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Lord, thank You for giving Netanyahu the wisdom and courage to respond to his citizens' complaints. Use this time to calm people's fears, and let Your will be done in Israel through Netanyahu and his government.
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Following protests, threats, and overall unrest, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has chosen to pause on any judicial reforms. Does this seem a prudent response that makes for peace?

From Jerusalem Post. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Monday evening that he was temporarily freezing the bill that would alter the makeup of the Judicial Appointments Committee and was willing to give a “real opportunity to real dialogue” over the government’s judicial reforms, which have thrown the country into turmoil and unprecedented civil unrest.

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The statement came after hours of tense negotiations as National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir threatened to quit the government if the legislation did not proceed on schedule, and as tens of thousands of judicial reform opponents protested outside the Knesset. Netanyahu ended up ensuring Ben-Gvir’s approval after pledging that the cabinet in its coming meeting on Sunday would approve the transfer of Israel’s National Guard to Ben-Gvir’s ministry.

Netanyahu said that either way, his government would bring a reform that will “return the balance that was lost between the [government] branches,” while “safeguarding and even strengthening individual rights.” …

The prime minister added that the country was on a “dangerous path,” and that he would not allow it to descend into civil war. He thanks pro-reform camp for attending a large rally outside the Knesset on Monday evening, and asked that they “continue acting responsibly and not deteriorate into provocations.”

“Stopping the legislation is the right thing,” wrote President Isaac Herzog in a statement following Netanyahu’s announcement. “This is the time to start an honest, serious and responsible conversation that will quickly calm [tensions] and lower the flames.”

“For the sake of our unity and for the future of our children, we need to start talking here and now,” he wrote. …

The government will approve at its next meeting a decision to form a National Guard and subjugate it to National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, in exchange for Ben-Gvir’s party, Otzma Yehudit, promising not to leave the government over Netanyahu’s intention to postpone the legislation of the first judicial reform bill. …

Yariv Levin speaks out as a Likud member

Justice Minister Yariv Levin said on Monday that he would respect a decision by Netanyahu to freeze legislation of the government’s bill proposal to alter the makeup of Israel’s Judicial Appointments Committee.

“As a member of the Likud, I respect any decision Prime Minister Netanyahu makes regarding the legal processes of the judicial reform. This, out of the knowledge that a situation in which everyone does as they wish can bring to the government falling and the Likud’s collapse,” Levin said in a statement.

“We must all make an effort in order to stabilize the government and coalition. We all have the duty not to make the mistake that was made at the time when the Shamir government was toppled, a mistake that brought the disaster of the Oslo Accords,” the justice minister said. …

President Herzog calls for legislation freeze

President Isaac Herzog called on the coalition to stop the legislation of the judicial reform on Monday morning after a night of major protests.

“Tonight, we saw some very difficult scenes,” Herzog said. “I’m turning to the prime minister, the government and the members of the coalition: The emotions are difficult and painful. Deep anxiety is engulfing the people. The security, the economy, the society — everything is threatened. The eyes of all the people of Israel are turned to you.

“For the sake of the unity of the people of Israel, for the sake of responsibility, I am calling on you to stop legislation immediately. I turn to all the party leaders in the Knesset, coalition and opposition as one, put the citizens of the nation above all else and behave responsibly and bravely without further delay.”

Opposition leader MK Yair Lapid called on Netanyahu to retract his decision to fire Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, arguing that this was not the time for the replacement of a defense minister. …

Major protests continued in Tel Aviv throughout Sunday night after Netanyahu fired Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for calling for the coalition to freeze the legislation. This led Israel’s largest workers union, the Histadrut, as well as umbrella organizations from the business and hi-tech sectors, to announce a general strike on Monday. …

What do you think of Netanyahu’s decision? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from Jerusalem Post. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Darlene Estlow
March 28, 2023

Father, give wisdom to Israel’s government concerning this legislation and the future of their government. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem and the drawing of all Jews into your kingdom.


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