New York state’s…first female Gov. Kathy Hochul praised the Lord and wielded her faith at the Brooklyn-based Christian Cultural Center…telling congregants that vaccines against COVID-19 are God’s answer to “our prayers” and urged them to become her apostles by encouraging others to get their shots.
“We are not through this pandemic. I wished we were, but I prayed a lot to God during this time…God did answer our prayers. He made…scientists, the doctors, the researchers — He made them come up with a vaccine. That is from God to us..,” Hochul said.
She then praised the congregants attending the church in-person for being “the smart ones” and getting vaccinated, but added that there were those “who aren’t listening to God and what God wants,” and she needed their help to reach the vaccine-hesitant.
“I need you to be my apostles. I need you to go out and talk about it and say, we owe this to each other…Jesus taught us to love one another and how do you show that love but to care about each other enough to say, please get the vaccine…,” she said.
Hochul, who is a Democrat and former congresswoman from Buffalo, became governor on Aug. 24 after her predecessor, Andrew M. Cuomo, resigned…
Prior to addressing the congregation, Hochul, who is Catholic, was introduced by the Rev. A.R. Bernard, the 40,000-member church’s leader and political kingmaker, as a “person of faith.”…
“And I will tell you that the evening that the resignation of our former governor was announced and it was announced that Kathy Hochul would be stepping into that role …I text [ed] her…and I said, ‘Kathy, I am praying for you that God would give you wisdom…And she called me back about 15 seconds later. … She said, ‘Pastor, you have no idea. I was on my knees, praying and asking God for the same thing when your text came in.”
Hochul, who intends to run for governor in 2022 after Cuomo’s term expires, pledged to fight against systemic racial injustice and lead with God’s inspiration…
What are your thoughts? Share in the comments below!
(Excerpt from Christian Post. Article by Leonardo Blair. Photo Credit: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images).
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To understand her you must go back to her political roots – working for Tim Russert as a teenager
That is where she brags about her “big Irish-Catholic family” which is the baby-killing monstrosity we are facing in the spiritual realm.
Here is the message I sent “Catholic” President Biden on his inauguration:
“Life is worth protecting.
In your inaugural speech you quoted Saint Augustine, whom you noted is “a saint of my church.” Like other Catholic thinkers in an unbroken line stretching back two millennia, that saint condemned abortion at any stage of development. This is bedrock teaching. Your political alliances may make you reluctant to dwell on it. But if you are to avoid leading fellow Catholics, and others, into profound error, you must acknowledge that teaching in public. After all, as even the architect of the “personally opposed” position, Mario Cuomo, admitted in his famous 1984 speech at Notre Dame: “I think that the whole community, regardless of its religious beliefs, should agree on the importance of protecting life—including life in the womb, which is at the very least potentially human and should not be extinguished casually.” The former governor of New York professed that view—but refused to act upon it, refusing to join his fellow pro-lifers. Mr. President, you are a different leader in a very different moment. If unity is your goal, then speak in public to those with whom you may disagree about politics, but with whom you do agree about the sanctity of life. After all, as even the architect of the “personally opposed” position, Mario Cuomo, admitted in his famous 1984 speech at Notre Dame: “I think that the whole community, regardless of its religious beliefs, should agree on the importance of protecting life—including life in the womb, which is at the very least potentially human and should not be extinguished casually.” The former governor of New York professed that view—but refused to act upon it, refusing to join his fellow pro-lifers. Mr. President, you are a different leader in a very different moment. If unity is your goal, then speak in public to those with whom you may disagree about politics, but with whom you do agree about the sanctity of life.”
God bless you and Dr. Biden”
Same applies to the Jezebel in Albany also. She is well trained. She charmed the Jewish community, and every imaginable group she could over the years. She doesn’t pray to any god – only pretends to.
New York just got a Governor, who might be more arrogant and “full of herself” than Coumo!! That’s saying something!! If she had been on her knees asking for wisdom, I’m pretty sure the Lord wouldn’t have told her that Covid shots are His answer, or told her to ask people to be her apostles!! That tells you pretty much what she’s about. Rev. A. R. Barnard might want to be careful about who he allows in his pulpit. Just saying.
We are in a SPIRITUAL BATTLE for sure! Thank God, our weapons are mighty through God, to the pulling down of strongholds! He has made us more than conquerors through Jesus Christ our Lord.
I happen to be Black which is why the Gates conversations stuck with me.
Bill Gates said the way to control population is through vaccines! I heard Malinda Gates say on 2 occasions that the first people that should get the covid vaccines are Blacks! Why?
What’s it to her who goes first? Blacks are the least vaccinated race so far in the U.S. A. R. Bernard is a Black pastor with probably a mostly all Black congregation of about 40,000 this report said. So this governor just happens to seek “apostles” at a Black non-catholic church? And she is catholic? Why not seek apostles among your own faith? The crooks want all Blacks vaccinated. Why? I know they want all races vaccinated, but this governor and Bill and Malinda Gates are focusing on the Black race. Why? FATHER GOD I am glad that YOU are not a respecter of people, but love us all equally. Please continue to expose the unfruitful works of darkness and continue to speak to and defend and direct YOUR people as YOU take down our enemies. YOUR WORD says that YOU will fight our battles and that the enemies (Egyptians) we see today, we will see them again no more forever in JESUS MIGHTY Name! Amen!
Roberta, I couldn’t agree more with you. I have been getting information from The Defender. It is a newsletter from The Children’s Health Defense. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has this. I have seen him, many times, on Daystar T.V., along with Del Bigtree, and many doctors who have the real truth behind all of this. Their is a video about Bill Gates on there. It’s very telling and I wish everyone would look at this. I encourage people to go to this site. Ther’s a lot of truth, backed up by facts, on there. God bless you.
Whoa, speaking Truth Roberta…I stopped at “I need you to be my apostles.” Jesus said on the Day of Judgement we will have to give account of every idle word we speak. How about words of sacrilege?
Wasn’t she lieutenant governor while women were being molested by Andrew Cuomo? Did she know about the molestations? Did she do anything to protect women from him or to stop him since she is an apostle?
Based on what she said, we do not worship the same god! My GOD has not said one word to me about my getting this vaccine, instead reminding me that HIS Grace is Sufficient for me and my family! HE also has not said one word to me about listening to what she said. In fact when I heard her on the news, I was very grieved in my spirit! Very convenient that her god totally agrees with the democratic narrative of today with no mention that at least 10 years was spent by the best scientists and doctors trying to come up with a vaccine for the first covid, sars, and they couldn’t get it to stop killing the test animals. Now, that research is totally hidden and we are supposed to trust blindly without doing our own research? She is not an apostle to me and I get my directions directly from GOD! That is why the veil was rent in two so we could each approach the throne of Grace to find help in time of need. Remember, satan, himself masquerades as an angel of light and if it were possible, even the very elect will be deceived! Draw closer to our GOD Saints! FATHER GOD please speak clearly to YOUR people individually to let us know YOUR Desire and Direction for our and our families’ lives. Let us not be ignorant of satan’s devices, but let us have YOUR discernment to know YOUR VOICE! Please protect and provide for YOUR people, and all those that may come to salvation, and those that have been, or may be fired for not getting the vaccine in JESUS MIGHTY Name! Amen!
Yes, Amen!
From the IFA posting today about pastors and the fact we are in spiritual warfare
One: A wartime pastor will face the fact that our nation is being led by evildoers. The same villains who led the disastrous exit from Afghanistan are in control of the pandemic. They do not care about people’s lives. They do not care that they are despised by most of America. They are dedicated to their Marxist agenda and are bent on destroying this nation. They are reckless and depraved. It is only after a pastor realizes that those who are in power now are totally evil, that they will make the right choices for the good of their own people.
Two: A wartime pastor will educate their congregation as to the evils of Critical Race Theory, transgenderism, and abortion. They will do it early, emphatically, and will not back down. They know that it is better to cut your losses now than to allow a congregation to fester in cultural compromise. Proverbs 28:23 says, “He who rebukes a man will find more favor afterward than he who flatters with the tongue.”
Three: A wartime pastor will organize his people, immediately. They will get EVERYONE down to the school board meeting, the county commission meeting, and the city council meeting. Because this is war, you will get your people to start working together. Pastor, they are looking to you and you must lead them!
Four: A wartime pastor will deal with the hard questions—the unavoidable questions.
What will you do when your unvaccinated members won’t be able to be treated at the hospitals? They won’t even be let in the front door. It is already happening. The Church will have to take care of them. Are you ready for that? FromIFA. Prayer call Friday noon:15 EST this topic
We are followers of Jesus Christ only, and scriptures warn that in these last days there will be many that rise up and put forth deceptions in order to draw away as many as possible. We need to be praying for the salvation of those that do not yet know him as Savior, and that God may use the circumstances of the pandemic to draw them to himself. We also need to pray for strengthening of the church to be as much of a light as we can in these last of the last days.
well,I have got tosay that,it is apparent that things are only going to get worse before they get better-,given the glaring the glaring example of the successive governor of new york,ACTUALLY GEETING WORSE,than the last could it be..wellthers only one way,contrary to a lot of prayer posts in various formats, it just got MUCH worse than it ever was.
All I can pray is,..Lord have mercy on us all, i have understood it,over the years,The Lord always answers the prayer for mercy,with mercy. I hope this governor was not an answer of mercy
I am very uncomfortable with this women calling people to be her apostle for the vaccine.. we are ti be apostles for the Lord.. this is very misleading and sounds satanic I donot trust this and will not pray with her about such words as this. Please let the church hear the eyes of our hearts to be open… they’re are many who will heal and di mighty things but the Lord will say u never knew him I pray against this professingvwirhcraft in the mighty name of Jesus.. I ask hearts to Dee the trickery of the evil one trying to deceive people into their cultish nature’s of a fleshly religion.. where there will be tormenting if many we must pray for someone to rise up against her or for her to be convicted in her faith of trying to act like “ a god” in using pharma which is translated witchcraft in the word study .. di she is saying be my apostle for witchcraft! Get behind me all satanic worshippers! We pray only Jesus would be High and lifted up .. god and the Holy Spirit!! Amen!
Forgive my typos! Please Lord let them understand through my prayer! That this is witchcraft in subtle form! In Jesus name amen
not so subtle form..
Amen amen. Not subtle and all the more reason we need to be praying to be salt and light of the church, to clarify and to witness, in Jesus name amen
Yes, the apostles belong to Jesus Christ. God help us to have ears to hear, and not be deceived. We pray for wisdom and TRUTH to be revealed in our leaders, and for protection of all your children. Help us to discern when your words are spoken, and those claiming to be prophets and speaking your words for you.
We need to be sooo careful when we speak for you. As in Job when you asked, “Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?”, and Heb 10:31 “It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”
We pray for Governor Hochul, that she would rightly speak, and that the people NY will be delivered.
The revival has begun.
Amen. May those with discernment thoughtfully and firmly correct those without. Indeed we all need prayers. If it be your will Lord create in this new governor a powerful witness to your transforming Spirit- place people thoughts and dreams in her path to challenge her back to you and your true Word in Jesus name amen
I am an Apostle of Christ not Gov. Hochul.
Whoa to those who call evil good and good evil.
Thank you Jesus for you are my Lord. Thank you Holy Spirit for you are the Spirit of Truth.
And Thank you Father for you are the Great I Am.
All creation belongs to you Amen