Pandemic of the Aborted
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Pandemic of the Aborted
As I sit down to write some thoughts after my second title fight with SARS-CoV-2, I am compelled to open with my conclusion: To call this a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated is a dim, divisively thoughtless, and entirely non-scientific claim which is not merely disinformation: It is a carefully coordinated and well-protected lie.
You have to ask yourself; what is the benefit when our corrupt leaders and corporate-owned media outlets treat our citizenry as if we are unable to research or think for ourselves? As I write this, it is being reported that Australia has finally tipped the scales. Despite some of the most inhumane and extreme lock-downs on the planet, the fully-vaccinated now outnumber the non-vaccinated for both infection rate and hospitalizations.
While we could take a quick tour around the globe and statistically prove that these experimental genetic potations are not only patently ineffective and increasingly dangerous, let me first share my very recent personal experience.
My double-poked 92-year-old father got extremely ill less than two days after complying to receive a booster. Not only did he test positive, but he infected my non-vaxxed mother (who never leaves the house) and myself when I spent a day caring for them. I’ll let you decide whether I’ve rolled up my sleeves for this nefarious needle or not.
After two years of well-documented early-onset treatment history, I was deeply dismayed when his doctor’s only suggested protocol was, “If he gets worse, we’ll have to admit him.” And that is exactly what happened.
Meanwhile, my mom and I began taking Vitamin D, Zinc, Quercitin, and Ivermectin. Neither one of us got anywhere near sick enough for admission and we are both recovering fine.
Behold the dark powers of the beloved vaccine.
I’ve wondered if my father is experiencing ADE. Antibody-dependent Enhancement can assist the virus to infect a geometrically greater number of cells than it ever would on its own. As the antibodies bind to the virus, the result is a more severe illness than if the patient remained unvaccinated.
ADE could explain what we are experiencing here. And the more I research, the more it’s clear the elderly can not sustain all of these shots and boosters.
This just came in as I’m writing: The CDC has finally admitted the vaccines fail to prevent infection and do not stop the spread of the virus. Looks like Ms. Walensky had a rare, breakthrough case of — telling the truth.
The Open VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) and CDC Wonder queries are difficult to formulate by design, but I still urge you to try. While opponents will say the data is unreliable because it’s voluntary — it has a been the undisputed standard-bearer for every previous vaccine. Not to mention; it is a federal offense to falsify data in VAERS.
As clots, myocarditis, reproductive anomalies, and sudden death entries grow in the database, I am most curious about the reported side effects of the boosters in the elderly. Many European and Middle East countries have raised grave concerns about the third and fourth shots, as well they should.
Time is the crucial element blatantly missing from the genetic journey of these jabs as they skim across the surface of the Scientific Method. From the beginning of the pandemic, many virologists and vaccinologists presupposed the imminent dangers of mass-vaccinating the populace during a robust spread. Why? Because innate viral evolutionary adaptations would cause the virus to mutate in a far more aggressive manner.
Have we created a beast? Now we’ll never know…
What truly infuriates me is hearing Christian leaders tell us;
If Jesus were alive today, he would take the vaccine.
Are we sure about this? First, we can readily dismiss any pastor who can’t acknowledge that Jesus IS alive today. Second, as I read the Gospel accounts, I don’t see Jesus giving seeing eye dogs to the blind and building walkers for the crippled.
People brought to him all who suffered with various illnesses and afflictions, those who had seizures, paralytics, and those possessed by demons: And he healed them all. ~ The Gospel of Matthew
Call me a cockeyed Christ optimist, but if we believed a fraction of what Jesus taught us, we would have seen this virus cower in retreat two years ago.
Next question: Is Jesus pro-choice? Does he support abortion as a means of discarding a newly formed life due to the selfish choice of unprotected sex? Would he march with a sign to protect a woman’s right to kill her baby right into the ninth month? Would he cheer the harvesting of baby organs and fetal tissue that are sold for experimentation?
This is when Progressive Christians rarely have any sound, biblical arguments in Christ’s defense on this point.
What does this have to do with the pandemic and vaccines? Absolutely everything. Without abortion, there would be no pandemic and there would be no vaccines.
Fallible Fauci is consistently under increasing pressure for his complicity in Gain of Function viral manipulation. Basic research reveals the gruesome interdependency of SARS-CoV-2 and dead babies.
Humanized mice were used to weaponize the Coronavirus into SARS-CoV-2. Heart-still-beating harvested organs, particularly kidneys and lungs, are a requirement to turn immune-suppressed mice into Mister Potato Head-like rodents. And it’s upon these mutant vermin the genetically enhanced viruses can be observed.
Imagine a lab mouse with a baby’s lung surgically adjoined to its shoulder. Heartless scientists call them LOM Mice (Lung Only Mice) and mockingly refer to the external lungs as Water Wings. The more complex genetically engineered mice are spuriously called BLT’s (Bone Marrow, Liver and Thymus.)
Let us pause to imagine this ghastly scene from the Creator’s view. First, envision the most extravagant expression of pure love: Mankind being fashioned in the womb in the very image of God. Next, picture that Image-bearer being sacrificed like a junked car being scrapped for parts.
Lastly, visualize the dying mouse as it strains to not only assimilate an Image-bearer’s organ but also endures the torture of being slowly put to death by a man-made virus.
Next time it rains, imagine a Loving Father weeping over the willful degradation of His creation.
Likewise, every vaccine being distributed today, including the Monoclonal Antibody treatment (except perhaps for one brand–Tocilizumab), are fully reliant on aborted fetal tissue. So before you let these genetic brews get under your skin, stop to consider the sacrificed baby who never had the chance to fill out an Organ Donor Card.
I find it entirely loathsome that people who see the dangers and deficiencies of these experimental serums are actively labeled as domestic terrorists, extremists, and present a mortal danger to the vaccinated population. Further, these same accusers cheer on China and world health officials as they continue their barbarous wickedness against human beings.
My father remains unrecognizable as he slowly and painfully recovers. I can only wonder: What if he didn’t take these three shots? Now, we’ll never know.
He has since asked me more than once, each time with heightened awareness of the lies he was led to believe;
I took every shot they told me to take and it nearly killed me. Why am I being punished for doing what they said? ~ My Pop
These vaccines will be proven to be the most sinister atrocity ever inflicted on the world’s population. That said, many people unknowingly complied early in the simulation as they trusted the propaganda machine. For those with regrets, there is hope. First, bypass the corporate-owned media machines and do your own research. Second, never be silent. And third, pray.
Pray that the Lord, who is always quick to redeem and restore all things, will heal you and regenerate perfect, divine health within you. And pray that the mighty breath of God will blow this virus and abortion completely off our planet.
Before you argue that Jesus endorses these shots, or dispute the use of aborted fetal tissue, organs, and IVF embryos in the production of monoclonal antibodies, consider reading these five well-researched articles by Julie Collorafi on – Sacrificing Children
What do you think? We welcome respectful, prayerful responses in the comments section.
(Article published first at The Wine Patch, written by IFA Contributor Keith Guinta. Photo Credit by : Getty Images)
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This information should be spread far and wide. Get it out there. Thankyou. The demons that want to perpetuate this to enchanted their power over us must be stopped.
Thank you for this information. God help us. Give wisdom to those who love You and protect us and use us.
I concur 100% with this article. May the Lord Gob not only be with USA, but with SA as well. May the peace of the Lord Jesus be with you.
Keith, thanks for this remarkable article.
Lord, call our nation to repentance, and may this knowledge go far and wide so the people know they even need to repent!
Excellent! Jn 8:31-32 So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed HIm, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine: 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
During one of our wars, there was a sign that said, “United we stand, divided we fall.” And the Bible says, “A house divided against itself shall not stand.” It is evident our enemy is trying and succeeding in dividing our country more and more. Republicans against Democrats (and the gap between keeps increasing), and now people taking the shots and those who don’t. We have lost several “friends” due to this divisiveness. Thank God for truth that sets us free from the “Bondage of being right”. Blessings!
God bless you for writing this article! I will share it with many. Praying for your Dad and for intelligent people to wake up and fight the atrocities being mandated against humanity.
Good article. I totally agree! Praying for people to wake up.
Amazing article, very well written!
So sorry about your father.
I agree that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will not allow this type of behavior for much longer,, with vaccine makeup. He will avenge.
Thank you for standing up and defending the innocent, and most vulnerable off us all.
Our precious unborn !!!
Thank you for making the link between abortion, and the development methods of these vaccines and treatments.
My wife and I have 6 children, but three are with the LORD (miscarriages). I truly believe if anyone had to hold their child in their hands, and see a life cut short, they would never condone abortion. Also, if a parent had to see what is done to a child when aborted, they would never do it. We have to pull back the curtain on what this “procedure” consists of. Murder.
We the People must do our part, spread the word, defend these children, PRAY, SPEAK OUT, VOTE, and hold our politicians accountable.
“if my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”
2 Chronicles 7:14
Have MERCY on these PRECIOUS chilren and poor animals.
We cry out for TRUTH and JUSTICE to PREVAIL
We all need to realize that this is a world wide manipulation. People with nefarious goals are trying to reshape our world for profit and power.
Dear Jesus, please save us from the evil that is remaking our world out of fear. We need you Jesus. As it was in the beginning, is now and forever shall be world without end. AMEN!
What a sad state of affairs our world has come to. It’s a miracle God has not wiped us all off the earth as Sodom and Gomorrah was.
Praying and pleading that God will extend His mercy and undeserved grace to this world. We desperately need it.
Thank God for the truth tellers. I look at my fellow citizens and hardly recognize this cowering fearful hysterical group of people that will do anything the government tells them to do. How did we get here? I am 72 and I had Covid in December and I am just fine thank you. By the way I have many underlying issues including COPD. I am so sorry for your father. Prayers for his health and well-being.
This well written and informative article has further confirmed the limited research that I have done and is one that everyone should read whether or not they have received this vaccine.
I am a survivor of Covid-pneumonia. I spent 12 days in the hospital. I have not taken any of the shots for Covid and I do not intend to. I have felt from the beginning that this vaccine was dangerous at the least and immoral at the worst as it relied upon fetal cell tissue from aborted babies.
I thank the author for the research that went into this article and for sharing their first-hand, personal experience with this virus.
Hi, Just wanted to let you out of the several emails sent to: The Resident Biden,Oregon Senators, Governor and Representatives. So, far I have only received form letters saying they’re too busy to reply at this time and that’s only half of them. Frustrating at best. God Bless and Thanks for all you do! Sincerely, Bre
Amen. Well stated. May God heal our land.
Praise God for this article revealing truth! Praise God for Christians that call other Christians (including pastors and spiritual leaders) to repent! Lord have mercy on our nation! Please intervene and expose all darkness so that more may come to know you intimately!
Very well written article. But if the public was given access to Ivermectin which drs are punished if they prescribe it, there would be no need for a vaccine created to depopulate America. Covid and the jab were both invented and planned many years ago to depopulate the world, which is one of the globalists’ 10 commandments.
Dear ones: I shared with a family friend, some sources, saying that fetal tissue was used to develop the COVID vaccines, and she still says “It’s a myth!”
I don’t think showing her more articles will convince her.
At least, she talks to me!
This man is absolutely correct. We can, AND MUST, think for ourselves.
Thank you for sharing this information. May God open up our eyes and hearts to the truth.
Thank you for writing what my church fails to see. May it wake up and be healed.
Jesus God Almighty, have Mercy, forgive us, let us turn from our wicked ways, seek Your Face, taking over all sickness by the Power of Jesus Christ that lives within us Amen Amen Amen
First up… Is Jesus Pro Choice? WOW!
A better question (if you really have to ask), Is Jesus Pro Life? Of course He is… He is the Author of Life and has nothing to do with the creation of vaccines. That is man, not God.
And for the record, women choose abortion for reasons other than unprotected sex. I am all about Pro Life, but you’re judging Jesus’s motives and political stance on abortion is ridiculous.
Second…Your solution for “those with regrets?” Prayer is always the frontline of defense (not the last solution), do your homework/research and stop feeding the media machine.
God first, above all.
Thank Keith for your amazing and succinct summary of the truth of these past two years, well, indeed, decades…
Share this widely.
Thank you for telling the truth, I cannot believe these so called people of God are telling their members to get the vaccine!! My husband has kidney disease and his doctor told him to take the shots regardless of me showing him videos of doctors telling people otherwise. So now his kidneys are worse than ever before, he has had three shots, very sad. I do pray for him and all the other people who took this destructive vaccine.
I wept when I read this. Thirty years ago, as a new Christian, I asked God to give me a heart ike His, especially to see brokenness and pain, but also for discernment to recognise lies, deception and wickedness. He answered my prayer. I now weep and pray in earnest for those who have been blinded by this wickedness, who continue to believe the government narrative in spite of proof to the contrary being readily available. Thank you, Keith for your punchy, honest article.
To believe that Jesus would take the vaccine shows the very worrying idea that Jesus would…as He is clearly God’s holy son, our Saviour Lord and miracle healer. Which then raises the question as to whether some of the religious leaders etc. (like in Jesus day) actually read the Bible, pray, or in fact have ANY engagement with our Lord at all!
This is the greatest mis-information i have heard to date….and leading many, like pied pipers, to completely misunderstand our great Lord and Heavenly Father….both to their own detriment as well as to those who believe them…possibly eternally if they do not repent. They should repent so that they and their followers are set free to know Him as He wants them to.
Thank you for being courageous in sharing all this information. How vile and anti-Christ to say He would approve of any of this demonically inspired “Plandemic.” Particularly the Biological experiment called a vaccination, which changes the DNA of humans whom Jesus Himself created! Our bodies are the dwelling places of the Holy Spirit, now bought and paid for by the very blood of Jesus! How can we pollute where He lives?
I’ll be praying for your father to recover, be healed and made whole.
Thank God for your clear and concise article!! I applaud you. From the minute I heard they wanted to force us to take it and that it had used an aborted baby as a means of provoking a reaction from our bodies. I was against this vaccine! I will NEVER allow any portion of an aborted child be inserted into my body willingly! Lord help us to understand what this evil intends to do to us!
This has been a global plannedemic. The globalist, the new world order, the communist – marxists will NOT let go of this for it has been the means of them ushering in the new world order. Its all lies to bring America and Christian beliefs to an end as Satan continues his efforts to rule. We should not be surprised. Our battle has never been against flesh and blood but against principalities and spirits. Stand firm and hold on to Jesus and our trust and faith in Him. He has the victory!
Pandemic of the vaccinated
Amen and Amen. Holy Spirit, show us how to live not by lies, and speak words that lead to life!
“The voice of your brother’s blood is crying to me from the ground.” The deception of these sorcerers try to minimize the reality of murder by saying fetal cells from the 70’s are being used but not fetal tissue. Like you reveal the process to get where they’re at does involve live tissue and Moderna has been known to fertilize eggs and “grow” for research embryos. What part of “Have NOTHING to do with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather expose them.” do Christians not understand? Lord, open the eyes of your people!
Oh G0d I am nothing; but You made me something. Not only something,but someone in your own image and likeness. Grant that all people realize their creation and all human creation in the way you see us; your own image and likeness. Amen
God is teaching me through various ways that I am not the fixer. The Great I AM is THE FIXER and we can’t do His job. So, I believe His Word, I trust His Word because it is my own personal experience that He has never failed, is not failing now, and I am firmly convinced that He never will. So I pray, obey, and believe, and He has never failed me.
I am sorry that most of the members of my family have taken the short & other shots. My sister has been an RN for over 40 yrs & her grandson 2 & 1/2 to the shot. He weighed 2 lbs when born & spent 5 months in Boston Children’s hospital. May GOD intervene in this madness. Amen
In Luke 21 we read… “22 For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.
23 But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people.
24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
29 And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees;
30 When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand.
31 So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the
ingdom of God is nigh at hand.
32 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.
33 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.
34 And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.
35 For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.
36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.”
We are so close now
I am sorry that most of the members of my family have taken the short & other shots. My sister has been an RN for over 40 yrs & her grandson 2 & 1/2 to the shot. He weighed 2 lbs when born & spent 5 months in Boston Children’s hospital. May GOD intervene in this madness. Amen
[email protected] abortion is a necessary evil
Thank you for sharing truth. You are not alone in discerning the lies. There has been censorship but don’t keep silent!
It is despicable seeing how this supposed vaccine has been pushed on people around the world. Certainly satan is the great deceiver.
Jesus, forgive us as a nation, I ask for more of your mercy, because it’s your mercy, that we’re not already consumed. Bring light to the darkness in our leaders. Avenge the blood of our babies and heal America and the nations.Be glorified in all the earth!
Beautiful and compassionately written.
Thank you for your loving contribution.
I read earlier about puerto rico where employer had one bldg for vaxxed employees another for unvaxxed gues which bldg broke out with covid was it here where this publication took place
Sadly, the evidence has been abundantly clear since the beginning of the Plandemic, although hidden from public scrutiny by the collaborators Fauci, Collins, Gates, the CDC, the FDA, the WHO, the World Economic Forum… and the list is far more expansive.
Governments have colluded to destroy America, free-market capitalism, and our Constitutional Republic. They know full well, that as America goes… so goes the world. It’s to usher in One World governance totalitarian system!
Kim Iversen, Investigative Reporter from The Hill.TV has done a short [15 min. 1/17/2022] video that reveals that there is no longer a ‘conspiracy theory’, but actually the fact that what Archbishop Viganò has warned- and what I detailed at great length in a prior post as well- is manifesting before our bewildered eyes. Please reconsider my updated post and share with those still ‘asleep’: AND-
Thank you for your well placed overview, Kevin, linking the “vaccine” to the use of aborted baby tissue. For me, that is the bottom line in the argument for or against getting the jab. How many people that have gotten the jab would not have done so if they had known about that link? There were plenty of other reasons that kept me from getting it but they all pale in comparison to the death-link. I am so thankful that our Risen, Living Christ Jesus has welcomed each and every one of those little ones into His Loving Arms in heaven. Come, Lord Jesus!
DITTO Theresa’s comment!!!!
I totally agree that every part of this virus is “sinister”. From the onset I spoke out
that this is evil vs. good, and low and behold! I can’t even listen to the msm.
Thank you for speaking out, for the research and for sharing. I lost my
brother, and I know there was no good effort in doing the right thing, as I was
removed from his life. So sad to see the unnecessary suffering.
Thank you for speaking truth. Christians obeyed the order to vaccinate because of fear. There is still much fear now about the mutated viruses. As long as the media continues to spread lies and deception creating fear, the people will follow the socialist path!! Praying for an awakening!!!! Thanks for your message!
I agree with this article; it seems as though the government is pushing these vaccines out of all proportion to the science that continues to come out. A big question I have is WHY? I have had covid 4 times now, the first and fourth time were mild cases, but the second and fourth were severe. I didn’t go to the doctor until the last time; and he had no advice for me except monoclonal antibodies. No medicine of any kind was offered; I just had to go home and either recover on my own or be hospitalized if it came to that. Neither happened and I believe it was because the second time I developed covid, the Holy Spirit reminded me of a bottle of oil of oregano that I had bought years before; I did some research on it and it recommended to take 4 drops in a glass of water 2x a day for 10 days and no more. Oil of oregano is an antiviral, antifungal and natural antibiotic. So I took it as described and my symptoms went away fairly quickly. The fourth time I had covid, it didn’t work as well for me, but my husband who also had it, got better fairly quickly on the protocol. I don’t know if it would work for anyone else, but I know I heard from the Holy Spirit, and I did what I was told. You can take this information and do what you want with it; I’m not a doctor, and I’m not saying this is a miracle cure; I’m only saying it worked for us. God bless all who get this disease; there are alternatives out there, and we always have to listen to God first when it comes to what we should do for ourselves and our health.
I mistakenly clicked on report comment- please disregard- it’s an excellent post.
Thank you.
Perfectly written. Perfectly shared. Thank you! Totally agree.
Thank you for a well-written article. If people would use a little common sense and Christians would use discernment and the Word, they would be making wiser decisions about all of the issues regarding vaccines and the other issues plaguing our country!
Thank you, Keith, for your persevering research and for revealing to me so much that I did not know (but should have known). I am 90 and my wife is 83. We both have had 3 vaccinations. No more! We refuse to be guinea pigs in this vaccine experiment that thrives on the torture and murder of unborn children. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for forgiving me for my carelessness!
I am in full agreement with you on all points of what you present here.
I rely on the Lord for my protection through His Word! (Psalm 27, Psalm 91)
I pray for those who have mistakenly taken the vaccine as well as those suffering from it.
Abortion is the modern day equivalent to sacrificing children to Moloch. It’s pure evil!
The Lord speaks life and health to us through His Word!
Blessings and shalom!
Thank you for this article and call to pray. Thank you for speaking and writing the truth. I desperately need your prayers. My daughter feels called to serve the Deaf in another country. God helped her raise all her support to go in a very short amount of time. The door closed to the firat place because of the political unrest there. Now the door is closed on the second location because as of January 10th, the country requires her to be vaccinated. She is not going to get it because of having worked with us in the pro- life ministry for 17 years. She knows that the vaccines were developed with fetal material from precious aborted babies. She also knows of the huge risk for an adverse event. We had a family member have a stroke after getting their first shot. Her good friend in her early 30’s had an immediate stroke. We have friends who developed debilitating auto immune responses. Another friend got Covid from the vaccine and his own immunity has been severely affected that he has been sick ever since being vaccinated. He is also in his 30’s. We know our daughter is called to go. We know God has provided all that she needs to go. We need wisdom as to what to do about this requirement and for God to make a way.
and we join you in praying for the church to see the connection you present here. We have shared this message since 2005 in evangelical churches all across the nation. (Choose Life Ministries – Only 10% agree. 10% strongly disagree. 80% don’t care. When the news came out about the selling of the bodies of the babies by Planned Parenthood, it got more difficult for us to get into churches to share. Again, thank you.
Joli – Praying for your daughter, for wisdom, and for protection from both the vaccine and the virus. God has perfect timing. He knows things we don’t know. Listen closely to His Spirit, as I know you do, and He will faithfully guide and protect. Fear not! Everything will unfold in His perfect timing and in His perfect way.
Thank you! She is prayerfully pursuing placement here in the United States. She hopes to be able to coordinate mission opportunities for those whom God is calling to reach the Deaf around the world. Please pray especially that she is protected from those who are shaming her and saying she does not have enough faith to just be vaccinated. Thank you again.
My heart is breaking💔. When I had Covid last year, my daughter talked me into getting monoclonal antibodies, which made me sicker than I ever was with Covid, I was not aware that aborted fetal parts were used in the process. I am pro life God forgive me
He forgives. Be comforted. Now spread the word. He loves you.
Great article. I WILL NOT be taking the vaccine!!! It is doing more harm than good!!! So many people that I know are dying from covid, and they had the vaccine!!
Although I understand the mayhem out there, it is unfortunate that there are so missing pieces to this article that elicits the same kind fear that has prevailed for so many and has often overshadowed God’s involvement and provision. With the very complicated health history I have had over the past 40+ years, God has shown Himself to be my Great Physician guiding my thoughts, steps, and choices for my own health and wellbeing. His peace and covering to vax or not to vax is always there for His children. The core foundation comes when God says “Do you trust me to guide you through it all?” Back in 1980, I said “yes.” That’s when the answers started coming and God sending me just the right integrative MDs/DOs, therapeutics, and clinical nutrition all along the way, even peace with getting any vaccine. It’s been an amazing journey so far, and still counting at 77 yrs old! I pray that no matter which decision anyone makes about the vaccine or therapeutics, that God’s preventive and healing guidance and touch will be there one person at a time walking in intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit and His Word. Thank you, Jesus for the freedom to know and choose what You personally direct for each person. For you know their body and temple and what is needed in the natural and supernatural. And that you will protect them always! Hallelujah!
Heavenly Father— expose the evil that these mad scientists have done to the world. Give them your righteous judgment. Protect your people from this culture of deceit and mockery against you. For all glory is yours.
I have always been pro life. I have opposed abortion on the grounds that it was murder.
To find out that aborted baby parts were used to develop COVID 19 is horrible, but somehow unsurprising. The people who did this have walked away from God.
Jesus would not have been pro-choice as it is currently called. He would have considered the unborn a child of god who should be protected and nurtured.
God and Jesus gave humanity free will to decide to walk with them or walk away from them. When the decision is made to return to God and Jesus, forgiveness is there upon repentence.
God and Jesus will forgive woman who have had an abortion if they repent of their sin. That does not make God and Jesus “pro choice”, pro vaccine, pro masking, or anything else. Anyone who claims otherwise has walked away from God and risks the possibility of life everlasting.
Well said. Printing this out as sometimes these articles “disappear!” Thank you! God keep you and yours!
Excellent written article. The church must wake up. Praying for your Pops.
Very interesting article. It cleared up a few things I’ve been concerned about. My husband and I each had the double vaccine, but we have no plans to get boosted. We are in our eighties. There has been too much controversy and this article helped to clear some up for me. Thankfully, most of our grandchildren (8) have decided not to be jabbed. Only one has caught the disease and it was not a severe case. I’m thankful the Supreme Court squashed mandates, but perhaps they did not come up with the proper decision for the healthcare workers. We will continue praying for this site and the state of our union. We will also include your father, who sadly has suffered during his illness.
I just had Covid for the second time 2 weeks ago, with coercitan and zinc daily the virus cannot replicate at the cellular level.
D3, C60 and mens daily 55+
This varient flu lasted 2 days of fever mild and ZERO lung affect and I smoked 35 years until a few ago.
God has made us perfectly for this storm so let’s show Him our Faith!!! God bless the world.
Greg Hopkins
Thank you for informing us with what is the biblical view.
We were lied to regarding the vaccination in many ways.
First ask Jesus for His advice. If you’ve had it stop taking it soak in warm bath’s with baking soda 1-2 cups and wash with Borax to detox.
The truth is not in them you describe.
During the livestream Judy mentioned hearing that Biden removed the restrictions that President Trump imposed on fetal tissue research. Here’s some documentation:
Thank you so much. Well said and we are praying and speaking out and in agreement. Our God is an awesome and incredible God, Jesus are the only answers for this whole evil scheme. and mess and our world.
Blessings to you and your family,
I pray daily for our Gov. leaders, and truly believe if more Christians would humble themselves and pray, God would answer, and bring our Country back.Until this happens, the world will take our Country. We have evil leaders, so what can we expect?
If they only knew…. If they only WANTED to know…
This article is a strong voice of truth. It took courage to publish this when even Christians believe that the unvaxed are the problem. It’s evident to me that the fully vaxxed are in danger of various consequences of having an unproven substance injected in their body, not to mention the baby tissue from aborted babies
We all want the whole truth concerning the vaccines. I agree with some of what is written in this article, but what disturbs me is the avoidance of mentioning the actual data showing the death rates of the unvaccinated vs the vaccinated.
The link above shows this data for various countries. It also shows that you cannot know the effectiveness of the vaccines unless you compare the death rates of the 2 groups. By simply reporting how many vaccinated people died, you cannot determine the effectiveness of the vaccine.
The data from the link above show the death rate of the unvaccinated to be about 5 to 7 times higher than the vaccinated. This evidence cannot be ignored. It may not help the anti vax argument, but to not mention it, shows bias, not different than what the MSM does everyday. This bothers me a lot. I have many non Christian people in my family, and they all know this information I have posted. It is irrefutable and should be taken into consideration when deciding if vaccination should be an option. I agree there are many unknowns concerning the vaccine, and many apparent negative consequences that also should be considered. But let us consider all the information and not be afraid to show both sides of the argument. By doing so shows we seek the truth. By not doing so shows we are no different than the MSM who pick and choose information to support their agenda.
To me, whether the vaccine helps or not isn’t the issue. My issue is that we are using aborted baby parts to develop these vaccines. How is this different than experimenting on the Jewish people during WWII?
Another issue I have is that not all side effects are being reported. A friend of mine got the booster and it went into her bloodstream, which can cause lots of problems, fortunately, as far as we can tell at this point, she isn’t affected. My third issue is that the pharmaceutical companies are guaranteed to not have lawsuits brought against them, no matter what the consequences are. I’m old enough to remember the phen/fen (I may have the spelling wrong) debacle where 2 separate drugs ,when combined, became a miracle drug for the morbidly obese. It was a miracle drug until they discovered that one of the side effects was death as it severely damaged the heart. There are reasons that the FDA required a long testing period before allowing a drug to come to market.
The aborted parts is a valid argument as are the side effects. The argument concerning the liability of the pharmaceutical companies is misleading. The companies are still liable if negligence has occurred in the design, development, or production of any product.
You are reading information that is sourced by liberals and their PR firms. Be careful of what you take in with your eyes. Take the advice or counsel from a reputable epidemiologist, virologist or immunologist. These are the doctors who KNOW about viruses, not the overpaid bureaucrats in DC who never treat patients-ever! I urge you to get on the email list of Dr Joseph Mercola, who the corrupt, wicked bureaucrats and liberal media have tried to censor because he tells the truth about Covid. He also wrote a book “The Truth About Covid” and Robert F Kennedy also wrote one “The Real Dr Fauci.” They don’t have a political purpose in writing those books, so they don’t twist and spin the truth. God will also give you discernment of the truth!
My comments were to the gentleman who questioned the article stating that vaccinated people still get sick from Covid and said it’s the unvaccinated who get the virus more – based on an article of disinformation posted by the woke left. We, as Christians should have more discernment than this.
The graphs show the raw data. The conclusions are based on the data itself. Could the data be wrong? Possibly, but from every country shows similar results. My beef is with completely ignoring this information. There is a reason people are getting vaccinated. The data shows they work. I am not saying the positives outweigh the negatives. I am saying all the information concerning the outcomes of the vaccines should be discussed. Picking and choosing data is what the enemy does. Making a general decision that all information that doesnt line up with my view is disinformation is ignorant and dangerous.
I believe the whole vaccine issue is simply a ploy of the enemy to divide us. He does this by inducing fear and judgement. Its really a simple issue, you look at all the information, pray, and decide for yourself what to do, make a decision, then move on with your life. Your decision may be right for you but not right for the next person. Who are we to judge other persons decisions? In the end their there are millions vaccinated living their lives and millions unvaccinated living their lives. Either decision does not give us immortality. We are all going to die one day. What is important is how we behave before God, our choices to love others make Jesus our example.
Dear brother, everything you said regarding man’s stats is rendered irrelevant by the Word of God’s standards – the only standards any believer in Christ should follow.
God standards, forgetting about the world’s completely: Any vaccine grown and/or tested in the cells of an aborted (child sacrificed) baby must be an automatic “no” from all followers of Christ – piled high with absolute outrage that anyone could even think of using aborted babies’ organs and cells to grow and test vaccines, etc. This is an abomination according to the Word and what the Word of the Lord says is the only thing that matters in this entire circumstance. Romans 12:1-2 says we must renew our minds with the Word of God, not the stats of this world for the whole world is under control of the evil one (says the Word).
The Word of God’s commands and instructions trump ALL of man’s statistics. Godless, wicken men/women also manipulate stats to their liking and for their financial gain and cannot be trusted. Look up Pfizer fraud and criminal fines. They have been fined for manipulating data.
No Christian can be using godly, biblical wisdon and then at the same time blindly trust the stats that people who promote abortion and stand to gain BILLIONS of dollars are spewing out data in their favor. We must be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. We can never trust the words of man blindly – especially bloodthirsty abortion pushing men/women – which includes every vaccine producer.
What can be trusted 100% is God’s eternal Word, and it says there’s no way anyone should partner with child sacrifice in any way, including when it’s being packaged as a “vaccine” or “healthcare.” The Lord is not okay in any way with His children being graverobbers of the unborn. Which is exactly what partakers of abortion tainted vaccines are. Please diligently seek the Lord regarding any support of these evil jabs. God bless.
You make some good arguments. The problem I have is that I don’t trust the data. The MSM and medical establishment have been caught in so many lies, I’m not sure what data I can believe. I’ve seen statistics from other countries (Israel and UK) that suggest more vaccinated are dying than unvaccinated in their countries. I’ve heard so many reports of data not being entered into VAERS by doctors and nurses, that I’m wary of the data being manipulated. You may indeed be correct, but I’ll believe it when I get lots of confirmation. Right now, my church has one person on the brink of death who was vaccinated and none of the unvaccinated have died, so in my little world of 400 people your assertion is not true. May God expose the honest truth to all of us.
In Australia and across the globe, the rate of infection is now higher for jabbed vs non. The data you provided also skewed as those who contract Covid after one jab not considered “vaxxed” and cdc no longer counting Covid+ “cases” of those who HAVE been jabbed. The data has been purposely muddied as the death/injury toll for jabbed mounts and big pharma players assumed ZERO responsibility. You cannot vaccinate INTO a “pandemic.” The virus mutates. The young and healthy are the firewall to gently inoculate the population by having them locked down, they purposely prolonged misery.
Additionally, early treatment options have ALWAYS existed and the CDC, Fauci, Collins and Gates conspired to destroy (the emails are now public) any voices that didn’t fit their narrative.
Crimes against humanity have been committed and the above-mentioned actors should be on trial. #CrimesAgainst Humanity
I am blown away by this article. I finally have read an article that says everything I believe.I love the prayer we should pray everyday.
I Pray God hears and answers that prayer!
Thank you for such an informative article
Yours truly has taken the vaccines. However, she is completely opposed to vaccine mandates, the coercing of people to take the vaccine by threatening to fire or take away the rights of those who do not.
This write raises excellent points about the vaccines and origins of the Covid-19 virus period.
I have 2 relatives with underlying issues, are un-vaccinated, one has Emphysema, the other has some heart issues. Both have contracted the Omnicron. The one with Emphysema went into the hospital for a day was treated sent home, is recovering. The one with heart issues is recovering. Recovery has been slow but they are recovering! One of my friends elderly mother took the vaccine and if my understanding is correct, both times became seriously ill and ended up in the hospital.
As a people we really do need to pray, then get busy recall, remove, and vote out any who are involved with the wicked propaganda and the forcing of these vaccinations upon people. The foolishness of vaccine mandates has been part of the reason many healthcare workers up where I am in BC Canada have left their jobs. ( I am an American married to a Canadian man) This is putting an even greater strain upon the clinics and hospitals as they are now very short handed, hence it takes much longer to access normal things such as lab work or to be seen by ones doctor. Many doctors appointments are done by phone without the doctor even seeing the patients.
Yours truly is not a “progressive Christian” IS opposed to abortion which is the murder of preborn babies and other un-Biblical practices.
Precious Lord Jesus, please forgive us for allowing these things to occur in our country and for idol worship and the celebration of wickedness by both our people and leaders, in Jesus name…
Praying for your father’s healing, brother Keith. Jesus took ALL our infirmities despite their cause. He rescues us from our own destructions. Excellent article. Thank you! Keep exposing darkness and antichrist agendas.
Grievously, the COVID vaccines are NOT the only ones grown and/or tested in the cells of aborted babies. There’s a LONG history of the vaccine and abortion industry. Read more about it here:
What is abortion? It’s CHILD SACRIFICE. So, if one gets any of these COVID jabs or allows their children to be injected with abortion-tainted vaccines at their “well care” visits, they are also partnering with child sacrifice – a spirit of death – and YES, there are, have been, and will be spiritual consquences for doing so. It’s flinging the door wide open for satan to attack one in their bodies/or their child’s.
These wicked “researchers” also turn the cells from aborted (murdered) babies CANCEROUS in order to make them immortal. It’s not a coincidence that there is so much childhood cancer, autism spectrum disorder, etc. See “How Human Cancer Cells Got Into Vaccines
In a 2012 meeting, the FDA voted to allow the use of human fetal cells and adult human tumor cells in vaccines, despite acknowledging the many risks, including that vaccine recipients might later develop cancer.” – by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Parents are ignorantly giving demonic access to their children via vaccines. There are children with autism literally punching themselves in the face and self harming almost every day – AKA spirit of lunacy.
It’s disgusting to hear pastors say Jesus would take the vaccine. He IS Resurrection and Life. Anyone saying this lie about Jesus is a mouthpiece for satan! No, Jesus would not for ANY reason take the jab nor recommend anyone inject themselves with child sacrifice. Let’s speak plainly. Let’s call abortion what it is. Let’s not use the devil’s watered down terms that lead many even Christians to justify pure evil. These vaccines are partnering with child sacrifice, giving every demon associated with them access to one who takes them. The only cure is prayers of faith in Jesus’ name to heal and deliver them.
It’s also inexcusable that every pulpit has not been warning about abortion tainted vaccines since at least the 1970s. Also, when eugenics was legal in America in the 1930’s wicked scientists (sorcerers) partnered with the Belleview mental institution, they forceably aborted mental patients’ babies, and used the babies organs/cells to research the polio vaccine. Vaccines have always been of satan, never intended for our good but to destroy the bodies/DNA of His image bearers.
The church must stop blindly trusting man – including doctors and pastors. In the last days MANY would deceive and be deceived is a loud alarm sounded. Always search out the matter for ALL things because many are truly deceived/have satanic mind blindness. God bless. Stay sober and vigilant, renewing your mind daily with the Word of God firsthand.
I am thoroughly against abortion
I had no idea that aborted fetal cells were used in the monoclonal antibodies. Thank you for the link to the stream article. I will read it. Abortion is a plague in this nation. Almost all vaccines are associated with them and as a nation we are getting sicker and sicker.
Excellent article! Thank you for the encouragement of truth as we struggle with children who won’t let us see our grandchildren because we refuse — for moral reasons — to get the so-called Covid vaccines!
From the very 1st day they spoke about vaccines, My Spirit said “no” not to take the shots. I have not. My sister hasn’t. As time passed, I felt even more firmly against them. They were pushing them way to hard! Even commercials everywhere! It just feels way off! Now more vaccinated are sick and dying than unvaccinated.
I will continue to pray that everything that is hidden will be revealed.
The 1st time I saw Dr Fouchi, I knew it was going to be a problem in the long run…… I will leave it at that.
God knows all and sees all!
Very Thankful for this article! Please continue to write honest straight forward articles such as these! They are very much appreciated!
God Bless You
Dr. Fauchi and Gates r very evil. We need to pray their plan for their destruction of humans Tru these shots will be exposed and come to an end. In Jesus’ Holy Name. Amen.
wow.many great points made here.
May God bless you for this article.
I’ve printed it and will distribute.
Thanks for sharing this article. I am with you 100%. My husband and I refuse to take the Vax. We prayed and ask God to protect us from this virus, and He has and will continue to do so. Our trust and faith are in the Lord!
I wrote a prophetic poem back on November 8,1988 called, A Tragedy in Our Land and it is happening. We the people, in order to form A more perfect Union thought That all men were created equal Until the unborn question was brought! Should our special inalienable rights Be presented by “ those “ who can’t fight? Who’ll defend the little ones Whose deaths are 20 times those done by guns? God gave us life, liberty, and a quest To fulfill our goals of happiness. Yet we, in our pride, began our demise By shedding the blood of innocent lives. God spared not His own nation of Israel When sacrificed children’s blood was to spill . Our land shall be given to those we hate Because our unrepented sins are great! The fear of AIDS and other such plagues Are broadcast on the news Through liberal, anything goes, reporters That scorn the conservatives’ views! Mockeries of Jesus Christ And child pornography Are among the list of tactical weapons Destroying our society. Our worship of eye do$$ar- Tree Is passed on by an addiction to TV. Sex, violence, murder, and theft Are telling our children,” there’s nothing left: Of morals and integrity Just “ Be all that you can be!” God give us grace that we may stand Above the decadence of our land! Help us be strong and shout our voice That such lewdness is NOT our choice! “ Congressmen, Senators, hear our plea,To avoid the judgment of God’s decree…”That, if My people, who are called by My name will NOT repent of their evil game, Their land shall I smite with a terrible plight And swiftly as a thief in the night!” To do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God Is all I required of you, But injustice and hatred and pride you have sought In arrogance to do! Your banks and businesses You’ve credited away Your once firm economy No longer shall it stay! The humanist ideology Into your schools you’ve preached But interest paid on what they’ve said A demon foe’s unleashed… Children with no respect Thinking they know it all Situational ethics Morality shall fall! God help us in these last few days Before our Savior comes To heed His call and give our all So Heaven’s eternally our home.
you wrote that thirty-four years ago and it could have been written today! sadly, you spoke truth then and it is still true today. (funny thing about truth – it never changes) God is our only hope, 2 Chronicles 7:14, as you stated. It is hard to watch the country that I love, that so many died for, abandon her founding principles of belief in Almighty God (who gives us our inalienable rights) and exchange His truth for the lies of humanism, socialism, Marxism, communism and any other “ism” which seems fashionable at the time. In a “post-truth” society, I guess there is no longer a place for “We hold these truths to be self-evident”? my hope in Christ alone, keeping the faith with you, Barb
Wow! Thank you for sharing your story & research. Hope your father is recovering well.
Very well researched and written. God Bless you….. Lets us continue to keep our eyes on Jesus and trust in Him.
I’ve thought like Keith Guinta from the onset of CVIRUS. I didn’t have proof nut it’s been a gut feeling I didn’t think Dr. Faucet was telling us rightly as well. I also think we Christians need to apply our faith and trust God in getting the CVIRUS. As Christians we shouldn’t be afraid to die.
Thank you for this article. I look for information that I can use to help me articulate to others the evil and lies perpetrated about the vaccine. This one is what I needed. May the Lord protect you and keep your voice of truth and light penetrating the lies of darkness.
I totally agree with this article. Most of the people I know who have died from COVID were fully vaccinated. As Believers in Christ Jesus, our most powerful weapon against this virus is PRAYER. Let us bombard heaven, and give it no rest until we see God remove this virus off of the planet. Let’s pray against all abortions and fetal organ research. Let us repent for the sin of murder against the innocents; for it is only through repentance and returning to righteousness that there will be relief.
I appreciate this article more than you know. First, I learned more than I want to know about how baby parts are sold and used. Second, I have had the first two vaccine shots, but after learning more and more about this situation, I have prayed to Jesus about whether or not to get the booster. So far I have not had it – every time I started to call the pharmacy about getting it, something told me not to, and after reading your article, I truly believe it is an answer from God not to have the booster. Instead, I ordered antioxidants to add to the ones I am already taking and trust that they will serve my needs much better than all the lies we have been told about the COVID vaccine.
That’s awesome Jan! I join you in believing God can help us stay well and even thrive without further man-made abortion aided experimental shots.
Excellent article overflowing with truth.
There has been so much suppression of facts of what is/has really happened to many people that it is seriously disturbing. Much of the news media no longer reports facts or truth – they report “personal or corporate opinion”.
In essence, they are brainwashed. WHEN they do that, it’s up to us (not someone else) to contact those outlets via any means available (and there are always multiple ways) and demand unfiltered, neutral and truthful news – not opinions. Especially when it comes to medical diseases and medicines that work or “don’t work”.
Truth in journalism was once a virtue touted by media outlets in the past. Today, it’s easy to see when that doesn’t take place and who is doing it. There’s no grey area here – shut them off and keep them off. Do your own research even if it takes much longer. Some older folks who are not well versed in how to use the internet – get help with the basics so you can carefully choose where to go for the facts. But don’t allow false information or twisted 1/2 truths to be pushed upon you. Remember that if you don’t do something, it won’t change. There is no such thing as “truth easily obtained” in this day & age and unless we push firmly and consistently for truth, others will not come to see the light.
Abortion in this Nation is leading us continually down a very slippery slope away from Biblical Truth! I never thought about the fact that if we did not have abortion we would not have this vaccine which is so clearly brought out in this article! What an insight…We need to keep praying that people turn to the Lord and believe and practice His precepts so clearly laid out in the scriptures! I pray that more Believers will stand up with boldness to promote the TRUTH!
Keith, thank you for putting your thoughts forth with conviction and research. I wasn’t aware of what was used to create the monoclonal antibodies.
I believe you are the young man I knew in Darien who surrounded yourself with some truly admirable men. God bless you as you speak truth in to the darkness.
God is in control. We are being lied to. Satan is controlling a lot of people. Please pray for the truth to be revealed. God had the truth. God can deliver us from this evil. I ask everyone to pray that God shines the light on all the lies and lying people. The many horrors that we have had to endure over the past 50 plus years needs to come to an end. We have been lied to and now is the time we pray for God to deliver us.
Amen and Amen Any pastor (if they are worthy of the title ) who states if Jesus was alive today he would take a shot should be ashamed of his teaching ? They do not believe that he is alive ???????????????????????????
Thank you! This article is a breath of fresh air!
THANK YOU and God Bless you. Personally I believe you are one of the ones smart enough to have NOT taken the stabs. Smart man.
I’m so sorry about your father. I hope he survives and will see you and his wife are the smart ones and may he not catch the plague again. My good old Doc believes this is mostly political and God Bless him for it. I’m taking D3 and Zinc as well as a range of other supplements , no shots and still healthy and ignoring all the anti social protocols as much as possible. God is Good! In the last 8 days I’ve been exposed to 2 covids with masks that I know of one of whom I hugged before I even knew at her fathers funeral. He was a gospel preacher and now gone to his reward. Hallelujah! Now I’ll see how immune NATURALLY at 75 I am. By Gods Grace.
Speaking and declaring LIFE and complete healing over your father in Jesus Name AMEN!
Thanks so much for sharing truth. Sadly our family is divided over the vaccines. Some have taken it. We refuse. We are missionaries and cannot travel to so many places because they require the vaccine. Family members say to trust God and take it! No way!
Please pray for our family.
One wonders how it is trusting God to take this murdered unborn tainted shot?
Your stance of trust is obvious – in your commitment even when it means no traveling to where you long to go. May God bless you 10 fold (and others see) for your wisdom in your choice to care for your body as the temple of God, not a man made, abortion aided experiment.
Paul, I too, have counted the cost. Jesus Christ knows your hearts and will honor your decision.
My guess is that He’s opening another door for your ministry. There are so many places here in the U.S. that need missionary outreach too. My church has an outreach to the homeless and incarcerated. I am part of 40 Days for Life and we stand and peacefully pray in front of abortion facilities to end abortion.
Excellent piece! I thank God for His urging to have a biblically-faithful person, like yourself, to be obedient to tell the truth!
Praise the Lord. This article is right on and every preacher should be shouting this information from their pulpit, as should all the pro-life organizations! We the people need to be educated so we are not led along like sheep going to the slaughter.
I wholeheartedly agree. Nothing that comes from the death of an innocent child can possibly be good, end of story.
This is wonderfully written and it is TRUTH not propaganda.
May God destroy this virus and all who have taken part in creating it and using innocent aborted baby parts.
Sinful human nature being what it is, we ALL have a strong tendency to believe the experts who say what we want to hear, and to disbelieve those experts who say what we don’t want to hear.
I am so sorry for the experience your dad / family are having around his vaccinations. I am also grateful he’s recovering and add my prayers to others who are pleading the Blood of Jesus toward his full recovery. I am 76, unvaccinated and shunned for a season by my three adult children, two of which are employed in the medical field. THANK YOU AND IFA for this testament of truth!! All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to say / do nothing.
I continue to pray for God’s Spirit of Truth to reveal all, especially to those in the medical mountain who are swallowing the lies and spreading them.
Thank you for your bold stance and for sharing this with us. I agree with you 100% I pray that we will all be strong enough and ask/use godly wisdom when it comes to this worlds solutions and system. God help us to stand in faith upon Your word.
I asked for God to open my eyes to allow me to see the truth and from the beginning i saw everything you have mentioned!
I am grateful that nobody in my
Immediate family took the vaccine! We are all alive and well!
thank you for sharing truth – it is the lies surrounding this vaccine (that it will stop the spread, prevent infection, that it is safe, that it is a vaccine) that keep us held hostage to this false narrative that it is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” Only the truth can set us all free from lockdowns, masks, forced vax, hysteria – all based on false numbers and lies. Praying for courage and protection for all truthtellers who come forward to expose the lies and reveal the truth. We need to know in order to make better decisions. Decisions based on lies (false COVID numbers) have had disastrous, deadly consequences for so many, way worse than any danger the virus ever posed. “There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. (Matt. 12:2) Praying for truth to set us all free from this pandemic –
You have provoked thought that bears some attention. This experience has been earth shaking when you think about it. I was compliant in getting vaccinated and wearing my mask. So far so good as no side effects were felt.
I never thought about how the vaccine was established or created.
Being completely Pro Life I am shocked.
God , our heavenly father , hear our cry;
please let the truth of the cure for these covid virus and the treatments be revealed .Please send Men of wisdom in the places of the men who are destroying our country , speak to one’s in place , and reveal to them the right decision that will have our country back on the right path of freedom and follow ing what the scriptures of your holy bible has revealed the way we should live . We ask this from you father , the Son , Lord Jesus Christ , Amen
Well said!
All I can say is Amen brother.
There is nothing new since the garden…Hath God said? The church needs to get back to basics and teach the entire Bible starting in Genesis. We have left our first love.
Thank you for telling the truth about these injections. Abortion is the greatest sin. We have all been tainted from it. I believe this is why America is mystery Babylon described in revelation. My prayer is maranatha! Even if I’m not ready for the sake of the elect please Lord Jesus come soon
This is a powerful article. The exposure of the truth, the documentation of facts is powerful. Connecting the whole vaccination issue to abortion is powerful.
Romans 1: 18 says “ For the wrath of God is REVEALED from heaven against all ungodliness and wickedness of men who by their wickedness suppress the truth.” RSV
I would like to add a verse to ponder when it comes to how we are led to contend for and defend the truth and facts we have discovered and document——-
——( since we have been welcomed to express respectful and prayerful responses to this article…..)
In Jude 9 it says “ But when the archangel Michael, contending with the devil, disputed about the body of Moses, he did not presume to pronounce a reviling judgment upon him, but said, ‘The Lord rebuke you.’” RSV
Paul was called to defend and contend for the gospel. We are called to do that as well as God directs, teaches and prepares us.
I, for one, am grateful that the director of the CDC , Ms Walensky came out publicly, on camera , saying that it has been proven that the vaccination doesn’t prevent Covid infection; and that 75% of all people who died “with” Covid ( with… not “from”) , Covid—- had 4 or more conmorbitities —health issues already….( may the body of Christ deal with our health issues) . I am praying for her to continue to stand in the truth because I am sure those who want to keep us in the dark couldn’t stand hearing her say that!
As far as Fauci goes… May he continue to be exposed and proved wrong….but I pray he would get right God and choose to love the truth.
In Jesus’s Name
I will not bow my knee to the government — I am a Bible believing follower of Jesus — God said: “I am the Lord, thy God, Thou shall not have other gods before me.” Every person that says it is good to get the vaccination is speaking contrary to God. Despite a person’s choice to comply with government, God gives hope for forgiveness and restoration and healing with a person’s repentance and compliance to His Word: “He sent forth His Word and healed them; He rescued them from the Pit. He sent out His Word and healed them; He rescued them from the grave. He sent out His Word and healed them, and delivered them from destruction.” Psalm 107:20 Christians, stand firm, be doers of God’s Word.
Godly information and well written. Thank you for this article.
My thoughts exactly. I have not taken booster. I put colloidal silver on my face and hands when I go out. I am almost 89 and doing great.
I thank God for IFA. There are precious few places to hear real truth. Information on aborted babies body parts being used large scale in anything is almost non-existent. Many do not even believe me when I tell them. My husband and I had the virus twice— during the last 2 Christmases. That has stopped our children and others from urging us to get vaccinated, but they don’t want to hear about the connection between Big abortion and Big Pharma. I am so grateful between the article and some comments here, there are more places to use as backup for our staunch refusal to get jabbed. Bless you all. May our good good God give you strength to stand and fight and pray and praise during this fray! I plead the Blood of Jesus over this praying remnant! Amen.
This is an excellent article! A breath of fresh Truth. Thank you
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That is what Satan said in the garden…” Did God say. you shall not eat of that tree”..
I read about human- animal experimentation in the Weekend Magazine of the daily 1990.
I kept that article for 10 years..till it – the paper itself-disintegrated from age- and of course from being handled. These experiments have been in the news for a long time..but- since the internet..and, the “extra”.. intended use of the internet..mass psychosis..and misinformation,- has deluded people’s minds- couple that with humanity’s unquenchable desire to ” stay safe”..and we have the toxic formula for control and deception now perpetrated on us-where people will refuse to accept the truth when it is presented. It is called the Stockholm Syndrome.
Lord,I pray you would flood the hearts of humanity, and our hearts in Christianity, and all the people of the world l-,with your common Grace Lord for those who are not saved.. drawing everyone to Your Heart,Lord ..and for those of us who are saved that you would give us your power and help our thoughts Lord to be healing.. but honest, Lord, and courageous- in standing against evil and not kowtowing to fear by adopting the language of the enemy-..I pray this all in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen
Lord, our Father, God: Please help Keith’s dad !!! Two years ago (2020), God showed me, that if we did not stop killing babies in the USA, His wrath would increase against our country, in a manner far worse than the Fauci-Wuhan virus. In fact, more people died in 2021 than in 2020. Thank you Keith for connecting the dots for us, by explaining how we (USA) have rebelled against God’s loving correction (in 2020). We not only have not repented from killing babies, we now (since Dec, 2020) are using murdered baby tissue / DNA to make shots, that will be fatal & physically harmful to hundreds of thousands / millions of people, including thousands of unborn, precious babies. The wrath of God Almighty is boiling against the USA, our ungodly leaders & the horrible people we call “the supreme court”. Can you image IF they voted in Dec, 2021 to overturn Roe vs Wade & because of demonic politics, they want to wait 4-6 months to make their “announcement”….so that we can kill a few hundred thousand more babies ?? If the Bride of Jesus Christ was unified in the USA (rather than divided by denominations & man-made Laodicean religious groups) & functioning as God called us to be (in the power of the Holy Spirit), we could repent & ask our Father to stop all this madness. He takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked (EZ 33), but He will no longer be mocked by the people He loves so much (formerly, one nation under God). But His heart is truly broken by the powerless, unholy people that call themselves the church / christians. He weeps (Mat 23: 37-39) until we repent & return to Him.
What a beautiful, Godly, well thought out message. Our God is glorified in every sentence. Thank you for your research into this “vaccine”, I totally agree with all you said. I was recently at my middle son’s home for delayed family Christmas. The four of us attending were not vaccinated. One couple had had covid of that 4. My middle son and his wife were fully vaccinated. I got sick the second morning, with what turned out to be the flu, but we all thought I had covid, so I stayed in the bedroom the rest of the visit. My daughter having had covid, was the one to bring me food and help me and everyone else stayed in the rest of the house. We left with my daughter driving me to my son’s home to spend the night there, because I didn’t want to risk infecting me disable veteran husband. I had taken a home test the day I got sick and it was negative. I took another home test after we got to my sons home, again negative. My daughter work up the next morning with the same flu I had had. She took a test, negative. My unvaccinated son, worrying that he might have covid because he had a cold took at test, negative. The next day my vaccinated son whose house were stayed at called and said he had tested positive and so did his wife. Four of us not vaccinated were all negative and the 2 vaccinated were positive. Just reinforces everything this article said. My prayer is that the world will wake up and see that this is not a conspiracy theory, but is 100% true. Thank you for IFA and your ministry, God bless you.
Using fetal tissue is ALWAYS a UnGodly crime. Everything statedvin the article is true…and itbis tragically u fortunate however-that the author here-, could not help himself-, to not commit the same tragic acquiescence to validating the enemy ..that all of the rest of Christians and conservatives have- and that is..” well, maybe just this one ..vax- works”..
Until You, and they– not me- stops doing this- you are continuing to empower the enemy to harm seniors and everyone, like your poor innocent and now.. ill- from- vax- poppa- the poor man.
I am so sorry for your poppa- and of course am.praying. As you outlined..however did not -, as I read , flatly state, -..We are in a war..and- even the slightest giving in to the interminable and ever-present an unquenchable desire to be” nice”.. to Satan’s forces.. only digs our grave sooner and deeper.
Every time one of us in Christendom or-, and in conservative thought-,allows that interminable obsession, to give credit, to even one ounce, drop, or word or even letter, of their tirade against humanity-,we are helping them to stay lost.. we are not helping them to find Jesus.
nothing they have concocted in their evil Laboratories will help many have to die before that is admitted.
Lord I Thank you for the information in this article that is so well researched except for the one glaring acquiescence to the enemy..which I pray you forgive this man for.. and I pray you would heal his poor Papa, Lord -I pray you have mercy on all those who taken the experimental gene therapy-..because that is what it is-experimental gene therapy.
Lord we confess, and I pray that this ghastly sin that we have committed against You ..can be forgiven, Lord.. we are overwhelmed by sin.. and we’re overwhelmed by the evil. ofSatan’s armies in our land- and we are lost Lord..please have Mercy Lord and Deliver Us from this heinous sin and crime against you.
In the Mighty name of Jesus, Amen
Most of my family , took the shots, my mom had a stroke less then 2 weeks after being boosted. My sister had a heart attack… My son was required to have them for law school, has been ill since, my heart is heavy. My hope is in the Lord
praying for your healing Laura..Lord have mercy
Does anyone know where I can find the “research that actually uses the “winged” mice with a baby lung?
So many say that is here-say and not true. I would like to have an impeccable source of this info like the actual studies. I have friends who says it is not true.
That is what Satan said in the garden…” Did God say. you shall not eat of that tree”..
I read about human- animal experimentation in the Weekend Magazine of the daily 1990.
I kept that article for 10 years..till it – the paper itself-disintegrated from age- and of course from being handled. These experiments have been in the news for a long time..but- since the internet..and, the “extra”.. intended use of the internet..mass psychosis..and misinformation,- has deluded people’s minds- couple that with humanity’s unquenchable desire to ” stay safe”..and we have the toxic formula for control and deception now perpetrated on us-where people will refuse to accept the truth when it is presented. It is called the Stockholm Syndrome.
Lord,I pray you would flood the hearts of humanity, and our hearts in Christianity, and all the people of the world l-,with your common Grace Lord for those who are not saved.. drawing everyone to Your Heart,Lord ..and for those of us who are saved that you would give us your power and help our thoughts Lord to be healing.. but honest, Lord, and courageous- in standing against evil and not kowtowing to fear by adopting the language of the enemy-..I pray this all in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen
The chimeric experiments on animals with human genes and organs can be pulled up online easily. The folks that do this think what they are doing is good. Blind as they are pray for them.. we as believers in Yeshua must love the unlovable. After all Jesus loved my unlovable self- thank you King of Kings and Lord of Lords
According to a Nature magazine web page:
Human immune system (HIS) mice are engrafted with hematopoietic stem cells. Bone marrow–liver–thymic (BLT) mice are engrafted with hematopoietic stem cells, fetal liver and fetal thymus from the same donor
From page 542 of RFK Jr.‘s book THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI: That same year, Dr. Fauci’s agency gave $400,000 to University of Pittsburgh scientists to graft the scalps of aborted fetuses onto living mice and rats.59, 60 NIAID sought to develop rat and mouse “models” using “full-thickness fetal skin” to “provide a platform for studying human skin infections.”
Suggest you use as your search engine.
Lois, I would first search for Planned Parenthood’s selling of baby body parts to researchers. They make a sizable chunk of change doing so. This is the first time I’ve heard of them using baby lungs with mice, but there are several articles on researchers wanting baby thymus, heart, liver and sex organs. They are even wanting the down’s syndrome babies body parts to experiment on. I think it was Live Action who did a series of expose’s with a woman who worked for a research procurement company in a Planned Parenthood facility. The Center for Medical Progress did lots of undercover work about the sales of baby body parts. He’s still being sued by Planned Parenthood over this. May our Lord and Savior guide you in finding the proof you need and may He open the nay sayer’s eyes to the truth. In Jesus’ Name I pray.
Yes, I do believe God’s people are perishing for lack of knowledge. Truth sets us free and I am so glad you have shared this truth. If only the whole world had this information. God bless you!
I’m so sorry about your Father. I am so glad you shared this! They are trying to kill us off. Don’t be fooled. We are the experiment. Jesus would NEVER take the shot and neither should we. We are told to be like Jesus. I for one will not poison my body with something we know nothing about but what they want to tell us. It is NOT a vaccine. Vaccines’ nrradicate the problem. Just another lie. It is a shot of something but who knows what.
Father May the truth come out completely.
Thy will be done, thy kingdom come.
The most refreshing and honest message I have read since this evil agenda began. Truth, prayer and our precious Father will indeed set us free. Thank you Father for the brave who are speaking truth.
Thank you so much for reporting the truth. The Bible says that The Truth will set you free. I have been praying for the last 2 years for God to reveal the Truth and His Glory and He is doing it! Praise The Lord!!
Thank you for this article, we so need to hear the truth to make wise decisions.
I appreciate this written article and how it explains what has and is happening..
The Creator is our answer mot vaccines and abortions. We must pray.
I pray that your father will be well and at home before long.
I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said. I took the two shots
and had a reaction in one of my eyes after each one. Thankfully, the
eye doctor says it was not permanent! However, I did NOT take the
booster and will NOT…..though most of my friends have. We are among the
elderly who felt we really had no choice.
I tried to report it on the web site; but you are certainly right about it being
difficult, at least too much for me.
This was a well thought-out article exposing lies and deception for the betterment of those bent on destroying God’s creation, Proverbs 16. These tyrannical/rebellious
individuals have sold their souls to the devil; therefore, they have cursed themselves: Evil has caused the death of the wicked, Psalm 34. I agree one hundred percent with the author, The Great Physician would have no need for the vaccine. He is the Healer: He clearly stated that no deadly thing would harm us, no plagues, or deadly pestilence, Luke 10, Psalm 91. The believer has to dwell/abide in Him. The believer must trust in in the finish work of Calvary, Isaiah 53, 1 Peter 2: The Stripes and the Blood of Jesus Christ destroyed sin snd sickness, 1 John 1, 1 John 5: “For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith.” “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is , and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him,” Hebrews 11.
Many pastors are waking up and speaking up. I left my previous church a year ago over their stance on masks and the “vaccine”. My current church believes in the healing powers of Christ. We worship Him with uncovered faces and trust Him and Him alone for our health and healing. We pray over those who have been injured and sickened through this evil agenda. I pray for my previous church and others who have been deceived.
This is the work of the Enemy. He is the Great Deceiver. I pray that more and more professing Christians will open their eyes and see it. My eldest son and daughter are blinded to the truth. He continues to attend the masked church that preaches that we should follow our leaders in the government. I pray for their awakening.
Lord, thank you for godly voices in the midst of the ungodly chaos. Give us wisdom to know who to share this powerful article with.
Sadly told, excerpt from the IFA article, ” as they trusted the propaganda machine.”
I pray that the masses will wake up!
Well said. Tho I took two shots I questioned the third and said …….no. I asked God one day if the government is going to kill us. Population control seems to be in the hands of evil men and women and God has not been entered into the equation so this vaccine appears to b a step towards control and the demise of traditionalists and baby boomers. What will be left will be godless, anti-Christ, anti-Americans who want their own way. Destruction will come at some point. History will repeat itself because of all the disintigration of material and people. Maybe we are closer to the return of Jesus Christ and the tribulation than we realize. Stay close to Jesus. He’s the only one who saves. Repent and stay close. And pray!
I cannot read this without crying, and wishing horrible things on those who do the gross experiments.
Fauci is the face of the evil., no better than the worst murderers..
Dear God, please stop him and all who participate in the horror.. I ask it in Jesus’ dear name, Please.
I would ask Fauci, “Why do abortionists want to remove the lungs, liver and beating heart intact ?”
and “What does that have to do with covid? ” Make him openly admit what they are doing.
Let’s not hide the gross images – but blast the details out in headlines.
No horror movie could ever compare.,
and ask Fauci- What benefit has all the experimenting accomplished ?
How can I e-mail the Pandemic of the Aborted?
You go to the beginning of the article and touch the share. It will give you options to email or message or share on social
Clayshia, another way you can email this article (the only way my non-techie self can do it) is to open and compose an email to your friend, and then in the message part, include a little note to your friend and very carefully and exactly copy all the characters and letters that are up in that box on the second line (at the top of my screen, anyway) starting w
Maybe you can even forward it from this email to you.
After you’ve sent it, you can check in your sent email, and click on it to be sure you got it right.
Rejoice in the Lord always!
100% in agreement with this article!
Father, I thank You for these words that bring Truth to all of us. I agree with the author: blow this virus and abortion off the planet. Bring Your healing to every person who has been affected by the virus and/or the jab. Glorify Yourself in this whole mess. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
I had no idea what was in the vaccines nor about what monoclonal was. Lord, please forgive our ignorance about the connection to abortion. I am so glad that we respected some of our family and members of our church who refused to get vaccinated. Please stop the lies of those who have been given authority to fool the people all over the world in Jesus Holy and powerful Name I pray this morning. Amen. And Lord thank You for IFA.
EXCELLENT article and well said
Thank you. The truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth in perspective. Relatively selfless and righteous, attributes we struggle to find in large secular corporations, any public entity including education in January of 2022. There are some contrarian individuals, generally ostracized, who speak and act righteously. We need to notice, elevate them and follow their lead.
Pray unceasingly, Vote as if they will be counted correctly and Engage continuously.
Thank you for writing this! I have been praying that my mother-in-law who is 80 would resist the booster. Every time she has gone to get it the Lord has blocked the way and now she’s starting to think and ask questions. I appreciate the truth that you have written and respect with which you wrote.
Thank you for speaking the truth!!!
What a prayerful, powerful article! Thank you!
Finally, someone with some “pull” within the church is speaking up! I have been trying to get this information out but it seems no one is listening. This information has been out but people don’t research or tend not to believe the information given. I will not put this abomination into my body.
Agreed! I’ve been dismayed that even Christian programs and pastors I respect say little or nothing about the link to abortion. This is at the very heart of WHY we must say no and push back.
I can only weep in repentance for a nation gone mad with sin. I can only cry out to a Merciful God to have mercy on our children and our children’s children. I cover my head in shame for the sins of the church who has turned from God to a godless agenda to the detriment of us all. Come quickly. Lord Jesus.
I’m forwarding this to like minded people so they will pray. So well written. May the Lord forgive this nation as well as the world for the atrocities done to the unborn and the lesser creatures of His creation.
May those who complied in ignorance and now regret it find forgiveness and peace as well as renewed health from any side effects. I pray this in the mighty name above all names…Jesus!
Thank you for sharing your story. This evil must stop. I will be praying.
Thank you. I am in complete agreement. Christ in us the Hope of Glory. We stand United in Truth against this onslaught of evil. Arise and awaken of Children of Light. Stand with Jesus Christ. I am marching in Washington DC against mandates this Sunday. And Father forgive us for the sin of abortion. Have mercy over America and your Nations around the world.
I will pray for you. That march might get ugly. Thank you for taking a stand. Wish I could be there.
Amen! Praising God for you in proclaiming the Gospel truth through your own personal testimony. You truly are part of the living remnant (Romans 11:5) that will stay faithful to the end.
The virus has truly been a test to us all who call themselves followers of Christ (especially those who say they are pro life- what blasphemy toward God!) and in an instant have forgotten the power of the Holy Name of Jesus who by calling on His name will heal you. I pray the Precious Blood of Jesus for all those who have been vaccinated and have confessed to God to forgive them for their unbelief. Thank God for the all the doctors who are treating the virus with the right remedies and has provided them with right medicines and remedies to fight against these spike proteins. Just call on the Holy Name of Jesus and ask him to heal you and lead you to the right doctors, and to all the healing remedies he has provided to heal our bodies against these spike proteins. And finally go and proclaim the Gospel and be one of those ten lepers Luke 17: 14-16 who returned and fell down on on his face at His feet giving Glory to God. God you are a merciful God who forgives us and knows our weaknesses and in the moment we betray you it is in that same moment you take us back when we fall to our knees asking for your forgiveness.
Yes in complete agreement. The Ekklesia stands United as one Body in Christ.
I totally agree. Thank you for your well written article. Much needed information. May God forgive us for our taking of so many innocent lives. This must stop. We are paying for this as a nation. God have mercy on us. Continued prayer.
I had Covid last January, got vaccinated 4 months after and just got over Covid the last week again. I was actually tested positive in a doctors office. I wanted to send you this testimony. The doctor would not prescribe ivermectin either. Crazy and evil times. We all need to pray. Bless you all!
Thank you for this article! I work in a medical facility. Early on during the push to get vaccinated under the guise of “loving your neighbor” via the company blog I replied, “Loving your neighbor begins at home. If you are vaccine injured, who is left dealing with the aftermath? Not the manufacturer, or the employer or fellow employees. Your family – your spouse and children. Loving them means refusing this experimental therapy until it has a track record of safety, which has been bypassed by operation warp speed.” This was before I knew of the involvement of fetal children! That completely sealed the deal for me. I have learned so much since then. Another good website that sheds light is
By the way, I have never been able to figure out Pres. Trump’s involvement in all of this. Why the push, even now after all the reports of injuries and use of fetal cells coming to light? Is he a stakeholder? His role in this has never made sense to me. Can someone explain this?
I think Trump — in his usual “see a problem, solve it” — tried to do just that. He cut through red tape to get the “vaccines” to the people quickly.
I also recall how, very early on, he mentioned both Ivermectin and
Hydroxychloroquine as being effective to fight the virus. I also remember
how he was ridiculed for those remarks — and — when he fell ill, his treat-ment “cocktail” did NOT include either. In short, Pres. Trump was listening
to anecdotal evidence of what was actually working, but those CHEAP
and established drugs were not profitable. and thus, were shot down by Fauchi. In short, in the BEGINNING, he was being given good advice.
Thank you for the information. That said, I was unaware that Monoclonal Antibody had fetal material. Thank you for sharing. I have a strong moral and religious opinion against anything that uses fetal material. That said in studying this topic I heard there may be some fetal material used in other industries. Have you heard anything about food manufacturers using fetal material in some of their products, for example?
I’ve heard about this too. Could IFA research this–foods and other medications?
I couldn’t agree with you more beautifully written article by and took two shots and have come down with Covid pneumonia I failed to take the booster thank God God only knows what would’ve happened to me if I took that third shot continue the good fight I pray for you and I thank you
Go to THE DR ARDIS SHOW and watch the video for truth.
I’m grateful. I have been telling my neighborhood network, “If you don’t realize these vaccines are both dangerous and ineffective, it’s because you don’t want to realize it.” I really appreciate learning that monoclonal antibodies are made with the murdered children’s cells. I did not know this and considered that as a possible recourse if I needed it.
Keith, this article is spot on. Hits major points with Truth. Looking forward to reading more from you.
Be blessed everyone. We win. We win. Declare Psalm 91 daily.
Thank you for the truth!
God Bless you!
Just before reading this insightful article, I had read the widespread vitriol pummeled against the tennis player eventually deported from Australia. I wondered; “How would these same assailants react had a woman who aborted her child received such intense public scorn and rejection—if not violent threats? Yet, in abortion, there is always one intentionally killed person! 63,000,000 in the United States, alone since the 70s. We know that the antiChrist mob would be enraged. The world has gone mad, and Satan is laughing while reaping millions more for eternal hell.
Well Stated…excellent. I remember that our fight is against persons without bodies. Our weapons in this fight are mighty and have Divine Power to pull down strongholds (centers of support for a cause or fortress) to demolish Arguments and every pretension or high thing that sets itself up against the Knowledge of God (our Creator) So take captive/Arrest every Thought to make them Obedient/Submissive to Christ Jesus Our LORD !!!
Well Stated…excellent. I remember that our fight is against persons without bodies. Our weapons in this fight are mighty and have Divine Power to pull down strongholds (centers of support for a cause or fortress) to demolish Arguments and every prevention or high thing that sets itself up against the Knowledge of God (our Creator) So take captive/Arrest every Thought to make them Obedient/Submissive to Christ Jesus Our LORD !!!
Thank you for your story It is so true I hope everyone forwards it to people should hear it. People are being turned against each other the news is terrifying people with the lie about the unvaccinated spreading the covid. Israel is the most vaccinated and they have the most infected in the world. So what does this show you. As one of the old children’s show would say put on your thinking cap. Open your eyes and see the truth.
Because of prophetic words, I have not given in this demonic attack. My husband and we’re told by a friend about Ivermectin and we have been on it since early 2020. Two of our children took it, but I have prayed Psalm 91 everyday for all my family and in the NLT version, where God says He will protect us from all diseases, I add , “and all harmful vaccines.
God is greater and we must, as Christians, take our authority over the wicked demonic forces and pray for God to deliver us.
Where are you getting the ivermectin???
Just curious as the early treatments are being made unavailable by our illegitimate govt.
Praise The Lord most high for exposing all the lies. He is answering many prayers by shining light in the darkness! This is an excellent article! I will read the articles in the link provided!
Father, forgive us! We have been complacent at the very least too busy to concern ourselves with truth because our busy lives come first. I am so thankful for Your great mercy and grace and love! You are bringing us back to a great fear of You Father! You are Holy and Righteous! Cleanse Your Bride prepare us for You Father! May we be cleansed with the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ!!!
Our God Reigns forever! Jesus is Lord!!
Answer to your question:
Thought Frankenstein was just a movie? Well we’re Frankensteining now, complete with Scientists of evil intent. May the Lord Jesus Christ deliver us from these beasts.
Thank you Keith and IFA for bringing these truths into the light. God help us and remove the strong delusion, cultural myths and blatant lies. Forgive us for being silent. Give us Your strategy Lord and bring this destructive agenda to a swift and just end! Please bring healing to all who have been harmed. The Blood of Jesus cover us. In Your Name, Amen
Wow! I totally agree!
Great points about aborted babies used in the vaccines and in the monoclonal antibodies.
People forget that Jesus healed all. Another great point.
Abortion has made our world vulnerable to evil.
Thank you for writing this outstanding article.
I feel your pain and anger I agree 100% with you My husband and I have not gotten the shot we got COVID My husband had an infusion because he has Copd We thank the Lord everyday He gave us the grace to live through the virus and now have natural immunity. We are in our 70’s. We refuse to get the shot because it is so wicked. Never thought I would be living in the time of biological warfare But King Jesus has His ways I grieve with our sweet Lord over this but I trust Him ,I thank him and I believe inHim. I will pray for your dad and mom and you. I pray for great grace to walk through this time for all .
Wow. Well said. Amen.
Come Lord Jesus.
Until then, give US Your breath, mind and might, to stand.