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I Prayed have prayed
We praise you Lord Christ! You are at work in ways we can see and ways we cannot see!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

In March, President Trump issued a proclamation: A NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER FOR ALL AMERICANS AFFECTED BY THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC AND FOR OUR NATIONAL RESPONSE EFFORTS. IFA published a prayer guide based on the proclamation, adding key prayer points and key Scriptures. In one way or another, all of the prayers have been answered. We have listed each one below and some of the ways we see answered prayer. What we really want to read, though is YOUR ANSWERED PRAYER. In each category, you may think of ways you have seen God work in your life during this time. Please share! Leave a comment with your story.

Praise God for the President’s recognition of the importance of prayer to our nation: President Trump and Vice President Pence have not backed down from acknowledging God in this crisis.

Pray that Americans would seek God for wisdom as this crisis is unfolding: Prayer call lines are overflowing, church service online participants have grown exponentially, Google searches for “prayer” are up. Revivalist Nick Hall reported over 100,000 salvations after an international Good Friday virtual service.

Pray for those among us who are sick and vulnerable: As of this date, 57,505 Americans have died, and the worldwide total is much more. We mourn this loss of life. But we also thank God that models predicting 1 million deaths in the U.S. have been proved wrong.

Pray for those who are at front lines of keeping our citizens safe: From local communities to the national level, there has been an outpouring of emotional and actual support for frontline workers of all different kinds–hospital workers, first responders, medical professionals, grocery and restaurant workers, and more. Americans have given in so many different ways.

Pray the protection of Psalm 91 over our families, our communities, and our nation: Again, we are so grateful to God that this pandemic has not been as bad as predicted.

Pray for President Trump as our leader—for wisdom, health, protection, and discernment: There is much that could be said about this, and everyone’s opinion is likely different. We want to hear your’s–leave a comment. But one thing that is an indisputable fact is that President Trump has stayed healthy and free of coronavirus during this crisis.

May Americans seek the face of God like never before in this time of uncertainty and concern: The leaders we interact with at IFA sense the urgency of seeking God and inspiring others to seek God. And we are seeing it happen. One small example from us is that some women’s leaders in our small community started a Zoom Bible study on the Armor of God. More than 300 women have signed up! People are hungry for more of God!

Declare the glory, majesty, dominion, and authority of God over our nation!: You may not agree with what we are seeing. Your experience may be different. We declare: Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy,  to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. (Jude 24-25)

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May 4, 2020

Shortly after the stay at home order was issued in our state I began praying that my family would use this time at home in an intentional way. The Lord impressed upon me to meet nightly in a family meeting. From 9 to 930 my husband and I and our teenage children drop whatever we are doing to meet together. One of us brings a devotional and we all pray together. It has been a sweet time of connection and growing in our faith together.

Jane Spalholz
May 3, 2020

I declare we have a God who loves us and is at work answering our prayers all around. He gave me a word of knowledge for protection from the virus that I would like to share. The secret is tonic water which has Quinine in it. Hydroxychoroquine is the synthetic version of quinine. I believe drinking it has a protective effect. Praising the Lord for His protection and provision.

May 3, 2020

My prayers for President Trump, Vice President Pence, their families and their staff have been in agreement “Pray for President Trump as our leader—for wisdom, health, protection, and discernment.”, however, I feel a strong need to also ask that the “joy of the Lord” fill them to overflowing and that “the peace that passes all understanding” also fill them to overflowing!

May both men and their families be amazed by the strength and abundance of love in their hearts and in their homes.

May they laugh at the attempts of evil men to do them harm, because their trust is in the Lord of Heavens Army! May the eyes of many be opened as they turn their lives to Jesus as their Savior.

In the Precious Name of Jesus, I ask this prayer.

Sheila A Reynolds
May 2, 2020

The thing that came to mind for me is that all the “trials”our world is going through is causing people to really be looking for answers. I know there are some that wont care, but many more are hungry for truth. It’s our opportunity to share with them about the only real truth, Jesus Christ!

Julie Michalski
May 2, 2020

I thank God daily for watching over my two sons. Both are essential workers and everyday they face their enviroment and the virus and go home to their families. Psalm 91 has been my prayer for them and for President Trump. Our God is faithful and watches over His own. Praise His Holy Name forever.

Irma Gomez
May 2, 2020

ABBA in heaven,You are worthy of all Glory and Honor.
I thank you so much for our President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence and all the leadership.
Johaziel said to the King of Israel in 2Cronicles 20
“Do not be afraid or be dismayed because of this great multitude,for the battle is not yours but God’s. Take YOUR position,stand and see the Salvation of the Lord with you. Believe in the LORD your GOD and you will be confirmed. The king appointed singers to the LORD praising the Splendor of His Holiness as they went out before the army saying. Praise the LORD for His mercy endures forever!..
As they began singing and praising. The LORD set ambushes against their enemies and were defeated.”
Mr.President, may God fill You with His Holy Spirit and inspire You as You lead our Nation.
Thank you so much for all You and Your leadership do for our Nation.
Psalm 91 protection

Pastor Karen Lester
May 2, 2020

Without my prayer chains prayers for me in 2015 I would be Dead, so important is prayer that I’ve studied it since 2009.

I’m happy to be a member here at IFA, as I see so many working together praying for each item and seeing them answered, no matter
the length of the days, weeks, and months it takes.

America, and President Trump and those in his Administration need our prayers, and our service so much during this time.

Darlene Estlow
May 2, 2020

I have been so blessed by what God is doing through this crisis,how He is answering prayer, and how He is love and patience. I praise His name.

Michael Guidera
May 2, 2020

In my county in Northern Cal. With a population of around 400,000, the death rate for Covid 19 is .002%. There are currently 3 patients in hospitals with the virus in the entire county. I meet with a few men every Friday and we have been studying a guide on “Knowing God”. We have all grown from this teaching. A few days ago, we were discussing how our county was relatively untouched by the virus. We have a high density of Christian Churches in out community. We believe the communal prayer had a big impact in our county.
My faith has become much stronger as I spend more time seeking God. I also have been strengthened by everyone in IFA. I truly believe our united prayers are having a positive impact in the fray we are all witnessing. Let’s continue to express our faith to usher in His plan for our nation.

    Sandy S
    May 2, 2020

    I thank God for his answer to our prayer to spare our citizens from the pandemic!!!
    After Our President called for prayer, the tide turned, thanking God- for Healing our Land, bringing light into dark areas, and Life instead of death!

May 2, 2020

It has been an awesome experience watching how gracious & merciful our Heavenly Father is in allowing us to rule through prayer for the past several weeks. The times of prayer together & seeking Him & calling out to Him together have no doubt helped stayed the hand of the enemy, Everyone of us need to persevere in praise & thanksgiving & praise. Psalm 8:2 resounds through my soul during these times. May we all continue in childlike faith. God Bless each & everyone of you!

Carolyn Reeves
May 2, 2020

I began praying and fasting for America in 1973 after reading about a prayer and fasting emphasis in a newsletter from Derek Prince. This was also a special opportunity to pray and fast for my children as they grew up in American culture. After my children left home, I have to admit that my faith waned at times. I watched in dismay as schools and other American institutions began to give way to the enemy’s goals. I began to question if my prayers for our nation were worthwhile. After joining a ladies prayer group, my faith was revived somewhat as we prayed for each other. But, faith to believe that Christians could change America was filled with doubt until I joined in praying for specific issues highlighted by IFA. I’ve noticed that praying for specific needs and knowing that thousands of others believers are also lifting the same request to the Father has changed my capacity to pray believing. I am now convinced that God is hearing our prayers and we will see revival in our land. So grateful for the ministry of IFA.

Carole Wolbert
May 2, 2020

Thank You Father for the many, many answers to our prayers! Thank You for the wisdom You have given to our leaders at the national level and here in Florida! Thank You too for protecting our family members from the Covid 19 virus, especially my 94 year old mom and our daughter in law and grandchildren who have underlying health issues. Thank You too for showing us ways that we can help – from prayer all the way to making masks for people.
You are a good, good Father and we humbly stand in awe of Your love, grace and mercy.

Ken Budz
May 2, 2020

Lord thank You that the virus has not been worse. I’m glad that many people have gotten closer to You. Please Lord continue to call people to You and strengthen our faith. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


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IFA President
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