Potential Speaker Vote TODAY
Potential Speaker Vote TODAY
The House could vote at noon today on Rep. Jim Jordan as speaker. It’s an open question whether the matter will be settled relatively quickly or lead to yet another long-lasting brawl.
From Reuters. Hardline Republican Jim Jordan is set to take his sputtering bid for speaker to the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives this week, hoping to bulldoze opposition from dozens within his own party by applying pressure in a series of public votes.
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The political civil war that has consumed House Republicans largely behind closed doors since former Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s ouster on Oct. 3 has already used up two weeks that Congress could have spent funding federal agencies ahead of a Nov. 17 shutdown deadline and aiding allies Israel and Ukraine in their wars. …
Jordan has picked up some support. Republican Representative Mike Rogers said on Monday that he will back Jordan after what he described on social media as “cordial, thoughtful and productive conversations” about the need to pass military, agriculture and spending bills.
Jordan is due to address House Republicans behind closed doors at 6:30 pm EST (2230 GMT) on Monday, before a possible floor vote for speaker at noon EST (1600 GMT) on Tuesday. …
But with moderate Republicans already in talks with Democrats about a bipartisan alternative, the coming week could hold some surprises, particularly for hardline conservatives who have blocked progress on 2024 spending and ultimately ejected McCarthy from the top job. …
Jordan needs 217 Republican votes to be elected speaker on the floor over Democratic opposition, meaning that he can afford to lose no more than four party votes from a slim 221-212 House Republican majority.
But 55 Republicans opposed the Ohio Republican in a secret ballot on Friday, some of them bristling with hostility after No. 2 House Republican Steve Scalise was forced to withdraw from the speaker’s race a day after being chosen as the party’s first nominee, due to opposition from Jordan supporters. …
But Jordan supporters are gambling that his endorsement by former President Donald Trump, and his popularity with the party’s Trump wing and other Republicans, will undermine opposition in a series of recorded public floor votes. …
But Jordan’s problems could extend beyond the dynamics of the speaker’s race.
The co-founder of the ultraconservative House Freedom Caucus — whose hardball tactics made him the bane of successive speakers — also faces a lack of trust among centrist Republicans who remember him as one of the chamber’s “legislative terrorists,” despite his recent alignment with McCarthy. …
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(Excerpt from Reuters. Photo Credit: Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)
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Lord we ask you to open the door for the right Speaker that will first off do your will and secondly will do the will of the people. I am asking for you to destroy the evil structure in our government that keeps members locked in status quo. Lord, your thinking is not in a box, I am asking for divine intervention that you may make a way for someone outside of the evil web to fill the position or SOTH and that they will do your work and accomplish the changes that will set this country up for free and fair elections. There are innocent people in jail for a false J6 narrative and the SOTH can expose the video footage the will set them free. Father we are looking to you to make a way, in the might name of Jesus!
We had a speaker that was representing the people very well, but Matt Gaetz and 7 others stood with the evil Democrats to unseat him. It doesn’t matter who is in the speaker’s seat now because of the 8 “I know better than anyone what is best for the entire country of Republicans” has set us back and I believed damaged the vote in November! I believe it was a deliberate attempt to sabotage the November vote! Who would believe that Matt and the 7 don’t support every wicked thing that the Democrats stand for? They voted with evil, when our GOD tells us to come out from among the wicked and be ye separate and touch not the unclean thing! FATHER GOD please help us all to stand against evil no matter where it comes in JESUS NAME! AMEN!
That would appear to be your opinion on the matter. however the prayer is still appropriate. Praying for unity so we can move forward.
Father, bring these arguments to an end and the speaker be voted in. I pray you would give favor to Jim Jordan and help him look to you for wisdom.
Father God I pray for the Fear of the Lord to come upon our U.S. Representatives as they cast their vote for Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House. Your Word says in 2 Chronicles 17:10 “Then the fear of the LORD fell over all the surrounding kingdoms so that none of them wanted to declare war on Jehoshaphat.” … Lord, I pray for every Republican EVERY REPUBLICAN U.S. Representative to have a Fear of the Lord in this matter. Sean Feucht Worship Leader has endorsed Jim Jordan as someone who is prayerful. We know him to be an honest and steadfast leader. So Lord, if Jim Jordan is “your guy” for the job – we ask that the same fear of the Lord that fell over kingdoms surrounding Jehoshaphat would also fall upon this Body in Washington DC. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Father God, you say a house divided cannot stand. Our republican representatives are sorely divided. Only YOU GOD can unite and rebuild if that be your will. Have mercy on us. Turn them from darkness to LIGHT. …may those who are called by Your Name in Congress PRAY and SEEK THY WILL. May they be lights among those who are darkened by partisanship and bitterness. Have mercy on us O GOD. Hold back the destruction that more may come to repent and be saved.
This is the year of doors. We have the authority to open and close doors. We open the door for the speaker of house seat and close doors on any other. Be glorified in the house. Sweep through Congress, presidential office, Supreme Court. And pentagon plus every branch of military in our nation. We want your kingdom in our government and nation.
Father God, we Open the Door of Wisdom to every member of the U.S. Congress during this legislative session. But we also open the door of Light — expose those members of Congress that are being “bought off” by strong lobby-ists. Expose any works of Darkness that is opposing YOUR WILL (not our will or our preference) during this vote for Speaker of the House. We ask for You to Expose Darkness, Bring Light and bring a sense of Unity among US Republican House members. In Jesus name. Amen.
McCarthy let too much unnecessary money into the budget. Too many Rinos in the party. Scalise was of the same nature in many ways. Jordan will do what’s best for the people. Trump is my choice.
May each of these potential leaders SEEK GOD…may they work for TRUTH and justice NOT for partisanship or personalities..
Dear Abba Father, You say, “This is the one I will esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, who trembles at My word. If Jim Jordan is this man, I pray You will bless this vote today. If not, I pray the perfect person will soon be appointed. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ, for Your Glory and for America’s good. Amen
Heavenly Father, we thank You that You hear our prayers and search our hearts. We desire for this position of authority to be filled with a representative with a heart for You first and a defender of what You say is righteous, just and true. Grant them wisdom for this position, wise counsel to surround them and peace as they move forward in this process. We give You all the praise and glory where our hope truly lies. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.
No to Jim Jordan. He’s more of the same establishment. All talk no action. We don’t want him!!!!
May God, our Father, be in this nomination for the Speaker of the House we pray in Jesus mighty name!
May the LORD’s WILL be done here as it is in heaven. We do not know the heart of this man…. may we pray and support whomever the LORD allows in position.
Lord God, You already know the outcome of this election. Lord, our hearts desire is to life Your name higher across this country. Spread revival deep and wide. Remove the scales from so many who are currently blinded by the devil – the father of lies! Move mightily among Your people to choose rightly and honor you with their heart and their vote!!
Yes Lord! And we pray that the Spirit of the Deceiver – the Leviathan Spirit – would be bound and gagged in this U.S. Congress this entire week. We bind the Spirit of Leviathan in Jesus Name – that no member of Congress would be deceived into thinking it’s better to vote for lobbyist dollars than it is for grassroots supported candidates. Lord, give Your People wisdom and opportunity to reach their U.S. Representatives on the phone to communicate their wishes. We know, Lord, that Worship Leader Sean Feucht considers Jim Jordan a true friend (Sean’s Twitter posting 10/12: @seanfeucht · Oct 12 Scalise just dropped out of the race for Speaker. 😳 I support my friend @Jim_Jordan who has defended our freedom to worship through Covid even when many on the Right were silent. He is the right man for the job. #HoldTheLine). Lord, give us Wisdom, break down spiritual walls, open spiritual eyes and we ask for Your Victory (not ours) – in Jesus Name Amen.
Dear Lord God I ask once again that you move upon the hearts of the GOP to vote Jim Jordan in as the Speaker of the House. He is one of the most genuine men in Congress , he has your values in his heart, and I believe he is your man for this job. We trust your will be done.🙏🙏🙏
Jim Jordan is 100% prolife! I pray in Jesus’ name he is our speaker! I ask the Hosts of Heaven to go and influence the vote to elect Jim Jordan Speaker of the House. Amen!
#202-224-3121 FOR THE HOUSE
Father God, Your will be done in the election of the speaker of the House of Representatives, today, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, amen.
Heavenly Father, I come to You in Jesus name. Your Word states in Psalm 37:12 “The wicked plots against the righteous & gashes at him with his teeth. 13- The Lord laughs at him, for he sees his day is coming. 14- The wicked have unscathed their swords & have bent their bows to bring down the poor & needy, to slay those whose conduct is right. 15- Their swords will pierce their own hearts, & their bows will be broken. 17- For the arms of the wicked will be broken while the Lord upholds the righteous.” Father Your word will not return to You void, it will accomplish what you send it forth to accomplish. Jim Jordan, stand firm in righteousness & truth for the Lord will fight this battle for you. If God be for you, who can be against you. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Yes! We stand with Sharon’s prayer and we stand with Worship Leader Sean Feucht’s 10/12 Twitter posting:
Sean Feucht @seanfeucht · Oct 12
Scalise just dropped out of the race for Speaker. 😳
I support my friend @Jim_Jordan who has defended our freedom to worship through Covid even when many on the Right were silent. He is the right man for the job. #HoldTheLine
Lord – hear our prayers, bring a renewed Righteousness to our Congress through this flawed (as we all are flawed) man Jim Jordan – in Jesus name.
The quote from Reuters is a lesson in negative manipulating “ reporting”. It’s so bad, I see why you took a teaching moment to share it. But still, I would like to unsee it. 😖
Lord Jesus, may Your will be done in this procedure in the House of Representatives.
Father in heaven, Holy are You. All glory to Your Name. Creator of the universe, You who can bend the necks of leaders, who can break stony hearts, God of all nations, move in the hearts of the Representatives responsible for selecting the next Speaker of the House. God, at this critical time, take their eyes off their own petty agendas for their states, for “paybacks,” and for special interest groups. Awaken these people to see America’s critical need NOW. Do what You need to do to get all of them on Your agenda. There are some people in the House of Representatives who do not love our country. They have another agenda. Lord, raise up the patriots, the Constitutionalists. Remove those who do not love our country, and who are not Constitutionalists. Open the eyes of all. This is a call to “arms” so to speak. I call forth unity and peace in the chamber. Give a voice and a platform to the person of Your choice at this critical hour to fill the seat of Speaker of the House. In Jesus’ Name and for Your glory. Amen.
Amen! Now we know who is with “WE THE PEOPLE” and who is against us! My Lord is a mighty GOD! He’s will be done on earth as it is in Heaven🙏🙏
Intercessors, did you notice the inflammatory language this Reuters’ article used to describe this Godly man, Jim Jirdan? “Long-lasting brawl,” “hardline Republican,” “sputtering bid,” “bulldoze opposition,” “applying pressure,” “civil war,” “behind closed doors,” “hardliner conservative, ” “undermine opposition,” “Jordan’s problems,” ultraconservative,” “hardball tactics,” “bane of successive speakers,” “lack of trust,” and “legislative terrorist.” Isn’t it typical of far-left Reuters to use unnecessarily strong descriptors to shape the readers’ thoughts? Have you allowed the Holy Spirit to counter these words with Biblical objectivity?
Steve Scalise was not “forced” to withdraw his name from the Speaker’s race. As much as we like Steve Scalise, the poor man is battling cancer in addition to his injuries sustained from the baseball shooting a few years ago. Scalise’s voting record aligned more with McCarthy who is a World Economic Forum graduate that aligned with far-left Democrats. Did you notice that conservatives lost ground every time McCarthy compromised? Scalise did not advance Biblical legislation.
Heavenly Father,
Thank You that Your Will prevails in legislative matters because all governments rest upon Your Son’s shoulders.
We ask for Your mercy upon our nation in this Speaker’s race so You act on the billions of prayers from Your remnant here in America. Instill this Believer, Jim Jordan, in the powerful position of Speaker of the House of Representatives so that Your plans for a Biblical America can move forward.
In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.
Spot on. And yes I noticed, and my God given common sense and wisdom allowed me to ignore and and disregard such blatant hypocrisy and undue bias.
Thank you for sharing your insight.
Yes, of course most of those reading this noticed – and were rather taken aback. What could have motivated such a negative portrayal of one of the most honest, whole-hearted representatives that we have in Congress?
Father, we pray for your man of truth, to be the next speaker. Send your government angles now to break satans interference. In Jesus name
Jordon is a man of God and we the people. He is destined to be the next House Speaker.
Jim Jordan said he prayed about running for Speaker. He has been hard at work trying to get to the truth about the Biden family’s shady deals with other countries. And I believe He allows God to lead him and God can use him to unite the fractured Republican party. We must pray for God’s favor for him to get voted in. Then for God to direct him to lead as the next Speaker and for God to reveal what needs to be dealt with in the Biden administration. God is at work in the USA. God bless America!
Jim Jordan would be a fantastic speaker. Kevin McCarthy was a WEF pawn. The last thing we need is to continue foreign aid to Ukraine. We need to support Israels right to defend itself and exist at the same time we must come back to our own nations peoples and requirements, discontinue foreign aid and save our Dollar from collapse. We need to abandon any relations with the WEF and question the UN war Agenda and its 2030 scam of climate change. We need to pray for smaller government and less regulations, we need to pray for morals to be restored to our Government, Culture and society.
Daylynne Starr
October 17, 2023
Daylynne Starr
October 17, 2023
I have been praying for this just before the start of the elections. This was my first encounter: I set myself to pray, but then Father GOD showed me a man’s photo, with the word “president” written across it. I said yes, that was easy (smile). but it told me a lot about this whole election!
It may not seem like this needed much prayer, but it turns out — way too much.
I did study what I saw happening, which was smart, as I got a good lesson on how these things worked.
Pray, and study it at the same time.
My answer was the man who was there,
and attempting to be replaced! Praying for politics is very difficult — because they all seem to be such good lyres.
These coming elections are going to get harder to pray for, as there may be a lot of them. Each of these may mean we could lose our country, so your prayers will be very necessary.
I’ll tell you who my answer was if you would like: just ask on here. Don’t stop praying, pray every day.
GOD Bless You.
Who was in the picture?
The photo was God’s choice — Kevin McCarthy. Don’t moan…
Father also showed me why. His
plan is to stop biden from ruining our country. (Thanks for asking.)
Daylynn Starr,
I could not decipher your cryptic message, but I would like to know who your answer was. From the scant AMEN’s I’d say not many were sure of what you were getting at.
So please give us the answer.
And now having seen your answer, I think you have been deceived by the enemy, by whom I mean the Demonic. Picture of Kevin McCarthy with the word President written across it? No amen from me.
And what is THIS part supposed to mean? “My answer was the man who was there and attempting to be replaced!” The sentence doesn’t even make sense. sorry
I noticed that Mr Scalise’s name means climber and he is not anymore in the running and the name Jordan (river) just means so much. Please Lord let our nation cross over to you this day, and flow down as a blessing to our own people and other lands once more. Let the house have a righteous leader in Mr Jordan.
Daylynne Starr
October 17, 2023
I have been praying for this just before the start of the elections. This was my first encounter: I set myself to pray, but then Father GOD showed me a man’s photo, with the word “president” written across it. I said yes, that was easy (smile). but it told me a lot about this whole election!
It may not seem like this needed much prayer, but it turns out — way too much.
I did study what I saw happening, which was smart, as I got a good lesson on how these things worked.
Pray, and study it at the same time.
My answer was the man who was there,
and attempting to be replaced! Praying for politics is very difficult — because they all seem to be such good lyres.
These coming elections are going to get harder to pray for, as there may be a lot of them. Each of these may mean we could lose our country, so your prayers will be very necessary.
I’ll tell you who my answer was if you would like: just ask on here. Don’t stop praying, pray every day.
GOD Bless You.
I have been praying for this just before the start of the elections. This was my first encounter: I set myself to pray, but then Father GOD showed me a man’s photo, with the word “president” written across it. I said yes, that was easy (smile). but it told me a lot about this whole election!
It may not seem like this needed much prayer, but it turns out — way too much.
I did study what I saw happening, which was smart, as I got a good lesson on how these things worked.
Pray, and study it at the same time.
My answer was the man who was there,
and attempting to be replaced! Praying for politics is very difficult — because they all seem to be such good lyres.
These coming elections are going to get harder to pray for, as there may be a lot of them. Each of these may mean we could lose our country, so your prayers will be very necessary.
I’ll tell you who my answer was if you would like: just ask on here. Don’t stop praying, pray every day. GOD Bless You.
Vote Jim Jordan today!!