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I Prayed have prayed
Father, forgive us for our hard hearts, that we could ever as a nation think that abortion would be a protected right. Help us realize the error of our ways, and turn to You. We ask You to end abortion in America.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Below are several articles that describe liberals’ most recent strategy to retain abortion rights in our nation. How have we come to this? Our American system of law is based upon common law, which presupposes Biblical reality. If that supposition crumbles, so does our system of law. Continue reading to find out how this belief has been slowly eroded throughout some of our most important institutions. 

Excerpt from BPR. Article by Ashley Hill:

Texas’ recent bill banning most abortions after six weeks may be upended by perhaps the most unexpected group of all, religious zealots who embrace the name Satan.

The Satanic Temple has established a “religious abortion ritual” that they claim will be trampled on given the Texas law enacted in May that bans abortions at six weeks once a baby’s heartbeat can be detected.

The Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 does generally prohibit government involvement in the exercise of a person’s religion and 21 states have enacted such laws in their respective states including Texas..

The Satanic Temple has leapt to their congregant’s defense in supporting abortion, denouncing the new law on social media and explaining that they will continue to provide the Satanic Abortion Ritual within the first 24 weeks of pregnancy…

The group describes it as “a ceremony rooted in our deeply-held beliefs…The performance of the Satanic abortion ritual is protected by religious liberty laws. It exempts Satanists from fulfilling any medically unnecessary and unscientific requirement, such as mandatory waiting periods or unwanted sonograms, that interferes with the practice of our ritual.”…

Excerpt from Gateway Pundit. Article by Cassandra Fairbanks:

The Satanic Temple is trying to fight the new abortion laws in Texas by arguing that it violates their “religious freedom” to “abortion rituals.”

Lucien Greaves, the Temple’s spokesman and cofounder, argued in a letter to the Food and Drug Administration that access to abortion drugs…must be allowed under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) to be used for their “Abortion Rituals.”…

[T]he Satanic Temple said that “Satanists are exempt from these regulations if they undergo first-trimester abortions in accordance with TST’s religious ritual…”

Their latest move is unlikely to work based on the decision in Employment Division, Department of Human Resources of Oregon v. Smith. In that case, the Supreme Court ruled that the state could deny unemployment benefits to a person fired for violating a state prohibition on the use of peyote, even if used during part of a religious ritual…

Excerpt from WND. Article by Bob Unruh:

Judical Watch, which has fought for the public’s right to know how government money is spent…said it has obtained documents from the academy revealing in 2014 and 2015, the military school used its “Chapel Tithes and Offering Fund” for some pretty exotic expenditures.

The funds were used for worship services featuring witchcraft, the “Faery Magick,” voodoo and more, including a trip from cadets to a Wiccan festival in Denver and a Denver Witches Ball, the report said.

The category of government accounting the money came from is described as being funded by “free-will donations,” and…”an instrumentality of the United States government,” Judicial Watch reported.

“The Air Force Academy leadership is attacking traditional Christian beliefs but will fund witchcraft and ‘faery magick’?” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton….

The watchdog said it had obtained a brochure explaining that the “Spiritual Programs in Religious Education” held events at the chapel grounds, which the Air Forces calls a “worship area…”

In response to an October 2015 Freedom of Information Act request…the watchdog was told the academy paid $260 in 2014 for “worship-supplies-fellowship” to “Living Earth” for things related to a “Festival.”…

Also, Chapel Tithes and Offering Funds were used to pay for registration and meals for two students to go to the 2014 “Earth Centered Beltania Festival,” the group said…

There, attendees are encouraged to “dance with ecstasy around the maypole,” “drum with the heartbeat of Mother Earth” and “conjure springtime within nature and yourself.”

Another $120 was spent by the academy for fees for four students to go to the 23rd annual Denver Witches Ball, held in Denver…

“In 2013, the Air Force Academy made ‘so help me God’ optional to its cadet oath…The Family Research Council (FRC) has been keeping a record of incidents of hostility to religion within the armed services: ‘Unfortunately, pressures to impose a secular, anti-religious culture on our nation’s military services have intensified tremendously during the Obama administration…,'” the report said.

Do you think the religious liberty clause of our Constitution was intended for such a purpose?? Share your thoughts in the comments below, along with a prayer to end abortion in America.

(Photo Credit: Kitti Encedi/Unsplash).

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September 7, 2021

FATHER GOD YOUR WORD says whatever I bind on earth is bound in Heaven and whatever I loose on earth is loosed in Heaven. I bind every satanic ritual and words involving our military and unborn babies and their moms in JESUS Name! I loose the Convicting Anointing of HOLY SPIRIT over these confused people who actually believe that satan, a created being has power over the TRUE AND LIVING GOD in JESUS Name! FATHER GOD please help us to trust, believe and speak YOUR WORD and TRUTH over all of these situations that are being reported. I thank YOU that YOU have given us Power and Authority over ALL devils and to cure diseases! Help us to continually speak those things that be not as though they were, and then let us stand back and watch YOU, FATHER GOD move! In the MIGHTY Name of JESUS CHRIST our LORD and SAVIOUR! Amen!

Herb s Johnston
September 7, 2021

1stcorinthians 10:21
You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons.

Lord,we have come so far from the Godly foundations that our institutions were founded on..it has been happening for such a longitme,wihout much protest..in fact our churches have become demonic strongholds,more than ever.Help us to honor you in turning from evil in our lives and seeking your face,and turning from evil,and turning to youin worship- that our land may be restored..In the Mighty name of Jesus,.Amen

Gayle Robinson Snyder
September 7, 2021

Please do not EVER use the phrase “abortion rights” unless it is part of a quote. There is no such thing, do not call things that are not as if they were.

    September 7, 2021

    amen,the enemy’s tactics to incorporate evil terminology into our daily conversations has been done by using our own free speech rights against us,that is marxism in the marketplace. Our english language is suffering greatly

Shirley p
September 7, 2021

Like Paul in Ephesians…I pray the eyes of our hearts (be opened) enlightened in order that we may know what we have been called too…His incredible great power given us who believe…mighty, like He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at our Father in the heavenly realms..far above all other rule, authority, power or dominion (of Satan’s ability)..God placed all things under Jesus feet and appointed Him Head over everything “to the church”!!!,..we are the fullness of Him who fills everything in every way. Paraphrase of Eph.1: 18-23.

And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus…. Eph 2:8. …(right when we were born again)

Jesus gave us the keys of His Kingdom…And I will build My church and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I has given us as He did Peter… the keys of the kingdom of Heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven. The Holy Spirit will reveal the Satanic spirits and operation if we ask…we need to bind them in Jesus name and loose ourselves or others from these spirits contaminating effects… in Jesus name and release the Holy Spirit to minister through us, His body… healing, freedom, truth, deliverance of all trauma, etc…see Matt 18:18-20

“Together they (the spirit of Satan and his worldly kingdom) will wage war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them;
For He is LORD over all lords and kings and His people (us) are the called and chosen and faithful ones… ( to act upon the authority we have been given in His name) See Rev 17:14.
* () are my own interpretation or understanding.

Lord God help us your body here on earth to believe and not faint… through Your Holy Spirit and thank You for the encouragement in Your Holy Word to teach us how important it is that we are in partnership with You, our living God, our Holy God, Jesus Your Son and You, our Holy Spirit of truth, power, giftedness and anointing!

    September 7, 2021

    thank you for those scripture prayers..we HAVE been given authority in His name. Tragically, a huge part of the american church has decided to take a posture of weak uninvolvement.

    Lord I pray You would move in the hearts of your children,instilling the your power in the spirit to be courageous in daily life against the adversary

Kathryn Miley
September 7, 2021

Indeed! HOW have we come to this?? A demonic act (abortion) has now become a protected satanic ritual?? How disgusting. But what a day to put this article out there! The 1st day of Rosh Hashana–a day of repentance. This may call for more than repentance–perhaps wailing & sackcloth & ashes are better fitted for our nation! Oh, God! Strike our hearts with the utmost grief, not only for these acts, but for such indifference on how we have stabbed You in the heart and caused You so much grief at our hard-heartedness at the blood we have shed.

We obviously have gone Too far and have no one to turn to and no way out of this mess we have created, but to look towards You & ask for Your Mercy & forgiveness–heal our land, Lord. We have no other possible remedy, but that the blood of Yeshua speaks a better word!! No other remedy but a revival of returning back to you & fully restoring our nation back to it’s godly, moral, and true Biblical foundation.

God help Us! God Save Us! God Heal Us! ~~ Amen


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