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Lord, we lift up Tina Peters before You. We thank You for her courage, and we pray that You would give her strength as she weathers this storm.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

After seeking to document the irregularities of the 2020 election, Tina Peters was charged, convicted, and sentenced to 9 years in prison.

From The National Pulse. Tina Peters, a former county clerk in Colorado in her late sixties, has received a nine-year prison sentence for allowing 2020 election skeptics to replicate Dominion voting machine hard drives to check for evidence of fraud. Peters was convicted in August of multiple charges, including official misconduct. The charges stem from her use of another person’s security badge to allow access to Mesa County election equipment by an individual connected to election skeptic Mike Lindell. …

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Despite the verdict, Peters insists she is innocent and was trying to safeguard election integrity. “It is with a heavy heart that I hear the vile accusations and anger levied against me,” she told the court, requesting probation instead of imprisonment.

Twenty-first Judicial District Judge Matthew Barrett has instead opted for a harsh prison sentence. …

From The Gateway Pundit. In yet another blatant display of political persecution, former Mesa County, Colorado Clerk Tina Peters, 68—a gold star mother—has been sentenced to 9 years in prison.

After bravely raising questions about election irregularities, Peters was relentlessly pursued by local and federal authorities, culminating in charges that were politically motivated from the outset.

Peters’ crime? Exposing the truth about what happened in the 2020 election.

Last month, Tina Peters was found guilty on seven of ten charges for preserving critical election data. …

Tina Peters is the Election Clerk from Mesa County, Colorado. She made a copy of her machines’ information before performing the action requested by Griswald, who demanded that all voting machines’s election data should be erased (which is against the law) after the 2020 election.

Ms. Peters was attacked for her actions.

Mesa County District launched a criminal investigation against Peters for allegedly posting election system passwords on the internet.

Peters maintains she had nothing to do with the crime she is accused and is being targeted for documenting election fraud in her county. …

In August 2024, Peters was convicted on three counts of attempting to influence a public servant and one count of conspiracy to commit criminal impersonation.

Additionally, she faced convictions for first-degree official misconduct, violation of duty, and failure to comply with an order from the Secretary of State—each a misdemeanor, according to CPR News.

The jury found Peters not guilty on three charges: criminal impersonation, conspiracy to commit criminal impersonation, and identity theft. …

Peters’ defense team argued that her actions were within her authority as she sought to preserve what she believed were critical election records. Defense attorney John Case contended that there was no wrongdoing in copying hard drives, claiming that state officials intended to erase vital information during their updates.

On Thursday, Peter was sentenced for 9 years by Colorado District Court Judge Matthew Barrett, an appointee of the Democrat governor. …

According to CNBC, “Peters was immediately taken into custody after the sentencing judge rejected her lawyer’s request that she remain free.” …

Share your prayers and scriptures for Peters below.

(Excerpts from The National Pulse and The Gateway Pundit. Photo Credit: Marc Piscotty/Getty Images)

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Mary Beth
October 8, 2024

According to Your Word, in Psa. 89:14  “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; grace and truth attend you.” These four attributes are facets of and foundational to Your character, Lord. So, first, You alone know the truth about this situation. Whether guilty or innocent, You extend grace. In Your righteousness, you judge. We ask that You bring justice to bear in this situation, because You hate injustice. If this is another (in a long list of) gross miscarriage(s) of justice, either in the guilty verdict or in the sentence imposed we ask that You intervene. You reminded me of David’s cry as I read this article, and may it be!

Psa. 57:6  They prepared a snare for my feet, but I am bending over [to avoid it]. They dug a pit ahead of me, but they fell into it themselves. (Selah) 

Eloise Lentz
October 8, 2024

I live in Colorado. I worked in elections in my County close to Tina’s. I have followed what Tina did. This article does not reveal the full story and all the lieing and deception Tina did during her time as Clerk and County recorder.. I’m sorry, but she is not the innocent person this portrays.

    October 8, 2024

    What’s worse? Exposing major criminal election fraud…or some lies in order to expose the fraud. We see what’s going on. And the judge will answer for his political decision

Kristi Ross
October 8, 2024

Father God, I thank you for Tina Peters and the corruption she exposed. Please Father, vindicate her! Open the scrolls and set the record straight! Father not just with Tina Peters, but with every election that has been corrupted throughout this nation! Father, our nation is at a tipping point. We pray that your Holy Spirit is poured out and the righteous will prevail! We thank you for your care and protection during these difficult times. In Jesus Mighty Name we pray, Amen and Amen!

Darlene Estlow
October 8, 2024

Father, bring justice to Tina’s case. I pray this verdict and sentence would be reviewed and decided in her favor. May the corruption cease and righteousness prevail to your glory.

October 8, 2024

Father, please have mercy on Tina Peters and release her from prison. The judges and corrupt state officials should be the ones behind bars. Send your warring angels to her rescue! We cry out to you, O God! Have mercy!

October 8, 2024

Another political prisoner of this unelected administration, in my opinion. I will pray for her for the peace of God and strength of mind, heart, and soul. I also pray she appeals and gets an honest judge who will release her. And I pray she finds, if she does not have, the funds to pay for legal defense and appeals.

October 8, 2024

Her sentence is absolutely ridiculous! And the determination to inprison her shows the guilt of those prosecuting!
Use this for Your good, reveal the evil Cindy was trying to expose, cause whistle-blowers to rise up, prosecute and judge the true evil-doers, and SET CINDY FREE. In Jesus name!!

October 8, 2024

Lord God Jehovah please allow her to be set free. This is not the America that was founded as one nation under God, indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all. We are so divided. Please save us Almighty God. Give this woman peace and may her lawyers prevail and bring forth truth and justice. THANK YOU LORD.

Barbara Janicki
October 8, 2024

It is a privilege to pray for Tina Peters – it takes courage to do what is right when those in power demand you do what is wrong ie. erasing election data from the voting machines as this article says she was asked to do by her boss – to do what is illegal. May God protect her and richly bless her for being willing to do what is right no matter the cost – if more of us had her courage and were willing to pay the cost to stand up against things that are wrong instead of remain silent or go along our country might not be in the situation it is in now – Lord help us to humble ourselves and pray – You are our hope! http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

Steve Hummer
October 8, 2024

Our Father, You know all and are sovereign over all things and all people. As in the life of Joseph when he said, “You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good” (Genesis 50:20). You work in mysterious ways. Your will be done. We know that You will be with Tina Peters and though this looks bad to us, You, our Heavenly Father, will use it for good. You are great! In the name of our most powerful, perfect, and loving Lord Christ Jesus, Amen.

Bauer Marion
October 8, 2024

Lord I pray for Tina Peters. I ask for mercy and grace upon her. I ask that this judge rethink his/her decision and reverse it as I believe for righteousness sake. I pray for a repeal of this decision. In Jesus’s name I pray Amen


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