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Father, we pray for groups like Moms for Liberty that are being targeted for doing the right thing. We ask You to continue exposing the wrongdoing of the DOJ and to bring justice.
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A DOJ unit focusing on hate crimes reportedly set its sights on Moms for Liberty. Why was the DOJ targeting innocent conservative groups?

From The Daily Wire. A Department of Justice unit dedicated to “preventing and responding to” “hate crimes” tracked the conservative education policy group Moms for Liberty in the same manner it tracked the Ku Klux Klan, according to internal emails obtained by The Daily Wire.

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Moms For Liberty was tracked by the DOJ’s Community Relations Service (CRS) alongside symbols such as the noose, the Confederate flag, and the swastika. The only other groups whose movements were similarly tracked, the emails show, were the Ku Klux Klan, a second KKK-style group, and the Oath Keepers.

The DOJ concealed the records from the public by ignoring a Freedom of Information Act request, but released them pursuant to a lawsuit filed by America First Legal on behalf of The Daily Wire. They show the Community Relations Service, which says its role is “preventing and responding to community tensions and hate crimes, bias, bullying, and discrimination,” tracked targets like Moms for Liberty through Google and LexisNexis alerts.

The DOJ did not return a request for comment on why it was tracking Moms for Liberty. It appears to have used its tracking of Moms for Liberty to identify school boards considering enacting conservative-leaning education policy. It then pressured school boards to defer to the DOJ to resolve the differences of opinion between duly-elected conservative officials and leftist activists, instead of enacting platforms they won elections on. …

On July 20, 2023, a Google Alert set for ”‘moms for liberty’ virginia” turned up an article that said that the “Virginia Department of Education releases new policies for transgender students.” Days later, Levine wrote to school board members in Roanoke County, Virginia, to “offer our services in conflict resolution.”

“CRS is aware of ongoing community tensions in Roanoke County following the release of the new model policies for transgender students. I’d like to connect to see if we might be able to offer support and services as you work to manage conflict within the community related to this,” she wrote in an email that was first reported by The Daily Wire last August.

Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin had drafted a “model” policy that would prevent schools from gender-transitioning children without their parents’ consent, which school boards had the option to adopt. In deep-red Roanoke County, Youngkin won twice as many votes as his Democratic opponent, with similar results down-ballot.

In a democracy, that meant that the locality had chosen to implement conservative policy. In the United States, schools are locally controlled. Yet CRS seemed to ask local school board members to defer to CRS because of “tensions” between the elected leaders who had an overwhelming mandate, and a tiny band of leftist agitators. …

There is no evidence that Moms for Liberty or elected officials in Roanoke were committing hate crimes.

Instead, DOJ seemed to be operating on the premise that either the Republican governor’s proposed policy was itself “hate,” or that lawless leftist activists created “tensions,” which opened the door to federal intervention designed to diffuse the tensions by appeasing them. …

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(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons)

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June 2, 2024

Lord, your justice will prevail and we know the attacks from the enemy are nothing to You Lord, and Your angels Lord to protect Moms for Liberty. In Jesus’s mighty name amen.

Dennis Brodhecker
June 1, 2024

What we are experiencing in our country is what happened in Nazi Germany. The DOJ has become like the gastapo. This is a satanic scheme to destroy our freedoms.

Darlene Estlow
May 31, 2024

Father, thank you for revelation. May we as your ekklesia stand strong and do right and continue to pray for righteousness to come to our nation.

Susan CC
May 31, 2024

Stand- tolerate without flinching : bear courageously : to remain firm in the face of

Psalm 78:12-14 CJB
… He made the waters stand up like a wall….

Psalm 20:7-9 HCSB
…They collapse and fall, but we rise and stand firm….

Dear Lord and All Mighty God, Power and Purpose belong to You.  Your Power is inexhaustible and Your Purpose is pure and perfect. You led Your people through the sea on dry ground by making the waters stand up like a wall. You raised your people up on countless occasions and before daunting enemies, gave them courage to stand firm before the battle. My prayer today is not only for Moms For Liberty but for all groups, agencies, organization and individuals who are standing for truth and justice. Standing for the unborn. Standing for the trafficked. Standing for the abused. Standing for the addicted. Standing for the victims of a lawless society. You told us what is good and what You require of us; to act justly, to love faithfulness, and to walk humbly with You, our God. I am praying today for Your inexhaustible Power to saturate all good plans with Purpose. You know each one. You know each person involved. Bless these plans and people for Your Glory and for the good of this nation….all nations Father. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ who overcame this corrupted world. I pray in His Name we will see evidence today in America and beyond. Please give us the power to stand in the face of adversity, it is surrounding us. Amen

    May 31, 2024

    Thank you Susan for this prayer. It was so well written and I come in agreement. In Jesus’ name.

    Rose (from Michigan)

Michael and Ellie Briney
May 31, 2024

Moms for Liberty have chosen to follow the law concerning their right to protest. However, the left-wing liberal DOJ, which is a part of the anti-God, anti-U. S. Constitution movement in our nation, have their own agenda which defies what is right. There is only one answer for God believing, God fearing people and it is found in
2 Chronicles 7:14: “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” This is the only solution for seeing what is right to take place in our land. We must fast and pray for a Godly outcome!


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