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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we thank You for rescuing these trafficking victims. We pray for those who have not yet been found and are still in danger. Protect them, Lord, and bring them back to safety.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dozens of trafficking victims, both adults and children, were recently found and freed. This is a huge answered prayer!

From The Daily Wire. FBI agents and local authorities rescued 141 adult victims of human trafficking, 84 minor victims of child sex trafficking and sexual exploitation, and have identified 37 actively missing children during a two-week nationwide operation in August dubbed “Operation Cross Country.”

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The average age of victims in similar operations is approximately 15 years old, while authorities said the youngest victim discovered during this operation was 11 years old.

“Human trafficking is among the most heinous crimes the FBI encounters,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said in a statement. “Unfortunately, such crimes—against both adults and children—are far more common than most people realize.”

Federal officials arrested 85 suspects of child sexual exploitation and human trafficking offenses as part of Operation Cross Country, which conducted 391 operations over two weeks. Teams included in the operation consist of FBI special agents, intelligence analysts, victim specialists, and child adolescent forensic interviewers working with 200 local, state, and federal partners.

Victim specialists provide a bridge for survivors who have lost trust in the system by helping them establish a positive relationship with law enforcement.

Specialists also help survivors receive available resources based on individual needs, such as crisis intervention and basic living needs….

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(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: Tim Tebow Foundation on Unsplash)

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Liberty Morano
August 24, 2022

What about Title IX changes. Prayer & ACTION needed now!

Santos Garcia Jr.
August 19, 2022

ABBA Father, we thank You that children, women, and adults are being rescued from the satanic grip of human trafficking. We ask that Holy Spirit will expose the corruption and bring a total end to the human trafficking pandemic that has swept the nations. May the Holy Fear of the LORD come upon ALL those involved in this heinous crime, and that many will repent and turn their lives over to the LORD of Glory… In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!


Sue J
August 19, 2022

Praise God for this wonderful deliverance! May He rescue many more. May these rescued ones receive all of the help they need to recover from the terrible damage done to them. In Jesus Name, Amen

Darlene Estlow
August 18, 2022

Thank you Jesus that these people were rescued. May many more be rescued from sex trafficking. May those who are responsible for human trafficking be found and incarcerated!

August 18, 2022

This is a wonderful development. Thank You, Jesus. My prayer is, that we will see an increase in things that we can praise God for doing in our nation and world.

Sharon Covington
August 18, 2022

Father, thank you for this victory. Continue to expose this heinous crime that is now a multi billion dollar industry. Raise up resources to assist survivors as well as law enforcement resources focused on this issue. Holy Spirit, open our eyes to this issue and direct our prayers.

August 18, 2022

Thank You Lord, God for all of these people being freed from bondage. Please let every man, woman and child that is suffering from sex slavery be freed and brought back to their families in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Gail Wood
August 18, 2022

Prayers being answered. Praise God for we know precious Lord that this is your hand that is leading authorities to find and rescue these precious people.
Dear Lord we pray that you will supernaturally heal these people’s bodies, heart’s and minds from the trauma that they have suffered.
We pray Father God for their future that as Your word says…,Give them beauty for ashes.
Praise you Heavenly Father all glory , honour and praise be to you.

Jenny Cubbage
August 18, 2022

Thank You Father!!!

August 18, 2022

I am very passionate about the crimes of abduction, kidnapping and trafficking. This is a huge answer to prayer.
While o the surface it looks like political double speak, consider praying this:
Father, cause every thought, word or action by this administration that is harmful to the United States of America to be changed to a blessing. Let the boomerang they throw return weighted down and faster. Let it connect that their hearts of stone would be changed to hearts of flesh, valuing life as Your gift.
In the name of Jesus Messiah.

    August 19, 2022

    Human sex trafficking has been a burden on my heart for years.I often think of those who have been rescued and the trauma they experience . I pray that God would remove the memories and bring healing to their hearts and minds.


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