightily and cause them to see Your hand at work. Use the current situation in our country to cause Truth to reign. Draw us to our knees seeking You. In the name of Jesus, amen

Sabra Ortiz
June 2, 2024

If God has called President Trump to hold the office again there is nothing in the world that can stop him from being our president I don’t care what they try to do

Sherry A
June 2, 2024

Heavenly Father, I ask that we your servants would be diligent in seeking your will for our leaders, our nation and the world. Please give us eyes to see every evil plan of the enemy so that we can be in prayer that your will be done on earth. That YOU alone Heavenly Father, receive the honor and glory for the victory.

Father, protect President Trump and his family from weariness, doubt, arrogance, or pride. Bless each of them with love, strength, joy, comfort and peace in the face of such attacks and injustice. May each of them give you the honor due your name, when you bring deliverance and victory.
I ask these things in the name of Jesus Our Deliverer, Our Protector, Our Healer, Amen

Maureen Healy
June 2, 2024

Father, this prosecution is a clear sign of decline in our nation. Please bring forth Your will and intention concerning the USA and it’s leadership. I lift Donald Trump to You and ask for Your wisdom, counsel and peace that passes understanding to encompass him throughout the coming days. Help him to see Your will and help him to forgive all who are maligning him. Please show Donald Trump that You are the only one who can win this battle and help him to rest in You. I also lift up every member of the Trump family; please give them peace that passes understanding and the strength to join together as peaceful citizens in a very conflicted world.

Sherry Rafferty
June 2, 2024

Father, I ask for a hedge of protection over President Trump and his family! I plead the precious blood of the Lamb over them and may your mighty warrior angels surround them, protecting them from any evil that would try to come against them. I pray no weapon formed against him shall prosper and every tongue that comes against him you shall condemn. I pray this and declare it in the name above all names, Jesus Messiah.

Sherry Rafferty
June 2, 2024

Father God: Let those be put to shame and dishonor who seek after President Donald J. Trump’s life; let those be turned back and brought to confusion who plot his hurt. Let them be like chaff before the wind, and let the angel of the Lord chase them. Let their way be dark and slippery, and let the angel of the Lord pursue them. For without cause they have hidden their net for him in a pit, which they have dug without cause for his life. Let destruction come upon them unexpectedly, and let their net that they have hidden catch themselves; into that very destruction let them fall. Psalm 35:4-8. This you have seen O’Lord; do not keep silence. Oh Lord do not be far from him. Stir up Yourself, and awake to his vindication, to his cause, our God and our Lord. Vindicate him, O’Lord our God, according to Your righteousness; and let them not rejoice over him. Psalm 35:22-24. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus Messiah.

Mary Jane Groebner
June 2, 2024

Praying for Trump’s plan success and the evil empire taken down.

June 2, 2024

We lift Donald Trump to you Lord, protect him and his family. Let him not get weary from doing the right thing. Expose the lies of the enemy and the injustice they are doing. Deal with those that are not for your values and remove them from office. Protect or Country Lord!

June 2, 2024

I pray Lord for those who have wrongly & unjustly pursued this conviction of the real President of our United States. We know within us that this was a mockery of our justice system. Everything points to the sad reality that there were/are bribes, payoffs, twisted rulings, false information, evil compromises, etc. It is both heartbreaking & deeply sad the depths of soul selling that we have witnessed. If any of the prosecutors, jurors, judges, etc., can be saved, we pray Your light will break through with relenting conviction & truth to them. Let them not rest or have peace in their compromise – may their consciences be seared relentlessly. If they refuse your gift of love through salvation, if they choose to repeatedly turn their backs on You…then we pray that the evil & injustice they have brought forth by their choices will be turned & come back on them sevenfold. Do what You deem just for each individual.
Strengthen Pres. Trump like never before. May he see Your goodness through this unjust situation. May he feel Your presence as never before – may his family feel Your presence like never before. Send an army of Your warrior angels to surround Pres. Trump & family at all times – that they would do battle to subdue the enemy at all times. Amen.

Pamela krueger
June 2, 2024

Father I thank you for the many praying ppl and pray you bless those who stand for what’s right.
We marvel at your unfailing love and goodness towards us a ppl and as nations. Thank you for the great plan you are unfolding to reveal your power and glory thru Donald Trump and his team. We’ve sent angels to encamp around them and there are more for him than against him. Open your servants eyes to see the great and mighty plans you have to turn America back to you and defeat the ancient gods of Egypt.
Ty for the shaking that will cause only that which can’t be shaken to remain. Your Kingdom come and your will is being done for thine is the glory forever and ever amen

June 2, 2024

Lord God we ask that your hand be on President Trump and his family. We stand against the enemies schemes to steal, kill and destroy. We claim the blood of Jesus over this nation. May the eyes of our hearts be open to you and stand firm in faith Lord, trusting you in all things. Amen

June 2, 2024

Psalm 69:13-18


Rescue President Trump from the miry mud;
don’t let him sink.
Let President Trump be rescued from those who hate him
and from the deep waters.
Don’t let the floodwaters
sweep over President Trump or the deep (state) swallow him up;
don’t let the Pit close its mouth over him.
Answer me, LORD,
for Your faithful love is good;
in keeping with Your great compassion,
turn to President Trump.
Don’t hide Your face from Your servant President Trump
for he is in distress.
Answer him quickly!
Draw near to President Trump
and redeem him;
ransom President Trump because of his enemies.
So be it and Amen!

Lisa Carlton
June 2, 2024

Lord we ask that you defend and protect President Trump just as you did when Saul sought to destroy and kill David.

June 2, 2024

Dear Heavenly Father, we know that Your will is perfect, and that it will be done here on earth as it is in heaven. We pray for favor over President Donald J. Trump. We pray, Lord, that You would shine forth in this case and bring justice to this wicked justice system here in America . Expose the wicked and, bring them to their knees. Let this trial be something that opens not only America’s eyes but the world’s eyes to the growing corruption in the world. But don’t just stop there, Lord, we pray You would shine forth Your glory over all of this, and bring many to salvation by them seeking truth. We thank You, Lord that You are truth and that through You, we can know the truth and become free. Father, we are pleading Your mercy over Donald J Trump, and his team of experts working diligently to free him from this tyranny and web of deception. Bring his team wisdom to know exactly what to do and what to say to bring about truth and expose all lies. Bring those wicked who have been involved in this case to a place where laborers have been sent out to spread Your gospel and open their ears and hearts to receive the truth of Your Holy Word. It is not Your will that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life. Bring the wicked to repentance , Lord. If there is anything in Donald J Trump that needs to be exposed to himself, Lord exposed that to him by the power of Your Holy Spirit and humble him to a place of crying out to You for help. Let him acknowledge You as his only strength and refuge.
Rally the American people behind this cause, because we know this is a cause for truth and the freedom of our nation. We thank You, Lord, that You have heard our cry for help and we believe that You will come to the rescue of Donald J Trump, and this nation . We ask all this in the mighty and precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

Rebecca Cook
June 2, 2024

Abba Father, please encourage, renew and strengthen President Trump who is wrongly convicted. I ask you to surround him with protective angels and keep evil from him by the power of your word! No weapon fashioned against him shall prosper. Vindicate him of every false charge in the mighty name of Jesus. Keep him in the company of Godly advisers, Patriots, friends and family. Hover over him Holy Spirit. Adonai, demand justice for Donald Trump and America. In the Mighty name of Jesus.

LeAnne Lane
June 2, 2024

Lord Jesus, America needs You, the entire world needs You. We have sinned greatly and need to repent and to call on Your Holy name! We lift up former President Donald Trump. We pray first that he will seek you, repent of his sins and give his heart fully to You! We pray that he will watch his rhetoric and that You will soften his heart so that he can hear You! Lord, we ask for justice to be served. Lord, in our eyes, it looks like justice has been manipulated, and evil has prevailed, but You, oh God, are greater than all. You know all and Your will, WILL be done! We pray for energy, strength, and hope and peace and wisdom for Donald Trump, his team and his family. Lord, let us come together as a nation to follow You and use all You have given us to serve You. We love You Lord, thank You for hearing our prayers! In Jesus’s holy Name we pray! Amen!

Cynthia Kernohan
June 2, 2024

Unto you O God Who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us, unto you be all glory in the Eclesia through Christ Jesus! Hear our prayers O God as our God of rIghteousness! who has said of HIS PEOPLE, their righteousness of Me, (Isaiah) There is coming a day when all the Nations will be judged in THE Valley of Decision. According to their Works which ones will be the Goats and which The SHEEP!

June 2, 2024

Lord,we need you now to come in like a mighty rushing wind to put America back on track to holiness and righteousness .Forgive us for our evil deeds.We repent and come back to you our first love.In Jesus holy name.

June 2, 2024

Lord May your truth and justice rule over our land.Father do a work in the hearts of all those who are blinded and are operating against your kingdom.May your kingdom come and your will be done for America.

June 2, 2024

“He it is who reduces rulers to nothing, Who makes the judges of the earth meaningless. Scarcely have they been planted, Scarcely have they been sown, Scarcely has their stock taken root in the earth, But He merely blows on them, and they wither, And the storm carries them away like stubble. “To whom then will you liken Me That I would be his equal?” says the Holy One.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭40‬:‭23‬-‭25‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬

Marsha Fetzer
June 2, 2024

Righteousness and justice are the foundations of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you. Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, LORD, they rejoice in your name all day long; they celebrate your righteousness. For you are their glory ad strength, and by your favor you exalt our horn. Indeed, our shield belongs to the LORD our King to the Holy One of Israel. Ps 89:14-18

We serve a righteous and just God! We ask for your favor over President Trump over America, over your people. We praise You Father for your faithfulness! Amen

Helen Y.
June 2, 2024

Pray for President Trump, who was unfairly convicted two days ago by a crooked judge, a crooked prosecutor, and a biased jury in Washington, DC.
Father God, may Your kingdom be established again here in our nation. May Your will be done again here in the United States. Many of us are crying out for Your justice for President Trump. However, I ask first that you would have mercy on his attackers and give them another chance to follow you. If they will not, remove them from office and replace them with people who will follow You, or who at least will follow Your principles.
Remind them of who You are, Lord.

Isaiah 45:6 (NKJV) That they may know from the rising of the sun to its setting that there is none besides Me. I am the LORD, and there is no other.

Psalm 79:4-8
4 We have become a reproach to our neighbors, a scorn and derision to those who are around us.
5 How long, LORD? Will You be angry forever? Will Your jealousy burn like fire?
6 Pour out Your wrath on the nations [and people] that do not know You, and on the kingdoms [and people] that do not call on Your name.
7 For they have devoured Jacob [and the U.S.], and laid waste his dwelling place.
8 Oh, do not remember former iniquities against us! Let Your tender mercies come speedily to meet us, for we have been brought very low.

June 1, 2024

Heavenly Father, you know my prayers every day for our country, our court system, our president and for President Trump. I pray you give him strength to persevere, to continue to fight the fight for the good and the rights of our country, in Jesus Holy Name!

Karen Secrest
June 1, 2024

Recall: this can also be a weapon.


June 1, 2024

Amen….. Your kingdom come Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

June 1, 2024

Father, cause this trial to backfire on all those involved who are against him. And please protect his life and the life of his family. And bring about a great Victory for Trump in November!! In Jesus’ Name!

June 1, 2024

Dear Jesus, you of all have learned the tribulations and pain of rejection unto death for our benefit. We pray, O mighty Lord that as former President Trump is going through no doubt a humbling, that all of us in this once great nation who you called by name will also be humbled unto repentance for our sinful deeds. You have, mighty Father, that a humble and contrite heart you will not despise. We pray that as our nation is brought low, we will seek you help, forgiveness, mercy and love as we turn from our wicked ways. Blessed be the name of the Lord!

June 1, 2024

Father we come to you in the name of Jesus asking for Divine intervention on behalf of Trump and his family and our nation. We repent on behalf of all those who had abortions and all those who put money of people and pride over humility and themselves over you the nation and others. We ask you to put a protective hedge around D.J Trump and give him the heart of David and the wisdom and understanding of Solomon to know what he ought to do for this nation. Give his legal team the shrewdness and the wisdom to know how to proceed. We ask you to protect this nation against all enemies foreign and domestic and Trump has been a friend of Israel and he moved the embassy to Jerusalem and recognized it as the eternal capital of Israel. You said you would bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel. We ask you to now by your power, mercy and grace come in like a flood and deliver Trump from those who hate him and this nation. Deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Put a protective shield around him and Bibi and their families and be an enemy to their enemies and take shield and buckler and stand up for their defense. We appeal to the courts of heaven for righteous justices, righteous lawgivers, and righteous rulers from our house to the White House and the nations of the earth. Come in like a flood and invade all these who have invaded this nation with the gospel and the Holy Ghost. Save them from the gutter most to the utter most and fill them with the Holy Ghost and send them back to their own nations to spread the gospel to all the nations of the earth that your covenant with this nation and Americas destiny to be the light on the hill and a spreader of the gospel to all nations of the earth be fulfilled we pray in the might name of Jesus and by his blood and by Your Word let it be done.

Lynette Price
June 1, 2024

“The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.”
Everyone proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD; though they join forces, none will go unpunished.”
“He who justifies the wicked, and he who condemns the just, both of them alike are an abomination to the LORD.”
“It is not good to show partiality to the wicked, or to overthrow the righteous in judgement.”
“A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who speaks lies will not escape.”
(From the wisdom of Proverbs)
LORD, we stand on Your word, which is truth. We are a nation in grave need of repentance and a return to You as our King.
“In Your wrath, O Lord, remember mercy!” Hab, 3:2

Terri Breaux
June 1, 2024

Lord, we pray a hedge of protection over President Trump and his family to keep them safe from any harm. Strengthen him and his family to walk in faith with You, Father! We thank You, Lord, for hearing our prayers! Hallelujah!!!

June 1, 2024

Lord God we need your wisdom & revelation knowledge to combat the evil ways of this world! We pray a mighty move of your hand over this nation the USA! And Israel!

Virginia Sanders
June 1, 2024

God is sovereign, including this conviction. May our God have His way, the politics, the future of our Nation, and our hearts and wills. Amen

Danny C Harris
June 1, 2024

Father God, years ago You chose Donald Trump to lead this nation and the enemy fought him every step of the way. During the last election the enemy once again reared his evil head to prevent President Trump from regaining the office You chose him to serve in. Your word declares that You seat kings and that You remove kings, yet the enemy seems to think that it is within his power and authority to do so. We know that it is not. Now the enemy is doing all that he can to prevent President Trump from once again leading this nation. In the Name of Jesus, we stand against the plans and devices of the enemy and stand in the gap for President Trump. May he be vindicated of these evil charges and swept to victory to once again serve as Your servant leading this nation back to the glory it once held as a Christian Nation. We ask this in the mighty name of Jesus…AMEN!

    Louise Dillard
    June 1, 2024

    Please join my thoughts and prayers with the heartfelt wishes of this faithful follower of Your word. I am not very good with words, and I could not have worded it as well, and definitely not any better. Surround President with faith and love, and give him the strength and courage to see this fight to the end. I ask this in Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

June 1, 2024

I came across this prayer while reading today. I believe it is a perfect prayer to pray for the situation in our country… for Trump and for We the People

“O Lord, there is none like you to help, between the mighty and the weak. Help us, O Lord our God, for we rely on you, and in your name we have come against this multitude. O Lord , you are our God; let not man prevail against you.”
2 Chronicles 14:11 –

Diane Wipf
June 1, 2024

Lord, I lift up this situation and I pray that You would rule and reign like You indeed are even though it may not “seem” like it. Thank you that the mind of man plans his ways but the Lord directs his steps and I do pray that You’d completely guide President Trumps steps and thoughts and spirit and that he would be fully surrendered to You and dependent upon You (not just marketers, or traditional methods of campaigning, or legal advisors) but that You’d show him that You will do what only You can do in Your way to bring glory and honor to Your great and awesome name Jesus. May You protect our country and give godly men and women who are influencing decisions for the upcoming election great wisdom and insight and may Trump’s legal team also be seeking Your face right now in Jesus’ name. May You get all the glory, and may You push back evil in our land and bring revival and restoration of truth and godly values in our country once again by your great mercies which we do not deserve. Amen.

Ruth M
June 1, 2024

Lord God, first of all I repent for myself and my nation. Lord I pray you bring revival to our nation. I pray favor and that you turn what the enemy meant for evil to good for President Trumps and the United States and we make sure you get all the Glory in Jesus’ name. I pray that all things will work together for the good for President Trump and your plans come into fruition for 2024. I pray for those that are against you to get a wake up call from you. I pray you remove the blindness off their eyes and that they maybe able to see that the devil is using them to bring forth his plans. They are puppets and are being misled. I know your heart is that no one perish but come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Your are long in suffering in waiting for them because your are a loving God. We continue to stand knowing that your word will accomplished what we sent it to do. You are a great mighty loving and faithful God! Amen! Amen! Amen!

June 1, 2024

Father, we call forth justice to prevail over President Trump. By the blood and resurrection power of Jesus, we bind every curse, hex, vex incantation, word curse and all forms of witchcraft being sent President Trumps way. We issue cease and desist orders to the enemy’s plans. We say shalom, shalom over President Trump body, soul and spirit. Lord we thank you for You are releasing Your Glory over President Trump and our nation. We your people will arise and shine forth Your Glory into the darkness. Your harvest will not be stopped. In Jesus Name!

June 1, 2024

Father in the Mighty Name of Jesus we come to you asking for justice for President Trump. Justice is crying out when there’s none to be found. Deliver Your Mighty hand of justice on President Trump. Have mercy and favor on him, your instrument of war against the kingdom of darkness. Tear down every plot and scheme the enemy has against President Trump and the people of this country. Lord our founding fathers made a covenant with you. Let us fulfill that covenant for the extension of Your kingdom throughout the world and for Your harvest of a billion souls. Strengthen us all to see Your Truth in the darkness and let our lights shine Jesus to those in need. Shut the mouth of the accuser and his minions. We pray angelic protection around President Trump. Let no weapon formed against him prosper. Deliver him from this evil snare. Hang the accusers as You did with Haaman. If they are of reprobate mind Father, deliver them up to their folly.
Save Your people Lord with an outstretched arm as you did in the days of Moses. You Are the Great I Am, our Mighty Fortress and the Redeemer. Redeem this land and its people to glorify You. We praise You and thank You. It’s in the precious blood of your Son that I pray.
So be it

June 1, 2024

To me, it is so encouraging to read the prayers of God’s faithful people.
Thank the Lord for His people and for their faith in Him.
I know that He is pleased.
All through this ordeal, even at the start of it over a year ago,
there has been a calm and quiet assurance to me that God is in control.
I have not listened to very much that the world has had to say.
I know that our prayers for Trump have made a big difference.

Father, please accept our praise and our gratitude for all You do for us.
In Jesus Name, Amen.

    June 1, 2024

    Yes, I almost always read most of the prayers here in this column

Patricia C Baugh
June 1, 2024

God bless President Donald J Trump ! Angels of the Lord around President Trump !

Wendey Lang
June 1, 2024

Praying for President Trump and his family. Please protect them. Praying evil will be defeated and President Trump will be victorious in November. In Jesus Name.

Marie murray
June 1, 2024

Praying for this country that god will take the hate out of people & save America by president trump winning again in 2024

Charlene Gaskill
June 1, 2024

It seems to me that while I believe that President Trump knows the LORD, but still may be a “babe in Christ,” that just as Jesus was drug before the authorities, found guilty & crucified a torturous death, so has President Trump been drug before our legal system’s authorities & found guilty. So now – like Jesus – he will probably not be “literally put to death” but will be put in as much of a position as the Democrats can conjure up to put him out of the presidential race for president in our Nov, 2024 elections. The “thirst for power” is stronger than realized & quite addictive! SO I/we appeal to Almighty Jehovah God to, in your mercy, love, & plan for our USA, please disable these wicked plans of otherwise “good people/citizens” who by deception have believed that are doing right & good, but are being used by the eternal enemy of YOU & of Your people. Above all, we simply ask for Your Will To Be Done & For You to Get GLORY out of this politically tangled web!

Jim Tiggelaar
June 1, 2024

Praying that God would protect President Trump and his family and draw them closer to Jesus and that every attempt people make to do evil would be thwarted. Looking forward to the King of kings coming soon.

Bobby Sue Sadler
June 1, 2024

The Lord has shared with me out of Ezekiel 21:27. I am so excited about it! This chapter deals with The Sword of The Lord! Ihave been fasting over our nation and President Trump. The way he has been lied on and treated. In verse 27 The Lord says ” I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him. Praise The Lord!

Kathy Emahiser
June 1, 2024

Father, we collectively give this matter concerning President Trump to you. What the enemy has meant for evil, we are trusting you to turn it around for good. This verdict didn’t come as a surprise to you in the least. Remind President Trump to put his total thrust in you because you know the truth. We are trusting you Father to do exactly what’s needs to be done. I ask this in Jesus’ name, amen!!!

Lori Machado
June 1, 2024

Lifting up President Trump and his family in prayer
Your will be done in this nation May we turn our hearts back to you
Please protect them

Linda Vaughan
June 1, 2024

Father God,

Thank you for President Trump.

We pray for divine protection for him, his family & his legal team & their families.

We pray that Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Thank you & we pray in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen!

Walter-Henry Hoskins
June 1, 2024

I am praying 2 Chronicles 7:14 & Psalm 80:19 over America The Beautiful. And I am praying that truth shall prevail in all the legal cases, congressional hearings, indictments, etc, etc, etc. Lord, open our ears and refresh our hearing, and cause our ears to be receptive to the truth. May America The Beautiful experience an honest, just, integral Presidential election. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. May it so be.

June 1, 2024

What in the world is ‘All-34-counts’??? Our UNited States of America’ Former President miss applied his own personal funds to the wrong column of check book ¿!? !!! Media shouts guilty on ALL34-Counts¿… As far as Mr.DJT is concerned they(?) he was guilty before any charge was found. Marauders
Proverbs 28:1

    Sue W
    June 1, 2024

    Lord God, judge of the whole earth, please strengthen President Donald Trump for the battle that is before him. Encourage his heart and let him turn to You in trust and confidence. I lift up our justice system and every judge from the lowest city court to the Supreme Court. I pray that they will have integrity and judge each person equally under the law without partiality. I pray that they will uphold our Constitution and the laws of our land. I pray that they will judge fairly and not be bribed or coerced. I pray that when the judge has a conflict of interest they will recuse themselves. Oh Lord, restore justice to our nation.

Rachael Nerli Wallingsford
June 1, 2024

I’ve been declaring Psalm 82 TPT
“All rise! For God now comes to judge” as he convenes heaven’s courtroom. He judges every judge and rules over every ruler, saying,”how long will you judges refuse to listen to the voice of true justice and continue to corrupt what is right by judging in favor of the wrong?”
5. But you continue in your darkness and ignorance while the foundations of society are shaken to the core!
6. Didn’t I commission you as judges saying, “ you are all like gods, since you judge on my behalf. You are all like sons of the Most High, my representatives Nevertheless, in death you are nothing but mere men! You will be laid in the ground like any Prince and you will die.”
8. All rise! For God now takes His place as judge of all the earth. Don’t you know that everything and everyone belongs to him? The nations will be sifted in his hands

Carol Riordan
June 1, 2024

Father, we put Donald Trump and his family and this nation, in YOUR hands and pray YOUR will be done in this situation. Use it to wake people up and to bring about YOUR purposes in this Country. Protect President Trump and his family and protect us. Send forth YOUR angels to do battle for them and for us. Only YOU can save our Country from those who seek to destroy it from the inside out. Expose their plans and bring them all to justice and repentance. In Jesus’ Precious Name…..

deborah pearson
June 1, 2024

Dear Jesus I pray for President Trump. Let no weapon formed against him prosper. He is your David, and he is anointed to be President. Let the whole truth come out how the the government is weaponized against him and America. Put a hedge of protection around President Trump. America will be saved, President Trump will be elected. Let there be no cheating this election. America was founded by you, and I pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Susan Gonzalez
June 1, 2024

Dear Heavenly Father I come to you regarding this demonic case that was pre-planned for by falsified evidence, liars, deceitful means to be reversed. I ask that the people who are responsible for this case, the fraudulent evidence, the money or bribery used to get a conviction be held responsible and that they will be judged by you and justice will be served out by you.

In Jesus Name I Pray.

June 1, 2024

My prayer for President Trump and his family: Psalms 109 (AMPC)
“O God of my praise! Keep not silence. For the mouths of the wicked the mouth of deceit are opened against me; they have spoken to me and against me with lying tongues. They have compassed me about also with words of hatred and have fought against me without a cause. In return for my love they are my adversaries, but I resort to prayer.
But You deal with me and act for me, O God the Lord, for Your name’s sake; because Your mercy and loving-kindness are good, O deliver me…Help me, O Lord my God; O save me according to Your mercy and loving-kindness! Let my adversaries be clothed with shame and dishonor, and let them cover themselves with their own disgrace and confusion as with a robe.
I will give great praise and thanks to the Lord with my mouth; yes, and I will praise Him among the multitude. For He will stand at the right hand of the poor and needy, to save him from those who condemn his life.

Kathy Fisher
June 1, 2024

We ask in the all powerful name of Jesus that You would cause this conviction to bring about a deep and strong dependence on the Lord in President Trump. Use these difficult times to humble him and conform him into the image of Christ. Give him a greater, deeper and stronger revelation of who Jesus is and what He did on the cross for DJT personally. I declare that the purposes of God will prevail over President Trump and out nation, in Jesus’ name.

Stella Besherse
June 1, 2024

How can Biden get away with all his illegal activities? And here we are badgering a business man who has done wonderful things for this country! God help us! Forgive our nation for our lack of righteous justice.

Kandi Hedges
June 1, 2024

Dear Adonai, our Sovereign King Who reigns with Power& Might, Authority over all the affairs of people with Justice&Mercy: we thank You for Your unending Goodness, for Your Magnificence, Perfect Love & Forgiveness towards us, Your Children & Your Church. In The Name of Jesus, we ask You to bless President Trump with Your Joy which is our Strength supernatural to keep at the Good Fight, fortifying his inner man, convicting him of his purpose in Your Plans.
Thank You for using him so mightily in the advancement of Your Kingdom of Righteousness in our land, that now calls good evil & evil good, as well as replacing what the enemy has stolen from him & his family. Protect them from all distraction by machinations & accusations.
In The Awesome Love of The Name of Jesus Christ, we give You all the Praise, Honor & Glory, Amen!

David E Collins
June 1, 2024

The Word of God concerning those who pervert justice: “Do you indeed decree what is right, you gods? Do you judge the children of man uprightly? No, in your hearts you devise wrongs, your hands deal out violence on earth.” Psalm 58: 1, 2

Alfreda Richardson
June 1, 2024

I decree and declare miracles and miraculous turnaround for Pres.Trump, his family, and America. Thank You, Father for a season of the great reversal. All the evil plans of the enemy will Boomerang.In Jesus Name!

Brouning Lentz
June 1, 2024

For President Trump:
The LORD shall perfect that which concerneth me. Psalm 138:8

Karen Secrest
June 1, 2024

It’s important today that we pray what we want..not what is. For me. And Trump: may the words of ou r mouth and meditation of our heart.be acceptable in your sight. SMEN

June 1, 2024

Father-God, we pray that You turn into good and to Your Glory what Satan and his emissaries on earth meant for destruction and evil. We are excited to see what You will bring out of this for our Nation, for Mr. Trump and his entire family, supporters, staff and legal team. May all be to Your Glory and to Christian revival in this land and around the world. Even so, come swiftly, Lord Jesus. In Jesus’ holy name, Amen

Aleta Perkins
June 1, 2024

Lord you know what lies ahead for president Trump and our nation so I pray your will be done. please be with his family give them peace and protection, president Trump loves you and Israel so Lord protect him from the evil that is out after him and us. expose them. In your name amen

Rita Dempsey
June 1, 2024

I pray that every awake and breathing, faithful follower of God would storm heaven for the Father to bring an unstoppable awakening across this land and the earth. If anyone thinks there could be a just trial for anyone the government wants to silence, we are deluding ourselves. Donald Trump’s tribulations are a tragic eye-opener of what this nation’s leaders have done with their power. How far will our God allow this disease to infect and destroy?!? Will God’s people continue to sleep and bury their heads in the sand?!? Believers, churches, devote more serious time in seeking the Lord for His mercy, deliverance, and saving the lost. Time and time again we read in the Bible of nations who escaped destruction due to sincere repentance…turning back to God with our whole hearts, not just lip-service.

June 1, 2024

Amen to Jack and Ann Shaw’s prayers

June 1, 2024

May Thy Kingdom come and Thy will be done for Donald Trump, his supporters, and the rest of the world. No weapon formed against Donald Trump or his supporters will prosper. It won’t work. May Trump be declared innocent and all charges dropped and his enemies defeated.

Ann Shaw
June 1, 2024

Almighty Father and Savior grant us wisdom and courage to walk in obedience to your plan. You sent Jesus as our Savior because you knew we couldn’t come close to you without the blood of your perfect sacrifice. Thank you, Father, for providing the the way ro come close to you. We humble ourselves and seek your face to forgive our sins so that you will forgive our sins and heal our land.we are eager to intercede and discover your plan for President Trump and America from sea to shining sea.

In Jesus’s name Amen

June 1, 2024

Father, Hallowed be Your Name, Your Kingdome come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Father, we know that You have set apart President Trump to lead in the turn around of America. We know that You are protecting him, and that You have plans to uncover lies and njustice and to restore truth and justice to America. Show each of us our parts in this. Encourage Pres Trump and the Body of Christ. Amen

June 1, 2024

Abba, Father You are alert and active setting a watch over Your word to perform it!
2 Chronicles 14:11
And Asa cried out to the Lord his God, and said, Lord it is nothing for You to help, whether with many or with those who have no power; Help us Lord, help President Trump, oh Lord our God, for we rest on You, and in Your name we go against the multitude. Oh Lord, You are our God, Do not let man prevail against You!
2 Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.
We believe Your promises, we trust You in all that is going on and know that You are present and acting on the cries of Your people!
Be glorified, be lifted up in Jesus precious name!

Cindy McRae
June 1, 2024

My prayer is that the United States of America and all its citizens turn to God. He has s our only hope. Protect us Lord from ensuing evil that this verdict has opened doors to reign. I pray Lord to protect your people through this season and through the future trials we will endure as a nation in Jesus name

June 1, 2024

Bring Truth, Justice & YOUR Plan to Light….for the UNTRUTH over President Trump!
Protect, Defend , bring Wisdom & Perseverance to Him and His Family!
Save AMERICA & it’s Godly & Constitutional Believers! Protect/Expose ALL those across YOUR World that are Evil!!!
Jesus Name ….Amen!!!

June 1, 2024

Heavenly Father, I thank you that you are a good God and good all the time. Thank you for your Almighty arms of protection surrounding President Trump and his family. No weapon formed against him shall prosper. I know that ultimately your justice shall prevail for you are a just God. I stand on this promise of your Word……
“Mark the blameless man, and observe the upright; for the future of that man is peace. But the transgressors shall be destroyed all together; the future of the wicked shall be cut off. But the salvation of the righteous is from the Lord; He is their strength in the time of trouble. And the Lord shall help them and deliver them; He shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in Him.” Psalms 37:37-40 NKJV

Mrs. Anna Rechel
June 1, 2024

Lord Jesus in your prayer you declared God’s Kingdom will come and God’s will will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Therefore it is coming, no doubt. So Lord encourage President Trump that Your will is coming here on earth as it is in Heaven.

Vivian Field
June 1, 2024

Dear Father in Heaven,
Please be with President Trump and his family. Lift them up comfort them Lord and strengthen them. Let president Trump lean into you fully Lord. Please have a wall of protection around our president. Please let him not go to jail Lord where he very well could be killed. Please intervene Lord Jesus and let us have a fair election in which the Biden regime is once and for all overthrown and president Trump can resume his work to dismantle the administrative state once and for all.
Lord please be with our nation we hang on a precipice. Only You can deliver us from the evil that is threatening to completely overturn our nation and our Judea Christian way of life.
Please let no weapon that they use prosper against Bible believing Christians or the Jewish people. Knock them down lord God we pray Thee! Thank You for all Your many blessings and for being able to live in what was once truly the greatest nation in the world’s history!
To the honor and praise of your glory dear Jesus we love You and thank You for all Your many blessings and loving care!

Mark Beal
June 1, 2024

I pray for Donald Trump not to be affected by this.

June 1, 2024

I stand in agreement with the prayers of these saints. You alone are righteous and holy. May you use Trump, as you used Cyrus to bring about the gathering those you have called to be saved, back to you Father for you desire that no one perish but come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
The corruption that is plain to see for everyone who has eyes, will expose to the depth of falsehood, and deception present in our government. We pray for President Trump and those around him to be strengthen and carry the weight of the Satanic elite’s persecution and to prevail. May Pres Trump truly come to reprentance and salvation, walking and knowing you as Lord.

May those who can be save from the opposition, also be convicted of all the injustices that are occuring, We shall not fear the enemy but stand firm, in all our Spiritual Armor to fight against it, on our knees and in our lives; May we boldly proclaim the Jesus is Lord and exact justice across the globe, even our in our country who has turned her back on you. God will show mercy who he wishes to show mercy. May the hammer of retribution fall on those who are no longer redeemable and be exposed of their wicked ways for all to see.

Pleading the blood of Christ over those in government who still stand with you,
In Jesus’ Christ name,

Emma Whitaker
June 1, 2024

Father, you set up leaders and you take them down. Your plans and purpose will stand. Our eyes are on you, as a servant looks to his master, so too our eyes look to you
Thy kingdom come thy will be done

Sheila Price
June 1, 2024

This is an atrocity, but it’s not a surprise to any of us… and least of all to Yehovah God.
While I pray for God to strengthen President Trump and his team, I can’t help but praise God… because God ALWAYS makes something good come out of what the enemy means for evil…. God is up to something… and while we may go through some hard and harsh times in the weeks and months ahead… HE’s working it all for GOOD! So… HalleluYah!

Father God, we continue to claim The Blood of Your Lamb over this nation, over all who call themselves Christian, over President Trump and his entire team and their families, over all who are for Trump to use wisdom and not carry over into rash and violent behavior as the leftist would do if the roles were reversed. Use this and other situation that may arise in the months ahead, to wake more people up to Your Truth… Open up blind eyes that they may see what has been in front of them all along but they have been unable to see because of satan’s blinders, open up their deaf ears that they may hear the Glory of Your Truth. Give us wisdom and strength to endure what may be ahead. And we give You the praise, because in the end… WE KNOW WE WIN!
We give You and Your Son and Holy Spirit praise, Honor and Glory for Your Teamwork for this nation and for The Harvest!

    Debbie Quackenbos
    June 1, 2024

    Complete agreement. To God be the Glory! His Kingdom will come, His will be done.

June 1, 2024

Heavenly Father, I come before You, first and foremost, I am asking You to save America and the souls in America! Only You can! I also pray that Your favor pours out over President Trump and his family. That Your Devine protection covers them. Open our eyes to see what You see and let us hear what You hear.
Turn this evil and injustice around for America and its CITIZENS. Let America continue to be a “City on a Hill”, shining for YOU!
May all those who are trying to destroy this Constitutional Republic by turning it into an evil communist country, may YOUR JUSTICE be served for all to see! May the evil people behind this installed, puppet president be made known…shine Your light and let all see, especially unbelievers.
Restore our country back as you use the rightful President!
Restore the Christians and let us stand united so we can continue to stand in faith, fighting the good fight of faith as we see our nation redeemed by Your Hand! In Jesus’ name, AMEN! 🙏🏻

Roben Graziadei
June 1, 2024

I am praying in agreement with the prayers here.

    Glenda Young
    June 1, 2024

    Father, let Thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.

June 1, 2024

Father God, You are a good, good Father! You love President Trump, his family, & this beautiful nation! Your plans are always good for us, You are Sovreign! We trust a You & You alone, because You Word says Your plans for us & our future are good Jeremiah 29:11. We come before Your throne of grace & mercy & we ask a blessing of protection for President Trump. Please comfort him in this time of severe persecution, surround him with Your presence & love. Send believers to advise & encourage him. We ask that the evil doers are exposed & brought to judgement. Father, dethrone those that hate You, those that hate this nation, those that hate President Trump & the love he has for this country. We ask this in the beautiful Name of Jesus, Your Son & our Savior. Amen

June 1, 2024

Thy Kingdom COME, Thy Will be DONE. I declare all evil enemy camps exposed, all the plans confused and all their weapons destroyed. In Jesus Name Amen

Matt and Lauren
June 1, 2024

As we ALL should🙏🏼⏳⌛💥 we have ✝️🌬💨FAITH ✝️ that Our Good Lord has The Best Plan coming ⏳⌛🙏🏼 for Our Dear President Trump, WILL BE FINE👍 and that this is part of the PLAN AND PROPHECY💥✝️💥 so we PRAY for Everyone to Stand and Believe a plan is Set in Stone for Our President Trump ,AMEN, as we “Pray” the same for Prime Minister Netanyahu🙏🏼 we have to “Remember” THE ENEMY WILL BE UNDER HIS FEET ✝️🌬💨 with VICTORY IN. THE END ⏳⌛💥🥉💥this is part of the “Prophecy” we Pray that President Trump WILL STAY STRONG!!! and he has MANY ANGELS HERE ON EARTH TO BACK HIM,✝️🌬💨💥THAT’S A PROMISE👍😁💥🥉💥🌠🌠🌠USA AND ISRAEL WE STAND, AMEN💥🏆💥🥉💥🙏😇⏳⌛End Times are Near<777

Melanie Grider
June 1, 2024

God is in control and may His will be done. Genesis 50:20-21 – “As what you meant for evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today. So do not fear; I will provide for you and your little ones.” Pray and Trust in God. He’s got this.

Noelie Moore
June 1, 2024

Eternal Father, I pray that justice will previous in the matter of the guilty verdict in the trial of President Trump. The trial itself appears to violate a number of constitutional protections, thus injustices. I humbly ask that you will set the matter straight in accord with your divine will and your unending mercy and love. In the name of Jesus your divine son I pray.

Brent Wittges
June 1, 2024

May the Will of The God of The Holy Bible be done!!! May His Truth & Justice be known though out The Earth and be Applied!!! May the Leaders of the United States and each one of us that live there focus on God The Father, His Son Jesus Christ & The Holy Spirit and follow His Commandments, Repent for our Sins and ask His Son Jesus Christ to be our Lord & Savior!!!

Ron Glenn Deere
June 1, 2024

The Left has hated Trump for a long time above everyone else. I don’t get it. Trump is the most righteous president in our long lifetimes. So I don’t know, but I am guessing that Trump gets in the Left’s way of taking down America. This is another thing I do not understand. Why ever would one want to take America, one’s own country? I am guessing that the Left has in mind to convert America from a democracy to a dictatorship. But again, I do not get it because a dictatorship is only good if the dictator is righteous, but they usually are not. History tells us this.

    June 1, 2024

    The left is power hungry. They will do anything to get their way, to the point of trying to take The answer is that the left is power-hungry. They are doing their best to take God out of the country and destroy the traditional family. Most of their policies are directly in violation of Catholic teaching. Of course, we’re all aware of the abortion issue and the mutilation and chemical poisoning of our children in the name of “gender affirmation.” If you read the Catechism of the Catholic Church, you will see the Catholic teaching regarding immigration is to basically follow the rules for LEGAL immigration with all of its restrictions and rules, even to the point of allowing citizenship after several generations and only when the immigrants want to assimilate into the culture. The left basically wants socialism. Some will actually state it while others are less likely to say it out loud. Why all the tax increases, including allowing the Trump tax cuts to expire? So that the government can take more and more of OUR money and decide how to spend it while those in power will be exempt from all the rules and the rest of us lowly peasants will be forced to live hand to mouth. They want us to be completely dependent on the government so they can take from us and give to their cronies or those are in lock step with them. I feel sorry for my grandchildren and those coming later. Please pray and work to turn this country back to God and its traditional values.

    Sheila Price
    June 1, 2024

    There are a group of multi-billionaires who are determined to have a one world order with them in control… Trump IS in their way… America IS in their way… therefore Trump and America must be crushed… (in their opinion), these people may or may not realize that they are possessed of the evil forces, but they are… satan has spent millennium trying to be ‘top dog’ and has been using people in his process… Biden, Obama, Soros, Gates, Schwab, and many others are possessed by demons… they’ll fight to the death for their one world agenda. Only God knows which of them are beyond prayers… but I continue to pray for their salvation, otherwise their spirits spend eternity in hell. Ultimately, it’s their choice.

June 1, 2024

For God’s will in both the trail and the election.

June 1, 2024

The steps of the righteous are directed by the Lord
The heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord and he directs it wherever he wishes his throne is established in righteousness and justice and Truth

June 1, 2024

Heavenly Father, we ask for you to make America great again because only You can do that. We thank you for taking control over our government so that Your will for our nation is done without evil interference, without deception ruling our judicial system, and without deviation of our constitution as it was written to line up with Your Will and Values from the Word in Jesus’s name AMEN

Scott Singletary
June 1, 2024

JESUS please bring good from this crazy decision, we cry!

Debby Abel
June 1, 2024

Dear God & Holy One above all the earth,
I do not know if Pres Donald Trump is a redeemed &repentant Believer or not, but I do know that he wants the fair, right & just things for our country. I also know that the campaign of the Attorney General of NY State, and the DA of Manhattan – were both predicated on the politics & hate of destroying the life of Trump. They also acted out the wrong of changing a misdemeanor into a felon – that was also beyond the statute of limitations. For some reason – none of this was stopped. As well as a venue which is 80% Democrat was not transferred to a different location, plus a judge who donates to the Democratic Party, is part of an anti-Republican group, & has a daughter who works directly for the Democrat Party. All of these facts describe the false foundation of the particular justice system which this trial was built upon.
I pray, Lord Jesus, that you will make all the crooked places straight in our nation for Your glory, the sake of righteousness in our land, & for the edification of all our people.
In The Name of Jesus Christ
& His Power & Plans,

Arlene Sarver
June 1, 2024

Lord continue to bless and protect Donald Trump and use him for Your Glory, You are bringing all things to light and Your power will deal with them. May your people stand strong in unity no matter what it looks like and continue to trust You for the outcome.

June 1, 2024


June 1, 2024

Heavenly Father,
We pray in agreement here and stand firm with You, that your servants prayers will be answered, when we turn away from our wicked ways and seek Your face. Forgive us Lord, for anything we have thought, said, done or not done to honor You.

We ask You now to have mercy on us and give us grace. Give all who believe the wisdom of Solomon, especially President Trump, to thwart the enemies who attempt to devour us.

Give us peace among nations, peace in our homes and peace in our hearts.
In Jesus Name. Amen.

Gail L
June 1, 2024

Father, We pray protection over our President Donald Trump.. You have annoited him to go thru this fire with and for us. May your supernatural intervention change everything that is being done against him and actually against the people of America. May you free him and free America. We have confessed and repented before you. We submit ourselves before you for your service. We love you and trust you in all you are doing in this evil situation. We humbly submit our requests to you knowing you are faithful and will accomplish your will. May President Trump’s freedom be clear that you have intervened. May our nation and all others see your hand in it. Amen

Maryann Maiava
June 1, 2024

Father God, in Jesus Name and through Your Grace let TRUTH PREVAIL! IN JESUS NAME!

    June 1, 2024

    Dear Heavenly Father You are good and all Your ways are good. Lord, we, on behalf of America continue to ask forgiveness for our nation for America has turned its back to You. We as a people, have gone our own way and chosen wicked leaders. We’ve allowed the enemy in our schools and we’ve compromised and watered down Your precious Word. We continue to murder babies and allow evil agendas in every aspect of society. Forgive America Lord. We humble ourselves under Your mighty hand. Lord, Your ecclesia is awake and taking her place. We stand against the tide of wickedness. We will proclaim Your Word, Your Name, Jesus, above it all! We will align our language with Yours Lord, and speak what You want spoken and do what You want done. Your kingdom come Lord, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Bless President Trump and all those leaders who champion Your kingdom’s cause. We know You are moving. You never fail. Our eyes are upon You. In Jesus’ mighty name!

Steven J. Fuller
June 1, 2024

In Deuteronomy 32:35 & Romans 12:19 The Lord says “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay” and my prayer request is the Lord will fulfill His word and rebuke every individual who had any part in this travesty of politicizing our justice system and the resultant destruction of our American system of justice. I pray the Lord will lift up President Trump, his family & friends, his legal team and every law-abiding supporter in the days, weeks and months ahead. Psalm 68:1 “Let God arise and Hie enemies be scattered.”

Larry Deckerhoff
June 1, 2024

Trump 2024
Appeal accelerated
President Trump exonerated , bidenharrissobama regime destroyed

Bryan Wright
June 1, 2024

I prayed Psalm 58 and I’ve begun to pray all the imprecatory prayers in the Psalms. What they’ve done to President Trump is mockery of the Constitution and blatant injustice that much of the media celebrates. It is time to go to spiritual battle against those who align themselves with demonic agenda, but in a biblical way using God’s Word

June 1, 2024

Lord we pray for President Trump to be vindicated and justice to prevail.

As we pray for our nation, we sometimes despair seeing the chaos around us.

I was very encouraged when I read this in Our Daily Bread a few days ago – April 2 devotional.

In July 2022, Britain’s prime minister was forced to step down after what many felt were lapses in integrity (the newly appointed prime minister stepped down just months later!). The event was triggered when the country’s health minister attended an annual parliamentary prayer breakfast, felt convicted about the need for integrity in public life, and resigned. When other ministers resigned too, the prime minister realized he had to leave. It was a remarkable moment, originating from a peaceful prayer meeting.

So all is not lost for us as a nation . We as Christians are called to pray for Psalm 72 leaders for our nation, leaders who fear God and do good for the people. As it is written in 2 Chronicles 7:14

2 Chronicles 7:14 New International Version (NIV)
if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

I am urging you and your church to pray as it is election year in 2024 – let us join arms together in praying for strong Christian leaders not just in politics but in every sphere of life.

I am calling it the Psalm 72 movement.

Let us not be complacent as Christians anymore and take a back seat while we watch history unfold before our eyes.
We are called to be History Makers and not History Watchers as we are the royal priesthood of God (1 Peter 2:9)

Let us lift up our voices together and cry out to the Lord for good Christian leaders in every sphere of life:

1. The White House
2. The Senate – both houses
3. All bureaucrats
4. FBI, CIA ,Police Departments , DAs
5. Lawyer groups
6. Main stream media
7. Technology
8. Entertainment
9. Teachers and schools, colleges , universities, student groups
10. LGBT groups
11. Churches and Christian leaders

Share this with as many Christians, your churches and Christian ministries that you know of . Let us make this a powerful movement sending ripples down our nation and be one strong Jesus army together.

Let us also pray for the nexus between evil doers to be destroyed,

June 1, 2024

I prayed that God knows the beginning to the end, he will be glorified through this whole evil court case and his “David” who is DJ Trump will be exonerated. God always wins! Praise be his name in all the earth!

June 1, 2024

I have prayed that God’s will be done in the outcome of this trial. I have prayed for justice. I have prayed that this will result in the best outcome for our country. I am not discouraged by the outcme of this trial – God is not finished and I continue to pray that He will work all things together for good for we who love Him and are called according to His purpose. I continue to pray that Americans will repent for the sins of our nation and I plead for mercy and favor for America during this critical time. God be praised. May His will be done. May He be merciful and gracious to we who pray for our nation and give us our petition.

Kenneth Cabarrus
June 1, 2024

Father in the Mighty Name of Jesus, let your Kingdom come and your Will be done! I thank you God for protecting President Donald J Trump and his family this evil persecution! Lord please help President to be totally vidicatged NOW and on November 5th! I thank you Lord for my prayer the prayers of millions of intercessors around the world concerning this Nation and our Justice! Continue to guide him and his legal team to total victory IN JESUS NAME, Amen!!

June 1, 2024

Father God, we ask that the truth be revealed. Let the scales fall from the eyes of the unbelievers and for Your truth to reign. Thank you for your sovereign hand over us and our nation.

June 1, 2024

LORD, we KNOW that Your word is truth, and we KNOW that throughout this whole episode there have been many times lies and false truths have been exposed. Your word promises 6that Your truths prevail. Open our eyes, our ears and our hearts to KNOW You alone are the One who saves and not any man. We continue to pray and plead Your blood over President Trump, his family, and know that Yoiur will WILL be done in earth as it is in heaven!

June 1, 2024

I am deeply concerned about the conviction for President Donald Trump and still believe he will run again and win this next election as the President in 2025!

Sally Spagnuolo
June 1, 2024

I thank all intercessors for praying for President Trump and his family. I am praying that he will gain a rapid appeal and that he will be exonerated of all fake charges. I am praying that no weapon formed against him will prosper, praying for protection and provision, praying for his marriage and his family. Also praying for a sweeping landslide victory for him in November. Please, Lord, open the eyes of all his enemies at the good he has done and of the two tiered justice system, which is now a disgrace to our nation.

June 1, 2024

Almighty God, America has fallen. Like Israel & Judah of old, its leadership has yielded to the powers of darkness. Its appetite for power and control overrides its concern for its people. It has been captured by satan’s minions and corrupted beyond man’s ability to fix. It proudly wields its power to do evil and even revels in it.
On behalf of those that:
* KNOW You as Almighty God and the One and Only True and Living God,
* KNOW Jesus Christ as Lord, Saviour, and Deliverer, and
* IN WHOM the HOLY SPIRIT DWELLS in Salvation, as Helper and Comforter,
I ask You to intervene, root out the evil, redeem those and that which can be redeemed, and set them on a new course that brings us, as a people and country, back to You, whatever it takes. Prepare us for what is to come and remind us continually that You are coming back for those that are looking for You.

June 1, 2024

No weapon formed against him shall prosper and any tongue that rises against him shall be brought to Not

Daisy Padilla
June 1, 2024

I claim God’s promise in Isaiah 41:10 for President Trump and for all of us who saw this injustice at the highest level.

Vicki Guillory
June 1, 2024

Father we ask that you soften the hearts of the evil in this world. We ask that you continued to grant strength and courage for President Trump and his family. We stand on your promise that you will stand for the righteous. We ask
This in your name – Amen

June 1, 2024

Dear Lord,
Thank you that when things look hopeless and wrong, You are still God. You are still in control. Your will will ultimately be done. Thank You that You are working in President Trump’s heart and life. Thank You that we can trust You and depend upon You to bring about the plans You have made for President Trump, our nation, our world, and our very lives. Yes Lord, our eyes are upon You, our hope is in You, and our trust is in You. Thank You for using us to work together with You for Your will to be done on earth.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Terri B
June 1, 2024

Dear Lord, help us to remember that You are ALWAYS in control in every situation. This looks bad! But You turn bad to good! I pray for supernatural strength, courage, endurance and peace over President Trump right now! You say “No weapon formed against us shall prosper”. We say YES AND AMEN LORD! You say “The Lord watches over our life as we come and go! We say YES AND AMEN LORD! You say, I will rescue those who love Me, I will protect those who trust in My name. When they call on Me I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue them and honor them. With a long life I will satisfy them and show them My salvation! And WE SAY YES AND AMEN OH HOLY ONE!

You are in control Oh Holy One! Help us never to forget! Yes and Amen!

Betty Northcott
June 1, 2024

I pray PS 91, the warrior’s prayer for President Trump and loved ones at this time. May God rescue him and protect him as he acknowledges God; may Trump call on Him and hear from God. May Trump be obedient to God’s Word and fulfill God’s purpose and plan for him and his family.

Janice Flora
June 1, 2024

Dear Lord God, we cry out to you to save our nation. We take authority in Jesus name to push back the darkness and ask the you send your Holy fire over this nation.
We ask you will protect President Trump from going to prison.
Pray he is yours completely. He is giving his life for this nation.
We ask for protection for him and his family. Pray that the walls of evil will fall off our Whitehouse in the name of Jesus. Amen

Mark Thibodeaux
June 1, 2024

Lord, We lift up President Trump and his family to you. We ask that You would encourage and strengthen him. We ask that the schemes of the enemy would be turned back on them. Just as Hamon schemed to kill Mordecai and you flipped it around and hung him on his own gallows. Help President Trump and help our nation by moving the entire nation to vote for godly leaders and send revival to our nation. God bless President Trump and God bless America! Amen

June 1, 2024

Most High God, Possessor of Heaven and earth, we stand firm in Faith in Who You are and what You have said. We will “Be strong and of good courage, we will not fear or be afraid of them, for You, The Lord our God, are The One who goes with us and You will not leave or forsake us.” You are Faithful and True, You are The Judge who is above all judges and You rule and reign above and over all. We will keep our eyes and attention on You.

It is obvious the enemy is in terror of You, Most High God, Possessor of Heaven and earth, as we observe the enemy’s activities and behavior.

We choose to Stand Firm in Faith in You, Who has All Power and Authority in Heaven and earth. We also choose to Stand Firm in Your Word, which goes forth and accomplishes exactly what You have spoken.

Thank You, Holy Spirit for guiding us day by day as we pray that Abba Father’s Will be done on earth, even as in heaven.

Terrie O'Neal
June 1, 2024

I am an intercessor: The Lord keeps giving me (for Pres. Trump) Isaiah 54:17 No weapon formed against
me shall every prosper. The enemy and his minions that are controlling the gangsters that are in our
government and in the world is running scared. He is pulling out all stops. The Lord gave our founding
Father’s the Constitution and all of the Articles. He is giving America a reprieve. Pres. Trump is truly
standing in the way and taking all the ‘guck’ that the Gov. Gangsters are throwing at him. We are to

carolyne lundberg
June 1, 2024

We confess:
Job 42:2
“I know that You can do all things, And that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted.“
Regardless of the verdict of man (or any jury), God’s purpose will prevail !

Barbara Sonin-Robbins
June 1, 2024

Father God, I pray in Yeshua’s Name that you will do in this case what you did in the day’s of Esther and Mordicai. We pray for the truth to be told and you will apply Romans 8:28,29 to this situation.

June 1, 2024

Lord please don’t reward these evil actions, by allowing this innocent man to be punished for there politically driven evil desires. Please protect Mr. Trump and this country from self serving “destroyers”. May Your precious will be done, not those of misguided men. Our faith is in You Jesus, not “man”.

Ann Harper
June 1, 2024

Father, we pray divine supernatural protect over President Trump. We declare No weapon formed against him shall prosper and every tongue that shall arise against him will be condemned. What they have meant for harm you will turn to his good, for we know that there is NOTHING TOO BIG FOR GOD. THANK YOU for total Victory, for we know go from Victory to Victory. Your Word declares that We Triumph.

June 1, 2024

We all need to pray for this nation, the ecomony etc.

    June 1, 2024

    The hearts of Men and woman who claim to love Jesus Christ need to stand and rise!
    As I sat in a Christian concert and f bombs and curse words were all over behind me my heart cries out to the Lord for HEARTS of HIS people STIR them to humility.
    Jesus we need you, we love you and we call on you for our brothers and sisters being persecuted

Kay Walker
June 1, 2024

Precious Lord –
Please protect President Trump and the men and women who protect him and stand with him. Please forgive this us – this nation – our sins against you. Have mercy on us as we work as a nation to return to your will and your word. Precious Lord – your will be done in our lives and hearts. You alone are our God!

Cynthia Conti
June 1, 2024

Lord, I pray for truth and justice to prevail in these Trump convictions. I ask for your protection over this man and his family and those defending him. We know that you work all things for the good, and pray that we will see these convictions overturned, and that you would pave the way for him to become our next president. We know that you hold all things in your hands and praise you that there is nothing that is overlooked. Asking for peace upon the nation as we move through the sentencing period. I also pray that President Trump will not see one day in jail as we know, that is what those seeking to destroy him want.; for him to be isolated in jail. Continue to seek your divine wisdom through this and lifting this man and his family up to you always. In Jesus name. I pray.

June 1, 2024

Father, I plead the blood of Jesus over President Trump and his Family for protection from the evil one. Give him encouragement and Peace during this difficult time. God you will make him the head and not the tail.
Let your will be done in America and in Israel. Amen

June 1, 2024

Let God arise and His enemies be scattered! From the beginning man has been tempted with “ye shall become as God.” This administration, those in power, are so greedy for power and money! They cant get enough power. We need to pray, fast, and repent, perhaps He will hear us and have mercy on us.

June 1, 2024

Father, we know that You are working all things for good for those who love You and are called according to your purpose. We pray this evil and corrupt verdict will be overturned and You will vindicate President Trump for your glory and honor. You have already determined the outcome of this election. May nothing deter from your righteous actions. Bless and prepare President Trump for the work You have appointed him for. In Jesus name Amen.

Muriel Bramble
June 1, 2024

Lord Jesus, we know you have a plan and a purpose for our nation. Forgive, our land, for we have wandered from your purposes and
plans for us. So many do not even acknowledge you. We pray for a turn around in our nation. We ask that you put in place the leaders you wish us to have. We pray you will bring down the false leaders who are taking us to destruction. We pray for President Trump that
he would be set free from the accuser who has put him in this place……Satan. And that all the plans of Satan would be revealed and people’s eyes would be open to the truth. We pray protection for President Trump and his family. There is such a strong spirit of hate over our nation being manifested in many ways. Particularly over Israel, President Trump and his family. We come against that hate and release peace and love among our people……and your grace which is sufficient for all. We need to ask for your grace each day and
protection by your holy angels for ourselves, families and others, including President Trump. I have noticed a great difference in my life since I begin my day this way. I pray that President Trump would not be jailed for anything and that the truth would come out about the plans of the enemy and the people he is using to destroy President Trump. And that nothing would stop him from being on that ballot in November. I pray God’s favor over him as he proceeds in the months ahead and that God will have His way……and all enemies will be scattered and exposed. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Bonnie Berg
June 1, 2024

Lord God, Your word tells us in 2 Chronicles 16:9 that “the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.”
Lord, we are among those who love You, who seek You – move mightily on our behalf. Forgive us by Your great mercy, establish Your laws and order and justice in our nation. Uphold those who trust You. You know the beginning from the end. You are the One who rules nations. We ask Lord for Your mighty hand to intervene with justice for President Trump. We ask that what others meant for evil, You would turn to good!
We praise and worship You, as the One, True, God, Creator of heaven and earth. May Your name be praised. Amen.

Mildred B
June 1, 2024

“Do not grant the wicked their desires, Lord; do not let their plans succeed.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭140‬:‭8‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“Lord, rescue Donald Trump from evildoers; protect him from men of violence. Have mercy on him, his family and America. Awaken your church to repentance and grant a spiritual awakening in this land.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Diane N
June 1, 2024

Father, I pray for President Trump. You Lord have brought this man up for such a time of this. He is Your Esther of today. We know that Trump can’t save America but You can use him as You used Esther. Expose ALL the lies. Arise O Lord and let Your enemies be scattered. You are our rock, our fortress and deliverer. They dig a deep pit to trap others, let them fall into it themselves. The trouble they make for others backfires on them. The violence they plan falls on their own heads. Let us stand and appeal to heaven and see what YOU can only do. So be it. In Yeshua’s name. Amen.

Cecilia Riendeau
June 1, 2024

We ask the Holy Spirit to guide us in our intercessions for President Trump. We pray in Jesus name.Amen

Marsha Groh
June 1, 2024

Dear Father in Heaven, I also pray your will be done as it is in Heaven, I also pray for the saints the enemy is trying to destroy and Presidrnt Trump. But I also pray for those that do not know you. Those who have put their trust in your son Jesus and have repented of their sins and walking daily with you, our eternity is secure. But Father many are deceived. We ask that you open their eyes, so they can see the revelation of who Jesus Yeshua really is. That they will understand your deep love for them. That you choose no one to perish. Open eyes, touch hearts of stone. That they may see you The Love of the Father. Amen. Jesus is coming soon!

Cindy Kelley
June 1, 2024

Father God we as that you place ministering angels around Mr. Trump and his family during these difficult times. We pray for these convictions against him to be quickly overturned and ALL charges dropped. We ask that everyone that has been involved in this sham of fake trials and false accusations be brought to justice and all things hidden in darkness be brought to light. We ask Lord that you let this nation turn back to you and we see a spiritual revival like nothing our nation has ever experienced! Turn the plans of the enemy into chaos and that their plans will be used against themselves.
Lord Jesus your people need your intervention and protection!
We thank you for your covering. In the powerful and mighty name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen and Amen!

June 1, 2024

Dear Lord. You said that if we pray and humble ourselves you will heal our land. We do pray and ask your forgiveness for the grievous sins of this nation. Our hearts are grieved by the perversion and violence and corruption. We pray that you deliver us from this great evil. You said,” If the foundations be destroyed, What can the righteous do? The LORD is in his holy temple, The LORD’s throne is in heaven: His eyes behold, his eyelids try, the children of men. The LORD trieth the righteous: But the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth..” (Ps 11:3-5) We have just witnessed the abuse of our justice system and violation of our Constitutional principles to prosecute a political opponent. We ask that you send righteous judgement and deliver us from this great evil. Vindicate Donald Trump and expose the schemes and plans against him in a way that cannot be hidden. Strengthen him in your might. Expose and judge the treason and evil that are working behind the scenes to remain in power. You are a God of righteousness and truth. Reign righteousness and truth upon this nation and set things right. In Jesus Name🙏

June 1, 2024

We trust you Father God. May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. The enemy would seek to wear down the saints. But we say we are strong in the Lord and in the power of His might! We pray for President Donald John Trump and his family to have hope in this season…. hope in God alone. May the revelation of Your love flood their hearts and minds this day. In Jesus mighty Name we pray, Amen.

Noemi Moyet
June 1, 2024

Father God, we come before your throne of grace and glory, interceding for President Trump. You are worthy of all honor, glory and praise. We look to you because there is no other. You are a mighty and powerful God, the beginning and the end, the mover and shaker of everything in the universe. God, put your guardian angels around President Trump and his family. Send your warring angels to fill the gaps or breaches in security. Give him the strength and endurance he needs to complete the job you have placed in his heart. Let all the covert plans of the enemy to destroy America be exposed. Bring confusion into the camps of the enemy and let them turn on each other so that their plans of destruction will not come to pass. In Jesus mighty name I pray, Amen.

Deborah Bax
June 1, 2024

Most Holy God, I pray for President Trump and this conviction. Your Word says that if you dig a hole to trap someone you will fall into it. If your roll a bolder to harm someone it will roll back on you. In these wicked times we live in, our focus is on You. Because You are God, You are mighty and You are still in control. I ask that you strengthen President Trump and his family. I pray for Your justice to rain down. In the mighty name of Yeshua. Amen.

Connie Hecker
June 1, 2024

Lord give this man ongoing health and determination. Surround him with your holy angels to fight for him and for Your purposes. Grant him your Holy Spirit of peace in the midst of the warrior heart. Raise up Your army Lord to accomplish Your plans for this nation and Your salvation purpose. Let him grow in his trust and confidence in You Jesus!

Kathy Sterling
June 1, 2024

Gracious Heavenly Father, Holy Spirit Sweet Jesus, We love you and know that in all things you are in control. We pray that your will be done here on earth. We pray protection over Donald Trump and his family. We pray for revival to begin in this country with all of your people turning back to you on our knees. Have mercy on us dear Lord.

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Marcia Webley
June 1, 2024

Father I pray that you would strengthen President Trump in this hour, I pray grace would be poured upon him and that he would know that nothing can ever separate him from your love. May his eyes look to you for strength, thank you that only your plans for his life shall prosper. Thank you Lord that enemy shall never have dominion over your son, because you are there with him to uphold him and be his strength in this season. Lord bless his family with your peace, and strengthen them to know that you SEE them.

Ron & Sue
June 1, 2024

The ONLY ONE who can pull us out of this mess and save this Nation is the LORD!! HE will need men of women HE can peacefully work with to accomplish HIS ALMIGHTY WILL to Heal our Land. Men and women who will to stand for HIM and the FREEDOM that we have been granted through the U.S. Constitution. President TRUMP is one of those people; forming a new coalition of citizens who want the TRUTH, and America to come back to our founding principles!! We Pray that many others who believe in ALMLIGHTY GOD, and our Constitution, peacefully come together NOW more than ever to PRAY.

Mike Kustic
June 1, 2024

Father God, we ask you to please reveal the hidden things of darkness against President Trump, and bring justice and judgment against those that are trying to destroy him. He is a friend of Israel, Pro Life And Pro America, we ask you to Bless Him as you promised you would. Those that Bless Israel would be blessed.

Teresa King
June 1, 2024

You could have retired and lived a life of comfort & peace-instead you chose to go into the battle – millions of us have been praying for you & will continue to support you-may God give you peace,comfort,wisdom, & strength for the days to come-wait upon the Lord now for clear direction

Rebecca Collins
June 1, 2024

Oh Lord God, to whom vengeance belongs. Oh God to whom vengeance belong show Yourself. Lift up Thyself Thou Judge of the Earth. Lift up Thyself Judge of the earth render a reward to the proud. …Psalm 94

Rachel S
June 1, 2024

Father God, We love you. We trust you. We thank you that YOU are King of king and Lord of lords. You reign above all. You are holy and good. Right and true. You are just and love justice. You rescue the poor and needy. You come to the aid of the those who humble themselves before you. Though a righteous man fall seven times, You will raise him up. Lord, you are our righteousness. No one is righteous on our own. No, not one. You uphold us by your righteous right hand. You clothe us with strength and honor as we wait on you. You are the God of all comfort. The God of hope. The Prince of peace. You give us your peace. In You we have hope. In You we see light and truth. You make a way when there seems to be no way. Lord, You command us to not fear but to cast all our cares upon You. Lord, we ask that You fight for President Trump and us. You are a defender and deliverer. Grant your people great boldness and courage to speak truth. Fill us with your Spirit. Father, use this terrible time to draw the Trump family closer to You and your heart. Help them to rely on You and to trust and love You with their whole heart. Lord, protect them from the lies of the enemy. Surround them with your protection. Hide them in your secret sanctuary under your wings. Lord, grant your wisdom to those helping. Tear down evil structures and strongholds in our country. Thank you for President Trump. May he, Melania, and their family know your love that passes understanding. Give us your eyes to see. Help us to walk by faith. Our eyes are on You. In Jesus name, Amen.

June 1, 2024

Adonai ,
Holy Father, Good Shepherd,Comforter, we love you and trust you that you will answer our prayers for our country and for President Trump and his family.
You blessed this nation in a mighty and divine manner. We give you great thanks and glory for this blessing.
Forgive us for our foolishness and
,dark sin. Forgive us for our carelessness and not using the power and love and sound minds you give us. We confess we have not been obedient to you. Please forgive us Lord and guide us through these times in our country. We now embrace you
and seek your face to shine on us. Please., King of Kings, bring our nation back to you and heal our land.

James C, Lipsett
June 1, 2024

Dear Lord
The course of life in this world has always been in your hands. We pray while passing through this world that you take us with you after our time is here. With You, there is truth, justice, love.
Help President Trump
Help with his election
We are all humans, and make mistakes
We all have sinned
Please have a hand on this election and make it a fair election…

Dale H. Jones
June 1, 2024

Lord forgive me for not being humble before you in all things! We look and see and hear what’s around us and lack Faith and Courage to stand up against the forces of evil! Forgive me Lord and give me boldness, strength, faith, and use the weapons You gave me to fight the battle of Satan who is fighting us each and every day! So thank You Lord for providing a way to Salvation through Your Son Jesus! Thank You Jesus and I ask the Holy Spirt to Fill each of us as we go to battle each day! Thank You Lord for your Love and Forgiveness of my sins and May You Lord God receive all the Glory and Honor! In Jesus Name Amen and Amen

Michelle Pike
June 1, 2024

Consider praying and declaring Isaiah 61

Virginia LaCour
June 1, 2024

We pray Psalm 112: “ Praise ye the Lord. Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord, that delighteth greatly in his commandments. His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed. Wealth and riches shall be in his house: and his righteousness endureth for ever. Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness: he is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous. A good man sheweth favour, and lendeth: he will guide his affairs with discretion. Surely he shall not be moved for ever: the righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance. He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord.
His heart is established, he shall not be afraid, until he see his desire upon his enemies. He hath dispersed, he hath given to the poor; his righteousness endureth for ever; his horn shall be exalted with honour. The wicked shall see it, and be grieved; he shall gnash with his teeth, and melt away: the desire of the wicked shall perish.” Amen.

June 1, 2024

Father YOU are the Judge of All. You are Almighty, Al powerful, NOTHING IS TOO HARD FOR YOU…And as the Ecclasia we stand in the Unity of the Faith we have in you to see the salvation and Victorious outcome of this battle. You provided the ram for Abraham, You provided dry land for the children of Israel to cross over , when it seemed to be NO WAY POSSIBLE ,we will stand in Faith believing Your Will to be done! In Jesus name Amen.

Kathleen Manz
June 1, 2024

Lord, according to Your WORD in Psalm 41, i pray that You will deliver Donald Trump in the day of trouble. Protect him and keep him alive. May he be called blessed upon the earth, and do not give him over to the desire of his enemies. In the Name of Jesus, Amen!0

June 1, 2024

Lord you are a God of law and order, guide our hearts to stay strong during these tumultuous times for our Country, keeping us close to you to be the salt in these darkest days for America, give the strength to Mr. Trump and soften his heart toward you, take control of his fears and helping him to forgive his enemies, we all trust in you and your plans for him and our Country. We asking forgiveness for our failures and helping us to stay focus on you. Amen

June 1, 2024

Dear Heavenly Father,
We pray for supernatural protection and strength for President Trump. We pray that all truth would be brought to light and that no man can deny it. We ask that these charges would not hold and that all illegitimate claims against him would be dropped. Bind the hands of the enemy. Protect President Trump and his family from harm. Set your angels as a guard around them. Please deliver our nation and help us to turn back to you. If Trump is the man you have appointed for our next president, help him to be free from attacks so that he can do the best job for the American people.
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Tricia Dyer
June 1, 2024

Father God. In the name of Jesus, I pray for your perfect will to be done for Donald Trump. That You would expose those lies against him and that he would be free to run in this election.

June 1, 2024

I am praying for President Trump in accordance with Psalm 35. ALL OF IT.

Jane Hettrick
June 1, 2024

This sham “trial” is a disgrace to the nation. In an sense, we are all responsible because many people have not paid attention as the evil captured our entire culture. Decades ago they infiltrated the education system and have long owned the media. The final strike came with the use of a virus to deceive people and cheat in the 2020 election. We must recognize that this is more than a political fight, it is a spiritual battle for the soul of the nation, and really, for the survival of western culture.

Phyllis Hartman
June 1, 2024

Father God May your perfect will be done. May right prevail. Give wisdom and discernment be given to all involved. May you be glorified in all things. Amen

    Doris Ehlenfeldt
    June 1, 2024

    Thank you Ada, Psalm 18 has been coming to mind often this wee
    I have been saying it over and over.

June 1, 2024

Psalm 18

Victoria Goodrich
June 1, 2024

As a prayer:
Dear Lord,
We pray for our country to turn back to you and for you to protect President Trump. These charges are from the enemy and we pray that President Trump will hold onto his faith and trust in you. Please send your legions of angels to minister and protect him.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

June 1, 2024

Father, God our eyes are on You. We lift up President Trump and ask you to strengthen him and speak peace to his heart. Father, we thank you that you are in control and we choose to trust you.

Rick Pollard
June 1, 2024

Our Father and our God lead this nation in truth, allow all truth to be revealed to the people of this nation that their Hearts and minds will be transformed. Let no deception stand and shine your light on those perpetuating falsehoods for their personal benefit, Father, we pray for the innocent to be made whole by the truth, and the guilty to be exposed by the truth.
In the Holy Name of the Lord Jesus the Christ,
Amen, and Amen

Jerry Gladden
June 1, 2024

The fields are white for harvest. May the Lord send someone across the paths of our elected leaders with a word in season, that will cause them to bow a knee to the King of kings and the Lord of lords, and once again we can proclaim, one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all..

Connie Faith
June 1, 2024

I pray LORD, that just as there is rejoicing & celebration for a short period of time over the death of the two witnesses – there IS a resurrection of LIFE that will terrify those that don’t know You or understand Your plans for this earth and Your People- Your family. Thank you Father for the unity in the Body of Christ that You are establishing thru the power of Your Spirit here on earth that You may pour out a blessing of Shalom upon all who call upon the Name of the LORD Jesus Christ. Father – grant us boldness, courage & strength to stand in these evil times, to declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ that those who are willing will hear this good news, receive it, believe it and confess Jesus Christ is Lord. Father we ask You for a harvest of souls in this time like never before for Your Kingdom- Your Glory Lord! May You bless those taking a stand for righteousness in our government with the strength they need for the race they are running- grant us as a nation, leaders who understand the times we are living in and have the wisdom to know what we should do- Men of Issachar! Make us one again thru the Gospel of peace that UNITED we stand- bring back the ancient boundary stones that have been removed from our society- the safety guards You established long ago to protect & preserve our lives, our families & all who will come after us until that time when You return Lord Jesus. Lord- we need You- our hope is built on nothing LESS than Your blood and Righteousness. We ask Your Lord- that just as Your brought the Nation of Israel back time & Time again after falling away from You & Your ways that Your once again Restore our Nation- Make us once again the UNITED States of America! You said if Your people would humble themselves- seek Your face & turn from their unbelieving ways that You would hear from Heaven & HEAL their land! So here we are- here I am LORD- seeking You- turning my heart towards You- crying out to You- search me Oh God- see if there is any wicked way in me that I have not brought before Your throne of Grace that I may obtain mercy & find the grace I need- open the eyes of my understanding to my faith righteousness & help me not depend on any good works that I can produce as my rightness before You- may I depend wholly on the blood of Jesus & Nothing else. May I see myself as You see me- holy- set apart for You- may I have the confidence that I am called, chosen & brought to Your kingdom for such a time as this & may I do the good works that You have prepared for me to do before the foundation of the world that Your Kingdom COME & Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven Lord! And with a heart FULL of gratitude for this wonderful salvation that came by Your grace may we fight our battles just as our forefathers have done- first on our knees in worship & adoration of the KING of Kings & then by keeping our eyes upon Him, our ears open to the wind of the Spirit & fully equipped in the Armor of Your Spirit ! To You belongs all glory, Honor & Praise! B/c You alone are Worthy! In Jesus Yes LORD- we may not not what to do about this vast army coming against us but our eyes are You! In Your Authority I pray these things LORD Jesus! AMEN & Amen!

    Mary Beth
    June 1, 2024

    I agree, Connie, with all my heart, soul, and mind!

Debra Taylor
June 1, 2024

Heavenly Father, we plead with you to bring down the evil, satanic strongholds in our Capitol and in our courtrooms. We pray for true justice for President Trump. We pray that Americans will see what a sham trial this was, and the threat it is to our Republic. We ask for strength and protection for President Trump and his family.

Jack Phifer
June 1, 2024

President Trump, needs to recommit his life to Jesus Christ, Make decisions based on the Bible even if it means losing votes. Trust God to win the election or not. Our prayers should be Donald Trump, Trust in God not your own power.

Joyce Swingle
June 1, 2024

Lord, turn this evil thing into one that gives You all the glory, vindicates the saints, delivers our nation from the enemy, and thoroughly dismantles the evil underpinnings of the corrupted judicial system. Let this be the year that all evil politicians are swept out of office that You might start this system over. Dig out the root of evil and twist it utterly out of all soil, taking all the tenticles of roots with it. Drain and remove all aspects of the swampish deep state. In Jesus’ Name.

Carol Ann
June 1, 2024

Heavenly father I come to you in the name and the blood of Jesus I pray that no weapon formed against President Trump and his family will prosper. Every tounge that rises against him in judgment Lord you will condemn. I pray your word Holy word will not return void but shall accomplish all that we proclaim . I pray that America will be saved, and delivered from our enemies. Justice will be served that we will keep our faith and hope. Love and peace, I pray for your protection upon President Trump and his family and for all of us who are interceding for him in the name and the blood of Jesus I pray amen and amen 🙏🙏🙏

June 1, 2024

Heavenly Father,
As always your ways are higher than our ways and your thoughts are higher than ours.
We speak firstly that your Kingdom has preeminence in the earth and your will is being done.
So we declare that many are the plans of men (wicked or righteous) but your purpose shall prevail and as we “see these things” we continue to look home for we are in the world but not of this world.
We pray for the man Donald Trump, we pray for his humbling and salvation whatever his state in this realm may be let his soul be secure in God.
Father we pray for your church that even as the day grows closer we won’t loose focus on your heart. All souls are yours and you are not willing that any perish. Grant REPENTANCE to those who are still caught up by satan and prisoners at his will. We pray for a revolution of your Kingdom on as in heaven.
We know all power is yours and we humbly pray In Jesus Name

Linda Rice
June 1, 2024

Father I ask that you continue your work in Donald Trump’s life, humbling him and teaching him that you have chosen him for this hour, not for economic or security reasons alone but for the testimony and triumph you want to bring through him to those with blind ambition and bitter rivalry.

Andrew Miao
June 1, 2024

I pray for President Trump that God will sustain him from all the attacks on him personally as he tries to fulfill God’s call on his life to serve America. I pray for physical protection for him and decree angels to surround him and thwart the enemy. We rebuke Satan in the name of our victorious Lord! Hallelujah!!!

LeCora N Taylor
June 1, 2024

Father, I pray for Ex-President Trump. I pray Your will be done in his life, in this trial. Father, turn his heart toward you. I depend on you to have your way in his life, in our nation. Reveal truth. You are love and from what I hear on the news and read, he has imbalance and you HATE imbalance. He promotes division and You HATE division. Our nation has become openly bias since he ran for President. All men are made in your image and likeness and us Christians have you living on the inside of us. Help us, Lord, to yield to You on the inside of us to love one another as Jesus has loved us. In Jesus’ name I pray.

    June 1, 2024


    A time for every purpose under heaven…
    Matthew 10:34…
    Jesus did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

Debbie Goins
June 1, 2024

What Satan intends to harm your people, You will turn it for our good. We will be still, full of faith, waiting and watching as You bring Your will into this situation and to America. We love you and we long for a mighty revival that brings transformation to America and your church.

Rebecca Cress
June 1, 2024

Lord we thank you for giving President Trump the courage to stand in this evil time. Protect him and his family. May he draw near to you and realize his strength comes from you. Lord your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

Catherine John
June 1, 2024

He is The King!

June 1, 2024

Lord God, we ask in the mighty name of Jesus that Your will be done here on earth, as it is in heaven. Thank you for giving me free will to choose who I will serve. I choose you and I pray for our families and friends around the world. Lord, you know those that are yours. I pray for our leaders. I pray for this nation called the United States of America. I pray that you will prepare us for the days ahead. That you will guide us in all that we say and do. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. May those who love you be secure. I pray that you prepare hearts to receive you. Our children and grandchildren. That you will raise up a new generation that will serve you. I’m sorry for our sins, for our turning away, for calling good evil and evil good. I thank you for Jesus, Your Son and the sacrifice He willingly made. Our lives are in your hand. Be with us. Help us to put aside our idols and turn to You. I praise You for ayou are good. I give thanks to You, for Your love endures forever. Blessed are those who call on Your Name and blessed is the nation that serves You.

June 1, 2024

As I was praying the following morning after the conviction I prayed Psalm 35 over President Trump.

Catherine John
June 1, 2024

“You have rebuked the nations and destroyed the the wicked; You have erased their names forever. The enemy is finished, in endless ruins; the cities You uprooted are now Forgotten. But the Lord reigns forever, executing judgment from His throne. HE WILL judge the world with justice and rule the nations with fairness.” Ps 9:5-8

He did this back then and He’ll do it again.

Beverly Rupe
June 1, 2024

Keep our focus on God !!
Trust in Him.
Trust His wisdom.
Trust His timing.
I find this quite exciting…
wondering & watching what God is going to do about all this!
This did NOT take God by surprise!
So thankful God has the best plan & answer for our wonderful nation!
He~GOD WILL be glorified in the end!!!

June 1, 2024

In Jesus’ Name we come before You and Thank You for Your grace and mercy, Almighty God. Nations rise and fall at Your command. Use the voice of Your Bride in this hour to declare, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven!” We break off the spell of witchcraft and rebellion off the nation of America and call her back to her roots: IN GOD WE TRUST! May the Fear of the Lord fall upon this nation and the nations of the world and revival unto restoration sweep across the earth in a wave of Your Glory, O God Almighty, Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and Father of this nation, America. In Jesus’ Name we pray. AMEN!

June 1, 2024

Father God Your people have just received an unjust verdict against President Trump and our nation. You are a Just God and I ask you to be with our nation, President Trump and his family as we continue to go through these dark days of unprecedented evil. I pray You, Father God, to destroy the globalists’ evil and for Your Will to be done.

Brian lynch
June 1, 2024

Lord Jesus, I fervently pray that You will use this situation of President Trump’s conviction for Your glory. Greater is He who is in Mr. Trump, than he who is in the world. We place the outcome of this conviction and sentencing in Your hands, as You know what is right, true, and best for our nation. Thank You Jesus. We love you, trust You, and ask You for true justice to be served in this, and in ALL things.

June 1, 2024

We KNOW YOU have a purpose to all of this EXPOSED EVIL!!!
We stand strong with our EYES on YOU……always….EYES on JESUS!!!!! BELIEVE…just BELIEVE as ALL things are POSSIBLE IF you
MAY God give our president, Donald J. TRUMP strength…..send legions of angels to protect him….guide and guard his heart and mind,
give him strength, fortitude, courage, tenacity and resilience, may his enemies stumble and fall …GIVE HIM ENERGY AND CLARITY…we ask all this in CHRIST OUR LORD……AMEN!

William Donahue
June 1, 2024

Heavenly FATHER, YOU know all things, YOU ARE THE MOST HOLY AND RIGHTEOUS ONE. YOU ALONE ARE THE TRUE AND HOLY GOD A L M I G H T Y. YOU ALONE STAND FOR TRUTH. DEAREST LORD, please expose all corruption and lies that brought about this false conviction. Expose all responsible. YOU give each the opportunity to confess. If they don’t, according to YOUR PERFECT JUSTICE, please let YOUR WILL BE DONE. we ask in YOUR SON’S NAME JESUS, amen. Thank YOU PAPA

June 1, 2024

Lord, as we know this was an unconstitutional trial with no due process. This is not what Jesus would do in a Godly nation, so we ask that you right the wrongs that have been done, forgive those who have evil in their hearts, and watch over Pres. Trump and his family by continuing to give them strength, wisdom, peace, and love. In Jesus name, Amen.

June 1, 2024

Father we pray for this nation and for President Trump. We pray that Your will be done and that Your plans and purposes for this nation be fulfilled. You are a Righteous judge. Let only Your judgement in this matter stand. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

June 1, 2024

Abba, You showed me in a dream that I was a low level judge that sat on a trial that turned out to be President Trump and a woman with no face or name. At the end of the trial I dismissed the case for lack of evidence.

I decree now that jezebel is broken. She is being thrown off the Trump Tower and is being trampled on and being eaten by the dogs. In Jesus Name Amen

June 1, 2024

Hear my cry, oh Lord, in Jesus name. You have formed this nation to be a rock to the gentiles, a refuge for the broken all over the world. I pray that anything that stands in the way of that will will fall. I pray that you will continue to use this country to save lives and families that are distressed. Judge Lord, let not an wicked person be established to run this nation🙏🏾

John Rapp
June 1, 2024

I believe God would have us pray that this conviction would drive President Trump to greater humility before God, and dependence on God, so that God, and only God, would do the miracle of raising Him up, and not because of human effort of speeches, fund raising, cleverness of men, etc. Jesus said, “For everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled, and he who humbles himself shall be exalted.” (Luke 14:11) Over and over in the Scriptures, we see God raising up those who humbled themselves before Him: Daniel, Joseph, King Hezekiah, Jesus, etc. President Trump’s humbling himself, in addition, would be a great example to all Americans, that God through Christ is our hope, perhaps helping to fan flames of revival and spiritual awakening. This gives all glory to God!!!!!!!!!!

Sheri Alsbrooks
June 1, 2024

I read this article on 6-1-24. Today’s YouVersion Verse of the day is Psalm 46:10 referenced in this article. 🕊️😉(God wink). Fill President Trump with Holy Spirit and may he be the praying president You spoke of through Kim Clement years ago. Strengthen President Trump, his family, and legal counsel. We look to You to finish what You started. “O our God, will You not judge them? For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You.”” ‭‭II Chronicles‬ ‭20‬:‭12‬ ‭NKJV‬
We pray this in Jesus mighty name. Amen

J Thomas Smith
June 1, 2024

Father we say in agreement that this unjust verdict shall fall to the ground. It shall be voided on appeal and there will be no imprisonment while the appeal is in process. May President Trump and his family be blessed with your peace and joy in this persecution and graced with he knowledge of its soon reversal.

June 1, 2024

Lord, the devil thinks he has the last laugh, but you already knew this would happen. Your word says in Psalms 2: 8-11,
8 Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. 9 You will break them with a rod of iron; you will dash them to pieces like pottery.” 10 Therefore, you kings, be wise; be warned, you rulers of the earth. 11 Serve the Lord with fear and celebrate his rule with trembling.
As your word says, ‘Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance. So, today Lord, I ask you for the nations, especially my nation – America as your inheritance. May all the rulers of the earth serve you with fear and trembling’!
I ask you to return the fear of the Lord, first to your church and then to the nations. Hear our cry Lord, Hear our prayer and answer as only you can.

Anna Van Elswyk
June 1, 2024

Matthew 23:23 ” Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cummin, and have neglected the weightier provisions of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness; but these are the things you should have done without neglecting the others”.

June 1, 2024

Praying for President Trump’s strength and for God’s justice. Please pray he does no prison time and that he once again becomes our next president. Our country is in turmoil

Michael and Ellie Briney
June 1, 2024

Even though the crooked left-wing court has ruled, it’s not over concerning President Trump. It’s not over till it’s over. God’s still ultimately in charge. If you truly believe that God answers prayer, then you must pray without ceasing for God to move in this matter and vindicate President Trump and for our nation to truly come back to God.

Candice Jeszka
June 1, 2024

Father God you warned us of a coming shaking. President Trump is in the middle of the storm and the enemy is trying his best to destroy our President. You have told us to be still and know you are God. I pray for President Trump to have strength to stand still and know you are with him. Praying for his family to feel your presence. Amen

June 1, 2024

Dear God, without a man like Trump fighting the powers that be, America and the world would be even more at risk of being destroyed by Satan’s minions. Surely he is part of your plan to help us fight the good fight. How you use him going forward is a mystery, but I pray that it will be something like how you used David to triumph over Goliath.

Anna Van Elswyk
June 1, 2024

Father God please bring justice in this situation. Open the eyes of the blind to Your Will and Your Ways.

xavier owino
June 1, 2024

Its only a good thing if for the first time in America, even a person as high as the president can be held accountable for his deeds. It means equality before the law regardless of status. Trump has to answer for dishonest actions he did with the help of Cohen who lied on his behalf and yet who he hypocritically dismisses as a liar

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Jennifer Hecker
June 1, 2024

Heavenly Father we come humbly before you concerning President Trump. We see the sham of his trial and mistreatment of Trump. “law fare”. Our government is using the justice system as a weapon against him, January 6 th citizen and any one who vocalize what is good and what is evil. We need your mighty hand to save America. Forgive us our sins and heal our land. In Jesus Name Amen

Malinda Dunlavy
June 1, 2024

Father God you are the God of justice and vengeance is yours.I pray President Trump will lean on you in all his ways, trusting you to bring justice in this and all things going forward. Strengthen him in faith and trust in you

June 1, 2024

We have a few doubts about Trump (e.g. about his back-tracking on abortion, and the fear that his Israel policies, apparently pro-Israel, may contribute to dividing up God’s land which belongs to the Jews) but over all we praise and thank you, God, thatb this man’s ethical and moral standards are – and for many years have been – way, way above those of the world’s leaders. As UK citizens with a love for YSA, we are appalled by the way USA and UK and Europe have abandoned ethical principles, trashed justice, stamped on democracy and destroyed the ethical, Judaeo-Christian principles enshrined in the US Constitution , Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights, etc., WHICH PRINCIPLES TRUMP, O Lord, HAS STRIVED TO UPHOLD. Oh Lord, this trial is a Soviet-style (excuse the pun) trumped-up political set-up. Deliver the US from the current corruption. Do the same for UK. But may YOUR will be done. Amen

June 1, 2024

Strengthen President Trump for the battle ahead. Bring people alongside him that will be encouraging. Strengthen Melania as she stands with him. Continue to expose corruption.
Out trust is in you Father.
In Jesus name

Kathryn D Skellenger
June 1, 2024

I pray that God’s purpose for Donald Trump will be fulfilled. Give him the courage to fight the battle to save America.

Patricia Overbey
June 1, 2024

God be with President Donald J. Trump give him the strength & courage to fight for America. God bless him & America.

Beth Gilbert
June 1, 2024

Oh Father, this country was founded on “In God we trust”. We, as humans, have messed up our government with sin and carelessness. We ask forgiveness and ask that You give us wisdom to vote according to Your gracious guidance. May we all understand that You are our only Hope! We ask in Jesus Name. Amen

Jamie Hotelling
June 1, 2024

Lord God Your Kingdom come Your will be done! Give us this day Your daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is The Kingdom, The Power, and The Glory! Yes we cry out to you Heavenly Father to deliver President Trump from evil men and the snares of the devil. Please Lord Jesus turn into good what the enemy meant for evil!

Jesse Oliver
June 1, 2024

Lord Hid, Let Justice run down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream. The Name of The Lord is a STRONG tower, the righteous run into it and are saved.

June 1, 2024

Dear Heavenly Father: I thank you Savior that when everything seems lost — your precious word and promises give me a place on which to stand and/or kneel and watch you be GOD. I cast all my cares upon you for I know you are a righteous, faithful and true God who cares about us. In all of this mess, I pray that Mr. Trump and his family will seek and find strength in you and that you will meet them where they are with comfort and favor. I don’t understand why we as a people try to hide anything from others when it is you who knows everything and in whom we should place our concern or trust. I pray that Mr. Trump has or will see the folly in worrying about what anyone BUT you thinks. I pray that he will repent to you and that you will give him mercy and thereby guide and straighten his paths. I trust you Father and know that you know what we have need of even before we ask. I continue to pray YOUR WILL over this and every situation because I know that you have a plan. I know that you are able to turn every horrible ploy of the devil over to good for those that love and worship you. I pray that YOUR WILL will be done in Heaven and on Earth and I am so grateful that you alone are in control. I adore you and will continue to seek you as I wait upon you to move. In the Mighty Name of JESUS, Amen.

Patrice Sauve
June 1, 2024

I pray this over Donald Trump and close circle…that our Heavenly Father will use for good what the enemy meant for evil. “But Joseph said to them, “Do not fear, for am I in the place of God? As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.” ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭50‬:‭19‬-‭20‬ ‭ESV‬‬

“It is well with the man who deals generously and lends; who conducts his affairs with justice. For the righteous will never be moved; he will be remembered forever. He is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord. His heart is steady; he will not be afraid, until he looks in triumph on his adversaries.”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭112‬:‭5‬-‭8‬ ‭ESV‬‬

And I pray for the persecutors and those carrying out injustice and unrighteousness…that their blinders be removed and laborers reach them with the Gospel, that they be saved and come to Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

“Woe to him who builds his house by unrighteousness, and his upper rooms by injustice, who makes his neighbor serve him for nothing and does not give him his wages,” ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭22‬:‭13‬ ‭ESV‬‬

June 1, 2024

When everything seems so wrong. Father can make it right. Praying for Mr Trump’s s continuing strength and courage to stand

June 1, 2024

Dear Lotd, We praise Your Holy name, we thank you for salvation. We humbly ask Your Divine intervention on behalf of President Trump in these trials. You who know wrongful conviction, please intervene. Let these cases fall away like dominos. Let Your truth come to light. Draw more souls to You Lord. In Jesus name we pray amen

Heidi Lyman Willingham
June 1, 2024

Father thank You Your Kingdom come Your will be done in President Trumps life. Thank You You are his Rescuer and High Tower. And I ask You to bring Your judgement in this situation and Your truth to light. Please let this evil be stopped. Please save us from this evil. In YeshuaJesus name Amen praise You praise YeshuaJesus. Hallelujah

June 1, 2024

Praying Micah Chapter 7 on behalf of President Trump:
Woe is me!
For I am like those who gather summer fruits,
Like those who glean vintage grapes;
There is no cluster to eat
Of the first-ripe fruit which my soul desires.
2 The faithful man has perished from the earth,
And there is no one upright among men.
They all lie in wait for blood;
Every man hunts his brother with a net.

3 That they may successfully do evil with both hands—
The prince asks for gifts,
The judge seeks a bribe,
And the great man utters his evil desire;
So they scheme together.
4 The best of them is like a brier;
The most upright is sharper than a thorn hedge;
The day of your watchman and your punishment comes;
Now shall be their perplexity.

5 Do not trust in a friend;
Do not put your confidence in a companion;
Guard the doors of your mouth
From her who lies in your bosom.
6 For son dishonors father,
Daughter rises against her mother,
Daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law;
A man’s enemies are the men of his own household.
7 Therefore I will look to the Lord;
I will wait for the God of my salvation;
My God will hear me.

8 Do not rejoice over me, my enemy;
When I fall, I will arise;
When I sit in darkness,
The Lord will be a light to me.
9 I will bear the indignation of the Lord,
Because I have sinned against Him,
Until He pleads my case
And executes justice for me.
He will bring me forth to the light;
I will see His righteousness.
10 Then she who is my enemy will see,
And shame will cover her who said to me,
“Where is the Lord your God?”
My eyes will see her;
Now she will be trampled down
Like mud in the streets.

11 In the day when your walls are to be built,
In that day the decree shall go far and wide.
12 In that day they shall come to you
From Assyria and the fortified cities,
From the fortress to the River,
From sea to sea,
And mountain to mountain.
13 Yet the land shall be desolate
Because of those who dwell in it,
And for the fruit of their deeds.

14 Shepherd Your people with Your staff,
The flock of Your heritage,
Who dwell solitarily in a woodland,
In the midst of Carmel;
Let them feed in Bashan and Gilead,
As in days of old.

15 “As in the days when you came out of the land of Egypt,
I will show them wonders.”

16 The nations shall see and be ashamed of all their might;
They shall put their hand over their mouth;
Their ears shall be deaf.
17 They shall lick the dust like a serpent;
They shall crawl from their holes like snakes of the earth.
They shall be afraid of the Lord our God,
And shall fear because of You.
18 Who is a God like You,
Pardoning iniquity
And passing over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage?

He does not retain His anger forever,
Because He delights in mercy.
19 He will again have compassion on us,
And will subdue our iniquities.

You will cast all our sins
Into the depths of the sea.
20 You will give truth to Jacob
And mercy to Abraham,
Which You have sworn to our fathers
From days of old.

June 1, 2024

Praying Psalm 3 over President Trump … King David wrote this when his son Absalom was chasing him and tens of thousands were against him… he declared “Rise up and help me, Yahweh! Come and save me, God! For you will slap them in the face, breaking the power of their words to harm me.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭3‬:‭7‬ ‭TPT‬‬

June 1, 2024

Pray GOD will protect President Trump and his family. Pray that he will be exonerated and vindicated of all charges against him.

Karen Secrest
May 31, 2024

The Prophetic Word that t cam r forth says watch CA and Michigan. Mercenaries aren’t loyal to your cause. When the funds dwindle, they move on.
God allows bacteria also when basic sanitation is ignored..

Wash your hands

Darlene Estlow
May 31, 2024

Father, as we watch the injustice of what happened to President Trump, let us not lose faith in you and worry. You are sovereign and have plans for us. Heal our nation and protect President Trump as he campaigns. Holy Spirit, hover over him and his family. May they see your power in their lives to live for you.

May 31, 2024

Legal experts have clarified: no actual crime was committed among the 34 misdemeanors. Prea. Trump Should never have been tried, or should have been found not guilty.

Heavenly Father: Vindicate the innocent as you have done i in your Word. May we elect men and women who do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God see Micah 6:8.

May 31, 2024

Father, Set your hand upon President Trump during this time. Give him peace that surpasses all understanding, a boldness and courage to continue the course. Place a hedge or protection around him and his family as well as those who are handling his case and working with him on a daily basis. Cover him with the blood of Jesus that no enemy can infiltrate and cause any premature death coming upon him or his family! We praise you and give you the Glory God!

Daniel Brown
May 31, 2024

You are the man that God chose for this roll. You have been given a great responsibility that cannot be retracted by anyone on this planet.
Your God will bless you and keep you for such a time as this.
You have a great country to turn around and you will be the one to do it.
Dont give up we are all behind you and we believe that you are the one who’s been given this assignment. Stay the course and keep on keeping on President Trump. He will keep blessing you and he will never leave or forsake you. May God richly bless and keep you.

Linda E Jenkins
May 31, 2024

Romans 12:12 says: Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. And Romans 12:19 says: Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: It is mine to avenge I will repay, says the Lord.

Father God, we beseech you today to cover President Trump with the precious blood of Jesus. I pray you will surround him with your angel armies and defeat the evil ones trying to destroy his life. Because he loves and cares about America and our constitution he is being persecuted. The evil ones think they have won, however, You have the last word and we trust and have faith in the One who is our Creator.

God Bless President Trump and his family. Amen and Amen!

Iris M. Eng
May 31, 2024

Heavenly Father, You see the heart of those who love you pleading for mercy for this individual who loves America. Help President Trump remain strong. Keep him safe from evil. Trump is a man who loves America and all the good that she represents. Please bring good out of a very bad situation. You are the all knowing God. America was blessed by you upon her foundation. Please heal her and help those who would harm her to change their ways. In your name, Jesus, I pray. I surely give you all the glory. Thank you and Amen.

May 31, 2024

We walk by faith not by sight. What we see is temporary.
What the enemy intends for evil, God intends for good.
Vindication is our portion. May it be so on earth as it is in Heaven.
Vengeance is the LORD’s, not ours.
We wait upon His goodness in the land of the living.

May the peace that surpasses all understanding fill President Trump and his family. May salvation come to his soul, his household, and to this nation – both spiritually and physically.

Revival and Restoration in Jesus’ name.


May 31, 2024

Thank God for all the people that have prayed and continue to intercede for President Trump. My prayer is for the church to stand strong and not get discouraged. Get out and vote and encourage other Christians to vote. All things will work out for good for those that love God.
I pray against any of the conservative or God’s people not to take arms and retaliate. This is the time to take our fight to the throne of grace. We know we serve a heavenly judge who fights for his children. Since our weapons are not carnal but mighty in the pulling down of stronghold. In Jesus’ name. I pray.

May 31, 2024

Lord, comfort, protect, and vindicate President Trump against this repugnant evil! I pray Your words over President Trump:
“I will steady him with My hand; with My powerful arm I will make him strong. His enemies will not defeat him, nor will the wicked overpower him. I will beat down his adversaries before him and destroy those who hate him. My faithfulness and unfailing love will be with him, and by My authority he will grow in power.”
– ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭89‬:‭21‬-‭24‬

May 31, 2024

Praying for our nation and President Trump that we will humble ourselves and seek Him alone as our rescuer.
Bring President Trump to the end of himself and cause him to look to you alone. You rescued Joseph when he was accused wrongly and thrown in prison. You brought him out as a great leader because his heart was given fully to you. I ask this for President Trump.

Kim Dillon
May 31, 2024

When I heard the news…
I cried. The verdict was such a Travesty of Justice. Here’s the Good News… We have a Protective God. Four words: “Watch what God does.”Private Victories, become Public Victories! Thank you Daddy God and Jesus. Amen.

Donna Gilbert
May 31, 2024

Father God, save Donald Trump from his enemies. Protect him from these who have come to destroy him. Preserve him from these criminals, these murderers. They lurk in ambush for his life. Strong men are out there waiting. And not, O Lord, because he’s done them wrong;. Yet they prepare to kill him. Lord, waken! See what is happening! Help him! Do not spare these evil, treacherous men. Stagger them with your power and bring them to their knees. Bring them to the dust, O Lord our shield. But as for us, we will sing each morning about your power and mercy. For you are our high tower of refuge, a place of safety in the day of distress. And we pray this in the strong name of Jesus, who conquers every enemy.

May 31, 2024

Father please give President Trump strength to fight this evil. Please be with his family they also face attacks and unjust comments . let your justice prevail. In Jesus name amen.

Julie Jones
May 31, 2024

Joel 2:25-32
New King James Version
25 “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten,
The crawling locust,
The consuming locust,
And the chewing locust,
My great army which I sent among you.
26 You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied,
And praise the name of the Lord your God,
Who has dealt wondrously with you;
And My people shall never be put to shame.
27 Then you shall know that I am in the midst of Israel:
I am the Lord your God
And there is no other.
My people shall never be put to shame.

Heavenly Father, thank You for blessing President Trump with a servant’s heart for this nation. Father, in this year when we are experiencing many locusts, we pray that You would restore everything that the “locusts,” those who vilify and persecute President Trump, and destroy their culture of lies. I pray that You would be closer to President Trump than ever before, and that he would trust and acknowledge You as never before. I pray that President Trump’s character would be restored in this process, and as he magnifies You, Lord, that he would not be put to shame. In all of this situation, we pray that You be glorified through miracles which can only be attributed to You. In the blessed name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

May 31, 2024

Holy Spirit, destroy the lies of the enemy & free Donald Trump 100%.
In the mighty name of Jesus our Savior. The Name above all names.
We say “thank you” in advance.

May 31, 2024

I believe God is not finished with Trump, regardless of the verdict, just like God is not finished with America, we need to keep praying for Trump, and the liars, that they will be exposed, from judges to lawyers, all be exposed to the light of God, not saying the Trump is our Saviour, but God will have his way in America,and future of this country, if true Christian’s get on God’s side, His Kingdom Come, His Will Be Done, on earth as it in heaven. What is God’s will for Trump and America? Amen. IT IS NOT OVER TILL GOD SAY’S ITS OVER. Regardless of what we see in the natural.

Karen Secrest
May 31, 2024

As we continue to pray, may the Father continue to reveal the dynamics in this trial.
It would appear that the Trump organization used acceptable current business practices to remain in favor with Mr. Trump. Since much was questionable, the accountants should be held accountable also.
This allowed the “unjust judge” to accomplish the prepaid purpose.

We must also continue to Interceed for the documents trial. The Father has indicated this is the ancient “bait and switch: maneuver. Grace alone kept the family far away during the raid that included violence.

We as the church. Are admonished to Abide. This season determines much of what God has in store for our future. Gird up your loins daily and STAND so you come out unscathed. AMEN AND AMEN

May 31, 2024

I pray Psalm 59 over President Trump that shall deliver him for his enemies and defend his from those rise up against him, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, amen.

    Jerusalem DeSion
    May 31, 2024

    Deliver President Trump from his enemies Olam Elohim . Set him securely on an inaccessibly high place away from those who rise up against him. Deliver him from those who practice wrongdoing and save him from bloodthirsty men. Stir yourself Almighty to meet and help President Trump. Lord of hosts arise and punish the howling snarling dogs. You oh lord will laugh at them. Scoff at them. You Lord are his stronghold, refuge, protector, high tower.

Laura Mastorio
May 31, 2024

Psalm 60:12 NLT “With God’s help we will do mighty things, for He will trample down our foes.”

2 Corinthians 4:8-9 “We are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.”

Father God we humbly come before You in this hour, in our country to uphold and strengthen our brother, your son, Donald Trump; give him the fortitude and foresight to speak the truth in boldness and not in despair. Let us not forget, You rise up up leaders and take down leaders for your ultimate purpose. Your ways are not our ways. But Lord God at this moment in time, we ask for justice for Donald Trump and to trample over those who seek to only persecute and destroy Mr. Trump and all that he stands for- we ask that you show yourself mighty in this nation and forgive us our national sins. We ask that you turn this situation around for Mr. Trump and preserve the freedoms on which this nation was built. Lord please destroy the enemy – and bless and protect Mr. Trump and his family. We ask all of this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, our risen Savior. Amen

May 31, 2024

Lord, we praise you today that your kingdom is coming and your will is being done in the earth as in Heaven. You give us the authority to loose and bind. We bind deception in our election process and loose your light to expose the darkness. Awaken your church to spread the gospel message and release a great awakening that will transform America. We pray that you will use this experience to draw President Trump closer to you, your will and purposes for him and this country. Surround him with your peace and let him know it’s not by might it’s not by power but by my Spirit says the Lord. May he come through this fiery trial and used as a blessing to this nation.

May 31, 2024

Praying for Pres. TRUMP
Repenting for the sins of America
Begging God to Forgive and Restore us back to His Word, the only TRUTH out there.
Thanking Him in advance for His faithfulness in these matters.

May 31, 2024

I pray for President Trump and our country regardless of this conviction. We know that you are in control Lord and that your will be done regardless of corruption in politics or elsewhere. I also pray for repentance and revival in our land, that Christians especially will awake to their true spiritual state and so humble ourselves and turn to you. As 2 Chronicles 7:14 states, “if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” ESV

Cindy Creek
May 31, 2024


Robin Booth
May 31, 2024

Father in heaven, you are always in control. Thank you so much for this. Help our country to turn to you
Revive our faith and our spirit. In Jesus name amen

Susan Eddlemon
May 31, 2024

“Weeping May endure for a night, but Joy cometh in the morning.” Ps. 30

barb m
May 31, 2024

Faithful Father –

You reminded me this morning that Jeremiah, Joseph, Daniel, John the Baptist and Paul were accused, convicted – whether justly or unjustly. Causes ranging from offending the king, differing with policies, to an accusation of treason. Truly nothing new under the sun. (Eccl 1:9)

You also reminded me that LIGHT dispels darkness every.single.time.

Let us boldly be Your Light/Truth bearers for such a time as this, we pray💔🤍💙

Cecilia Trinidad
May 31, 2024

Father God, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, we pray for President Trump and his family. Cover them with Your Precious Blood! We plead the Blood of Jesus! Make a way where there seems to be no way. We need a miracle Lord.

Connie Seglem
May 31, 2024

As I turned on the news last night, I heard Donald Trump had been found guilty on all accounts. A deep and heavy sadness overwhelmed me, and I couldn’t shake it for the rest of the night. So many of us cried last night, so many, so much hate of this world is heavy on the heart. But we, God’s church, with stand our post and fight the good fight. Lord, your word says 1Cor 13:7 “ love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails! We will fight the good fight with Your love and will defeat hate, and the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. In Jesus name

Michael and Ellie Briney
May 31, 2024

President Trump was convicted by a Democrat Kangaroo court. We must pray that in the appeals process the hand of God will move and vindicate President Trump and come against the crooked court system which convicted him.

May 31, 2024

FATHER GOD joe biden is and has committed so much evil in 3 1/2 years that he has almost single handedly destroyed America! Bring YOUR Justice upon him! As he thinks his jealousy against President Trump has prevailed, show biden his future in hell except he repent! Like Pharoah and the Egyptians, they thought that they had prevailed until the red sea closed in over them! Bring YOUR Justice to joe biden, kamala Harris and the entire satanic administration in power in America today! Please show them that YOU are in charge and remove them as abruptly as you removed Pharaoh’s government! FATHER GOD please protect President Trump and continue to keep him and his family strong! Let them feel YOUR Presence during these times! Deliver LORD, please set President Trump free in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

May 31, 2024

34 counts— Pray Psalm 34 -The Passion translation is especially good

    May 31, 2024

    The Lord redeemeth the soul of his servants: and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate.

    Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers them out of them all!

    Keep praying saints! Amen!

    Jerusalem DeSion
    May 31, 2024

    The Lord has made up his mind to oppose evil doers and wipe out even the memory of them from the face of the Earth. The Lord will hear his those that love him and come to rescue them from all their troubles.

    The Lord is close to all whose hearts are crushed by pain and He is always ready to restore the repentant one. Even when bad things happened to the good and godly ones, the Lord will save them and not let them be defeated by what they face. The Lord will be President Trump‘s bodyguard to protect him when trouble is near. The Lord has paid for the freedom of President Trump. He will declare President Trump free and innocent.

C. R.
May 31, 2024

So the FALSE conviction against President Trump came about on May 30 which is my birthday! The FAKE sentencing comes about on July 11 which is my sister’s birthday! She and I are saved, sanctified, and filled with the HOLY SPIRIT and WE BIND satan for these repeated lying attacks against President Trump! FATHER GOD there was no victims in this trial, there was no fraud, and joe biden is only attempting to get rid of his only political opponent! FATHER GOD please send YOUR vengence against the liars of those against President Trump! Let these liars be as Hamen and hang on their own gallows! Let Joe biden be found out for his evil and face the wrath of a HOLY GOD quickly! Please quickly set President Trump free and let the crooks including biden be caught in their own trap! Arrest all of those in Congress that are involved in the same insider trading as bernie madoff like Pelosi and biden and his family. Send Justice and a Miracle Quickly in JESUS NAME!

Renee McMichael
May 31, 2024

Heavy Father, I pray you would use this moment to open the eyes of American voters to see the corruption and manipulation of our justice system for political gain. Remove the scales from their eyes so they might see the dangers this poses to our government and our way of life. I pray you would use this moment to fulfill your purpose and redirect our country back towards you. I pray your protection over Donald Trump and his family. Amen.

May 31, 2024

Heavenly Father…you are the ultimate authority. You know all and you see all. Father I pray peace, strength and courage for President Trump. I pray YOUR WILL be done on earth and in America just as it is in Heaven. Father I pray against the evil ones and their plots and schemes…frustrate their plans. I bind the evil one and his attempts to destroy this man and ultimately this nation. I declare that evil is thwarted and will not prevail. Father, I know you are working in all things. No scheme of man or the devil can interfere with your plans…I pray for courage for the nation to boldly declare you and stand for what is right and to pray against what is wrong. Deliver President Trump a this nation Lord. We need you.

T Mc
May 31, 2024

Pray that he may accept the verdict with grace and dignity.

    C. R.
    May 31, 2024

    Nope I will not pray that! Why should an innocent man accept a lying version against him? There were no victims. The business community testified FOR Trump’s honesty! I bind that jealous demon on joe biden and command that the truth come out in JESUS NAME! Amen!

Maria F
May 31, 2024

Father God we thank you for being always faithful and we pray your peace upon president Trump we pray your protection over him and his family may they feel your presence May their hearts turn to Jesus and we pray that Justice will be done in that all evil plots will be revealed in That You Will Open the Eyes of the people in this country and may we stand for truth and for Jesus Christ. I pray that your hand will be upon president Trump and that you will bless him with your joy and courage and strength. In Jesus name we love you Lord God Amen

    Christine Norton
    May 31, 2024

    Lord, please surround Trump, his family, his advisors with your holy angels, and provide them all, Lord, I pray, with your protection, your wisdom, your truth, your grace. I pray that the character of Trump be filled with your character. My you be exalted.

May 31, 2024

Heavenly Father you know all, you see all, no court on this earth is above your judgement we ask that you be with the Trump family and their legal team, pull them through an appeal of all charges to be victorious. He is a flawed man like many of us yet he is truely a President looking out for this Nation and all it’s people. You used sinners to create your greatest works. We pray good becomes right again and the perversions of this world are seen as wrong again. In Jesus name these things we pray. Amen!

Ka Ip
May 31, 2024

.Dear Heavenly Father,
I lift up President Trump to you.
Please remove all lawsuits against him . .protect him and his family ..
Tie up all satanic works. Pray that his wife and children will support him.
Jesus, you love him. Let him out of all those turmoils and make him our president. In Jesus s name Amen

    Linda T
    May 31, 2024

    Father God, hear us as we cry out to you for mercy, recognizing that we have made a mess of this glorious nation you have established. We repent of the wickedness we have allowed to take root in this nation which has been watered by our complacency and our focus on the wrong things. Hear our prayers of repentance and heal this land so that you may be glorified and uplifted as the mighty God you are. Let millions of others turn to you as the real hope for our nation. Lord, you are our salvation- not President Trump- and yet I know in my heart you have placed him where he is for this time in our history. Bring him and his family close to you, may they feel your strength and protection and guide them in all they do. Thwart the plan of the Enemy against him, bring good out of evil. Move in the hearts of those in our justice system that he may be quickly vindicated/ by appeal, by intervention of the Supreme Court, by whatever means you will so that this country can be set back on your path and be a beacon for others in the world. Let no harm befall him, give your angels charge over his care, his family’s and all those who are supporting and working with him to your end. Give us all wisdom as we pray and let us not lose heart, for you are in control and will work out your plan despite the roadblocks of man. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray.

Cynthia Yore
May 31, 2024

Father in Jesus name we know that You are sovereign. Your ways are higher than ours. We ask that Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We trust in You and Your word. Our eyes are on you. Our hope in in You, not man. You know all things, the beginning from the end. You alone are holy, righteous and just. Give President Trump peace, and strength. Amen

Angela Dubber
May 31, 2024

Father, my husband and I are praying and believing for President Trump to be vindicated in this trial that has been weaponized against him. I stand on the authority of Your word in Psalm 35:1-3 Plead President Trump’s cause, O Lord, with those who strive with him; Fight against those who fight against him, 2 Take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for his help. 3 Also draw out the spear, and stop those who pursue him.
We thank You in advance for causing Your justice to prevail on behalf of President Trump and our country. God bless the USA.

Carol Sturgess
May 31, 2024

Praying for the LORD to show His power through all of these evil doings that seem to just keep coming at President Trump. Thanking God that He is in control. Please Dear Lord be with all of the Trump family and those who support him on a personal basis. Keep President Trump strong, with his heart turned to You.

Carole Rithaler
May 31, 2024

God’s will be done. His way and His timing is perfect because only He knows what the future holds and what needs to be done to save America.
We cannot lose because God is on our side.
Do not fear … only believe and we will see what our mighty big God can and will do.

Elaine Strickland
May 31, 2024

Prayers for Zpresident Trump for his Zprotection he goingbthu evil that we b only can imagine. Pray this conviction wiil be overturn. Lord we need him back in thevwhite. Pray gor his family as well Let jimnknow he hot a b loot b of c supporter toMAGA. We ask thisbin jesus Name

Sharon W
May 30, 2024

When I first heard the news, I was very upset and questioned God. He reminded me about Joseph, Daniel and the three Hebrew boys. He did it for them and He will deliver President Donald J. Trump. We pray for strength, peace and salvation for them during this difficult time. God will be his vindicator and all the world will see it. Amen

patricia owens
May 30, 2024

Holy Father, we are not shocked, nor are we devastated. We know your ways are not our ways, some things are hidden because we would not understand; we know that Your will will be done. We pray this most fervently. We thank you that thru these past few weeks, both in NYC and in Georgia, you have revealed the corruptness in our government, our legal system, reminding us we have been accommodating the evil one by tolerating him and his progeny….that even the bias of the media cannot hide it. I repent Lord of my lackadaisical half in, half out. And I pray that all we Americans see now the need to strengthen the angels in this spiritual war with our own warfare.

SONYA Sanders
May 30, 2024

Heavenly Father,
Please help us and deliver us from all darkness and the plans of the wicked. Lord we pray for all men in authority to judge according to the law. We pray Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Father, I pray for truth and justice, righteousness, and fairness will prevail in our court systems across America. I pray for former President Donald Trump, and others that have been falsely accused, maligned, and thrown in jail as political enemies. The scales have not been balanced and the rulers of this age have not been just. Help us Lord and deliver us. Let our justice system uphold true justice. Let those who rule, rule in righteousness. In Jesus Name Amen.

Thea Reust
May 30, 2024

Dear LORD, please heal our land, as we humble ourselves and pray, and seek your face, we turn from our wicked ways. Dear LORD please impress the truth of yourself and who you are to the people of this nation. Bless, heal, protect, and fully save the entire Trump family! Melania, Donald, Barron and every one. Let this truly be what the enemy has intended for evil will be turned for a higher good in the Trumps, in our nation, and in this court case situation! Please change that judges’ heart or move him out asap! HAVE YOUR WILL AND YOUR WAY! In the mighty name of JESUS!

May 30, 2024

I have to admit I was somewhat distraught when I initially heard the verdict about the trial, however seconds later I clearly heard in my spirit to read Psalms 82 from the TPT.
I was very comforted by the Word of the Lord and my faith was restored when the Spirit said, ‘This ain’t over yet till I have spoken:”

Psalm 82-True Justice
2 How long will you judges refuse to listen to the voice of true justice and continue to corrupt what is right by judging in favor of the wrong
5But you continue in your darkness and ignorance while the foundations of society are shaken to the core!
7 Nevertheless , in death you are nothing but mere men! You will be laid in the ground like any prince and you will die.”
8 All rise! For God now takes His place as judge of all the earth. Don’t you know that everything and everyone belongs to Him? The nations will be sifted in His hands! In Jesus Name, Amen.

Take heart Prayer Warriors, continue to pray for this battle is now the Lord’s. He reigns His justice and His Word is final.

May 30, 2024

May Angels surround President Trump’s family as they experience the wickedness of Satan at work in our Judicial court in NYC and elsewhere.
St Michael defend us in the battle .
In you ,Jesus ,we trust and are confident that you have a plan !

Kathy Jordan
May 30, 2024

Father as You were with Joseph , we can be assured that you are with President Trump. Help him and his family during this time. Strengthen them in their relationship with you and each other. Amen

May 30, 2024


We see that man has spoken.
We ask now that You arise and make Yourself known, for the wicked have made a mockery of what is considered justice.

Arise Oh Lord, and let the enemies of God be scattered! Put them to open shame, and let justice roll down like a mighty river all throughout this land.

Amparo Molina
May 30, 2024

Heavenly Abba Father we know your plans are for good towards the Righteous, we ask protection over Trump. His enemies have dug a pit for him but we know your watching over him and will deliver him. I pray you make a way of escape for Trump that the enemy will see your mighty hand on him and You will get the glory in Jesus Christ name Amen.

Amy Price
May 30, 2024

Father, please help Donald Trump. Continue to strengthen him and his entire family during this ordeal. Help the United States of America and return us to a place of true wisdom. Cover this family with Your mighty feathers. We ask You, Father, for justice for Mr. Trump and for America. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen

May 30, 2024

Exodus 14:13-14
“Do not be afraid. Just stand still ans watch the LORD rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. The LORD Himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.”
Lord Jesus, you sit high and lifted up! You are firmly on your throne ruling and judging the nations and our leaders. Father we look to you in regards to what is currently happening with Donald Trump. God, America was your good idea. Yes we as faulty humans have messed it up. Lord Jesus forgive us for our sins, have mercy on this nation. Bring truth to light and your justice to all who call on your name. Do not allow wickedness to be done against someone innocent. If this is a ploy from the enemy to keep who you want in office there, stop this and bring justice and morals back to this nation. Heal our land and bring revival as we call on your name Jesus! We love you, we are desperate for you! Trump is desperate for you. Lead in your love. Amen

Lynn Davidson
May 30, 2024

We decree the earth is Yours LORD the fullness therein and all the inhabitants. We release Your reign Lord Most High in America and the nations!!! We bind the evil works of darkness uprooting and canceling them in Jesus’ Name. Be magnified now! Vindicate President Trump and the righteous!

May 30, 2024

Prayers for you and your family, President Trump.

May 30, 2024

As someone previously posted in another article “Shame on NY.” …. and all those who were and are involved in this fiasco – human failure.

Am I surprised? No. Am I hopeful? Yes.
Don’t judge your situation by your situation. (Sorry, don’t remember who said it.)

“This is what they will get in return for their pride, for insulting and mocking the people of the LORD Almighty. The LORD will be awesome to them when he destroys all the gods of the land.”
Zephaniah 2: 10-11

LORD, Your Words to Isaiah (65:24) “ Before they call, I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear.”

Sovereign LORD, I thank You that Your Word is not limited by time. They are eternal as You are eternal. “There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the LORD .” Proverbs 21:30.

Hear our prayers for Your intervention in this jury verdict. You know the malignment and character assasination that has occurred – please correct this wrong. Favor President Trump, family, advisors with steadfastness, wisdom and discernment.

Prompt us to be Your people of prayer.

In Jesus precious Name. Amen

Kathleen Palmer
May 30, 2024

Father your word says that what the enemy meant for evil, you can turn it for good. We declare Your will, plans and purposes will prevail. Your mercy triumphs over judgment. Your praying, interceding people will continue to stand in the gap for our nation and President Trump . We thank you for Who You are and for hearing our prayers. in Jesus name we pray.

Cecilia Collard
May 30, 2024

Father, I pray with all that is within me, that we will see your justice for President Trump. Your word says, as the world grows darker and darker, your amazing light shines brighter and brighter. Light up the shadows Lord, bring everything being hidden there and open up the eyes of the deceived. Remove the veil and let your truth set this nation free, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Maria Ruiz-Diaz
May 30, 2024

Way Maker
“ I am the Lord, your Holy One, the Creator of Israel, your King.”
Thus says the Lord, Who makes a way through the sea And a path through the mighty waters.
Isaiah 43:15-16 NASB

May 30, 2024

Pray PSA 112

    May 31, 2024

    Excellent selection! Thank you!
    “7 They will have no fear of bad news;
    their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.
    8 Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear;
    in the end they will look in triumph on their foes.”r

Terri Norton
May 30, 2024

Lord God Almighty, we ask for Righteousness to prevail in America for Your Glory! You are aware of all the heart motives and You are Perfect in Judgement. Please bring Truth and appropriate Justice to bear upon all involved. May America be the Christian Nation we were called to be so many will come to Salvation through this miraculous turnaround! I Hope In You and Your Great Grace and Mercies! All because of Our Savior’s Blood! Thank You Lord Jesus! Thank You God!

Carol Mattingly
May 30, 2024

God is still in control! Mr. PRESIDENT TRUMP, there is Victory in the Blood I plea His Blood over you now! The Light will over come the darkness don’t worry.

Jettie Stanley
May 30, 2024

Father,we ask for angels to come.we ask for your will to be done in this situation,and truth come forth and that through this P.Trump become a voice for you and for the nation like never before and all the devil’s tactics be exposed.

May 30, 2024

Father God, We lift up President Trump and his family during this time. You know his innocence and the verdict. We know you are in control and ask you to give him favor in the appeals. Strengthen him and his family. Pray your grace and favor go with him. We ask you to reverse this verdict and bring justice.

Francoise Merry
May 30, 2024

Praying for President Trump to truly come to the Lord, acknowledge humbly his faults and experience the Lord’s mercy, May he trust the Lord for his future, humble himself and draw close to the Lord, acknowledge his need of the Lord’s grace and mercy! And trust Him for the future….

Francoise Merry
May 30, 2024

Praying for President Trump to truly come to the Lord, acknowledge humbly his faults and experience the Lord’s mercy, May he trust the Lord for his future, humble himself and draw close to the Lord, acknowledge his need of the Lord’s grace and mercy! And trust Him for the future….

Jessica Renshaw
May 30, 2024

Lord, Your will be done.


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