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I Prayed have prayed
Lord Jesus, we fix our eyes on You. We put our trust in You.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Are you aware of the opportunities for evangelicals to pray for and interact with the presidential campaigns? Both campaigns have coalitions directed toward evangelicals. The two campaigns define “evangelical” in very different ways. Because of our nonprofit status, we are unable to tell you which definition we most agree with. So we are providing information about both campaigns for you.

Evangelicals for Trump hosts in person events as well as weekly phone prayer conference calls. Past guests have included Eric Trump, Michele Bachmann, and Jentezen Franklin. It’s easy to join the calls if you are interested:

Zoom Webcast: https://bit.ly/3fQHpRS
Phone: (712) 775-7431, access code 2452#  Overflow Phone: (712) 775-7430
Evangelicals Praying for Trump Live on YouTube

You can also find events for evangelicals at Evangelicals.Donaldjtrump.com/

If you would like to find out more about Evangelicals for Biden, visit their website. We thought that these commentaries by Dr. Michael Brown and Mario Murillo were very interesting as well.

PRAYER POINT: Pray that evangelicals would follow God’s values and biblical principles and that truth would prevail in every way. Pray for evangelical voters and political activists to be right with Jesus and vote His values.

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Jessie kummel
October 9, 2020

I Jessie kummel prayed for Republican party President Donald Trump Win because Iam a born again christian
accepts all the rules of republican party.

Julia Bailey
October 8, 2020

I do pray daily for our country to return to God and to follow Him and to obey His laws and commands.
It will never happen as long as we sanction evil acts, deeds and laws.
God loves each of us and wants us to put Him first in our lives and trust Him to resolve our problems.
I will continue to pray daily for our country and both parties to grow and trust the one and only true God, Jesus Christ.

Kathy Landers
October 8, 2020

I don’t mean to sound harsh. Can someone answer how ‘Christians’, evangelicals or not, can in good faith support Biden/Harris when their platform is against the unborn, against free speech (if you are conservative), against capitalism (vice socialism/communism), anti-semitic in practice, and against right to bear arms. Each of these principles which are freedoms we aspire to in America are based in biblical principles. Doesn’t that mean these folks are being double-minded, and therefore will be judged by God for turning their back on Him?? I realize the bible also says pray for your enemies,…but I don’t think that’s what they are doing. They appear to be aligning with and supporting Baal (with funding, with votes, etc.) Anyone??

October 8, 2020

Lord, once again, we pray for Your truth to prevail. Your word states that the enemy seeks to steal, kill, and destroy. You have come to give us life, and to give it to us abundantly. This is a precious promise, and we need to hang on to this truth, like a drowning man hangs onto a life preserver. We are grateful for this great opportunity to cry out to You on behalf of the upcoming election. We give no ground to the enemy and His lies. May Your truth prevail. You already know who You wish to be our President for the next four years. The important thing for us, is, we need to be on the same page with You. May the efforts of evangelicals crying out to You have a positive impact upon Donald Trump being re-elected. In Jesus name we pray.

Barbara from MA
October 8, 2020

Pres. Trump and VP Pence, Keep the faith and keep your eyes on Jesus. He allowed you both to bring this country back to the teaching of our Founding Fathers and Pres. Trump and VP Pence you both are doing a wonderful job. No other Pres. or VP have ever done what you two have done to bring this country back in four years in office. I really believe that our Lord is not through with you two yet. The plan He has for you both is not complete. My prayer is that the next 4 years in office will continue to be what our Lord wants to do through you both. So, keep the faith, stay humble before God, and don’t give up. HE HAS EVERYTHING UNDER HIS CONTROL, and you both are part of it. God Bless I love how our Lord is using you both. Jere. 33:3 Barbara from MA (note: I am a Black American, 73 years old fighting for my people to be set free from mental slavery praise the Lord.)

    Carrie Wingfield
    October 8, 2020

    Hallelujah. God bless you Barbara!

    Dawn FOX
    October 8, 2020

    Thank you Barbara, you are truly an inspiration. I know the Lord will use you mightily. May God bless you and keep up the good fight!

    October 10, 2020

    Barbara from MA, I stand in agreement with you about mental slavery. Now we know the enemy is behind all this so in Jesus Name, we break the stronghold of “mental slavery from all races that have been mistreated,” We ask You Father to forgive as we forgive the ones who enslaved these races. We ask You LORD to set the captive free. Remove the blindfolds (lies) the enemy blinded them with. Change their hearts from hate to love. Cause these people to love their lives. Make them aware of the deception they have swallowed. Holy Spirit, only You can set them free. So we stand in agreement with Barbara and everyone that are praying for these lost souls. Have mercy Oh LORD! LORD of the harvest surround these lost soul with strong born again believing Christians that will speak truth into their lives. In Jesus Name

October 8, 2020

President Donald J Trump sign an executive order at the beginning of his presidency that overrides the Johnson Amendment so you can freely say. That you are 100% against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris because they support abortion up to the point of birth. And you are free to say No bible-believing Christian should ever vote for such evil to rule over them

Debra jakubiak
October 8, 2020

Today Father God I thank you for another day, Today I am praying for America her people and our PRESIDENT Trump, Give him the strength he needs to fight the evil, the hateful the lying and the ungodly. I am just a small nobody here on earth, but I do believe in in truth happiness and freedom that comes with living in this country. I know you always on the move stirring to get people to see the light. the Bible always teaches TRUTH so let the truth prevail, GOODNESS OVER EVIL . Give DONAL J TRUMP my President the strength knowledge patients to get thought the fight of a lifetime its effects all in AMERICA. In Jesus name AMEN

    Ilze Haire
    October 11, 2020

    Please remember you are a daughter of the Most High God, and NEVER a nobody, but a princess in His kingdom. Blessings to you.

Blanca Holland
October 8, 2020

Praying that GOD OF HEAVEN intervene for America and your families: the LORD ALMIGHTY knows the secrets of the hearts and minds of every one: May many see who stands for America and your families freedoms of speech, worship God and bear arms and the constitution of the United States our nation and her people: who opens the door for the ministers to pray at the white house for America.who stands for the voice of wisdom toward life from the smallest to the oldest in our nation. Who stands for Israel sake at 100% and against bds promoters: who stands for America and your families no matter the color of their skin pigmentation or ethnic groups. That camp is the camp that stands on the LORD ALMIGHTY side. I pray that the American people become the American by standing for America first in prayer and fasting and then at the vote ballot box: for GOD OF HEAVEN places leaders good or bad: let us worship God: should be our rally.

Liz Wagner
October 8, 2020

Lord God, may Your truth and Your Word be the guidepost to those who have stood with a party that promotes death to the innocent, that promotes breaking and twisting Your covenants. Oh Lord Jesus may the sheep hear Your voice so that we know truth! Prov 6:16

Jeni jackson
October 8, 2020

There is an urgency in the church to look into the word of God and what it says about being for life and righteous leadership. We have not as a unified church stood for life. Be faithful, share truth.


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