Fact Check: Did Pres. Trump Swear in WITHOUT a Bible?
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Fact Check: Did Pres. Trump Swear in WITHOUT a Bible?
Did President Trump really swear the oath of office without putting his hand on a Bible?
In the wake of President Trump’s inauguration, many have been drawing attention to the brief moments in which, repeating after Chief Justice John Roberts, he swore the oath of office without setting his hand on a Bible.
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Several accounts on X of all political backgrounds have been highlighting this moment, aiming to identify its spiritual significance:
The first President of the United States in over 100 years to not put his hand on the Bible while taking the oath of office.
I think you’ve been duped, evangelicals! pic.twitter.com/24verF2gix
— Protect Kamala Harris ✊ (@DisavowTrump20) January 20, 2025
Why isn’t Trump’s hand on the Bible? pic.twitter.com/KVX0skxezi
— Smash Baals (@smashbaals) January 20, 2025
So what is the truth? Did President Trump really not have his hand on the Bible, or is this another lie peddled by those who wish for his downfall.
The answer? This statement is missing context.
It is true that the President swore the oath of office without placing his hand upon a Bible. That much is apparent from the pictures in the tweets above. However, those making these claims are ignoring some important context. Check out this helpful post, shared by Citizen Free Press on X:
1) Melania had the Bibles, but the family wasn’t set.
2) You can see it clearly in this clip.pic.twitter.com/EgExubdIge
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) January 20, 2025
In this video, it is clear that Chief Justice Roberts began the oath of office before Melania Trump arrived at her husband’s side with a Bible. By the time she arrived, President Trump was already repeating after the Chief Justice.
This does not explain why President Trump did not place his hand on the Bible after his wife arrived, but there are all sorts of reasons why this could have been the case. Perhaps the President was so focused on his oath that his didn’t notice his wife’s approach. Alternatively, perhaps he felt it would have been inappropriate to look away from the Chief Justice and interrupt his oath in order to place his hand upon the Bible. Whatever his reason was, it seems imprudent to assume malice or even spiritual significance where a more mundane explanation would suffice.
Perhaps the President will address this controversy in the coming days. For now, however, it is important that we as intercessors are slow to speak (James 1:19), making sure we understand all the facts before rushing to pass judgement.
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(Nathan Tabler is IFA’s Communications Coordinator. Photo Credit: Screenshot/C-SPAN via YouTube)
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Who cares? Trump is the least Christian president in my 79 years. He was probably afraid it would explode if he touched it.
Notice the question you asked, so as to come up with the conclusion of your choosing. Not, “Did Trump place his hand on the Bible during his Oath of Office?” to which the answer would have been a resounding NO, but, “Did Pres. Trump Swear in WITHOUT a Bible?” to which you can then spin your tale of why it’s okay that he didn’t place his hand on the Bible. Here’s the truth: We all know why he didn’t place his hand on the Bible, just as we all know why the majority of the Evangelical church voted for him. Both answers can be summed up with one word: Hate. Trump hates obeying God’s command to be humble, show mercy, and practice justice, as much as (but in my opinion not more than) the Evangelical Church.
Are you kidding me?! He took the oath without the Bible because he is not a Christian!! Quit fooling yourselves! He is his own God. What denomination was he baptized in? When was the last time he went to a church service other than for political points/requirement?! He has No spiritual adviser…he said “I listen to myself for direction”. He has no morals, no ethics, no moral compass! You “Christians” are being totally hypocritical to support such an unconfessed, unapologetic liar, adulterer, thief (just ask all the people that he has stiffed after performing work for him in his life). I would like any of you to ask him to recite the 10 commandments, The Lord’s Prayer, or a basic question about the Bible. He has no knowledge because he isn’t a Christian. That’s why his daughter felt she could convert to Judaism. She had no Christian connection in her upbringing. Quit falling into his snare, he’s got you guys! God didn’t save his life to save yours, he was lucky he turned his head!
WOW what hate! Ummm he has a whole spiritual team that meets all the time and he has a spiritual adviser., they meet at the white house in the oval office, this is very well known if you would look into it and beyond your hate….maybe not comment on things you do not know….do some research 1st. Hate is not a good look for your supposed “Christianity”…maybe look at your own heart and repent of your hate and false witnessing here, since you do not know his heart, only God does!
We are all going to be held accountable for our words on judgement day which is very scary . Satan is the accuser of the brethren. We need to all be diligent with our prayers . Jesus is Lord !!!
Lefties are always stirring the pot by trying to whip up chaos. They still don’t get it! They are sore losers and have TDS. Trump’s success will be his retribution. The left digs their own graves. Just watch what they do not what they say. I agree that Trump didn’t want to interrupt the oath – Roberts started the oath prior to Melania getting in place with the Bible, the family had to hurriedly get into place after Roberts had started too soon. (This wasn’t the first time). Poor execution. Trump needs our prayers constantly.
Father, I thank You that President Trump is a Christian. He knows that God spared his life from an assassin’s bullet in Pennsylvania because He has great plans for him as the President of the United States of America. He truly never stopped being our President since he was elected and took the oath of office in January of 2016. His huge win on November the 5th of 2024 was proof that the 2020 election was stolen from him through voter fraud (the Dominion Software was partially to blame). I thank You, Father God, that all of the corruption from that election will be exposed; and all of the corruption that has taken place through the Biden Administration will be exposed also. President Donald J. Trump will make America great again. All glory and honor and praise goes to our God!
Maybe President Trump read James 5:12 and took the word of God seriously. We are told not to swear by anything but let our yes be yes and no be no ! Lest we fall into condemnation. Could it be that God Himself saved Him from making a grave mistake. I really never read in the Holy Bible we were to use it to swear by. Let me know if you have a scripture to back that practice up. There are so many man made rituals and doctrines not found in scripture.
Who cares? The USA does not have a Christian Constitution – no mention of the Holy Trinity – so swearing on the Bible is just a tradition, which you may think of value. The present President is not a religious man so it means less.
President Trump had his eyes closed as he was repeating the oath after Judge Roberts. Confirm with photos?
Kamala Harris placed her handbag on the Bible, not her hand. Please verify and utilize this truth?
Jesus Christ of Nazareth Is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Light🎆. No one comes to THE Father except through Jesu, His Only SON.
God looks at the intent of a mans heart.
There have been many leaders whose hand was on the Bible taking an oath an out ward expression ,but as we all have known, had the wrong heart.
We are quick to judge. Let’s be quick to listen an slow to speak. Praise God he is the judge , not us.
What did the Media do again like 911 played cutting and splicing again
I think the best way to handle this is to have President Trump’s Faith Advisory Board meet with him, lay hands on him and commission him and have President Trump place his hand on the Bibles that he intended to put his hand on. The laying on of hands by Apostles Prophets, is a spiritual act and it will be honored by the Lord. Make sure that the commissioning is reported.
If anyone watched this event, there was no “pause” for the family to gather and for him to get set with his hand on the Bible. We were all watching the same thing and please let’s not judge this event, but the intent of his words, “so help me God”.
What those questioning this issue fail to realize is a vow “so help me God” is still a vow, to God whether President Trump’s hand is on the Bible or not. Of course, unfortunately, those opposing him are always looking for ways to attack him. My prayer is not only for President Trump and those serving with him throughout government but also for the American people, that eyes will be opened, hearts will be changed, followers of Christ will experience revival and unbelievers will be awakened and surrender to Jesus.
President Trump did say, “So help me God'” when he was being sworn in.
We need to guard against the temptation (of the enemy) to over focus on what happened. We need to guard against a judgmental (religious) spirit. Are we going to continually judge Pres. Trump on every little thing in the next 4 years of his leadership? I pray not!
Let’s all be careful. I include myself in this.
Pray for the President that God will guide and protect, (and correct) him in the coming days. He’s going to need it!
What appears to have happened is that John Roberts started the swearing in before Melania with the Bible, and even part of Trump’s family got up to the podium. It appears that Trump just went ahead and repeated after John Roberts. I believe he fully intended to have his hand on those Bibles, but John Roberts did not wait for that to happen.
Are we supposed to swear oaths?
People are saying that by Trump not placing his hand on the Bible that he is not the President. If you read Matthew 5:33-37 regarding “oaths”, it makes a very valid point of why President Trump or anyone else should ever swear an oath on a Bible.
Matthew 5:33-36
33 “Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not break your oath, but fulfill to the Lord the vows you have made.’ 34 But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; 35 or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. 36 And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. 37 All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.
His hand may not been on the Bible but, President Trump concluded the oath with “so help me God.” When we take a very similar oath when joining the military, our right hand is raised in the same manner as the our elected officials, without a bible. We also finish our oath with “so help me God.” At least that’s how we did it 35 years ago.
I believe “so help me God” is very important.
Well – WHAT ;god’ was he referring to???
He had 5 or more ‘faiths represented.
There is only ONE GOD according to our Christian confession.
I agree that it was a matter of timing–Justice Roberts beginning the oath before family was gathered.
However, one might ask if all the presidents who did place their hands on the Bible kept upheld the constitution or lived by God’s Word.
Kathy, I agree with you. I do believe it was a matter of timing. John Roberts did not wait for the family to get up there.
Trump has been proving too many other good things to nitpick at this.
I don’t say very much, but I will say this. Only God knows. God sees his heart. Let’s leave it to God to sort our truth from error, while we remain on our faces before God in humility. I praise God for His extreme mercy and grace He has given us. Thank You, Father, I bow to You alone. Bless this dear man, Donald J Trump, and please set a guard round about him and his family to protect them and guide them as the Author and Finisher of their faith. We love You, LORD. Amen.
The other concern is what “god” was this inauguration seeking blessings from?
There were a multiple of ‘faiths’ represented: Mormon, Jewish, Islam, Christian [Catholic, Evangelical etc.] and some others.
This is a presidency of RELIGIOUS SYNCRETISM
This was an Inauguration for the President of the United States. He is not a pastor or a bishop. And is not Christ on Judgment Day. The president is supposed to honorably serve people of every faith and respect their right to worship even if he were the most devout Christian in the world. He is not there to evangelize. We pray he abides by Christian values, but it’s not his job to be a Sunday preacher.
In answer to your question, it’s our one true God—Yahweh that he answers to. If you’re referring to the prayer service (with other religions), President Trump had nothing to do with the program or the speakers/religious “leaders”. It’s just tradition that the President attends this service.
Watch the video closely.I noticed it right away. Supreme court justice roberts started before the family was even centered around him and He just started the inauguration too quickly.
I watched it also. VicePresident Vance was still shaking hands when the organizer? had Roberts step up and start. Melanie wasn’t even up with President Trump with the Bibles when Roberts started. The family then stepped around. Another glitch like Carrie Underwood. Too much going on. However, it was all beautiful! Everyone should watch it.
Or it could mean “”Let your I be I’s and your Ney be Neys” Matthew 5:37. Also in the U.S. when witnesses are sworn in a bible is not a requirement in any court of law anymore, just your word that you will tell the truth.
We are in a season of the spiritual realignment of our nation. It is counter to the Spirit than minutiae are emphasized. Please pray for peace and unity.
This would seem a cunning act of the enemy. Looking at the difference in the swearing in of Vice President Vance and President Trump. Vances wife, children and mother were given casual time, to come in and in leaving. Not so, with President Trump. His started, before Melanie or any of his family could. Semingly insignificance, except now.
Just like foxes that sneak in .
Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom” (Song of Songs 2:15)
I’m starting to wonder about IFA. Who is trying to plant ideas here?
I am not sure what your point is. That was the swearing in from 2016 depicted in that article. Melania had on a black and white outfit yesterday, not the light blue depicted here.
The link you gave shows his 1st Inauguration, not the current one. Yes Melania had both bibles but President Trump did not put his hand on them as she was late coming up to his side due to Roberts starting too soon.
Trump is expert in adjusting to the unexpected. he could have gracefully waited until he and his wife coordinated this important part – sanctifying his oath before God.
Yet God is willing to show us grace when we have no excuse. God knows his heart… laying the hand on the Bible when we swear an oath is not required in scripture… it is simply a tradition of man.
Yes- well placing your hand over your heart when you sing your national anthem is also not in the Bible
But it is expected protocal
It’s not a requirement and only God knows his heart.
I’ve been asking the Lord ‘why’ did Judge Roberts not even let everyone get in place?
The Lord then told me what He’s told me about ‘celebrating’ Christmas:
‘To put your hand on a Bible is a tradition, NOT a commandant from His word!! Mark 7:8
Thank You Lord!
When a judge swears in an individual he instructs them to place their hand on the Bible and repeat after them. Chief Justice Roberts instructed Donald Trump to repeat after him, but failed to instruct him to place his hand on the Bible.
As we can all see, the Chief Justice did not even give time for Trumps family to join him before he began.
I personally believe that the explanation should be given by the Justice & he owes the Trump family, the President & all of America an apology.
Let our words be the promise of our hearts. Our God knows every situation we are in and He knows the thoughts and intents of our hearts. Only He knows us with all certainty. Let the fruit of the Spirit be reflected in his actions.
Did Joe Biden put his hand on God’s Word at his inauguration? And see what was revealed in his actions. Did he reflect God’s will with his actions. I’ll just leave it there.
Our new president may have been communicating something to those who knew what they were looking at here.
His swearing in of our new president marks the end of something called the Corporation of the United States of America
The Bible is in President Trump’s heart. Remember Mt 22:37-President Trump loves God, and rough edges are being dealt with.
Thank God for his tenacity, and Justice Roberts should’ve waited to start Oath of Office. No tiff needed against either.
I agree with this explanation. Praise God that President Trump acknowledges Him, and will continue to guide and grow
President in relationship and godly leadership. Body of Christ, focus and pray during this window of opportunity. Don’t be distracted
by lies.
Truth stands the test of TIME, lies are soon exposed. Proverbs 12:19
The main issue is that is is not a Constitutional necessity. In fact, there are several who haven’t put their hands on a Bible, and a few that used no book at all. Pkus, according to what the commentators said while people were coming in an being seated, former president Biden ceased to be president at noon, regardless of who was or wasn’t sworn in. President Trump, as the president- elect, had to be sworn in. I don’t believe he automatically became president at noon. And Chief Justice Roberts stood up at 12:03. If this is all correct (and I haven’t researched this so check before sharing) we technically didn’t have a president for just a few minutes, and that could have explained CJ Roberts rushing a bit.
Or it could just be that all these people are just people and events never go off perfectly no matter how well planned. 🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️ Whatever the case, we need to keep praying for this administration and our country. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Psalm 119:11 reads as follows: I have hidden Your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against You.
I am trusting the Lord that this is the case with President Trump. Remember, Jesus Christ is our Savior and Lord, not President Trump. Where sin abounds, grace does much MORE abound! So, let us continue to praise the Lord for His faithfulness to America and His people, for His own name’s sake. And pray for our leaders as they press forward.
The important fact of Trump’s oath is that he swore his allegiance to God and country before many many witnesses. I am confident that this oath is sealed in Trump’s heart and soul. Even 2 assassination attempts have not stopped him. God protect your servant, Trump, and all cabinet members and their families.
Was Roberts late for another appointment?
As I watched the swearing in (in real time) it was quickly obvious to me that something was wrong with the timing. It means nothing except that the players were out of sync. A ball was dropped. It happens.
It does not have any spiritual significance. In fact there were other times during yesterday’s many activities that Trump stated how important it is that our nation follow God first and that faith is critical to our nations heritage and future.
He is not the only president who did not put his hand on the Bible. It does not mean he is not president. Subsequent presidents up to and including Harry S. Truman, followed suit in kissing the Bible, although in 1953, Dwight D. Eisenhower said a prayer at the end instead. Thomas Jefferson and Calvin Coolidge did not use a Bible in their oath-taking ceremonies. But perhaps he is following this mandate from God.
Matthew 5:34-37
“But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black.“
AMEN and amen! Too much speculation…
It was obvious to me that Roberts rushed the swearing in and there was some degree of confusion as Melania was not yet by his side. She had the Bibles – one belonging to President Lincoln and one belonging to Donald’s mother. They would not have taken these Bibles to the ceremony had he not intended to use them for the ceremony. It was awkward at best and I fault Roberts for not waiting or even directing Melania to move up and in so he could place his hands on the Bibles.
I fault Roberts too. I place ALL blame on Roberts. He cheated the whole family of a calm, happy and united swearing in. I was in tears because those Bibles have important significance. Did Roberts do this on purpose since he’s not a big fan of Trump? Roberts has done this ceremony several times before. So he had no excuse to mess up. I feel devastated that the Trump family was robbed of their special moment. I thought they looked rather distraught.
Let it be done.
When Justice Roberts flubbed the oath for Obama they did the oath again privately in the Oval Office. Perhaps this was/will be the case for President Trump.
I pray for Gods protection , mercy and grace to surround our President. That he make good decisions and not be distracted or negative in any of his adjustment days. Let America come together be kind to one another..
I think that sometimes, we, as Christians, get caught up in the details. Did he not, in his speech, comment about the Lord, saying that we will not forget our God?
And didn’t previous presidents place their hands on the Bible as they took the oath and then violated the oath within minutes of saying it?
It is what is in the heart that God looks at.
The enemy was trying to disrupt/distract from the fact that God has answered our prayers. The enemy wanted to disrupt our joy and worship to the Lord by rushing an oath and causing music not to play.
Yet God is the One who uses all things for our good. God heard the words spoken, not just by Trump but by all that were gathered in person or by media. Like the days of Jeremiah and Josiah, the entire nation was a part of the pageantry. We sang with Carrie Underwood like the Israelites did as an agreement that as a nation we will turn to the Lord.
Now, will we as a nation, keep our promise to make Jesus our Lord again? Will we the Church return to our responsibility of reaching the lost? We have been awakened to how quickly things can change and how soon Jesus’ return is.
Let us not get caught up in the details. Let us seek the Lord our God and destroy all the idols of the land. Let us keep OUR oaths to the Lord that if He saved America then we would return to Him wholeheartedly and do what we are called to do.
I took a screenshot that captured at ‘some point’ in the ‘swearing in’ of President Trump what appears to be ‘distinctly’ President Trump’s thumb on the ‘side’ of one of the Bibles that Melania was holding beside him. Perhaps President Trump will address this issue in the near future.
I remember noticing that Chief Justice Thomas failed to mention to President Trump to place his left hand on the Bible (but even if he had, Melania did not have time to walk to President Trump’s side when Roberts began the oath – and Roberts seemed ‘very hurried and rushed.’)
When Kavanaugh was administering the VP oath to Vance he instructed him to ‘place your left hand’ (the inference was to place his left hand on the Bible). Roberts did not.
I fault Roberts too. I place ALL blame on Roberts. He cheated the whole family of a calm, happy and united swearing in. I was in tears because those Bibles have important sentimental significance. Did Roberts do this on purpose since he’s not a big fan of Trump? Roberts has done this ceremony several times before. So he had no excuse to mess up. I feel devastated that the Trump family was robbed of their special moment. I thought they looked rather distraught.
This is the type of confusion the “enemy” wants to promote/support and try to dismantle Trump’s Presidency. I pray the Holy Spirit be visible to those disrupters and they hear and speak only the truth! Jesus we ask for your continued hand upon our country and President Trump!!🩸🇺🇸
I did notice that the Trump family was not in place before John Roberts began. That is the simple explanation. After listening to President Trump’s Inaugural address I think we know where his heart is and Who he is serving.
It is not making an oath, but keeping an oath made that is important and righteous. It is sad that so much hoopla is being stirred up about it. The gesture is symbolic but not essential to being “a man of your word”. May he keep the oath he swore to, “so help him God”!!
I have watched the whole restream of the inauguration. Too much time was wasted on non-essentials to the swearing-in of our new Godly leaders. All the extra stuff could have been “after” the Oaths. The first judge waited and allowed all of Vice President James DAVID Vance’s children and family to get into the proper place before swearing him into office. He clear instructions.
President Donald JOHN Trump’s judge “rushed” his swearing-in and did not wait for his family to get into position. He didn’t give clear instructions. I don’t know why the judge was rushed, may be there was a time restraint! By the time Melania and his family reached President Trump’s side, the judge was concluding the Oath.
I am NOT moved by his hand “not” being on the Bibles! His Heart is truly with the Lord (JesusJ) and loving USA!
I was reminded that many Presidents swore an oath with their hand on a Bible or Book of choice and never kept one promise(s) nor followed Jesus! So the book is not as important and having a heart for Jesus and lovingly guiding our country.
For those who it bothered about his hand NOT on the Bible, be at PEACE.
1 Samuel 16:7 KJV; But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the OUTWARD appearance, but the LORD looketh on the HEART.
Humbly and Loving submitted
Opps, NO edit button! First judge gave clear instructions
If so Trumo done more good for us in 1 day then Biden did in 4 years. God watching over him protecting him harm. Ge survived 2 attempts in his life. I think this proves God watching over him. He restore justice back to America and get rid of illegal criminals that Biden let in to kill us
The important thing is that Trump has a good heart. What did Biden do 4 us in 4 years. Even if Biden may have put his hand on the Bible when he was sworn in what did he do 4 the US citizens. He shut down the pipe line, great his green energy which did nothing 4 us. He allowed illegal criminals in to the US and allowed drug cartels in bringing drugs in. Look all people that died. because of him allowing illegals to come in. He did follow the constitution. He had Trump thrown in jail to try to keep him out of being president again. He threw jan6 people in jail just for walking into the capital. He threw people in jail just cause they were try to stop woman from having an abortion. His policies allowed abortion up to birth and let these babies die after being born. He had parents arrested cause they did want their children to be part of his one agenda. He let trans gender into woman bath room which allowed some women to be raped. He allowed transgender woman into woman sports so these could win but would of won if they were competing in men sports. So what good did Biden do for 4 years except all his evil . At the same time criminals would commit crimes get delayed with in a day to commit more crimes or kill people. So what u actually do show where your heart is. I don’t recall Biden ever giving thanks to God. Yet our religious freedom were taken away from us by Biden when he was in office. Trump already thanked God 4 him protecting him. He done more 4 us in 1 day than Biden did in 4 years. Your actions prove who you really are. The proof in the pudding as the saying goes.
I’m searching for truth finding none from Todd. He isn’t bothered by facts.
Father God, we pray, bless President Trump with godly wisdom and understanding, discernment, courage, and an extra measure of faith in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. We pray all in the name of Jesus, amen.
Pt 2
first, I apologize for typos, my phone’s text screen is not working correctly trying to catch them…
The other thing to Consider, If President Trump had not planned to Put his left hand on the Bible, They would not have had their 2 Bibles there ready to be used for this! The family Bible, and President Trump’s Mother’s Bible!
All that is democrats lying
Fortunately a large 47″ tv showed everything up close those with camersas that did not show thw whole thing clearly did not see it, or
did not want to tell truth.
Justice Roberts moved to President Trump, but, VP JD Vance and wife were trying to discreetly move out of the way, and Leave the Trump family and Melania to move to position meanwhile, Roberts started the oaths Melanis was still trying to get to Be within reach for The President tobplace his hand on Bible Properly! How uncomfortable it all was! He was reaching behind and to side while still trying to raise his right hand, Justice Roberts did not pay attention to this whole seconds worth of everyone trying to be discreet and be in place not one person around the Trumps were moving to let Melania and President Trump get to correct position. The question should be, Why did Roberts move to VP and towards Pres Trump, and not go to podium?
The Trumps were looking towards the Podium as was VP JD Vance!
Thiscis 2nd or 3rd time Justice Riberts did not follow procedures nor took a few seconds to let everyone get in place, and make sure Pres.Trump’s hand was in place! I could see the how uncomfortable First Lady Mdlania was still holding the Bibles, watching her husband and not being able to discreetly help himm
Believe Our Father sees full intent
knows President Trumps heart and Spirit and also Roberts Praise God
He is our God, and knows all things!! If this needs to be made right do to optics and following each procedure to the Letter Than have him do it again, With Justice Roberts apologizing for his hurriedness and concern for saying
oath on time, and not making sure The President was in place with Bible at his left hand
Oh Father in Heaven
You Know and You Care and Omnipotent in all things, and about every person’s heart and motives!
Thank You for seeing to Our Presidents safety and being here to complete the task as You set forth!
Let Thy Will be done on Earth as in Heaven
In Jesus Christ’sName
That is all of small consequence this is all a ceremonial process…it is only for order. Stop being petty!
Thank you Jesus for president Trump