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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray that freedom would flourish and oppression would be overcome. We pray for the defeat of the evil of genocide
Reading Time: 3 minutes

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo fired a shot on his way out the door this week that is sure to influence world affairs for some time. On his last full day as America’s top diplomat, Pompeo issued a formal determination of the U.S. government that China is guilty of crimes against humanity and genocide.

Those are powerful words in international law and in the court of public opinion. They bring to mind the most vile actions of Nazi Germany or ISIS. And they are words that could have real teeth to them.

It’s no secret that Pompeo has waged an increasingly tense war of words with China. You may remember, for example, his speech in Prague last summer where he warned listeners in that nation that was once behind the Iron Curtain of the new communist threat. He said the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is an even greater totalitarian challenge than the old Soviet Union because it “is already enmeshed in our economies, in our politics, in our societies in ways the Soviet Union never was.”

Pompeo has been trying to rally free nations together to stand in solidarity for freedom.

But a determination of genocide is a very serious matter. The United Nations defines genocide as specific  “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.”

Why this step?

Well, it was one made after a thorough investigation and an extensive period of deliberation about disturbing reports from China’s Xinjiang region. Communist officials have been persecuting a million Uyghur Muslims and other minorities there for years. The State Department’s International Religious Freedom Report last year revealed that these minorities in Xinjiang are victims of “forced disappearance, political indoctrination, torture, physical and psychological abuse, including forced sterilization and sexual abuse, forced labor, and prolonged detention without trial because of their religion and ethnicity.”

In his formal determination announcement, Pompeo said such “morally repugnant, wholesale policies, practices, and abuses are designed systematically to discriminate against and surveil ethnic Uyghurs as a unique demographic and ethnic group.”

Pompeo further provided evidence that CCP leaders “have made clear that they are engaged in the forced assimilation and eventual erasure of a vulnerable ethnic and religious minority group.”

This harsh declaration about China’s Xinjiang problem is a first of its level in the world. And it is one Members of Congress from both sides of the aisle are welcoming. Last fall the introduction of a bipartisan resolution helped pave the way for this determination, as did a bicameral commission report released just last week.

This assessment also seems to be supported by the new Biden administration. When asked by senators about Pompeo’s determination, Antony Blinken — Biden’s pick for Secretary of State — said, “That would be my judgment as well.”

It’s a good thing there is consensus on the seriousness of the matter because it is now an unavoidable landmark in U.S.-China relations. For any nation that has rallied around the cry of “Never again!” after the genocide at the hands of the Nazis, this certification cannot be ignored.

Pompeo concluded by stating, “We will not remain silent.”

And then he added a warning: “If the Chinese Communist Party is allowed to commit genocide and crimes against humanity against its own people, imagine what it will be emboldened to do to the free world, in the not-so-distant future.”

Have you been praying for China? Now would be a good time to press in for light and life and the good of all people in China and beyond. Let’s be praying for our fellow Christians and others standing for truth inside China. Let us pray, too, for bold and wise leaders in the Biden administration who will be equipped to confront and seek an end to this atrocity.

Aaron Mercer is a Contributing Writer with two decades of experience in Washington, D.C.s public policy arena. He reflects on faith, technology, and the public square at FTPolicy.com. (Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

Have you been praying for China? Let’s pray that the Biden administration would be led by true wisdom in foreign policy, wisdom we know that comes only from God. But also, post a prayer of thanksgiving for the service of fellow Christian Mike Pompeo.

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Frances B Davis
January 25, 2021

I thank God for giving Mike Pompeo His wisdom to act as a true secretary of state so honorably for our beloved America and the good of all people.

Jeane Whiteside
January 25, 2021

Father. I’m grieved at the loss of this man as he served fairly and righteously to represent us. In doing this he represented you very well and I know you are pleased with him. Let his fruit remain in the nations. Position him in a place where he can influence and change world situations. Especially in our corner of the world. Forgive us for not appreciating the team you set up and help us Lord to have hope in jest now seems a hopeless situation.

Jean G.
January 25, 2021

Thank you, Mr. Pompeo for your stand for truth! We will miss your candor and resolve! You have been faithful to the path for for freedom for many!
God bless you as you go to your next assignment! God has a plan for you!

January 25, 2021

Dear Mr.Pompeo,
I am an American on the mission field.
I was very proud of you when you visited Greece before the pandemic broke out.
You were an excellent representative for the United States Government.
Thank you for your efforts.
God has great plans for you.Compassion belongs in government and God needs you there.
What’s happening in China,is happening in many homes today.Yes,people are suffering
unnoticed,unhelped everywhere .I have witnessed much.
We will pray for you,but you must make this a mission to continue to fight against this present and about to happen
genocide against the children of God.
The children of God.Even those who dont know their father yet.
I will pray God uses you for what may be your calling. I agree with what you have said..its all horrifyingly true.
I am praying against their evil plans.We all here are.
God be with you.

January 24, 2021

Great article, Aaron. Father we pray for the fall of communism in all nations, Father especially The fall and eradication of religious oppression of any faith, Father you gave human beings free will to choose you or not, or even to choose idols, do not allow man to set himself above You to persecute anyone for their free will choice of religion or lack thereof. Father you sought to woo ancient nations to yourself through choosing one nation Israel to demonstrate your miracles and character through first and foremost but when they refused and chose war you resorted to having your people drive them out. EVEN Rahab the harlot confirmed this! You would have been merciful to all as you were to her! may the world understand this! May the world get back to basics and realize that Freedom of religion itself is not the enemy and it doesnt need to divide people, or drive them to war, the division comes when any people group or religious group attempts to enforce their beliefs upon others who you have created with free will.

Father you bless the godly and ungodly, you shine your sun and rain on all lands and grow the crops of all nations regardless of their religion, You respect the humans you created and the freedom of choice that you give us yet you Continue to try to woo us, & you continue your example of your allegiance to your chosen people Israel whom you gave a rich heritage of miracles and deliverances like no other nation has still hoping today as you did in ancient days that all would intelligently recognize through historical accounts that God of Israel is the only true God, and turn to you, Father and then see your promise of Christ through the Old Testament prophets. sadly many of your Abrahamic people regardless whether Christian, Jew, or Muslim are caught up in religion instead of relationship and division instead of respect for similar yet differing Abrahamic beliefs. Father intervene in this so that athiests and agnostics and communists can see that freedom of religion or differences are not the enemy but that religion & self righteousness apart from relationship with God is, as Jesus clearly demonstrated that this was the huge error of The Pharisees In his day. Father draw the line in the sand that reminds people of all faiths and those of no faith that we are all humans, all fallable, and have a right to free will to choose religion without being persecuted. Sadly Many angels chose Satan And some still do today and while we pray for religious freedom we ask you to eradicate that religion and drive them out of our nation as You drove them out of heaven!! may you give the nations the common sense on those issues to draw the line and set righteous state and national limits for “religions” Such as satanism that embrace human perversion human trafficking and human sacrifices!

We pray that you God do such an amazing work in the church that sanistists and athiests agnostics and other faiths cant help but see and know The God of Israel is alone God and Jesus is his anointed son and savior. Godly Conversion of any people Can not be won through war or intimidation or harassment or thumping a bible at people in self righteousness but must be won through prayer and the absolute honest worship and surrender to You God in holiness and the righteousness of Christ loving our enemies and Respecting those of other faiths allowing you to work through us to show them through our love and unity that Jesus is indeed Lord. The bible says others will know who are yours through our love. Father remind your people. Protect religious freedom and convict all your people to demonstrate they are truly
your through their love, you said if I be lifted up i will draw all men unto me and the bible says you &’Jesus are one and says God is LOVE, so we need to lift up your name IN Godly LOVE demonstrating you by our love and mercy to others. In Jesus name

*1 John 4:8 – He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love
*John 13:35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another

Jesus didnt say they would know us by a sinner’s prayer or our self righteousness but by our Love! And 1 Corinthians describes clearly what love is.

*1 Corinthians 13:4-8 says : “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
*John 12:32And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.

The gospel of John says in the beginning The WORD was with God and was God and that God IS Love! Give people all over the commin sense to then translate John 12:32 to see the true meaning of that is When Jesus, the WORD who is Gid and was God from the beginning and is LOVE is lifted up (obeyed) you WILL draw all men unto you!

Those scriptures are the foundation of Christianity Right there! Starting with repentance and acknowledging God, our sin and need of salvation from sin, then lay our firm foundation with love of him and others. To build On those truths not on religion false doctrine or sinking sand.

May the church Lift up and demonstrate the true biblical definition Of love, not trying to force or coerce or scare or humiliate anyone into conversion but win them with the help of the Holy Spirits Precious gifts and fruits through genuine love!

In Jesus name we pray the Holy Spirit puts the true and full gospel of Jesus christ into all Christian pulpits and raises up true disciples of Christ not christian Pharisees,or spiritually lazy undisciplined sluggards who prefer to entertain themselves on things of the world instead of Seeking fellowship with God through the word and in Prayer,Father, forgive, Instruct, judge, discipline, and pour your 7 spirits out so people can truly know and respect and reverence you for the beautiful merciful just God you are, not scorn you because of the ignorance of those who claim To know you yet walk in pride and self righteousness and lazy ease instead of love and grace and mercy.
In Jesus name we receive the answers to our prayers.

1 John 4:8 – He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love

John 13:35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another

He didnt say they would know us by a sinner’s prayer or our self righteousness but by our Love! And 1 Corinthians describes clearly what love is.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 say: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

John 12:32And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.

The gospel of John says in the beginning The WORD was with God and was God and that God IS Love! You can Then translate John 12:32 to say when i (love, the Word) be lifted up (obeyed) i will draw all men unto me.

Those scriptures are the foundation of Christianity Right there! Starting with repentance and acknowledging God, our sin and need of God who is Jesus/the Word, then lay our foundation with love of him and others. On those truths not on religion false doctrine or sinking sand.

Lift up love, not trying to force or coerce or scare anyone into conversion but win them with the help of the Holy Spirits fruits through love!

In Jesus name we pray the Holy Spirit puts the true and full gospel of Jesus christ into all Christian pulpits and raises up true disciples of Christ not christian Pharisees, in Jesus name Forgive, instruct, admonish and judge, Amen.

in Jesus name Amen.

    January 24, 2021

    A copy & paste malfunction and duplication there apologies

January 24, 2021

…………abortion as genocide…………

January 24, 2021

Thank you for your service Mr. Pompeo. I am most grateful. I pray safety, protection, guidance, and direction over you and your family, friends and property, in the name of Jesus. Amen

January 23, 2021

May the Lord bless you for your courage, Secretary Pompeo. May your team’s efforts bear much good fruit, may the Holy Spirit continue to take back ground from the evil one. Lord Jesus, hear our prayer and intercede for the nations of this dark world. Amen

January 23, 2021

Thank you Secretary Pompeo for your dedicated service to the United States, for always standing for the truth and not being afraid to speak it, and for being a servant of the people who we could look up to. May God bless you and your family and keep you safe.

Susan Hansen
January 23, 2021

Dear former Secretary of State Pompeo, I am so glad this posting opportunity came up because I had been wanting so badly to somehow reach you with my genuine thanks for your service to our country. We have prayed for you all along the way, to ‘wise as serpents, innocent as doves’, to be sustained when you must have been battle weary, to be bold in the face of opposition, and more. And God answered so many prayers for you.
Thank you for persevering, for your maintaining your calm controlled demeanor, for your hopeful vision, for refusing to be tripped up or inhibited by the enemy. Thank you for your skillful strategizing to advocate for religious freedom (by including advocacy for all faiths, not just Christianity). Your final act as Secretary in denouncing China’s genocide was so well done!
Your character, perseverance, and great faith as God has given you, are much to be praised, even though we know that all the praise and glory goes to God alone who sustains us all!

Rev. Ramona Stonecipher
January 23, 2021

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! for your service! What a great Statesman you are! May God bless you and your family sir.

T Beau
January 23, 2021

so he told the truth!

Bob Deacon
January 23, 2021

Thanks Mike for your devoted service to this nation and to religious freedom around the world. You will be greatly missed at the secretary of state position but hopefully will be back soon. As a fellow Kansas it made me proud to see you and Sam and others Kansans stand up for righteous and not cower to left as many republicans did. God’s richest blessings to you and your family as things proceed onward. God has a great plan for this nation! Sincerely, Bob Deacon

    January 23, 2021

    Thank you, mr. Pompeo, for your courage in speaking out about the evil of China. Thank for your efforts in President Trump’s administration for peace and keeping America and the world a safe place to live.

Cheryl J Henderson
January 23, 2021

the Biden administration is lying. They are already allowing Chinese government access again to our power grid. Biden and his entire administration is possessed by Satan and therefore we know that anything they say is a lie.

    January 23, 2021

    agreed – people from every spectrum of our nation should be demanding of their reps in DC why would we allow a Communist regime access to our power grid??? Don’t settle for some scripted answer. The fact that this was done without explanation or permission to the citizens of this nation is simply wrong, evil and should be investigated.

      Cheryl J Henderson
      January 23, 2021

      From Tierney Real News:

      It looks like Sidney Powell, Lin Wood & Patrick Byrne were correct. Trump DID try to invoke the 2018 EO and DID try to get the DOJ to do their job & stop the illegal electoral college certification but they refused. AG Barr & DAG Rosen, Bush toadies, instructed the DOJ to WALK OUT EN MASS if Trump asked them to take action and Wray’s FBI refused to investigate fraud & Pompeo/Haspel’s CIA refused to acknowledge foreign election interference. White House Counsel, Pat Cippilone, refused to allow Trump to fire Rosen & Wray – saying it would cause irreparable harm to the Executive branch. They ALL refused to release declassified evidence to the public, which would have exonerated Trump, for three years!

      So the swamp is deeper & wider than we think and the DOJ/FBI/CIA need to be completely overhauled if we are to have a country. It also appears now that Pompeo did NOT help Trump because he has aspirations to run for President in 2024. It also appears now that the DoD was afraid to act as well as evidenced by statements from Kash Patel – who was installed as the DoD Chief of Staff. It also appears now that DNI Ratcliffe willingly delayed evidence of foreign election interference until after the electoral college because he was afraid as well. They all knew the election was rigged but are cowering in fear. Ask yourself why.

Jo Bradley
January 23, 2021

Thank you Mr Pompeo for your services! Please in whatever way you can continue to work against China taking over the USA.

January 23, 2021

Yes, Thank God for Mike and his family. We need more with him wisdom to speech up and not give in to China
and make the name -MAKED IN THE USA again.

Deb Hazama
January 23, 2021

Hope. This article provides hope that Pompeo’s declaration ‘baton’ will be picked up by Biden / Harris / Blicken and become a means to stand together. So very thankful that Mike Pompeo pushed through / stood firm on this charge against CCP … Father, God you know the cries for this country and all of your ‘workers’ – that are there, in secret, so that your Word and Good News can be shared and literally overthrow the works of the evil one. We praise you for people like Mike Pompeo, Luis Palau, and many many other ministries that have been working for your Good. Lord, we pray that this seed of Hope flourish and grow rapidly and that your love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness flood through China AND the USA.

Linda Sansone
January 23, 2021

Father, put a hedge of protection for all those who fight to maintain America’s freedom from such tyranny. We pray for the oppressed in China. May there hope remain in you.

Betty B in WI
January 23, 2021


Catherine Lopez-Moore
January 23, 2021

TY Lord for Mike P’s service to America!! I pray for
Biden admin to follow suit and hold China accountable for these atrocities.
I claim Jeremiah 29:11 over America!! Father God plz protect and help believers win more souls to you daily!

Glenn R. Freeman
January 23, 2021

God bless Mike Pompeo and his family. He has shown through his service to U.S that he is a gracious, wise and patriotic statesman with a grounded faith. I already miss him.
Thank you Secretary Pompeo. You have made me proud of our nation.
It is with great sorrow that I watch the incoming administration and their folly.
Lord, in judgement remember mercy.
I will pray for them daily.
1 Tim. 2:1,2


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