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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for the homeschool families all across America. Protect their parental rights, God, and allow them to keep their children out of the public schools.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Homeschool parents in Kentucky are reporting calls and even home visits from public school employees pressuring them to enroll their kids.

From HSLDA. When we received phone calls from three member families in Perry County Kentucky, I knew something was up. Each family told a slightly different story, but together they pointed to an all-out effort by local school officials to persuade these parents into sending their children back to the public school.

These contacts involved a variety of personnel and followed a pattern. Officials promised to ease students back into public school and make sure they had fun. If parents declined, officials increased the sales pressure.

One of the first homeschool moms to call us stated that a school nurse had telephoned to ask: “What can we do to convince you to send your child back to school in person?…”

After our member insisted the third time that they would not be returning their child to the public school, the nurse stated that the district would call back in July and conduct home visits. The school official then asked our member how she would feel about that….

More Going On

Several other families reported receiving similar calls—sometimes from multiple school officials who stressed all the fun things that homeschooled students were supposedly missing out on. Whenever a family declined to send their children back to school, the caller would warn that another contact would be made in the summer and that the district would start conducting random home visits.

And one family member did report being visited at home by Perry County school officials. In fact, three local school officials showed up in what the family described as a white unmarked police vehicle….

Our Response

We drafted a letter to the superintendent of Perry County Schools….

We expect that Perry County will stop these unwanted calls and visits. However, we will be closely monitoring this situation. … We expect that more families could see similar behavior as school officials try to get more children to return.

How are you praying for the homeschoolers across the country? Share your thoughts and prayers in the comments.

(Excerpt from HSLDA. Photo Credit: Canva)

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May 23, 2022

Please share this information!
If you homeschool in ANY state and need information on the current laws and YOUR RIGHTS as a parent, contact http://www.HSLDA.org (Home School Legal Defense Association)
1. Do not let anyone from the public school in your home! If you get a visit from a public school representative the police or anyone else questioning your homeschool, go outside, close the door and speak to them outside. Instruct your children to stay away from the doors and windows.
2. Research HSLDA’s website before the visit if possible. Know how to handle it before it happens. They use fear tactics, but homeschooling is legal and we have rights. Know what they are!
3. The information on HSLDA is free, but membership is not. Support other home educators and protect yourself legally if you are taken to court. Join HSLDA.

Sandra Clark
May 4, 2022

I probably pray a little different than most christians but I pray that whoever those school officials are that they would have so many personal problems in their life that they won’t have the bandwidth to bother anybody else and that they’d lose their position of influence and their job. I especially enjoy praying against them when I have their name, but Jesus knows who I mean.

    May 5, 2022

    Prayer is not meant to condemn. Jesus taught us to turn the other cheek AND to BLESS those who curse us. If I were you I would study His Word to seek His will about how you pray.

    May 5, 2022

    Holy and Gracious GOD, you are the same yesterday today and forever, I know that you desire that alk men be saves and come to the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Father you said that Love is the Fulfillment of the Law and covers a multitude of Sins, please do not allow Sandra to become Jaded by the Wickdness of those the enemy is using against her household. Bring thise individuals out of darkness into your marvelous light, and if there are areas in Sandra’s life you wish to develop for Your Glory make it know to her, and give her a desire to pray for her enemies, which is no small tasks, unless we are operating in the Spirit. I lift Sandra up to You LORD this day, my Your mercies mercies and grace abound in her heart as well as all other parents be persecuted for raising there children up in the Fear admonition of YOU. It in Jesus Holy and Righteousness name I prayed.

Darlene Estlow
May 4, 2022

Father, protect those who want to homeschool. Stop this evil of the state trying to take the place of the parents. Give peace to the parents; may they not live in fear. May your angels guard their homes and keep them safe. Give them courage in the face of this harassment. Thank you for those parents who desire to teach their children themselves.

Allena Jordan
May 4, 2022

Lord, I ask You to help parents know and abide by state rules regarding home-schooling. Lord, if the school doesn’t have the right to conduct home visits, then stop them in their tracks. Lord, we hear “threats” everywhere about every thing these days. Silence the tongue of those who neither know You nor abide by Your principles. Thank You, Lord. Amen.

Susan CC
May 4, 2022

Galatians 5:8 Such persuasion does not come from the One who calls you.
John 6:29 Jesus replied, “The work of God is this: to believe in the One He has sent.”

Paul was talking about freedom in Christ and not being burdened by slavery to the law and circumcision. The same can be said for this situation. Pressure is being applied to these families but there is NO precedent to justify this harassment. On the KY Dept. of Ed page addressing homeschooling, I read the following under Parents Rights:
The Kentucky constitution establishes the prerogatives of the parents to choose the formal education for the child. Therefore, parents may choose to homeschool their child.

Dear Lord, there are so many needs in our lives. Help us to remember You are in control of every single one. I simply ask for these parents to remember they can choose how to educate their children. I simply ask for their education dept. to remember the ways of truth and justice. I ask this as I believe this is what You desire as well. I praise the Name of Jesus Christ over all all the educational needs of KY and the other 49 states. I praise the Name of Jesus Christ over educators nationwide, those who are honoring this profession and those who are not. I pray in the Name of Jesus Christ, who is our confidence. If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. Amen

1 John 5:14 And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us.


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