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Father, we pray that You would stop this action and expose the truth of what is going on here. Stop the radical ideologues, Lord, and protect our kids from brainwashing teachers and principals.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

New mandates would tie billions in federal funding for schools to LGBT mandates on bathrooms, locker rooms, pronouns and more. Let your voice be heard on this issue–click the image to send a message to your legislators.

Your action is needed! Add your comment on the government’s regulation page about Title IX  TODAY – it is the last day to make a comment. Go HERE

 to put in your comment today. 

From The Daily Signal. As the clock ticks down on the public comment period for the Department of Education’s proposed rule change to Title IX, inconsistencies have emerged on the total number of comments already submitted.

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Politico reported Tuesday that the Regulations.gov website tracking the total number of publicly submitted comments had logged over 349,000 comments.

But by Friday, three days later, the total number of public comments had shot down to 184,009—a decrease of more than 160,000 comments.

The Biden administration provided no explanation to The Daily Signal of why those comments were removed. Politico later reported a “clerical error” had led to the disparity in numbers.

Additionally, a disconnect exists between two sources of data on submitted comments: Regulations.gov and the Office of the Federal Register.

The proposed rule change for Title IX, the federal law that prohibits discrimination because of sex in federally funded schools and universities, would redefine the word “sex” to include sexual orientation and gender identity.

Opponents of the change argue that it would end protections for girls and women by allowing men who identify as women to use women’s restrooms and locker rooms and to compete on women’s sports teams.

The Federal Register lists the total number of comments made on a certain regulation, regardless of duplicate comments or objectionable content. If a person makes a comment on a proposed rule, the Federal Register logs it.

Regulations.gov, by contrast, is a curated and moderated list, meaning duplicate or spam comments are weeded out. By its very nature, the number of comments on Regulations.gov should be lower than the number logged on the Federal Register.

However, the Federal Register currently has 163,013 comments logged, while Regulations.gov has 184,009—for a gap of nearly 21,000 comments.

Agencies such as the Department of Education are permitted to redact certain comments if they contain private information or inappropriate language, or are likely part of a mass-mail campaign.

However, a knowledgeable observer says that so many missing comments is abnormal.

Sarah Parshall Perry, a senior legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation, said:

The jaw-dropping disparity in the Federal Register’s number of total comments received on the proposed Title IX rule from one day to the next, without explanation or disclaimer, should raise alarm bells for American parents whose children at federally funded schools will receive the direct impact of any finalized rule.

Whether the sudden loss of nearly 200,000 citizen comments stems from incompetence or obfuscation, the Department of Education has some explaining to do.

The Daily Signal, which is Heritage’s multimedia news organization, sought comment on the missing material from the Office of the Federal Register.

Staff attorney Miriam Vincent replied, saying: “The Office of the Federal Register does not collect, maintain, or track comments on documents that we publish on behalf of other agencies.”

Instead, Vincent said, the Federal Register uses an automated program that takes data from Regulations.gov and uploads it to the site directly. The Register has “no control over that number and does not know how it’s calculated,” she said.

Vincent added: “Only the issuing agency can answer questions related to a specific docket or published document.”

The Daily Signal also sought comment from both the Department of Education and Regulations.gov, but did not receive responses.

However, in an updated version of the Politico newsletter, the outlet reported the Department of Education claimed that a “clerical error” with one comment that boosted the count by more than 200,000.

Perry is skeptical that’s what happened.

“The Department of Education’s claim that the error in the number of comments is due to a clerical error doesn’t pass the smell test,” said Perry. “Far more likely is that they don’t want the American people to know how unpopular this policy change is.”

Were your comments redacted as part of a “mass mail campaign”? Share this article so others can speak out.

(Used with permission. From The Daily Signal. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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Bernadine Reid
September 22, 2022

I’ve reached out to my Congressmen and Senators letting them know where I stand as a constituent concerning this Title IX.
I also speak with parents in my local community about this and urging them to get involved in what is being taught and allowed in schools. I tell them do not allow your rights as parents be taken away from you unlawfully. Communication is so vital and being informed and aware keeps you ahead of the game. Everything hidden is being exposed.

Josephine J Gallucci
September 18, 2022

The Devil is the author of confusioni! He is working overtime to destroy the very basic God given facts of life…our sexual dentity….by viciously attacking the minds of our very precious children.I pray Anericans respond in freverent prayer to our Lord to stop this insanity.

Tina Greathouse
September 15, 2022

I am deeply concerned about the Department of Education’s re-write of the Title IX Rule ED-2021-OCR-0166-0001. It rejects that sex is defined by biology. Other concerns are that it removes the rights of girls to have locker rooms and competition that is based on biological sex, it prioritizes gender identity ideology over actual biology in sports, activities, and programs and it authorizes school personnel to overrule parental authority. This is not good for girls and women, and it is not good for parents. I am urging you to act on behalf of millions of parents. Protect our children. I am praying for you as you contemplate what you can do.

Kathleen Thompson
September 14, 2022

As a grandparent and concerned citizen, I have a passion for the well-being of children, as most should. I implore governmental officials to protect the rights of parents as taxpaying citizens from the outrageous and unfathomable expansion of this ideology. Protect our vulnerable,innocent children from chemical and surgical mutilation. I can’t think of anything worse for the utter destrruction of their sanity, often leading to suicide. Save our children, please. Who else do they have but wise patrons? They must have us.

NOTE: When trying to send comment, a message appeared which states that Regulations.gov is no longer reeiving comments

September 14, 2022

Please stop federal funding for schools to mandate LGBT on bathrooms, locker rooms, pronouns and more. This is not how funding should be used in our schools!

J C scott
September 14, 2022

Stop this insanity!

Reta A Perdue
September 14, 2022

I Amen and Amen against Title IX. It is VERY HARMFUL to our children and our constitution.

Janice Parris
September 14, 2022

I am against the expansion of Title IX. It is harmful to our children and our country.

September 14, 2022

School is supposed to be for reading,, writing and arithmetics and history so that we learn from our past mistakes and don’t make them again. Maybe you should look at the fall of Rome in ancient days and learn why they fell and not repeat it!

September 14, 2022

Totally against Title IX. Let’s get all politics out of our classrooms. It’s the parents prerogative to teach their children their values. No wonder our schools have such low scores for Reading, Writing and Rithmatic !!Lets get back to teaching, not political indoctrination. A retired teacher. 🏫😊😊😊

Ken Van Daalwyk
September 13, 2022

God created them male and female…let no man take away any words from this bible.

Jean Walker
September 13, 2022

I am deeply concerned about the Department of Education’s re-write of the Title IX Rule ED-2021-OCR-0166-0001. It rejects that sex is defined by biology. Other concerns are that it removes the rights of girls to have locker rooms and competition that is based on biological sex, it prioritizes gender identity ideology over actual biology in sports, activities, and programs and it authorizes school personnel to overrule parental authority. This is not good for girls and women, and it is not good for parents. I am urging you to act on behalf of millions of parents and people of faith. I am praying for you as you contemplate what you can do.

September 13, 2022

Father Here our voices this unrighteousness. We speak the name of Jesus reverse these bills theses are our children come with your power Jesus mighty name

Gail Wood
September 13, 2022

Many of us signed and wrote a response to Title IX. and to have them not just steal the Presidential Election but now purposefully remove our responses is just some more of their evil and despicable behavior.
They are so frightened of You and Your children that they have to steal,lie and behave deplorably in order to try and get their way.
Father we join our voices together on here and we ask You to give us a miracle and cause everything they redacted to return with great power behind each person’s petition signing and our personal response.
Father we loose Angels to capture and return them to the hands of the people that should receive them. Cause them Father to be filled with power that causes them to accomplish what you want it to. We commit this important matter into Your Hands.
We praise You alone Father God and we ask these things in Jesus Holy and most precious name.

Cynthia Gallagher
September 13, 2022

LGBQ has no place in public school education. Let kids be kids. When they become adults let them make whatever choices they want then. Do not tie a LGBQ lifestyle to pubic schools. Public schools need to stay out of this and remain neutral. Father, our hearts ache for the children whose minds are being propagandized with evil doctrines, and who bodies are being mutilated. Title IX is poised to cause more emotional trauma on a daily basis to all the children who will feel very uncomfortable with others of the opposite sex in vulnerable places like bathrooms and locker rooms.

Gail Wood
September 13, 2022

This entire thing from abortion , to children suffering at the hands of pedophiles, grooming , abortion and trafficking is Satan’s way of destroying the future of this nation .and all nations.Our children and grandchildren children are the future.
The Left with all their agendas have done this terrible horror. Now God is going to do what He must in order to do what what He must I really

Cherry Bivone
September 13, 2022

Elections are around the corner, nothing is more important than the children. Please don’t allow this to go through I will be praying for the Lord in Heaven and Earth his good will and mercy for you and the children, teachers, and administrators 🙏🍒

September 13, 2022

Father, our hearts ache for the children whose minds are being propagandized with evil doctrines, and who bodies are being mutilated. We ask You to deliver them. We are desperate, we must have the revival You’ve spoken of. Please bring it and do so with great force -overwhelming force and power! Break the bands of wickedness of our nation, rend the heavens and come down (Isaiah 64:1). We pray confidently in the name of Jesus. Amen.

September 13, 2022

Title IX is poised to cause more emotional trauma on a daily basis to all the children who will feel very uncomfortable with others of the opposite sex in vulnerable places like bathrooms and locker rooms. This bill is absurd and will only cause more trouble. Trauma creates an ongoing weakness that that promotes opportunity for all sorts of sickness and disease on top of it. This bill should be revoked!

Linda Schwanbeck
September 13, 2022

Please stop this Title IX rule change. It violates our ability to live out our religious beliefs in the public sphere. It demands that my tax money be spent on rewarding schools when they follow a political agenda that is averse to the majority and supports only 3% of the population.

Lord- Reign down over this matter. Send your Holy Spirit to guide us and lead us back to you.

Linda Schwanbeck
September 13, 2022

Please stop this Title IX rule change. It violates our ability to live out our religious beliefs in the public sphere. It demands that my tax money be spent on rewarding schools when they follow a political agenda that is averse to the majority and supports only 3% of the population.

Rita Mascaro
September 13, 2022

I emailed my congressional representatives on August 30, 2022 regarding my disapproval of the expansion of Title 1X. At the same time, I also emailed about my disapproval to the Department of Education to the address on their website. Yesterday (September 12 – the final date to comment), the Dept. Of Education, at 4:59 PM, delivered a response to my email. Note: this is a 2 week span between my comment and their response.
Here is their response:
[email protected]
Sep 12, 2022, 4:59 PM (17 hours ago)
to me

Dear Rita Mascaro,

Thank you for contacting the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights regarding the Title IX Rulemaking (Title IX NPRM). As stated in the Title IX NPRM, comments must be submitted via the Federal eRulemaking Portal. The Department will not accept comments by fax or by email, or comments submitted after the comment period closes on September 12, 2022. You can access the Title IX NPRM and submit comments at http://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/07/12/2022-13734/nondiscrimination-on-the-basis-of-sex-in-education-programs-or-activities-receiving-federal. If you require an accommodation or cannot otherwise submit your comments via the Federal eRulemaking portal, please respond to this email.


Office for Civil Rights

U.S. Department of Education

Hands tied, mouth muffled, opinions cancelled

Sue Sanford
September 13, 2022

As Christians we ask that you donor allow these changes to Title lX as proposed. This gives untold damage to 99% of our children to take care of 1%. We are not caring about those children but enforcing these changes will be a failing the majority. Their are other ways to assist children struggling with gender issues.

Barbara Ann Bush
September 13, 2022

I suggest sending our comments to the Federal Register with a copy of it to the federal Department of Education and our specific state Attorney Generals so there is a state trail with someone who can file actions; and so the DoE has direct knowledge of the will of the people.

Pam Kasberg
September 13, 2022

Title IX – Do not change any rule to redefine the word “Sex”. This rule should only include females that were born females!

September 13, 2022

Darkness will fail in it’s attempt to bring filth and confusion to students in our school system. John 1:5 , the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can NOT overcome the light, The light has a name above all names, to which every knee will bow. Decreed in Jesus name.

September 13, 2022

I just checked the tracking number for my comment on the regulations.gov website and my comment is gone! What do I do now?

    September 13, 2022

    Re-enter your comments again. Don’t give up and contact your Senators and Representatives directly too. Blessings on you for being persistent!

September 13, 2022

Lord let the children be bold and speak out to bring to life in them the Truth that You put in each and everyone of Your children. We ask that the madness of misguided, misdirected, selfish, prideful, and evil followers be torn down and destroyed in Your Holy Name Yaweh. Fill the children with Truth and boldness to stand against what is happening in their school. Protect the innocent, cover them in Your blood. Thank You, Lord of lords and King of kings our Hope, Love and Peace. Amen

Heather Shes
September 13, 2022


September 13, 2022

I tried to submit a short comment to reject this proposed rule 2 different times yesterday on 2 different browsers, and on both, when I hit the “Submit” button, NOTHING HAPPENED- it would not even accept my comment!

Nissa Poulsen
September 13, 2022

LGBQ has no place in public school education. Let kids be kids. When they become adults let them make whatever choices they want then. Do not tie a LGBQ lifestyle to pubic schools. It will be the decline of the public school system.

Judy Perdue
September 13, 2022

Fight on your knees . Only God can turn this satanic train around.
Help us o God we deserve wrath but please show mercy.

Teena Wisecup
September 13, 2022

Please do not let this egregious law affect our children by allowing this state to be indoctrinated by woke culture that is only putting our kids at risk!

Daniel Leaman
September 13, 2022

Even if you don’t believe in God or the Bible, in your heart and mind, this is nothing but evil. Wake up. Do the right thing.

September 13, 2022

How can I know if my comment, which was submitted on Friday September 9 was redacted?

    September 13, 2022

    You should have received an email with a tracking number for your comment. Go to regulations.gov and enter the tracking number and if it wasn’t redacted then it should show up. Be sure to click the comments tab once you search for the tracking number.

Louis rothwax
September 13, 2022

Ridiculous satanic laws must not be passed

Glenda Fanguy
September 12, 2022

I’m am opposed to the DOE Title IX
To include gender identity as a protected class. Keep boys out of our girls bathrooms and dressing rooms.
Stop the DOE from moving forward with this immediately.

Dinah Huthnance
September 12, 2022

Docket ID: ED-2021-OCR-0166

I am opposed to the Dept. of Education’s proposed changes to Title IX to include gender identity as a protected class. If the DEA succeeds with this new iteration of Title IX, it will fundamentally change the landscape of schools serving our children and grandchildren. It will position teachers against parents and their medical advisers. Parents are in a greater position to know and ascertain the needs of their child and to therefore make health decisions for that child. Teachers do not have the ultimate responsibility for the overall health, wellbeing and day to day care of their students. That lies with the parents. Parents have the responsibility and duty to feed, clothe, house, and care for their child’s emotional, physical and mental wellbeing. To give teachers the power to intervene in the family in this way is outrageous. At the end of the day the intervening teacher will not have to deal with or be held responsible for any negative consequences of their intervention in the child’s mental health. When a person, in this case a teacher, bears no responsibility and has no accountability there should be no intervention in a life altering decision for a child. The proposed changes will then make CPS the watch dog overseeing gender decisions which should remain solidly with the parent/guardian of each child. Additionally, The proposed change if adopted will override every states ability to legislate against this egregious overreach of government. This is not a partisan issue it is a parental rights issue. Stop the Department of Education from moving forward immediately!

Barbara Smith
September 12, 2022

People should be able to track their comments at https:\\www.federalregister.gov/d/2022–13734. There is a comment tracking number. It would be helpful to know your comment submission date. Hopefully you printed it out after you submitted your comments.

Jack Land Ph.D.
September 12, 2022

Do not vote or permit Title 9 funding be highjacked by LGBT zealots. Child & teen gender confusion & dysphoria, as well as sexual identity can be quite fluid in the oughts & teens. Catering to juvenile gender change demands or same sex attractions by adult reinforcement most often can be very harmful to normal growth & development, especially if you are caught up in today’s woke mindset. Effective parent-child/teen counsel is most beneficial.
Co-founder, South County Mental Health Center, Palm Beach Co. Florida Sixty + years paid & volunteer work in the mental health field.

September 12, 2022

I pray that the right comments would surface and any attempt to surpress these comments would fail and even be counterproductive. Unravel any efforts to hide, cheat or steal. I ask that you loose truth over this situation and bring forth justice. Please allow the gospel to have free course and permeate the evil “partying.” Use the situation for good and send an effective witness to reach all parties involved. Soften hearts to Christ. In Jesus name

September 12, 2022

Today, 9/12/22 is the last day to make your public comments. Please write a simple paragraph to the Federal Register to oppose their radical changes to Title IX. Make it unique, not cut and pasted. Why you oppose this for your kids, grand kids, teachers, etc. See below for link and more information how to make a public comment.




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