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God, we ask that You would protect and bless Pastor Pawlowski. We pray for justice to be done in his ongoing court cases.
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After a long legal battle, Pastor Pawlowski is approaching his final trial. Let’s remember to keep him in prayer.

From Charisma News. Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski, who has faced three years of repeated fines, arrests and imprisonments for keeping his church open during the COVID pandemic in 2020, is preparing for what he says is his “final trial” on Feb. 2 in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada and asks for believers to “pray with me that the will of God will be done.”

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Pawlowski faces 10 and a half years in prison for what he termed in a press release as “terrorism charges, for allegedly causing harm to Canada’s economy and for speaking to and for providing a sermon to Albertans whom came together to oppose the heavy handedness of their elected representatives.” …

“This is the final culmination of over 40 tickets for the COVID tyranny, the house arrest, the prison, all of that stuff,” Pawlowski told Fox News Digital recently. “It’s crazy stuff.”

In Sept. 2021, Charisma Media CEO Stephen Strang Interviewed Pawlowski for his Strang Report podcast, and spoke to the Canadian pastor about his trials and tribulations.

On Twitter, Pawlowski said, the Deputy Chief Prosecutor of Appeals and Specialized Prosecutions have charged me with: “Interfering with Critical Infrastructure under the Defense Act”, “mischief over $5,000” and a “breach of probation.”

Pawlowski quotes 2 Peter 2:9, “The Lord knows how to rescue the godly from a trial, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment.” …

How are you praying for Pastor Pawlowski? Share this article to encourage others to pray.

(Excerpt from Charisma News. Photo Credit: Intercessors for America)

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Mark Modjeska
February 7, 2023

Praying for you!

February 4, 2023

Precious Father, I ask You to open the doors You want Pastor Pawlowski to go through, and to shut the doors You do not want him to go through. We know our struggle is not against flesh and blood. We know there is evil looking to triumph. We also know wherever Pastor Pawlowski is You are there. I know he will do Your will wherever he is. It is obvious that he loves You. I thank You God for his example to us, I thank You for his willingness to do Your will no matter the cost. May we all be ready to sacrifice ourselves for what is right. Lord I ask You would set him free. I know all the glory would go to You. I do ask that Your will would be done in the courts of Canada, in the halls of the US congress and in the Pentagon. Living in the US I have not seen a time like this, but I know You are still on the throne. You are in control. And You need us to do what we are called to do. Help us to hear Your voice clearly and to act swiftly. Help us to stand as this man has. In the Precious name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen

Pat M
February 3, 2023

Father God we are living in a time when words are twisted and evil men and women turn truth into evil and evil as good. You have told us this day was coming. Help Pastor Pawlowski to have the words that pierce the lies and expose the mandates of evil. Open the judge’s heart, mind and spirit to know how to rightly discern this case and have the backbone to litigate it properly for the sake on humanity. We appeal to Your mercy, loving Father for justice and righteousness to fall on us as we repent for being slow to recognize the snare of the enemy and his evil ways. Forgive us and heal our nations, in Jesus’ name.

February 3, 2023

All of these charges are bogus. The government of Canada was angry that this pastor dared to defy “elected” and “appointed” officials that should be protecting the rights of citizens instead of acting like dictators! FATHER GOD please remove every one of the officials that trampled on this Pastor’s civil rights! YOU said that vengeance is YOURS and that YOU would repay! Save them from YOUR wrath and let them make it right on behalf of Pastor Pawlowski! So we forgive these officials and pray that laborers will reach them for salvation in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

Mrs D
February 3, 2023

We call forth great favor, wisdom and discernment for Pastor Pawlowski. As he sits quietly and habitually before You, seeking Your counsel and revelation of Your Kingdom plans and purposes, may he hear clearly and surrender completely with full confidence and JOY that he is Your instrument in the current hour. May ALL who are present at the trial and those watching see Your glory exploding from his countenance. May there be no question that eternal consequences are reigning for and through him. May he speak in Your meekness and power and may YOUR glory impact every witness. Amen.

Paul Fishman
February 3, 2023

ALL charges should be cancelled since they were NOT legal in the first place. Covid is past the Pandemic stage.


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