Lawsuits Target President Trump’s DOGE
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Lawsuits Target President Trump’s DOGE
Mere minutes after he took office, President Trump’s Department of Government Efficiency was targeted by several lawsuits. Is this a sign of what is to come in the new administration?
From POLITICO. The legal resistance to President Donald Trump has already begun.
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Within minutes of Trump taking the oath of office, at least three lawsuits were filed in federal court in Washington, seeking to shut down Elon Musk’s “Department of Government Efficiency” until it complies with transparency rules related to governmental advisory entities.
The president does not have the authority to create official government departments without Congress passing a law to do so, but Trump seems intent on calling the anti-bureaucracy project a department regardless. …
There are signs that the incoming Trump administration was expecting legal challenges to the money-saving effort. In December, Trump announced that Washington election lawyer William McGinley would serve as general counsel for the project. …
(Excerpt from POLITICO. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America – Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0,
What do you think of these lawsuits? Share your thoughts and prayers below.
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The extreme Liberals will do anything to shut down President Trump’s agenda. The fact that He and many other conservatives want to end excessive governmental spending shows how they are not in agreement with our US Constitution and the majority of the America people. We need to shrink our government and its unnecessary spending habits.
Heavenly Father, may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We ask that You would equip the Trump administration with your wisdom, strength and abilities to fight off the enemy and his followers from the constant barrage as they begin cleaning up our country.
We thank You for Your continued blessings of hope!
Lord, give our Congress and administration and all the government agencies wisdom, discernment, faith in you and courage to steward the resources you’ve given us well. Make paying off our national debt a top priority for all when it comes to managing finances.
Let’s support President Trump, Vice President Vance, and their administration with our prayers as they face the challenges and evils that seek to undermine their efforts.
These lawsuits are meant to “delay” any initial progress with the DOGE’s goal. Lawsuits can tie up for months or years forward progress…and that is the purpose these have been brought – to delay, delay, delay! I ask people to pray these are thrown out of court and/or determined a wadte of court time.
I stand for this great America we have been blessed to live in and I believe President Trump shares the same devotion and feelings so I have no problem praying to my Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus to secure our White House and our Borders with a Heavenly host of Angels to protect and war against our enemies no matter what shape they come in. America needs to unify and bind our hearts to gather in one accord and make our petitions known according to our declaration..IN GOD WE TRUST
I remember when President Obama (created? And) appointed the Czars who were placed over huge Federal branches. Is there a big difference between what Obama did and what President Trump is doing?
Yes. The Czars Obama created were figureheads only. It was a “photo op, eye candy” that was merely a prop. If you go back, the czars saved no money but actually increased the spending in all depts with it (federal records reflect the spending). Obama wanted it to sound good & it did but factually, it saved no money. Another “smoke & mirrors” game by Obama. Sadly, he had many.
This is what we will continue to have until we drain the swamp. We the people need to raise our voices to our elected officials to get off their butts and start working for us. If they don’t wanna do that, then we need to recall them and put somebody in place that will. For God is with us so let’s show God that we will be with Him. I pray that God expose their evil plans and confuse their arguments. Invite more people to pray to God for the USA. When we pray God fight for us. STAND ON THE WALL and TRUST IN GOD!
May God guide and direct Trump’s every step as he combats the traps the devil continues to set for him and his administration. May he be granted great wisdom and strength over the next 4 years and may freedom, safety and prosperity prevail for all American citizens.
DOGE should reveal the corruption and then the Congress should pass laws and close loop holes to stop the wasteful spending. DOGE must follow the law but it is necessary if we are going to survive.
Father, we ask that you protect President Trump and what he plans to do. Confuse his enemies and make them like the tower of Babel. Give him wisdom as he serves our country.
Corrupt people like Mark Elias & Norm Eisen have plotted to do just that! Their efforts will fail for President Trump has the anointing of Heaven and Divine Justice on his side. EVERYTHING that he signed Day 1 already has engendered the propelling of YHVH GOD’s Warrior Host on assignment to accomplish each directive.
ABBA Father, We thank and praise you for Your Glorious Agenda! You have revealed the corruption of the Marxist Left/Democrats and ALL their international lackeys over the past 4 years that are NOW being fully exposed! We have been granted Your Discernment to recognize their schemes… ‘separating the Precious from the vile’~ in order to dismantle EVERY stronghold that has been placed before the ignorant, the sleeping, or the compromising populace. We are on the verge of a true “Golden Age” for America, the Free World, AND all the nations in bondage! May Your Sublime Light shine ever brighter each day, as we FULLY surrender to Your Perfect Will… In the Name of our LORD Jesus Christ, AMEN & AMEN!
Why would anyone oppose cutting waste and really demanding people to do their job—-we elect Lawyers and they hire law firms to do the work—just saying————-drain the swamp+++
Lord be with our president. Put a shield of protection around him and the staff.
I accidentally hit the report button and I am so sorry ! I did not mean to do that.
Praying that all President Trump does is the will of God.
There are enemies outside the gates, which is expected but worse yet there are enemies inside the gate. Father, in Jesus’s name protect Donald J. Trump from these wolves in sheep’s clothing. Help him in righting some of the wrongs inflicted on the citizens of our country, but above all Father, Thy will be done.
Bureaucracy, waste, and nepotism are so deeply baked into our Government institutions, we may have to fight inch by inch, foot by foot, and yard by yard. I believe, if we pray properly all these things can be brought down. This is no different than many of the Kings in the Bible tearing down the High Places. They were not unopposed, they are our examples and we are in a much stronger position, we have Holy Spirit to lead us in prayer and action. We have an opportunity to truly transform our nation, we have a leader whom is ready to do it. But, he can’t do it without us! The Church! The spiritual world is the parent of the physical world, we are the difference makers. Don’t loose heart and don’t depend on President Trump to do everything. We must pray about all the appointees and we need to send letters to our representatives and they will change, they will align themselves with us, we have the momentum. Make the effort!!! Pray for all of our leaders, even those we may not agree with their beliefs for our future. We will get more results with honey than with vinegar. Be nice to them, they are as confused as much of the world.
Dusty, thank you for your very well-stated remarks. I believe God is looking to His Ekklesia to do our part in praying and taking action when and where appropriate. I see it as a 3-way partnership between our Almighty God, His Ekklesia, and the new government He has blessed and entrusted us with.
Amen! and Amen!
Just another Crooked department to eliminate eventually.
YOU can overcome stick together.
The corruption runs deep. All the crooks with their hand in the cookie jar are going to work 24/7 to not loose their slush funds source
Father God, We extoll the beauty of YOUR Holiness and thank you for our Godly President. It’s only Your mercy we have this moment. And Father I pray Jeremiah 23:28-29 Let the prophet who has a dream retell it, but let him who has My word speak it truthfully. For what is straw compared to grain?” declares the LORD. 29“Is not My word like fire,” declares the LORD, “and like a hammer that smashes a rock?” I pray LORD that YOU YOURSELF will hammer the rock of oppression and financial excess that our government has squandered and pilfered off our people. I pray that according to II Chron 20:25 that DOGE will complete what YOU have inspired in our President and go and pick off the excess and bring it back to YOUR PEOPLE….”Then Jehoshaphat and his people went to carry off the plunder, and they found on the bodies an abundance of goods and valuablesf —more than they could carry away. They were gathering the plunder for three days because there was so much.”
We thank you that the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous and that DOGE is the FIRST of many steps toward this. I also pray the BLOOD of JESUS cover our President and ALL those under him and that Ps 91 will be their stalwart song.
Thank You , Tamara !!
You have spoken words of truth, words of wisdom. Your explanation is pure and true ,,very glad to see somebody put what l was thinking about for days , in words !
thanks again.
Lord Jesus I ask You to unlock all doors and avenues to bring your kingdom back into the USA. Let yourRod of Iron smash the beliefs of our enemies that have tried to takeover our country. May the justice system stop targeting people by inventing rules and regulations to turn our country into a dictatorship. May it once again be based on the Bible of right and wrong. Because the Bible is real truth. Mighty God break these law suits against president trump and all others who have trumped up charges. And I also pray against jealously in the White House and in the government offices.
If every Fed employee needs to be in the office FT, then Congress members do too. I have a Federal job that absolutely does not need to be done in the office. There’s no logical reason why I now need to waste 12 hours a week preparing for and driving to the office and putting wear and tear on my vehicle and incurring other expenses.
It’s called accountability & transparency.
You work for the People & I presume you accepted the job in an office. This is not anything that you weren’t doing before.
get rid of the dead wood milking the system
It’s clear our government has outgrown its intended design to a level of control and power it was never meant for. It’s time the government puts away their lawyers who mediate the infighting and congressmen do some real work to codify laws to benefit We The People. We are the true leaders of our nation, no one asks us certainly not in the last four years or in many prior. Votes need to be heard on issues of foreign support of wars and anything else that spends OUR HARD EARNED MONEY, of which they have no problem raising without a single benefit to our daily lives. America was never meant to be governed by the whims of left or right as dictatorships are run by. It is truly tragic that lawyers have more power than our votes. The people have spoken we want less government NOW. We want honest open accountability with daily transparency, we want to be asked before they write bills that further indebt us to foreign lands and or raise spending. We want our money to stay in our own pockets and not be told how we can live within our homes and kitchens, and car purchases. We look like a schizophrenic people by the extremes of one president to another while the world scratches their heads.
O Lord, Our Lord, help President Trump. Give him Godly discernment, give him Godly believers to come along side him as he leads this country for these next 4 years. May Your Spirit reside within our President, Donald J. Trump. I pray for these things and more. Pray the prayers that I do not know how to pray Dear High Priest, Jesus our Lord and Savior. Amen
I pray daily for President Trump to ask God for guidance and wisdom and for his advisors to do the same – and that he will listen to advice and temper many of his remarks. I think the rhetoric that was fine for campaign rallies loses support for him when people are looking for governance from their leader on day-to-day issues. He’s made tremendous inroads already – thank you, Jesus – but as an example: Concerning the air crash on Jan. 29th – I believe his role was to provide support and comfort, which he did. But while DEI may surely have been a factor in the tragedy, his referral to that could have waited, because others were already addressing it, and his choosing to bring that up brought swift criticism from his enemies. That’s inevitable, I’m afraid, but I pray our President’s remarks will bring hope and encouragement and not focus quite as much on blame for past inadequacies.
YHVH, “efficiency” is almost a forgotten quality of life in today’s society, but one I would like to see established again, especially in our government. Finances, human resources, time and so much more are wasted in a bureaucratic mire some have called “the swamp”. We ask that You bless and prosper any and all attempts to bring greater efficiency, and if DOGE is not the best way to accomplish this please give strategies for how to do it most “efficiently”, and with the least opposition! May those in this administration fight the temptation to become stuck in the bureaucratic muck and mire themselves, and be examples of excellence in leadership in this regard.
Father… We pray that these lawsuits fall to the ground… null and void of any power and authority, because You are the One who placed Donald J. Trump in office, and you will be the One who guides and protects his decisions for America.
You promised that Trump would become the 47th president of this country, a country after Your own heart. That he has come as an instrument of Your hand. As one on a mission to save a people. A people noble in heart, noble in mind, and noble in spirit…
You are the great I Am, and you truly do have the America’s back. You will hold us up as a sister to Your first-born nation, the nation of Israel, and You are going to save and protect America at all costs.
As Father over all the nations of the world, You are rising up to take Your place as a trumpet to the world. You are sounding the alarm, as America stands at a pivotal point in the history of the world… and we ask that you stand firm with our President, Donald J. Trump in his decisions.
In Yeshua’s Mighty Name,