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Lord, we ask that our governmental leaders would be God-fearing and recognize that they are accountable to Him for each decision and act.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) deflected a question about unborn babies on Thursday morning, instead opting to tell reporters that she strongly supports the landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision that struck down numerous abortion laws around the United States.

The speaker’s remarks came during her weekly news conference, after a reporter for CNS News, a conservative media outlet, directed a pointed question about an abortion case making its way through the courts, saying: “The Supreme Court this fall will review a Mississippi law that bans most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. Is an unborn baby at 15 weeks a human being?”

Pelosi, who notably completely avoided the question, responded: “Let me just say that I’m a big supporter of Roe v Wade. I’m a mother of five children in six years. I think I have some standing on this issue as to respecting a woman’s right to choose.”

Pelosi, who identifies as Catholic, has previously accused Republicans of violating “basic morality” bypassing abortion restrictions, according to Fox-10. Although the Catholic Church opposes abortion, Pelosi has given similar responses when asked about the topic of babies in the womb in the past.

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Back in 2015, a CNS News reporter asked the Democratic congresswoman whether “an unborn child 20 weeks into pregnancy” is a “human being.” Pelosi responded: “You know what, what we’re talking about on the floor of the House is something that says politicians should determine what affects the health of a woman, her life, her health, and the rest. I don’t think it’s up to politicians to do that, and that’s why we are very overwhelmingly opposing what is going on on the floor of the House.”

Unsatisfied with Pelosi’s answer, the reporter pressed: “What is your personal take on it? If it’s not a human being, then what do you believe it is?”

“It isn’t an ideological fight, it’s a personal health issue, and as a mother of five in six years, I have great standing on this issue, great understanding of it, more than my colleagues,” she said.

Pelosi proceeded to tell a story about her early days in Congress, in which she said a Republican congressman told her that she thought she knew more about “having babies than the Pope.” . . .

How are you praying for Nancy Pelosi? Let us know in the comments below!

(Excerpt from The Dailywire. Article written by Eric Quintanar. Photo by Joshua Roberts/Getty Images)

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June 21, 2021

The enemy has always been a deceiver and liar. John 10:10 It is my opinion that Pelosi has fallen into that, deceived by power. I am grateful, (praise God!), that she was not of that opinion when she birth 5 children in 4 years. The hypocrisy is evident now. We must continue to pray for ” God’s Will to be done on earth as it is in heaven”. Declare Our Nation’s daily: “In God We Trust”!

June 21, 2021

I’m praying that Nancy Pelosi will get born again! Having said that, I honestly, believe, this woman has been given over to a depraved mind! I have, and I’m sure everyone has, looked in horror, at the things this woman has said and done since she’s been in office! No one, as a Christian, would EVER agree with anything she has stood for! She actually appears to me to be “out of her mind.” Any woman, who has had one child, let alone five, could NEVER be for, or stand up for, abortion! Once you’ve had a baby, you know that you’re carrying a BABY, a human being! So, to argue that abortion is “healthcare” is a total lie. Healthcare is NOT killing a baby! The argument, or excuse, for abortion is absurd. Nancy Pelosi’s stance on anything is outrageous and wrong! She should never have been allowed to be in office as long as she has, but, that’s San Francisco!

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