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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we lift up the people of New York. They have been hit hard with this virus. We pray for your healing power to be upon all those that are sick, Your wisdom to be on all the medical workers, and Your protection on all those that have not been infected.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

New York, the hardest-hit state in the US, now has 21,689 coronavirus cases and 157 deaths.


New York City alone has 13,119 cases. At least 2,213 of those patients are hospitalized and 525 are in the intensive care unit.

Earlier today, health expert Dr. Deborah Birx said at a news briefing with President Donald Trump that the greater New York City area has an “attack rate close to one in a thousand” — five times higher than what other areas are experiencing. . .

“(New Yorkers are) the group that needs to absolutely social distance and self isolate at this time. Clearly the virus had been circling there for a number of weeks to have this level of penetrance into the community,” she said.

(Excerpt from CNN.)

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Christine M Martha
March 27, 2020

Father, we pray for mercy, mercy, mercy for New York. Lord, we all watched in horror last year when the Governor signed a radical abortion bill and legislators cheered. Lord God, we plead the Blood of Jesus on the doorposts of that state and ask that you forgive this sin and close the gate that was opened that day. Close the gate to death and bring life thru the Blood of your Son, Jesus. In His precious name we pray.

Mary Ann Canfijn
March 26, 2020

Father, we call on you to extend your mercy to the inhabitants of New York City. Cause them to turn to you, to call on the name of Jesus, our High Priest and Mediator. May your presence be the defining reality, to draw
people to the Cross of Jesus Christ!

Rolanda Shrader
March 26, 2020

God loves you people of New York. He tenderly is calling you through all of this turmoil that the enemy has brought to our Nation. Look up and see where your help comes from, THE HAND OF THE LORD.
Jesus loves you and died for all of us who receive his free gift of salvation. Yes, it first comes by sorrow for our sins and repentance. He is a good God and is Faithful. Choose this day who you will serve. He always gives us a choice.
I LOVE you people of New York choose life today and come to Jesus. Be Blessed and restored!

Dorothea Kreie
March 26, 2020

Dear praying brothers and sisters in the USA,

I am living in Germany but reading a lot of prophetic words from the USA and elsewhere…Recently I printed out the word you sent out: „ What is God saying in this Global Shaking?“

I confirm and believe that God is always in control even the evil things…! God is not only good but Holy and righteous too, jealous for the love of His people!
In the word and call to prayer I clearly missed a CALL FOR REPENTANCE which seems to be missing in many prophetic words who either announced a calamity and plague to come but did not call for repentance!!
This is very strange in the light of the Bible concerning judgments and plagues! It is always pointed out in OT and NT to „repent and depart from wicked ways so that the land may be healed again. In 2. Chron. 7:13-14 explicitly „pestilence as a means of judgment is mentioned.“ Other reverences who have the same message are: Hosea 4: 1-6 / Hosea 6: 1-10 / Haggai 2: 17 / Joel 2-3 / Call for Repentance of Nehemia before Revival happened / Esra, Daniel repentance prayers before the broken down walls of Jerusalem and the temple could be rebuild.
Jesus warned, encouraged and rebuked the seven churches in Revelation to repent and seek Him to avoid judgment.
In Matth. 24 he warned that wars, trials and pestilence would occur and prophesied that it will be times like Noah‘s and Sodom and Gomorrah!
Whole churches in the USA boast about such a lifestyle and leaders fall because of adultery, greed etc.! They are preaching a seeker friendly gospel….Christians tour the land to inspire people to vote for leaders who oppose Faith, freedom, the value of unborn life and overall christian values and oppose a given leader who does not endorse this!! Hard to fathom.
The blood of the unborn slaughtered in their mother‘s womb cries out to the Lord. New York has brought up a bill to slaughter babies until birth and even after birth if unwanted and alive!!

The Lord sees all that is happening in every nation and awaits the proper response from His church!

    Gail P Timmons
    March 26, 2020

    I don’t know this lady in Germany but she said everything I was praying & feeling. To all those who live in New York especially there leadership. You may consider changing that abortion bill and repenting for passing such an abominable bill. God really is not pleased but willing to forgive if you repent.

    March 26, 2020

    Dorothea, amen and amen and amen!!!!! I have been hearing the same thing in my Bible reading. There are a few preachers at smaller (and not so popular churches) that still preach these truths. I pray that this virus will be a wake up call to the other preachers who only preach popularity messages. Thank you for having courage to speak the truth.

    March 29, 2020


    March 10, 2023

    Liebe Dorothea,

    how can i get in touch with you?

    Greetings from the southern part of Germany

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