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Father, we thank You that You are our perfect Father and for this milestone case for America.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Setting a major precedent for future parental rights cases in Texas, the state Supreme Court on Friday awarded a father full custody of his 5-year-old daughter, reversing a district court’s decision to give joint custody to a man who’s unrelated to the child.

The Texas Supreme Court ā€œreaffirmed the longstanding constitutional rules that parents are presumed to be fit and that the actions of fit parents are presumed to be in the best interests of their children,ā€ said Texas Home School Coalition,Ā the group that supported the biological father, identified as Chris, who was awarded full custody of his daughter, Ann.

Annā€™s mother had died in a car accident two years earlier. Shortly after her death, the man that Annā€™s mother had been dating and was briefly engaged to at the time sued Chris for custody of the child. . . .

Texas’ Supreme Court overturned the lower court’s ruling, ā€œand squarely rejected the unrelated manā€™s argument that the law does not presume that Chris has a right to raise Ann,ā€ the Texas Home School Coalition said. . . .

Editor’s Note: He also said, ā€œMy daughter doesnā€™t know him. She lived with him cumulatively under six months. I thought that as the biological father, I [should] win. We learned quickly, that is not the case.ā€

National parental rights activists have paid close attention to theĀ caseĀ centered around the basic question: Should a fit father be forced to share custody of his daughter with an unrelated man? . . .

In July 2019, Chris had filed an emergency appeal to the Fort Worth Court of Appeals to strike down the lower courtā€™s ruling on grounds that it violated his constitutional rights as a parent. However, his request was denied.

ā€œSo the argument being made is that because [the fiancĆ©] cohabitated with the daughter for between five and six months, cumulatively, that he developed a strong enough relationship with her that he should be entitled to custody of her,ā€ Jeremy Newman, the Texas groupā€™s director of public policy, told The Christian Post at the time. . .

Initially, after the motherā€™s death, the maternal grandparents filed for joint custody of their grandchild in July 2018.Ā The motherā€™s fiancĆ© also filed for joint custody a month later.

The grandparentsā€™ request for joint custody was denied in court because they were unable to prove that the father was an unfit parent. However, the trial court had granted theĀ fiancĆ© joint custody of Ann on May 8, 2019.

(Excerpt from The Christian Post. Written by Anugrah Kumar, Christian Post Contributor.)

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Janet F.
July 1, 2020

Thank you for this step forward in protecting the legal right of children to have healthy relationships with their fit, biological fathers. Please advance this cause in the midst of a family court system that adheres most to the desires of custodial parents, usually mothers, and gives mere lip service to what is best for children.

claire smith
July 1, 2020

This article fails to inform anyone of the biological father’s presence in his daughter’s life. We don’t know if he and the mother already were dutifully sharing custody of their daughter. Do we know anything about the biological father’s relationship to daughter, ex wife, ex in-laws or whether that father’s parents (paternal grandparent’s) in the daughter’s life?

I have known courts to give joint unsupervised custody to biological parent that had addiction issues, people who are irresponsible, even in cases where the parents were never married. There are biological parents that are truly unfit and harmful to children. However, it is sensible to give deference to a biological parent.

Too bad laws around out education system do not revere the parent above themselves. Now that would be something.

Darlene Estlow
July 1, 2020

Father thank you for this decision. Thank you for protecting parental rights. May the courts continue to do that.


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