Dozens of parents are demanding the resignation of a Loudoun County superintendent following outrage over claims of sexual assault.
…[P]arents expressed concern during Tuesday’s school board meeting over Superintendent Scott Ziegler’s performance, saying he should resign for allegedly overseeing cover-ups of two sexual assaults occurring on school grounds that were facilitated by the school’s transgender policy…
LCPS’s approval of Policy 8040 on Aug. 11, which allows students regardless of their gender into all school bathrooms, was a major point of criticism on Tuesday’s meeting, as board members knew about an alleged sexual assault that occurred in May and still approved the measure.
“The 8040 policy was rushed through to a vote without consideration for the safety of all students, simply to satisfy a liberal agenda…,” one mother reportedly said at the meeting…
The first incident allegedly took place on May 28, when a ninth-grade female was assaulted in the bathroom by a boy wearing a skirt, according to the girl’s father…
But at a June 22 board meeting, Ziegler declared “the predator transgender student or person simply does not exist,” and the girl’s father, Scott Smith , was arrested when he insisted at the meeting that his daughter’s story was true.
Michelle Bowman, a public information officer for the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office, confirmed in an email…”a May 28, 2021, case at Stone Bridge High School that involved a thorough 2-month-long investigation…to determine the facts of the case prior to arrest.”…
A second incident occurred on Oct. 6, when a 15-year-old male student forced a female student into an empty classroom and inappropriately touched her, according to the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office …
From Daily Wire:
The Loudoun County Sheriffs confirmed to Fox News and the Daily Mail that they did investigate an incident from May 28th and that the case is still pending, leaving them unable to discuss details. According to the Daily Wire’s report, and the victim’s attorney, the suspect in the first case is alleged to have committed a second sexual assault, in early October.
“We can confirm a May 28, 2021 case that involved a thorough 2-month-long investigation that was conducted to determine the facts of the case prior to arrest,” the sheriff’s office told Fox News. “This case is still pending court proceedings. The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office is not able to provide any documents that pertain to a pending case.”
Does this policy concern you? Share in the comments below. Share a prayer for our schools as well!
(Excerpt from The Washington Examiner. Article by Asher Notheis. Photo Credit: Jeswin Thomas/Unsplash).
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Father, I thank you for the father of this girl who stood up to protect and defend his daughter, and who was deliberately ignored, just as Jesus and the prophets before Him were ignored – and who also suffered in the cause of truth.
Dear Lord, we know that vengeance is Yours, and the battle is Yours. Please give this father a holy boldness, extra courage, extra endurance, and extra grace and wisdom as he pursues righteousness, in the authority You have given him, as the father of his daughter.
And, please, Lord, execute righteous judgment on those who have perverted Your “very good” creation of us as male and female, for You will not be mocked!
We thank You, Lord, for Your steadfast love endures forever!
Father God,
As followers of Your Son, Jesus, we are well aware that this battle is not the left against the right nore is it the Democrats against the Republicans. This is about satan against God.
We are thankful that our weapons of warfare are divinely powerful for the taking down of strongholds. We ask for Your protection on our students.
LORD, lead us in the battle. May Your righteous judgement prevail. May we not loose heart, even when things look worse from our perspective. Help us, remind us, by Your Holy Spirit that You are in control.
Raise up Your prayer warriors to regularly prayer-walk around our schools, where we can pray Your Word, which is ALIVE and POWERFUL!!
Give us a heart to seek Your face on behalf of the members of the School Board, the teachers, students, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, counselors, lifting them before Your throne of grace and mercy. You desire that none should perish. Jesus, we pray that You would raise up laborers into this field of harvest!
We thank You for the faith based ministries that are allowed after school. Give these volunteers wisdom, discernment and protection. That they would reflect the light of Jesus in such a dark place. May many students, teachers,faculty come to know Jesus as their LORD and Savior. Only You can change hearts and transform lives. It’s in the powerful name of Jesus we pray. AMEN
To all of the voters of joe biden….I hope you are happy!
All of this stupidity began under obama! President Donald Trump put and end to all of this wickedness! During obama’s failed years in office, Target said transgender men could go into the women’s bathrooms, it resulted in many sexual assaults of girls and women. Many lawsuits were filed against Target. Men were arrested for peering at girls and women under stalls and exposing themselves to girls and women. I have never noticed a transgender woman who thinks she is a man going into men’s restrooms. It’s always the men going into women’s restrooms. Most of whom are perverts and pedophiles rather than trans. If a boy or man has male organs they should not be allowed into girls bathrooms. My question is how are all of these evil people synchronizing this craziness at the same time in America? Do they have a devil coordinating evil website that they all access? A woman protested at a spa about a trans man pulling out and exposing himself to young girls and women and the spa asked the woman protesting to leave. A child that sees private parts can never un-see it and it can damage them for life. FATHER GOD please prevent violence that these evil policies will cause. Give parents wisdom about removing their children from these evil schools. Please direct our path in this matter. Speak clearly to YOUR children and deliver us from evil in JESUS MIGHTY Name! Amen!
Father, I pray righteousness and justice may prevail in these cases. May the truth be upheld and these cases be brought to trial. Give repentance to the boy who assaulted the girls and bring him to salvation. Bring healing to the girls. Protect our children. Open the eyes of this school board. Replace them with those who would honor righteousness and justice.
Thank you for posting this article. I read of the account previously and do not understand the lack of people praying. I no longer shop in stores that allow men in women’s rest rooms. There has not yet been a court hearing, but the same male student was involved. We have to be praying for vulnerable students who are not able to avoid use of restrooms.