I Prayed have prayed
Father, strengthen Mr. Phillips and his family. Give them Your peace and help justice to prevail in this court case.
Reading Time: 6 minutes

According to The Daily Wire, “In 2018, Colorado baker Jack Phillips, a devout Christian, won a victory in the Supreme Court over a case in which he refused to create a wedding cake for a same-sex couple citing his deeply held religious beliefs. On Monday, PhillipsĀ went on trial again, this time because a transgender activist wanted him to make a birthday cake and he refused.

In theĀ Masterpiece CakeshopĀ case of 2018, the Supreme Court ruled that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission evinced anti-religious bias for targeting Phillips for refusing to make a same-sex wedding cake.Ā  . . .

On June 26, 2018, the United States Supreme Court ruled that it would hear Phillipsā€™ case against the Colorado Civil Rights Commission, which revolved around him turning down a request to make the wedding cake for a gay couple in 2012. After he was targeted by the state of Colorado, Phillips was barred from designing custom wedding cakes, which, as the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) noted, represented around 40% of his business.Ā  . . .

The very day that the Supreme Court decided to hear Phillipsā€™ case, his wife, Debi, got a call from Denver transgender attorney Autumn Scardina asking Phillips to make a birthday cake celebrating Scardinaā€™s ā€œgender transition.ā€

ADF explained:

Over the years,Ā Jack has declined many requests to create cakes that express messages he disagrees withā€”including Halloween cakes (even though Halloween cakes are a significant source of revenue for many cake shops) and cakes that disparage certain groups of people, including people who identify as LGBT. AndĀ in the years since Jackā€™s first case became public, Masterpiece Cakeshop had received numerous requests from people seeking to harass Jackā€”requests for cakes depicting drug use, cakes displaying sexually explicit materials, even cakes celebrating Satan or depicting satanic symbols. At least one of these requests (for a cake celebrating Satan) was from the very same attorney (Scardina) who requested the pink and blue gender-transition cake. . . .Ā 

That prompted Phillips to file a lawsuit against the state, saying it had violated his First Amendment right to practice his faith and his right to equal protection under the 14th Amendment.

Senior Judge Wiley Y. Daniel, the judge in the new lawsuit case, disagreed with state officials, who wanted the case to be dismissed, and let the case move forward, asserting he would issue a ruling later. He stated that the Supreme Court ruling was more relevant to the current case than the state believed.

On Monday, during the virtual trial, Scardina denied that the initial call to Phillips was a ā€œsetup,ā€ adding, ā€œIt was more of calling someoneā€™s bluff.ā€ . . .

Colorado baker who won Supreme Court battle calls gender transition cake case ‘a trap’

According to Fox News, “In an exclusive interview with Fox News, owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop,Ā Jack Phillips described his experience at trial this week, after spending nearly a decade fending off lawsuits over requests for cakes that went against his conscience. . . .

“My experience this week has been trying, at best,” Phillips told Fox News. “Weā€™ve closed down our bakery just so we could be in this trial. My wife had to testify, my daughter had to, I had to.

“This case started the day the Supreme Court decided they were going to hear our case. It was a very busy, very crazy day at the shop,” Phillips explained. “In the middle of all of this chaos, we got a phone call from an attorney in Denver asking us to create a cake pink on the inside with blue icing on the outside.”

Phillips told Fox News that he was told “it was two colors, a color scheme, a combination, designed to celebrate a gender transition.” . . .

“We told the customer, this caller, that this cake was a cake we couldnā€™t create because of the message, the caller turned around and sued us,” Phillips told Fox News. “This customer came to us intentionally to get us to create a cake or deny creating a cake that went against our religious beliefs.”

He added: “This customer had been tracking our case for multiple years. This case was just a request to get us to fall into a trap.” . . .

Kristen Waggoner, general counsel for the Alliance Defending Freedom, told Fox News that this “was an obvious type of setup.”

“At the trial, and in other testimony, this attorney confirmed that Jack was contacted in an effort to make a test case and to ‘correct the errors’ of Jackā€™s thinking,” Waggoner told Fox News. . . .

“IĀ truly believed that — I want to believe that he’s a good person. I want to believe that he could be, sort of, persuaded to the errors of his thinking,” Scardina said, according to a deposition transcript reviewed by Fox News.

During the trial this week, Scardina was asked if this was “some sort of test” or a “setup,” something Scardina denied. . . .

Scardina added: “I wanted Mr. Phillips to be telling the truth. I think heā€™s a good man. I think he is a good Christian; and I think his beliefs are noble, valid, are entitled to protection. I believe that he is being genuine in what he feels is his truth.”

But Scardina said, “I disagree and donā€™t feel as if he has the right to do what he believes he has the right to do.”

The case is “a very important principle, Scardina said.Ā “To me, itā€™s fundamental to our civil society. If I understand his claim and his beliefs correctly, itā€™s that he can opt out of laws that he disagrees with,” Scardina testified. “And to see somebody stand up as a very prominent public figure for this notion that you can defy secular law just by claiming a religious exemption, thatā€™s deeply offensive to me. And itā€™s a principle that needs clarification in my mind.”

Scardina added: “This isnā€™t about Mr. Phillipsā€™ religion. His religious beliefs are noble, are his and his alone.

“This is about businesses and whether or not businesses are allowed to treat customers on a different basis based upon protected characteristics,” Scardina testified. . . .

In opening arguments, a lawyer representing Phillips, Sean Gates, said his refusal to make Scardina’s cake was about its message, not discriminating against Scardina, echoing assertions made in Phillips’ legal battle over his refusal to make a wedding cake for Charlie Craig and Dave Mullins in 2012. With Phillips getting media attention since then, he could not create a cake with a message he disagreed with, Gates said.

“The message would be that he agrees that a gender transition is something to be celebrated,” said Gates, who noted later that Phillips had objected to making cakes with other messages he opposed.Ā  . . .

The narrow ruling here focused on what the court described as anti-religious bias on the Colorado Civil Rights Commission when it ruled againstĀ Phillips.

But Waggoner told Fox News that since Phillipā€™s Supreme Court victory, “we can see the disturbing trend has continued–of weaponizing the law to become an arm of cancel culture and to ruin anyone who simply disagrees.”

Waggoner called it “a pattern of activism,” and said Phillips is being specifically targeted.

“This attorney not only sent him hateful emails, but asked for another cake where it was Satan smoking a marijuana joint to again trap Jack,” Waggoner told Fox News. “It is a tremendous pattern of harassment and targeting designed solely to ruin him so we need the Supreme Court to affirm the First Amendment rights of all creative professionals.” . . .

“I hope this case is so clear that I am being forced to create against my beliefs, clear enough, that this initial ruling would be in our favor, and it stops right here,” Phillips said.

“Weā€™re hoping thereā€™s a win,” Waggoner said. “If thereā€™s not, we will appeal.”

“This doesn’t stop until the Supreme Court again affirms that no one should be forced to create expression, or to speak a message that violates their conscience,” Waggoner added, telling Fox News that all creative professionals deserve to have their rights protected.Ā  . . .

Phillips described the emotional toll the ongoing litigation has had on him and his family, as well as the impact it had on his business.

“There has been so much time lost, not to mention the strain. I am earning a living for my family,” Phillips told Fox News, noting that his business went from employing 10 people to just two full-time employeesā€”Phillips and his daughter.

“As a husband and a father, it was incredibly difficult to watch my wife in deposition and in trial, where opposing counsel was grilling her and trying to trap and trick her, and you just have to sit there and watch it play outā€”both with my wife and daughter,” Phillips said.

Meanwhile, before filing the lawsuit, Scardina filed a complaint against Phillips with the state, and the Colorado Civil Rights Commission found probable cause that Phillips had discriminated against her. Phillips then filed a federal lawsuit against Colorado, accusing it of waging a “crusade to crush” him by pursuing the complaint.

In March 2019, lawyers for the state and Phillips agreed to drop both cases under a settlement which still allowed Scardina to pursue a lawsuit on her own. At the time, Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser said both sides agreed it was not in anyoneā€™s best interest to move forward with the cases. . . .

Share your prayers for Phillips and this case in the comments below!

(Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

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S. Elsie Beneke
April 1, 2021

Lord, please help Mr. Philips, to be strong. This life is not forever, and I believe, according to your word that he will be blessed for the suffering that he is going through. Please help him to make enough money for him and his family. We love you Lord, and pray you will be very close to Mr. Philips and that you would open the eyes and heart of Miss Scardina to your great love and sacrifice that you made for her. Please help her come to know you, and comfort and encourage Jack’s family. Amen.

March 29, 2021

Interesting the call was made the day of the decision, prior to the decision being publicized. Sounds like an insider lawsuit eligible, but I donā€™t know the law that deeply.

Father, may this weapon NOT prosper, but thy will be done.

Yvonne Pendleton
March 28, 2021

Why do we have to go to court to express our right to say NO to injustice?is this the land of free? Maybe this is a bad dream! Lord have mercy&rain down truth!

Linda Coletta
March 28, 2021

I am SO sorry you are having to go through this. Stay strong and we will support you in prayer. I pray the Lord will give you double for your former trouble (as he did Job) once this is all over. Thank you for being an example of the kind of Christian we should all be. I pray I would have the same strength under those circumstances.

Brenda Ward
March 28, 2021

You cannot make a judgement call until you read something through. Most of the article was using dates years and info long past. A Monday was mentioned but no date given. Was it 2012, 2013, 2019? The article also gave no source for the information.

We are held responsible by the Lord for what we read and/or believe.

They have now, thanks to my opinion, listed where their info came from which should have been done up front. I question your attitude. Angry exclamation points? The word says we are to reason with one another, not yell.

    Sharon D'Amico
    March 30, 2021

    Brenda, if you tap on the blue letters that read Fox News, you will see that this was from recent news report. He has been fighting this for nearly a decade. Court case was very recent. I hope this clears things up for you. God bless.

March 28, 2021

Father God,
For the last 10 years this family has endured wrath from those who do not believe in you. They have stood up for their rights as Americans to do what is right in your eyes. They have stood firm. What a great testament to others who claim they are Christians but then buckle under pressure by the evil one. Lord God, what is happening to this family needs to stop and stop now. Lord, it is evident that you have surrounded them with your love and protection all of these years. May they know you CHOSE them to endure this for a reason! Like Job, their business has suffered for their stance. Lord God, may they rise victoriously soon and very soon!! I pray that this man that is harassing them would be brought down. For if he has done it to one, he will continue to find others to do it to. Lord Jesus, King of Kings and Lord of Lords you know what it means to endure hardship and punishment. I pray for peace for this family soon. May you receive ALL THE GLORY when this case is settled. AMEN

    March 30, 2021

    I say, thank-you Lord for this brave conscientious and conscience man and his family who serve you unflinchingly and stand upon you and your Word and in so doing demonstrate for all to see how to live righteously before the wicked one and those who serve him. Please continue to strengthen and keep them and bless them abundantly and see them through these trials for you glory and for the wonderful illustration of faith they are for all who would serve you and aspire to be more like you.

March 28, 2021

Arise, O Lord; O God, lift up your hand; do not forget the afflicted.
Why does the wicked renounce God and say in his heart, ā€œYou will not call to accountā€?

But YOU do see, for YOU note mischief and vexation, that YOU may take it into YOUR hands;
the helpless commits himself to You. YOU are the helper of the oppressed.
Break the arm of these wicked and evildoers; Call his wickedness to account until YOU find none.
The Lord is king forever and ever; the nations perish from HIS land.
O Lord, you hear the desire of the afflicted;
You will strengthen their heart; You will incline your ear
to do justice to the oppressed, so that man who is of the earth may strike terror no more.
Psalm 10:12-18

Carol Brown
March 28, 2021

I’m not a lawyer, but it seems like Jack could ask for punitive damages for the emotional stress and loss. And possibly counter sue for harassment!

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March 27, 2021

Dear Lord, thank thee for helping me quickly find a way to support the Masterpiece Cakeshop through their website. Thank thee for a link to DONATE… http://masterpiececakes.com/religious-liberty-petition/ May thee provide for this family through thy body of Christ. In Jesus’ name, amen.

March 27, 2021

Thank thee, Lord, for the Biblical integrity of this family. May thee continue to strenghten them and disallow the enemy from destroying their business. Let many people flood their business with Godly purposed cakes. In Jesus’ name, amen. IFA, is there a way to contribute to this family’s expenses?

Sue Kilgore
March 27, 2021

Lord we bind every plan ,purpose & assignment of the devil against Jack , his family & his business. We loose the ministry of the Holy Spirit , the ministry of angels , your plans, purposes, & assignments Lord. We plead the blood of Jesus over him, his family &. Business. Release him from this trap Lord. Bring justice in the name of Jesus

Rae Mosiman
March 27, 2021

Mr. Phillips I know that God hears you and your family. He see’s the injustice perpetrated by these ungodly people and Jesus weeps for you. It may be that your long battle will see further light on the horizon as God lifts up you and your family. Stand strong. There are many of us who love and support you even though we have not met. My God keep his hedge of protection around you and thwart those that persecute you.

March 27, 2021

Does God have to be slapped in the face here by calling this male-at-birth attorney, Scardina, “her”? He made Scardina male at birth and He doesn’t make mistakes. Scardina’s self-exalting gender-denial goes hand in hand with his words about Jack Phelps. They are both from a sin-filled heart. He talked himself up as honorable and innocent while pretending that he doesn’t have the complete contempt for Jack as a human being and a Christian with a successful business. Scardina’s complimentary speaking of Phelps was totally insincere. We know this because he followed up his gender-transition cake request with another one that he knew Jack wouldn’t do, just to harass him, and because Scardina accused Jack of believing that beause of his religion, he could “opt out of laws that he disagrees with”. What horrible behavior by Scardina and what a horrible accusation. That sounds like Jack might think that he could steal or kill or rape someone and avoid punishment for it. Would Scardina go to court to defend a school that didn’t want to let a transgender student shower with students in the facilities that are not assigned to the transgender’s birth gender? It’s probably a safe bet not. Scardina is a tool of the devil and I pray that this attack on Phelps and his business fails miserably and that God and His truth be glorified through it.

Daniel Lanford
March 27, 2021

Wow, please Lord intervene on behalf of Jack Phillips and protect his religious freedom.

March 27, 2021

This is truly a national disgrace! This good man and his family have been through enough! He has the RIGHT to refuse what the Word of God calls an abomination!! He is the one who is being discriminated against! His rights have been trampled on! Shame on the people who have caused him such grief and turmoil. But God……He is a God of restoration! He is able to do exceeding, abundantly, above all that we can ask or think for Jack and his family.

Regina Ford
March 27, 2021

Dear Father thank you for your amazing grace and strength!!! Thank you for your protection over the Phillip family. Psalm 35 spoken over this issue in Jesus name

Kathy Emahiser
March 27, 2021

Father, I ask that you continue to give Mr. Phillips the strength and courage to stand for his Godly principles. Please intercede on his behalf and let righteousness prevail.
In Jesus Name, I pray with thanksgiving

Vashti Monica FORD
March 27, 2021

Mr. Phillip’s, I have followed your story from the first several years ago. I pray God grant’s you favor for standing for truth. The stress and financial loss is a hard pill to swallow. May your courage serve to bolster others in similar battles.

March 27, 2021

I am so sad and angry for this family and I bind the antichrist spirit and spirit of jezebel from coming against them. I loose a win in court that wi never be challenged again and they are prospered and blessed by the Lord Gid Almighty!

D. Hetteen
March 27, 2021

I pray for Phillips, his wife and daughter that God would enable them to stand strong against this obvious enemy attack. The weapons of our warfare are NOT carnal but mighty through the Holy Spirit to the tearing down of principalities and darkness and anything that comes against the knowledge of God!! So, stand strong, Brother! You win,in Jesus Name! Amen.

Linda Sansone
March 27, 2021

Dear Father, please protect Mr. Phillips and his family. Do not let them grow wearing in standing firm and trusting in You for strength on this satanic attack. In Jesus’ name, we pray.

Lorraine Casanelli
March 27, 2021

Scardina says about Phillips, “…I think his beliefs are nobel, valid, are ENTITLED TO PROTECTION,” but in the next breath says “I disagree and don’t feel as if he has the right to do what he believes he has the right to do,” These are contradicting statements.

Scardina’s behavior is just plain hateful. Though any number of bakers could have been chosen to fulfill the desired order, Phillips was targeted with the purpose of ruining him if he didn’t agree to go against his fundamental rights to hold a belief system that was in opposition to that of his accuser.

A note to Scardina: You may be able to change what society sees, but you cannot change a person’s heart beliefs. When those beliefs don’t align with the God of the universe, you lose!

Father God, be merciful on your servant, Mr. Phillips, and give him victory over the enemy. Shore him up so that he doesn’t get too weary to stand fast for you. Help him and his family rise above the negative, and sustain them financially. Finally, Lord, give them peace through this tedious process, because they love You, Lord. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray.

    March 29, 2021

    Scardinas comments are just cover for the vindictiveness of his agenda. We were previously told that your rights end at the tip of my nose. Coercion into, even business, behavior is egregiously overstepping bounds of true government.

Shea Craver
March 27, 2021

Lord the evil in the world is running rampant. Protect Mr. Phillips and all of your children against the satanic attacks against them. Sodom & Gomorrah has run amok. I pray you will intercede on his behalf.

March 27, 2021

This is so sad. There are a lot of people who are on your side, Mr. Phillips. I am so very sorry for all you have had to go through.

Brenda Ward
March 27, 2021

This is no current info as we are in 2021. Why do you have this article from (now) years past as a current title? This is wrong to do and use click bait to get an article read. Give me info relative to 2021 or do not waste my time. In your article today you only use old calendar dates. Please clarify date when you say MONDAY. Also you use your source for new info as coming from ‘multiple sources’ NAME THEM.

Thank you for allowing my opinion.

May Acosta
March 27, 2021

God bless you and your family with favor and success šŸ˜‡

March 27, 2021

To Philip, wife and daughter,
I am with you dear brother and sister in prayer, supplication and thanksgiving for standing for the truth of our Christian beliefs.

Sharon Scott
March 27, 2021

Lord God, please right this situation and protect the Phillips family and all that belongs to them…..

David Scott
March 27, 2021

In 1953 Alice Bailey founded the Lucifer Pub. Co. at 665 UN Plaza. That same year she wrote a book called The Externalization of the Hierarchy. In her book, she bragged of being both a communist and a satanist. Her book proposed 13 more planks to add to the Communist Manifesto. One of those planks is to subvert the rights of Christians under the 1st Amendment by creating special rights for gays under the UN. Mr. Phillips is dealing with communists and satanists. The Communist Party began recruiting gays in 1929. The satanists have been recruiting them longer than that. In 1982 I knew a former gay satanist, who escaped from that cult and found Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. He previously belonged to the same satanist cult that the whole Rockefeller family did. They used him as a courier to deliver $10,000 checks to the leaders of satanist cults on college campuses all over the USA. The land for the UN was donated by a Rockefeller. The third most powerful leader in the UN today used to be the Prime Minister of New Zealand. I met her in 2005 and God activated discernings of spirits in a way that made me aware she is so totally possessed by a demon that it controlled everything she said and did as PM. She became possessed by first joining the Communist Party in NZ and then getting into satanism like Alice Bailey. I could say much more about this because the FBI director did something for me in 1962 that got me started investigating these things that same year. Mr. Phillips is dealing with communist and satanist traitors. May God reverse the curse on his behalf and make their attacks against righteousness and truth boomerang on them.

    March 27, 2021

    Amen – And thank you for exposing the enemy’s tactics, David Scott! Part of being in God’s Ekklesia is that we agree with others in prayer by the basis of His Word. Many people in the church ignore the rest of our due responsibility to also act on those tenets, when and where possible, as you have done here. Wake up, Church, and fight for your God! Under the authority of the blood of the Risen Christ, Son of the Most High and Living God of the Universe, I declare and decree that the true church will rise up, standing in God’s Kingdom Authority to defeat the enemy and that God’s Kingdom will prevail!

March 27, 2021

Lord… please crush the state of Colorado’s ‘civil rights commission’. Punish the people in question. Turn their acts against them Lord, please.

Give Philips the strength and peace he needs to live his life and move forward with these cases, and I ask God that he wins crushing victories.

In Jesus’ name.

I love Scardina’s double-talk:

“I think he is a good Christian; and I think his beliefs are noble, valid, are entitled to protection…”

But Scardina said, ā€œI disagree and donā€™t feel as if he has the right to do what he believes he has the right to do.ā€

So, his beliefs are entitled to protection, but he doesn’t have the right to do what he’s doing. Uh huh.

This is the American Left, folks. Their whole ideology is based on contradictions and cannot stand without lies.

Bill Benson
March 27, 2021

Heavely Father, comforter and redeemer of all the oppressed, strenthen Jack and his family during these difficult days. Build up and bless their business. Lord Jesus, I intercede for Autumn Scardina and all who follow the destuctive lies of Satan that are destroying their lives, that your Spirit would lead them to your love and true identification in Christ. In Jesus name and in His wounds there is victory for even the worst sinners, of which I am also one. Give wisdom and love to the ADF lawyers defending our freedoms.

1Ti 1:13 Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. 14 The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.

March 27, 2021

Mr. Phillips and family, my heart goes out to you. Iā€™m so sorry you are having to go through such continual harassment.
Iā€™m so thankful that you are enduring the fight! We need more people like you who are willing to stand and fight for their faith. Iā€™m praying for you and I know God is with you. May he continue to give you strength and wisdom as you walk through this. Iā€™m praying for a complete victory for you and all Christians who come after you.
May God Bless you and keep you all safešŸ™

March 27, 2021

Praying the Lord gives His grace and strength and peace. That Satan will be crushed und r r your feet in VICTORY.

March 27, 2021

Dear Lord God, We ask that You bless Mr. Phillips and his family for their faithfulness to your Word. We ask that he be filled with the Holy Spirit and be given perfect peace during this continual time of testing. I pray that the judge will see through these bullying and harassment tactics and rule in favor of Mr. Phillips and his business. I pray the accuser will find You, Lord, through observing the testimony of the one he wishes to destroy. In Christ’s name. Amen

March 27, 2021

I decree:
“The wicked wait in ambush for the godly, looking for an excuse to kill them. But the Lord will not let the wicked succeed or let the godly be condemned when they are put on trial.”
Psalms 37:32ā€­-ā€¬33 NLT

Charles Douglas Sergeant
March 27, 2021

A lesbian cake is not an essential service. Not sure why he does not make a cake with pink and blue icing and a big Ghost Busters emblem on the top.
That aside, I still believe the right to refuse service is the right of all business, and race, religion, gender and age problems should be solved by the individuals themselves, not by governments. So I am against all civil rights legislation, and have been from the start. The right to discriminate is the right of free assembly. Yes, I was against busing, and still am! That said, I would not personally want to hurt anyone’s feelings about their beliefs and I respect the rights of others to hold those beliefs, and certainly would speak up against anyone who did discriminate based on race. sex, age, or religious belief – just no law about such things. Like the song says: “Seems to me…we got to solve it individually…and I’ll do to you…what you do to me…” I pray that we can all be nice to one another without government interference in our lives. Celebrate the differences! We are all equal in the eyes of God and the Law – but otherwise, we are all different.

March 27, 2021

Simple,do what social media does & gets away with…”Goes against his “COMMUNITY STANDARDS”.

Daisy Rinehart
March 27, 2021

These people just won’t quit and it just goes to show you that they are out to destroy and steal, just like Satan and what good comes out of it, I say leave Phillip’s alone and my prayer for him is that for him to stand strong and God is the victory in the end.

David Schopp
March 27, 2021

When you refer to Attorney Scardina as ā€œher,ā€ you are caving in to the cancel culture, the very thing that the article and lawsuit speak against. Showing respect and dignity to others does not have to include being untruthful.

Dorothy Ter Horst
March 27, 2021

Oh Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm attacking the Phillips. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground. Please give the Phillips strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow. In Jesus name. Amen.

March 27, 2021

Father, be The “Fourth Man in the fire”. May Phillips, his wife and daughter feel and see Your presence in and throughout this trial. Please grant them Your favor every step and expose the enemy’s intentions and tactics. Strengthen Phillips and his family with Your immeasurable grace. I ask not only for a win in this battle, but in the entire war. Let Phillips’ business reopen and prosper beyond his imagination. Holy Spirit, guard Phillips, his wife and daughter’s hearts and minds with Your perfecr peace. Let their sleep be refreshing too. Thank You for all the victories and thank You for showing Yourself strong! Our battles and glory belong to You, Jesus. Amen.

March 27, 2021

Lord stand with Mr Phillips at his side with your army of angels and do battle for him.
No matter how appealing the words used to “sway court favor” to the opposition, reveal plainly that the legal strategy for Scardina is full force deception with legal trickery. Our enemy Satan is employing savvy language to deceive the court – again. Expose it for the deception it is. Give strength and victory to the Phillips family and business. In Your holy name we pray amen.

gerald berube
March 27, 2021

This alternate lifestyle reflects a spoil child who wants whatever at any cost. It would be interesting to see a Christian wedding cake being asked to be made from a transgender bakery with a cross on it. Christ gave us a free will to live our lives as we choose but also gave us the penalty if we make wrong choices. He didn’t say this is my way or else but gave examples of right living without over riding free will and this is what the U.S. constitution states which applies to all regardless of how one may understand it. I grew up at a time when people enjoyed freedom regardless who our neighbor was. There’s bad apples so to speak in every so called minority but many contributed with what they had “self” instead of being a spoiled brat and this also goes for some of our politicians and well to do people. I pray for unity in order to be strong like our military forces fighting together regardless of beliefs and skin color. Sometimes we need to retract in order to advance.

March 27, 2021

Father, strengthen this family. Go before them again and be their rear guard. Our times are in Your hands and our victory has already been secured.

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Lori Harris
March 27, 2021

Thank you God for those who stand despite the repercussions. Continue to grant grace, encouragement and the wisdom to convey truth. Provide for this family’s needs as only you can.

March 27, 2021

Lord without those who dare to stand up against the wave of immorality in this nation, the wave of freedom cannot move upon us. Thank you, Lord for this heroic family. I ask you to stand strong with them and for them as they walk in your calling for them. Yes, you have called them to such a time as this. Break the evil powers coming against them emotionally, spiritually and physically. In the name of Jesus. Send them ministering angels every day. Revea yourself to them every morning and every night. Amen

paul blundell
March 27, 2021

So should we stand! You are a holy warrior Jack Phillips. You are bearing the cost of deadly deceitful and devious foe and his scurrilous minions. I know you are ground down, your are assaulted on every side and pressed beyond measure …. should sound familiar as the Apostle Paul penned those words to us. You are no less than he in waging this war for conscience and conviction, for freedom and authority to work in righteousness. May GOD’s shalom now rest on all that is you and all that is yours through the power of Holy Spriit and Yeshua.

Vernon Hull
March 27, 2021

Mr. Phillips you are very dear to God’s heart for standing up to these obvious and prejudicial attacks against your faith, your business and your family. “Father I pray to You in Jesus name. Holy Spirit be pleased to come alongside the Phillip’s family’s livlihood, Mr. Phillips and each member of Mr. Phillip’s family. He is resisting the Devil. Father You promised in your Word: ‘Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.’ Have Your way as it is in heaven let it be on earth. I bring these cases before The Court Of Heaven. You decide Father. You decide. Thank You Father, Thank You Jesus. Thank You Holy Spirit. Amen”

March 27, 2021

Father you have set us free through the blood of Jesus Christ & have said for us to no longer be in bondage. Mr Phillips & his family have chosen to walk the path of righteousness according to your Word. His freedom according to the Word is bring attacked by those who have unrighteous beliefs & are trying to force him to do things the way of the world. if they win out, it will set a precedent for all Christian businesses that have chosen to stand with & for you in doing business. Give Mr. Phillip favor with the judicial system. Turn every situation around that has been working against him for his good because he loves you & is called according to your purpose. Give his legal team wisdom as they advance so that they know ahead of time the plans & schemes of the enemy & are able to dismantle them even before they are able to open their mouths to speak in Jesus Name Amen. Dispatch strong & mighty warrior angels around Mr Phillip, his family, his legal team & anyone else connected with him in Jesus Name Amen.


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