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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for these leaders on the board and in authority over Netflix. We ask for breakthrough and revival for these leaders and that they would recognize this evil.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

TEXAS, September 11, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — Texas legislator Matt Schaefer has called for an investigation into a new Netflix film accused by conservative commentators of promoting “child porn.”

Shaefer announced on social media that he is asking the state’s Attorney General’s Office to “investigate the Netflix film ‘Cuties’ for possible violations of child exploitation and child pornography laws.” Conservative commentators and social media–users are calling for Netflix to be “canceled” after the film about girls as young as 11 performing sexualized dance acts went live on the platform.

Robby Starbuck, a director and producer, said, “The whole team behind Cuties needs to be investigated.”

Starbuck highlighted a January interview with Cuties director Maïmouna Doucouré in which she says that “more than 700 young girls” had auditioned for the film, “none of whom had ever done theatre before coming on set.”

“As a director I call [sic] tell you it’s not normal to audition 700 little girls with no acting experience,” Starbuck posted to Twitter. “What were they told to do during auditions? They preyed on inexperienced people starstruck by Hollywood.”

Lila Rose, founder and president of the pro-life group Live Action, has posted a series of tweets making the case that the filmmakers have broken U.S. law on “child porn” because the film “blatantly zooms in on sexual parts of little girls as they dance suggestively, partially clothed, for adult audiences, as explicit sexual ‘exploration.’” . . .

Dr. Joseph Shaw, an Oxford University philosophy teacher and father of eight children, argued that the “producers of the series are themselves sexualizing and exploiting the child actors, and serving up their sexualized performances for consumption by male critics like themselves.”

“If there is a power dynamic going on here, the consumers are at the top, Netflix as pimp or enabler is in the middle, and these poor children are at the bottom,” Shaw writes. . . .

We need to press into prayer for the leadership of Netflix. The following people are on the board of Netflix and need our prayers:

Reed Hasting (CEO)

David Hyman

Jessica Neal

Spencer Neumann

Greg Peters

Bozoma Saint John

Ted Sarandos

Rachel Whetstone

Susan Rice

(Excerpt from LifeSite News. Article by Paul Smeaton. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons.)

Comment your prayers  below for these men and women in leadership on Netflix. . .

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September 18, 2020

Surely I tell you if anyone causes one of these little ones to stumble…you know the rest

September 17, 2020

What I’d like to know is where are these girls parents? What are they thinking? Or are they so caught up in a chance for their daughters to be discovered and be a star, they don’t even care. I’m concerned for these girls safety and fear this a grooming process or entry point into sex trafficing. If you haven’t heard of Jaco Booyens, then check out his site, https://jacobooyensministries.org/. It happened to his sister. God I pray you protect these girls and let them know Jesus. Jesus said that if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better to have a millstone around their neck and be drowned in the depth of the sea. God, may your will be done.

J Huerth
September 17, 2020

In 1993, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D., N.Y.) coined the phrase “defining deviancy down.”* Moynihan’s thesis was that, as a society, America has been “re-defining deviancy” so as to exempt conduct previously stigmatized, and quietly raising the “normal” level for behavior that was abnormal by earlier standards!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

September 17, 2020

Praying that these people on the board will find the Lord. Also praying that someone or a group of people will give into each individual background and see what they have been previously connected to and supported in the past. Susan Rice is well known but sometimes these people work to keep their former friends and backgrounds somewhat hidden and sanitized. Praying that God will reveal the truth.

Joan Diane Bartruff
September 17, 2020

Father, In Jesus’ Name, I pray Your Heaven’s Armies will destroy the powers of darkness involved in
child pornography, sex trafficking, and any activity involved with child sexual exploitation. By the Power of Your Holy Spirit turn the hearts and minds of all members of Netflix leadership to You, Lord. Bring them to their knees for Your glory and their eternal salvation. Stop them in their tracks, Lord. Deliver our children from evil, Lord. Amen

Carole Ann Neve
September 17, 2020

Even for the experienced eleven-year-old’s actors and actresses, can you imagine justifying what they are saying, should not be in these pedophilia movies. Men have to be satisfied in the confines of their marriage to one man and one woman in holy matrimony. Even if they are married, the wife has to have the brunt of their lusts of pornography. The movie and entertainment companies do not need to add fire to the flame. Be adults and honor God with your lives.

Arista Michelle
September 17, 2020

Lord, we know that You don’t want any to perish. Thank You for this time of exposing the darkness. We pray for the producers, staff, actors and all related to the work Netflix has been putting out there that partners with darkness. We pray that You would grant them an Ephesians 1:17 spirit of wisdom and revelation of Your love and power. We pray their eyes will be opened to the grips of darkness and that they will truly repent. We pray that the body of Christ will be able to show forgiveness and love towards any and all who repent and want to be part of the church of God. We receive Your grace to pray for them, to love them, and to show them the love, mercy and power of God by living out Your Word daily. Amen.

September 17, 2020

Netflix had had a token gay couple in thier films for more than a year. They are working on normalizing gay couples just like the media normalized couples living together. As A believer I am convicted that I am supporting them brainwashing us into habituating to such immoral behavior so I am cancelling my subscription.

Anita Edgil
September 16, 2020

As a grandmother and great grandmother of young girls I am so saddened by the exploitation we see of our children. Shame on Netflix and others who have bought into this practice which is straight from the depths of hell. Including, sorrowfully, some parents. We must pray for Gods forgiveness and make Him first place in all aspects of our lives. We must humble ourselves and ask Him to heal us and our land. God help us, bless us and protect our children. They are the future of this great country.

Angela Meek
September 16, 2020

Lord bless the Lawmakers that rose and said :This is wrong”. Protect them Father, protect their families, their homes and property and their jobs. Continue to fill them with your spirit of boldness to speak-up, to speak and to stand for truth and justice. Amen

Angela Meek
September 16, 2020

Jesus I ask you to protect these young girls who have taken part in this film. My heart screams that the parents have handed these young girls and teens over and surrendered their authority to protect them to him when they signed the contract. You mighty Jesus are more powerful than any spiritual force of darkness, these children are the victims as it was prayed similarly earlier. I am nauseous thinking what all 700 girls went through and the after effects from the audition to casting to filming and in the days ahead. How many Lord are victims of Human Trafficking? Or is that thought to farfetched? If not, it most certainly opens a door. Father God I pray for each person on the board of Netflix that Holy Spirit would swoop down and turn their hearts toward you. How has our society went so far that evil is good and in certain situations great, and good is vile and evil? I cannot imagine how your heart grieves Lord. Forgive us Father as the Church, as your people who have been like Ostriches and buried our heads in the sand ignoring, saying oh that would never happen here. Awaken your bride Lord that she would rise and go out to seek and pray, turn and cry out. Lord hear our hearts today we pray.

Kim Horton
September 16, 2020

Where are the children parents? They are all guilty of exploiting these kids God help us. Father in the name of Jesus thank you for bring this to light and exposing the darkness. Lord please don’t let this movie corruption these children help them to get the help that they need to become productive citizens. Heal and save and deliver the minds of all these who would exploit children. Let them face want ever they deserve let them all be investigated. In Jesus name Amen 🙏🏾

September 16, 2020

My Mom and I heard about this yesterday on Fox News. They showed some scenes of these little girls-who are not even teenagers yet-doing these disgusting dance moves like twerking! Some of the girls were even partially naked! Is this the world we’re living in now? Is it becoming the norm to sexualize innocent children? I know it’s 2020, but that doesn’t excuse this filth! Children these days are being exposed to things that they should not be exposed to, and something has to be done about it! This is what happens when God is taken out of everything. Satan is definitely working overtime in today’s world.

    Cheryl Stine
    September 16, 2020

    A couple of years ago I went to a conference and next door to it a cheerleading competition for young girls was being held. I was so amazed to see the little ones in full makeup and for the most part skimpy outfits. Very sad. Please address this in prayer too.

September 16, 2020

I am so glad that Netflix is being investigated regarding this! Thank you!


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