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Thank You, Lord, for our state prayer leaders and how they're supporting each other to save the lives of the preborn.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Two IFA state prayer group leaders collaborated to produce a song in the voice of a preborn baby pleading: “Mother, let me live.”

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Zoraida Noratto, one of the IFA state prayer leaders in California, was in a time of prayer in the spring of 2020, at the start of the COVID lockdowns, and she was praying against child sacrifice. She prayed: “Father, I don’t know how this reality could change. How can we stop this iniquity from happening every day in the world, unless You change the hearts of men and women?” She said she wanted to sit down with every man and woman and plead with them: “Please listen to your baby. Hear the voice of your baby.”

“Since the Scripture tells us to speak for those who have no voice, the words of this song came out of my heart very easily,” Noratto said.

She reached out on the IFA Signal chat for state prayer group leaders, letting them know that she’d written the song, and asking if anyone knew someone who could record it.

Audrey Frykenberg, an IFA Wisconsin state prayer group leader, has a music background, and she responded to Zoraida’s request. The two collaborated and then recorded the song at a studio in Madison.

They’ve given IFA permission to share it here:

Here’s our interview about it at the IFA 50th Anniversary event:

Post your prayers below that this song might get to the right people and save lives.

Rich Swingle has taught and performed in 39 nations across six continents, mostly in his own one-man plays, five of which were performed Off-Broadway. He has performed in more than 45 film projects. He and his bride, Joyce Swingle, another contributing writer for IFA, now have 41 “screen children.” The Swingles live in New York City. Visit www.RichDrama.com for more information. Photo Credit: Aditya Romansa on Unsplash.

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June 27, 2024

Dear Father of the Unborn,
With all my heart I ask that you promote this song worldwide, not only in churches, and Christian gatherings but in the whole world, in places and hearts that have hardly ever seen a glimpse of your lovingkindness. I fervently pray that wherever this song is played that the Holy Spirit will wring the hearts of the hearers and change their thinking to align with your perfect will for the preborn. I ask that these lyrics be published and performed on every stage. on bumperstickers, in theaters, and most of all in all the hearts of men and women the world over.
Gracious Abba, thank you for the gift of a song straight from your own heart.
In Jesus Name, Amen

Wanakee M Brown-Belin
February 7, 2024

This is a heartfelt song. I would love to get this song out!! . My testimony I tell often. As a kid over 40 years ago I worked in an Abortion Clinic. I had no concept of what I was doing. I just wanted a job. I remember my Mother just looking at me when I told her. I know my parents wanted me to work. It was the doctor who got me out of there. She called me into “the room”, where they look at the aborted fetus! She picked up with the tweezer this tiny arm with its fist balled up. I screamed and ask her why she showed me that. She said you need to know what is really happening here. This testimony I share with a lot of women! I’m just one person but I’m glad that God is using me.

February 2, 2024

Amarillo Texas is fighting a battle for the unborn. Several cities and counties have adopted an ordinance that goes hand in hand with the Heart Beat Act. But the ordinance takes it one more step by securing the right to life at conception. The city council is opposed. Pleas keep Amarillo Texas in your prayers. I would love to get this song out to our community!

Larry and Pam Zook
January 31, 2024

Lord use this beautiful song to endear the hearts of mothers to their babies within. Let it be the trigger for beautiful bonding to occur. This song was Your inspiration Lord, use it for whom ever it was intended. In Jesus name I pray.

January 31, 2024

Zoraida, This is song is beautiful. It captures the essence of a pre-born baby’s voice . May God use this haunting melody to impact mothers who are contemplating abortion.. I know you have prayed for years that He would. save babies through this song. Amen so be it! We need this!

January 30, 2024

The best way to save a baby’s life is to first save their mother’s life!
John Hagee Ministries has built special housing for unmarried pregnant girls where they can live with their babies, and can even continue their schooling.
If John Hagee Ministries can do that, so can other churches even if not on the large scale that his church has been blessed to be able to do.
If there is room in the heart, there is room at the hearth, so everyone with a home with a spare bedroom can help a single mother who wants her baby to live and to be adopted rather than get a excruciating and cruel abortion. Offering hospitality to an unmarried mother for nine months is all it takes to save a baby’s life because babies can be adopted on the day of their birth–and many couples are waiting years to adopt a baby. My daughter and her husband were fortunate enough to be able to adopt a day old baby (who is now six years old) and he is a huge source of joy to all of us. God bless his precious birth mom for her sacrifice that has brought such happiness to our family and which also spared her the horrific grief of living with the painful memories of having aborted this wonderful, precious little child.

January 30, 2024

Thank you, dear Lord, for inspiring this simple, heart-wrenching song. I pray it will be used powerfully to change hearts and save lives.

Cindy cunningham
January 30, 2024

I pray for all the unborn babies and their mothers that they will choose life

Darlene Estlow
January 29, 2024

Father, thank you for this beautiful song. May it reach many hearts to know how you view your babies!

January 29, 2024

to former comment ..correction:
may someone be able to get this beautiful song to this choir🙏
thank you

January 29, 2024

Here is a link to tfe One Voice children’s choir on youtube:


singing, Mary Did You Know

may someone be able to contact them and get this beautiful dong to them🙏✝️

January 29, 2024

In agreement with these prayer requests, and Wendy Kremer, the group One Voice is a childrens choir, known internationally, They can be seen on youtube, just enter their name in search bar. If anyine knows kow to contact this group, or get them involvrd, They would ve perfect singing this song!
Praying for all and especially for our babies and children, which are coming onto such a volatile dangerous world.
OH Father Hear our prayers…
In Jesus Christ’s Name

Wendy Kremer
January 28, 2024

I think it would be powerful if they had small children’s voices singing these words rather than adults.

Linda Esquibel
January 28, 2024

Thank You Lord for voices singing for the babies. Use it to touch hearts as only You can do!

Helen Burnett
January 28, 2024


Susan Eddlemon
January 28, 2024

Thanks for this interview, Rich! Good to see how music is also influencing our prayers.

January 28, 2024

I am so glad that Jesus saves and His Blood washes whiter than snow. Lord Jesus please save our babies. Save our children. May sinners come to repentance and declare that


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