I Prayed have prayed
God, we pray for Israel in this time of war and transition. We ask that the leaders of Israel would seek Your wisdom just as King Solomon did.
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Following the departure of Benny Gantz, Prime Minister Netanyahu decided to dissolve the Israeli war cabinet. How will this affect the war?

From WORLD. Israeli officials on Monday said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dissolved the nation’s War Cabinet a week after his rival Benny Gantz stepped down from the council. The six-member body had been overseeing the war in Gaza. Netanyahu is expected to consult a small group of ministers about the war including Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer. … The nation’s security council will make decisions about the war …

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Why is Israel instituting tactical pauses? The Israel Defense Forces on Sunday said it would suspend daytime military operations near a border crossing and along an aid route in southern Gaza. The pauses will take place every day from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. The pauses are meant to help humanitarian aid into the region, according to the IDF.

Netanyahu reportedly criticized the plan …

Share your prayers for Israel in its time of need below.

(Excerpt from WORLD. Photo Credit: President.gov.ua, CC BY 4.0, Wikimedia Commons)

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Grant Windholz
June 21, 2024

Give Israel and the Prime Minister the strength and power fighting against Satan and his evil forces! Just like King Solomon and the old testament in the Bible! It’s all about faith in trust in Jesus Christ. Through him, he can do anything!! AMEN 🙏

Mary Beth
June 19, 2024

Sometimes it is hard for us to see how You are working, but we know You are working to accomplish Your plans and purposes – to establish Your Kingdom. May we as the body of Yeshua – one new man – align with You in intercession and action for that purpose – to establish Your Kingdom. May You turn the hearts of world leaders, especially in Israel, to align with You for that purpose – to establish Your Kingdom. Your Kingdom come!!!

June 19, 2024

Father as lovers of you we decree its time. It’s time for another Solomon to rule your nation. It’s time for Israel to be a world power and be respected because of your favor. It’s time for our friend, your Holy Spirit to permeate that land from border to border and show the World that JESUS IS LORD. As intercessors we address the spiritual heavenlies, the spiritual darkness and declare to all ITS TIME !!!!

June 19, 2024

Dear Father: I pray for you to continue to protect and help your people Israel. I ask that you give them clarity of mind, strength for the battle and victory through YOU. I pray that that the Holy Spirit will pour out on them and that they will seek you and acknowledge you as their Messiah. I know that once they accept you as their Messiah calling out “Blessed is he who comes in the Name of the Lord,” your Dear Son will get to come back and reign for 1,000 years. I so look forward to that time of peace and love. In the Mighty Name of Jesus I pray. Amen

Randy Moore
June 18, 2024

I ask your blessings on the Country of Israel and especially its leaders as they lead your people. I pray that each citizen of Israel will humble themselves and turn their face to Jesus and follow Him and come to know Him personally.
God Bless Benjamin Netanyahu.

Brian Lynch
June 18, 2024

Lord, I pray for the peace and safety of Jerusalem. I also pray for the nation of Israel. May Your will be done in this Middle East tragedy. Thank you, Jesus. You are in control, and You will never forsake your chosen people.


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