I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we come against Planned Parenthood and its abortion agenda in prayer. We pray that You would raise up pro-life leaders this November!
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Planned Parenthood is planning to spend tens of millions of dollars to protect abortion in the upcoming election.

From The Epoch Times. Planned Parenthood will spend $40 million on campaigns to reelect President Joe Biden and congressional Democrats, the pro-abortion advocacy nonprofit has said.

Who is praying on the wall?


Abortion is “the most important issue” for 12 percent of voters, according to a March poll conducted by KKF …

“Half of voters say they think the elections for president, Congress, and state legislatures will have a ’major impact’ on access to abortion, rising to two-thirds of Democratic voters and seven in 10 voters who say abortion is their most important voting issue,” the survey reported.

Planned Parenthood said in a post on X that it is spending the money to “defend abortion access and get out the vote.”

The organization said “Trump’s Supreme Court” removed the federal right to abortion when it overturned Roe V. Wade two years ago. …

Planned Parenthood said that 21 states have enacted either complete or partial bans on abortion since the Supreme Court decision, which the organization says affects 43 percent of women. …

Share your prayers for LIFE to win this November below!

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash)

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June 28, 2024

….. and where or how does Planned Parenthood have 40 million to spend on democratic election campaigns?

Father, Most High God: Your World, Your Will. No way the desires and deceit of this agency can usurp Your plan for this nation. Those there may think, even believe, that this money can buy votes; however, what it brings is, and only can be, defined as evil.

No matter how much they spend, no matter what they say or how they say it,
thwart, destroy these and all efforts to re-elect Marxist dems in any office.

Expose how this agency has 40 million to spend on election campaigns. Turn all their efforts into futile attempts. Confound and confuse them -open their eyes to the evil they are involved with and the environment of hell.

For those that make it on their road to Damascus, and accept the LORDs’ Saving Grace, make their voices strong and bold for pro-life decisions. Raise up an army of whistleblowers in this agency.

Father, from Your Heavenly and Eternal Throne of Justice, speak Words to bring about Your Will, Your Purpose and Your Providence to these times.

In Jesus Name. LORD, You are worthy of it all. Amen..

June 28, 2024

Google pays $300 on a regular basis. My latest salary check was $8600 for working 10 hours a week on the internet. My younger sibling has been averaging $19k for the last few months, and he constantly works approximately 24 hours. I’m not sure how simple it was once I checked it out.

This is my main concern………. https://eorkshigh.blogspot.com

Susan CC
June 28, 2024

I long for You in the night; yes, my spirit within me diligently seeks You, for when Your judgments are in the land, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.

Dear Lord and Almighty God. You see this wickedness and the You know that each dollar being spent on our misguided president was earned through the death of a child. I pray Your justice will come swiftly to each and every person involved with Planned Parenthood. I pray each and every person accepting their blood money will come under the same judgement. I pray You hear each and every one of our prayers and may the salvation purchased by the blood of Your Son and our Savior fall upon every womb. May Planned Parenthood fail to thrive and may those who support it, be filled with sorrow and shame. Amen

Darlene Estlow
June 28, 2024

Father, our nation as sinned. You made a covenant with us when the pilgrims came to this country and you have blessed us so much! We are so thankful for that. Now, as we repent, we see you working, bringing revival to our nation. May these people be taught in biblical values and walk your way. Father, stop Planned Parenthood. Money is powerful, but you are more powerful and you elevate people to where you would have them. Elevate people who will support life in every leadership position and will support our Constitution. We praise your name and trust you as you revive our country.


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