I Prayed have prayed
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Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and the Democrats continue to snub President Trump by slowing down Senate confirmation of his Cabinet appointments. Their underlying goal is to allow remaining Obama-appointed bureaucrats to do as much damage to the Trump administration as they can before leaving.

CNN reported last week that “Trump is noticeably behind the last three presidents when it comes to securing the confirmation of his Cabinet and other top appointments that require Senate approval.”

The Senate confirmed Governor Rick Perry on Thursday to lead the U.S. Department of Energy, leaving only former Governor Sonny Perdue and Alexander Acosta awaiting confirmation to lead the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Labor respectively.

But Schumer is only stalling top cabinet picks to further block the appointments of nearly 2,000 other political vacancies within the administration. CNN said as of February 23, Trump had 1,987 vacancies throughout his administration.

Many of these positions are empty. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said yesterday that much has happened at the Department of Justice in the three weeks he’s been in office, and he wished more of his staff had been confirmed by now. To be clear: Senate Democrats are keeping the Department of Justice from functioning at full capacity.

But other seats are currently filled by Obama appointees quietly working behind the scenes to sabotage Trump’s efforts by continuing their previous leader’s agenda while Schumer works to hamstring Trump’s presidency. These include deputies, managers, and political appointees who are meant to keep the government running while a new administration comes into power.

A clear example of this is occurring in the Department of Education, where bureaucrats are continuing what the Washington Post called Obama’s “ideological crusade” on for-profit colleges.

During President Obama’s term, his administration forced ITT Technical Institutes out of business after the school helped train American workers for half a century. This left about 40,000 students displaced and about 8,000 employees jobless, according to a September 20, 2016 Washington Post editorial.

And two months before the end of Obama’s term, his education department abruptly stripped authority from the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools, which is one of the oldest national accreditors of academic institutions in the country.

The Obama administration took this action without giving the ACICS a standard 12-month grace period to address the Department of Education’s complaints and imposed intentionally unattainable deadlines on private colleges and work training programs accredited through ACICS.

Secretary Betsy DeVos is now leading the Department of Education, but Obama-appointed lawyers in the department are still enforcing these unreachable mandates for career training institutions.

One such deadline requires 690 privately-owned schools to prove they have applications to other accreditors by March 12. Not only is this forcing private schools to leave ACICS before its appeal is adjudicated, but not meeting this deadline will mean these schools will lose the ability to receive federal Title IV funding, which is bureaucrat-speak for federal student aid.

This means more than 600,000 students at 725 schools will have to either quickly find other educational programs and restart their degrees or certificates; pay off their federal loans with their own money; or find a private lender to accept their debt. All of these options are terrible and punish hard-working people. And the last resort is having taxpayers cover the cost of forgiving the now-useless loans.

The Obama administration made a mission out of demonizing private for-profit colleges and universities, but many of these students are single parents or people who were failed by college-focused federal education policies.

Pulling the rug out from under organizations like ACICS is a blatant, misguided effort by Obama administration bureaucrats who are focused on destroying this industry.

Many of these students are working adults who are trying to improve their lives for the sake of their children. Not only will these Obama-led efforts hurt Americans, but without these colleges and career training programs, our ability to fill the jobs President Trump is working to bring to this county will be severely hindered.

Senate Republicans should make every effort to break the Democrat blockade, so President Trump can swiftly fill these positions. And then the president’s cabinet members should take a close look at Obama staffers who have “burrowed in” by moving from appointed positions to career jobs.

The Washington Times reported in November that there were “69 Obama political appointees who moved into career jobs from 2010 to 2015, and 17 of them didn’t receive the required approval from the Office of Personnel Management.”

The bold changes President Trump is bringing to the federal system will require complete loyalty within the ranks of the executive branch. Republicans in the Congress and the President’s cabinet should work doubly hard to ensure the administration is at top working order as soon as possible. (Contributor: By Newt Gingrich for Fox News – Newt Gingrich is a Fox News contributor. A Republican, her was speaker of the United States House of Representatives from 1995 to 1999. Follow him on Twitter @NewtGingrich.)

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Kevin Schissel
April 4, 2019

The ACICS has violated consumer law and defrauded me for 40,000. I was unable to transfer my credits, the school taught a curriculum that was woefully behind industry standards. The teachers gave everyone an A regardless of the work turned in. This is not a political issue, this is criminal, predatory behavior. The school I went to, lied about every single thing and the quality of the education was beyond substandard. Making this a political issue and not a consumer rights issue is adding insult to injury. I need political help from either the republicans or the democrats. I will vote for anyone who can help me. The ACICS is a criminal enterprise. The students who have been robbed already outnumber the students who will need to find new schools. The money should be returned to the students who were defrauded. This is no different than purchasing a home and finding out the entire foundation is riddled with termites. Put yourself in the shoes of the vitcims, not the for profit entity.

Don Dudley
March 12, 2017

Prayers against spirits that stop progress; decree and declare against them:
1. Father, you alone are the unstoppable progress and we thank you, in the name of Jesus Christ.
2. Father empower our President to find favor in the sight of his divine helpers (Congress).
3. Let all demonic obstacles that have been established in the heart of our President divine helpers (Congress) against the United States prosperity, be destroyed, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
4. Lord, let divine wisdom fall upon all those supporting our President in any matter.
5. We break the backbone of any spirit of conspiracy and treachery over the United States, in the name of Jesus Christ.
6. Let all our President adversaries make mistakes which will advance his cause, in the name of Jesus Christ.
7. Let all the adversaries (Media) of the President breakthroughs be put to shame, in the name of Jesus Christ.
8. Let any decision by any panel, be favorable unto our President, in the name of Jesus Christ.
9. Every negative word and pronouncement against the President success , be completely nullified, in the name of Jesus Christ.
10. We claim supernatural wisdom for our President and his Cabinet to answer all questions in a way that will advance your cause Father, in the name of Jesus Christ.
11. We command all evil records planted by the devil in anyone’s mind against our President advancement be shattered to pieces , in the name of Jesus Christ.
12. Oh Lord, transfer, remove or change all human agents who are bent on stopping our President advancement.
13. Lord, help our President to identify and deal with any weakness in him that can hinder his progress.
14. We bind every strongman delegated to hinder our President progress, in the name of Jesus Christ.
15. All demonic chains preventing our President advancement be broken, in the name of Jesus Christ.
16. All human agents delaying or denying our President advancement, we bind the evil spirits controlling your minds , in the name of Jesus Christ.
17. O Lord, release your angels to fight our President battles.
18. Let warrior angels be released to fight our President battles in the heavenlies, in the name of Jesus Christ.
19. Let power change hands in our Presidents administration, to the hands of the Holy Spirit.
20. Lord , continue to catapult our President to greatness, as you did for Daniel in the land of Babylon.

Christine Bell
March 11, 2017

Sovereign, Almighty God: You, alone have all wisdom, all knowledge, all power. Please, we beseech you to come to our aid. Please protect our leaders and give the godly wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Also, please expose the thwart the plans of evil in the minds of our enemies. We pray for your mercy, grace and forgiveness. To God be the glory. In Jesus Might Name, please hear our prayers.

Christine B.

Janice Barnhart
March 11, 2017

Our Father, have mercy on us! May Your Perfect Will Be Done in this United States of America and on all the Earth as it is in Heaven…. God arise and let Your enemies be scattered! Even though our enemies have planned evil against us, O God, You have planned good to come out of it. Expose them for all to see! Your plan is to prosper us and not to harm us, to give us a hope and a future. As we Your people, called by Your Name, humble ourselves and pray and seek Your Face and turn from our wicked ways , we are confident You will hear us, forgive us and heal our land! Stir up our hearts LORD to love You more, and listen to You and do You Will! In Jesus Name Amen!

Shirley B
March 10, 2017

Gracious God, we are ashamed and embarrassed at what we going in our government. Our new president needs the Democrats and Republicans to work together and not against each other. We are happy to have a government we can pray for and not against. We pray for Mr. Trump. He is working so hard and has all this distraction going on. We ask for you to meet with him in a real way and reveal to him that you are the one who raised him up. Give him discernment to see your hand moving and also the hand of the enemy. We are trusting in you and not man. You are the one we count on. Amen.

Nancy Perrault
March 10, 2017

Pray for Chuck Schumer, he is a jewish man and I pray that the Lord will determine his discipline according to His will. This we know, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord”, our nation, one nation, under God, amen and amen.

Carol Van Keuren
March 10, 2017

Thank God our King and Father, the author and finisher of our faith, for all the intercessors who are praying for our country! He is in control and will save our nation if we stand true to His laws. My prayer is for His grace and mercy to be poured out all across this country. We need Divine intervention!

D. Hoit
March 10, 2017

We need to pray that all believers will walk in truth. 3John1:3: It gave me great joy when some believers came and testified about your faithfulness to the truth, telling how you continue to walk in it. We also need to pray for other believers; Ephesians 6:18: And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. And also for our leaders and ourselves; James 1:5: If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
And we should pray without ceasing; Luke 18:1: Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.

Doris Hilty
March 10, 2017

Believers: Prayer & even fasting on behalf of our Nation is in order. Yes Arise & shine for the glory of the Lord has come upon us. We have the power to step on scorpions & push back the Darkness! We are not fighting against flesh and blood but evil that wants us distroyed. Praises be to God for our purposes to be manifested on the earth!! I agree with the prayers that have been said!!Amen!

Deborah Gardner
March 10, 2017

To say that this ‘game’ is unbelievably childish is an understatement! The truth is that this is more than childish gameplay, this is dangerous & for keeps. The very destiny & standing (before God) of our country is at stake, our enemy-the devil is mad! He had a stranglehold on our nation but at the last minute a BUT GOD happened & the devil was forced to give up his grip on the USA. Now there are people who are being used as the devil’s minions, many of whom may not even realize they’re being used to do Satan’s work, they’re just full of pride & self-centered ambition. I pray that God will open the eyes of people who are unwittingly being used by forces of darkness to promote the devil’s agenda & that they will make Jesus LORD of their lives, & as discussed in our conference call, that God will cause a great Spiritual Awakening for those involved in the occult who are intentionally being used by the devil as &/for forces of darkness against our President & our country.

Jesus, please have Your will & Your way; please come into & take over the United States of America, in our government & our churches & our homes. You are our Great High Priest & our King, rule & reign according to Your Kingdom purposes!

Christians: pray the Scriptures! Scripture trumps!

Pat L P
March 10, 2017

IF you do away with the yoke of oppression,with the pointing finger and malicious talk, THEN your light will risein the darkness…,THE LORD Will guide you…., people we should be in prayer, for our leaders . Let GOD arise and HIS enemies be scattered .
Let those who know they are accountable to THE LORD have their words be pure and truth filled let them be heard !

Faye M. Brown
March 10, 2017

There is also a war with the media (serving the liberal/progressive aims) and it is imperative that these moves by the Obama Admin. be revoked and their pernicious work be held up to public shaming; overcome liberal media’s censoring of the truth.

Ora Wright
March 10, 2017

Time for Christians to Engage and get involved!!! We will win every battle. Keep praying!

Carolyn Raley
March 10, 2017

Yes, the Democrats are stalling but we as Christians MUST remember and have FAITH that God is the one who is in charge, NOT the Democrats. We must pray and REBUKE the evil….May God Bless Trump, Pence, Sessions, and all of President Trumps cabinet that has been approved and Will be approved, in God’s timing, NOT ours.

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